In presenting himself before the public, the author of this work, which is intended for the people, asks a fair and candid consideration of facts and arguments which are not familiar to the general public, or mass of the people, to whom they are of profound practical importance. The object sought is the diffusion of truth, with the hope of arousing attention, in some degree, to serious evils. When truth is presented, it is our duty to receive and act upon it, opposed, as it may be, to prejudices and preconceived opinions. It cannot result in permanent injury, but final good; and as to consequences, we are not responsible for them : our business is to accept the truth, and leave them to Him in whose hands are the destinies of all.
The author is deeply impressed with the evil tendency of the theories generally prevailing concerning the origin of races and their relations toward one another, and would particularly awaken the public mind to that degrading error, which, regarding all mankind as having the same origin and with naturally the same capacities, responsibilities and duties, would reduce all to the same level and mingle them in one common mass, towards which is the general trend of scientific speculation.
HOW REALISTIC IS THE FEAR THAT AMERICAN WHITES COULD IN DUE COURSE FACE THE KIND OF EXISTENTIAL CRISIS NOW FACED BY SOUTH AFRICA’S WHITES? While useful for rousing the troops so to speak most normies would consider the idea to be preposterous. After all, Whites still represent a clear (though rapidly declining) majority of America’s population, while the South African equivalent is less than 8%. ‘Whites’ own and control everything, not least 90% of the guns.
Let’s hope the normies are right. But the experience of the Russian Empire in the first half of the 20th century offers food for thought. Because the Bolshevik Revolution saw a minuscule largely non-Russian minority seize absolute power, a power with which they then deployed to horrific effect on the native Russians. Tens of millions were slaughtered, while many more disappeared into the gulags, never to return or else to return broken in body and spirit. Russian historian Dmitri Volkogonov, head of a special Russian parliamentary commission, recently concluded that “from 1929 to 1952, 21.5 million [Soviet] people were repressed. Of these a third were shot, the rest sentenced to imprisonment, where many also died.” That unfortunate country, which historically has endured more than its share of misery, never experienced anything like it before or since.
Only a very small proportion of the Bolsheviks were ethnic Russians. As Putin himself acknowledged before a Jewish audience (who I can imagine shifting uneasily as he spoke), about 85% of the leading Bolsheviks were Jews though Jews represented a mere 2% of the overall population. Many of the remainder were ethnic Georgians, Armenians, Poles or Balts. (I’m including Ukrainians as Russians). Yet they seized power and unleashed a terrible vengeance on the Russian people.
A Voyage Into Tartary
Heliogenes De L’epy
Containing a curious description of that country, with part of Greece and Turkey, the manners, opinions, and religion of the inhabitants therein, with some other incidents.
With part of Greece and Turkey; the Manners, Opinions, and Religion of the Inhabitants therein; with some other Incidents. By M. Heliogenes De L’ Epy Doctor in Philosophy.
Primi Mortalium quique ex his geniti naturam incorrupti Sequebantur, eamdem habeant & ducem & legem, commissi melioris arbitrio. Sen. Ep. XC
London, Printed by T. Hodgkin,
and are to be sold by Randal Taylor near Stationers Hall.
Front page illustration
depiction of a female figure wearing a long floral dress and wreath or crown, receiving a box or casket from a boy; behind and above groups of figures play wind instruments or pipes. The Priestess of the Son, presented with a Casket of Gold by a youth in the Temple.
Genesis 11:6 And Yahweh God said, “Look, they are one people and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do! And now, they are not going to be withheld from doing whatever they plan to do.
Whether you are a Christian or not, whether you understand the Bible or not, whether you you believe in multi-culturalism or not, whether you believe that there is strength in diversity or not, the fact remains, racial integration does not work, never has worked, and never will work. And besides, God forbids it.
Well, because God designed it that way. All races are not of the same blood. All the races did not come from Adam, or Noah. All races do not have the same heritage, or traditions, or culture, or even the same language, the same habits, and the same values. All races do not have the same God. All races were not created by God. In fact, scripture teaches that only the race of Adam was ‘born from above’ into Adamic flesh and given the Spirit.
The rest of the peoples of the world are born of the world. They are not necessarily evil or bad, they just are not of the racial family of God.
God has a special people whom He set-apart from all other peoples. God commanded His people to be separate from all other peoples. God gave His people laws, statutes, and judgments. God made promises and covenants with His people.
God’s People are Not Who You Have Been Fooled into believing who they are. (Rev 2:9/3:9)
The world system, the society, the schools,the TV, and the ‘churches’ teach that everyone is equal, everyone is of one blood, and that God loves everybody. If you do not believe scripture is exclusive and that God demands segregation between the races, then please see Separate and Segregated (You may want to ‘right-click’ your mouse and open in new tab, or come back to the links after you examine this document)
ABOUT THE MIDDLE OF THE THIRD CENTURY there appeared near the lower Rhine a confederacy of German tribes known as Franks. They are believed to be the same which were known to the Romans in the time of the first Emperors, as Sigambri, Chainavi, Bructeri, Catti, &c. Of these the Sigambri, (a tribe, said by some writers to have descended from the Scythians), were the most powerful. All speculations upon the origin of the German tribes, their relation to other branches of the Arian race, and the routes by which they reached Europe, belong to the sciences of ethnology and antiquities.
Scholars are agreed that the languages of the Celtic, German and Slavonic tribes, with the ancient tongues of Persia, India, Greece and Italy, have enough in common to prove that they are but modifications or branches of one original language, spoken ages ago by the common ancestors of these people.•
The land was not a common possession, but the soil in part became the property of the individual freeman, and the citizens who were such only by virtue of their interest in the land, were distinguished by their proud and independent spirit. They disliked enclosed villages, and especially walled towns, which seemed to them like prisons, yet they sometimes surrounded a strong place with wall and ditch as a refuge. Every proprietor set along his borders block-houses, built firmly and strongly of trunks of trees, and the gables washed with lime. He cultivated his land by the labour of slaves, or received contributions from his dependents. For himself, war and the chase or idleness, were the only occupations worthy of a freeman
An essay on a pivotal issue of our era From GANPAC BRIEF, “News and Views by Hans Schmidt” No. 165, July 1996 and No. 166, August 1996.
This paper has been written for the benefit of those who, like the American conservative William Buckley, have been in search of anti-Semitism. Upon reading the enclosed material they may come to rest. They have found it here.
The problem with understanding anti-Semitism is that it is only through our Jewish dominated intelligentsia and media of mass communication that anti-Semitism is presented and explained. Only that anti-Jewish material which portrays anti-Semitism in a negative light is presented to the public. Responsible and substantive anti-Semitism is vigorously suppressed. Those who would oppose and criticize the Jews and their
agendas are demonised and terrorized into silence. Their speech is said to be “hate speech,” and this “hate speech” should not be allowed public expression. Little wonder that one must search intensely to find anti-Semitism. But unless one understands the Jewish question it is impossible to understand what has been happening in America and in Europe during the past century.
Because the viewpoints expressed here cannot receive a fair public forum under present conditions, this paper has been mailed to many thousands of politically active conservatives and to persons in government, academia, and the media of mass communication. Names were selected at random from various lists.
Boris Johnson is an Anti-British Israeli And U.S. Agent
The Jewish Weekly 25th July 2019
Charles Hurst
The Article
US President, Donald Trump, offered congratulations, adding, “He will be great!”.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tweeted “Heartfelt congratulations from Jerusalem”.
“Looking forward to working closely together, both in facing our common challenges and seizing the opportunities ahead,” he noted.
President Reuven Rivlin tweeted he was confident under Johnson’s leadership “the excellent bi-lateral relations between our two countries will go from strength to strength’.’
“I hope to see you back here in Israel soon,” he added.
Added to that, Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz offered “Mazal Tov’,’ whilst looking forward to working with Johnson’s team to build on an existing strong relationship between the UK and Israel.
Blue and White chairman Benny Gantz also wished Johnson “great success”, adding the UK and Israel held “shared values and interests”. Chairman of the Jewish Agency, Isaac Herzog called Johnson ‘a true friend of Israel.”
THE word beast appears throughout scriptures and often appears as simple “Beast,” or “Beast of the Field,” or “Beast of the Earth.” Three different Hebrew words are translated into the English word BEAST in the Bible. The Hebrew word CHAYAH means LIVING CREATURE, the word BEHEMA, meaning quadrupeds (like cattle), and BEIR meaning BRUTE BEAST. The Greek word ZOON translated BEAST means LIVING CREATURE.
In tracing this word down through scriptures, it is important to note that the Bible speaks of both quadruped (four-footed) beast and biped (two-legged) beasts. If you have failed to distinguish between beasts (quadruped) and beasts (biped) in the Holy Bible, you have missed a great deal of truth. We are concerned with the Hebrew word CHAYAH, which means LIVING CREATURE, and which we feel refers to the following biped (two-legged) beasts.
As you study the following scriptures and provide an answer to each question, perhaps the full implications the Bible biped beast will become more clear to you.
THIS IS A COLLECTION OF FACTS AND EXPERIENCE arranged specifically to open the eyes of anyone fortunate enough to read it. “Racial Equality” is a fantasy. It is false. We are led to believe it for the sake of feelings. We all have been led to embrace a lie just because the truth is offensive. Yet to see through it all, you’d simply have to ask yourself, if we’re all equal, how come we are always having to come up with excuses for the failings of others?
Well, the answer is simple. We, the people of the White world, have been lavished with a guilty conscience. For whatever reason, we’d rather believe that everyone is equal. We are not all equal. Ask yourself, what countries of the world are the ones receiving the bulk of immigrants? White countries. What countries enjoy the highest standards of living? White countries. What countries wield nearly all the power in the world? White countries. What make up the greatest society the world has ever seen? The White countries.
If you are sceptical, read on, and either solidify your beliefs in what you call the truth, rejecting what you’ve been told is bigotry, or be shown the true light of the world.
First things first. What have you been taught all your lives? That people from all over the globe are all equal. We are equal to one another; the only thing to separate us is the colour of our skin. This leads you to believe that racism is based on nothing but pigmentation, and therefore, is complete trash.
Well I’m afraid that’s simply not true. There are numerous physical differences between the races, but there is no need to get into them simply because they are inconsequential. The size of your stature, and anything else, do not dictate to your muscles the actions you take. What we want to look at are the mental differences, the ones that really matter.
When the White race was unfortunate enough to stumble upon Blacks, what sort of condition were they in? Well, the simple answer is, the condition they’re still in. Africans were, and are, in a condition of complete and total squalor. They lived, and live, in poverty. They were, and are, totally unable to construct a functioning society.
What will your typical politically correct Joe say to this? Well the Blacks were denied the means to build a society like Whites and Orientals had.
RECENTLY, IT HAS BECOME POPULAR TO SPREAD YET EVEN MORE MISINFORMATION, this time regarding black inventions. While history has proven that blacks have failed to contribute anything significant to the building of civilization, campaigns are spreading across America attempting to credit black “inventors” with certain inventions. One such campaign is promoted by IBM who offers a poster of “Famous Black Inventions.” Included on this poster are pictures of blacks and their supposed inventions— including the traffic light.
While the black Garrett A. Morgan did submit and receive a patent for a traffic signal in 1923, he did not invent the traffic light. The first “traffic light” was created in London in 1868, used to control the traffic of pedestrians and buggies. It was illuminated by gas using green and red colors, and was manually operated by policemen who turned a lever to reveal the appropriate colour to the appropriate lane of traffic. Railroads were already using a lighting system as well. It was a police officer, William Potts, who first improved on the gas-light invention, which required a police officer to operate. William Potts recognized the need for something better when he observed that police officers were spending much of their time directing traffic after the invention of the automobile. He created an electric lighting system using red, amber, and green to control automobile traffic in Detroit.
BRITAIN HAS BEEN INTENSELY LOYAL TO HER MONARCHY’S, most ancient origins. However, the Queen has favoured the multi racialists, and turned her back on the more conservative and loyal, true White Britons. It is therefore no surprise to learn that the British monarchy is today surrounded by Jews and Jewish influence, and that Prince Philip also has Jewish blood.
In 1851, Alexander, son of the Grand Duke of Hesse – that same family who raised the Rothschilds to power and hired out their subjects as mercenaries to fight the American colonists in their revolt against George III of England-contracted a morganatic marriage with the daughter of a wealthy Polish Jewish commoner who had grown rich as a supplier of arms to the war ministry. Since she had been baptized a Christian, the family permitted the marriage, and revived an old family title for Alexander and his Jewess. The title was the Count of Battenburg. This was the beginning of the Battenburg line.
The Hesse family later , made Alexander Prince o f Battenburg, and his eldest son by his Jewish wife was Prince Louis of Battenburg. Prince Louis came to England to join Queen Victoria’s Court, where he became an Admiral of the British Navy and a personal friend of King Edward VII. During World War I, because of the German propaganda, he decided to disown the German side and changed his name to Mountbatten, and he also received an English title, Marques of Milford Haven. His son, George, who bore the same title, was best man at Queen Elizabeth’s wedding to Prince Philip and led a very free and easy going pleasure loving existence which earned him no small reputation.
THE “TITLE” of my thesis is directed to those that may not be familiar with the Christian Identity Message or to those that “know” about it but have a different Scriptural viewpoint of this matter because they only use a select few verses of Scripture that they twist out of context to “prove” their ideas. For those in between, I hope this to be an informative “review.”
I find my article necessary because “someone” (and a few others) who claims to have been in “on the ground floor” of the Christian Identity Movement, states God was building a “NATION” when he called Israel and NOT a “RACE” and refers to TWO main verses of Scripture to prove his/their doctrine, as well as a few other “minor” verses that are twisted out of context. The problem and confusion here lies in the fact that “NATION” is referred to MANY times in Scripture in regards to Israel, so I can understand where that viewpoint comes from, but then again, when you look at the BEGINNING of that “NATION” and the pertinent verses that accompany this subject, it is CLEARLY about “RACE”!!! Yes, God clearly built a “NATION” of Israel, but He did it with a specific “RACE” of People, and THAT should have been clear to the people who claim to have studied this situation.
THESE Volumes continue the inquiry commenced in my former publication, the “Gael and Cymbri;” I now repeat what I said in the preliminary observations to that volume:-
“Having been impressed with the idea, that the demonstration of the true origin and history of the Irish people, would afford powerful aid towards elucidating those of other European nations, I have pursued this investigation for many years, and the results have justified the accuracy of the opinion I had formed beyond my most sanguine expectations.”
In that volume I endeavoured to demonstrate the identity of race of the Irish, Britons, and Celtic Gauls, of Caesar’s day, and suggested that they were all of Phoenician origin; I now place before the world the results of further investigation, acknowledging that, upon some points, I have since found reason to change my opinion, and, as my object has always been not to affect infallibility, but to demonstrate truth, I have done so without hesitation. There was not, however, much to recall, subsequent inquiry has, for the most part, established general postulates.
A trifling spark may kindle a great fire, accident often supplies the clue refused to laborious research—
“Latins se tames aperiente nutter plus quam imponebatur oncris sponte suscepi.”—QUINCTILIAN
In reading in Suetonius, the life of Augustus, I found that Aesar, in the Etruscan tongue, signified God. The import in Irish being the same, it struck me forcibly that this might not be accidental, but that the Etruscan language might be essentially Celtic, and, therefore, capable of interpretation by the Irish. On examination, the conjecture proved well founded; the results of the investigations, consequent on the discovery of this clue, will be found in the following pages.
ONE RAINY EVENING THIRTY YEARS AGO I WAS HONOURED BY THE VISIT OF A DAMP EMPLOYEE OF THE STATE OF VIRGINIA. He was getting old and he huffed and puffed as he walked up the three flights to our small apartment in Richmond. Unknown to his superiors he was a genius. He had graduated with honours from the University and was a walking encyclopaedia of everything and everyone past and present.
We sat drinking coffee before the warm radiator and he told me a fascinating story. One that I had never heard before and one that I have not been able to find reference to since.
It’s the type of story one relegates to the land of wishful thinking except that I knew the narrator. He was most exact in choosing his words. And, too, it’s the type of story the Establishment loves to black out of Saxon histories.
I’m telling the story as I remember it. I have forgotten the exact names of the “orders” he mentioned, and doubtless many of the lesser details, but the story in the main is as it was told to me on that rainy night.
Before World War I, a great banquet was held once a year in Germany. It was called the “Feast Of Orders”. The Kaiser himself presided. Before him dined the elite of Germany.
Twice in this century, within a span of only 24 years, the rulers of America felt called upon to combat an alleged threat to democracy and world peace by waging a “holy war” in Europe, against the will of their people. Twice they repudiated their own founding ideals and drew on their inexhaustible resources to stand by the side of powers who had divided the world amongst themselves in brutal colonial wars – joining forces against a nation that had no possessions beyond its own borders after the First World War, and from which they had only gained benefits in the past.
In costly battles Germans had once contributed to winning young America’s independence from the British Crown. The nation’s subsequent development from primitive beginnings to a position of world leadership in industry and trade is unthinkable without the hard work, efficiency and high moral virtues of the German immigrants.
But the Germans, as numerically the largest ethnic group in the United States, were not only the driving force in America’s material development. Germans set the tone in education and research, and insofar as one can speak of American culture and American intellectual life, it was the enrichment brought by the Germans, with their naturally cheerful way of life and particularly their unparalleled patronage of music, that helped overcome the sterile Puritanism of Anglo-Saxon life, to the benefit of the entire nation.
The following accounts, which are based on the reports of well-known emigrants, shall give an idea of the scope of German achievements in America – and also of the betrayal committed by a power-hungry financial and political clique against the most honest, loyal and decent among their citizens, and against their native land.
THE RELATION BETWEEN THESE TWO PEOPLES (Greeks and Hebrews) of the ancient Mediterranean is seldom mentioned. Evidence that the oldest language of Crete is Semitic, however, suggests that the two cultures have common roots.
The classical civilizations of Greece and Judea have traditionally been regarded as entirely distinct cultures, yet today two lines of evidence are combining to support the hypothesis that they have a common background. One line of evidence falls within the realm of historical and literary scholarship; the strength of its case lies in vivid parallels between early Greek and early Hebrew literature.
The other is essentially archaeological and linguistic: in the past few years it has become increasingly apparent that the oldest inscriptions found on the island of Crete are written in a Semitic tongue. My own familiarity with both kinds of evidence arises from the study of the ancient texts, monuments and history of the Mediterranean; it is coincidence rather than intention that has brought me to this dual examination. poles apart in Western thought, as though the ancient Greeks had never known religious inspiration and their Semitic neighbours had been devoid of reason.
The rise of skepticism undoubtedly played an invaluable role in freeing men’s minds from the fetters of superstition. It is significant, however, that it required an almost childlike faith in the validity of ancient literature to open the modern era of archaeological discovery. The great 19th-century archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann loved and believed in Homer.
What explains continued Jewish support for black causes long after blacks have unequivocally turned against their erstwhile ally? Or, in modern psychobabble, “Why does she still stay in the abusive relationship?” Moreover, how might this Jewish co-dependency be undermined? Is there a handy twelve-step program for this disorder? Given that the entire contemporary civil rights political agenda (affirmative action and related “colour sensitive” evils) might collapse into a mere nuisance without Jewish money, brains and dynamism, these are hardly trivial questions.
The Historical Record
To begin with, let me read into the record two facts as one submits court documents. Exhibit A is the Jewish contribution to black well being. This monumental bestowal properly requires a massive tome. Jews have already assisted as prominent leaders and financial benefactors. The Julius Rosenwald Foundation virtually single-handedly bankrolled the NAACP’s Legal Defence Fund (Rosenwald’s generosity likewise once helped educate 25 to 40% of Southern black children!). Decades back the Jewish philanthropists Jacob Shiff and Felix Warburg were similarly munificent. More than half the lawyers and freedom riders assisting Southern black civil rights activists during the 1960’s were Jewish. Martin Luther King, Jr., James Farmer, among many others, all relied on Jewish advisors (and Jewish gelt [money]). The Jewish Anti-Defamation League, the American Jewish Congress, and the American Jewish Committee (among numerous other Jewish organizations) have been “movement” stalwarts. Elected Jewish leaders have uniformly been pro-civil rights, while ordinary Jews are the most racially liberal demographic group. The Wall Street Journal recently noted that nearly all high-ranking black executives worked in Jewish run corporations. And on and on. Perhaps only Israel has drawn more fervent support in the pantheon of Jewish causes!
Exhibit B is wretched black anti-Semitism. The facts are again plain–even Ivory Tower academics admit it. Repeated national polls show blacks more anti-Semitic than whites, even when statistically adjusting for socio-economic status. A 1992 survey revealed that blacks were often twice as likely as whites to endorse anti-Jewish stereotypical, e.g., Jews favor shady business practices or have excessive economic power. More telling is explicit Jew-hating permeating black popular culture. The virulent anti-Jewish messages of Public Enemy, Professor Griff and other rap artists evidently do not offend black audiences judging by the millions of records sold. Damning Jewish Ghetto merchants (even long after they have sold their stores) is apparently an honoured black tradition. That both Malcolm X and Louis Farrakhan have risen to respected mainstream figures among ordinary blacks (and NAACP, as well) despite praising Hitler’s killing of six million Jews speaks louder than any poll.
REFUGEE AND ASYLUM LEGISLATION IS NOW A KEY POLICY area for many major immigrant-receiving countries. The UN Refugee Agency estimates there are currently 28.5 million refugees and asylum seekers worldwide, with most originating in South Sudan, Afghanistan, and Syria. The world’s largest refugee hosting countries are located near the epicentres of those countries experiencing difficulties, and include Turkey (3.5 million), Uganda (1.4 million), Pakistan (1.4 million), Lebanon (1 million), and the Islamic Republic of Iran (979,400).
More incongruous, however, is the fact refugee and asylum populations from these same troubled areas have exploded in the West, in countries both geographically and culturally very distant from exporting nations. Since 1990, the new refugee population of Austria has climbed from 34,948 to 115,197; in Belgium from 25,911 to 42,128; in Finland from 2,348 to 20,713; in France from 193,000 to 337,143; in Germany from 816,000 to 970,302; in Ireland from 360 to 6,324; in Italy from 10,840 to 167,260; in Luxembourg from 687 to 1,995; in the Netherlands from 17,337 to 103,818; in Norway from 19,581 to 59,160; in Sweden from 109,663 to 240,889; in Switzerland from 40,943 to 92,995; and in the United Kingdom from 43,632 to 121,766.
Increased lobbying on behalf of refugees, and increased quotas for refugee admissions, are now a very significant part of the West’s overall approach to migration. The only significant current exceptions to these trends are Hungary, where the number of new refugees has dropped from 45,123 to 5,641, and the United States and Canada, both of which were home in 2017 to roughly half the number of new refugees they hosted in 1990.
HERE is a book which caste aside all prejudice, and with authority, real learning and research, gives us a picture of the Jews as a people, especially in their relations to this country. When the World is seething with uncritical anti-Judaism and equally impassioned and uncritical apologies for the Jew, we are in need of a calm, dispassionate and authoritative review of the Jewish question as it affects us in England. It can safely be said that until the appearance of this volume no such work was in existence in the English language. The conference on the settlement of Jewish refugees at Evian is no mere academic matter. It is a burning question affecting, by the numbers of exiles we receive into this country, the very growth of our national character as well as the immediate employment of our own countrymen. We cannot assume an attitude of censure or approval toward the countries where anti-Semitism and racial distinction are officially recognised until we have knowledge and authority for our yardstick. Bitterness is being aroused on both aides, but knowledge and authoritative judgment are not heard.
The author is widely learned in his subject: he is able to give an objective account on which to form a judgment. He has gone in to the origins of the Jews and traced the persistent common factors in their character from pre-Christian days until now. He shows that by ridiculing the much-abused Word “race” you cannot dispose of the Jew as a persistent ethnic and psychological type. He assesses their qualities as fairly as their defects from the Gentile point of view. He weighs the evidence of their activities throughout England and Europe. He does not burke the problems of diluted blood either in Jew or Gentile. In particular he traces the influence of the Jews upon our national institutions and customs in recent history. He shows us how so many things have changed before our eyes without our knowing it. In this sense the book is as important for knowledge of ourselves as it is for a true assessment of the Jews.
No man who wishes to arrive at an honest understanding of this all-important question can afford to disregard this volume.
In order to understand Jewish thinking on this matter, one must first recognize that the Jews are a very unique people.
The Jews are bound to one another by three different means— which no other people in the world have in common.
1. The Jews have one religion—Judaism!
2. The Jews are of one nation—Israel!
3. The Jews are of one Race!
Race is defined as a group of people who have inbred with their own kind for centuries and exhibit like features and characteristics. Thus the Jews of today are a tight-knit race, and highly conscious of the great gulf which separates them from White Christians.
Gentiles do not have even the basic rudiments of unity existing in Jewry. We are of many different churches, different nationalities and from divided language groups of Europe. Feuds, wars, jealousy and hatreds have always divided our White Folk.
This division has made it easy, for a skilful and highly organized Jewish minority to dominate us.
If anyone is in doubt about Jewish control over our daily lives, let them check on who owns all the stores on Main Street. Find out who controls the three T. V. Networks. (Sarnoff heads NBC, Paley (Palensky) heads CBS and David Goldenson heads ABC.)
Check who controls Hollywood, or which racial group controls many of the giant combines buying controlling interest in thousands of formerly Christian owned companies in America!
The purpose of this book is to present to WHITE YOUTH factual information conventionally suppressed or distorted by the mass media, and denied them by schools and universities — which are forced to promulgate the Marxist line or lose their government subsidies. Appearing throughout the text are quotes from world authorities whose credentials appear in the bibliography. Upon reading TOB SHEBBE GOYIM HAROG! (KILL THE BEST GENTILES!) you will understand that — despite loud protests of denial — an age old CONSPIRACY does exist to destroy Western
Civilization. At this moment we are engaged in a deadly war with the HISTORIC ENEMY to determine whether or not our Nation will endure. We are losing that war because an Iron Curtain of censorship has descended over the landscape abrogating the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Without Freedom of Speech our system of government cannot function. The hour is late. You and your family are in grave danger. We will present the FACTS then discuss what actions must be taken.
Best wishes,
James W. von Brunn
IN April 1945, Dr. Raphael Lemkin (an adviser on international law to the former League of Nations) provided an important review of the primary techniques of genocide, as employed by the Nazis. Those techniques included: the partitioning of previously unified countries into administrative regions to destroy political cohesion; attacking existing cultural structures to weaken national resolve and obliterate former cultural patterns; the use of schools to poison the minds of vulnerable children; the undermining of the spiritual and communal foundations of the established Christian church; the promotion of pornography, alcohol and gambling to create moral debasement within the national group; the destruction of the industrial infrastructure and economic independence of the country; and (most especially) the use of various means to reduce the existing population, and the birthrate, of the targeted native people.[1]
Such techniques closely parallel those of the Marxist Frankfurt School. And both originate from the same malfeasant philosophy of forcing extreme and un-consented social change, by undermining the existing homogeneity of a sovereign country. It is a political process that accrues power by inciting hatred towards others – and thereby providing to itself, and to its supporters, a self-serving and perverse justification for the perpetual discovery of ‘others’ requiring elimination.
In the decades following the Dr. Lemkin report, a covert form of genocide has been developed as a single, ‘progressive’ political doctrine – but one which still retains the core techniques, as outlined above. Although ‘progressivism’ is an ideology that promotes itself as ultra-liberal and tolerant, an arguably more apt description (given the globally redefined, racist hatemongering) is ‘progressive-Nazism’.
The reality of Lebensborn was far removed from the Hollywood-style fantasy. Here, two student nurses bottle feed infants at one home. Student nurses were carefully screened for they too, like the mothers, had a lofty duty to the nation to fulfil Actually most mothers preferred to breast feed as long as possible to prolong their stays at the comfortable Lebensborn facilities. Expectant mothers were provided with fresh fruit and vegetables, chocolate and real coffee. They had no duties except to keep their rooms neat and provide for the health of their offspring and were encouraged to take strolls for exercise through the broad lawns and gardens surrounding many of these country homes
IN 1210, King John arrested all the wealthy Jews in England and demanded a ransom for their release. This was a common way of extorting money from a vulnerable community which relied on royal ‘protection’ for its survival. However, this royal protection came at a very high price. The Crown used the Jewish community as a source of large sums of cash. These might be taken in loans or, as in the case of John, through direct force. John had already used this method on more than one occasion, including forcing the Jewish community to make a massive contribution towards the ransom earlier paid to gain the release of Richard I.
The sum John demanded in 1210 was huge and came to 66,000 marks. The mark was a unit of account and worth two-thirds of a pound (or 13 shillings and 4 pence). The amount demanded therefore came to £44,000.
In Bristol the Jewish community was imprisoned in the castle until the money demanded was produced. The chronicler, Roger of Wendover, recorded the story of one ‘Jew of Bristol’ who refused to pay his ransom. The sum demanded from this unfortunate Jewish resident was 10,000 marks, or £6,600. Faced with his refusal to give in to this royal blackmail, the king ordered the royal torturers to work. Their brief was to pull out one of the Jew’s molar teeth every day, until he paid the 10,000 marks. Each day, for seven days, the Jewish merchant, named Abraham of Bristol in some accounts, had one of his teeth pulled from his mouth using pliars and without the benefit of any substance to subdue the pain. And still he held out against his tormentors. On the eighth day, the torturers began preparation to rip out the eighth tooth. As they set to their bloody task, Abraham of Bristol finally gave way. After a week of excruciating pain he could take no more. He agreed to pay the sum demanded. Utterly vulnerable — as was the entire Jewish community — he could turn to no one for assistance or protection. He was living `on the edge’ in an increasingly hostile society.
DR. JACQUELINE KASUN professor of economics at Humboldt State University in California, observes in her 1988 book The War Against Population that:
(1) No more than 1-3% of the Earth’s ice-free land area is occupied by humans.
(2) Less than 11% of the Earth’s ice-free land area is used for agriculture.
(3) Somewhere between B and 22 times the current world population could
support itself at the present standard of living, using present technology.
(4) This leaves 50% of the Earth’s land surface open to wildlife and conservation areas.
THE Past may be forgotten, but it never dies. The elements which in the most remote times have entered into a nation’s composition endure through all its history, and help to mould that history, and to stamp the character and genius of the people.
The examination, therefore, of these elements, and the recognition, as far as possible, of the part they have actually contributed to the warp and weft of a nation’s life, must be a matter of no small interest and importance to those who realise that the present is the child of the past, and the future of the present; who will not regard themselves, their kinsfolk, and their fellow citizens as mere transitory phantoms, hurrying from darkness into darkness, but who know that, in them, a vast historic stream of national life is passing from its distant and mysterious origin towards a future which is largely conditioned by all the past wanderings of that human stream, but which is also, in no small degree, what they, by their courage, their patriotism, their knowledge, and their understanding, choose to make it.
The part played by the Celtic race as a formative influence in the history, the literature, and the art of the people inhabiting the British Islands – a people which from that centre has spread its dominions over so vast an area of the earth’s surface – has been unduly obscured in popular thought. For this the current use of the term “Anglo-Saxon” applied to the British people as a designation of race is largely responsible. Historically the term is quite misleading. There is nothing to justify this singling out of two Low-German tribes when we wish to indicate the race character of the British people. The use of it leads to such absurdities as that which the writer noticed not long ago, when the proposed elevation by the Pope of an Irish bishop to a cardinalate was described in an English newspaper as being prompted by the desire of the head of the Catholic Church to pay a compliment to “the Anglo-Saxon race.”
About The Author
Pictured here in the visit park of Union Correctional Institution is Steve Stein, author of the National Socialist essays in this booklet.
Steve was born on March 6th 1968 in Phoenix, Arizona. Growing up in the west he became racially aware as a teenager, when illegal aliens began flooding across the border. With his formerly all white neighbourhood soon becoming mixed.
“It wasn’t just the people that had changed, everything was different. When I was young, kids used to be able to run around at night, and nobody ever worried about something bad happening. Then all of a sudden there was crime and drug problems, and you just didn’t see people about after dark anymore, they were simply afraid.
It was exactly the same when I began working in construction. There were a lot of jobs you just couldn’t get because illegals were doing them for next to nothing pay. I guess I not only learnt about racial problems, but social ills too.”
Steve is currently incarcerated on Florida’s “death row.” There are many aspects we cannot discuss at this time regarding this, as he is appealing his “death sentence,” but it was in prison that he met John Hardwick, who introduced him to Adolf Hitler – the man that would change Steve’s life.
“He loaned me his copy of “Mein Kampf” and I was blown out by what I read. Later I read about Commander Rockwell saying that when he read it, that was the end of who he had been, and the beginning of an entirely new person. And I knew just what he meant! All the answers were in there. Everything that had troubled me, but which I couldn’t piece together became clear.”
THOSE OF US WHO HAVE LIVED BEFORE THE LAST WAR have witnessed the continuous degeneration of our nation with filth and debauchery and race mixing being peddled on the television screen. We have witnessed lies and deception being relegated to us by the National press especially with regards to white settlers in East and Southern Africa. We have witnessed the land for which we fought being filled with Negroes and Asiatics and other people of vastly different cultures and genetic background to our own. We have been subjected to laws concocted by aliens to make us second class citizens in our own country. We hear daily of older women, who in their younger days toiled in munitions and clothing factories to keep our fighting soldiers supplied being mugged by Negroes and raped and having to pay heavy rents to Asian landlords. We have addled pated persons peddling left wing rubbish from their pulpits and teachers indoctrinated with alien ideologies infesting the minds of our children with gibberish. We ask ourselves why? Why are we, a nation that has done more for the development in backward races, than any other people, so afflicted?
Our nation has been lied to and betrayed
The elected lenders of the nation are the betrayers and behind them are a comparatively small group of men whose objective is to enslave the whole world of humanity in a one world government. This small group of men have gained into their hands the currency of the nations. Our elected leaders and administrators have been enmeshed with promises of riches and power or have been intimidated with their indiscretions and threatened with blackmail. To understand the conspiracy which is destroying our nation and the white western world, we must go back to the second half of the 18th century.
MANY PEOPLE THINK OF THE “RACE PROBLEM”, in terms of the “block buster” in the next block, the- “interracial marriage” in the newspapers, or “forced race mixing” in the schools. Too few associate these incidents with things like Pearl Harbour! An entire battle fleet wrapped in flames with thousands of dead; the cherry blossom Mikado Myth exploding into a cloud of planes, bombs, and spitting machine guns!
Today the entire world is seething with unrest. The line of conflict is found wherever the protective ring of outposts of our Western civilization comes in contact with the now belligerent and aggressive nations of the coloured world.
The problem is not one for the emotions, rather, it is a critical problem which will be solved only by the cold processes of the intellect. What is happening now has happened before. To know the errors of the past is to
avoid almost certain destruction in the future.
How did our ancestors cope with the problem? What is the history of our past contacts with coloured peoples? What did Rome do? Who were the Romans? Who are we?
The answer to all the other problems stems from the answer to this one question: Who are we?
I AM GLAD TO BE ABLE TO WRITE THE FOREWORD FOR THIS BOOK, particularly as its aim is to provide a directive against the hazards encountered in the propagation of the doctrine of miscegenation.
In this book Mr. Finlay has dealt with a difficult and contentious theme, one in which there can be no compromise. He has blended as simply as possible the scriptural admonitions against the corruption of flesh with the considered opinions of men of science.
Mankind is ever searching for truth, for without this he has neither food for wisdom nor principle for conduct. It is obvious that light from a source other than that of man is imperative in this search, for the finite mind of man is unable, on his own, to arrive at the conclusion of fact. Scientific experimentation during the past fifty years has led to a greater understanding of much of the mysteries which surround the origin, nature and behaviour of homo sapiens. Scientific facts are established through continued and repeated testing of conclusions—but what has prompted and instigated the experiment?
No flame is kindled without a spark, and in science this, I believe, is the activity of God in revelation to man. Science is a word which grips the imagination and is surrounded with an aura of romance. In fact, science is a hard taskmaster, ever demanding corroboration of fact until truth emerges, proven and irrefutable.
THE FOLLOWING PAGES MUST BE RECEIVED with the indulgence due to first attempts in a new field of research. Ethnology itself is but a young science, still busied in collecting its facts and arranging its materials Biblical ethnology is younger still. Indeed, it is only within the last three or four years that a study of the ethnology of the Old Testament has become possible. We owe the greater part of the materials upon which it must be based to that prince of living excavators and practical archaeologists, Mr. Flinders Petrie. The casts and photographs of the ethnographic types represented on the Egyptian monuments, which he made for the British Association in the winter of 1886-7, have at last given us a solid foundation upon which to work. To Mr. R. S. Poole belongs the merit of first calling the attention of anthropologists to the unexplored mine of facts preserved in the pictures of the ancient Egyptian
artists, and to the leading members of the Anthropological Institute that of obtaining a grant for their reproduction. But the grant by itself would not have carried us very far ; there were needed the seeing eye and the observing mind of the explorer, to select the most typical and best preserved examples, and to photograph or model them with scientific skill. The results of Mr. Petrie’s labours are given in the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science for 1887, in a report by Mr. Petrie himself on ” Racial Photographs from the ancient Egyptian Pictures and Sculptures,” and in a supplementary paper by the Rev. H. G. Tomkins on the ” Collection of Ethnographic Types in Egypt.” Further articles on the same subject have been published by Mr. Tomkins and Mr. Petrie in the Journal of the Anthropological Institute, and the Babylonian and Oriental Record, references to which will be found in the footnotes to the present volume. With characteristic generosity, Mr. Petrie has allowed an unrestricted use to be made of his photographs in illustrating the pages which follow. Those who desire a complete set of the photographs, which number several hundreds, can obtain them at the low price of 45s. from Mr. Browning Hogg, 75, High Street, Bromley, Kent.
THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE WAS TAKEN FROM VOLUME III (1938) of the very important series, Forschungen zur Judenfrage (Studies on the Jewish Problem), the first six volumes of which were published by the Hanseatische Verlagsanstalt in Hamburg during 1937 to 1941. The nearly fifty articles in these six volumes represent the thinking on the Jewish question by some of the best German minds of that time. The authors of the articles were specialists, in some cases internationally known specialists, in a variety of fields, including anthropology, demography, genealogy, genetics, history, law, literary scholarship, musicology, philosophy and theology. The earlier articles in the series were given as lectures before meetings of the Reichsinstitut fur die Geschichte des neuen Deutschlands, Forschungsabteilung Judenfrage (National Institute for the History of the New Germany, Research Division for the Jewish Problem). It is not at all difficult to imagine that the research efforts which went into these articles cost the erstwhile German government hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Reichsmark.
Although the research was subsidized by the National Socialist government, the tone of the articles is by no means generally and uniformly hostile to Jews. Baron von Verschuer’s article, for example, is nearly free of value judgments and it concedes in a number of passages that Jews have special strengths characteristic of their race.
By 1936 a number of circumstances had converged which made possible the publishing of this large body of research by non‑Jews on the Jewish question. Such a constellation is highly unlikely ever to appear in the sky again, certainly not in our lifetime, and that is a fact which in itself gives these volumes a unique position and value in the serious study of the Jewish question.
One circumstance was the importance which the German government attached at that time to the Jewish question and its willingness to allocate considerable economic resources to the study of the question in an attempt to find a constructive solution to it. This circumstance was combined with the willingness and ability of German scientists and scholars to come to grips with the Jewish problem as far as their areas of expertise were concerned.
The Lectures which are here presented to the public were delivered at Oxford in May, 1876, by invitation of the Curators of the Taylor Institution as administrators of the Ilchester Bequest for the encouragement of the study of the Slavonic Language, Literature, and History. Within the boundaries set by the terms of the endowment, it was natural to me to choose a subject which, at the same time as being Slavonic, had some reference to Scandinavia, and I could not long be in doubt as to the choice.
I give the Lectures here, in the main, so as I had at first written them, with such slight modifications and additions as, in revising my manuscript, I thought necessary. According to this plan I have not hesitated to insert several details of a philological kind which I was obliged to leave out or abridge when delivering the Lectures, but which are in fact so important to the purpose I had set myself that it seemed to me they could not well be omitted here; such will be found, for instance, in the inquiry into the names of the Dnieper rapids, the Old Russian proper names, the history of the name Varangian, &c.
I hope that the book may have gained by this, and I shall be glad if I have succeeded in contributing somewhat towards the final and impartial solution of a historic-ethnographical problem which may possibly have some interest also to English readers.
I beg to express my best thanks first and foremost to the Curators of the Taylor Institution, not only for their honourable invitation to lecture at Oxford, but also for their liberality in undertaking the printing of the Lectures at the cost of the endowment; next, to all those who have met me with kindness, as well with respect to the present work, as during my stay in England. Among them I must be allowed to offer my special thanks to one of the Curators, the Rev. G. W. Kitchin, who has also kindly assisted me in reading the proofs, an assistance all the more valuable in that it has been afforded to one who is writing in a foreign language.
November, 1877
WE KNOW relatively little of the legendary people known as the Scythians, but what we do know is largely derived from the father of history, Herodotus. The great Greek thinker spoke authoritatively about these fascinating nomads, but archaeologists are just now learning how a vast civilization suddenly vanished. A recent expedition in Crimea, and an ongoing effort known as “Kyzyl – Kuragino” in Siberia, promise a new insight into the warlike people who once ruled over much of Eurasia.
One of the largest scale projects of the Russian Geographical Society (RGS), the “Kyzyl Kuragino” in the Tuva Republic has as its aim the discovery and preservation of vast cultural and historical value. The RGS has organized volunteer expeditions over the past five years comprised of winning contestants from 74 regions of Russia, and from 40 countries worldwide. Excavations in the so-called Valley of the Kings in Tuva back in 2003, whispered of a Russian greatness attached to an idea, rather than to some preconceived notion of nation. Fast forward to today, a 2003 find at a secret site in Crimea tells of a formidable people, perhaps the fabled Colchians even, who were keepers of the fabulous golden fleece the Argonauts sought. Join us in a brief excursion into the world of the Scythians, a people peculiar in their “new ideas”, and their relationships with the world around them.
Hoskins Report
Chapter 230
South Africa
THE PRESENT ATTEMPT TO INTEGRATE SOUTH AFRICA IS DIAMETRICALLY OPPOSED to the imperium of “separation” now running full flood over the world. The various races in the Soviet Union are separating, the Baltic is separating, China has driven Westerners from her shores. Black Africa has done the same, and is also separating her own Black races into their component parts. America’s inner cities are being turned into independent Black nations as Black on White guerrilla war goes into high gear and drives away the Westerners who built the cities and who once lived there. While non-Westerners are forcing Westerners from their lands, they are also forcing non-Westerners into Western lands. Westerners are beginning to suspect that the double standard is a well thought out plan to destroy the Western enclaves and the Westerners who live there.
Virginia’s Footsteps
In many ways, South Africa’s ordeal appears to be like Virginia’s. Virginia was the victim of a devastating war, just as South Africa was. Before the war Virginia was self-sufficient. Her plantation system produced almost everything her people needed and her vast surplus was sold elsewhere which made her people rich. What the plantation didn’t produce or make was obtained by trading with the next plantation, or the closest village trading centre which stocked or made the speciality items needed.
Virginia had no army. Everyone from the age 16-60 was a militiaman. If called upon to repel an invader, Virginia had 75,000 militiamen available instantly – armed and trained at their own expense. Many of her officers had paid their own way to attend the Virginia Military Institute to learn to become efficient warriors. Militia artillerymen paid for their own cannon. One six-gun Virginia battery was counted as superior to two four-gun federal batteries.
Publisher’s Note: Obviously the author of this article sees the Jews as being Israel, and not Edomites themselves, but nevertheless contains some useful information.
THE CONFLICT BETWEEN THE ISRAELIS AND THE PALESTINIANS is similar in many ways to that between the United States and Latin America. Is there a connection?
As Israel has spread among the nations, so has Edom. Prophecy says that a time would come, when Jacob’s sins would allow Esau to revolt against him [Gen 28.39-41]. Esau would inhabit some of the drier areas of the earth, be dominated by Jacob, have a bitter vendetta against him, and eventually throw off Anglo-Saxon/Israeli rule.
US-Latin American relations reads like a Jacob and Esau story. Esau was the red-skinned macho man, a warrior and a hunter. He would give you the shirt off his back but if you crossed him, he would likely kill you. Jacob was the Anglo, easy-going, money-minded, but ready to rip you off. Even though God intended Jacob to get the birthright, Jacob went out and stole it and Esau’s descendants have never forgiven him.
THE TITLE OF THIS BOOK IS TAKE YOUR CHOICE – SEPARATION OR MONGRELLZATION. Maybe the title should have been “You Must Take or You Have Already Taken Your Choice-Separation or Mongrelization,” but regardless of the name of this book it is really and in fact a S.O.S call to every white man and white woman within the United States of America for immediate action, and it is also a warning of equal importance to every right-thinking and straight-thinking American Negro who has any regard or respect for the integrity of his Negro blood and his Negro race.
For nine years I have read, studied and analyzed practically all the records and everything written throughout the entire world on the subject of race relations, covering a period of close on to thirty thousand years. For more than three years I have been writing the message of warning to the white men and women, regardless of nationality, of the United States that you will find recorded on the pages of this book.
This book is not a condemnation or denunciation of any race, white, black or yellow because I entertain no hatred or prejudice against any human being on account of his race or colour-God made them so. I have endeavoured to bring to the attention of the white, the yellow. and the black races the incontrovertible truths of history over a span of thirty thousand years. all in an honest attempt to conserve and protect and perpetuate my own white race and white civilization, and at the same time impress especially the black and yellow races with the fact that they must join in an effort to protect the integrity of their own race, blood, and civilization.
Be it said to the credit of the black or Negro race in the United States that no right-thinking and straight-thinking Negro desires that the blood of his black race shall be contaminated or destroyed by the commingling of his blood with either the white or yellow races. The desire to mix, commingle, interbreed or marry into the white race by the Negro race is advocated largely by the mulattoes or mongrels who are now to an alarming degree found within the Negro race in this country.
Surely every decent white man and woman in America should have cause to be alarmed over the mongrelization of their white race and the loss of their white civilization when Dr. Ralph S. Linton, a leading Professor of Anthropology of Columbia University, New York City, said just recently that at the present rate of intermarrying, interbreeding, and intermixing within nine generations, which is only 300 years, that there would be no white race nor black race in America- that all would be yellow. And in a recent article entitled “Who Is A Negro,” Herbert Asbury makes the alarming and sickening statement that “more than two million United States Negroes have crossed the color line. contributing, among other things an ever-widening stream of black blood to the native white stock.”
July 13, 2015
‘Will you find out who is responsible for this extraordinary action?’Oliver Stanley, M.P., June 1948.
The SS Empire Windrush holds a special place of infamy in the minds of British Nationalists. When the ship arrived at Tilbury docks from Jamaica in June 1948, carrying 417 Black immigrants, it represented more than just a turning point in the history of those ancient isles. In some respects it signalled the beginning of mass, organised non-White immigration into northwest Europe. Back in November, TOO published my research on the role of Jews in limiting free speech and manipulating ‘race relations’ in Britain in order to achieve Jewish goals and protect Jewish interests. I’ve recently been revisiting some of my past essays, delving deeper and expanding each of them in an effort that I hope will result in the publication of a book-length manuscript on aspects of Jewish influence. During this process, I’ve been particularly compelled to research further into the role of Jews in Britain’s immigration and racial questions. What I present in this essay is a survey of some interesting facts, which I hope to document and integrate further as my work on the volume proceeds.
Sons of God
Without supporting information, the following makes little sense to most – Verse:–
“And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them. That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose and they bare children to them.” Gen 6:1-4.
THERE ARE BOOKS AVAILABLE WHICH MAKE CLEAR THE OF THIS AND MEANING OTHER VERSES LIKE IT. It isn’t until one actually studies some of these books well known at the time of Jesus, and some which were actually used by him, that the answer becomes clear – and the answer is very important. It colours every thing that follows, and is certainly the reason that the Roman empire censored what men read.
Let’s fill the missing gaps with information from books from Jesus’ time such as I & II Enoch, Jubilees, I & II Adam and Eve, Jasher, and Josephus.
Adam Disobeyed
Adam and Eve were spirits made in the image of God the Word. They listened to the Serpent and were banished from the Garden of Eden. Most people speculating on the location of the Garden of Eden look in the wrong place for the Garden of Eden which is a heavenly place[1], a spiritual garden, made for a spiritual Man, a spiritual condition to which he will return in three score and ten years. Man’s first and natural condition is spirit. On earth, God clothed their spirits with earthy bodies[2] which had earthly needs such as food and drink, our earthly bodies wear out – Adam and Eve also needed children to replace themselves if Adam-Man was to remain on earth and not die out![3]
Saxon Slaughter
NEMMERSDORF (ABOVE), IN EAST PRUSSIA, fell to the Red Army for only 48 hours in October 1944, and was then recaptured by the German Army. All villagers had been murdered in the most brutal manner. Women and children were gang raped and then killed. Some had been nailed, naked and in cruciform position to bam doors.
The American historian and diplomat George Kennan wrote: “The disaster that befell this area with the entry of the Soviet forces has no parallel in modem European experience. There were considerable sections where, to judge by all existing evidence, scarcely a man, woman or child of the indigenous population was left alive after the initial passage of Soviet forces… The Russians swept the native population clean in a manner that has no parallel since the days of the Asiatic hordes.”
CYMRY IS THE MODERN NAME FOR THE DESCENDANTS OF THE WELSH AND I BELIEVE THE CORNISH. It is pronounced Kumri. Tradition and history link these Cymry to an ancient people who roamed Europe in by-gone days.
These people were known by various names in their wander in Posidonius, whom Strabo quotes, said that the Greeks called them Kimbroi and Katin writers called them Cimbri ( Kimbri ) Plutarch in his “Life of Marius,” also identified the Kimri with the Kimmerori. In the century before Caesar they became known to the Romans by the harsher pronunciation of Kimbri. The Teutons (Germans) called them Cambria or Cimbri. Other names for them were Cimmerians, Kimmerians, Gimeria, Gimri, Kelthr and Cimmerii. Rawlinson connected the Cimmerians with the Kimbri of the Romans and the Cymry of Wales.
The Welsh Triads state that the Cymry were the first inhabitants of Britain. Hu Gadern, or Hu the strong or mighty led his people from a region around the city of Defrobani, later called Constantinople and now named Istanbul, into Britain. He is reported to be the author of the Triads, the Annals of the Cymri (page 25) which speaks of their sojourn, “In the land of Hav.” (Constantinople):
The people, “rebelled against God and His fundamental Truths; sinning and committing injustice with daring transgressions; for which He poured upon them His retributive vengeance; whereupon dispersion and devastation issued; upon which they became nearly extinct, having lost their territories and national rights.