Ten Prophetic Clues Concerning Asher Walloons (Belgians)

Ten Prophetic Clues Concerning Asher Walloons (Belgians)

THERE is no direct history connecting the tribe of Asher to the Belgian people. We are talking about one of the lost tribes. Even the Caucasian population of Wallonia comes from various backgrounds. One can compare this with Jewry. The Jewish people have known many proselytes. Yet there has been a core of the tribe of Judah (and some of Levi & Benjamin) over the past 2500 years. The core passes on characteristics and genes to the periphery. Looking at the ‘prophetic clues’ one has to conclude that a core of the tribe of Asher once found its way to the people living in Belgium and Luxemburg (especially in the triangle Roermond-Lille-Nancy-Roermond). This core passed on its characteristics and genes to the influx of others. The more fulfilled prophetic clues we find, the stronger our case. What follows is not historic proof, but proof by revelation.