About Pastor Dr. Bertrand L. Comparet,
A. B., J. D.
Upon reading these most interesting discussions one will quickly recognize that the author is an ardent student of the Bible and particularly eschatology or the study of the prophecies of the things which have already taken place, the things that are now taking place, and the things that are yet to take place in the future. He is an ordained minister. His studies in this area of thought extend back over a period of thirty years.
One will quickly appreciate also the straight forward manner of factual presentation and logical thinking. This is due to his professional training and occupation as a well recognized Attorney at Law. He not only writes in a clear, convincing style, but is distinguished in the pulpit, on the lecture platform, and over the air for his clarity of thought and profound logic.
Bertrand L. Comparet is a native Californian, born in San Diego. He was graduated from Stanford University with the degree of Bachelor of Arts and Juris Doctor. He was admitted to the California Supreme Court or California Bar in 1926 and by the United States Supreme Court in 1956. From 1926 to 1932 he was a Deputy District Attorney in San Diego County and from 1942 to 1947 was Deputy City Attorney for the City of San Diego
Thoughtless people today are very proud of what they consider our very modern conditions, and claim that we are very different from our ancestors. Yet in truth, there has been no change in the real fundamentals of life since most ancient times. As one philosopher said, “The more It changes, the more it is the same.” Are you really any better off because, today, the bandit who robs you uses a gun instead of a sword, as he would have done 1.000 years ago? Is It better to have to leap for your life out of the path of an automobile, instead of a chariot? Have we really progressed because you are now made to pay excessive taxes with dollars instead of shekels? Are China’s slaves better off than the captives of Babylon? Nothing but surface appearances have changed; the essential realities must remain the same as long as there are men living on earth.
One of the ancient institutions which has come down to us unchanged is the stream of vilification and abuse directed at everyone who protests against current evils and seeks to warn the public of the consequences of continued wrongdoing. Our evils are always organized, because there are always those who have found out how to get money or power —or both—out of them. They foresee the end of their wealth and power if the public ever learns the truth; therefore they viciously attack everyone who tries to warp the public of what is going on. Of course, this is not surprising, what is amazing is the degree to which the public generally loves only its real enemies and hates its true friends.
From the beginning of history, man has been troubled by the injustices of this age. We are reminded every day of the unpleasant fact that the wicked prosper greatly, while the good must work twice as hard to get half as much. In the 21st chapter, Job bitterly asked, “Wherefore do the wicked live, become old, yea, are mighty, in power?” In the 73rd. Psalm, Asaph says: I was envious at the foolish, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked — They are not in trouble as other men; neither are they plagued like other men —- Their eyes standout with fatness: they have more than heart could wish.” In the 37th Psalm, David says: I have seen the wicked in great power, and spreading himself like a green bay tree.”
Accustomed to see things only within the small framework of this little lifetime, men wonder why this can be. The reason, of course, is to teach us the bitter lesson that there cannot be any coexistence of good and evil: one must necessarily destroy the other. We hate to believe this: partly because we are too lazy to do the job of putting down evil, partly because we are by-nature too easy-going, too tolerant. We must learn the hard way that tolerance is no virtue unless it is mutual: you can’t tolerate a cancer.
Many people have become agnostics because of the supposed conflict between the Bible and science. In truth, there is no conflict at all between a correct translation of the Bible and really proven science, not just unproved theories. One of these supposed conflicts is between the fact that science knows that human beings have lived on the earth far longer than the few thousand years covered by the Bible, and the common belief that the Bible says that Adam was the first man. But the truth is that the Bible nowhere says that Adam was the first man. Yes, I know that most of the preachers say that, but the Bible doesn’t. It merely says that Adam was the first WHITE man. Let’s look at the record.
The many mistranslations in the King James version obscure much of the truth. For example Genesis 1:1-2 “In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep.” In the Hebrew, it says, “Now the earth HAD BECOME chaotic and empty.” (See Rotherham’s Emphasized Bible) That is, some early catastrophe had wrecked the earth, which was not “without form and void” before that. This was a judgment of God on earlier civilizations for their wickedness. Jeremiah 4:23-27 gives a vision of it: “I beheld the earth, and lo, it was without form and void, and the heavens, and they had no light. I beheld the mountains, and lo, they trembled, and all the hills moved lightly. I beheld, and lo, there was no man, and all the birds of the heavens were fled. I beheld, and lo, the fruitful place was a wilderness, and all the cities thereof were broken down at the presence of the Lord, and by His fierce anger. For thus hath the Lord said, “The whole land shall be desolate; yet will I not make a full end.”
“Our next problem is to discover where the Adamic or Aryan race originated. According to Scripture it began in Eden. But where was Eden? Concerning the location of Eden we read in Genesis 2:10-14: ‘And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads. The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold; and the gold of that land is good: there is bdelhum and the onyx stone. And the name of the second river is Gihon: the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia. And the name of the third river is Hiddekel; that is it which goeth toward the east of Assyria. And the fourth river is Euphrates.’ Because the Euphrates is mentioned here, people have assumed that Eden must have been located on the banks of the historic Euphrates river in Mesopotamia; but as the Euphrates and the Tigris merge into one river, the situation in no wise corresponds to the description given in Genesis, which states that one river went out of Eden and divided into four heads.
Editor’s Note: The distinguishing mark of a real scholar is a continuing desire for additional knowledge and a willingness to cast aside previously held concepts the moment they are found to be false; and the honesty to acknowledge such changes in understanding is most commendable. When Dr. Comparet wrote the foregoing article on Noah’s Flood, he placed the Garden of Eden near the headwaters of the present Euphrates River; in other words, in northern Mesopotamia. But he subsequently learned that the Garden of Eden was more likely located in the Pamir Plateau of central Asia, immediately west of the Tarim Basin, and now accepts the views of Frederick Haberman on the subject as being entirely correct: the views expressed in Mr. Haberman’s interesting and authoritative book called TRACING YOUR ANCESTORS – and the following is taken from pages
11-14 of that book:
“Our next problem is to discover where the Adamic or Aryan race originated. According to Scripture it began in Eden. But where was Eden? Concerning the location of Eden we read in Genesis 2:10-14: ‘And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads. The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold; and the gold of that land is good: there is bdelhum and the onyx stone. And the name of the second river is Gihon: the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia. And the name of the third river is Hiddekel; that is it which goeth toward the east of Assyria. And the fourth river is Euphrates.’ Because the Euphrates is mentioned here, people have assumed that Eden must have been located on the banks of the historic Euphrates river in Mesopotamia; but as the Euphrates and the Tigris merge into one river, the situation in no wise corresponds to the description given in Genesis, which states that one river went out of Eden and divided into four heads. If we wish to accept the Bible statement as descriptive and authoritative, we are compelled to look elsewhere for a group of four rivers originating from one source.
All Christians know that the prophets foretold the future, and gave many prophecies which are being fulfilled in our time; but it may be news to many that the Bible even speaks of our own United States of America. Not under that name, ‘of course; but the Bible describes a certain land in such terms as definitely identify it as the United States. However, part of this has been concealed from all—but the deepest students of the Bible by the unfortunate mistranslation of certain words in the commonly-used King James Version.
The Prophet Isaiah, one, of the most deeply inspired prophets in the Bible, foretells the future of a number of different nations. With one exception, these kingdoms which were then important nations, were competing with one another for mastery – over western Asia and the Mediterranean shores. In his thirteenth chapter, Isaiah names Babylon, and foretells its coming destruction- -even naming the Medes as the chief nation by whom Babylon would be overthrown (although Isaiah wrote this 176 years before the fall of Babylon); he also foretells that, after its destruction, the Arabs would never camp overnight at the site of the mined city–which is still true, even today. In his fourteenth chapter Isaiah concludes his prophecies against Babylon, and names another people doomed to be broken as a punishment for their evil ways–the Assyrians.
Because we people are the Children of Yahweh, we want to know what our Father’s will is. Then we want to live according to His will. It is no news to you that we have reached this particular point in history. We are in the end times, the last days. We are at the point where we can already see the rapid approach of the complete collapse of our civilization.
I have no optimistic message that if we just close our eyes it will go away, it won’t. We have already shut our eyes for so many generations, we are now going to have to open them and face the facts. We are at the point of the collapse and destruction of our civilization, because there is no evil being done today that we did not permit. Our leaders have betrayed us. Not the least of those, in this corrupt betrayal, have been those in the organized church system. These false clergymen have led the betrayal.
Somebody once asked Satan, “What are you going to do when you run up against the great truth? This truth is so plain and clear, you can’t refute it and you can’t twist it.” Satan replied, “Oh. I’ll just organize it.”
There is nothing out of date about the Bible. Its clear distinctions between good and evil, its rules for human conduct and its laws for the government of the nation, are as valid and as vital today as they ever were in the days of the prophets that wrote them. It was written then to be read now. Far more of its prophecies and warnings apply to this present time than were aimed at the times in which they were written. This is equally true of both Old and New Testaments, they are both part of the same book and each confirms the other. We would do well to heed them.
When our ancestors founded this nation, they were Christians who recognized the eternal validity of Yahweh’s laws. They were aware that only in obedience to our God could the nation survive. Under the guidance of such men, the few colonies with their small and scattered populations grew to become the mightiest nation the world has ever seen.
This is an age in which news has been superseded by propaganda, and education by brainwashing and indoctrination. From the advertising used to sell shoddy goods, to the classes in your schools designed to make your children into obedient robots of a socialist state, the art of persuasion has displaced the simple virtue of truth. The masters who rule out of the shadows, using as puppets those who govern us, to drive this nation ever further down the path to socialism, they seek to gain control of your mind–for with that, they will rule you in all things. And one of the great fortresses of the mind, which they must capture if they are to change your destiny, is your religion.
Suddenly we have been bombarded from all sides with references to “our Judaeo-Christian religion,” and “our Judaeo-Christian heritage.” Just as the other Communist party-line phrases, “war-monger,” “hate-monger,” and “extreme right wing” have appeared suddenly in all our newspapers and most of our magazines, when the Communist Party decreed it, so likewise has the similarly inspired phrase “Judaeo-Christian” appeared suddenly in the writings of hosts of men who seek to mold public opinion. Were this the spontaneous idea of some one writer who originated it, he would have a monopoly on it for some time; instead, it has been used simultaneously by the many who serve the Party, until even the fumbling copyists join in the chorus, not knowing whose purpose they are serving. Is there any truth’ in this phrase, “Judaeo-Christian?” Is Christianity derived from Judaism? Does Christianity have anything in common with Judaism? Who can say with authority what the answer may be? Certainly Jesus Christ is the great authority on this subject, for none knows better than He; and next would come His disciples. Let us ask them whether Christianity can be truthfully called “Judaeo-Christian.”
When you see some new machine with its shafts turning, gears spinning, motors humming, you can’t understand what it is or what it does, until somebody shows you a plan of it. Similarly, you can’t understand history and its climax, modern civilization, until you see a plan of it. The only such plan of history is in the Bible and it is amazingly complete. However, you can’t understand this plan in the Bible, until you know who you are. You must learn the Bible was lived and written by your ancestors, written about you and written to you. The identity of the Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian and Teutonic people as the Israel of the Bible is the only key to the whole book.
If somebody wrote a very exact history of the United States, but never used the name United States therein, always calling the nation in this history China, you couldn’t make much sense out of it. As a history of China, it would be demonstrably false, it could never make good sense until you put the name of the right nation into it, however all the major churches have falsified the Bible. They have taken our history, the various prophecies about us and told us that all this was just about the Jews, which is an easily demonstrated falsehood. That is why any intelligent and well-educated atheist has always made a monkey out of any clergyman who has ever debated him on the Bible. The traditional church doctrines on the Bible are such easily exposed falsehoods.
Part of the campaign of brainwashing, to Part of the campaign of brainwashing, to which the American public is being subjected, is a huge and well-financed effort to make us believe that all discrimination is bad. Those of us, whose memory reaches back 40 years or more, will recall the ability to discriminate between things of different value or utility was then recognized as a most essential part of intelligence. Those too dull to see differences, where they exist, were considered stupid. How does it happen the subsidized press, radio and television commentators now so bitterly denounce all who can discriminate?
They even try to make us believe discrimination is not Christian! Since all of the devil’s doctrines are now being preached under the false pretence of Christianity, let us examine the only source from which we can determine Yahweh’s position on the subject of discrimination. From beginning to end, the Bible is a book of discrimination, discrimination by Yahweh and discrimination, which Yahweh commanded us to make. We find the first record of Yahweh’s discrimination in Genesis 4:3-5 where we read, “And in process of time it came to pass that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto Yahweh. And Abel also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And Yahweh had respect unto Abel and to his offering: but unto Cain and to his offering He had not respect”. What is this?
EVERY TIME WE PICK UP OUR NEWSPAPERS, or listen to the radio and watch television, we hear of wars and rumours of wars. There is rioting in Africa and Asia, Cuba and South America. Murder, rape and violence of all kinds is rampant everywhere, even in our own country. After hearing of the conditions in the world today, I think it would be comforting to hear what the scriptures have to say about all these things. In Romans 15:4 we read, “For whatsoever things were written afore time were written for our learning, that we through patience and the comfort of the scriptures might have hope.”
As one writer expressed it, “For most of the time comfort is a soft, sleek, stroking word. But not always! Not always for the scriptures. Comfort is no softling. The word itself is like a strong man armed. Comfort, fort, fortify, fortitude.” In other words strength, nothing soft about that!
“Fortitude to see unflinchingly;
Strength to stand unwaveringly
Not a lullaby, but a trumpet call.”
The Moffatt translation of the Bible, which I will be quoting from, translates Isaiah 44:8 as follows. “Fear nothing; dread not in the days to come: Have not I foretold it and announced it long ago?”
It is universally recognized that many of the Bible’s greatest prophecies are found in the Book of Daniel. Many of these are phrased in such obscure language that they were hard to understand until their fulfilment made clear their meaning. That is exactly what God intended: for He had His angel tell Daniel, “But thou, 0 Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end … for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand” (Daniel 12: 4, 9-10). However, actual events which have followed through the centuries have fulfilled these prophecies so unmistakably that their meaning is now clear.
One of these prophecies is accepted by all churches that I know of, and they have agreed upon its meaning for the first 4/5 of it. Yet this prophecy so clearly sets forth the Anglo-Saxon Israel doctrines that it is hard to see how the preachers of these churches can be blind to it; and this is an especial challenge to all preachers who deny the truth of the Anglo-Saxon Israel doctrines: Follow this with me in your Bibles, and then let me hear you deny it.
We Americans are a peace loving people; we don’t envy our neighbours their land or their wealth. We make no wars of conquest, so we find it hard to believe that others would attack us. We become involved in defensive wars because we suffer so much wrong without resistance that our long patience is mistaken for cowardice. Our enemies, both in other lands and within our own nation, take advantage of this. They know they can always lead us into traps by pretending they want peace. Russia is hard at this old trick right now, in the United Nations, vigorously helped by the so-called neutral nations. How can there be any neutrality between good and evil? Yahshua said he who is not for Me is against Me.
Most of our churches are to blame for our failure to recognize this devil’s trap for what it is, for it is clearly stated in the Bible, that book they so seldom read to you in church. As for the United Nations, that palace of strangers cursed by Yahweh, the prophets exposed their talk of peace 2,500 years ago. Psalm 28:3 calls them, “The workers of iniquity, which speak peace to their neighbours, but mischief is in their hearts”. Jeremiah 9:8 says, “Their tongue is an arrow shot out; it speaketh deceit: one speaketh peaceably to his neighbour with his mouth, but in his heart he lyeth in ambush”.
For many years, Christianity has been under constant, bitter and treacherous attack– until the major churches are now in disorganized retreat. The attack by those who are openly atheists or Communists has done little damage, as it could not appeal to anyone but our enemies in any event. The most vicious attack, and the most successful—has come from men who have gained high positions of power in church hierarchies and have used this power to destroy everything the Christian churches have stood for over the centuries, everything that brought Christianity greatness and kept it great. It is the old Marxist strategy of “boring from within.”
The first step in this plot was to keep the church congregations ignorant of the real Biblical basis for Christian doctrine. The average man has no training in analysis of the Bible — and if he wished to, he could not spare the great amount of time necessary for the years of studies which are required; and — lets face it— the average man doesn’t have the capacity to undertake such a study independently. He must trust his minister to give him the results in pre-digested form. But his trust is far too often betrayed. How much of what is actually in the Bible were you ever taught in your church? Think back over your own church-going experience: on how many Sundays did your minister ever tell you what was in more than just one verse of the Bible? Remember, he took just one verse as his “text”— that is, the point of departure at which he left the Bible, never to return to it; and the rest of the sermon may have caused you to admire the cleverness of the man — but when did he give you, word-for-word, what the Bible itself says?
Some people have expressed surprise at the rapid growth of the various Left-Wing organizations: they are not able to understand how, in a nation with our history of freedom, justice and opportunity so many could be attracted to organizations which want to set up a Left-Wing totalitarianism. But to those who are familiar with their Bibles, this should cause no surprise at all, for it is the fulfilment of Bible prophecy. There are in the world two basic types of people: first, those to whom religion and the things of the Spirit have a deep appeal, and who deeply love liberty, and second, those who are materialist and power-hungry. These latter are quickly and strongly attracted to Socialism by its materialism and its concentration of tyrannical power in the hands of a few Commissars. The division between the two was foretold by Jesus Christ, Himself in Matthew 13:24-30, 36:43. “Another parable put He forth unto them, saying “The Kingdom of Heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. But when the blade was sprung up and brought forth fruit, there appeared the tares also. So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst thou not sow good seed in thy field? From whence hath it tares? He said unto them, an enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? But he said Nay: lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of the harvest I will say unto the reapers, Gather ye first the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them; but gather the wheat into my barn.,*** Then Jesus sent the multitude away and went into the house: and His disciples came unto Him, saying, Declare unto us the parable of the tares of the field. He answered and said unto them, ‘He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man; the field is the world; the good seed are the Children of the Kingdom; but the tares are the children of the Wicked One; the enemy that sowed them Is the Devil; the harvest is the end of the age; and the reapers are the angels. As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire, so shall it be in the end of this age. The Son of man shall send forth the angels, and- they shall gather out of His kingdom all things that offend, and them which do Iniquity, and shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then shall the righteous shine forth in the Kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.”‘
Let us continue our discussion of God’s Laws. When I first spoke to you on this subject, we saw that God’s Laws are divided into four classes COMMANDMENTS, JUDGEMENTS, STATUTES and ORDINANCES; that the COMMANDMENTS are the major rules governing man’s duties to his God; that the JUDGEMENTS are the rules governing man’s
relation to other men; that the STATUTES are the general rules for the health prosperity and peace of the nation (including the DIETARY and AGRICULTURAL laws, the SOCIAL and ECONOMIC laws, and the POLITICAL laws); finally, the ORDINANCES are the religious regulations, for the various festivals and the sacrifices and offerings.
Of these, only the ORDINANCES have been set aside by the New Testament. The rituals and symbols embodied in them were the expression of the Israelite’s belief that his Redeemer would come, in the future; but when Jesus Christ had come and performed the reality which these rituals symbolized, their usefulness was ended. The believer could no longer say that he was waiting for the future coming of his Redeemer— they must be replaced by new rituals looking back to the fulfilled Redemption.
But the other Laws of God are still in force: THOU SHALT NOT STEAL and THOU SHALT NOT COMMIT ADULTERY are as important today as when Moses carried the stone tablets down Mount Sinai. We do not expect to gain our personal salvation by keeping the law; and indeed, this was never their true purpose. But we do expect to gain the peace, prosperity and good order of the community thereby, just as we have tried to do this by enforcing the laws of our City, our State, and our Nation.
A MAN CANNOT BE A PODIATRIST AND TRIM YOUR TOE CORNS without passing an examination to prove that he is competent to provide this service. But, any fool can become a legislator, and a lot of fools do become one. Consequently our laws, as a rule, are the products of unskilled labour. In trying to draft a statute, it isn’t too difficult to word it so that anybody who is trying in good faith can understand it. The big problem is to word it so that somebody who is trying in bad faith, to misunderstand it, can’t do so.
We have a somewhat similar problem with the Bible. Somehow, no matter how plainly the Bible states something, it is always possible for some little sect to pick some verse out of context, and manage to completely misinterpret it and then make it a principal doctrine and off they go. We are going to learn about one of these doctrines.
Today, some of our major churches don’t really believe in the return of Yahshua. They don’t require their ordained ministers to claim that they believe they believe Yahshua is actually returning. Even those who do believe it, can get some surprising differences of doctrine about this subject. As to what the return of Yahshua will be like, there is a good deal about this subject in the Bible and it seems to me to be pretty clear. I want you to learn what some of the churches have done with this information.
Confusion has arisen because in Revelation 16: 15 Yahshua says, “Behold, I come as a thief.” When a thief, or burglar, breaks into your house and steals something, ordinarily we don’t catch him in the act, he gets away without us seeing him. Because of this short passage, some churches teach Yahshua is coming back but nobody will know He is here.
As those of you who listen to these lessons know, Yahweh’s people, the Israel of the Bible, survive today in the form of the nations we roughly classify as Anglo Saxon. From its first establishment as a nation, Yahweh has selected Israel, for a most unusual honour Israel was to work with Him in establishing His kingdom on this earth.
Such a partnership has not been offered to any other people. In Leviticus 20:24-26 Yahweh said, “I am Yahweh your God, which has separated you from other people. And ye shall be holy unto Me: for I Yahweh am holy, and have severed you from other people, that ye should be Mine.” In Deuteronomy 7:6 Yahweh said, “For thou art a holy people unto Yahweh thy God: Yahweh hath chosen thee to be a special people unto Himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.” Through another prophet, recorded in Amos 3:2 Yahweh said, “You only have I known, of all the families of the earth”.
Something new came to my attention, about a week ago, which surprised me considerably. It has to do with one of the ancient countries, yet it is startling modern. It shows one of the Bible’s prophecies working out now, which I believe none of us had expected until at least into the time of the final great war.
I want to tell you about Egypt and about something that is happening there now. It came about unexpectedly and it shows that Yahweh knows events that are to happen, well ahead of us. Perhaps at this point we should have a short review of ancient Egyptian history.
This history is quite difficult to pin down with exact dates. The Egyptian priest named Manetho, about 250 B. C., wrote the only authentic history of Egypt. The difficulty is that no copy of Manetho’s history exists; all we have of it are the fragmentary quotes, in the works of some Greek historians. These Greek historians didn’t all quote it alike, so we do have problems.
The Bible is written to God’s people ISRAEL. The common misconception that “the Jews are all that remains of Israel” makes the Bible seem false to those who hold this mistaken view, just as if you took a good history of the United States, and wherever it said “United States” you wrote in its place “China”; as a history of China, it is clearly false, but applied to the right nation it is true.
When the police have the fingerprints of a wanted man, they know the man whose prints match those they have is the one they. seek. Likewise, when we find the people to whom all of God’s promises to Israel have been fulfilled, we have found ISRAEL. TODAY, THE WHITE EUROPEANS HAVE ISRAEL’S FINGERPRINTS IN EVERY DETAIL.
In some other lessons, I have traced for you some of the many references to Israel in the New Testament. This shows that the New Testament is as much an Israel book as the Old Testament is. The two books in the New
Testament we haven’t covered as yet, are Hebrews and Revelation. Today, in this lesson, I want to examine the book of Revelation, to show that this too is an Israel book.
No book in the whole Bible is so little understood as the book of Revelation. It is a prophetic book, history pre-written. It is much more difficult to understand than any other prophetic book, because it is written principally in symbols.
The period of time covered by this book is the entire Christian era and even beyond, into the beginnings of eternity. When the prophet Daniel wrote his prophecies, these were not for his own times, but for the remote future. In Daniel 12:4,9 the angel Gabriel told Daniel, “But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words and seal up the book, even to the time of the end: Go thy way Daniel, for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end”. In contrast to this, the angel told John in Revelation 22:10, “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand.” So the book of Revelation prophetically covers all the time from Yahshua to our own day and onward.
It is impossible to truly understand the Bible, or any part of it, without understanding the Anglo-Saxon, Germanic and Scandinavian people of today are the Israel of the Bible. The Bible speaks always and only to Israel. To claim its benefits for yourself, you must start by putting yourself in the ranks of Israel. Even the major churches show some dim awareness of this fact although they won’t admit it.
For example, the Episcopal Church won’t admit that we are Israel but read their Book of Common Prayer. Throughout this book it always speaks from the standpoint of Israel. To get out of the embarrassment of this inconsistency, most churches teach substantially this: “Although God’s promises to Israel were absolute and unconditional, God welshed on those promises and has given them to the church instead.” However, they don’t express this quite so frankly, if their doctrine were true, they wouldn’t have much of a religion. If Israel couldn’t trust Yahweh’s word, who else could? But, it is not true; Yahweh never welshed on a promise. Every promise He ever made to Israel, He has fulfilled and is today fulfilling the promises to Israel and to no one else.
One verse of the Bible was formerly quoted more often than it is today — although today we are arriving at the time of its fulfilment: that is I Peter 4:17, “For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall be the end of them that obey not the gospel of God?” But strangely enough, this verse is almost always used by the ministers to threaten their own congregations with judgment and condemnation, as though it was the Christians who should be in fear of this judgment. Perhaps that does get more money in the offering that Sunday: but is this a correct use of the word of God? Let’s examine this subject in detail.
IN FAR TOO MANY CHURCHES TODAY, the people are taught the New Testament has done away with the Old Testament. This must be discarded and repudiated. In fact, many of them will not even so much as have an Old Testament, but carry only a New Testament, bound separately. This has been a terrible sin on the part of the clergy of these churches, to repudiate 3/5ths of Yahweh’s word. Most of Yahweh’s promises to us are contained in the Old Testament. Why should anyone teach that Yahweh’s word is worthless, and His promises broken? This only undermines the only foundation for the New Testament. Let’s examine the evidence and see if we have to cast aside most of Yahweh’s word as unworthy of belief. When you hear the evidence, I believe that you will decide as I have, it is all one book, which proclaims one consistent truth from Genesis to Revelation. Neither half of the Bible can be properly understood without the other You know the Old Testament is the history of the Adamic race. It is about the tribes of Israel, Yahweh’s chosen people. The only time any other people are mentioned is when they come in contact with Israel. Consequently there is no mention of Japan, China and many other countries that existed at that time. The Old Testament tells the history of Israel’s past and Yahweh’s prophecies and promises as to their future I know you have been taught that the Jews are Israel; no greater falsehood was ever taught to man! In my other lessons, I have given you the proof the real Israel of the Bible is what today we commonly call the Anglo Saxon nations. This includes Scandinavia, Germany, Austria, Holland, and parts of Belgium, France and Switzerland. It also includes some of the people of Italy, Spain, the people of the British Isles and the descendants of these nations in their former colonies of the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.
YOU MAY BE ONE OF MANY AMERICANS who are concerned by the direction in which the nation is going. Possibly you are discouraged because conditions seem to be worsening despite your efforts to awaken your acquaintances and public officials. When a doctor’s patient fails to respond to treatment, the doctor generally will review his diagnosis. Our patient, the United States, is very sick and obviously not responding to our treatment. So let’s review our diagnosis of the nation’s ills. We may have overlooked something important and a correct diagnosis must precede the cure.
The chaos, which we see in the affairs of men, presents a startling contrast to the harmony in nature and in the heavens. Scientists tell us that our sun is only one of about 200,000,000,000 stars in the galaxy called the Milky Way. They say the Milky Way is but one of billions of huge galaxies. Trillions of suns or stars and their associated planets are whirling through space at incredible speeds, in mathematically precise orbits throughout the universe. Surely this reflects perfect planning. As the Psalmist wrote, “Truly the heavens declare the glory of Yahweh”. While we may marvel at the heavens, we must admit the existence of life and particularly man, the highest form of life, is an even more glorious declaration of the power of Yahweh. Is it reasonable to believe there is no plan for man, Yahweh’s greatest creation? After his creation, man was left alone to wander aimlessly without a specific purpose?
GOD KNEW THAT THE CONDITIONS AND EVENTS OF THE LAST FEW YEARS of this age would be very terrible, so He has provided many scriptures to encourage us as we find ourselves in the final, titanic death-struggle between good and evil. The scriptures tell us plainly that the awful events we see are marks of the end of the Age and therefore mean that our Savior Jesus Christ will soon thereafter return. If they did not reveal our position in history, they would be of no comfort: what good are mere platitudes to a person who is wondering if his family is about to be fried in an atom-bomb explosion? But these scriptures bring hope because they show that we have reached almost the very end of our troubles.
Unfortunately, much of this is lost by mistranslation out of the Hebrew and Greek in which the Bible was written. Passages of clear, specific meaning in the original languages are mistranslated into vague uncertainty. One of these is found in Luke 21:25,26, where Jesus Christ is giving the signs by which we may recognize the end of the Age. As found in your King James Version, it reads thus: “. and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming upon the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.”
THE OLD TESTAMENT AND THE NEW EACH TELL EXACTLY THE SAME STORY: there is as much Christianity in the Old Testament as in the New, but people whose religion is too shallow to make any study of it have always overlooked this both 2,000 years ago and again today. There is the same firm insistence upon the national message in the New Testament as in the Old but again shallow religion fails to see it.
When Jesus Christ first came they were not willing to receive Him as Savior or Redeemer because they would not accept the whole message, but only the national half of it. The Pharisees of today’s churches are just as wrong: while they now accept the half concerning personal salvation they reject just as contemptuously the national half, and this error will be as disastrous as the other. When Jesus Christ returns He will not come again as Savior of the individual, for that work He has completed (as He said upon the cross. It is finished). He is coming as King of a very real kingdom upon this earth and it will not do to reject Him again, to deny Him His crown and meet Him only with a cross.
HAVE YOU EVER STOPPED TO QUESTION THE INTENSE HATRED there is in the world for white Christians? The written intention of our heavenly Father Yahweh is expressed in His prayer when we pray, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
In keeping with this, is Yahshua’s statement that Yahweh’s servants have been on earth for thousands of years? The first of Yahweh’s people was Adam. When Yahweh couldn’t find a mate from among all the races then existing on earth, he made a mate for Adam out of one of his ribs. This servant race was and is to be the servants of Yahweh on earth, until every knee shall bend at the feet of Yahshua, our coming King.
The Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, is about one race of people Israel, in the Old Testament and also the New Testament. The enemies of our Christ hated him, and still do, with such a bitter hatred, they broke every then existing law to have Him suffer and die upon the cross. We know that this crucifixion could only happen because He had come to die for us, that we might enjoy eternal life with Him.
The bitterness of the slayers of Yahshua has never ended and they are just as determined now, as they were two thousand years ago, to destroy Christianity. These anti Christ Jews want to keep the family of Christ in constant ridicule.
The white race has been kept in darkness about their status and destiny on earth. Let’s look at the facts of the Bible as they show up in history. We then challenge you to examine the facts, as we present them to you from the Bible and history.
MOST CHURCH GOERS WILL SAY THAT THEY BELIEVE THE BIBLE, but the question is, WHAT BIBLE? If pinned down to specific answers, they will discount the Old Testament about 90%. They are sceptical of its history, they give no credence to its miracles, they know only utter confusion as to its prophecies and they reject its laws as being repudiated by the New Testament. For their beauty of language, they will accept part of the Psalms, those which are not “controversial”, which could not offend even the most wicked, but they reject all the others which sternly call the Christian to the duties he wants to evade. Ask them “What else?” and they can point to nothing. They will, however, say that they are “New Testament Christians.”
Well, what about the New Testament? Challenge them to produce from it the basis of their faith. They will confidently assert several doctrines, but be hard put to find the source of them in the New Testament, but they were told that these are Christian. In fact, no one can find certain of these doctrines in the Bible, for the real author of a number of doctrines now being taught as Christian is not Matthew nor John, not Mark nor Peter, not Luke nor Paul, but KARL MARX.(Son of a rabbi, note added.) Some of the most monstrous evils of the age, cancers which have recently sprung up to attack the very existence of our civilization and our Race are World Government ruled by Pagan and Satanic powers.
Destruction of the White Race by integration and mongrelisation, are now being taught by many in the name, falsely taken, of religion. They are being taught as a so called “Christian duty” to destroy everything that has made us great and brought civilization to the world and in its place to enthrone in power everything evil and debasing, against which we have had to fight throughout the centuries. Only a rejection of the Bible can account for this, for it does not really come out of the New Testament. Its real purpose is to destroy the laws given by God.
ON THIS PROGRAM, it has been our custom to frequently review current events in detail, because these show the fulfilment of Bible prophesies in our day. However, in covering the subject I now want to discuss, I shall not have much occasion to list these events in detail and this for a definite reason. There are times when it is not so important to count every bead on the string, as it is to see whether they are all strung on the same string. When you learn that, you will know where to look for the next bead. My purpose is to show the existence of certain definite principles, which govern the events which we see happening, as these principles have governed them for thousands of years.
For ages, it was well understood by everyone that various nations and races had certain characteristics, which usually would be demonstrated in the actions of these people. National and racial policies and conduct developed out of national and racial character. There were, of course, the rare exceptions and these, a certain type of mind seizes upon as proof that there was no general rule. “The exception merely proves the rule.” Similarly, we can note that among crows, one bird in every 38 million is white, an albino. But this only emphasizes the rule that all of the other 38 million crows are black. Therefore, reasonably consistent conduct can be identified as the rule, notwithstanding an occasional exception which surprises us when we find it.
THE LAST TIME WE STARTED STUDYING THE MATTER OF THE BEAST AND THE MARK OF THE BEAST in the book of Revelation, we saw that this curious beast had the characteristics of four different animals. This was really a repetition of the series of beasts, which Daniel had seen. These, like Nebuchadnezzar’s image, were prophecies of four great Gentile world empires, which would rule the then known civilized world, one after the other.
The book of Revelation looks farther into the future than Daniel did, it points out something. Remember Daniel’s last beast was the Roman Empire, which was finally broken up and came to its end. The book of Revelation goes beyond this point and shows us that the same forces, which were operative in these four successive empires, the same dominant satanic leadership which made them all of similar character, are operating even in our own day. It also shows us, by its many references, what it calls great Babylon. The forces that made Babylon the outstanding one of these ancient civilizations, so far as a purely materialistic culture lacking all spiritual values made Babylon the most advanced of all.
Nevertheless, because of this complete lack of any spiritual understanding, it was a satanic organization. Long after the old city of Babylon had fallen, the same forces, the old Babylonian economic system which absolutely governs us today, the old political ideas, the old Babylonian religion, are still operative even in these days.
Before we go any farther with this study of the beast, which is starting the final exercise of complete economic control and which we are beginning to feel tighten down on us even today, there is more information we should study to identify these forces. Our churches have gotten nowhere identifying this problem. This is usually because they persist in misidentifying the people, races and forces involved. The result of this is a mixed up mess.
The Bible doesn’t bother recording incidents, which were of no importance after their own day. The Bible records those things, which will be of lasting effect. It was never intended that any portion of the Bible should be something good for a matter of a few years, then obsolete, and no longer useful.
As Paul said in I Corinthians 10:11, “Now all these things happened to them for examples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the end of the age is come”. So the information you find in the Bible are the forces that are still operating. True, a particular king the Bible mentions doing this or that, is long since dead. However, his modern day successors are still carrying out the same policies and still getting the same evil results.
THOSE WHO HATE TO BELIEVE OUR ISRAEL IDENTITY DOCTRINE like to snarl at us, “Ah, what’s so special about the White Race, anyway?” They like to close their eyes to the fact that all civilization existing in the world today is the product of that race: what the dark peoples have was taught to them by us. But I want to take up this challenge, and show that there is something very special about our Race, altogether aside from our abilities and accomplishments: that the very origin of the true Israel of God, the Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian, Germanic and related peoples, was in itself a miracle from the hand of God.
You will remember that God first made His promises of a marvellous future to Abraham, telling him “I will make thy seed as the dust of the earth so that if a man can number the dust of the earth, then shall thy seed also be numbered.” (Genesis 13:6) “My covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations;” (Genesis 17:4) “And I will establish My covenant between Me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant” (Genesis 1-7:7), and told how these nations would be a blessing to all the earth.
Abraham had 8 sons; but God told him that only his son Isaac was to be the ancestor of the promised line, called by God to become His people, saying, “In Isaac shall thy seed be called” Genesis 21:12), and My covenant will I establish with Isaac.” (Genesis 17:21) Not only was Isaac, our ancestor, specially selected by God, but his very existence was a miracle. Two parties are necessary for the birth of all other children—a father and a mother; but the birth of Isaac required three parties: his father, Abraham, his mother, Sarah,—and GOD.
AMONG THE MANY MISTAKEN AND UNSCRIPTURAL NOTIONS, commonly taught in nearly all churches, is the idea that the flood mentioned in the Bible, covered all the earth. It states everybody on earth was drowned excepting Noah and his family, who escaped death by being in the ark. Many churches have firmly insisted the Bible says this, when there is ample proof the flood was not worldwide. With this teaching the churches have destroyed the faith of multitudes of people. They have made atheists or agnostics out of hundreds of thousands of people who might have become active Christians, if they had only been taught the truth about the Bible.
In Genesis chapter 6, we read that Yahweh found the people so corrupt He regretted He had ever created them, so He decided to wipe them out by a flood. He warned righteous Noah of the coming flood and told Noah to build a great boat, or ark, in which he and his family might find safety and where they might preserve a few of each kind of the animals from that area. Genesis chapter 7 tells how Noah received the final warning the time was now at hand and he should move into the ark. Then it says, according to the King James Bible:
IN THIS LESSON WE SHALL STUDY THE HISTORY OF TWO INDIVIDUALS, from the time they are mentioned in the Bible and after any record of them in the Bible has ceased. These two individuals are Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea, who are well-established historical characters, in addition to the mention of them in Biblical records.
In our Bible, the only reference to Nicodemus in found in the gospel of John. It is a surprise to find Nicodemus is also mentioned in the Jewish Talmud. There is also the Book of Nicodemus, which was written some time during the first three centuries A.D. None of the early Christian writers, before 250 A.D. or 275 A.D., mention the Book of Nicodemus at all, although later it is extensively quoted.
There was a period of several centuries in which people thought they had to help Yahweh, He couldn’t get along by Himself. These people were eager to make as many converts among the pagans as they could. In those days, as well as now, people were greatly impressed by miracles. Remember how the Jews were constantly demanding that Yahshua perform miracles, just to show them that he was more than just an ordinary man, before they would take Him seriously. Yahshua always refused these demands. He performed many miracles but only those that had been prophesied in the Old Testament, that He would do. These prophecies were mostly in Isaiah. Yahshua would not perform like a clown for the amusement of the Jewish population.
TO MANY OF YOU, THE IDEA THAT THE ANGLO-SAXON-GERMANIC-SCANDINAVIAN NATIONS ARE THE ISRAEl of the Bible is startling, because you have not heard it until recently; and you wonder, why haven’t I heard this from the beginning? But deep students of the Bible have known it a long time. During the centuries when other empires were dominant, general knowledge of the Israel identity would have been premature, for It would have aroused the jealousy and hatred of these other empires before we were strong enough to deal with them; but since we have come to national maturity, the knowledge has been available to those who cared to learn the truth. There have been a number of books on this subject, such as “The Lost Ten Tribes”, by Rev. Dr. Joseph Wild, published in 1883, “The Fullness of Nations” by Aldersmith, of London, published in 1889; “Lost Israel Found” by Edward Hine, published in England in the 1870s; and the many brilliant books written by Professor Totten of Yale University, published in the 1880’s and 1890’s. But I want to tell you of a lecture given before the United States Congress.
It was by Rev. F. E. Pitts, of Nashville, Tennessee, in which he identified the United States as the land of re-gathered Israel, and the scene of much of the final War, the so called Battle of Armageddon, as pictured in Ezekiel 38 and 39. Since 1855, Rev. Pitts had been lecturing on this subject across the nation, resulting in this invitation to speak before Congress.
PROFESSOR ANDRE PARROT, THE WORLD FAMOUS FRENCH ARCHAEOLOGIST HAS SAID, “How can we understand the Bible unless we see it in its proper chronological, historical and geographical settings?” Archaeology not only confirms but also illuminates the historical situations out of which the Old Testament and the gospels grew. I think you will be interested in seeing how modern they were centuries before the Christian era, and how fitting the title, “Nothing New Under the Sun”.
It was Solomon who said in Ecclesiastes 1:9, “Whatever has been is that which will be; And whatsoever has been done is that which will be done. And there is nothing new under the sun. Is there a thing of which it is said, Lo, this is new? It was already in existence in the ages which were before us.”
Abraham was born in Ur of the Chaldees and lived there until he was about 50 years old. Then with his father Terah, his wife Sarah and his nephew Lot, they moved to Haran and remained there until Terah died. Yahweh said to Abram in Genesis 12:1-4, “Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will show thee; And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great: — And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee; and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed.”
Because we believe the United States is one of the great nations promised to Abraham’s seed, this becomes our history. Just at the time the higher critics had about convinced everybody that Abraham was just a legendary figure, the archaeologists began proving the Bible to be true. Thousands of our books have become worthless and ancient history had to be rewritten.
AS WE APPROACH THE ANNIVERSARY OF THE GREATEST DAY IN ALL HISTORY, the day of Yahshua’s resurrection, it would be well for us to give some thought and study to just what it is that we celebrate with such faith and joy. What is the foundation upon which our faith is built? What is the meaning of the tremendous events of that last week in Yahshua’s earthly life? What was accomplished thereby? For the answers, we must look to both the Old and New Testaments, for they are the parts of one book and each proves the authenticity of the other.
We know the Old Testament is truly the inspired word of Yahweh, because its greatest prophecies were fulfilled in the New Testament. We know the New Testament is also the inspired word of Yahweh. Its great events were those, which had been prophesied in the Old Testament.
Remembering this, let us review the scriptures dealing with Yahshua’s ministry and see just what He accomplished. I need not review the fall of Adam, causing the loss of our original position in Yahweh’s plan. This made necessary a Redeemer for Yahweh’s children, eventually to be known as Israel, this is familiar to all Christians. The Redeemer is one of the principle themes of the Bible. Most of it in the Old Testament is not generally understood because so much of it is stated in the form of symbols and ritual.
IT IS UNFORTUNATE THAT MANY PREACHERS, in their ignorance, teach so many false doctrines. One such false doctrine is the statement that Yahshua was not of pure Israelite blood; they say one of His ancestors was Ruth, a Moabitess. From the use of this term they believe that she was racially, not just geographically, a Moabite, in this they are greatly mistaken.
The territory of the Moabites was originally east and northeast of the Dead Sea. It extended from the Arnon River on the south to the Jabbok River on the north. Then their territory went from the Dead Sea and the Jordan River on the west, across the plains and foothills, into the mountains to the east. From the name of the people who lived there, it was called Moab. It kept that name for many centuries after all the Moabites were gone from it.
When the Israelites entered the Promised Land, after their 40 years wandering during the exodus, the land of Moab was the first land they conquered. Yahweh had commanded Israel to totally exterminate the occupants of the lands they were to settle, in Moab they did so.
At this time, about 1450 B.C. Sihon, king of the Amorites, had conquered and occupied the kingdom of Moab and was its ruler when the Israelites came in. In Numbers 21:25,29 we read, “For Heshbon was the city of Sihon, king of the Amorites, who had fought against the former king of Moab, and taken all his land out of his hand, even unto Arnon. Woe unto thee Moab! Thou art undone, O people of Chemosh: he hath given his sons that escaped, and his daughters, into captivity unto Sihon, king of the Amorites.”
FOR A LONG TIME, THE CHURCHES HAVE BEEN PREACHING THE GOSPEL OF SALVATION — and forgetting, or even denying, that there is anything else in the Bible. But it is time for you who are interested in this message to consider fully a more important Gospel — the Gospel of Redemption — for this one affects you. Without at least salvation, a person has nothing, for he would have no life beyond this present one. On the other hand, just what does he get by salvation? In the Old Testament, four Hebrew words have been translated “salvation” — and the root meaning of all four is simply “safety”, deliverance from danger or destruction; in the New Testament, two Greek words are also translated salvation” — and these also have the same root meaning.
That is, by salvation, one gains life, he is delivered from death; but there is nothing stated to indicate on what level or standard that life will be: that question must be settled by something more than just “being saved”; and undoubtedly, the matter of rewards for a meritorious life enters into it.
MOST OF THE PROPHECIES IN THE BOOK OF DANIEL were written in obscure language, so that the full meaning of the event would not become clear until the time for fulfilment was near. One of these which has puzzled all scholars until recently is in the 12th. chapter of Daniel. It expressly deals with the time of the very end: so Its application to our day shows us where we are in history. It reads thus: ” And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a. time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that- shall be found written In the book.
“But thou, 0 Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book, even to the Time of the End: many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall be increased. Then I, Daniel, looked, and behold, there stood other two, the one on this side of the bank of the river, and the other on that side of the bank of the river. And one said to the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, ‘How long shall it be to the end of these wonders?’ And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and swore by Him that liveth for ever, that it shall be for a time, times, and an half; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished.”
IN THE BIBLE, GOD REPEATEDLY WARNS US AGAINST ANY MIXING OF RACES —-and especially against intermarriage and mongrelisation. Some of this has been overlooked because of imperfect translations out of the Hebrew and Greek languages in which the Bible was written. Let us examine some of these passages, carefully noting the exact meaning of the words used in the original tongues.
From the very beginning, the commandment not to permit mongrelisation is strongly emphasized. For example: EXODUS 33:16 “So shall we he separated, and all of Thy people, from all the people that are upon the face of the earth.” LEVITICUS 20:24 “I am the Lord thy God, which have separated you from other people.”
JOSHUA 23:12-13 “.. if ye do in any wise go back and cleave unto the remnant of these nations, even these that remain among you, and shall make marriages with them, and go in unto them and they unto you: know for a certainty that they shall he snares and traps unto you, and scourges in your sides and thorns in your eyes, until ye perish off from this good land which the Lord your God has given you. ”
DEUTERONOMY 7:3 “NEITHER SHALT THOU MAKE MARRIAGES WITH THEM: thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son, nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son.”
THE 25TH CHAPTER OF GENESIS TELLS US THAT JACOB AND ESAU were twin brothers, sons of Isaac, and in line to inherit the wonderful blessings God had promised to Abraham, Isaac, and their descendants; also that Esau was the first-born, and therefore entitled to the Birthright of a double measure of blessings. Yet God told the prophet Malachi, “Was not Esau Jacob’s brother? saith the Lord: yet I loved Jacob, and I hated Esau.” (Malachi 1:2-3) The Birthright was lost by Esau, and inherited by Jacob, o97 ancestor, whose name God Himself changed from Jacob to ISRAEL (meaning “ruling with God”) and to whom God confirmed all of His promises and prophecies.
In all the world’s history, no-one was ever offered such marvellous blessings as were in this Birthright. To lose it was a most terrible loss; yet Esau and his descendants lost it. We now have it: yet we are today in great danger of losing it the same way Esau lost it. Genesis 25:34 tells us that ESAU DESPISED HIS BIRTHRIGHT — and therefore lost It. Today, our politicians and our churches are in an evil contest to see which can teach our people to despise our Birthright the most. If we do not swiftly repent of this, we, too, can lose our Birthright.
What are we talking about? What is this Birthright? It is all the blessings promised by God. But every coin has two sides; and every blessing has the corresponding duty on our part to do the thing which God has said: they are both promises and commands.
WE WHO LIVE IN THIS LAND SO BLESSED WITH LIBERTY AND PROSPERITY are much too likely to take for granted these conditions, giving no thought to the reasons why they exist. We have inherited them, without doing anything on our part to create them or even preserve them, so we place far too low a value on them. We do not. think about how our ancestors won them at the cost of their blood: we have even allowed sinister forces to bar out of our schools most of the teachings which, would tell our children how these things came to be — because it would “discriminate” against the Asiatics and Africans who never had (or wanted) such institutions, and it would build up in the children a patriotism which would make it harder to brainwash them into the kind of robots who will make good slaves of a world government.
The great ideals upon which our nation was built are no accident: neither are they just the work of men who created them out of nothing. They are our heritage from our remote past, from ancient ancestors who’ were taught-them by the word of God. They are but a part of a far greater plan of racial and national life drawn up for us by our God, and set forth in the Bible. Liberty and prosperity are not causes: they are results: and you cannot long have either one, unless you keep the righteousness which is the only cause capable of producing them. Whenever we have forgotten this, we have soon lost our blessings.
WHAT WOULD YOU SAY TO ME IF YOU KNEW I HAD DISCOVERED THAT I WAS THE HEIR TO A VAST ESTATE, great wealth and responsibility? Instead of rejoicing in the great privilege and turning to the work with all its great issues, I simply said, “Well, what if I am the heir, what difference does it make?” I know what you would think, even if you didn’t say it.
Yet, when we show from the Bible and from history and archaeology that the Anglo Saxon and kindred people are the modern day descendants of the house of Israel, to whom Yahweh has pledged with His oath so many great privileges and blessings, many say indifferently, what difference does it make? They want only personal salvation. Now the man who has the blessing of personal salvation is the recipient of a marvellous gift of Yahweh through Yahshua. This doesn’t warrant his despising and rejecting the other birthright, the birthright of race.
SO OFTEN WE HEAR SOMEONE MAKE THE FOOLISH STATEMENT that “Modern science has disproved the Bible — or some part of it.” Nothing can be further from the truth. There is no conflict between a correct translation of the Bible and that which is true science. Remember that many theories have been put forth as “science”—and have been believed by many —only to be proven false by more careful study, a few years later. I will admit that there is great conflict between what many ministers preach and what we know to be true science: but there is an even greater conflict between what these preachers say and what is really in the Bible.
The Bible has its own purpose, and it sticks to that purpose. (It does not purport to be a manual of instructions for the use and repair of an IBM computer, nor a textbook from which to teach schoolboys their mathematics. Its purpose is so much greater than any of these, that it has no time to waste on them.) Aside from the various laws governing Agriculture, diet, economics, etc.—about which I will speak some other time — the Bible’s principle purpose in going into scientific matters is to prove the divine inspiration of the Book by stating scientific matters which were not known by the best scientists of the day in which it was written, and which therefore could not be a display of merely human wisdom and knowledge. Let us look at some examples of science in the Bible.
USUALLY, I HAVE TALKED TO YOU ABOUT THE THINGS that belong in your Bible, but which didn’t get there because the translators changed them or left them out. Now I am going to reverse that: I am going to talk to you about something they left in your Bible which doesn’t belong there: and that is the Book of Esther.
Those of you who have read it have been puzzled by it, I know; it is a very curious thing to find in the Bible. In the entire Book of Esther, it not only does not mention the name of God once, it doesn’t even use the mere title, God, once. It never mentions prayer to God for help or thanksgiving to God for deliverance. It is completely and brutally materialistic story of murder and robbery and how did that get in your Bible?
Well, let us look at this a bit. First of all, let us summarize what it says in the Book of Esther. The scene is laid in the Persian Empire, after the overthrow of Babylon by the Medo‑Persian Empire: Persia swallowed up Media and it became just the Persian Empire.
It opens with the statement that Ahasuerus gave a six month long feast, or more properly a debauch, for his nobles. Now, Ahasuerus is not the name of any person; literally, it means the mighty one, and in English usage it would correspond to “his majesty.” You could apply it to any king of any kingdom in all world history, and it would apply as well to one as to another.
MANY PEOPLE ARE BEING GREATLY MISLED by sadly mistaken religious propaganda dealing with the Jewish nation which has been created, by violence, in Palestine. Clergymen who have never studied the subject are bubbling over with enthusiasm over what they regard as a great fulfilment of Bible prophecy. “The Budding of the Fig Tree”, they say. “Israel being restored to its place!” You who listen to this program already know that no Jew is an Israelite and no Israelite is a Jew. The Jews nation, in Palestine, has nothing to do with the real Israel at all.
That is too big a subject to repeat here, but you have heard it and those of you who have written in for our literature have seen the proof of it. The establishment of the Jewish nation in Palestine is the fulfilment of certain Bible prophecies but, far different ones than these ignorant and misguided clergymen have in mind. Let’s look them over.
Nearly all Bible students agree on one thing, that the Fig Tree is the symbol of the Jewish nation, not Israel. Therefore, let’s see what the Bible has to say about THE BUDDING OF THE FIG TREE. Jesus Christ Himself told us about this one. It was so important, that He not only told a parable about it, but in order to emphasize it, He also acted out the parable. We find the parable in Luke 13:6-9. “He spake also this parable: a certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard; and he came and sought fruit thereon and found none.
Then he said to the dresser of his vineyard, ‘Behold, these three years I have come seeking fruit on this fig tree and find none: cut it down; why cumbereth the ground?’ And he answering unto him, ‘Lord, let it alone this year also, till I shall dig around it and fertilize it: and if it bear fruit, well: and if not, then after that thou shalt cut it down.'”
NEVER BEFORE IN THE HISTORY OF OUR RACE has such a spirit of timidity and of abject fear of offending anyone, taken hold of almost everybody. Go where you will, into the homes, offices, public dinners, public forums and you still find this idea that certain subjects are taboo. They cannot be mentioned because they are controversial. Oddly enough, only vitally important matters are controversial. Why are you forbidden to freely speak your views on the important subjects of social, economic, political and religious life today?
Well, you really aren’t forbidden to, unless you happen to be on the side of good Americanism, conservatism or Christianity. You constantly find that those who hate our God are free to speak their minds at all times. They can denounce your religion, even demand that the forces of law be turned against it, to outlaw religion in the schools and all public places. If you say a word in protest, you are at once denounced as a religious bigot and reminded that there is freedom of religion, for everybody except you.
Those who hate everything that has made our nation great, who hate all that has brought us the highest living standard the world has ever known, want to replace it with that front porch of communism, socialism. These people have almost monopolized our schools and have taken over the Republican and Democratic branches of our two political parties. They can and do speak against our way of life on every possible occasion. Oppose them with a word and you are at once reminded of our sacred right of free speech. But, you have no such right for you are called a reactionary for opposing them.
IT HAS BEEN BROUGHT TO MY ATTENTION MANY TIMES, that there are preachers and teachers in the world who don’t recognize there are literal children of Satan surviving in the world today. Since this is one of the central themes of the Bible, the fight for supremacy between the children of Yahweh and the children of Lucifer, I wonder what Bible these preachers and teachers are reading and studying.
In these studies we will be using the proper name of our God, which is Yahweh and Yahshua for Christ. For documentation read, “Who Is Your God?”
The battle lines are drawn by Yahweh in Genesis 3:15, where He states he is going to put enmity between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent.
Let’s start at the beginning; of course Satan wasn’t a serpent. The entity that deceived and seduced Eve wasn’t a scaly thing wriggling along on the ground. Serpent was translated from the word nachash, which means enchanter or magician. A fallen angel, still retaining a lot of his angelic powers, no doubt could be very much of an enchanter or magician.
Lucifer’s children, and I do mean children not just followers, through the centuries used a serpent as a symbol or emblem of their ancestor, until they attached a secondary meaning of serpent to the word nachash. In Genesis 3:1-3 Satan said to Eve, “Is it really true that Yahweh said, You can’t eat of any tree in the garden?” As it reads in the Hebrew, Eve replied to Satan, “And the woman said unto the enchanter, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden”. Now I am going to switch to the King James translation and I will correct it as I go.
THE ENTIRE BIBLE, BOTH OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS, is written about and addressed to a race whom Yahweh calls My people Israel, they are not and never were Jews. All of Yahweh’s promises in the Bible were made to Israel. Either Yahweh has failed miserably to carry out His promises, or else Israel, His people, are still to be found in the world today, receiving the blessings which Yahweh promised to them. If they are here, who are they and where have they been residing?
From the time of the exodus from Egypt, the people Israel were organized into a nation of 12 tribes, just like the United States of 50 states. After they entered the promised land of Palestine, Israel continued as this 12 tribed nation until the death of Solomon. Then they split into two nations, the ten northern tribes keeping the name Israel, while the two southern tribes took the name Judah. The northern kingdom Israel, was later conquered by Assyria and by 715 B.C., they were all deported and resettled around the southern end of the Caspian Sea. By 713 B.C., the Assyrians also invaded Judah and deported a large part of this population to the same Caspian Sea area.
From this time on, Bible history does not trace the further progress of Israel, except that the Apocrypha, II Esdras 13:40-45 traces their movements as far as ar-Sareth, valley of the Sereth river, which still bears that name in Romania. For many centuries, after the nation Israel disappeared from Bible history, Bible prophecy still promises the nation a magnificent future, recognizing their continued existence. Not only the Old Testament, but also all the books in the New Testament are addressed to Israel as I have shown you from time to time. Since Israel’s Assyrian captivity, under what camouflage have they been hidden from our eyes during these intervening centuries?
IN STUDYING BIBLE PROPHECY SINCE EARLY 1933, I have been greatly impressed by the extreme accuracy of the prophecies. In a correct translation of the original language, we always find Yahweh says exactly what He means. Often the significance of apparently quaint or peculiar expressions is not seen until the time for fulfilment approaches, and then we see the great precision of expression. One of the prophecies, which has come to partial fulfilment, concerns the cup of wrath. Yahweh’s anger against wickedness is often spoken of as a cup from which the wicked must drink. For example Psalm 75:8 records, “For the cup is in the hand of Yahweh, with foaming wine, thoroughly mixed and he pours it out to one and another. Surely all the wicked of the earth must drink and drain its dregs”. Smith and Goodspeed translation
Beginning in the time of the prophet Jeremiah, Yahweh’s judgment on the nations began, in accordance with the principle that “Judgment must begin at the house of Yahweh”, I Peter 4:17. Israel and Judah were already under captivity, but all the nations of the world were rank with wickedness, so worldwide judgment must come. Until the time of the end however, another principle was followed, there would not be a single, universal judgment, but one nation punishing another one at a time. The great prophet Jeremiah, recorded in Jeremiah 1:10, had been commissioned by Yahweh to root out, to pull down, to destroy and to throw down many nations. Now Jeremiah was commanded to begin this work.
THE VARIOUS BIBLE PROPHECIES DEAL WITH MANY EVENTS, occurring at different times. Some of these have been completely fulfilled in the past. Others are on such a grand scale they seem to have a double fulfilment, a partial fulfilment in the past and a greater one in the future. Yet others deal only with events still in the future.
Which of these speak of our own times? The only ones still awaiting fulfilment are those, which deal with the end of the present age and the coming of the kingdom of Yahweh. Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Nahum, Zechariah, Matthew, Mark, Luke and Revelation, all contain major prophecies concerning our own times.
These prophets make it clear that the present age will end in terrific violence. Look about you and see why. Despite the good intentions of the few, despite the general acceptance of Christianity by the white nations of the world, yet the present world order is satanic in its major outlines. Even the white Christian nations have been infiltrated and corrupted by the anti Christians. To seek coexistence with evil, to pray for peace on terms acceptable to Satan, is to turn our backs on Yahshua, the only source of real peace.
The coming attack by Russia under anti Christian leadership is clearly foretold in the Bible. More than a century and a half ago, when Russia was too weak to be a menace, Bible students identified Russia as the great enemy in Ezekiel chapters 38 & 39.
When will this happen? The prophecies are not dated, but they state warning signs that the time is at hand. One of these is given by the prophet Nahum. In a strangely penetrating vision he says in Nahum 2:1, “He that dasheth in pieces is come up before thy face: keep the munitions, watch the way make thy loins strong, fortify thy power mightily”.
THE PROPHET JOEL LEFT A MESSAGE WRITTEN FOR OUR DAY—a warning which, If we had heeded it, would have kept us out of the troubles we now face, both within our nation and from outside. Like all men of his century, he was familiar with war and trouble, for war was almost the normal condition of the kingdom of that day; and conquerors then did not help their defeated victims back to prosperity, as we do — if the losers were not exterminated, they were either enslaved or put under heavy tribute taxes, after first being thoroughly looted by the conqueror. Therefore, it took a startling vision, indeed, to arouse Joel to the excitement he displays in this short book: It is something unlike anything previously seen.
He begins, “The word of the Lord that came to Joel, the son of Pethuel: “Hear this, ye elders, and give ear, all ye inhabitants of the land. Hath this been in your days, or even in the days of your fathers? Tell ye your children of it, and let your children tell their children, and their children another generation.” There had been nothing like it In the past; neither was It for the near future, but the prophecy was to be preserved for many generations. His prophecy deals with the Day of the Lord”—something which has not yet come, but which all the signs of both prophecy and current history prove to be just a short time ahead of us, today.
Among the forces which guide International policies and rule the nations of the world, significant changes have occurred within the lifetime of this generation — changes too vast and significance to escape the notice of God. Among the most evident of these is the strong movement to bind all the nations into one organization, the United Nations, so that
one group of men may be the undisputed masters of all the world, ruling it with irresistible force in their own interests and crushing any who would oppose them. The politicians give us good reason to fear their bad judgment, at least if not always their motives; but this is only the surface — and what would we find if we were able to uncover those who are the real masters over many politicians, and rule out of the shadows?
We have seen the United Nations in action; we have seen it utterly impotent for good, but powerful enough for evil. And we see the constant efforts —even on the part of some Americans — to extend this power over us, so that we may become a helpless pawn in the power of the nations which envy and hate us. God pity and save this nation, indeed, if the “one worlders” have their way!
YOU HAVE PROBABLY HEARD OR READ MY MATERIAL ON SCIENCE IN THE BIBLE, however these lessons did not exhaust the subject. Now I want to cover some of the electrical science found in the Bible, a number of incidents have been ridiculed by people who don’t understand it. Those who have accepted these incidents on faith have merely thought of them as some of Yahweh’s mysterious magic. The great God, who originated all scientific principles, uses His own handiwork according to His own laws.
In Exodus 3:1-12 we read that Moses saw a bush which was covered with fire, but it wasn’t consumed. Yahweh spoke to Moses out of the flames. People, who like to think they are wise, have ridiculed this idea of fire, which didn’t burn the bush. For many centuries, most of the sailors, who served on the old tall masted sailing ships, saw such fire when thunder storms were overhead, they called it St. Elmo’s fire. When these flames flared on the tips of the masts, lightning never struck the ship. It was an electrical discharge, by which the terrific electrical charge, which the storm had built up in the ship, was released before it could attract the terrible thunderbolt. The same great streamers of electrical flame are sometimes seen at the wing tips of airplanes, when they fly near thunderclouds.
THIS LESSON IS ABOUT THE GOOD AND THE BAD FIGS, this information is principally found in Jeremiah. This subject is something on which a lot of churches have become sadly confused.
The first deportation in the Babylonian captivity occurred soon after the overthrow of King Jehoiachin, by Nebuchadnezzar. The Babylonians captured Jerusalem about 606 B.C., and the deportation probably took place nearly two years later, around 604 B.C. The details are set out in II Kings 24:9-17 and II Chronicles 36:9-10.
Then there was a second deportation, because the puppet king, who had been placed on the throne by Nebuchadnezzar, rebelled. Nebuchadnezzar had to come back and finish the job, deporting the rest of the people of Judah and pretty largely burning and destroying the city of Jerusalem. This is recorded in II kings 25:1-21, this was 585 B…
In between these two deportations, and in the reign of its last king Zedekiah, the prophet Jeremiah was shown a vision of two baskets of figs. Jeremiah 24:1-10 records, “Yahweh shewed me, and behold, two baskets of figs were set before the temple of Yahweh, after that Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon had carried away captive Jeconiah the son of Jehoiakim king of Judah, and the princes of Judah, with the carpenters and smiths, from Jerusalem, and had brought them to Babylon. One basket had very good figs, even like figs that are first ripe: and the other basket had very naughty figs, which could not be eaten, they were so bad. Then Yahweh said unto me, what seest thou, Jeremiah? And I said, Figs, the good figs, very well; and the evil, very evil, that cannot be eaten, they are so evil.
THE WHOLE BIBLE IS THE HISTORY OF THE CONFLICT BETWEEN OUR GOD AND THE REBEL, SATAN–carried on between their children, also. Didn’t you know that they both had children? (Yes, I do mean CHILDREN, not merely followers.) If you don’t know this, you should read your Bible more carefully.
Luke 3: 38 tells us that Adam was the-son of God: and surely you know that Adam had children and descendants down through our own generation. In many other places, God refers to His children: for just a few of these, consider Deuteronomy 32: 19, “And when the Lord saw it, He abhorred them, because of the provoking of HIS SONS AND OF HIS DAUGHTERS.” Again, Isaiah 43: 6, “1 will say to the north, Give up; and to the south, Keep not back: bring MY SONS from afar, and MY DAUGHTERS from the ends of the earth.” Isaiah 45: 11: “Thus saith the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker: Ask Me of things to come concerning MY SONS, and concerning the work of My hands command ye Me.” In Psalm 82: 6: “1 have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are CHILDREN OF THE MOST HIGH.” In the New Testament, we read in John 11: 51-52 . he prophesied that Jesus should die for that nation; and not for that nation only, but also that He should gather together THE CHILDREN OF GOD that were scattered abroad.” And Paul, in Romans 8: 14, 16 says, “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, THEY ARE THE SONS of GOD … The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that WE ARE THE CHILDREN OF GOD.”
AS CHRISTIANS, WE ALL LOOK FORWARD TO ANOTHER LIFE: the doctrine of resurrection is fundamental in Christianity. But this is not the final answer to our questions: it is only the starting point for many questions. What sort of life will this be? Are there different grades or levels in that life? How can you know what your own place in that life will be?
The only “gospel” preached in our churches today is the Gospel of Personal Salvation. Is this the all inclusive answer? No: for some churches regard if salvation” as a temporary, changing thing: they say that you can be “saved” today and lose your salvation tomorrow and, I presume, regain it on the day after-tomorrow. (If that be true, you d better be very careful as to just which day you die). Other churches teach that once you have salvation r, you have it forever. Which churches are right? Let’s find out just what “salvation” is, and what benefits it implies.
In the Old Testament, three Hebrew words are commonly translated “Salvation : these are YESHUAH (yesh-oo-aw), YESHAH (yeh-shah), and rarely–TESHUAH (tesh-oo-aw). The root meaning of all three is basically “safety”, varying through “rescue” to “health”. In short deliverance from danger. In the New Testament, two Greek words are trpslated “salvation” these are SOTERIA (so-tay-ree-ah) and SOTERION (so-tay-ree-on)—and their meaning is identical with the three Hebrew words I mentioned.
THE UNFOLDING OF HISTORY HOLDS NO SURPRISES FOR YAHWEH, He wrote history before it happened in the prophecies of the Bible. The events occurring this year, which astonish the many people who are so wilfully blind to the causes of these things, were all told centuries ago. Isaiah 40:21 reminds us, “Have ye not known? Have ye not heard? Hath it not been told you from the beginning? Have ye not understood it from the foundations of the earth?” Then in Isaiah 42:9 Yahweh tells us, “Behold, the former things are come to pass and the new things do I declare before they spring forth, I tell you of them.” All who have paid attention to the Bible prophecies will admit that Yahweh has warned us that the end of the present evil age will come in the course of a great war. There have been wars, even great wars, in every century since the dawn of history, how are we to know when the time is here?
There are certain clues, many of which were completely meaningless as late as 50 years ago, but which are now very clear and tell us the time is at hand. One set of these clues consists of the identification of the new weapons, only developed in the last few decades. These will mark the next Great War as the final one. These are the atom bomb, the hydrogen bomb and the great long-range rockets, which carry them. No previous war could have been the final one, because none was marked by the use of all these weapons. The next one, when Russia strikes by treachery, will be marked by the use of all of these and is thereby marked as the last war.
Artillery shells cause relatively little destruction.
Many a house has received several direct hits, yet much of it remained standing. The puff of smoke drifted away and dissolved. The heavy bombs used in World War II caused more damage. Yet, even the great blockbuster bombs raised a puff of smoke that rose a few hundred feet, drifted a few hundred yards, then vanished. Not until the coming of the atom bomb did certain prophecies suddenly make sense.
THERE IS SOME DISPUTE IN ECCLESIASTICAL CIRCLES, whether the Kingdom of God, so often mentioned by Jesus Christ, is to be on earth or only in heaven. This is based chiefly on the use by Matthew (ONLY) of the phrase “the kingdom of Heaven”: from which some have argued that the Kingdom must be only in heaven, being heaven itself as ruled by Almighty God. But neither Mark, Luke nor John refer to the Kingdom “of Heaven,” but only to the Kingdom “of God”; and even Matthew himself uses as an equivalent phrase “the Kingdom of God” 4 times (Matthew 6:33; 12: 28; 21: 31; and 21: 43); and in Matthew, Jesus Christ speaks of “the Kingdom of their Father” (13: 43) and “My Father’s Kingdom” (26: 29), both phrases being obviously equivalent to “the Kingdom of God.” Clearly, there is no distinction between “the Kingdom of HEAVEN” and the Kingdom of God.” Then why were the two phrases used?
Because outwardly pious Jews had first taken the name of God, Yahweh out of the Scriptures, substituting the word “Adonai” (Lord) ‑‑ this in the 7th century B.C. At least as early as 200 B.C. they had begun to substitute “heaven” for “God.” (Even today, many Jewish publications. won’t use the word “God,” writing it “G‑d.” Funk & Wagnalls New Standard Bible Dictionary says: “KINGDOM OF GOD: Usage of terms:
A New Testament phrase based upon and expressing in its final form the Old Testament idea of the spiritual rule of God over Men. The phrase ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ is used in the New Testament by Matthew only, and is an exact equivalent of the phrase ‘Kingdom of God.’ The substitution of ‘heaven’ for ‘God’ is based on the popular superstitious feeling in later Judaism which led to the avoidance of the Divine Names in common speech.”
The four Gospels, written by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, tell of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. That of Matthew traces Him from His birth through the short sojourn in Egypt, then back to Nazareth, still as a baby; He next appears in this Gospel in Chapter 3, at the time of His baptism just before His 40 days of temptation at the beginning of His ministry. In Mark, the baptism, temptations and the beginning of His ministry are all in chapter 1. In John, as in Mark, His childhood is not covered, and chapter 1 covers His baptism and the beginning of His ministry.
In Luke, we have more details given; chapters 2 and 3 trace Him from the return to Nazareth through His baptism, temptations and the beginning of His ministry, which 3-23 tells us occurred at the age of 30 years. Luke 2:41-52 traces Him on one visit to Jerusalem when He was 12 years old; but all four Gospels are silent on the 18 years between His 12th and 30th years. Where was He, and what was He doing during those years? It can be well demonstrated that He was absent from Palestine for at least most of this period. Let us trace this absence.
Luke 1:36 tells us that Elizabeth the mother of John the Baptist, was a cousin of Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ. There was a very close, friendly relation between the two families; for immediately after Mary was told by the angel that she was to bear Jesus, she went to the home of her cousin, Elizabeth, and stayed In Elizabeth’s home for about 3 months, see Luke 1:39-56. It is only natural that this close friendship would endure through the years thereafter.
IT IS AMAZING HOW MUCH THERE IS IN THE BIBLE which is not known even to the most devout Christians, because it is concealed from them by the many mistranslations in the commonly‑used King James’ Version of the Bible. Because of these mistranslations, many false doctrines have developed among people who faithfully believe what they have read‑‑‑not knowing that what they read is sometimes mistaken. One of these errors which has misled many is the mistranslation of the Greek word “aion”‑‑‑meaning “an age” ‑‑‑as everlasting”, “eternal”, etc. For example, we see many places where the King James’ Version speaks of “everlasting life” and many others where it speaks of “eternal life”: and some fine, devout people have worked up elaborate doctrines about the supposed difference between “everlasting” life and “eternal” life.
Will it shock you to learn that the Bible actually makes no such distinction at all? The New Testament is where we find these references; and you know that almost all of our English New Testaments are translated from ancient manuscripts written in the Greek language. In Greek, “aion”, commonly called “aeon” in English, means “an age”‑‑‑a period of time of long, but indefinite, duration. And the Greek word “aionios”, commonly called in English “aeonian”, means “to the age”‑‑‑that is, to the end of the age. If you will look up in a good Concordance every reference to “everlasting” life, you will find that in every case the word translated “everlasting” Is this Greek word “aionios”, meaning “to the end of the age.” Now also look up every reference to “eternal” life, and you will see that, in every case but one, this, also, is the same Greek word, “aionios”. The translators simply got tired of always using the same English word, and thought it made a better literary style to use sometimes the word “everlasting” and sometimes the word “eternal”. Where now do you find the elaborate distinctions between the two kinds of life? Not in the Bible surely; only in the mistranslation.
IN LUKE CHAPTER 21, THE DISCIPLES HAVE ASKED YAHSHUA about the signs of the coming destruction of Jerusalem and the temple. Yahshua’s reply is long and gives many signs. The Romans relate some of the signs to the siege of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. The answer to their question included signs of the end of this age and of Yahshua’s second coming. Luke 21:25 is an obscure and difficult text, made more obscure by amazingly poor translation. It tells about one of the signs of the end of the age, the sea and the waves roaring.
This has puzzled many students of the Bible. Did Yahshua really say that a storm at sea was to be one of the signs for them to watch for? Many storms at sea, some of them of fearful intensity, have occurred every year since Yahshua spoke those words. How could a storm, even a very great storm, be a recognizable sign? This doesn’t seem to make sense; it is time to look into this a bit deeper.
Is this a matter of mistranslation? Most of this verse is badly garbled in the King James Bible. However this one part, the sea and the waves roaring, is confirmed as correct by good translations. If the wording is correct, and does not mean much when taken literally, we know it must be symbolic. We may be sure that Yahshua never bothered to speak trifles, so there is some symbolism, which is worth our further study.
TODAY, OUR NEWSPAPERS, RADIO, TELEVISION, EVERY MEDIUM OF PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS is turned into a propaganda machine flooding us with Zionist inspired propaganda against all discrimination: they demand complete integration of all races, first in the cafes and hotels, then in the schools, finally in the churches. They have even Induced some fellow traveller clergymen to preach integration from their pulpits. Though at first they denied it, these propagandists now admit that intermarriage and mongrelisation of the races is their real purpose. Sometimes they try to justify their activities by preaching the false doctrines of a so-called universal brotherhood of man and fatherhood of God.”
Of all Satanic false doctrines, this is one of the worst, for it is completely contrary to the Bible, which always teaches division and segregation of the races. Jesus Christ always said that He had come to divide and separate not to mix everyone together. In Matthew 25:31-33, He says: “And when the Son of man shall come in His glory and all the holy angels with Him, then shall lie sit upon the throne of His glory: And before Him shall be gathered all NATIONS: and He shall SEPARATE THEM one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats; and He shall set the SHEEP on His right hand, but the GOATS on the left.” Note that this is not the judgment of individual persons, but a division and separation of NATIONS. And He goes on to tell how the SHEEP NATIONS are given the Kingdom prepared for them from the foundation of the world, while the GOAT NATIONS are cast into the fire prepared for the devil and his angels. Who are these nations? A sheep nation can only be a nation made up of sheep, and a goat nation one consisting of goats. Therefore, let’s find out WHO ARE THE SHEEP?
THOSE ENTERING THE MILITARY SERVICE, and their families, naturally are worried over the dangers to be faced in battle. But they should know that Yahweh God has provided the defence against such dangers, and the directions to receive His protection are in the Bible.
There is no pacifism in the Bible, because Yahweh has destined us to impose His will upon the world, a process which often requires war when wicked nations seek to blot out righteousness. In Jeremiah 51:20, He says to our nation, “Thou art My battle axe and weapons of war: for with thee will it I break in pieces the nations, and with thee will I destroy kingdoms. No matter how the self‑proclaimed “Intellectuals” may scorn this duty, it is our inescapable destiny. We can do our part willingly, in serene reliance upon God’s protection, and we shall prosper; or we can be driven to it unwillingly, like slaves under the lash, and accomplish our purpose at frightful cost; but it is our destiny, and perform it we shall.
Recent efforts to abolish the Draft, and establish a mercenary army of professional volunteers, is bad; because the Bible never gave its approval to mercenary professional armies. For us, God’s plan was universal registration and conscription. We find it in Numbers 1:1‑3 and 26″‑‑1‑2 1 “And Yahweh spoke unto Moses in the wilderness of Sinai, * saying, Take ye the sum of all the congregation of the Children of Israel, by the house of their fathers, with the number of their names, every male; from twenty years old and upward, all that are able to go forth to war in Israel; thou and Aaron shall number them by their armies.
IN THE CORONATION CHAIR IN WESTMINSTER ABBEY IN LONDON, ENGLAND is an oblong block of sandstone, upon which all of England’s kings have been crowned for several centuries. Before this the kings of Scotland and before that the kings of Ireland were also crowned upon this stone. This is another bit of evidence and piece of the puzzle that proves the identity of the Anglo Saxon people as the Israel of the Bible and the house of David still rules over them. This fulfils the prophecy that David would never lack a seed to rule over the House of Israel until Yahshua comes to take the crown himself.
The history of this stone begins in Genesis 28:17,19, where we read that Jacob camped overnight in a field and for his pillow used a stone with his cloak over it. During the night, Yahweh appeared to him in a vision and promised to give him the land of Canaan. When Jacob awoke he said, “This is the house of Yahweh,” and named the place Beth-el meaning house of Yahweh. Then he took the stone he had used as his pillow and set it up as a monument and dedicated it with an offering of oil. Jacob promised if Yahweh would help him, “Then shall Yahweh be my God: and this stone which I have set for a monument shall be Yahweh’s house”. In Genesis chapter 35, Yahweh instructs Jacob to go back to Beth-el and set up an altar to Him, which Jacob did. It was at this time that Yahweh changed Jacob’s name to Israel. Israel again set up and dedicated as a monument of witness, the stone pillar which he had dedicated as Yahweh’s house, its sacred character was now firmly established.
FROM THE VERY BEGINNING, VARIOUS DANGERS HAVE THREATENED THE CIVILIZATIONS MAN HAS BUILT, the peril was always potentially there, but when would it eventually strike? There would be deceptively peaceful periods, lengthening out from weeks into years. The anticipated danger seemed to come no closer until people would doubt that danger really existed. People are always far too ready to close their minds to anything which they don’t want to believe, anything which upsets their peace of mind.
As the years of peace are lengthened out, fewer and fewer people would admit the possibility of another war, preparedness would slacken. The nations would become less and less able to meet the peril when it actually occurred. Even those who could see the danger still had to give their major attention to the day-by-day affairs of life. They had to appoint watchmen to maintain vigilance for the whole community, and give warning upon the approach of imminent danger.
The watchman’s task has always been a thankless one. There are treacherous fifth column elements, which are really working for the defeat of the nation, at the hands of its enemies. These subversive elements readily gain and hold the public’s ear, because they soothingly tell the people what they want to hear. Go back to sleep, no danger can come, and there is nothing you can do.
THERE IS ONE PASSAGE IN THE SCRIPTURES, WHICH IS OFTEN QUOTED, BUT SELDOM UNDERSTOOD. It was written by the apostle Paul, and is found in Ephesians 6:11-18, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of Yahweh, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness: and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of Yahweh.”
How many who quote these verses, know what they really mean? Even the first part of it that our opposition is really sponsored and directed by superhuman forces, is no longer believed in most churches. Those who like to consider themselves very modern and sophisticated consider all references to anything supernatural to be only primitive superstition, and they reject it as such. There are many references to these angelic beings, both good and bad, from sources whose inspiration we cannot reject, even including our Redeemer, Yahshua. Those who do scornfully reject all this are correctly described as sophisticated. The dictionary defines sophisticated as adulterated with some inferior substances!
WHENEVER DANGEROUS TIMES OCCUR, the faint-hearted always argue that we should hold a summit meeting with Satan and find some compromise which will satisfy the forces of evil, so we can be in harmony with them, without any controversy. They ignore the fact that, in 6,000 years of recorded history, every compromise with evil has brought only more evil as its well-earned penalty. They try to dress up this compromise in garments of respectability, by claiming that it is “Christian’, and for this purpose they sometimes lift a portion of some Bible verse out of context; more often, they merely assert boldly that making peace is Christian–even when it is the kind of “peace” they are getting in Hungary and Tibet. WHO SETS THE STANDARD OF WHAT IS CHRISTIAN? No-one but Jesus Christ, Himself, can do that.
Let’s see what He has said about it. In John 12: 47-48, He said, “And if any man hear MY WORDS, and believe not, I judge him not: He that rejecteth Me and receiveth not MY WORDS, hath one that judgeth him: THE WORD THAT I HAVE SPOKEN, THE same SHALL JUDGE HIM IN THE LAST DAY.” “I judge him not”—that is, not out of offended personal pride — but “THE WORD THAT I HAVE SPOKEN”—the eternal truths to which we must all measure up. And note that He says, “the word that I have spoken”—nobody else can overrule Him.
A FEW YEARS AGO, THE THEN PRESIDENT OF THE NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CHURCHES WARNED AGAINST what he called “the danger that the great religious awakening which is taking place in our country might become fanatical and be carried into our political and business life.” This is perhaps a fair sample of the “leadership” of most of our churches: no leadership at all, because the leaders have no faith in the religion to which they give empty lip-service. For lack of faith in the Bible, they don’t make it a force in our national life. For lack of faith, they pay no attention to what II Peter 1:19 calls “a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place.” But to these blind leaders of the blind, all is darkness: they cannot lead because they don’t know where to go. They turn their backs on God, and tell us to become more “Liberal”, and learn to get along with Red China.
Never were the word of prophecy, and the laws of God, more needed than today, with all civilization crumbling in the end of an age. More Christians have been murdered within our own generation than in all past history.
WHAT HAPPENED TO CAIN? is a question in the minds of many believers and non-believers as well. The Bible does not trace Cain very far, and yet the fact is that Cain is a definite historical character of whom you can learn as much outside the Bible as you can from the Bible itself.
Do not let anyone tell you that these Old Testament people are myths. They are not. They are definitely a part of history. The Bible states that Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden; EASTWARD, evidenced by the Cherubim being placed at the east of the Garden to guard it against their possible return.
If they had gone to the south or to the west, guards at the east side would not have meant a thing. Obviously, they went to the east; and, as we learned when we were studying Noah’s flood,
Adam’s migration actually took him and Eve into the Tarim Basin, in what is today called Sinkiang, in the extreme south-western part of China. The migration undoubtedly took a considerable period of time; as it was a very long way to walk, but they had time in those days, for Adam lived over 900 years.
In the area where they settled, Eve gave birth to two children: Cain and Abel. Much is lost in the mistranslations in your King James Version. Genesis 3:15 establishes the theme of the entire Bible, and all the rest of it is a development of that theme. .
“For thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy God: the Lord thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.” Deuteronomy 7:6
AS THE WORD IDENTITY IMPLIES, IT IS THE CONDITION OF BEING THE SAME AS SOMETHING DESCRIBED OR ASSERTED. Christian Identity establishes who the true Israel is today according to the Holy Bible and world history. There is more than adequate and convincing proof that the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Scandinavian, Germanic and kindred peoples are the racial descendents of the tribes of Israel.
It becomes readily apparent that there has been a case of mistaken identity when associating Jews with the claim of being the “chosen people”. The Jew has an identity, but it is that of a thief who has stolen the history and nomenclatures of the really true Hebrews and Semites. For the sake of understanding it is necessary to clearly distinguish between the terms Israel, Judah and Jewry, because of the careless, thoughtless and often purposely deceptive usage by both religious and political leaders.
The time has come when the hidden Israel nation is being revealed to those having eyes to see and ears to hear. It is being positively identified. Only one race answers to the Holy Bible scenario of Israel in the latter days and that is the White Race. These people are in possession of what Israel was to possess and they are doing what Israel was to do according to God’s covenants and promises which Christ came to confirm. Only these people have the Bible, believe in Jesus the Messiah, call on His Name, are called by His Name, have used His Laws for their civil government and are now the object of a worldwide attack by the enemies of Jesus Christ who are organizing all the heathen under the Red banner of Anti-Christ World Communism.
OF THE MANY VOICES COMPETING FOR THE NATION’S ATTENTION, very few dare tell a really substantial part of the truth in the fields of politics or economics; and those few who do are subjected to the most evil and vicious smear campaign imaginable. Even in the field of religion, very few dare tell all the truth; and those few are called “bigots”. Not very many have the courage to face such a campaign of abuse, so many who know the truth are silent. Naturally, nothing like this could escape the foreknowledge of God: it is one of the signs of the Time of the End. So God prophesied, in Amos 5:13, that “The prudent shall keep silence in that time, for it is an evil time.”
Therefore, only a small portion of the people have the opportunity, today, to hear the full truth in any of these vitally important fields -‑‑ which today are becoming literally “matters of life or death.” Instead, they hear the constant repetition of propaganda aimed to influence public action or inaction in a way to serve the interests of those who control the media of public information. Particularly unfortunate is the fact that most people do not get to hear the word of God on these matters ‑‑- matters which God considered important enough to give us specific warnings about. But again, this was foretold by God Himself, also through the Prophet Amos: “Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land: not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord.” (Amos 8: 11)
YOU ARE ALL FAMILIAR WITH THE FAMOUS SAYING, “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.” This is true: A LITTLE knowledge is never enough; it never gets beyond half-truths which mislead one into false beliefs. This is more consistently true in the field of religion than in all other fields. I am frequently challenged on some point by someone who has just this little half-truth knowledge and thinks that he has found a fallacy in the Bible’s great truth that God’s people Israel are known today as the Aryan, Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian and Teutonic peoples, and they they are, and always have been, under God’s command to keep their race pure.
One instance of this, is the challenge frequently made, “Why shouldn’t Whites marry Negroes? Moses married an Ethiopian woman.” They base this upon the way Numbers 12:1 reads in their King James’ Version Bible, “And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married; for he had married an Ethiopian woman.” Christianity has never laboured under a greater curse than the many mistranslations in the King James Version — and some of them are even followed in some other translations because these errors have become traditional. Bible scholars know that there are many thousand mistranslations in the King James’ Version of the Bible; the eminent scholar Robert Young, author of Young’s Analytical Concordance to the Bible and of Young’s Literal translation of the Bible says in the preface to his Literal Translation, that in the King James’ version, “there are scarcely two consecutive verses where there Is not some departure from the original * * and these variations may be counted by tens of thousands, as admitted on all hands.”
TRULY, HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF WITH MONOTONOUS REGULARITY — for the reason that those who will not learn the lessons of history are condemned to re-live it. There is no evil existing today, no threat of calamity over us today, which is really new: our ancestors faced the same thing, in basic principle, many times. Each time, they proved by agonizing, bloody experience, that there Is only one way to peace, prosperity and liberty; and all other ways lead only to horrible disaster. And each time, the lesson was forgotten with the passing of the generation which had paid the bitter cost, and the drift toward disaster was resumed.
You will find the story in your Bible in the Book of Judges, which records that “the people served the Lord all the days of Joshua, and all the days of the elders that outlived Joshua, who had seen all the great works of the Lord, that He did for Israel, but all that generation were gathered unto their fathers, and there arose another generation after them, which knew not the Lord nor yet the works which He had done for Israel. And the Children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord and served idols.” Naturally, this brought its inevitable consequences: military defeats, finally conquest and years of servitude under another nation.
In the bitterness of their slavery, they remembered the God they had abandoned, and prayed to Him for deliverance––which He mercifully gave them. But the lesson lasted only 40 years, and again the people were disloyal to their God, again resulting in 18 years of servitude to their enemies before the awful lesson brought them back to their God. And so the process was again repeated, through seven such periods of defeat and servitude; because each time God rescued them, the lesson was not Impressed upon their children, who repeated the old mistakes and paid the old penalty
YOU HAVE NOTICED THAT SOMETIMES I POINT OUT TO YOU SOME MATTER ON WHICH YOUR KING JAMES VERSION OF THE BIBLE IS NOT ACCURATE, or I may quote a verse from another translation in not quite the same words you find when you look it up in your King James Version. Some of you probably wonder, “Why doesn’t he just stick to the old King James Version with which we are all so familiar?” Here is the answer: I do this because you are entitled to be told THE EXACT TRUTH as to just what the Word of God really says. If I couldn’t tell you the exact truth, I’d stop broadcasting. No matter how old an error is, no matter how we have become accustomed to it or have grown to love it because of its familiarity, IT WON’T DO TO BE MISTAKEN ABOUT WHAT GOD REALLY SAID.
Am I attacking religion or the Bible by correcting errors in this way? Not at all. RELIGION IS THE SUPREME TRUTH, and only when we get manmade mistakes out of it can we have the purest religion. So what about the Bible? Well, let’s start at the beginning.
As you know, the Bible was written many centuries before there was any such language as English. The Old Testament was originally written in the Hebrew language; and about 300 B.C., a group of 70 scholars in the city of Alexandria translated it into Greek — and their translation is called the Septuagint (meaning “seventy”). The New Testament was originally written in the language which Jesus Christ spoke — Aramaic (a language closely related to Hebrew) — later translated into Greek. All Catholic versions of the Bible were translated from the Greek into Latin, by Jerome, whose translation was called the Vulgate; and from the Vulgate into English. Protestant Bibles are nearly all translated into English from Hebrew manuscripts of the Old Testament and Greek manuscripts of the New Testament. Thus, in these repeated translations, there were multiplied opportunities for errors to creep in
SURELY ALL OF YOU HAVE HEARD OF DIVINE HEALING OF VARIOUS DISEASES. PROBABLY SOME OF YOU DOUBT THAT IT HAS REALLY OCCURRED: you think that it was just the imaginary healing of an imaginary disease. But I can assure you that I personally know of many cases of very real diseases which were healed far more quickly than the best physicians could accomplish it. One who never saw the City of Chicago might doubt that it exists; but one who has been there knows that it is real. So it is with divine healing: we who have seen sicknesses healed by God know that this is real.
Possibly some of you have hoped for divine healing of your own sicknesses, but have not received it; and you have wondered, Why can’t I have it? I shall try both to answer that question, and to show you how you can be healed. You know that God CAN heal; you know that he DOES heal; but you still don’t know HOW or WHY.
First, let us find out WHY THERE IS SICKNESS IN THIS WORLD? God gave us a code of laws, set out in the first five books of the Bible. These laws covered all phases of life and civilization. They were not concerned only with your morality — though, of course, God always has required that you try to live a good life. They covered every phase of life that can affect our well-being: they were POLITICAL laws to keep us free; ECONOMIC laws, to keep us prosperous: AGRICULTURAL laws, to keep our land productive and our crops nourishing; DIETARY laws, to keep us strong and healthy; and RELIGIOUS laws, to keep us true to the one God, Who has given us all good things, even our very lives; and, of course, the shortest part of all, the MORAL laws, to keep our personal conduct such that our God could stand to associate with us. He promised that, if we would obey all of His laws, we would have peace, prosperity, good government, long life — and GOOD HEALTH.
OUR GOD HAS ALWAYS MANIFESTED HIMSELF TO US IN LIGHT, for that is His nature, and He is the source of it. In I Timothy 6:16, Paul speaks of Him as “dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see”. Physically, in darkness we are lost, helpless: only in light can we find our way. Likewise, morally, spiritually, without the true light of God’s word, we are lost, helpless. Nothing could demonstrate this more clearly than the poor and evil conditions of life in those nations and races which lack this light. Psalm 119:101 speaks truly, “TV WORD is a lamp unto my feet, and a light upon my Path.” Hence, Jesus Christ used this same simile, spoken by the prophets before Him, in John 8:12, “I am the light of the world: he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light or-life.”
This, alone, is the true spiritual light: as the Apostle John says, “In Him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in-darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. And this is the condemnation: that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. “(John 1:4-51 3:19) But spiritual truth is real and eternal: if we ignore it now, we must still face it eventually. As Jesus Christ said, He that rejecteth Me, and receiveth not My words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last days. (John 1-277)
Much is heard in this day of the word ANTI-SEMITIC The word is a creation of the modern Pharisees who are anti-Christian. The purpose of the creation was to “smear” or blacken the name or reputation of Christians seeking to protect and defend their faith from the onslaughts of those who would destroy it.
The word “Semitic” is derived from the patriarch Shem, and is correctly applied to people descended from him. All true Israelites (NOT Jews, as this booklet shows) are therefore Semites; and today these are the great White Christian nations of the Western World. The Jews (as the second half of this booklet shows) are not Semitic at all, as their Canaanite and Khazar ancestors were not descendants of Shem. Their smear accusation “anti-Semitic” against all who oppose Jewish seizure of Palestine is, therefore, false. (Indeed, the Arabs – who are half Semitic – can truthfully accuse the Jews of anti-Semitism!)
That fact is quite obvious. It has been said that Communism seeks to make black white and white black. The word anti-Semitic is just one example of such mis-use and intended opposite meaning, in an effort to attach an ill-sounding term which should be self-applied, to him or them who are actually quite the opposite in viewpoint.