- 15th January
- 29th January
- 5th February
- 26th February
QUESTION: The Catholics have seven sacraments.
ANSWER: There are only three, baptism, matrimony and communion. They attempt to say that baptism is not a sacrament it is an ordinance. To be a sacrament, blessing has to descent from heaven upon it. It has to be a transition of spiritual power from heaven to earth. If marriage is a sacrament blessed by heaven, then baptism is also a sacrament for it represented not only the mystic connection between Christ and his church, but not only, were they buried with HIM in baptism and raised with HIM in baptism.
Then of course a person is baptized symbolically into the body of Christ, then by the same token he is baptized into His death and raised with Him in resurrection. And by the same token then sprinkling, and infant baptism does not just have its origin as some people have stated in the theology of various sects, but way back in the Old Testament, in the temple they baptized in clean water for the people. And they were free from all transgressions. In this instance they also emerged children, the baptism of children symbolically washing them with clean water. Washing away all transgression until the redemption.
QUESTION: Men of one blood?
ANSWER: This is only a translation, he didn’t say all men, he said hu‑man, of one blood. He didn’t say all Enosh were made of one blood but all Adamites were made of one blood. This is rather a significant passage anyhow. Over in the 17th chapter of Acts it says (vs:21), Paul stood in the midst of Mars Hill and said: ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious, for as I passed by and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD whom therefore ye ignorantly worship. HIM I declare unto you. God that made the world and all things therein seeing that he is YAHWEH of heaven and earth dwelleth not in temples made with hands; neither is worshiped with men’s hands as though he needed anything, seeing He giveth to all life and breath and all things. He hath made of one blood all nations of men.
Now; here Paul used the term Hu‑man or spirit man or Pneumas man, this is the term for spirit. Therefore He hath made of one blood all the nations of Hu‑man who dwell on the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed and the bounds of their habitation. That they seek the LORD (YAHWEH‑YAHSHUA) if they might feel for him and find him, though he be not far from every one of us.
QUESTION: When it speaks of the Mark of the Beast, all who receive, does that mean we are to refuse it? And it says it is to last 3½ years.??
ANSWER: The Mark of the Beast is something not for us. It is the Mark of the World Order. He fights the Kingdom but he never takes it over. In fact, Revelation 13; (the beast is described in scripture). It says: ‘I stood upon the shore and I saw a beast rise out of the sea having seven heads and then horns. And upon his horns ten crowns. And upon his heads, are seven kingdoms upon which the beast rules.’ He talks about this and names the seven as Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome, the sixth, that is. Genghis Khan hoards are the seventh and the eighth is out of the seventh. This is communism.
These are the same here in Revelation 13. It describes them saying the Dragon gave him his power, or seat of great authority. So the actual power of each of these behind the seven in these administrations was Luciferian, or Jewry. So Jewry throws their weight into the Beast System which is totally against the Kingdom of God. Always seeking to conquer Israel. Conquer the white race. Trying to put it down. Always serving this dragon. And we are told in the 12th chapter of Revelation, that the Dragon is Lucifer. And his many children are referred to as the seed of the Dragon, Lucifer, Satan, and devil. The Dragon is one and the same thing. Therefore we see that the Mark of the Beast is the mark of the world order. It says here that the head was wounded, but the deadly wound was healed and all the world wandered after the beast.
WE TOLD YOU THAT YOU WOULD HAVE INTENSE WEATHER PATTERNS. And millions of people under tension has more effect on the weather than you realize. They set up patterns of static electricity. Planetary alignment has an effect on people. This may bring judgement on themselves. Bring their own chastisement while other people might not be touched by them.
The earth is vibrating 54 vibrations per minute. The San Andres fault is tremoring. Hudson River is on a tremor, and there was an earthquake back in the days of the Revolution, there. The Hudson River East and the East River are fault lines. Manhattan? A fault also has had light earthquakes in the last three months. Also a mountain range from the Great Lakes down to Oklahoma City went down. It is vibrating again.
Lots of earthquakes in 1969. Kiuawii in Hawaii erupted. In the Caribbean Sea in the time of Cortez, in his exploration of the Incas, there was lots of gold found and some or it was buried on an island as they transferred the gold to his island and buried it. This island became known as a headquarters for Pirates. Then a volcano erupted and the whole island went down and the gold is at the bottom of the sea.