“A GRIMM AFFAIR” FOCUSES ON THE TALES OF THE BROTHERS GRIMM, stories which have nearly been forgotten due to the plague of television which has stolen our minds, as well as those of our children. Most of us have at least heard of Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, but very few could specifically name any one of their 200+ tales. Many would be surprised to know that these two not only composed such timeless tales as Rapunzel, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Little Red Riding Hood, Rumplestiltskin, and Snow White, but also “anti-semetic” and folkish like tales. Written in Germany during the early 19th century, these tales far surpass anything put out by Disney; these are the REAL stories, before Michael Eisner slaughtered them and turned them into a multi-ethnic extravaganza.
Public Law 102‑14 and Its Implications To Christian Americans
105 STAT. 44 Public Law 102‑14 ‑‑ March 20, 1991 Joint Resolution To designate March 26, 1991, as “Education Day, U.S.A.”
WHEREAS CONGRESS RECOGNIZES the historical tradition of ethical values and principles which are the basis of civilized society and upon which our great Nation was founded;
Whereas these ethical values and principles have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization, when they were known as the Seven Noahide Laws;
Whereas without these ethical values and principles the edifice of civilization stands in serious peril of returning chaos;
Whereas society is profoundly concerned with the recent weakening of these principles that has resulted in crises that beleaguer and threaten the fabric of civilized society;
Whereas the justified preoccupation with these crises must not let the citizens of this Nation lose sight of their responsibility to transmit these historical ethical values from our distinguished past to the generations of the future;
Whereas Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, leader of the Lubavitch movement, is universally respected
BEFORE GETTING STARTED ON OUR WALK THROUGH DANIEL AND REVELATION, we should consider how false opinions get started. It’s like the mistaken conclusion by some that Ruth was a Moabite; and that Moses married a black woman. Today, that untrue concept is being used by the enemy through nominal churchianity to promote multi-culturalism. If one will consult Bertrand L. Comparet’s work, Ruth Was an Israelite, one will see that the Israelites had driven the Moabites out of the land of Moab 150 years previous to Ruth’s time. Therefore, Ruth was only a Moabite geographically; not genetically.
The Joseph-Sceptre Theory Examined
The Joseph-Sceptre theory is based on the false assumption that the town of Bethlehem was situated in Josephite territory, far north of the country of Judah. It has been promoted by people who believe that the patriarch Judah was a non-Israelite “Jew” and therefore could not have been an ancestor of Jesus Christ. Those who have held this view have not studied the separate and distinct histories of the Tribe of Judah and the impostor Jews, who are descended from Esau. The following is documentary evidence that the real Bethlehem was indeed located in the territory of Judah.
Was Christ Born in A Different Bethlehem?
Another such false teaching being promoted in some circles of Israel Identity is built on 1 Samuel 17:12 which says in part:
THERE ARE MANY OF OUR PEOPLE WHO HAVE NEVER HEARD OF THE “ANTI-PAULINE DOCTRINE” until recently. We don’t know whether any of you have heard about this movement or not. It is generally found in a few segments of the Israel Identity Movement. This does not mean that all Identity Organizations espouse this doctrine. Some that we have become aware of are:
The Covenant Message in South Africa
H. J. Hendricks in South Dakota
The Bible and Health in Wichita, Kansas
Most Identity teachers have chosen to simply ignore their teaching which seems to be the best position. However, these positions are still among us and therefore we think this doctrine needs to be examined what they have to say and see how it squares with the Word of God.
Basically, their position is that Paul is a false prophet; they think Paul is described in John 5:43 and Matthew 7:15.
“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” (Matthew 7:15)
“I am come in my Father’s name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.” (John 5:43)
“I will teach you by the hand of God: that which is with the Almighty will I not conceal.” (Job 27:11) “I here invoke thy aid to my attempts to teach men of their roots and whence they come. That with no middle flight intends to soar Above the Aeonian mount, while it pursues Things unattempted yet in prose or rhyme. What in me is dark, Illuminate; what is low, raise and support; That to the height of this great argument I may assert eternal providence, And justify the ways of God to Israel.”
LET BE UNDERSTOOD FROM THE VERY BEGINNING, that this study is not entirely my own efforts, but also include parts of many other Biblical Scholars; not the least of which is S.D. Baldwin, from which much is taken from his book “Armageddon,” Published by Cincinnati: Applegatte & Company, Nashville: Methodist Publishing House, Stevenson & Owen, 1854.
We must lay down the following as our principles of interpreting symbolic prophecy:
1). First: Perfect coincidence of events with prophecy, is infallible proof of the fulfilment of prophecy. It was in accordance with this principle, that Jesus proved himself to be the Messiah.
2). Second: the definition of prophetic symbols is to be found in scripture, or to be determined by fulfilment. Where a symbol has more than one scriptural sense, which is rarely the case, its intended meaning must be determined either by its context or by fulfilment, or by both.
Come Thanksgiving Day and millions of people will sit down to a table filled with turkey, ham or fried chicken and all the trimmings, surrounded by family and friends. Thinks will be give for the abundant feast, for freedom, and many other blessings. But the truth of the matter is that we are not free. You say no, and that I don’t know what I am talking about. Ok think that just fifty years ago, one could
(1) carry a gun anywhere in the United States,
(2) one did not have to have the multitude of licenses that we do today,
(3) we are forced to buy insurance on our cars, boats and etc.,
(4) the government was as open with their assassinations of people as they are today,
(5) we did not have congress passing the patriot act which is the most traitorous legislation that has ever come down the pike.
IMAGINE YOURSELF BEING BORN, AND WHEN YOU TOOK YOUR FIRST BREATH, you found yourself under a binding LEGAL OBLIGATION emanating from your ancestors which you cannot, in any way, annul or change. As a matter of fact, if you are a member of a certain group of people, you have several contracts by which you must abide which will affect every major phase and all the decisions of your life.
There is only one group of people in the entire world who are born with this obligation on their physical, mental and spiritual beings. The claims of the lying, deceiving, perverted, degenerate, treasonous Judeo-Christian clergy to the contrary notwithstanding.
And, as much as anyone might want to find a way to disengage him/herself from the provisions of these contracts, he finds himself entirely helpless to do so. He cannot decide he doesn’t want to be under the terms of these contracts, nor can others who are not under them decide they want to be included therein.
If you have been designated a party under the terms, you really have no choice in the matter but to comply. It is not open for invitation, it is not open for discussion, and you don’t have an option. If one does not comply with the terms of the accord, every means will be applied to bring him back into compliance with that Covenant. One cannot plead ignorance to the existence of these contracts as ignorance is no excuse.
Because these BINDING CONTRACTS play such an important role in our lives, it will be the object here to explain them and the penalties incurred for not keeping the terms as prescribed. It is our hope here to show how futile it is to fight these conditions under which we find ourselves OBLIGATED from the time of our birth. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, says in part:
IT HAS LONG BEEN ONE OF THE JEWISH METHODS IN THE ATTAINMENT OF WORLD DOMINATION TO PENETRATE INTO PRIVILEGED CIRCLES where political power is greatest: Edward the First, by expelling the Jews in 1290, saved us from too early an application of this process in Britain, but the other countries were less fortunate and suffered the extinction of their nobility by Jewish women marrying into the Gentile aristocratic families.
In Britain a few “damped” (baptized Christian) Jews remained in the country when their synagogue‑going brothers had been expelled.
Some of these attained knighthood, for instance, Sir Edward Brampton, who became Governor of Guernsey. The first serious attempt, however, to penetrate the ranks of the hereditary Titleholders of England seems to have been an attack upon royalty itself by that notorious character, Perkin Warbeck, who was a servant of the knight mentioned above.
With characteristic Jewish effrontery, this man claimed the English throne. Francis Bacon wrote in his Life of King Henry the VII:
“There was a townsman of Tourney that had born office in that town, whose name was John Osbeck, a convert Jew, married to Catherine de Faro; whose business drew him to live for a time with his wife at London, in King Edward IV’s days.
FROM TIME TO TIME IT IS INFORMATIVE TO LOOK AT WRITINGS OF PEOPLE SEVERAL YEARS IN THE PAST. Such is this one by a so‑called (sic) Christian Jew; there is no such thing, for either one is a Jew or he is a Christian, they cannot be both at the same time. For Yahshua said that we could not serve two masters.
“No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” (Matthew 6:24; Luke 16:13)
Our Israel people have been so thoroughly deceived by the Judeo‑Christian clergy, trained by Jews in the cemeteries ‑ I mean seminaries that we must repeat the truth so many times in so many different ways that it will finally catch on and become infused in the minds of our Christian Israelites; and therefore they will understand the truth as they see it and not believe all the lies and Jewish fables.
In an article in The Sunday School Times (March 14, 1954) poses the question in its title: “Are the Anglo‑Saxons the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel?” The writer was a Dr. Jacob Gartenhaus and the information given in the accompanying editorial note was the he was a Christian Jew who was president of the International Board of Jewish Missions.
The Sunday School Times is obviously capitalizing upon the fact that Dr. Gartenhaus was a Jew (howbeit a Christian), trusting that this in itself would carry sufficient weight to substantiate his assertions. Yet even the editorial staff of The Sunday School Times would not at all agree with the position taken by most Jewish scholars, regardless of their knowledge of the Old Testament Scriptures, as to the identification of the Messiah, whom they still reject. Might not a Jew be equally mistaken in other Scriptural matters?
SO MANY PEOPLE, WHO SAY THEY ARE CHRISTIANS, believe that Christ was a Jew because this is the teaching they have gotten in the Judeo‑Christian church. Which is and has been under the control of the antichrists and the government for a long time. Almost all of the Judeo‑ Christian churches are 501(c)(3) IRS approved churches, and therefore cannot, because of cowardly teachers, teach anything that the government does not approve of.
You say this is not true, well the seizure of the Indianapolis Baptist Temple by the U.S. Marshals at the direction of the IRS proves this to be true in spades. The Baptist Temple Church was marked for destruction because the pastor would not teach government approved sermons, so the government made up some allegations that they would not pay their income taxes and ordered the Marshals to seize it to be sold, for those phantom taxes.
Well lets take a look at what you believe to be true, or wish it were true. Let’s just take a look at Christ and see who He really is, and whether He was a Jew or not.
Luke tells us that the baby in Mary’s belly was a “HOLY THING.”
“And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that HOLY THING which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.” (Luke 1:35)
Matthew relates it this way:
“Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, WHICH BEING INTERPRETED IS, GOD WITH US.” (Matthew 1:23)
THERE ARE THOSE WHO BLAME CHRISTIANS FOR ALL THE EVIL THAT HAS BEEN COMMITTED SINCE TIME BEGAN. And in doing so, they have also laid the blame on our Israel people; commonly known to the world today as the Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian, Celtic, Nordic and kindred people.
The following was originally written by J. Marie Z. I have changed it just a little and have inserted instead of the word Aryan to Israelite and Christian; because not all Aryans are the descendants of the ancient Israelites. And if J. Marie reads this I respectfully hope that she will not be offended for my using it and making the small changes.
We all know that there are evil men in the world, yesterday and today, who have posed as Christians so as to hide their real identity and place the blame on those they hate. The Jews are the most notorious murders in all of history and have created or caused almost every single war that has resulted in the slaughter of hundreds of millions of our brother and sister Israelites.
The present President is one of these evil men, who hides his Jewishness and presents himself as a Christian. But by his actions and deeds we know that he is no part of a Christian but is true to his Jewish heritage.
The United States; some people mistakenly call Mystery Babylon; don’t stop to consider that the Protocols mention that the Jews would use the United States as one of their military arms; the Japanese being another and China as the third. They did not mention Russia but it has been their base of operations in this century, or at least since 1917 when they took total control of that country. Yet those who would accuse America, which many of us, believe is the New Jerusalem and New Zion as mentioned in the Scriptures never refer to Russia as Mystery Babylon, even though Moscow sit on seven hills. Nor do they mention Tel Aviv which is presented as the seat of Jewish power today. One wonders why they don’t do that?
THERE ARE NOT MANY OF THE THINGS WE USE TO CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS THAT IS NOT IN VIOLATION OF GOD’S LAWS. With this and many other celebrations that we have, which are also in violation of God’s Laws, with more Judeo-Christian pastors, ministers, teachers and etc., who are teaching Jewish Fables and other false teachings; is it any wonder that our country has more crime, rapes, dishonesty, thieves, murderers, baby killers and etc., than at any time in our history.
Although few 20th-Century American Christians seem to see any significance in it, it is true the Christian founders of America not only did NOT celebrate the December 25th ‘Holiday,’ but attempted to prevent its observance by others in the Colonies.
Following are two reproductions of two newspaper clippings which verify the Christian Colonists’ action; articles which should make ever modern Christian want to know WHY Early American Christians did NOT celebrate “Christmas!” “IT’S A FACT! Christmas was not established as a legal holiday throughout the U.S. until late in the 19th century. In 1659 the Puritan colony in Massachusetts passed a law that anyone ‘found observing any such day as Christmas or the like, either by forbearing labour, feasting or in any other way, shall be fined five shillings.’ Many early Americans who refused to work on Christmas either went to jail or paid fines.” (Arizona Currents December, 1968, page 5)
IT IS YET ANOTHER PARADOX IN A PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN year that has abounded with them: Texas Governor George W. Bush won less than 20 per cent of the Jewish American vote, and far more Arab‑American votes than his opponent, Vice‑President Al Gore. Yet in the end, Bush may be surrounded by even more pro‑Israel advisers than Gore would have been.
His top two foreign‑policy officials are expected to be African‑Americans General Colin Powell, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, as Secretary of State; and Condoleeza Rice, former head of the Soviet desk at the National Security Council, as National Security Adviser. Both have strong Jewish connections.
Powell, the son of Jamaican immigrants, speaks Yiddish, which he learned as a boy. He has won the hearts of American Jewish audiences, including those at the annual policy conferences of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, with a fluency few of them could have matched.
General Powell was an advocate of sending Patriot antiballistic missile batteries to defend Israel from Iraqi Scud attacks during the 1991 Gulf War. He has always shown strong sympathy with the Jewish state.
Ms Rice numbers among her own close advisers Richard Haas, director of foreign policy and security studies at Washington’s prestigious Brookings Institution, and Dov Zakheim, former deputy undersecretary of defence under President Reagan. Both are Jewish. Zakheim, in fact, has semichah [rabbinic ordination].
These Scriptures and many other verses give the lie to the hell of the dark ages, which is taught by so many priests and ministers today. HELL IS NOT A PLACE OF ETERNAL TORTURE where the damned scream in pain for eternity; it is a place of silence, of rest, a place where its occupants know nothing, a place where righteous Job said he would remain until his Redeemer,
When we understand the Scripture penalty for sin is simply “death,” (Genesis 2:17; Ezekiel 18:4; Romans 6:23 and others) we realize there is no foundation for this idea that the penalty is “everlasting torture.” Christ paid the full penalty for our sins, that we might not suffer; What? Everlasting [permanent] death, NOT EVERLASTING TORTURE! “Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and SIN, when it is finished, BRINGETH FORTH DEATH.” (James 1:15) Christ: “For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, HOW THAT CHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS according to the scriptures.” (1 Corinthians 15:3)
IN THE 28TH CHAPTER OF DEUTERONOMY, in the first 14 verses are 25 or more blessings the nation would experience if they would obey His voice. But the 15th verse says, “But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe to do all His commandments and His statutes which I command thee this day, that all thee curses shall come upon thee and over take thee.” (Deuteronomy 28:15).
Below are all the 666 different curses that have and are still cursing and plaguing our great nation. Seems strange, since America is the most advanced nation in the world, we should be the most healthy But still more strangely, we are the sickest nation in the world.
The reason is because, as Israel we are not obeying God’s voice, hence, every last one of these curses plus many more have taken their toil in destroying the people in the USA.
“Moreover all these curses shall come upon thee and shall pursue thee and overtake thee, THOU SHALT BE DESTROYED because thou hearkenest not unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to keep His commandments and His statutes which He commanded you.” (Deuteronomy 28:45).
Why does God want to destroy everyone who will not obey His voice? Because the Lord is closing out this old word order with all of it’s carnality and self will. Christ is about to start His Reign on planet earth and there is no room for carnality and flesh motivated activities. One must be called by Christ to see or even to get into Christ’s Kingdom of God on earth. Now can you see why God is so strict.
Dracula Most are familiar with the science-fiction movies on the “Vampires” with Dracula being the most common one seen on TV. The fictional character Dracula was created in the 1800’s by the author Bram Stoker, whose description of this vampire would fit the typical Jew. In fact, the story of Dracula is about the Jews. Stoker was a member of several small esoteric organizations which were in part anti-Jewish.
The next time you view one of the Dracula movies on TV. (the first one or two, made in the 1930’s) look for the Star of David around the neck of Bela Lugosi, who plays Dracula.
You will note that in the movies Dracula Must return to his abode before daylight. This is reminiscent of the Jews who were locked in the ghetto every evening and allowed to leave in the morning. The Jew going after Christian blood for his ritual murders had to sneak out at night undetected and return undetected before dawn when the Jews were counted by the authorities. If he were found missing, he would likely be arrested and tried for ritual murder.
NO DOUBT YOU HAVE READ THAT, UNTIL RECENT TIMES, relatively (go back not more than a century), until recent times, the valley of the Nile was considered to have the most fertile soil in the world because, every year at the flood season, the land was so low, was so little above the normal level of the river at the flood season, water overflowed the farm lands. During the two or three months that the lands was flooded, all the slat and alkali that had been accumulating in the soil was leached out of it and washed away, down to the sea.
In the Salt River valley in Arizona (the city of Phoenix is in that valley), about 800 years ago the Indians had a surprisingly high civilization there. They irrigated a great area with the waters of the Salt River. As a matter of fact, the modern irrigation system consists mostly of just a deepening of the remains of the old Indian canals; they were that well engineered. But what happened was this: the water put upon the land dissolved any alkali or salt that was in the soil, and brought it to the surface; and in that hot, dry climate, there was no run-off; the water simply came to the surface and evaporated into the air. So the water was constantly dissolving and bringing to the surface the alkali and slat, and then leaving it there. And over a period of time, the salt and alkali accumulated to the point where the people could no longer raise any crops, because the fertility of the soil was destroyed, and the Indians were starved out about 800 years ago.
The same thing could happen any place else in the world, but it couldn’t happen in the Nile valley because, every year, the flood waters of the Nile flushed out any alkali or salt that had accumulated in the upper part of the soil.
AS YOU FOLKS WILL NOTICE ROD DOES NOT REFERENCE ANYTHING THAT I HAVE POSTED. He just goes wild and calls me all sorts of names. For it is obvious that he is incapable of a comprehensive study of the Scriptures.
There has never been a post by me that reflects badly on Christ. I did say that Ellen G. White was a false prophet, and a Jewess. But unlike Rod I did a little search of what Ellen G. White has stated and is recorded in various books. Therefore, I present this as a rebuttal to Rod and to show why I say what I did about Ellen G. White being a false prophet.
Also, I have said repeatedly, I am not a preacher, I am a watchman, and as a watchman I care not what others think about me. Look at what I say and see if it is true. If it is not then forget it and go on about your business but if it is true then why chastise me, be warned and adjust your life so that you will be prepared when that great day of the Yahweh happens.
We know that there will be others on earth AFTER the judgment that neither believe in Yahweh, nor in Yahshua the one called Christ. For we find recorded in the Book of Revelation 22:14-15: “Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right TO THE TREE OF LIFE, AND MAY ENTER IN THROUGH THE GATES INTO THE CITY. FOR WITHOUT ARE DOGS, AND SORCERERS, AND WHOREMONGERS, AND MURDERERS, AND IDOLATERS, AND WHOSOEVER LOVETH AND MAKETH A LIE.”
A COMMON OBJECTION RAISED AGAINST THE ANGLO-SAXON, GERMANIC, SCANDINAVIAN, CELTIC PEOPLES BEING ISRAEL is that they cannot possibly be Israelites because the Israelites always wrote from right to left, whereas we write form left to right. Thus Mr. George Goodman, in his pamphlet against Anglo-Israel Identity, states, it is impossible to conceive of a nation changing its method of writing in so radical a manner.
This objection is based upon an ignorance of actual facts as history provides at least two instances of nations having so changed their method of writing in this radical manner.
It is an acknowledged fact that the early Greeks wrote from right to left, but many years later they wrote form left to right as they still do today. At one period between the use of these two methods of writing they wrote alternately from right to left and left to right. This form of writing was known as Boustrophedon. The Encyclopedia Britannica, 14th Edition, Volume III, page 972, states:
Boustrophedon: A term descriptive of a peculiar form of writing common among the early Greeks. The direction of writing was alternately right to left and left to right in horizontal lines, or conversely, left to right and right to left. It was a transition between the earlier right to left writing and the later left to right style. The term was derived from two Greek words meaning ox and to turn, from the resemblance of the writing to the winding course taken by oxen in ploughing.
THE HAGANAH forms the Committee for Illegal Immigration to rescue European Jews.
Japanese invade China, capturing Peking and Shanghai; German aircraft bomb Spain in support of Franco.
“Germany is the enemy of Judaism and must be pursued with deadly hatred. The parol of Judaism of today is: a merciless campaign against all German peoples and the complete destruction of the nation. We demand a complete blockade of trade, the importation of raw materials stopped, and retaliation towards every German, woman and child.” (Jewish professor A. Kulischer, October, 1937)
“World War II was a Zionist plot to make way for the foundation of the Jewish State in Palestine.” (Joseph Burg, an anti‑Zionist Jew)
“In [pre‑WW II] Berlin, for example, when the Nazis came to power, 50.2% of the lawyers were Jews–-48% of the doctors were Jews. The Jews owned the largest and most important Berlin newspapers, and made great inroads on the educational system.” (The House That Hitler Built, by Stephen Roberts, 1937)
“The Rothschilds introduced the rule of money into European politics. The Rothschilds were the servants of money who undertook the reconstruction of the world as an image of money and its functions. Money and the employment of wealth have become the law of European life; we no longer have nations, but economic provinces.” (New York Times, Professor Wilhelm, a German historian, July 8, 1937)
In Hebrews 11:1. we are told that” Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”
IT IS INTERESTING TO NOTE THAT THE WORD “EVIDENCE” IS ALSO USED IN THE BIBLE TO MEAN THE TITLE DEED TO LAND, as for example, in Jeremiah 32:8‑14. Therefore, we might say that faith is the title deed by which you get the right to claim the things you hope for. Now faith is belief, but belief in WHAT? The worshipers of Baal and Moloch had faith, but in the wrong things. It is not enough just to believe, WHAT MUST YOU BELIEVE? ALL OF GOD’S PROMISES!
Faith is taking God at His word, and thereby getting that which He promised. For example, it applies to your SALVATION. If you take God at His word, you are free from your burden of sins NOW. There’s no uncertainty about it, no need to wait and see what happens. BELIEVE NOW, and you know the joy of salvation NOW. If you don’t believe, you labour under the awful burden of your sins, not because God withheld relief, but because you didn’t accept what He offered.
God never asked man to believe anything unreasonable: He always gave proofs beforehand, enough to convince any reasonable man. God foretold the plagues He would bring on the Egyptians, then did it; after that, He told the Israelites to march to the Promised Land. He used fulfilled prophecy to demonstrate the complete reliability of His word.
In Isaiah 48:3‑5, He said, “I have declared the former things from the beginning: and they went forth from My mouth, and I showed them; I did them suddenly, and they came to pass. Because I knew that thou art obstinate, and thy neck is an iron sinew, and thy brow brass; I have even from the beginning declared it to thee: before it came to pass, I showed It thee.”
I was listening to one of the ads for money to feed the poor children of the world. And over the years having read many reports of people who received those food and medicine that could get by the thieves who kept 95 cents out of every dollar sent in.
And every single one of them praised “THEIR” gods for the food and medicine. They did not and would not honor our God for the food and medicine. I had never really thought about it until this morning, when it hit me.
Even feeding them has not done them any good, for just as the blacks in this country, it has just made them dependent upon the governments of the world for food and supplies instead of themselves. America sent thousands of well meaning young people who gave the best years of their lives, which should have been dedicated to helping their own race, and people, helping a people who cannot be helped.
The memebers of the so-called “Peace Core” would dig wells and put pumps on them so the people could get water. And what did they do, they used the pumps until they broke down and then moved on begging for a well that would give them water.
The “Peace Core” would give them tractors, gas and supplies to farm with, and even plant the first crops. What did they do, they eat the crops and let the tractors, trailers and etc., rust and ruin because they didn’t have the intelligence to run the equipment nor the desire to do so.
ANTI‑SEMITISM TODAY, AT THE END OF 2001, is the greatest of taboos. Racism generally is taboo, but most people of most races harbour racist attitudes. So, while being publicly branded a “racist” is damaging, the racist may rest assured that many understand that he is not the demon the media makes him out to be.
Anti‑Semitism, on the other hand, is more complex. Many third‑tier, commonsense racists do not understand why anyone would think negatively of Jews. They are comfortable expressing dislike of blacks or other minorities based on crime rates or illegitimacy or drug use. But most may not even know any Jews (or know they know Jews). Jews, they assume, are white people who go to a different church. And why wouldn’t they think this when well‑organized, highly funded Jewish groups have been diligently working for decades to create that very impression or, rather, that lack of impression, the most strategic of all impressions: invisibility.
Once one has the eyes to see them, their ubiquitous presence and culture destroying nature is obvious to the point of revulsion. Indeed, there is a reason why the founding fathers of America, as well as other world‑ renowned philosophers, writers, entrepreneurs and great leaders throughout history have warned against them. Many have openly scorned the Jews as the most dangerous enemy to Western cultural integrity and European values, others have merely depicted the Jew as the lecherous, deceptive creature it is. (There is nothing more “anti‑Semitic” or offensive to Jews than depicting them accurately)
Here we can see again what liars the Jews are:
NOT EVERY VICTIM WAS A JEW BUT EVERY JEW WAS A VICTIM. (Elie Wiesel (weasel) speaking of World War Two. “If there were Jews in (Hitler’s) armed forces–-who served knowing what was going on and made no attempt to save (lives), well then that is unacceptable and dishonourable.” (Rabbi Marvin Hier, director of Simon Wiesenthal Institute)
Thousands of men of Jewish descent and hundreds of what the Nazis called “full Jews” served in the German Military with Adolf Hitler’s knowledge and approval.
Cambridge University researcher Bryan Rigg has traced the Jewish ancestry of more than 1200 of Hitler’s soldiers, including two field marshals and fifteen general (two full general, eight lieutenant generals, five major generals), “men commanding up to 100,000 troops.”
In approximately 20 cases, Jewish soldiers in the Nazi army were awarded German’s highest military honour, the Knight’s Cross. One of these Jewish veterans is today an 82 year old resident of Northern Germany, an observant Jew who served as a captain and practiced his religion within the Wehrmacht throughout the war. One of the Jewish field marshals was Erhard Milch, deputy to Luftwaffe Chief Hermann Goring. Rumours of Mitch’s Jewish identity circulated widely in Germany in the 1930’s.
The Name Changers
THE JEWISH HOLLYWOOD MOGULS LONG AGO DECIDED that it would help them make more money if the general public viewed films as being “Christian.” In fact, they personally wanted to blend in with the Gentile community. Thus Samuel Goldfish changed his name to Goldwyn and Cecil B. de Mille insisted that he was a Gentile until his death when a Rabbi officiated at his funeral. Every single one of the original Jewish developers of the movie industry divorced their Jewish wives and married beautiful Christian starlets. This includes Louis B. Mayer, Samuel Goldwyn, Jack Warner, David O. Selznick and Harry Cohen. They gave orders to the numerous Jews they made “stars” to change their Jewish names to Christian sounding ones. This has also included a lot of “nose jobs” for both Jewish male and female stars. Here are but a few who followed this road to stardom.
FOR MORE THAN FIFTY YEARS, SINCE THE END OF WORLD WAR II, THE TALMUDIC, ZIONIST JEWS have sought to manipulate through Jewish Socialization, White Western public opinion by crying, “Poor, persecuted Jew,” while systematically victimizing White Christian culture. This constitutes a perfect description of the Jewish Socialization or Jewish Socialism. Both atheistic, Jewish, Socialism and atheistic, Communist, Socialism are ideas predicated upon the practice of engineering society along atheistic and Jewish ideas. This has been the method of operation of the atheistic, Talmudic, Zionist Jew even before the first century or the time of Christ.
Truth at Last: Israeli history textbooks are now being rewritten, reports Ethan Bronner in “The New York Times” (August 14, 1999) as a new generation of historians are replacing myths with facts about the nation’s founding. “Schoolchildren have long been taught that Jews have always been surrounded by enemies and that their victory over five Arab states in the 1948 War of Independence was a new miracle of David-and-Goliath proportions.” The Times reports. “But–now officially approved textbooks make plain that many of the most common Israeli beliefs are as much myth as fact. The new books say, for example, that it was the Israelis who had the military edge in the War of Independence.”
They admit that Palestinians did not voluntarily leave their land, as has been taught, but that they were expelled by Israeli soldiers. One ninth grade text, “Passage To The Past,” mentions the 1948 massacre carried out by radical Zionist forces in the village of Deir Yassin. This is from a report of The American Council for Judaism, December 99.
Powerful Jewish elements are already at work in the United States to make it a criminal offence (as it is already in Germany and Canada) to deny the holocaust. Even though numerous authorities, including the famous English historian David Irving now believe the story to be “Wartime Propaganda Fiction.” The consequences of this are enormous, it means that we are fast moving in a direction where those in power want to control even your very beliefs and your thoughts.
If this happens it will be a return to the Dark Ages in the United States. Incredible as it may seem to the brainwashed and controlled American Christians, the Jews in America have succeeded in getting the Jewish Noahide Laws made part of American Law. These laws, if ever acted upon, would effectively sentence all Christian Americans to death. Now if this sounds far-fetched we have only to consider the estimated 66 million (according to Solzhenitsyn) many of them Christians murdered by Jewish Communism in Russia since 1917. For even Winston Churchill identified Communism as being entirely Jewish and wrote of it “The principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders.” (1) While an Official British White Paper; hastily withdrawn and suppressed stated, “Bolshevism is organized and worked by Jews who have no nationality, and whose one object is to destroy for their own ends the existing order of things.” The complete statement can be found in Secret Societies by Nesta Webster.
ON NOVEMBER 22, 1963, THE JEWISH MOSSAD KILLED PRESIDENT KENNEDY! Who or what is the MOSSAD? Most Americans have never even heard of it, and even fewer even know of its existence. It is therefore cogent that we expand this footnote here, briefly, to explain the nature of the Jewish Mossad. The Mossad is, in a way, the Israeli equivalent of our CIA, but it is much more. It is the Jewish intelligence gathering arm, whose headquarters are in Tel Aviv, Israel, but their vast armies are spread into every country of the world. “The Mossad can go to any distinguished American Jew and ask for help,” (1) and they also ruthlessly murder people they deem a threat to the Jewish conspiracy.
They foment revolutions, hatch political plots, overthrow governments, assassinate key figures, stage commando raids where necessary, or organize revolutionary movements, all in the cause of the Jewish race. The CIA, or the Russian KGB do all these things also, but with this difference.
Since the Jews control practically all the nerve centres of power throughout the United States and the world, so do the intelligence agencies of the United States collaborate with the Mossad. In short, the CIA and the KGB are, in actuality, adjuncts of the Mossad, with the Mossad firmly in control of all.
AMERICA THE COUNTRY THE JEWS HAVE BETRAYED!: For more than a century, under various pretexts, a battle has been waged for power of this nation, indeed, over all the nations of the world. The exercise of power has become the supreme aim of many people. Bankers, politicians, clergymen, trade union leaders and Communist Party secretaries are all in the hunt for power.
The storm troops of the dictatorships are no longer shouting the old Socialist slogans. They declare openly and trumpet brutally “Power is what we want.” and the so-called Democratic parties, though trying to keep it a secret, have also in their hearts actually adopted the dictatorial battle-cry, “Power is what we want.” Power, like possession of the magician’s wand has become their obsession in life and it does not matter how it is achieved, whether through Conservative or Liberal parties or through the Judeo-Christian Churches.
THE REPUBLICANS AT THEIR CONVENTION IN 1968 INCLUDED THE FOLLOWING PLANK IN THEIR PARTY PLATFORM: “Nations hostile to this country will receive no assistance from the U.S. We will not provide aid of any kind to countries which aid and abet the war efforts of North Vietnam.”(1)
Republican Presidential candidate Richard Nixon also addressed himself to this plank when he told the American Legion Convention in September, 1968: “There should be no aid or credits of any kind with any country, including the Soviet Union, that aids the enemy in Viet Nam.” (2)
Candidate Nixon’s campaign literature repeated the Republican Party’s concern in this matter. One of his campaign flyers covered this issue: “The United States should not provide anything that could be treated as, or classified as, aid to those {Communist bloc} nations if they persist in trading or aiding the enemy in North Vietnam.”(3)
(g) To this we could add Granada, Panama, Desert Storm, Somalia, and now Bosnia. None of these military actions have been for the protection or benefit of the United States, but have poured billions into the pockets of the Shadow Government, while tightening their control over our people and preparing them for the New World Order.
SOMETIME IN THE LATE 1950’S, THAT WORLD-CLASS GOSSIP AND OCCASIONAL HISTORIAN, John F. Kennedy, told me how, in 1948, Harry S. Truman had been pretty much abandoned by everyone when he came to run for president. Then an American Zionist brought him two million dollars in cash, in a suitcase, aboard his whistle-stop campaign train. ‘That’s why our recognition of Israel was rushed through so fast.’ As neither Jack nor I was an anti-Semite (unlike his father and my grandfather) we took this to be just another funny story about Truman and the serene corruption of American politics.
Unfortunately, the hurried recognition of Israel as a state has resulted in forty-five years of murderous confusion, and the destruction of what Zionist fellow travellers thought would be a pluralistic state – home to its native population of Muslims, Christians and Jews, as well as a future home to peaceful European and American Jewish immigrants, even the ones who affected to believe that the great realtor in the sky had given them, in perpetuity, the lands of Judea and Samaria.
Since many of the immigrants were good socialists in Europe, we assumed that they would not allow the new state to become a theocracy, and that the native Palestinians could live with them as equals. This was not meant to be. I shall not rehearse the wars and alarms of that unhappy region. But I will say that the hasty invention of Israel has poisoned the political and intellectual life of the USA, Israel’s unlikely patron.
SINCE I POSTED THE STORY ABOUT THE JEWISH PRESIDENTS I have received many requests to prove it. So here is the proof and it is documented if you wish to check it out.
It is in 5 parts, and since it is in so many parts and so you will not lose your train of thought while studying this information I am sending it all at one time.
Abraham Lincoln
Little has been published about the early life of Abraham Lincoln. However, during a search of some old property records and will in a small courthouse in central North Carolina, Alex Christopher the author of “Pandora’s Box,”; in one of the old will books dated around 1840, he found the will of one A.A. Springs. Upon reading the will he was shocked and amazed at the secret that it disclosed, but one must remember that it is a known fact that wills, even though they are classified public records the same as property and corporation records, they are rarely combed through as he was doing at the time, and these records hold many dark secrets that can be hidden in public view, but are never uncovered because there are very few who research these old records.
THE JUDEO-CHRISTIAN CLERGY IS ALWAYS, FALSELY, TELLING THEIR PEOPLE THAT ALL CAN COME TO THE LORD AND BE SAVED. Well this is demonstratably wrong. The following verses prove that all cannot be saved and that there are a certain amount of people in the world today which cannot be saved no matter what.
Whenever the Scriptures says that one cannot enter into the congregation of the Lord, it means that person cannot be saved, and they will never be allowed by Almighty God to enter into the congregation (of Israelites, the saved, Redeemed of Christ) of the Lord.
Deuteronomy 23:1: “He that is wounded in the stones, or hath his privy member cut off, shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD.” This is in reference to those who follow after other religions, some of which, requires the male members to either be castrated or to cut their privy member off and throw it into the fire for a sacrifice.
Deuteronomy 23:2: “A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD.”
Here we learn that all of the mixed breed children that our Israel men and women produce by marrying other races cannot be saved; and can never enter into the congregation of the Lord. They are not to be among our people; they are to be divided and separated and sent on the way.
THE MOTTO OF ISRAEL’S SPY AGENCY, MOSSAD, is, according to recently defected Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky: “By way of deception thou shalt do war.” That motto describes more than the modus operandi of the world’s most ruthless and feared organization of professional assassins and espionage agents; it really describes the modus vivendi of an entire race. It is necessary to understand that fact before one can hope to understand fully the role of the Jews in national and world affairs.
The concept of a race eternally at war with the rest of the world is alien to us. It is difficult to believe or even to grasp. When we examine such a concept and begin sifting the evidence it is easy to become confused.
Similarly bloodthirsty, explicit injunctions are repeated so often in the Jews’ holy books that we can only assume that they are meant to be taken seriously. The historical evidence suggests that in ancient times the Jews did indeed take their religion seriously: they were notorious everywhere and at all times as implacable haters of humanity who in turn were thoroughly despised by every other people among whom they lived.
ON NOVEMBER 22, 1963, THE JEWISH MOSSAD KILLED PRESIDENT KENNEDY! Who or what is the Mossad? Most Americans have never even heard of it, and even fewer even know of its existence. It is therefore cogent that we expand this footnote here, briefly, to explain the nature of the Jewish Mossad. The Mossad is, in a way, the Israeli equivalent of our CIA, but it is much more. It is the Jewish intelligence gathering arm, whose headquarters are in Tel Aviv, Israel, but their vast armies are spread into every country of the world. “Mossad can go to any distinguished American Jew and ask for help,” (ex-CIA official, 9/3/1979, Newsweek.) but they ruthlessly murder people they deem a threat to the Jewish conspiracy.
They foment revolutions, hatch political plots, overthrow governments, assassinate key figures, stage commando raids where necessary, or organize revolutionary movements, all in the cause of the Jewish race. The CIA, or the Russian KGB do all these things also, but with this difference. Since the Jews control practically all the never centres of power throughout the United States and the world, so do the intelligence agencies of the United States collaborate with the Mossad. In short, the CIA and the KGB are, in actuality, adjuncts of the Mossad, with the Mossad firmly in control of all.
When I first heard that John 3:16 was added at some point in time and that it was not in the original, I was a little sceptical. But after doing a little research on it, I find that it would indeed appear that it was added.
Please read and let me know your thoughts on it. Also let me know your thoughts about it and if there is anything that I should add to it.
Original New Testament (ONT)
(See Authentic New Testament). Footnote: While much that was in his documentary source (the Memoirs of John the Priest) has been adapted by the Greek author to bring the text into line with his ideas, as here, some passages, largely by way of commentary, stand out as his distinctive contribution. Whenever possible attention has been drawn to these, as in this instance, and some have been placed below the main body of the text and in slightly smaller type. The present passage is John 3:16‑21. [This passage has been so placed by the translator].
The Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation has the following in bracket indicating that the verse WAS ADDED BY THE TRANSLATORS at some point in time.
[For God so loved the world that He gave the only‑ begotten Son, so that every one believing in Him should not be lost, but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son to the world that He might condemn the world; but that He might save the world through Him…] and ends with John 3:21, Therefore it would appear that all the verses from John 3:16 forward to John 3:21 were added.
“JUDGE NOT, THAT YE BE NOT JUDGED.” (MATTHEW 7:1) has become the Great American “Cop‑out;” and is uttered with equal fervour by both Humanists, antichrists and even Christians. Christians have not only allowed our enemies, the Humanists and Jews to steal our Scriptural weapons in the battle against evil, and it would appear, we have also willingly taken up their banner.
God gave the Bible, with His Laws and Statutes recorded therein, so that we can use them to “judge” between good and evil. But the antichrists and all too many Christians say we cannot judge, thus forbidding us to act according to God’s Laws and Statutes.
That men have, almost from the beginning, resented being “judged” for their evil, sinful and un-Godly acts. For it is clearly seen in Genesis 19:9, “And they said, Stand back. And they said again, This one fellow [Lot] came in to sojourn, and he needs be a judge [Preach ‑ Teach God’s Laws and Statutes ‑ condemning their sinful acts]: now will we deal worse with thee, than with them [the Angels who had come to visit Lot before God’s destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah]…”
Of course men must “judge” and is clearly shown in Exodus 18:13, “And it came to pass on the morrow that Moses sat to JUDGE the people…”
THERE ARE THOSE ON THE NEWSGROUPS (FOOLS’ GROUPS) I DON’T KNOW WHO IS THE BIGGER FOOL, those on the news groups or those like myself who do battle with them, that are predicting that there will be an October surprise, and some on one of the lists that I get also believe this. Well I don’t know if there will be an October surprise or not, but I do know that at some point in time that Russia and China will attack America; remember that the Kingdom of God is taken by violence?, but they will be defeated but not before 2/3 of our people will be destroyed in the ensuing battle.
It has been reported that only 70% of the people in America are White at the present time. That comes out to be, if the total number of people in the US is 260 million to be 170 million give or take a few million and 2/3 rds of that will be killed in the future war = 170 x 2/3 = 57 million will be left. The strangers who have invaded our land will flee to their own country; and 3/4 of them will be killed along with 3/4 of all the forces which will come with Russia and China against the Kingdom of God. The United States of America.
There are those who say that the end of the earth will come on August 28, 2000. Well there have been many who have predicted the end of the world and all have been wrong so far.
The scriptures say that the man of sin must be revealed before the end; and that man of sin is the Jewish people. Judas the traitor who betrayed Christ, our Redeemer, Savior, and King, was a Jaw the only Jew of the 12. And he was a thief also, as the scriptures say.
IT SEEMS LIKE THERE IS ALWAYS SOMEONE OUT THERE ALWAYS TEACHING A DIFFERENT GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM. One such person is Garrison R. Russell in his book “Son Placing,” where he says on page 290: “The Sons of God are not descendants of Abraham or Israel, or Adam.” if you have this man’s book, it is highly recommended you scrutinize very carefully every word he says. From what has been observed from his book thus far, it is filled with half-truths and downright lies.
As we have reported before Queen Elizabeth II’s husband, Philip, was of questionable blood and how all the children from that union are unfit to take the Throne of David, which the British throne represents. It has been said: “…from the news I notice the queen-mother of England is dead. I’m fully persuaded Elizabeth II is the last pure-blooded descendant of David left to sit on the throne, while Philip Mountbatten and his heirs are of questionable blood presenting prophecy problems.”
Then again in lesson #50 I reiterated: “in the last lesson, I briefly mentioned that the queen-mother of Britain had died. I believe that this is a major mile-marker in time as to where we are today on Yahweh’s time-clock. I would remind you that Scripture says in no uncertain terms that there would always be a descendant of David on a throne somewhere until Messiah’s Second Advent. Conceivably, this could mean; if the present Queen Elizabeth II were to have a heart attack and die, and our Redeemer has not returned, the promise to David is a lie and our bible is untrustworthy.
Knew Him Not – Part 1
“He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. He came unto his own, and his own received him not.” (John 1:10-11)
THIS VERSE, WITHOUT DOUBT, is one of the most misunderstood verses in the Bible; and is seldom if ever explained by the Judeo-Christian teachers, the priests of Ba’al which stand in the pulpits of America and the Western World today.
We know that He did not come to the Jews because He bore witness to this: “But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” (Matthew 15:24)
As a second witness, and there are many many more but we show these two to show you that Christ did not come to the Jews: “I know that ye are Abraham’s SEED; but ye seek to kill me, because my word hath no place in you. I speak that which I have seen with my Father: and ye do that which ye have seen with your father. They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Jesus saith unto them, IF YE WERE ABRAHAM’S CHILDREN, ye would do the works of Abraham.” (John 8:37-39)
Here Christ is showing that although the Jews (of His day) could claim to be the seed of Abraham, He told them they were NOT HIS CHILDREN.
JUST AS MOST CHRISTIANS DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE STORY OF LAZARUS AND THE RICH MAN, as taught by Jesus in Luke 16, neither do they understand about the Jews, this is a direct result of the erroneous teachings of our Christian “Ministers.” Therefore, we are going to deal in detail herein with the story [parable] of “The Rich Man and Lazarus,” as it was taught by Jesus and as recorded in Luke chapter 16 in the King James Bible.
Most Christians have read a tract or heard a sermon in which this story is used. Almost invariably the speaker or author will say, “The rich man was being tortured in the fires of hell and Lazarus was in heaven.” They then insist this story “proves” their doctrine that “after death most human beings will spend the eternal ages screaming and crying in great heat and fire.” Ignoring God’s statement to the contrary: “They have built also the high places of Baal, to burn their sons with fire–-which I commanded not, nor spake it, neither came it into my mind.” (Jeremiah 19:5)
At the present time thousands of tracts and books are in circulation in Christendom which repeat the general claim that this story told by Jesus to His disciples is simply about “the bliss of heaven and the torment of hell.”
Now, lets read the story from Luke 16. As we read, please note, there are people, animals and objects in the story other than the rich man and Lazarus. These are very seldom mention by our “Ministers” and are even more seldom explained.
Dear Mr. Ashley,:
ON PAGE 3 OF THE MARCH/APRIL 2002, VOLUME 7, NUMBER 2 ISSUE OF THE GOOD NEWS, you or someone makes the statement The Bible: Myth or History? Belief in the Bible is declining at an astounding rate. Perhaps that’s not that surprising, considering that plenty of reporters, educators and scientists will tell you that the Bible is mostly myth and that the biblical stories couldn’t have happened the way they were written. But is a different myth being foisted off on us?
One of the main reasons that this is happening is because they do not understand the Bible, who wrote it, who it is about or anything about it for the most part. Therefore, I submit the following study that I have put together over the years of intensive study of the Scriptures for your review.
IT HAS BEEN OUR CUSTOM TO FREQUENTLY REVIEW CURRENT EVENTS IN DETAIL, because these show the fulfilment of Bible prophecies in our day. However, in covering the subject we want to discuss, we shall not have much occasion to list these events in detail and this for a definite reason.
There are times when it is not so important to count every bead on the string, as it is to see whether they are all strung on the same string. When you learn this, you will know where to look for the next bead; our purpose is to show the existence of certain definite principles, which govern the events which we see happening, as these principles have governed them for thousands of years; ever since the war began in Genesis 3:15.
For ages, it was well understood by everyone that various nations and races had certain characteristics, which usually would be demonstrated in the action of these people. National and racial policies and conduct developed out of national and racial character. There were, the rare exception merely prove the rule. Similarly, we can note that among crows, one bird in every 38 million is white, an albino. But this only emphasizes the rule that all of the other 38 million crows are black. Therefore, reasonably consistent conduct can be identified as the rule, notwithstanding an occasional exception which surprises us when we find it.
Among the ancients, nobody pretended to be ignorant of the characteristics of the Babylonians, Egyptians, Assyrians, or the Romans, or what they were likely to do in order to execute their purposes. Roman military ability in war and harshness in rule over conquered people were well understood and no one was surprised to meet them. The extreme ferocity and cruelty of the Assyrians was known to all. Centuries of history demonstrated a consistency in these characteristics which only a fool could ignore.
Mixing Of The Races Is An Abomination To Almighty God
THE VERY TITLE OF THIS MESSAGE WILL RAISE HACKLES and send “shock waves,” through the liberal and anti-Christ elements of America, both religious and political. It will elicit the epithet of “racist” even though the facts presented are as well documented as any fact in history.
With the able help of Dr. William Stough, 210 Hermitage Drive, Knoxville, Tennessee 37920, the late Pastor Sheldon Emry and Lt. Col. Gordon “Jack” Mohr, AUS Ret., from whom we have obtained much of this material, we hope to prove to you from scriptural and historical sources that “miscegenation,” (A Latin word that was first used in 1863, which means sexual relations between White and Black) is contrary to the expressed will of Almighty God, and has caused disaster down through the ages, in spite of what churchmen such as the Jew Billy Graham say to the contrary.
One of the most pressing problems facing America in these early days of the 21st century, is that of inter-racial marriage, especially between the Black and White races.
Our primary interest in this article is not what men say, but what does God’s Word say about this practice, which history proves is disastrous. (We say this, advisedly, because every single civilization which has practiced “miscegenation,” has ended as rotten hulks on the garbage heap of history). This is something which cannot be honestly denied!
THE RECORD OF BLACKS IN SOUTH AFRICA, who have been ruling that country since their President DeKlerk betrayed his people, has been so appalling that even Mrs. DeKlerk, the wife of the treacherous deputy president, that she has been quoted as saying, “The Blacks are not capable of ruling a country.” Which is demonstrably true, but the reason is not, as the liberals would claim, a lack of education or an unfavourable environment. It is purely and simply a matter of mental inadequacy.
As W.G. Simpson has pointed out in his book, “Which Way, Western Man?” the Negro has never developed a significant culture anywhere, at any time. Tom Anderson sums up Black history: “Despite what you have been told, Negro history has not been obliterated. There wasn’t any. During the past 5,000 years, the history of Black Africa is blank. Not just here. Everywhere. Until other races arrived, there was no literate civilization south of the Sahara. The black African had not invented a plough; a wheel; domesticated an animal; or a crop. He had no written language; no literature whatever; no numerals or calendar; or system of measurements.
Now some will complain that this is old news, and that it is. But I believe that we should reflect upon what has gone on before; least we forget, for Americans have the shortest memories in the world.
The Kosovo Attraction: Sara Flounders, in July 30, 1998, wrote an article entitled: “Kosovo, The War Is About Mines.” She stated, “Wars are at root about economics, and the rapidly expanding war in Kosovo is no different. So why have millions of dollars in high-tech weapons suddenly become available to the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army by way of the U.S. and Germany?”
She discovered what other reports had already uncovered, that the real wealth of Kosovo is the “Stari Trg Mining Complex,” including lead, zinc, cadmium, gold and silver.” According to the mine’s director Novak Bjelic, ‘The war in Kosovo is about the mines, nothing else. This is Serbia’s Kuwait; the heart of Kosovo–-in addition to all this, Kosovo has 17 billion tons of coal reserves.'” The labour power of millions of workers throughout Yugoslavia built this mining-complex into the powerhouse it is today, and it belongs to the sovereign state of Yugoslavia.
It has been stated that our national interests are at stake in Kosovo, but no one has defined what those national interest are. This article reminds us that “The whole world knows and observed firsthand in the war against Iraq to what horrendous extent the Pentagon was willing to go in order to guarantee control of the oil wealth of Kuwait. But U.S. United Nations Ambassador Richard Holbroke, President Clinton or the Pentagon generals never publicly discuss the enormous mineral wealth of Kosovo.” Flounders warns, “NATO domination on the ground would put U.S. corporations in the best ownership position.
Priests of Ba’al Are in the Pulpits of America Today! This study is taken, in part, from one of Pastor Sheldon Emry’s tapes.
A question which must be answered is, how to counter the Judization, the implementation of false teachings which have been given to the vast majority of the preachers in the pulpits of America today?
It is my considered opinion that more than 95% of the so-called preachers, ministers, priests and etc., in the pulpits of America today are nothing more or less than Judeo-Christian Priests, Ministers, Preachers, yea: They are Disciples of Baal!
That there are Judeo-Christian preachers [from this point on I will use the word Judeo-Christian preacher(s) instead of listing the various names by which they are called by their congregations] of Ba’al in America today is beyond question, to anyone who will take time to study both the Scriptures and the results of the so-called preaching of today’s Judeo-Christian preachers.
Every time that I think to myself it is a hopeless task, trying to inform American Christians and provide them with information their Judeo-Christian preacher is not about to give them; for fear of the Jews, that almost all of the “Judeo-Christians” in Organized Religion are not interested in really learning the Word of God.
In this speech, Congressman McFadden correctly predicted the rise of the global plantation chain stores, and the future part they would play in enslaving the American people.
Friday, June 8, 1934
MR. MCFADDEN. MR. SPEAKER, THIS ANALYSIS is divided into two parts, and represents only a portion of the data I possess showing a well-organized plan for world control. It is given with a view of furnishing a synopsis or outline of a hellish conspiracy to enslave and dominate the free peoples of the earth. There are sufficient facts herein to give the key to the thoughtful student of our national affairs so that he may be on guard against the sinister and ambitious Caesars in our midst.
In addition, under the heading of “A brief History of the Terms for Jew” in the 1980 Jewish Almanac is the following: “Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an Ancient Israelite a ‘Jew’ or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew.”
The World Book omits any reference to the Jews, but under the word Semite it states: “Semite–Semites are those who speak Semitic languages. In this sense the ancient Hebrews, Assyrians, Phoenicians, and Cartaginians were Semites. The Arabs and some Ethiopians are modern Semitic-speaking people. Modern Jews are often called Semites, but this name properly applies only to those who use the Hebrew Language. The Jews were once a sub-type of the Mediterranean race, but they have mixed with other peoples until the name ‘Jew’ has lost all racial meaning.”
There are hundreds of books {most of which are Jewish Encyclopaedias and history books} available for study, which prove that over 90% of the Jews of the world are not a Semitic people, but few people other than historians ever bother to read them. Following are just a few:
RECENTLY THERE HAS BEEN A RASH OF POSTS, where those who hate Christ but claim they love the white race, rants and raves that the White Race will be destroyed if they don’t turn away from Christianity. This is totally false, turning away from Christ is a sure way to be destroyed, but if they would really worship Christ and not the god of the Jews, the Devil who is their father, the ruler of the Judeo-Christian clergy and those by whatever name they wish to be called.
The history of our race, is not very good, and those detractors have a good case to make. But in their desire to hate Christ and everything Christian, which actually means to follow Christ who is God Himself, that came in a flesh body to dwell among men. They stop when they find something that they think backs up their belief, and don’t really look for the truth for they do not want to find it.
I will in no wise hide the terrible and sorrowful facts that our people have been treacherous, deceitful, and many times twice as bad as the devils children, the Jews. Which proves what Christ said:–
DURING THE YEARS SINCE J. LLEWELLYN THOMAS WROTE “THE ASSYRIAN INVASIONS AND DEPORTATIONS OF ISRAEL” opponents of the Israel Identity Truth continue to produce the same outworn and fallacious arguments in opposition to the facts. Thomas largely based his conclusions on the Scriptures and ancient inscriptions found on Assyrian monuments. However, his scholarship and research has in recent years been incontestably corroborated by the testimony of the clay cuneiform tablets found (in 1850 A.D.) at Nineveh, in the Assyrian Royal Library of Ashurbanipal.
The cuneiform tablets, known as the “Royal Correspondence of the Assyrian Empire” provided the “links” between the so-called “Lost Tribes of Israel” and the Scythians and Cimmerians from whom most of the Caucasian inhabitants of Western Europe, Scandinavia, Britain and America are descended. At the time of their translation in 1930, the relevance of the tablets to Israel was overlooked because they were in complete disorder and among hundreds of miscellaneous texts dealing with many matters of state. Contributing to this situation was the fact that the Assyrians called the Israelites by other names during their captivity.
Definite statements on the subject of the Deportation of the Israelites of the Northern Kingdom from Palestine into Assyria have been made by some eminent authorities of the Church of England.
They deny that Israel was ever entirely carried away into captivity and state that the whole nation was never removed out of their land. They assert that those of the captivity were quite insignificant in number, that the bulk of the nation remained in their land long after the invasions.
YOU DON’T BELIEVE that the powers that be are destroying our children’s history? Then when was the last time you read about these. If you were raised in the north, I bet even you never heard of these men. For the history books have been written by the damn Jews for so long that our people don’t know their heritage.
The Forgotten Presidents
By George Grant Excerpted from The Patriot’s Handbook
Who was the first president of the United States? Ask any school child and they will readily tell you “George Washington.” And of course, they would be wrong; at least technically. Washington was not inaugurated until April 30, 1789. And yet, the United States continually had functioning governments from as early as September 5, 1774 and operated as a confederated nation from as early as July 4, 1776.
During that nearly fifteen year interval, Congress; first the Continental Congress and then later the Confederation Congress, was always moderated by a duly elected president. As the chief executive officer of the government of the United States, the president was recognized as the head of state.
Washington was thus the fifteenth in a long line of distinguished presidents; and he led the seventeenth administration, he just happened to be the first under the current constitution. So who were the luminaries who preceded him? The following brief biographies profile these “forgotten presidents.”
BEFORE WE DOCUMENT THE INTENT OF THIS STUDY, let us establish the clear definition of the term “Inquisition.” Webster’s Dictionary defines inquisition as: seeking or searching for, an inquiring into, examination, investigation, inquest and the verdict of a jury. In the Catholic Church, a court or tribunal for examination and punishment of heretics.
In view of the annals of world history, it would appear that the time is long past for the initiation of an American inquisition, in concert with the intent of King “Fernando and Queen Isabella of Spain, during the 15th century, and King Edward I, of England in the 13th century If the Jews of Spain and England in that time earned the fruits of an inquisition, then certainly the Jews of America today, have earned an inquisition a thousand times over.
Let us understand and accept one unequivocal FACT, THE BIBLE IS THE BOOK OF THE INQUISITION, FROM GENESIS THROUGH REVELATION. History proves that, whenever and where-ever God’s children invoked “inquisition” against the Jews they were always blessed, and enjoyed a much better life. History documents many such acts of inquisition against the Jews, both in the Bible, and in secular history.
In particular, we know that the “straw that broke the camels back” so to speak, that precipitated the Spanish and English inquisition, WAS THE DIABOLICAL ACTS OF “JEWISH RITUAL MURDER.” In Spain it was the crucifixion and murder of a white Christian boy in Sepulveda, Segovia in 1468. In England it was the ritual murder of a Christian boy at Oxford, in 1290.
BOY THE JEWS ARE WORKING OVERTIME IN PRODUCING TELEVISION SHOWS THAT ESPOUSE THEIR AGENDA. I believe that they are frantic and are showing it through their constant increasingly propagandist television and movies. They know instinctively that their time for destruction is drawing ever more near and are trying to destroy our people, so that Almighty God cannot finalize His plans for His Israel people. But the Jews will fail in this, just as they have failed in every other thing they have tried to do.
They thought by conquering Russia and Eastern Europe that they would be able to completely destroy our Israel brothers and sisters sooner than this, but their plans have failed and they know it. Now they are desperately trying to accomplish their plans and so the ever increasing propaganda.
A couple of weeks ago on “Walker Texas Ranger,” they really gave Christians, Patriots, and those who love their country a very black eye in the eyes of the masses; who don’t know what is happening and don’t want to know.
Then they had a show on “Walker Texas Ranger,” wherein they are trying to convince the masses that to raise children who are mindless and have no individuality as the thing to do. That for a child to be an individual was some-thing very bad; and that all should wear the same clothing in school so their individuality would not show itself.
Now, tonight, on “Touched By An Angel” they are trying to portray the Jews as being very religious and follow after God all the time in their every thought and deed. Which could not be further from the truth.
THE LOS LUNAS INSCRIPTION IS AN ABRIDGED VERSION OF THE DECALOGUE OR TEN COMMANDMENTS, carved into the flat face of a large boulder resting on the side of Hidden Mountain, near Los Lunas, New Mexico, about 35 miles south of Albuquerque. The language is Hebrew, and the script is the Old Hebrew alphabet, with a few Greek letters mixed in. See Cline (1982), Deal (1992), Stonebreaker (1982), and/or Underwood (1982) for transcriptions and translation, and Deal (1992) for discussion and photographs of the setting.
George Moorehouse (1985), a professional geologist, indicates that the boulder is of the same basalt as the cap of the mesa. He estimates its weight at 80 to 100 tons, and says it has moved about 2/3 of the distance from the mesa top to the valley floor since it broke off. The inscription is tilted about 40 degrees clockwise from horizontal, indicating that the stone has settled or even moved from its position at the time it was inscribed. (The above photograph was taken with a tilted camera.)
At present the inscription is badly scrubbed and chalked up. However, Professor Frank Hibben of Albuquerque reportedly saw the inscription in 1933, when it was covered with lichens and patination. By one report, it was seen as early as 1871 (Fell 1985, p. 34). Moorehouse compares the surviving weathering on the inscription to that on a modern graffito on the top of the mountain dating itself to 1930.
IT SEEMS THAT MOST JUDEO-CHRISTIANS AND EVERY BODY OF ANY CONCERN, is looking for him with dread in their hearts to appear on the scene at almost any moment. But they have a great surprise coming because he has already come and has been here for quite a while, but his legal reign only began in 1914.
Since this time he has almost completely conquered our great nation of the United States of America, Great Britain and the world in general through his doctrine and ideology of Socialism (Communism) in their bid to create “The New World Order.” Why haven’t people caught on to the cleverness of this Man of Sin to conquer the world for International World Communism without the nations realizing it?
When are the people of America going to wake up to what’s going on? Modern Christianity in America have been blinded to the truth of what’s happening because they have been brainwashed and deceived by the propaganda and teachings of this Man of Sin’s Lies, that the Esau-Edom-Khazar Zionist Jews are the Israel of Yahweh, The Chosen People, and that the prophecies and promises of Yahweh belong to them. This Devil, Dragon or Man of Sin is also teaching that the Anglo-Saxon Caucasian White Race of People are Gentiles when they are really the True Modern day Children of Israel.
The Jewish Hollywood moguls long ago decided that it would help them make more money if the general public viewed films as being “Christian.” In fact, they personally wanted to blend in with the Gentile community. Thus Samuel Goldfish changed his name to Goldwyn and Cecil B. de Mille insisted that he was a Gentile until his death when a Rabbi officiated at his funeral. Every single one of the original Jewish developers of the movie industry divorced their Jewish wives and married beautiful Christian starlets. This includes Louis B. Mayer, Samuel Goldwyn, Jack Warner, David O. Selznick and Harry Cohen. They gave orders to the numerous Jews they made “stars” to change their Jewish names to Christian sounding ones. This has also included a lot of “nosejobs” for both Jewish male and female stars. Here are but a few who followed this road to stardom.
I HAVE MADE THE STATEMENT BEFORE THAT THE TRUE HEIRS TO THE THRONE OF DAVID, was not the present royal family but were hidden by Almighty God, who is keeping their line free from contamination by Satan’s brood. And I believe that this article from the Kingdom Identity Ministries proves my contention to be true.
We know that when Christ was born, a Jew was believed to be sitting on David’s Throne, but in actuality he was not, because the Throne had been moved centuries before to England. Mary the mother of Christ and Joseph the stepfather to Him were not in the castle or even considered to be heirs to the throne, yet by the genealogies in Luke and Matthew we know that Mary was a direct descendant of Nathan one of David’s sons, and Joseph was the direct descendant of Solomon another of his sons. Therefore, if God could hide Mary and Joseph from the knowledge of the Jews, He certainly can hide the true heirs from the Jews today.
England: In recent weeks Prince Philip of England has been on a visit to Israel and has accepted an award honouring his mother, Princess Alice because “…she hid three Jews in the palace in Athens during the Nazi occupation of Greece in 1943‑1944.” (Times‑Picayune, November 1, 1994, p. A‑1) A previous article noted that Princess Alice was buried in Israel. We have received many inquires over the years regarding the British “Royal” family, many of them noting that Prince Charles has a very prominent Jewish look about him.
IT IS MY FIRM BELIEF WE HAVE HAD SAVAGE AND IGNORANT PEOPLE, such as Mr. Thurgood Marshall, and they are those who belong to organizations that want to do away with a document that, through the Grace of God, has kept us free for over 200 years. We, as a people, had better realize it’s going to take a made up mind and a desire to follow after God and Jesus Christ in sincerity and in truth.
So our Television Commentators are saying in effect; “Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses–-Your wretched refuse–-your alien gods–-your idols of wood and stone–-your heathen temples and synagogues–-your alien Philosophies–-your Trojan Horses (Your traitors) of subversion–-give us anything and everything––”
And this is what America has opened its gates to over the last several decades — anything and everything. The purpose for which France presented the United States with the Statue of Liberty in 1886 was inscribed thereon: “A gift from the people of the Republic of France to the people of the United States. This statue of Liberty Enlightening the World commemorates the alliance of the two nations in achieving independence of the U.S., attest to their abiding friendship.”
CANST THOU DRAW OUT LEVIATHAN WITH AN HOOK? OR HIS TONGUE WITH A CORD WHICH THOU LETTEST DOWN? Canst thou put an hood into his nose? or bore his jaw through with a thorn? Will he made many supplications unto thee? will he speak soft words unto thee? Will he make a covenant with thee? wilt thou take him for a servant for ever? Wilt thou play with him as with a bird? or wilt thou bind him for thy maidens?
Shall the companions make a banquet of him? shall they part him among the merchants? Canst thou fill his skin with barbed irons? or his head with fish spears? Lay thine hand upon him, remember the battle, do no more. Behold, the hope of him is in vain: shall not one be cast down even at the sight of him? None is so fierce that dare stir him up: who then is able to stand before me? Who hath prevented me, that I should repay him? whatsoever is under the whole heaven is mine. I will not conceal his parts, nor his power, nor his comely proportion. Who can discover the face of his garment? or who can come to him with his double bridle?
Who can open the doors of his face? his teeth are terrible round about. His scales are his pride, shut up together as with a close seal. One is so near to another that no air can come between them. They are joined one to another, they stick together, that they cannot be sundered. By his neesings (neesing: sneezing, American Dictionary of the English Language, Noah Webster 1828): a light doth shine, and his eyes are like the eyelids of the morning. Out of his mouth go burning lamps, and sparks of fire leap out. Out of his nostrils goeth smoke, as out of a seething pot or caldron. His breath kindeleth coals, and a flame goeth out of his mouth. In his neck remaineth strength, and sorrow is turned into joy before him.
“There is no parallel between bombs and bulldozers–We cannot have an environment in which people believe the way to get what they want is to kill innocent people…”
NEVER IN HISTORY HAS THERE BEEN SUCH AN ISRAELI-CAPTURED PRESIDENT IN THE WHITE HOUSE AS BILL CLINTON. The Israeli/Jewish lobby set out to defeat George Bush, quite literally infiltrated the Clinton headquarters in Little Rock with its people, pushed huge amounts of “soft money” at both Clinton and the Democracy Party, and sure enough their man Bill has done everything they ever dreamed ever since. Bill’s latest payoff to the Israelis and their American Jewish cadre is to make a former Israeli lobby official — a man who was an Australian citizen when Bill was elected President, a man who lived in Israel and served in the Israeli army — Assistant Secretary of State (that’s of the UNITED STATES mind you!) for the Middle East! It’s not inordinate Chinese money and influence in American politics the Congress should be investigating, it’s how Israel manipulates American politics with the help of some key Americans (most of them Jewish), who are in fact, however distasteful it is to say it, “dually loyal”.
I KNOW THAT I HAVE SENT THIS OUT TO YOU BEFORE, but I have so many new people on my list that have never seen it I thought I should send it out to them as well.
Did you ever wonder about the trees in the Garden of Eden. They were people not wooden trees. Oh I am sure there were some real trees but most were people, which were created BEFORE Adam.
What Were The Trees In The Garden of Eden?
Our people have been taught for over 100 years that Adam and Eve ate an apple or some sort of fruit from the tree of good and evil which was in the midst of the Garden of Eden. That Adam and Eve were the father and mother of all the various races, yet the Bible proves they are lying through their teeth.
It is very possible that many of them believe that story themselves, because that was what they were taught; however there are a very large number of Judeo-Christian Preachers today who know that is false, but will not teach the truth because they are wolves in sheep’s clothing, teaching that Christ is Christ but are working secretly to destroy the Word of God; to destroy the knowledge of Christ, Christianity from the people and to destroy Christians at some future date, under laws which have been secretly passed which will allow The Execution of Christians in America! Laws such as Public Law 102-14.
“And he looked up, and said, I see men as trees, walking.” (Mark 8:24)
But the truth of the matter is that the trees spoken of in the Garden of Eden were people! not trees such as the Pear, Apple, Orange, Pecan and etc. They were people.
1). “And it came to pass…that the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,
2). Son of man, speak unto Pharaoh king of Egypt, and to his multitude; Whom art thou like in thy greatness?
3). Behold, the Assyrian was a cedar (A TREE) in Lebanon with fair branches, and with a shadowing shroud, and of an high stature; and his top was among the thick boughs.
4). The waters made him great, the deep set him up on high with her rivers running round about his plants, and sent out her little rivers unto all the trees (PEOPLE) of the field.
5). Therefore his (THE ASSYRIAN) height was exalted above all the trees (TALLER THAN THE OTHER PEOPLE) of the field, and his boughs were multiplied (HAD MANY CHILDREN), and his branches became long because of the multitude of waters, when he shot forth.
6). All the fowls of heaven made their nests in his boughs, and under his branches did all the beasts of the field bring forth their young, and under his shadow dwelt all great nations (countries).
7), Thus was he fair in his greatness, in the length of his branches; for his foot was by great waters. (NOW WE CHANGE AND GO TO THE GARDEN OF EDEN)
Benjamin Disraeli, P.M. 1874-1880
BENJAMIN DISRAELI (1804-1880) (nicknamed “Dizzy”) was an English statesman from 1837 to 1880. He was Prime Minister of England in 1868, and again from 1874 to 1880. He was England’s first Jewish Prime Minister. When he was young, his father had a severe argument with his synagogue, and, as a result, baptized his children as Christians. If he hadn’t been baptized, his career would have been very different (Jews were not allowed in Parliament until 1858).
His early life was a series of failures. In 1824 he lost all of his money in South African mining shares, and didn’t get out of debt until middle age. He became a novelist like his father (he wrote many books throughout his life) and then decided in 1831 to enter politics. He lost as an independent radical in both 1832 and 1835, and decided he needed to affiliate himself with a political party.
He finally won a seat in the House of Commons in 1837 as a Conservative. His first speech was so pompous and poorly delivered that he was shouted at and forced to sit down. He uttered this famous quote: “I will sit down now, but the time will come when you will hear me.” He was right; in 1846, when the Liberals repealed the Corn Laws (protective tariffs on foreign grain), he became the leader of the opposition in the House of Commons. Then he became the Chancellor of the Exchequer. He was Prime Minister for a very short time during 1868, then resigned when the Liberals won the elections.
IN THE BIBLE MANY TRUTHS ARE CONCEALED which will not always be hidden from those who will devote time and study to searching the Scriptures. Proverbs 25:2 “It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.” Many consider that they have fulfilled their duty as Christians if they periodically read portions of the Bible, but, contrary to the popular conception, nowhere in the Scriptures themselves are we admonished to read the Bible. Rather the emphasis is on study and research, to be followed by careful analysis and application of its teachings. In his instruction to Timothy Paul said: “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15)
Study Essential: Jesus Himself admonished His followers to “search the Scriptures” (John 5:39) and, if we follow His instrucitons, we must do more than just read Biblical passages from time to time. One is often greeted with the inane remark, “I jsut cannot understand the Bible.” This is invariably expressed by one who has never really tried to understand the Scriptures, having only given of his time spasmodically to reading familiar passages taken out of their context, such as “Selected Bible Readings” and the like. Spiritual understanding is the by-product of diligent study under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Unless individuals approach the Bible with a prayerful desire that the Lord will open up to their understanding the knowledge and wisdom hidden within its pages, they will fare only a few degrees better than the atheist and agnostic who only read the Scriptures to criticise and censure.
HE WAS IN THE WORLD, AND THE WORLD WAS MADE BY HIM, and the world knew him not. He came unto his own, and his own received him not.
When I tried to respond I was astounded that even though I knew the answer I was unable to put into words what I believed was meant by these verses. But last night, May 6, 1998, I lay there thinking about these verses and said in my mind, Lord I asked you to explain these to me, but you have not done so yet. Then, again, to my amazement the answers began to flood my mind, from the Lord, no doubt.
Let me interject something here which I believe should be pointed out. Many Christians say The Bible is too deep for me, I just can’t understand what much of it says, and for this reason they simply take some false teacher, who is working for the Children of the Devil, the government, and all types of anti-Christs. The reason that the scriptures seem deep and not understandable, is because God wants His children to study the Word for themselves and see what He is trying to tell them.
The harder they study, the more He will open their eyes and understanding. For the scriptures attest in Proverbs 25:2
“IT IS THE GLORY OF GOD TO CONCEAL A THING: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.
THERE HAVE BEEN SEVERAL PEOPLE TO QUESTION ME about my use of the word “stake” and not the “Cross” that Christ was crucified on. When all the churches, even the Catholic church uses the cross as the thing that Christ was crucified upon. Well I am not the only one that believes that He was crucified on a stake and not a cross as the following from the Companion Bible relates:–
The Cross and Crucifixion
In the Greek New Testament two words are used for “the cross,” on which the Lord was put to death.
1). The word “stauros”; which denotes an upright pale or stake, to which the criminals were mailed for execution.
2). The word “xulon,” which generally denotes a piece of a dead log of wood, or timber, for fuel or for any other purpose. It is not like “dendron,” which is used of a living, or green tree, as in Matthew 21:8; Revelation 7:1, 3; 8:7; 9:4.
As this latter word “xulon” is used for the former “stauros,” it shows us that the meaning of each is exactly the same.
The verb “stauroö” means to drive stakes. (There are two compounds of it used: sustauroö to put any one thus to death with another (Matthew 27:44; Mark 15:32; John 19:32; Romans 6:6; Galatians 2:20); and anastauroö to raise up and fix upon the stake again (Hebrews 6:6). Another word used is equally significant; prosp gnumi to fix or fasten anything (Acts 2:23)
FOR YEARS THE CONTROVERSY HAS RAGED ABOUT WHETHER NOAH’S FLOOD WAS UNIVERSAL, OR WAS IT CONFINED TO A CERTAIN GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION. This is a study to present our view about the flood as related in the Scriptures. We will use the Bible, and see if it has anything to say about it’s scope.
The common claim, among most denominations, who still preach the Bible; and who more or less try to stay with the Scriptures as they read it and study it. Is that there was a world wide drowning of men, about 4300 to 4500 years ago.
That there was a flood called Noah’s flood that drowned all the men upon the earth at that time in the world’s history, except for his wife, his sons and their families. This is the common teaching among most Protestant Denominations, the Catholic Church. Some Fundamentalists groups and some Pentecostal groups do not teach this. Then there are many people outside of the church who don’t know one way or the other, and could really care less.
Some of them think this is nonsense, they think the Bible story is a myth. Some say that is not important anyway. Then there is the great, vast bulk of the population, know so little about the Bible, they don’t know if there might have been a flood or not.
Those who do study the Bible, and are willing to go through the Scriptures and see what the Bible actually teaches about where was the flood in Noah’s time. First of all let us look at the Book of Genesis.
It is amazing how people can read a verse of scripture, and think to themselves: Yes that’s right. Then they put their brain in neutral and simply become brain dead. They will study no further; they have found the truth; and God help the person who disagrees with them.
THIS IS A QUESTION THAT HAS CAUSED A LOT OF CONTROVERSY IN CHRISTIANS AND ONE WHICH THEY HAVE AVOIDED FOR CENTURIES; especially the Judeo‑Christians because most of them do very little if any serious Bible study. They simply let some so‑called member of the clergy tell them what is what.
Since Cain was banished to the land of Nod, after his brother’s murder, and before Eve gave birth to her third son Seth (Compare Genesis 4:8‑17 with Genesis 4:25), then there was as yet only one (supposed) descendant of Adam on earth, and this was the reprobate Cain. We know that Cain had a wife, and evidence would indicate that he had taken a female from among the BEASTS OF THE FIELD, ONE OF THE OTHER RACES.
After the birth of his first son, Enoch, Cain built a city (Genesis 4:17). THERE CAN BE NO CITY WITHOUT INHABITANTS AND THOSE WHO INHABITED THE CITY WHICH HE BUILT WERE OBVIOUSLY THE INHABITANTS OF THE LAND OF NOD, the same creating that had been given to Adam as servants in the Garden of Eden. They were driven forth with Adam, and became wanderers, which is the meaning of the word NOD. These were a numerous people who had been CREATED (Genesis 1:27) before the FORMATION of Adam.
Before Cain was driven forth from the presence of God, he complained:
“My punishment is greater than I can bear, Behold, Thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass that everyone that findeth me shall slay me.” (Genesis 4:13‑14)
HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED WHY THE CONSTANT WAR IN IRELAND? It is a war between the Roman Catholic Church under the control of the Jews and Protestants. The Protestants have never realized that it is the Jews who control the church, and that is who they are really fighting.
The stupid Catholics never realize or understand that it is the Jews who are sending them to their deaths, to dispose of an ancient enemy, an Israel nation who opposes their evil ways.
The Catholic’s word, like a Jews word, is no good and the only reason they ask for peace is so they can get their subversives into action without resistance. They do this as the Jews have done for centuries. As you read this you can see the treason and subversion of the Jews through the stupid catholic members.
Ancient Order of Hibernians (A.O.H.): The Ancient Order of Hibernians, a Roman Catholic, organization, was founded in 1641.
In The Secret Societies of Ireland Captain Pollard writes that, founded in 1641, “The notorious modern society known as The Ancient Order of Hibernians is the direct successor of the original society of Defenders; in common with its ancestor it attempts to enable the clerics to exercise control in politics. (Pollard, op. cit., p. 3) It claims in its own official history, published in 1910, to be the oldest secret society in Ireland. Independent researches show that the claim is sound and that the present [1920’s] A.O.H. is the descendant of certain criminal organizations of the past. The open admission of this chain of descent by its own historian is important.