Frisians Sons of Issachar

Frisians Sons of Issachar

This study is to show that the Frisians are descendants of the tribe of Issachar, one of the Lost Ten Tribes. Many books have been written about the nations of north-western Europe to be of Israelite descent in general, and Great Britain (Ephraim) and the United States of America (Manasseh) to be Joseph in particular.

The Celts

There are many parallels between the Celts, who surfaced in Europe from about 600 BC onwards, and the ten tribed northern House of Israel (also called Ephraim and Samaria), which was taken into Assyrian captivity from 721 to 718 BC, and which broke loose from their captors, after the fall of the Assyrian Empire to the Babylonians (609 BC).

The Celts are the descendants of the House of Israel, Samaria, Bit Khumri (Assyrian for Beth Omri, the House of Omri), hence ‘Khymri’ or ‘Cimmerians’. There is quite an astonishing, analogy between the Northern House of Israel with their levites/priests on the one hand and the Celts and Druids on the other.

Among the Celts, the Druids were the only teachers of religion, like the priests/Levites were in Israel. The Druids offered sacrifices, like the priests did in Israel. Among pagan nations it is normally the civil government which judges criminals, especially so in murder cases. This was not so among the Celts. The Druids, and not the kings or heads of tribes, decided about life and death, as did the priests in Israel.

Like the priests, the Druids had their high priest. Like the priests and Levites, the Druids were in charge of religion. Another strong link is the fact that both Levites in Israel and Druids among the Celts were exempt from military service and paying taxes.

The Celts seemed to have raised commemorative stone monuments like the Israelites and the oak tree played a significant role in the lives of both the Celts and the idolatrous Israelites of the Northern Kingdom.

The Celts had special feasts in May and October, a corruption of the feasts of the Eternal (Lev 23).

The Celtic day started at sunset – as it did in Israel – and the Celtic year started, according to certain historians, in autumn – as the year still does with the Jews.

The most gruesome analogy is the one of human sacrifices. For this reason Julius Ceasar considered the Celts barbaric and it was one of the reasons for God to drive the Ten Tribes out of the promised land. Could it be that Baal and Moloch. the gods the Israelites worshipped, were in essence the same as the Celtic gods Belenos (Baal) and Lug (Mo-loch)? Human sacrifices were made to both (Mo)loch and Lug.

The Armenians

The Armenians

THE FOLLOWING PAGES were first read as a paper before the “Société d’Etudes Ethnographiques.”They have since been amplified and are now being published at the request of a number of friends, who believe that the public should have an opportunity of judging whether or not “the Armenian Question” has another side than that which has been recently so assiduously promulgated throughout the Western World.

Though the championship of Greek, Bulgarian and other similar “Christian, civilized methods of fighting,” as contrasted with “Moslem atrocities” in the Balkans and Asia Minor, has been so strenuously undertaken by Lord Bryce and others, the more recent developments in the Near East may perhaps already have opened the eyes of a great many thinking people to the realization that, in sacrificing the traditional friendship of the Turk to all this more or less sectarian clamour, British diplomacy has really done nothing better than to exchange the solid and advantageous reality for a most elusive and unreliable, if not positively dangerous, set of shadows.

It seems illogical that the same party which recalled the officials (and among them our present War Minister) appointed by Lord Beaconsfield to assist the Turkish Government in reforming their administration and collecting the revenue in Asia Minor, and which on the advent of the Young Turks refused to lend British Administrators to whom ample and plenary powers were assured, should now, in its eagerness to vilify the Turk, lose sight of their own mistakes which have led in the main to the conditions of which it complains, and should so utterly condemn its own former policy.

Whatever hardships the Armenians may within recent years have suffered, the responsibility for them must surely to a great extent rest with the well-meaning idealists who, instead of trying to improve existing conditions, inspired their helpless dupes with impracticable aspirations which were bound to lead to disaster.

The writer desires to thank those authors and travellers whose works he has so freely quoted, and upon whose information he has relied for the historical and geographical notes, as well as Professor Henry Leon, Mr. Robert Fraser, and other friends, who have afforded him their most valuable assistance.

The reasons for dealing with the subject at this particular juncture are given in the text and will, he hopes, prove satisfactory to the reader.

Who Killed Christ?

Who Killed Christ?

What saith the Holy Scriptures?

Being a treatise on the Bible account of Jesus’ death on Calvary’s Cross, and the true identity of those who hated and crucified our LORD.


IN ANY MURDER investigation, the authorities usually seek answers to the following questions:–
1. Were there any previous attempts to kill the deceased, and if so, by whom?

2. Had anyone shown hatred enough of the deceased that it might bring about a desire to kill him?

3. Had the deceased, prior to his death, named any who might kill him?

4. Who was last seen with the victim? Or who might have had him under their physical control?

5. What is the testimony of witnesses to the murder?

Who are Israelites?

Who are Israelites?

ALMOST everyone who reads the Holy Bible will agree that it was written by, to, and about Israelites.  Isn’t it surprising then, to realize that the race that reads, prints, and distributes the Holy Bible, and claims it as its divinely-inspired religious book, is not the Jews, who most ministers insist are the Israelites, but is instead the people of Europe (and as they have spread to America, Australia, New Zealand, etc)?  Is it possible the Jews are not Israelites after all, but that instead you folks, whose ancestors came from Europe are the true descendants of the Israelites?  What a different picture that would make of the Bible, of current history, and prophecy!

A Synopsis of The genealogy of The Brigantes or Douglas Family

A Synopsis of The genealogy of The Brigantes or Douglas Family

This book originally published in 1754 was in both English and Spanish with both languages within the same volume, with odd numbered pages in Spanish, the even numbers being in English..
In the period when this volume was published spelling was quite variable and to make matters more difficult from a republishing point of view it was printed with old English-Gothic type set, so had to be reproduced by a combination of OCR (optical character recognition) and voice recognition of dictated text. So for this reason, the text in this book is not exactly as the original although every endeavour has been made to retain the old spelling where possible.

Ten Prophetic Clues Concerning Asher Walloons (Belgians)

Ten Prophetic Clues Concerning Asher Walloons (Belgians)

THERE is no direct history connecting the tribe of Asher to the Belgian people. We are talking about one of the lost tribes. Even the Caucasian population of Wallonia comes from various backgrounds. One can compare this with Jewry. The Jewish people have known many proselytes. Yet there has been a core of the tribe of Judah (and some of Levi & Benjamin) over the past 2500 years. The core passes on characteristics and genes to the periphery. Looking at the ‘prophetic clues’ one has to conclude that a core of the tribe of Asher once found its way to the people living in Belgium and Luxemburg (especially in the triangle Roermond-Lille-Nancy-Roermond). This core passed on its characteristics and genes to the influx of others. The more fulfilled prophetic clues we find, the stronger our case. What follows is not historic proof, but proof by revelation.

Who are The Jews?

Who are The Jews?

ONE OF THE MOST BAFFLING QUESTIONS FACING CHRISTENDOM in the 20th Century revolves around the people we know as Jews. Who are they? Are they the Chosen People of the Bible, the seed of Abraham, to whom God gave the promise of Genesis 12-3 “I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee?” Or are they a heathen, satanic people who have been a “thorn in the flesh” of true Israel for centuries and who have a world plan for the destruction of Christianity?

Much of importance revolves around the proper answer to this question. The fundamentalist and evangelical Christian world, for the most part teach that the present day people who call themselves Jews are indeed the offspring of Abraham, “the friend of God,” and that to receive the blessings of God, Christians must help them in every way possible, even when they appear as the Apostle Paul stated in 1 Thessalonians 2:15, to be the murderers of their own prophets, persecutors of Christians, who “please not God and are contrary to all men.”

What is Zog?

What is Zog?

ZOG is rarely mentioned in public – and small wonder.

The notion that a semi-secret or­ganization can be powerful enough to seize control of America is nothing but an outrageous flight of fancy. Since all re­spected experts agree that ZOG is a phan­tom threat, only minimal space need be wasted on a definition:

Zionist: Someone who will sacrifice any person, anything, or any nation for the greater good of Israel.

Occupational: Possession by force, rather than by voluntary agreement.

Government: Control of a population.

In different words, ZOG refers to a mythical situation in which people with supreme allegiance to Israel rather than America have seized power here, and now rule us.

ZOG: Myth or Reality?

Despite repeated attacks upon it, ZOG somehow keeps rising from the ashes and rubble – much like the harmless old myth of Atlantis. Of course, whether or not Atlantis once existed, it now be­longs to history. The scarcity of hard evidence verifying claims of a Lost Continent is always excused by the calamity that befell it, plus the enormous length of time that has since passed.

What Happened to Reuben?

What Happened to Reuben?

Please note that this is a translation from Ria’s notes for a lecture given in German to an assembly of Christian brothers gathered in Bad Teinach on 30th October 2007, for a 5 day conference, the theme of which was The House of Judah and the House of Israel, and is not a verbatim word for word translation as given in the lecture.

Dear children of God and Israelites, my lecture is about God’s dealings in earthly affaires and is based on the Bible. God’s word is life and it gives life if we hear and believe through conviction by the Holy Spirit.

Is there actually a method whereby we can find out where Israel’s tribes live today?

The methodology is to study both the Bible and secular history together as the prophecies given for every tribe should indeed enable them to be identified through historical evidence.

Tribe of Levi – Where do We Find Levites?

Tribe of Levi – Where do We Find Levites?

Please note that this is a translation from Ria’s notes for a lecture given in German to an assembly of Christian brothers gathered in Bad Teinach on 30th October 2007, for a 5 day conference, the theme of which was The House of Judah and the House of Israel, and is not a verbatim word for word translation as given in the

In the beginning was the Word. In our study into what happened to the tribe of Levi it is first necessary to study the Hebrew alphabet which has great significance in respect to the tribe of Levi. The Hebrew alphabet, as well as having numerical values, each letter also represents an object.

Third Letter of the Alphabet

With the third letter of the Hebrew alphabet, we think of oneness – Father, Son and Holy Ghost. This letter named camel in numerical value is 113 (3+40+40+30), which is connected with worship, praise and hope. Psalm 113 clearly shows these attributes. Let us now read this Psalm: