TONIGHT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT UNDERSTANDING EQUALITY. This is a very vital area of discussion and should be considered by every church in the United States, sanely and constructively. And their knowledge and discussion should be based upon facts, and not based upon propaganda as it comes forth form our enemy, who are designing a course which is to be very detrimental to you and to your race. The most important thing for you and it is to adjust your thinking to the thoughts of God. To carry out HIS purposes for HIS Kingdom. And for we who make up the race by which and thru which HE is establishing that Kingdom, the best thing for us is to free the seat of our consciousness with Truth. Thus, it is that to do this that we cast aside empty theories, not based on fact, and that we carefully consider the sources of information. This is one of the errors made today by some in positions of high authority whose decisions have great ramifications upon our society if we follow their instructions.
We have often spoken of the political structure of these United States. And under the pattern of foreknowledge our forefathers divided our government into legislative, judicial and executive branches. And so by the limitation of the powers approved by the Federal Government, had divided the authority as to produce checks and counter balances, for the preservation of constitutional liberty. They, however, left a few weak points as they did not understand the depth to which conspiracy and infamy would go. Or the apathy which could descend over a people which would give lip service to the principal and not realizing that this principal could be changed by the powers of evil.
TONIGHT WE ARE SPEAKING ON A SUBJECT, WHICH THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL MUST LEARN TO UNDERSTAND. There are many people who are under a strange delusion, finding themselves serving a fake set of ideas, which are very disturbing to them in the light of what they know and see round about. There are many who have been told that Yahshua the Messiah is a Jew, and therefore The Most High and Saviour of their faith comes out of a race which hates Israelites, does all that it can to destroy it, and is now working insidiously all over The United States to get the Bible and prayer out of our schools (and have done a very good job of it too), and to take the Name of Yahshua the Messiah out of every phase of our National Life.
Now this is hard for some people to understand. They ask how could Yahshua be a Jew, with all Jews fighting everything that relates to His Heritage and His Name. Of course the great confusion that exists in the minds of many is in the fact that they have been ill – informed concerning who the House of Israel actually is, and they do not know that there is a vast distinction between the House of Israel (the descendants of Abraham) and the people called Jews today. But we can establish for you clearly apart from these phases of Identity that Yahshua the Messiah is not a Jew, or else all the foundations of His Heritage have been wasted upon something that is fatuous and that has no foundation whatsoever. We will also establish this very clearly for you on the basis of Yahshua’s time, as well as facts, which are self-evident as key points within the faith of Christianity.
AS WE TURN TO OUR SUBJECT “WE ARE NOT ALONE,” we realize that there are many things which are not discussed in churches, especially today when so many Clergy have become the instruments of propaganda and brainwashing, who actually spend their time in instructing their congregations to follow the enemies of our faith and our culture, and our civilization.
Now when many of these false concepts have led to revolutions and the creation of false responsibilities in the minds of men, causing those who make up the great bulk of Christendom to turn their back upon their destiny, until their awakening takes place.
Today the churches in our land, many of them are actually proclaiming a program of interracial marriage, integration which reaches the height eventually of dissolving our race, producing a great mongrel polygraph society which the WORD of God curses. For there is one thing which we must understand today as the children of the MOST HIGH, that the first and foremost ability we have is to preserve our species and our racial self respect with the greatest of all transgressions in this scripture being the mutation of this HOLY seed and the loss of spiritual capacities which accompany those series of mutations as it relates to transferring these concepts and ideas into a physical world. We today, find that by processes of error, our nation and our society is being enveloped by the patterns of revolution which seek to destroy and subordinate the great strength of God’s kingdom.
AS WE TURN TO THIS GREAT EVENT WHICH WE CELEBRATE WE REALIZE THAT IT IS A GOOD THING FOR CHRISTIANS TO RECOGNIZE THE BIRTH OF THE CHRIST. For this is the greatest individual event which happened in the course of the history of this earth, without a doubt, and there was nothing more important to our race since we were placed in earth than the return, by the coming of The Christ, to our relationship with God. It is a most significant thing that the events which we celebrate in our Christmas observance were almost one‑quarter of a million years in their development.
What do we mean by that since our race has only been on the earth about 7400 years, since the day of Adam to the time of The Christ was 5400 plus a few years, then it was because of the events which were involved. Let us turn for a moment to the second chapter of Matthew as we read; ‘When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the King, behold, there came Wise men from the East to Jerusalem, saying: ‘Where is he that is born King in Judea, for we have seen his Star in the East and have come to worship HIM?’ ‘We have seen His Star in the East’, how would they know what star to look for? In the East there are thousands upon thousands of stars. A multitude of ten times 126 trillion fill the sky from the east to the west, from the north to the south in a single 24 hour day. How then would the Wise men say: ‘We have seen His Star’. How would they say: We know that He is to be born in Judea? What strange wisdom would have given these men this knowledge?
WE TURN TODAY TO ONE OF THE MOST VITAL OF SUBJECTS, for we are living in one of the most vital times in our history and of our race. Even though the powers of darkness are seeking to destroy that race and the nations of God’s Kingdom, this in no way eliminates the fact that God still has a Celestial and powerful force which has not bowed the knee to Baal and will not in this hour bow the knee. I think it most significant that we survey the most recent events that are round about and realize that we are in the midst of unusual happenings. A lot of people are wondering why some things did happen as they took place. As we have analysed the events which have surrounded the Cuban disaster, and we cite to you that Premier Khrushchev has won a major victory in the Cuban Crisis.
Many of you might say that is a strange thing, for one week ago, America had Cuba on the run. American had demanded the end of their missile build-up and had thrown a blockade around Cuba and had announced a few weeks ago, that we would not have any more threats to our security coming from Cuba. We dealt frankly with the fact that this was a Russian build-up. And we demanded that the missiles be removed. And that this danger must be removed. That this threat would no longer be tolerated. Out of Latin America and the rest of the Western world, came immediate support, and we demanded that Khrushchev pull his missiles out of Cuba. This was America standing to repudiate the forces of darkness.
WE WILL NOW TOUCH ON A SUBJECT OF GREATER SIGNIFICANCE THAN ANYONE MIGHT HAVE, AT A MOMENT’S GLANCE, THOUGHT IT CONTAINED, —- the subject of the flood. The question: did everybody on the earth excepting the family of Noah, eight souls at that time existing, living upon the earth, — did everyone else drown? Were Noah and his own family the only survivors in the earth? You might think that this subject isn’t altogether too important and so you say, “All you have to do is go back into the Book of Genesis and read the testimony that the waters covered the whole earth, that it went above the mountains fifteen cubits and that is sufficient; that the flood was complete, that it covered all the earth and that everybody outside of the family of Noah died in the waters of the flood.” Now I am going to show you why it is important that you know the truth concerning this matter.
I recently listened to a clergyman talking to his people and he said that we were arriving now at a great utopian age in which all races and all peoples would mix together, there would no longer be the separation that divides them, either by race or by nation or by continent, and he hailed the development of the United Nations and all the trends of the times as a great and healthy sign that we were getting back to where we were in the household of men and nations before the flood. Well, one thing is quite obvious: Such ignorance concerning the truth as it actually exists in the records, both of Scriptures and of anthropology and archaeology, is creating a great catastrophe.
I maintain that one of the greatest catastrophes that could ever envelop the Kingdom of God, or your race, would be to absorb all people into one world government, absorb them all into one racial family and fold all their religions into one religion.
—This would be the end of truth; this would be the end of the program of God’s Kingdom. And I intend to assure you that this is not going to happen, because there is a powerful, dynamic force in God’s spirit dwelling within the children of His Own household and family which He is going to re-stimulate; and instead of uniting all the peoples into one polyglot mass, He is going to cause His people to come out and be segregated and separate again, in order to carry forward the destiny which God has ordained.
It is this moving spiritual force that is going to again bring your nation out from under the bondage to which it has surrendered its sovereignty; it is this guidance of spirit that is going to set men free. And when the great movement towards faith, liberty, truth and the development of God’s Kingdom rises to its peak in your age, it is going to be to a spiritually quickened and awakened race. The spiritual centre of the church, sent to do this job, is going to help bring this thing about. The church has a great work to do, and as the oracle of God it is going to start proclaiming that truth, and people are going to come out of their sleep and they are going to stand upon their feet, as a great and mighty witness to their Father.
AS WE TALK ABOUT THE REQUITES OF EQUALITY, we are living in a period of time when we are being told that the most important thing that we can develop in these United States is total Equality. In fact, we find that many of our political leaders seem somewhat dedicated to bring about, total equality. Now: What does total equality mean and what do they advocate when they say; Total Equality? In fact, we seem to have reached the period in which the total process of our society seems designed to create economic equality throughout the world. A re-distribution of the wealth of the world by the political designs of those who tell us that we must do this or we will be overwhelmed by the people who are the have nots of the world, with the resulting conditions that if we do not do this we will be destroyed.
I listened to the argument being made and to me it seemed a rather false argument, that unless we met the needs of all the nations on the face of the earth that all would join to become to enemies of this great nation and the great nations of Western societies of the Western world. And by this design they are seeking to get us to support the re-distribution of our wealth through areas of world government, and world programs of distribution and activities which are aligned to carry out this program. So this is only a small part of what they mean by equalization.
They are talking about economic equality, they are talking about Political equality. In this instance, we point out that in this country and under our constitution, all qualified people are equal under the law and they are given protection by the law, but today this is not enough. They want special legislation to take from those who possess capacity of leadership and the abilities of creation to distribute the benefits of this to those who are not willing to give their contribution toward the responsibility of such an order.
AS WE TALK ABOUT THE GOSPEL THAT JESUS PREACHED, WE TURN IN THE BOOK OF MATTHEW TO BE TAUGHT OF GOD. It is a very important thing to be taught of God. The experience of the people of Palestine was to be taught of God, to have HIM embodied in their midst, to have HIM walking, and talking to the multitude. To have HIM talking to HIS Disciples and explaining to them their ministry which was to follow. Explaining how HE had established the centre of HIS worship and HIS assembly upon the great truths which HE expounded to them and upon the development of the Christian Church which was to emerge, which was to be a spiritual oracle unto the nations of HIS Kingdom, and which would have a great part to play in the things which would come to pass.
Yes. They were taught of God, alright. But what is the Gospel that Jesus preached? When we turn to the scriptures, we find much concerning this Gospel that Jesus preached. We have much today that the church says that Jesus preached, for there are lots of doctrines that by some strange decision, are announced as that which Jesus preached, and that is what Jesus preached.
‘Every man’s work shall be made manifest for that day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire, and fire shall try every man’s work of what sort it is.’
This is only a small portion of this passage but we will contemplate the rest of it. But it is most significant for us to realize that there is a period of history, a period of time when ‘All things’ not just some, but all things shall be made manifest. And that the manifestation of such things, and the concepts and thoughts which men may have thought they had concealed unto themselves shall be open to the public gaze, of course there are certain thing which we must understand about the revelation of every secret thought, for we know that as far as thought, knowledge, and wisdom are concerned that you who constitute the Household of God came out of the Heavens unto earth. You were with the Father before the world was framed, and He taught you all things.
WE TURN TO THE WORDS OF JESUS IN THE 15TH, CHAPTER OF THE BOOK OF MATTHEW, and we point out this factor which Jesus addressed His to: Verse 13; ‘Every plant which my heavenly Father hath not planted shall be rooted up.’ The actual translation is: Every plant that the heavenly Spirit has not planted shall be rooted up.
Now: Jesus was not talking to the people blindly he was simply stating an accurate fact. For he had already told the disciples concerning the magnitude, the purposes of God’s plan, and of the strength of His Kingdom. And He cited that every good seed that had been planted was planted by The Father, and He had told them of ‘tare’ time, and of the great Mysteries that were involved in ‘tare’ time. He had cited when talking about this that the field was the world, and His planting was the embodiment of God, and of the Eternal Father (FATHER). He explained to them how He had sown His seed into the world, and that they were the good seed, the children of the Kingdom. And He also tells of how the Angels, and Administering Spirits came to the Father and said: There are tares in the field; Behold! there are tares in the field. Then Jesus said: I did not plant this seed, for they are the children of the wicked one. They are the offspring, the progeny of Evil.
WE TURN THIS AFTERNOON TO THE BOOK OF MATTHEW AND IN THE 13TH CHAPTER, WE FIND JESUS TALKING TO HIS DISCIPLES. And HE says, “Verily, I say unto you that prophets and righteous men have desired to see the things that you are seeing and to hear the things which you hear for they have not heard them. Then Christ went on explaining to them the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven. For through out all the areas of the Old Testament and through out all of the old patterns of the scripture, the prophets had portrayed everything that had transpired. They had not beheld it but they had portrayed it. They had not beheld the embodiment of God but they had prophesied that God would be embodied. We are to discover that every facet of the Old Testament, and in every area they were to talk about the things that were to come to pass. There was no area of the prophecies that was not foreseen by the prophets.
We have the claims that the prophets could not see the clear story, or the prophecy of God’s Grace, but this is a fallacy and operates out of a lack of knowledge. But the prophets with their own eyes did not behold these things. Nor had they visibly beheld the embodiment of God. The majesty by which God had embodied himself in the earth. He had been begotten in the earth as the prophets had declared. As Isaiah had declared: A virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Emmanuel.
AS WE TURN TONIGHT IN OUR DISCUSSION OF OUR SUBJECT, ‘THE FALL OF GREAT BABYLON INTO THE SEA‘, we realize that this is extracted from the book of Revelation. And that this book of Revelation is written in symbols and mysteries. But many do not know what the symbols and the mysteries mean. But it is of great importance for you to know that there is a clue to the whole pattern of divine revelation. And it is given unto you to know the mystery. For God has said: ‘Unto you, it is given to know the mystery of the Kingdom of God. Unto them it is not given.’ (Matthew 13:11)
If it is written in mystery and allegory, it is because the guidance of God’s spirit will unveil these mysteries and make these allegories known unto you so that you will have the sure guidance and the authority of His Word.
It is quite obvious that if you have been following the messages we have been giving, or have been a student of the patterns of ‘Identity’ concerning the men and the races of earth, that you may well know that the world has been divided into two camps. That the world has been divided since your race has been upon it throughout all the 7400 years of its history. That these camps which divide the world, relate to the masters to which the various camps pledge their allegiance. The world even in this hour, is in a struggle between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of the ‘world order’ under the symbol of Mystery Babylon. That Mystery Babylon contains all the processes under which the enemies of God’s Kingdom work. And from the earliest hour of Biblical identity, God has identified the symbol ‘Babylon’, with the catastrophe and the evil, which are waging war against you. Babylon is the citadel of Lucifer and the Kingdom of God is the Citadel of the MOST HIGH GOD which is being raised up in a great and mighty administration through the numbers of His children He is multiplying in the midst of the earth.
TONIGHT AS WE ARE DISCUSSING HOW THE EARTH FIGHTS FOR THE KINGDOM, the events of the time should show us not only the lateness of the hour but show us that the pattern of the enemy has not changed nor his nature reformed. We hold no grief tonight for the removal of the first secretary of the Communist party, Mr. Khrushchev. We do not feel that he was any milder or any better than any of the others who were a part of the great Soviet conspiracy.
How often we have heard the threatening warning roll from the lips of Mr. Khrushchev in the United Nations when he addressed them, or even in the City of Los Angeles, when a guest in this city. When he said ‘I will bury you.’ And we will not forget that we had one mayor in the city of Los Angeles who stood up and embarrassed the State Department. He made a very apt prophecy when he said to Mr. Khrushchev, “You are not going to bury us. But if you try, we will bury you.” And the State Department got the shivers. And they said, “We don’t think a mayor in the United States should say such an insulting thing to our guest.” But he was not our guest, my friends.
One must not forget that when America was pouring out millions and millions of dollars to combat the Communist menace and when we were supposedly to see that we had the arms to hold back the Communist aggression, that we received this head of the Communist regime here in the United States. And as his plane landed in the Washington, D.C. airport, there he was received by President Eisenhower.
WE ARE SPEAKING THIS AFTERNOON ON THIS SUBJECT, ‘When Flesh Puts on Light’, and we recognize that never was there anything more significant for us to understand at this time than to know the Power of Light, and the Glory of Truth. How often we have heard the words: ‘The Glory of the Lord shown round about.’ The Light of the countenance of the Most High, ‘The Glory of the Lord’, ‘And the Glory of the LORD shown round about’ ‘And the Light of the Most High.’ There is something most significant for us to understand considering, and concerning Celestial beings, that is, that the plane of God’s Spirit exists in the synthesis of Light. And the particles of Light are the substance out of which Celestial planes are made. And the Light exists in the wave lengths beyond the capacity of the natural eye to behold. That the spectrum of light goes beyond the video plane and the Celestial planes can surround the physical planes as well as the whole vastness of God’s Universe, thus having within it the dimensions of Spirit.
When we talk about the Celestial planes and Spiritual realms, we are talking about realms which exist in planes of Spirit, of light, and of Glory. When we talk about the great realms of consciousness we are talking about a soul conscious realm, a realm of dimension in which the planes of thought and understanding, and meditation dwell as such, resident wherever it may be, and able to be resident in a physical body. As we look upon this physical world we are well aware that it is tangible, and we are adapted to living in it. And we remember only those things which have transpired since we have arrived, except for the light and illumination which moves out of the plane of spirit into the seat of our consciousness
AS WE TALK TO YOU ABOUT THE DAY THEY TRIED GOD IN EARTH, it opens up the facets of the trial of Jesus. It opens up the important areas of the animosity of certain of those who were against Christ, how they operate and think. Leopards do not change their spots. Children follow in the course of their fathers. It is very important then to know who the enemy is and who their father is.
When we talk about the magnitude of God’s ministry in the earth, there can be no question of the mighty impact of God embodied in the flesh. There can be no question of the impact upon the land of Palestine and upon Judah and Benjamin of this great and mighty visitation. We can well understand that from prophecies bestowed upon Israel as to the manner in which Christ would come, it had been anticipated and looked forward to until the signs were fulfilled with the birth of Christ. The ancient customs of the people had long been maintained and the expectation was that ultimately Messiah would come and complete and put into operation the mighty intervention of God for the full establishment of freedom, for the manifestation of an area of Grace they could not understand at that time.
WE TURN THIS AFTERNOON, TO OUR SUBJECT “WHEN MORTAL PUTS ON IMMORTALITY” with the realization that one of the greatest problems that besets me is the understanding of spiritual law and physical law. The understanding of this realization of the day and the hour. And how it changes everything which proceeded it. There are certain things which abide forever and one of those things is God’s plan and purpose. For what God has planned for any individual or day and hour shall come to pass. In the past this has always happened. And there is strange things which com to pass as God changes things and new things come to pass in the status of some area of His creation.
There are many mysteries which pertain to God’s Kingdom and He is now making them known unto His people. Through the lips of the Apostle Paul and then with personal revelation, He is now telling you things that were mysteries since the foundation of the world. Now, I presume to say this afternoon, that we have a greater working knowledge of these mysteries than Paul had at the hour of his declaration.
You say, ‘Why?’ Because the knowledge of God and the wisdom of God have not stopped with the Apostle Paul. There were a great number of things that he had comprehended that he had not apprehended, had not put on. We are standing on the edge of one of the greatest times in all human history, and the world today is trembling on the edge of the holocaust of WWIII. And if you want the biblical name of WWIII, it is the climactic struggle between Christ and anti-Christ. For WWIII and Armageddon are synonymous. There is not any question about the gathering of the uncommitted nations that are gathering in Yugoslavia and proposing to tell the rest of the world how it should be run. And at this individual point, they stand in dismay at how individual affairs are about to be enveloped in destruction.
(This is a cassette tape with an opening from Mr. Greer)
GREETINGS FELLOW CHRISTIAN AMERICANS, FROM THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST CHRISTIAN. We are seeking missionaries to the so called Lost Tribes of Israel. Remember Israel was to have a new name. Not Israel, not Jew. A new land from which they were never to leave. They were to be followers of Christ, Christian. Christ said: ‘My sheep will hear My voice and follow Me.’ Christ also said: ‘I have been sent only unto the Lost Sheep of Israel.’ Thus the sheep that will follow Christ are the Israelites of the Old Testament.
The Christian nations, the White nations of today and the Chief of which is America, under the great wings of the Eagle and the symbol of the Stone Kingdom, the Great Pyramid found on our national seal. The time is short in which to alert our nation, to the fact of the enemy within and of our Destiny under Christ when He returns. The tape library of the late Dr. Swift contains the truths America must hear and hear very soon. These tapes or cassettes are designed for any group that cares to meet and study God’s word. Also many of his sermons are available in printed form. This tape ministry is carried on by Lorraine Swift. Your tithe and offerings are the only means of support. Today we present the late Dr. Swift on the subject ‘When the Canaanites leave the house of God.’
IN 1977, PRESIDENT CARTER IS SUPPOSED TO BE CONSIDERING THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE NEUTRON BOMB. But Dr. Swift told us in 1968 that the reason the Russians were pushing for the non-proliferation treaty was because they think that Germany has perfected the Neutron bomb and has shared their secret with us and South Africa. Then Dr. Swift has this to say. ‘It is amazing that this bomb could be developed and the secret given to this government, and with so many Jews in our government, in Congress, and still they have not been able to seal this secret, and they haven’t been or they wouldn’t be so worried about it.
I Thessalonians 5:3, “For when they say Peace and Safety, then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
Vs: 4; But ye Brethren (Israelites) are not in darkness, that that day should overtake ye as a thief.
Vs: 5; Ye are the children of light, and the children of the day; we are not of the night, nor of the darkness.
Here, he was talking about the children of the kingdom, the children of Light and the children of the darkness, or the kingdom of darkness.
The Word of YAHWEH never talks about Peace being acquired by giving in to the powers of darkness, or the forces of darkness.
THIS SUBJECT IS SIGNIFICANT BECAUSE IN THE HOURS OF CONFUSION, in the crisis of the world, the call is for Israel, and Israel shall come forth. We know where every Tribe of Israel is, we know every nation that has emerged from them. We know they are fulfilling their Destiny, and so we answer by this message, this question, of where are My People Israel? Then we say in this hour also when the world darkness is crying out against God’s Kingdom; Where is God’s Kingdom.
When they talk of opposition then they are holding against the white race. They mark one pattern that all African, Asian, and Jewish influence is against and that is the white Christians. Irrespective of those in power, irrespective of the number of white’s doing their will, they are still against your nation and the whole Western world. Why?
If you are acquainted with the Scriptures then you will know that God Almighty has called out His people, His Household of Israel, and Israel is those who shall rule with Him, Princes ruling with God. He has ordained and declared that in the course of ages, that they shall establish His Kingdom. He came as Messiah atoning for their transgressions, He bought the whole world by His sacrifice, and promised that His people Israel would lead in the redemption of the world. But the world doesn’t want the redemption, the world wants the destruction of Israel. So if you want to find Israel, you will have to find the areas of the world where the animosity of the enemy is the highest.
THERE CAN BE NO QUESTION IN THE MIND OF THE STUDENT OR OBSERVER THAT THE TREND OUR NATION IS TAKING, that the policies being endorsed and ratified by the administrative power, the policies being pursued by advisors in many areas of portfolio of authority, some which have never been created by the people, that the trend is not the path our forefathers have taken in the past. It is not the course which made this nation great. In fact, we are at the crossroads tonight, in many areas of decision.
We find ourselves not unlike the declaration of the prophet Joel, who talks about multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision. Unfortunately, we have the parity of prophecy and of time. In fact, we are told that the road the great masses travel upon is not the route to security and development, or the attainment of God’s Kingdom. The road into which we find Christ referring to in the book of Matthew, states unto us very clearly. That broad is the gate, wide is this route to destruction. And he tells us that not many enter into the right gate. It says, ‘Enter ye in at the right (straight) gate; for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be who go in thereat. But straight (right) is the gate, and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life and few there be that find it.’ (Matthew 7:13-14)
IT IS FRIGHTENING TODAY TO SEE MANY PREACHERS HAVE GONE ALL OUT FOR THE JEWS, especially since their success was so skilfully engineered in Palestine, but you must remember that they do not change their identity, their way of life, or, their method of living. Also remember that nothing had changed as to what Jesus had to say about them as He identified them when He walked the earth and in His ministry called the Jews the children of the devil. He doesn’t now turn around here in our time and call them the children of God and “the chosen people”, as so many Christians are doing today! The Jews are still the same seed of the serpent and still up to the same chicanery that they were using in the days when Jesus identified and denounced them.
In Chapter 8 of the Book of John, Jesus says the Jews are of their father the devil, and the lusts of their father they would do; that their father was a liar and a murderer from the beginning. We find that Jesus denounced them thoroughly and identified them, and all Jewry was in this same boat. Jesus said they could not understand His speech, and that they had no spiritual capacity whatsoever. This is brought out very clearly, and we use these passages quite often. Remember, we have only four books in our Bible with the Words of Jesus in them, and yet He spent more time denouncing Jewry than any other fact brought out in the New Testament.
WE HAVE LETTERS COMING IN FROM THE TAPE AUDIENCE ALL THE TIME AND FROM TIME TO TIME PEOPLE ASK, ‘Who are the Jews?’ ‘Was Jesus a Jew?’ About once every year it seems, we must speak on this subject to bring these facts to the attention of the people across the nation as to just who are the Jews.
As people talk about the Jews, they do not realize that the Jews are a mongrel society and thus, sort of a mongrel race. Thus, when they talk about the pattern of God being a Jew, and thus, Jesus, Himself being a Jew, then of course, this is fantastic. The Jews themselves picture God as a Jew. And in Jewish literature you will find that they have YAHWEH pictured as a Jew sitting way back in the high heavens ruling the Universe. But of course, we know that those things are not true because Jesus said, ‘He who hath seen Me hath seen the Father.’ (John 14:9).
Now, the Eternal Father, the Eternal God, the Master of all creation, the ONE who was before the foundation of the whole world, HE who through out the yesterdays was the creator of all things which have transpired, and which have been put together in all the Universe, was surely not a Jew. More than this, in HIS opposition to these patterns of darkness, HE has identified the Jews as the offspring of Lucifer.
As we turn tonight to this great panorama of long ago which affected us so vitality, so long ago, as we went through this panorama this afternoon with the events that led to the nativity fulfilment into the accompanying triumph we have gone back over these events to see what other significant events took place. There can be no doubt about the absoluteness of divine authority through out the universe.
There can be no question upon the mind of the observer that the Eternal has the things always in the hollow of HIS hands. We have cited to you that you were with the Father before the world was framed. And as the celestial children of the Most High God, we viewed the vastness of HIS Creation when in the great majestic purposes of HIS program, HE rolled out solar system after solar system at HIS command.
And as we have cited by measure, that 124,000 years ago there was a star moving across space, we could say 124,000 years going out and 124,000 years coming back. Actually, in these measures, we know that the sidereal calculators can tell us that it came out of the south. It swept across from the south up high to the head of Aquila, then started back to the position we saw in the head of Virgo at the time of the sign of measure of prophecy. There is no doubt that it made its turn in the tail of Hydra, as the calculators consider its course. But the Father started this great comet, this sword of the LORD, started this great comet 142,000 going out and 142,000 coming back, thus, 284,000 years as far as the destiny that was to transpire.
WE ARE TALKING ON THIS SUBJECT AS TO WHY ANTI-CHRIST WILL NOT BE SUCCESSFUL IN THE ATTEMPT TO CAPTURE THE KINGDOM. Of course there are a number of people who are despondent when they see the apparent areas of gain being made by the forces of the Anti-Christ, and then there are also a number of people who are so blind that they do not know who Anti-Christ is. There are great numbers of people who may be discouraged when they see great areas of creeping socialism sweeping across their nation, but they have not as yet associated this with the program of Anti-Christ, or the policies of the Prince of Darkness.
Now; there is one thing we want to call to your attention, and it is in the Book of Colossians. Here we have been told that the Man Christ Jesus is the embodiment of Yahweh (God). We have been told that by Him, and for Him were all things created that were in the heavens, and that are in the earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones, dominions, principalities, or powers, all things were created by Him and for Him. More than this we were told that since He is before all things that by Him were all things made to consist. Therefore we are assured that since the embodied man Christ Jesus was the embodiment of God and since the created Universe was created by Him, and every dominion and every power that exists on the face of the earth is His, and since He had declared that He is going to control and end all things with all this dominion acknowledging Him, and acknowledging that He is God, then we can be well assured that He is capable of bringing this about, if we have the capacity to understand that Christ was the fullness of Yahweh.
WE ARE LIVING IN A UNIQUE AGE and certainly one of great transition in these United States. One whose changes and transitions shall not be permanent. We point out to you that fundamentally, from the day that we became a nation and our Constitutional foundations were established, that one of excepted positions framed up in Article 1 of the Bill of Rights was that Congress should make no law abridging freedom of speech, or freedom of the press, or concerning the establishment of religion. These are the guarantees of assurance which have strength and power as long as you the people of these United States implement these guarantee of rights which your founding fathers created for you, and which you give assent by determining that this is how the government is to operate.
I think it quite significant that you realize that the Constitution in itself as an honoured document, possesses no strength whatsoever, unless you implement it with a will to enforce it. That you are the people, the great force of people who live in this country and as such must determine that the Constitution is in force if you wish to live under the kind of government that the Constitution gives the sense to. So with these factors, we can cite that the articles of government as they were developed by our founding fathers were one of the finest constitutional foundations that any society ever possessed.
It is well recognized today that it guarantees more liberties, and has managed in its processes as being carried out in the past as far as it was implemented, to produce more liberties and freedoms for the people of this nation than man had ever previously enjoyed.
TONIGHT AS WE TURN TO OUR SUBJECT OF ‘WHY EVIL MUST FAIL,’ it is with the realization that we must turn our thinking upon the purposes of the Most High and upon the struggle for the earth. We discussed, in part, some of these things, this afternoon, and know we must base our subject on some of the things which you are beholding. For in relationship to the household of God, all things must be decided by this household of God. For their knowledge, their wisdom, and their greatness has been a by-product of his spirit, his life and his energy as he makes this known unto his people. As he sends a wave of understanding upon them, and as he directs them according to his purposes, there is no doubt that we are in a very evil time. I can see violations of divine law upon every hand.
And I can recognize that this is a great nation of God’s kingdom. And the nations of God’s kingdom are here because he purposed them to be here. And he guided and inspired the motivation of a people as their race increased upon the face of the earth. But God has a plan. And that plan is to take the earth away from all of the powers of darkness, all of the false religions and all of the evil strategies of Lucifer. This is God’s plan.
WITHOUT DOUBT, WE ARE LIVING IN A VERY UNIQUE PERIOD OF TIME. But a period of time which has brought another great wave of evil among the nations of God’s Kingdom. Evil is a rather unique word in itself. It comes largely in its old interpretation from a work called ray, or rah, in the use of Hebrew in the early languages. And the actual use is an emanation of wretchedness and of utter darkness to destroy emanation.
So evil was considered an emanation or an effulgence of darkness and a process to be loathed as some elusive evil force had beset men’s souls and minds. And the word evil itself has something that is repulsive for all people, because of what it stands for and what it represents. When we talk about ‘evil stalks the land’, it is that evil has emerged from something. Since evil is just not just sin, or the violation of law, it is the very atmosphere, or emanation, or the substance radiated in the darkness. It has to come from something. There has to be a source that radiates it. There has to be that which emanates it, and we discover that there are such a people. That there is a force in the world today emanating the darkness, seeking the radiations of destruction.
THIS AFTERNOON WE ARE DISCUSSING A SUBJECT WHICH IS QUITE SIGNIFICANT as we survey the strategy of the opposition of God’s Kingdom and that which must be understood to accomplish the victories which belong to the household of God. Tremendous amounts of energy are being put out today, to accomplish the objectives which we are being told in the Ecclesiastical orders of our times of the services of God and the work that He would have us perform. Throughout the length and breadth of our land, and throughout Christendom, throughout the world, a false strategy has been empowered by the forces of darkness. This is to seek to interpret for the Church of God the purposes of God which the forces of darkness would like to have the Church of God destroy.
It is quite reasonable to expect that the forces of darkness are not interested in the purposes of God’s Kingdom, for they would like to retain the earth under their control throughout the ages to come. They are also well aware that in the strategy of God’s purpose and in the operations of the Church, that this is the great spiritual centre of His Kingdom. It is the oracle, the meeting of their congregations, and their awakening and the catalysing of their thought, discerning His purposes for an individual hour. All these things stir up and carry out the directives of God. And as it becomes the great force for the nations of God’s Kingdom, the whole family of God in earth then assume their responsibility and as it occupies in earth, the kingdoms of darkness are shaken.
IN THIS PARTICULAR TIME, WE HAVE STRANGE AND PECULIAR VOICES RAISING IN OUR LAND. And they have a great impact upon communications. And they are seeking to make those who war on Communism, suspect. Strangely enough, whereas those in the past have been fighting communism and opposing this as a terrible evil and as a mental political disease sweeping the world. And now they are to be looked on as a anti-social, and intolerant and suspect people, because there is a change taking place in our land.
A fifth column of inassimilable refugees have been pouring into America for the last forty years. We have had a tremendous pickup in the invasion of our society during and after WWII. In fact during this time great numbers of them fled into our country who were trying to put over a Socialist Communist Revolution in the heart of Europe. And with the rise of the forces of Central Europe, and because of circumstances, they could no longer operate there, they left this area. Because of the fear of being thrown into concentration camps for their part in the communist revolution.
And strangely enough, they came with the cry of refugees. They came in a fifth column and invaded these United States bringing their propaganda and their communist program. More than this, we have in the patterns that followed, we have at the end of WWII, a supposed ally, the Soviet Union, who was actually the most deadly enemy the United States ever had.
TONIGHT WE ARE CONSIDERING WHY THIS DISARMAMENT PROGRAM WILL NOT TAKE PLACE AND WHAT CIRCUMSTANCES PRESENT EVIDENCE THAT THIS CANNOT HAPPEN. We are well aware that the most important source of information for today is the revealed word of God. We are also aware that all the word of God is not altogether found in the one book which we possess. But the word of God is in this Book. We have in these compiled volumes, the word of the Prophets. And these men were men like you and I, but specially selected by God. And unveiled to their consciousness were these purposes. With each revelation and with each demonstration of personal manifestation, their knowledge increased. And they were told these things as to what to write in these records. They participated in the panorama of history which effected your race and their experiences. The things which the prophets recorded were the voices and revelations and experiences which God gave them, as well as the pictures which He passed before their consciousness. And they recorded these things.
I have often been asked by Clergy who have apparently been effected by the pseudo-theology that is taught in many places of today and these Clergy say: ‘Dr. Swift, do you really believe that the prophecies of the scriptures are true? Don’t you just believe this is something someone wrote and people accepted them?’
They seem quite amazed when I tell them I believe the prophecies of the scriptures. They say: ‘But how can you believe with your study of archaeology and anthropology and these other factors of modern science, in the supernatural pattern of the prophets?’
WE TURN THIS AFTERNOON TO THIS SUBJECT AS TO WHY WE ARE HERE. That may seem to be a strange subject, but those who are seeking to influence the minds of our youth and the college youth of our nation with the very objective, started a symposium a little over a year ago which has gone through a great number of Eastern Colleges. And they made it available to practically all of the students on the campus to participate in this symposium. And the physiologists and philosophers who were supposedly leading the staff, set this symposium into action both in New York and in Harvard University and other Eastern States. They said this is most essential for a proper foundation of philosophy and for social science and for an understanding of political philosophy. Thus they started this symposium as to ‘why we are here.’
Shortly after that several denominations of Christendom who had heard of this symposium, thought that they would add to this, the subject ‘Why we are here.’ And I heard about the content of the first symposium which was taught to bring about a social revolution which is being used today to rape your nation and your faith. I was equally disturbed by the fact that the churches had decided to put out a pamphlet to answer this ‘Why we were here.’ And then seemed to have such a little understanding of why they were here as well. In fact, while one was built with agnosticism, the other was built with the frustration of not knowing what it was all about anyhow. And it seemed to be the purpose of being here, was to keep everyone from being caught up in some terrible torture when they die. And that seems to be a rather silly objective anyhow. So one is almost as superstitiously sad as one was agnostically evil.
THERE IS NO DOUBT BUT THAT WE AS A PEOPLE ARE IN TROUBLE IN AMERICA TODAY. There is also no doubt that the areas we get into trouble as a people, and a race, are those areas where we have violated directly the laws of God. These are the laws which are the foundation of the establishment of laws of the Kingdom for Israel. These laws said that Israel was to be a separate people, they were not to dwell with strangers in their midst, for their own security. In fact the laws of God were very strict on this area, and when Israel observed these laws they were well off. Then when the great nations which descended out of the people of this Book violate these laws; then they are in trouble.
We are told that in the Latter Days many will depart from the Faith. We are told in Timothy that many not only will depart from the faith but that they will give heed to evil spirits and doctrines of devils. Thus the laws of God which have followed our people thru thousands of years are all set aside, and people believe in the doctrines of devils. I tell you that instead of trying to make one family out of all races, and instead of trying to make one world government over all people we should be strictly the strategy of Satanic design, against the great white nations of the western world. Against your culture, your civilization, and your background from whence you came. This white civilization is in great danger today only because of the attitude of leaders who have been seduced by a lie, and are seeking to spread the program of the world order, and have seduced people who are spreading this lie, and calling it the program of God. It is more important for you to be on the side of God, even though they call you a bigot as you stand for the Word of God than for you to accept the world order which is headed for destruction.
WE ARE TURNING IN OUR SUBJECT TO A DISCUSSION THAT IN OUR SOCIETY WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN CONSIDERED YEARS AGO. And if suggested twenty years ago, would have made those listening, so say, ‘surely this must be madness.’ But now here in 1962, one week after Easter, we are discussing with you this fact. Will the Christian church here in these United States accept a government Czar over religion? You will say to me, ‘surely this is not possible. This could not have happened in these United States? There is no department of government with any authority over the church. Does not the Constitution of the United States say that the Congress of the United States not make any laws concerning the establishment of religion?’
There is nothing they can do concerning the freedom of the processes of religions activities to carry out their own design. All of these things may be true. And the freedom guaranteed by the Bill of Rights and by the Constitution that no authority is given to the Congress, in this area, to make laws concerning religion. But the Congress has not made any new laws concerning the establishment of Religion. Nor have they sought to stop the right of religions bodies to carry out their vision and to worship God after their own heart. No attempt has been made by Congress to do these things.
WE TURN TO THE SUBJECT ‘WITH VIOLENCE SHALL BABYLON BE CAST DOWN. ‘REVELATION, CHAPTER 17 AND 18, contains so much in the content of God’s word concerning Great Babylon. We understand that great Babylon was at one time a great city. And we understand that Mystery Babylon the Great, was the enemy of Israel, this Kingdom of God. Babylon had a powerful and highly organized system of administration. It was a city that worshipped Baal, for the priesthood was involved in all the politics of Babylon, and had ruled over all the ancient world at one time in its history. And in the areas of its trade it gained control over the nations of the world. It established its vital power of usury and extended its authority into the ends of the earth. In fact, in all history, God looked upon Babylon as the most evil of all the most vital powers. So God declared its destruction, and Daniel, when a captive in that land, described how Medo-Persia would be the power to break down Great Babylon.
You can turn to the book of Jeremiah, and read: ‘the portion of Jacob is not like unto these brutish nations in their vanity and their work of error. HE is before all things, and Israel is the rod of HIS inheritance, the LORD of Hosts is HIS name.’
IT IS MOST SIGNIFICANT THAT WE GET THE PROPER PERSPECTIVE CONCERNING THE CHURCH AS WE APPROACH THIS SUBJECT, of the work of the Church which it has yet to do. Because we hear much today from those who are informed, concerning God’s Kingdom and about the nations. And a great number of people have come to the realization that God’s Kingdom is tangible and real, and that it is made up of nations and people who comprise these nations. And by the same token, they do not recognize just what the work of the Church really is. On the other hand, there are a great number of people who belong to churches of every denomination and every description, and they think that the Kingdom of God is just an abstract word for everything which is related to religion and worship. And they think that the Kingdom of heaven is some how removed from earth in the far distance of space. And such, they have little knowledge as to why the church was created for and of what is consists of.
As these tapes go out over the nation, there comes a gradual understanding as to who they are and what they are here for. But the church itself, does not at times understand what its responsibility is. We have received a pamphlet from the Evangelicals this week and I would think that they would know more about what the church is here for than some, but they had no idea what it was here for. In fact, having listened to a great number of references which they refute, they decided that they would hurry and get me saved, for they decided that we were doomed for hell. And everyone we preach to must be on the same road. One of the amazing things about their discovery was, they said, that they realized after listening to the second and the third message, that we must mean what we said.
AS WE TURN TO THE SUBJECT OF WORLD UPHEAVAL WE REALISE THAT THE COMING WORLD UPHEAVAL to ordinary people is so far removed from their minds that they would never have accepted the possibility of such a thing transpiring. That the world today is an evolution of all of its problems and looking for its survival from all the situations that effect it — completely and absolutely upon its own political and economic possibilities, and upon the concept that out of the sheer weight of its own force of arms, upon the decision of mass enemies and their ability to encircle them depends the history of the earth.
There is no question that there is no more important subject for the student of political history, nor to one who would properly deliver the responsibilities of his own life, of his living and his society. There is no more important subject as it relates to the citizens of earth, to its raw materials and to its environment. On the other hand, there also emerges within the entire history of the development of our race another influence and force, and we see it work, which is stronger than the political concept, which is greater and more powerful than the defences of our history through out the course of time. Far more powerful than the armies we might muster, and demonstrates its force upon our human destiny, to be much greater than any massed force we have been able to put together, and even in this great period of the typist when we who walk in earth, and have become the master of so much of its knowledge.
Out of the vision and the inspiration, and the technological achievements are the taking apart and the putting together of the atom, and the experimenting with it for even greater destructive power, for this passing hour. But in this hour this is some of our experiments and our achievements. And the conditions we think we are creating would make us masters of all that we seek, but are very small when compared to the amount of energy God releases in one single display of divine power.
There is more energy in the passing storm than there is in all the hydrogen bombs. The only thing is the deadly patterns of upset LAWS that we release with its fall out, and the catastrophes which are so concentrated in a single place that we think of them as so horrendous. One time when the volcano Cap Atola blew up, remember, that it shook more worlds than all the atom bombs if we were to launch them at one time. It wiped out the whole Caribbean, and all the people of Martinique. In the vicinity of that city all were wiped out in one stroke, and only one man survived. He was lying down in a jail cell where the sweeping wall of flame and the unusual power of gases sweeping out from the blowing of Cap Atola just passed over him, and he in that dungeon escaped, the only one in the city which survived. British ships were in the harbour when that explosion took place and they were filled with the gases and great flames of burning gas swept down virtually killing everyone on the ships. That was strange gases which emerged from that volcano explosion which was considered the largest and most powerful single noise that had been recorded in all the history of mankind. (Cap Atola is on Mount Pele, which is in the northern end of the island, and the city of Sainte Marie is now the city close to the volcano which was at one time called the same as the Island — Martinique.)
TURNING IN OUR DISCUSSIONS TONIGHT, TO THE WORDS THAT CAME OUT OF THE MOUTH OF ENOCH, who captures the climax of an event at the end of an age in which he writes concerning the Sons of Light, that they shall be stirred of God, and the acts of God shall cause them to rise with anger, that wrath shall rise up in their countenance and they shall cleanse the Household of the MOST HIGH, then we have a similar statement in the book of Zachariah which demonstrates that the prophet 4000 (Enoch) described after his experience of being taken into the heavens into the presence of the MOST HIGH, escorted into space in one of the fastest of vessels of time.
And having travelled into the dimensions through out the vastness of creation where he was told of the things which would effect our civilization of which he was a part, he was given the reason for his own ministry which has demonstrated to have been one of the greatest of the Patriarchal age. But he also saw a climactic hour when the people of God would be scattered out over the earth as nations. He saw these nations as God’s Household in earth as what he describes as the ‘sons of darkness.’ He sees that the sons of darkness gathered from their strongholds from various places in the earth. They flocked together in their secret assemblies, and they gathered together in their planned and designed program for the overthrow of God’s Kingdom.
We turn this afternoon, to the 42nd chapter of Isaiah, and in this chapter, God gives some clues concerning as to how HE informs HIS people. In this declaration, HE says, ‘Thus saith YAHWEH, HE who created the heavens and stretched them out; He that spread forth the earth, and that which cometh out of it, and HE that giveth breath unto the people upon it, and Spirit to them that walk therein: I the LORD, have called thee in righteousness, and will hold thine hand and will keep thee, and give thee, HIS covenants, for ye shall be a people who carry a light unto the nations.’
Verse 8; ‘I am YAHWEH, that is my name. And my Glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.’
Verse 9; ‘Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare; before they spring forth I tell you of them.’
Thus, Isaiah the prophet talks about how God with guidance and wisdom unveils the course of prophecy, the events that will transpire. We thus live not in ignorance, but in knowledge of the things which are coming to pass
AS WE TURN THIS AFTERNOON TO OUR SUBJECT, it is with the realization that across our nation and across Christendom that out of thy household there moves this day various things in the thinking of the people of God. It is with the realization that one of the strongest structures of God’s kingdom starts with the structure of the home. For the home is one of the most vital structures of any society. But the Kingdom of God finds this the most valuable unit from which society must grow. For we find that the multiple of the homes of the city, the country, and the state and the nation are vital. And we find that it is here that the spiritual vision and power must start for any movement of force in the nation.
It must be from the home. There is nothing more crucial to our homes and to our nation than the continuation of the effectiveness of the mothers to use their influence to guide and to lead their children in the nurture of God. But the admonition through out all of the background of the scripture, it calls upon the fathers to take a firm stand against the powers of darkness and to lead with the same Patriarchal history which has been a part of our race. It has been left up to mothers to leave their guidance through out all generations and their impact in the carrying forth of the truth and the teachings of the traditions and the culture as they mould their young minds before their contact with the world. Before they move into adulthood and face the greatest impact against their culture and their manifested way of life.
WE ARE GOING TO TALK TONIGHT ON THIS SUBJECT, THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE KILLED FOR GOLD. Turn to the 5th chapter of James, and it says, Go ye rich men and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.
Now; it does not say that all rich men are evil. God is talking now to the wicked rich men. “Ye have heaped up your treasures in the latter day.” And he is talking about now. Behold your fraud, you have taken from the labourer and it has reached the ears of the LORD of the Sabbath. You have been seeking after gold in this day of slaughter, Ye have condemned and killed the just, and they have not resisted you. And God has more to say but we will come back to that.
Now; He is talking about a certain people, he is talking about how they raised their fortunes and raised their power, in the days of war and they do this on the bodies of men. I want you to know that one of the strangest things that you have to deal within revelations is that Lucifer who is ‘son of the morning’, and overseer over one quarter of the Universe, who would not then accept the concept that God was going to have a family, sons and daughters, that would be greater than he was. Actually went so far into the areas of perversion that he turned from the truth and refused to accept the light. He thus became the most twisted person in the Universe. He who was a light, bright, shinning like the sun became so enamoured by material things, that he lusted after gold and after silver, and after jewels, and then he only had one tenth of the glory he used to have.
WE NOW GO TO A SUBJECT, WHICH IS VERY IMPORTANT ONE WITH WHICH PEOPLE SHOULD BECOME MORE FAMILIAR, since it contains areas of tremendous interest to the Bible student; as it surely should, since it pertains to the household of the Most High God. We are now going to talk about you, you, before the foundations of the world, you, before the worlds were framed you, in the beginning. Strange as it may seem, there is one problem that has been besetting Christianity for some time, and this is, as they follow the passages and texts taught in individual denominations to support areas of doctrines of the faith, and have familiarized themselves within these areas, dealing with important events, such as events around the Messiahship of Christ and His atonement; here they have lost all concept of the great background of our history as it relates to us, before we entered into this world of experience.
AS YOU TURN TO THE BOOK OF ISAIAH, YOU WILL FIND THAT ISAIAH 28:15, SAYS ‘O YE SCORNFUL MEN, ye leaders of Israel, because ye have said we have made a covenant with death and with hell, you are in agreement when the overthrowing scourge shall pass through, and it shall not come unto you. Know ye then, ye scornful men, that I will destroy your covenant with death, and your agreement with hell shall not stand, and when the scourge shall pass through, they ye shall be trodden down.’
This, my friends, is a significant situation as we look back over our history in the past. For you and I are a part of the pattern of a great society, a great civilization, a great culture and a great Kingdom. We have watched the development of the program of God’s Kingdom from the days of the begatting of the Adamic race down to the fulfilment of this great nation of which you and I are a part. As we look back over these patterns of prophecy, we can recognize that our history is a fulfilment of Divine prophecy. For God has prophesied and declared the development of HIS society and HIS Kingdom.
And HE planted your race in the earth for the overthrowing of evil, of this there is no question. But in the course of this design, we have watched the fulfilment of Biblical patterns of history from Adam down to the establishment of the Kingdom at Mt. Sinai, and from that Kingdom into a great nation, and from that nation into its divisions and its migrations. And then in to a great nation and a company of nations as God has fulfilled these prophecies which HE has ordained. In all of this, HE promised that HIS Kingdom should emerge, a growing Kingdom, the mighty Kingdom which HE had ordained. We have watched this expansion of the House of God. We have watched the Westward migration and its occupation of Western Europe, and then its colonization to the ends of the earth as they developed Australia, South Africa, and came to this continent, and to other areas of the earth with their programs of civilization.
WE ARE TALKING THIS AFTERNOON ABOUT A SUBJECT WHICH IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TO EACH ONE OF YOU, AND THIS IS YOUR DESTINY. In the past we have talked about your National Destiny and about the nation’s of God’s Kingdom, and of course your Destiny is found within the Destiny of Nation’s and in the Destiny of people who constitute God’s Eternal Purpose. But it must also be considered from the standpoint of how it relates to you as individuals. Probably one of the greatest problems that we have today in Christianity and among the Churches of Christianity is the varying concepts that we have in its sects and of the various denominational divisions of Christendom.
The reason for the variant concept largely lies in the subject matter which they had, and of the understanding they possessed concerning the material which they used. Someone said: they used the Bible, they had the Holy Scriptures, how could they err in their concepts? Still we do find a great diverging view existing among the Churches as to the Destiny of Men, and the processes through which they might pass and what conditions would take place. There is a converging concept upon some great Truths, and it is still today that every great branch of the Christian Faith recognizes that Jesus is the Christ. But there are still distinctions even in this point as to whether he is one or three. Or whether God is made up of a multiple of people, or whether God is made up of ONE person.