Remember, Remember The 5th of November
The month of November is now upon us, a poignant month in more ways than one, particularly so this year, as in the USA presidential election are scheduled to take place on November 5th being the day in the UK when Guy Fawkes attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament in the City of Westminster is celebrated. Time will tell!
The above photo, was received from a subscriber, to this magazine last month. It shows Westminster Square, with a direction sign for gunpowder deliveries, no doubt in protest against the detested newly elected Prime Minster, Keir Starmer., also bearing in mind that many a truth is said in jest!
November is an important number in the numerology of true Israel vis-a-vie Gog (Edom) Gog being the hidden little horn (power) coming up amidst the tribes of Israel. No its not the Pope, although he is part of the system and indeed many of the popes have been Edomites, as is the case today!
In the UK, on November 11th at 11 am is the day when the fallen in WWI and WWII are remembered, ironically using the red poppy symbolic of the drug trade used to subdue true Israel in Europe. Our fallen kith and kin would be turning in their graves if they knew what they fought for. They were under a strong delusion, as we all were at one time, thinking these wars were to eradicate evil once and for all time! This by no means is meant to diminish their bravery, for we all have been deceived for a very long time!
On the Saturday, nearest Remembrance Day, is the installation (coronation) of the Lord Mayor of The City of London to become its titular ruler and most of the world, when the statues of Gog and Magog are paraded through its streets.
Despite the dire bodings of this month, we have comfort that Yahweh is our strength and the enemy will be overcome!!
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November 2024 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40 pp PDF