I ARRIVED IN EARTH AUGUST 26, 1912–-the third child in a farm family of five children near Summerfield, Kansas. Mother and Dad were young and very active in school and church events and we kids grew up in such an atmosphere. Dad pitched for a community ball team and my two brothers and my younger sister and I played ball as soon as we were able to participate. My oldest sister was the lady of the family.
My mother was only 5’2″ but a barrel of dynamite, so perhaps that is why my younger sister and I were such tomboys. Back in those days it was not considered nice for a lady to wear boys clothes or even ride a horse any way but side saddle, but my Dad decided that mother and my younger sister and I looked better in overalls doing the things we did at times. When Dad, in 1925, suggested taking his family and ‘going west’ perhaps the neighbours thought it a good idea. Many thought that there were still Indians in Western Kansas at that time.
Dad had an aunt who lived with her family Northwest of Scott City, Kansas and he made a trip west and purchased some land west of the Potter Ranch. He returned to Eastern Kansas and the Dave Tucker Family then moved west. My older sister was unhappy leaving friends but the rest of us kids piled into the Model A Ford with the side curtains in place and we headed west, on a great adventure. At the ranch we settled in for the fall school year, and my older sister moved to Scott City to finish her High School years. My older brother stayed home to help Dad get the Ranch stocked and in working order. My younger brother and sister were in my care as I drove a little covered wagon–-hitched to a blind horse–-the 4 miles to our country school..
THIS STUDY IS IN THREE PARTS. The first from Genesis 1:1 to the great Patriarch Abraham. The second from Abraham to Christ, and the third covers the Birth of YAHSHUA and HIS ministry as YAHSHUA-Messiah.
To understand the above quotation, we must know something about the patterns of yesterday, about the antiquity of the earth, and about the ingenuity and technique which God is developing among HIS people as HE brings things to their remembrance as HE stirs within them a desire to know, and to proclaim Truth. In our search for Truth, we will be speaking about God, Man, Nations and Races of people.
ABRAM WAS BORN IN CHALDEA THE SON OF TERAH, the Prime Minister of that country, under king Nimrod. As you have followed the generations of the Adamic race through the book of Genesis you will recall that Nimrod was from the linage of Ham, as you come to Abram you find that he is from the lineage of Shem. This is still the same race of people, and they have now been called the Adamites, the Sethites, the Shemites, and Hamites, and Japhet people, and now they move into their destiny as the Hebrews and later the Israelites, but still one people, one race, and YAHWEH-God’s Israel people are dwelling now in earth.
According to the book of Jasher on the night of Abrams birth the men of King Nimrod’s court came to the home of the Prime Minister to drink and eat, to rejoice with Terah at the birth of his son. As they were leaving the home of Terah they lifted their eyes toward the heavens and they saw a strange thing. A star, a large star came from the east and it swallowed up four stars from the four sides of the heavens. Those watching were amazed, and they consulted among themselves as to the meaning of this. They decided that from the signs in the sky on this night of the birth of this son, born to Terah, that this child would grow up to be fruitful and would multiply and possess the earth.
AS WE TURN TO CONSIDER THE GREATNESS OF THIS EVENT, we realize that it is a good thing for Christians to recognize the birth of The Christ as the greatest individual event that happened in the course of the history of this earth. Without a doubt nothing was more important to our race since we were placed in the earth, than the return by the coming of The Christ, to our relationship with God. The most significant things concerning these events that we celebrate in our Christmas observance is the realization that almost 1/4 of a million years is involved in these developments. What would we mean by that since our race has only been on the earth for not quite 7400 years? Since the days from the coming out of the garden by Adam to Christ was 5400 years, and it has not been quite 2000 years since then thus making almost 7400 years then it must be because certain events were involved.
When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod, the king behold! There came wise men from the east saying: “Where is HE born KING in Judea?” For we have seen his star in the east and have come to worship him. If you will check the word Jew in your concordance you will find the word means as to a country, thus the above quotation is correct for Matt: 2:2. “We have seen his Star in the East”. How would they know which star to look for? In the east are thousands upon thousands of stars, a multiple of 10 times 126 trillion stars fill the sky from east to west and then north to south any single 24-hour day. How then would the Wise men have known that a king was to be born in Judea, and then say: “We have seen his star?”
QUESTION–-what about the ministry of YAHSHUA––what then did he preach?
ANSWER–-Today we hear that Jesus preached Salvation..that the kingdom he talked about is the church. That anyone who accepts Jesus Christ as their personal savior is a part of the church and the kingdom. That is all you need to know…heaven or hell.
We have told you much thru the tapes about the literal kingdom here on earth–-from the Swift tape ministry…so lets look at this again for this was the theme of the Saviors ministry. Lets see what the companion Bible has to say as well about Matthew 4:17–-’From that time Jesus began to preach and to say–-’Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand’. Since this was the proclamation also of the kingdom let’s look at the meaning of these words used in this King James translation. Preach means to proclaim–.to bring word down–-to bring it home by setting it forth..to make it known by spreading it far and wide.
FROM ELLA MAST––Many questions are asked and I have tried to put together a short answer from the Tape Ministry of Dr. Wesley A. Swift, and my understanding.’ Question:–What was the thorn in the Apostle Paul’s side?
Answer––-One of the major thorns in Paul’s side was his failing eye sight. He had a stigmatism and thus his poor eye sight was getting worse and worse. He found in his ministry that it was hard for him to read small print. He was writing great Epistles and letters were almost one inch high. This bothered him greatly because he felt that it hindered his work for YAHWEH and the church so he referred to this a thorn in his side.
Various Questions And Answers
TAPE NO. 002 By: Ella Rose Mast
1. Finish the abomination of the Desolator
2. Choice or free will
3. Ruth the Moabite
4. The wife of Moses
5. Matthew 16:18
6. The Ark of the Covenant
7. The beginning of the story of Enoch’s trip into the heavens.
(Finish the Abomination of the Desolator – From Tape 1)
DANIEL 7:27; THIS IS THE VERSE THAT THOSE WHO PREACH THE RAPTURE THEORY such as Hal Linsey used for their seven years of tribulation, but they are taking this prophecy, this verse out of context. This was the time of the crucifixion and that prophecy then was all completed in 70 A.D. Most of Daniel’s prophecies have been fulfilled, only that which is for this climax of the battle of Armageddon when Michael the Great Prince stands for Daniel’s people like he did in the beginning (Daniel 12:1). And that beginning was for us in the heavens at the time when Lucifer rebelled–-and we were there, and we watched in amazement.
1. Enoch into the Heavens
2. The Valley of Dry Bones
3. Kingdom Age and the Millennium
QUESTION: Is it true that Enoch was carried into the Heavens to meet God? If so what did he learn? What did he see? How do we find his report of his experiences??
ANSWER: I think it rather important that we understand that there is two great sources of information as to the facts of pre‑existence of YAHWEH’S Household. These are sources from Enoch of the Old Testament and the Apostle Paul of the New Testament. Both were escorted far from earth and into different dimensions and plains. Both recorded what they saw and hard after they had returned to earth. Both wrote volumes for us in earth so as to help explain the Mysteries of the Universe and our place in it.
1. None of Israel blotted out of the Book of Life.
2. The Cave of Treasures
3. Asenath the wife of Joseph.
4. The Essene company at the time of Jesus.
5. The Zohar
6. The Star Bible
7. The Phoenix Bird
QUESTION: You say that none of Israel will be blotted out of the Lamb’s Book of Life. A minister I have been listening to says no name can be added but your name can be blotted out. Would you please explain?
ANSWER: There is some mistranslation but this is found in the King James Bible in the message to the church ages of Revelation 3:5; ‘To the church at Sardis. He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed with white raiment, and I will not blot his name out of the Lambs Book of Life. I will confess his name before my father and before his angels’. This is a positive statement even though the translators have God divided into two parts as father and son, where as HE is YAHWEH‑YAHSHUA or Saviour.
In the Ferrah Fenton Bible it says: To he who overcometh I give the white raiment of righteousness because his name is written in the book of life from whence it can never be erased.
1. The Great Pyramid of Giza
2. The Seal of the U.S. and the Pyramid
QUESTION: The Great Pyramid of Giza, is there a connection of this Pyramid and the one of the U.S. Seal, and what about the Sphinx?
ANSWER: This is a three part question, and before we consider the Pyramid we should study the Sphinx, for the two are connected in symbolism, and the same people built the Pyramid, the city of ON with its Temple, and the Sphinx. First then, the Sphinx.
This is a symbolic Temple, it has its relationship to the Masonic order which originated in the ancient Mystery Schools founded by Enoch and Job. The Sphinx is an incumbent Lion with a human head. Symbolically this is YAHSHUA the ‘Lion’ of Judah who would be the ruler of the nations of Israel. The Sphinx marks the end of the Zodiac as well as the beginning, for a figure of the Sphinx was placed in the Star Map on the dome of the Temple in the city of ON, between Virgo and Leo, thus beginning with Virgo and ending with Leo, is the story in the heavens.
The symbolism in the Sphinx is also contained in the Pyramid but in greater detail. The incumbent Lion with the human head carrying forward the symbolism of the chambers inside the Sphinx which come together in the Pyramid in the areas known as the Chambers of the Kingdom.
1. No Trinity
2. The Six pointed star and the Five pointed star.
3. Who is Paul‑Saul; was he taken into the Heavens
QUESTION: I have heard you say that there is no trinity, but we are taught much about the trinity, the Godhead, so how do you explain these many things in the Bible which point toward the trinity? And if no trinity then where did this error start?
ANSWER: You are asking about this idea of a multiple Godhead, of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost? But let’s go back in history, way back to the time just after the flood when Noah and his family were expanding and multiplying, and moving out on their migrations. Of course you realize that the flood of that time was up in the High Tarim Basin in the Steppes of Asia and not all over the earth.
1. The Swastika
2. Druidism
3. Letters IHS
4. Lazarus and the rich man
5. John into the heavens
QUESTION: The Swastika .this is a hated symbol today, did Hitler design It? Some have even said that Hitler is mentioned in the Bible, is that true?
ANSWER: The Swastika is one of the oldest symbols of our race, as it turns with the sun, it was a symbol of the Eternal rotation of the ‘Light of Life’ through a people YAHWEH raised up.
No, Hitler never designed the Swastika, this was just a symbol those Germans chose to mark the Aryan race of which they were a part. Yes, Hitler is mentioned in the Bible although not by name, but he does fulfil the history as it was prophesied in the Bible. He was the Governor or leader of Judah at one time. You find this outlined in Zechariah 12. Germany can be identified as Judah although the Throne through the House of David was transferred to Ephraim, to the land of Britain where it sits today.
The Bible handbook by Halley states that 200,120 people of the Judah kingdom left Old Judea as the Israelites left Samaria in captivity so where did they settle, for they have all been traced as moving westward in their migrations.
Subjects are:
1. The Stones of Fire
2. Colour in the Celestial
3. The Third Eye
4. The Urim and Thummim
5. Laser Beam
QUESTION: The Stones of fire in Ezekiel 28:14-16; what are they?
ANSWER: ’Thou hath walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. I will destroy thee from the midst of the Stones of Fire.’
In this chapter of Ezekiel, then YAHWEH is talking about Lucifer, about how he once was a great Archangel and could approach unto YAHWEH, Himself. But then he rebelled and was driven out of his place. This Satanic nature must be destroyed.
The Stones of Fire are the colours of the spectrum, all the radiation of the total light band of the ultimate Holy of Holies, out of Celestial white which is a golden light.
At one time, then Lucifer could approach this light before his rebellion. But you, being children of HIS Spirit, begat in Spirit so long ago, can enter this light. You can and will be surrounded by this light, this colour. This sets you far about Angels. And the Stones of Fire are also referred to as the ‘Living Stones,’ sons and daughters who make up the Kingdom.
These Stones of Fire are going to lead us into the following subject: colour in the Celestial realm, the third eye, and the Breastplate, Jewels of the High Priest of Israel, and the Urim and the Thummim, and even the laser beam of today.
1. The Anti‑Christ
2. Identity of People
3. Under Grace not under Law
4. Born again
5. Black Pope
QUESTION: Scripture talks as though there will be an Anti‑Christ in the last days who will take over the world and rule with evil powers. Is this just one man or many? For instance as in Daniel chapter 8?
ANSWER: The seventh and eighth chapter of Daniel are overlapping and Daniel is explaining, using much symbolism as does John in Revelation, the rise and fall of great powers over the years. This is symbolically describing the continuing battle between the Luciferian kingdom and this Stone Kingdom set in place by YAHWEH which was set in place as a great stone cut out of a mountain without hands.
Some of the symbolism used here is of the horn, this would be as on the headdress of leaders, and kings, and Daniel always refers to this symbol of the horn. Sometimes it was Rams horns, sometimes twisted horns of other animals, but always a symbol of leadership and of military powers. And the Asiatic ruler would always take over the kingdom that rose and wage war against this ‘Stone Kingdom’ which YAHWEH set in place. Thus the prophecies that Daniel was seeing, many of them came true a long time ago and they keep coming true until the time decreed for the fullness of transgression to be reached by the transgressor who is of course Lucifer, and he leads his kingdom people. Lucifer and the people of his kingdom are Anti‑Messiah, translated Anti‑Christs, they have always been since the Luciferian rebellion started.
QUESTION: What was Admiral Byrd looking for at the South Pole?
ANSWER: Admiral Byrd was looking for an entrance into Inner Earth. He was very curious as to this. Admiral Byrd used to discuss this at the Explorers Club and tell of the things his expedition had uncovered in the Antarctic. He said on one of their trips they could see under the ice great stone buildings, way down in frozen ice. The Byrd expedition came on this spot twice in their transversal of Antarctica, and unless the snow would blow away in drifts they could not find the spot. But they knew that at one time there was a civilization at the South Pole of this globe.
Admiral Byrd had a tremendous notebook of all they had found, and he thought that they could find this area of the frozen city again even though there was nothing to mark it as it was not close enough to any high
mountains to use the peaks for markers of the place. Admiral Byrd reported that there were areas down there covered with perpetual vapour and mists. This means that there is warm air coming out of the earth at all times. Birds fly out of the opening down there, and they found fresh twigs and some leaves and plants scattered around on the ice.
Admiral Byrd believed there was a large opening at either end of the earth and thought that at times these were covered over. He had studied all these things and he knew there was supposed to be a land entrance at the South Pole, and a cold land entrance at the North Pole. And that the seas there were also to be a part of the entrance in the north before the shift of the earth’s axis.
Admiral Byrd was probably more of a student on this subject of the inner earth because he believed so thoroughly in this that he went looking for the entrance. He knew that with birds flying out of areas down there with thousands of miles of ice and snow around that there had to be some area from whence the birds came carrying those pieces of sticks and grass. Some where other than those cities frozen in ice.
1. Abraham
2. The Tower of Babel
3. Esau and Jacob
4. Exodus 4:24
QUESTION: it seems that Abraham is a very important person in the Bible, why is he mentioned so many times in the New Testament as well, since we hear that the Old Testament is supposed to belong to the Jews?
ANSWER: Whoa there, who says that the Old Testament belongs to the Jews? Remember there were 165 Scrolls to be considered when the Bible was put together at Nicaea. Of those 165 Scrolls, 153 were inspired. And this number 153 shows up in Pyramidology as the displacement factor, and in the Scripture Jesus had the disciples count the fish in the net, and there were 153. Fish is the symbol for Israel, so this number is connected to you. In the heavens there were 612 illuminaries (stars) of seventh magnitude, this divided into the four quarters is also 153.
Thus these 153 Scrolls had the message for this great Mosaic which we call the Bible. And also the Bible is not a Book, it is a library of facts, many Books bound together for you to study. Of this 153 we have in our Bible 66 Books with two of them being spurious. Thus we have been trying to give you a broader picture of what the Bible contains so that it will come alive for you as it has for us. As to Abraham, when you come
down the list of Patriarchs from Adam then to Abraham, this race line comes under the covenant and feeds through one, the son of Sarah and Abraham (Genesis 21:12), Isaac. This is the program of YAHWEH and you can’t change it no matter how you misunderstand. As to Abraham being in the New Testament, of course, the people of the New Testament are descendants of the people of the Old Testament. The story is of this same race (Genesis 5:1) all through the Bible.
When you understand why the constant attack upon the Scriptures you are not surprised to find that at the Nicean conference as they decided on the Scriptures to be canonized they were definitely seeking to separate from the selection of Scriptures those doctrines which they could not control. They definitely wanted to eliminate areas of Biblical knowledge which would clearly mark the identity of the enemy, but they did not understand how to obscure all truth. Anything which did not give eternal punishment into the hands of an Eternal Priesthood they sought very carefully to remove.
1. Rahab
2. Who was Jael
3. Judges 9
4. Who are the Jews?
5. II Kings 17:6‑23
6. Ezekiel 17:22‑23
7. Nehemiah 13:23
QUESTION: Who was Rahab? And if a Harlot then why is she listed in Hebrews 11:31?
ANSWER: In the Ferrah Fenton Bible she is listed as an Innkeeper, so the word, Harlot, is bad translation. This was a woman of the Adamic race living on the wall of this old city. Her father, mother and brethren in fact her whole household would be marked to be rescued as the Israelites take the city. Why? Because she helped the Israelite scouts who came to see what it was like in that city. But notice Joshua 2:9; for this lady said: ‘I know that YAHWEH hath given you the land. We have heard how YAHWEH dried up the Red Sea for you’. Then verse 11; ‘Our hearts did melt for YAHWEH, your God is the God of heaven above and in the earth beneath’. She not only hid the Israelites but she let them down outside the wall, and told them how to escape those hunting for them from the city.
Now; remember this is a very disciplined fighting force that Joshua is leading here, but the writ of circumcision had not been kept in the wilderness so the Israelites were encamped here after passing over the Jordan on dry ground as YAHWEH held back the waters of the Jordan. And while they were camped for this writ of circumcision then Joshua meets this great warrior (Joshua 5:13). Joshua was astonished but he goes near this great figure and said: ‘Art thou for us or against us?’ Joshua sure didn’t need any more enemies. But then Joshua had caught the vision, had seized the sword, and was ready to launch this crusade and whether he knew it or not the enemy would not be able to make the Israelites break rank or fall. But then there stood that great warrior before him so of course Joshua wanted to know if he was for him or against him.
1. Good figs and bad figs
2. The Great Star of Revelation 8:10‑12
3. Isaiah 26:20‑21
4. Isaiah 53:3
5. Isaiah 43:15‑19
6. Where do you find Israel called an Olive Tree?
7. Why do people not want to know more?
8. ‘Son of Man’
9. Deuteronomy 23:8
10. Leviticus 18:21
QUESTION: Who were the good figs and bad figs of Jeremiah, chapter 24?
ANSWER: Back in the days with Jeremiah this was referring to those who dwelt in Jerusalem, as figs. Remember the moment that a false religion takes over a city or community, it is then tied to the false religious emblem, which is the fig. For the fig is the fruit of the Fig Tree which is that tree of good and evil, or the emblem of Lucifer’s kingdom. Thus the religion of Jerusalem in the days of Ahab became a false religion. In the days when Zedekiah and his sons were taken by Babylon, then Jerusalem was under the religion of Baalism, and the people there in that old city were worshiping many strange and evil gods. But Jeremiah was to write that some of the people within the city under this system of false religion were still good. But some he called bad, very bad, in fact there wasn’t one thing they preached or stood for that could be used, everything about them was evil. Thus there is a division here of the people caught in the web of Baal religion. The evil ones were to be scattered over the world as a taunt, a byword, and a curse. These people, the SHEENIE, Yehudin were the bad figs to be driven out of Jerusalem, and they were dispersed finally in 70 A.D.
1. Genealogy Charts
2. The Birth of YAHSHUA
3. The early life and missing 18 years in the Life of Jesus
QUESTION: How does the genealogy chart at the first of the Book of Matthew fit into the story of the birth of the Christ Child if he is the son or embodiment of God?
ANSWER: Well, as you know the Bible is the story of the relationship of the Adamic Race and their father YAHWEH. We now know that YAHWEH is the Eternal Father, and embodied his name is YAHSHUA, our Redeemer and Messiah. As for HIS embodiment in earth HE selected a mother through whom He was to be born. Thus this physical body of the man called Jesus The Christ would be formed in the womb of a woman of the Adamic Race, but the fullness of YAHWEH would abide bodily within this body, Mary would produce. This is one of the purposes of the MOST HIGH which He declared before the foundation of the world. Why would HIS household come into earth this way also embodied as babes out of this Adamic Race He established with Adam and Eve? This is His program for bringing back the earth into its rightful orbit under His rule. Thus He would then come to establish His identity with His race, and come the same way through physical birth out of the Race. No wonder then that the enemy tries to hide this fact from you.
Thus you are to remember those in opposition to this wondrous story, this fulfilment of prophecy, and remember who they are, what they are saying, and that these enemies killed thousands in order to stop this race from arriving at the time when prophecy said HE would come forth from the race, and then they killed babies trying to stop His birth in earth. Thus the enemy only seeds to hide the wondrous story of HIS Testimony as to who this babe was, and that HE came to visit His people, and to do the wondrous things HE had promised to do.
1. John the Baptist
2. The Gospel of the Kingdom
3. The Sermon on the Mount
4. Mark 3:23‑29
QUESTION: I have always wondered about John the Baptist because Jesus said: he was greater than any man born of woman, but I don’t understand why Jesus would need to be baptized by John?
ANSWER: Well! We will see what the Gospel has to say about this. Matthew 3:1‑12; ‘In those days came John the Baptist preaching in the wilderness of Judea saying, Repent ye; for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. This is he that was spoken of by the prophets saying: The voice of one crying in the wilderness, prepare ye the way of the LORD; make his path straight.’ This John had raiment of camels hair, and a leather girdle about his loins; and his meat was locust and wild honey. They went out to him from Jerusalem, and all of Judea, and all the region around about the Jordan River, and were baptized by him in the Jordan confessing their sins’.
QUESTION: John 2:4; ‘What have I to do with thee? Mine hour is not yet come.’
ANSWER: This was at the wedding in Cana of Galilee, and YAHSHUA was gathering His disciples, but he and they were invited to this wedding. In the Ferrah Fenton Bible this is translated as He replied to His mother when she said they had run out of wine. ‘What is that to you and ME mother? My time has not yet come.’
Good wine is not wine with an alcohol content. So YAHSHUA did not turn water into intoxicating wine as you might have thought. The process
of fermentation is not a natural one. Nature never forms spirituous liquors, she rots the grape upon the branch, but it is an art thought up by men that converts the juice into alcoholic wine.
In the Book of Josephus he makes mention of Herod’s fortress called Masada. There Herod had stored large quantities of grain to enable his army to survive for a long time. Here also was wine and oil in abundance with all kinds of herbs, vegetables, and dates heaped up together. These products were also fresh and full, ripe in no way inferior to such fruits laid in, although they had been there almost 100 years.
Such facts regarding long preservation of fruit and other foods are confirmed by many other historians, this seems to be something this world has forgotten.
QUESTION: Who is Nicodemus of John chapter 3, who came to Jesus at night? How does he tie in with the other disciples for he came with Joseph of Arimathea later after the cross?
ANSWER: Since we have done the topic ‘Born Again’ and twice born people, and their differences will tell you here what we know about Nicodemus, and others of this close knit group of YAHSHUA’S ministry other than Joseph of Arimathea who we have spoken of before also.
In the time of YAHSHUA’S ministry there were several wealthy Israelite families living in Judea. In Jerusalem itself was the home of the father and mother of Mark who wrote one of the four Gospels of our Bible. This was a large home in the centre of the city, on Mt. Zion. It had more than one story and it was in the upper room of this house where the Passover supper was eaten. Here many times the upper room was used when the disciples or YAHSHUA came to Jerusalem. The mother of John Mark became a great hostess, and her home was known as the House of Mary. And this Mary is the 4th listed, Mary, in the Scriptures.
QUESTION: The marriage feast of Matthew 22, some would come, the elect are invited, and when they wouldn’t come then everyone was invited???
ANSWER: Now wait a minute, that was not the elect who refused to come. This was a King and he was inviting the rich and the powerful, so they went out and asked all these people in the sovereignty of that king to come. In fact this is again in areas of physical identifiable capacities of authority and power. But everyone who did not come was those who did not have the spiritual capacity to understand, in fact these were those with no spiritual capacity. But out on the highways and by ways of the world was Lost Israel, who had spiritual capacities, and they were brought to the wedding. The people who were invited were symbolic of natural honour to people in high positions of wealth and responsibility, power and prestige, who would be naturally invited, but they had some excuse and they couldn’t come.
This man without the wedding garment, there is some question about as to whether this translation is true or not. In the Darby version, and some of the others this wedding garment is imputed righteousness, and this is given to all with the capacity to respond. What we are up against here in translation is the fact that the church tried to ghost this into shape, so as to cover some area of their interpretation.
QUESTION: would you review for us the events leading up to the Passover, through the Crucifixion and Resurrection? Where do we find these in the Scripture? Also why do we try to learn so many things when in the Book of Mark 13:22; even Jesus did not know certain things?
ANSWER: We will take the last question first because if you think for one moment you would question this translation. Let us look at that verse; ‘But of that day, and that hour knoweth no man, no not the angels who are in heaven, neither the son. But the Father.’ Since you now know that the son here in translation is YAHSHUA who is YAHWEH in the flesh, then the correct translation would be: ‘Not the Angels which are in heaven,
A SHORT TIME AFTER THE RESURRECTION on the other side of the old city of Jerusalem, two of the disciples were walking to the village of Emmaus. (Luke 24:13) These disciples were very depressed, what would they do now, all seemed to be lost, the Messiah was dead. Soon a third man joins them and walks along with them.
They do not pay any attention to him for they are so deep in their depression, and finally HE asked them why they were so sad. They replied: surely you have heard, you must be a stranger or you would have heard that the Chief Priests and rulers of Jerusalem had put YAHSHUA‑Messiah to death??? Then the stranger began to talk to them, and He asked: Should not YAHWEH as Messiah embodied in the flesh have taken all transgression upon Himself, been crucified so that He could raise His body from the tomb?
Then He went on to outline the story of the Scriptures from the days of Moses on down to their time. Strangely their hearts were thrilled as they listened to HIM, and since they had not eaten for some time they were now hungry, and they suggested they go into the Inn near by for a bit of food. They had not been allowed as yet to see YAHSHUA, but even though His words had strangely moved them, the time was not quite right. But there at the table as HE broke the bread for them then their eyes were opened and they could see the nail prints in HIS hand, and now they also knew that HE had Risen. And in a radiant burst of Light He was gone from their sight. The disciples now hurried back to Jerusalem to tell the disciples gathering there that they had seen Messiah, He had spoken to them, He was alive.
Then YAHSHUA appeared to some of the others, but Thomas was not with them. Later they told Thomas that YAHSHUA was alive, they had seen HIM, but Thomas would not be comforted, for he had heard HIM say: ‘It is finished’. Thomas had seen HIM drop His head, Messiah was dead.
QUESTION: Did Peter really go to Rome? We don’t find him mentioned so much after Acts 12??
ANSWER: Here in Jerusalem Herod killed James the brother of John and he saw this pleased the Jews so they put Peter in Prison. But YAHSHUA had other plans for Peter, and (Vs 6) one night Peter is sleeping between two soldiers bound with chains, and an Angel came into the Prison and woke Peter and the chains fell off. The Angel told them to put on his sandals and his cloak and the Angel led Peter outside of the Prison, and then Peter went to the house of Mary the mother of John Mark. He knocked at the gate and Rhoda came to the gate. She was so excited when she heard the voice of Peter that she ran back to tell the others that Peter was at the gate instead of opening up the locked gate of the compound surrounding the home. The others didn’t believe her for they thought that probably Peter was to be killed as James had been.
Finally they let Peter in through the gate and great was the rejoicing of their group. When daylight came the soldiers were in fear, for where was Peter? The keeper would be put to death because he had escaped. Herod was very angry because of this work of the Apostles and disciples which they were doing in his area. Those not of Israel rallied around Herod, and they bowed to Herod saying he is god, but then Herod soon died anyway, because of course he was not a god, sure not the God of Glory, and with his death then the word of this witness of the disciples and Apostles spread more rapidly.
The Epistle to the Romans
QUESTION: To the Jew first? Romans 1:16.
ANSWER: This is always the first question. The Apostle Paul was writing to the Romans who were Lost Israelites who have settled in that area of Europe. There were also some Israelites of the Judah Kingdom now in Rome as well.
Paul starts this Epistle saying he is a servant of YAHSHUA, that he was called to be an Apostle, separated to preach the Gospel as laid out by YAHSHUA. He tells them that YAHWEH came through the Seed Line of David into the flesh as YAHSHUA and proved His power by the Resurrection. That HE chose His Apostles to preach the Faith among all nations for HIS name. (Vs. 5). The Apostle Paul goes on to say that the rest of Israel is also called by YAHSHUA thus to the Judeans that be in Rome, to the Saints, ’Grace be unto you, and peace (understanding) from YAHWEH our Father who came as YAHSHUA.’ But He is still our Father. And this word ‘Saints’ does not mean someone they elevated in church and put a halo on. It means believing offspring. And you did not become a believing offspring at the altar, or in an Evangelistic meeting either. You, if you are Israel, were born a believing offspring. You then read in the book of Daniel 7:18, that the ‘Saints take the Kingdom and possess it forever.’
Remember here that the Apostle Paul while under house arrest in Judea, was writing his Epistles. He had longed to go to Rome for sometime, but has always been delayed. He has friends and relatives in Rome, and he wanted to go to Rome to tell the Israelites living there, that there are many things he has learned. He thinks there will be many in Rome who will turn in their thinking after he tells they the many things he now knows. He thinks they will turn as the other Lost Israelites now called Gentiles, have turned when he has witnessed to them.
QUESTION: Romans chapter ten, Brethren my hearts desire and prayer of Israel is that they might be saved?
ANSWER: Remember that Salvation to Israel is being brought back to the sheepfold, so that they may hear the Sheep Call, grafted back on their own Olive Tree. Then at a promised time all Israel will act right, do right, and never be ashamed anymore. ‘For I bear them record that they have a zeal of YAHWEH, but not according to the knowledge (of the kingdom). For being ignorant of YAHWEH’S program of the kingdom they go about trying to establish their own program for reaching him. But YAHSHUA is the end of the law of righteousness to everyone that believes. (vs 4)
O.K., so what were the Israelites to believe? That YAHWEH himself came as YAHSHUA‑Messiah to redeem His people, to graft them all back on to their own Olive Tree, so as to bring them back to the Sheep Fold as they hear the Sheep Call. If you confess with our mouth that YAHWEH came embodied as YAHSHUA‑Saviour and believe in your heart that HE raised His physical body from the tomb by the power of His Spirit, this is Salvation for Israel. This is not being ‘born again’. this sets Israel apart, brings them to the recognition of the ‘Sheep Call’.
The word ashamed in verse eleven means you will not be opposed or in opposition to the program of the kingdom. There is thus no difference in a Judean or a Greek if they are both of Israel for the same YAHSHUA, is YAHWEH in the flesh, and HE is over all. And whosoever shall call upon YAHSHUA shall be saved. (Brought back to the sheep fold) But who are they to believe in HIM is they haven’t heard? And how shall they hear unless someone comes to tell them? And how can someone come to preach or to teach them unless they are sent? (vs 15) How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the Gospel of Understanding (kingdom), and bring these glad tidings of all good things. But they have not all obeyed the Gospel. Even Isaiah complained: ‘YAHWEH who has believed our report?’ Yet Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the WORD of YAHWEH. The WORD, the living WORD is YAHSHUA, and again you must look past the printed word unto the Living Word. (vs 17)
QUESTION: This hidden wisdom which YAHWEH ordained before the foundation of the world unto our Glory. What is the hidden Mystery?
ANSWER: In the second chapter of I Corinthians the Apostle Paul goes on telling these Corinthians that he did not come to them because he thought he was excellent in speech and wisdom but he came to declare to them the testimony that YAHSHUA was YAHWEH in the flesh, their redeemer. That the atonement had been made, that their Faith should not stand as mans wisdom, but in the power of our Redeemer. (vs 5)
This hidden wisdom which is spoken of here is that this Adamic Race is the household of the MOST HIGH, children of YAHWEH’S Spirit, begotten in the Celestial with HIM before this earth was ever laid out. That since the fall of Adams race then it was necessary for YAHSHUA’S ministry, that this was a visitation of YAHWEH in the flesh to his own household. And that this race is Israel of the Bible, and is to be restored to the Glory that we lost in the fall of Adam and Eve. (vs 7) This is just a bit of the hidden wisdom of the Scriptures. The Apostle Paul reveals more and more through his Epistles.
Now; none of the Princes of the World Order understood this, for if they had they would not have crucified YAHSHUA who was YAHWEH in the flesh, Why? Because the Prince of this world (Lucifer) and his fallen Angel hosts lost control of all the spirits of the Adamic children in the Netherworld. They no longer are able to hold any of those spirit children. The Law of sin and death still stands, but the curse was nailed to HIS CROSS. The physical body still ages and dies, but the spirit since the crucifixion returns to HE who begat it, who gave it life. (vs 8)
Here in Verse 45 is this Mystery. The first man Adam who was spirit of His Spirit and was made a Living Soul, and the last Adam, YAHSHUA, was a quickening Spirit. But before this (vs 46) how be it that the first man was of the earth earthly? That this first man was of the earth a created people where as the second man was a LORD from Heaven? Now in this understanding we are talking about this Adamic race, for Adam was a Lord from heaven or a ruler from the heavens, and he was to name all the creatures and was to rule the earth. Thus the first man was earthly, he did not carry any spiritual seed, he was a created being. The second man Adam was a ruler from the heavens and we now have the separation of the Adamic race from the other races which were born in the image of the heavenly in our form. (vs 49) The Apostle Paul has now confirmed what we have been telling you about this Adamic (white) race of people.
Now this I say brethren that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven, neither doth corruption inherit incorruption, behold I show you a mystery’ and this mystery is unfolded from verse 45 to 47. We were thus begotten of incorruptible seed, we did not inherit the heavens because we have an earthly body, but we have a spiritual entity.
Therefore we are told that this is a hidden mystery, it is something which was promised to us before the world was framed, it is the hidden mystery of HIS GLORY. We were promised redemption, of even this physical body which does not inherit the kingdom of heaven in this form. The Princes of this world did not know this for if they had they would not have crucified the LORD of Glory. They would have then realized their defeat because as they crucified the LORD of Glory He fulfilled the atonement and His children were set back in their place of Sonship. And ‘eye hath not seen or ear heard the things prepared for those who love HIM.’ But YAHWEH revealest these things unto your remembrance, I will lead you to the knowledge of all truth.
YAHWEH reveals these mysteries to His children for the spirit searches out all things. For what man knoweth the things of man save the spirit of man? Even so the things of YAHWEH knoweth no man but by the spirit. We did not receive the spirit of the world order, of the earth‑earthy, we received the spirit which is of YAHWEH and why?
QUESTION: ‘Wherefore remember, that ye in times past being Gentiles in the flesh, who are called un-circumcision by that which is called the circumcision in the flesh made by hands. That at the time ye were without Christ being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God, in the world; but now in Christ Jesus ye who are sometimes far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ.’ Ephesians 2:11‑13. What does this mean?
ANSWER: The Apostle Paul in writing to these Israelites who have been gone from the centre at Old Jerusalem for many years is here calling attention to who they are. There is some problems in the Epistles with translation because the Ecclesiastical world tried to embrace doctrines which the Apostle Paul was not teaching. In Rome the Catholics and then later Protestants in theology were trying to establish that all people were capable of Evangelization for Administration of the kingdom. And they were simplifying their translations so as to classify people as Jews or non‑Jews with the non‑Jews being classified as Gentiles.
This again is one of the many problems you face in any of the Epistles of the Apostle Paul you find here in our King James Version. But since you now know the outline of this Book you should have no trouble in understanding what the Apostle Paul is telling these Israelites. ‘Wherefore ye being in times past Ethene, or nations in the flesh who were called uncircumcision by those who are circumcised in the flesh or made by hands’, Remember that the ten northern tribes of Israel and even many of the Judah kingdom did not continue the practice of circumcision after they went into captivity.
QUESTION: ‘Remember also that YAHWEH is not mocked, for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap.’ Galatians 6:7.
ANSWER: You reap in the same field that you sow, thus since you are in the world this is where you reap, and this is where you have also sown. This is also the reason all this talk and publications about this place called HELL, is such a fantasy. For what are you going to burn forever and ever after you have laid this physical body in the grave, and the spirit of this Celestial child has gone back to he who gave it. Remember it is the Christian religion that has pushed this hell concept so hard, after it was fed into it by the enemy which entered the church. The Apostle Paul then goes on to say: ‘But he that soweth only to his flesh, shall of the flesh reap, but he that soweth to the spirit shall of the spirit reap life Ever‑ lasting.’ (vs 8)
Now; understand. that as we preach this Gospel of the Kingdom we do not hate people of the world order. We are to do good unto all, but especially unto them who are of this household of Faith. This is the program which YAHWEH has set in place which shall be a blessing to the whole world.
The Apostle Paul said: ‘God forbid that I should glory, save in the Cross of our Redeemer, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world. For in YAHSHUA neither circumcision nor uncircumcision availeth anything, but you will be a new person.’ (vs 15) Old things have passed away, the kingdom enters a new phase, and you acknowledge the Atonement and forgot the rituals which brought you as a school master to HE who made the Atonement. And if you walk this way then Peace, which is also understanding is with you and the Mercy of the God of Israel is upon you. (vs 16)
The Apostle Paul then went on to say: therefore let no man trouble me with the silly argument, for I bear in my body the marks for my stand for YAHSHUA, WHO IS YAHWEH in the flesh. Thus Israel brethren, the Grace of our Redeemer be with the real you, which is your spirit. (vs 18) With this the Apostle Paul ends his Epistle to the Galatians. Later the Apostle Paul will go into this subject of the great falling away from the Faith, but you will notice that some one was trying to sidetrack it back there at this time when he was writing to the Galatians.
The Apostle Paul is still talking about immortality. He had said that he did not want to die, he just wanted to put on his Light and Glory which he knew belonged to him since his trip into the heavens. He knew however that if his physical body did wear out that he had a Celestial house in the planes of Spirit. It was eternal and consisted of Light.
Thus the Apostle Paul said he did not want to die, but he did want to get into that Light. Just wanted that Light to envelope his physical body so that this mortal will be swallowed up with immortality and live forever. This means, restored to immortality.
This is why the Apostle Paul talked about the fact that there is only one thing we wait for which is the redemption of our bodies. We already have Eternal Life, we are living souls assured of Eternal Life. We are waiting to see Death stopped, for mortal to put on immortality.
This process is already at work in us, and at the time YAHSHUA returns, it has not only been promised but has been generally accepted by the whole structure of Christianity that no area of interpretation or mistranslation could make you miss this, that there will be a perpetual immortality. That you are in the image of YAHWEH, you are spirit, soul, and body and you will become indestructible. That you will no longer die, no longer will your physical body be subject to death.
The next Great Dragon Killer was Moses. And in the old books Moses is called the Serpent killer, the one who stepped upon the snakes. You then read that in the wilderness Moses lifted up a serpent, and the children of Israel were healed. In some translations Moses is said to have lifted up a broken serpent, or a brazen serpent, but actually Moses lifted up a symbol of what was effecting the Children of Israel, these speckled birds who had infiltrated among them and were leading them astray. As they realized the cause of their troubles the Israelites were healed.
In the old Zohar it tells us that this staff which Moses lifted up with the broken serpent on it was a Cross. And speaking of the coming of YAHSHUA, Messiah it said: ‘I shall be lifted up to destroy the way of the great serpent.’ In the Scripture as it talks about the children of Israel being bitten by a serpent, the old word was Serab, leading you back to the symbol of the fallen Angels who rebelled with Lucifer.
Once more it is the same old story all down through Israel’s History, as to the difference in the people who make up both kingdoms. How Lucifer in rebellion with his dragon and serpent people was always trying to set up their own symbol of the serpent, to counterfeit the symbols of the kingdom so as to fool YAHWEH’S children. But anytime you see the symbol of the Dragon Killer, one foot raised, this is the symbol of YAHWEH’S power through the kingdom people in earth. Since the symbol of the serpent as a symbol of wisdom both of good and evil in earth, then it was necessary for the Dragon Killers to play their mysterious part in the symbolism of our story so that you in understanding YAHWEH’S plan can identify the children of the Dragon and understand that Serpent seed is real, understand what Serpent seed really is, and why that symbolism is used.
After reading Dr. Coleman’s report on South America I thought of something I had read in a book entitled WWIII, by Charles Taylor. He is a minister in California who writes of prophecy and tries to predict when the rapture will take place. In this book he carried a report of ‘The Jesuit Subversion in Central America.’ I thought I would share this vision by this unknown Evangelist with you, and see if it does not make more sense with this report that it did to me as Dr. Taylor tried to tie it to the rapture some years ago.
Now; this Evangelist went up to the 86th floor of the Empire State building, and went out on the terrace to look through the telescope, then he had this vision and he heard a voice, several times. This is what he said he saw and heard: (Quote) Suddenly I heard a voice which said: ‘The eyes of the LORD run to and fro through out the whole earth to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose hearts are perfect toward HIM. Herein thou hast done foolishly therefore from henceforth thou shalt have wars.’ (Unquote) This is a direct quote from II Chronicles 16:9.
(Quote) I realized I was not looking at Manhattan Island but upon all of the North American continent spread out before me as though a map on a great table. I saw the Pacific and Atlantic oceans and instead of the Statute of Liberty standing here in the bay on her tiny Island, I saw her standing far out in the Gulf of Mexico, between me and the United States. (He must have standing looking north from South America). There before me lay all of North America and with her great cities, the Great Lakes, New York on the East and Seattle on the west and further south Portland, then San Francisco and Los Angeles. In the foreground lay New Orleans at the centre of the Gulf Coast area. I could see the towering ranges of the Rocky Mountains and the Continental Divide.
THIS EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS IS THE GREATEST MYSTERY BOOK OF ALL THE SCRIPTURES. It contains the deepest and most vital truths concerning the character of the race, and our relationship to Our Father. It contains this Mystery of how you are tabernaceling in this physical body. In other words a tabernacle is a dwelling place for a Celestial son and daughter and in this instance then YAHWEH became flesh and dwelt as we do in a body formed out of this race.
He thus became kinsmen with us, and was not ashamed to acknowledge this fact. Therefore whether you are a good son or a bad son still YAHSHUA is YAHWEH in the flesh, the same High Priest who took care of our transgressions, thus by His Stripes, by His suffering we are healed. Thus what YAHWEH performed for His people was something we did not have anything to do with because it was not determined by our reaction, but by and for HIS purpose.
NOW AS TO THE COVENANT, THIS SECOND COVENANT, ‘Behold! The day will come when I will make a new covenant with the House of Israel and the House of Judah not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers when I took them out of the land of Egypt because they continued not in my covenant. But this is the covenant I will make with the house of Judah and the house of Israel in those days, I will put my laws in their minds, and write them on their hearts, and I will be unto them a God, and they shall be unto me a people. And they will no longer need to teach their neighbour or his brother saying: know the law, because they shall all know ME from the least to the greatest.’Won’t it be a great day when the new covenant is thoroughly implemented, the house of Judah and the House of Israel again, ‘ONE stick in HIS hand?’ The Law then will come from the hearts of the Israel people, and the world order will know who they are, as they rule with righteousness because every Israelite will understand what YAHWEH has proclaimed, and every Israelite shall see as He knows. In His Melchizedek Priesthood He calls the working of the Law forth out of the hearts of HIS people for the Sheep will respond to the Shepherds call.
As the Apostle Paul talks about this new covenant and the Melchizedek Priesthood, he records: YAHWEH swears and shall not repent concerning the embodiment of His own body, in hour of His Resurrection as He again took up the mantle of the heavens, ‘thou art a Priest forever after the order of Melchizedek, King of Salem (Peace) High Priest of His Kingdom, existing without father, without mother, without descent, without end of days or beginning of time, abides a Priest continually, after the incarnation of YAHWEH. And now you understand why His is without father, mother, without end of days or beginning of time, because YAHSHUA is YAHWEH in the flesh.
ANOTHER INSTANCE SHOWING THE TRUTH OF THE BIBLE IN THE ORIENTAL INSTITUTE MUSEUM IN CHICAGO, ILL., is a clay Prism with Sennacheribs own account of his invasion of Judea and the taking of fortified cities of Judah where 200,150 people were taken captive as told in II Kings 18:17., and 19:35. The Palace of Sennacherib has also been found and about 100,000 volumes were recovered there. About 1/3 of this library is now in the British Museum. This library was found by Layard in 1849‑50., and he says the Palace was about the size of three large city blocks. Thus when this library is deciphered think of the information to be uncovered to fill in that part of the Bible story.
Now; along with Archaeology bringing out the fact that the Bible is true then came the finding of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Dr. Swift was writing to the head of the Greek Orthodox Church in Syria, and they were sending him scroll after scroll as they were translated. Some of the scrolls he learned were sent to Israeli when they demanded to see them, and they were never returned. The head of the Orthodox Church in Syria was very angry about that. But hundreds of scrolls were found, some of them were copies of the same things, and they had been diligently hand copied for they had no printing presses at that time.
In these scrolls was found the Book of Enoch, and after radio carbon testing of the papyrus it was written on they found this to be copied about 200 B.C. In Syria they also found a Book of Enoch that was 800 B.C., as to age. Yet all the time the Jews and even the Catholic Church said the Book of Enoch was spurious Books written 200 years after The Christ. And now we have copies made from copies nothing original is their saying. But the Dead Sea Scrolls are changing all this because we do now have old scrolls and they find that they were diligently kept, and some of them were copied 800 years before the Birth of Christ.
Question: What is this book of Horus that Dr. Swift referred to and what did it contain?
Answer: Well it is an Egyptian book, and there are some strange things connected with it. A man by the name of Randall Stevens had been doing much research and he was given a vision as to where there would be found the buried writings of Horus under the sands of Egypt. He saw a temple where worship of Ancient Egypt took place. He saw old scrolls buried which would tell the story as to where these people of Egypt came from in Ancient times. Under spiritual inspiration this man then took pen and paper and wrote the first few chapters of this book of Horus although only small fragments had been found before this. But this man just felt led to go down to Egypt and find a complete set of the scrolls which now make up the book of Horus.
War conditions at that time prevented this, but later he was allowed to go, and there after only three days of digging they found the entrance to an old temple just where Stevens had said it would be. And in this temple was an entrance to a tomb and there was the most complete book of Horus ever found. It was in great scrolls. But here was a man who set down after his dream and wrote the first few chapters of something he had never seen. Then he tried to persuade people to back his quest so he could go dig up the original, and then went and dug them up.
Now; this book is not from inspiration given to our race. It is a pre‑Adamic inspired version of what happened to these people, and is written by their Priest with the Title of Horus. Each Priest after that was given the same title and the National Geographic magazines in different articles about Ancient Egypt records the name of their Priest in different centuries as Horus, even after Adam.
The significance of this book of Horus is that although it was written to the Ancient people finally called Egyptians still it is written about the sons and daughters of YAHWEH. Their Priest Horus taught of ‘ONE’ God of Light called YAHWEH‑PUTAH (meaning Saviour). He tells of a promise made to these Ancient people as they were getting ready to leave their homeland of Atlatcan or Atlantas as we call it today.
This mystery of the symbolism of the Worms is the Bride of Lucifer, it is the symbolism of his power, it is his kingdom, and the woman sitting upon the scarlet coloured Beast full of names of blaspheme, and upon her head the name of Mystery Babylon the Great. And Babylon the Great is the mother of harlots and abominations of earth, and she is drunk with the blood of the Saints and the Martyrs of the time of Jesus as well. The beast which is not and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and then go into perdition is of course this system of the World Order, and this false religion (woman) that rides upon the back of this World System. Remember Israel was a widow when in Chastisement, but this great Mystery Babylon, the woman now sitting on the back of Red communism, Zionism, this Beast System said: ‘I sit as a Queen, I am no widow and shall see no sorrow. Thus Lucifer’s kingdom, his rule seems to him and to his people to be forever. And they keep up their work against the kingdom of YAHWEH to destroy it if possible. When Mystery Babylon falls it shall be this symbolic mystery system that controls all pagan religions, and false theology, and philosophies, and economic manipulation, all parts of Lucifer’s kingdom and great will be the fall of that kingdom.
Now; what can you do against this invasion of insects? What is the promise? ‘I am going to pour out my spirit upon my sons and my daughters.’ So what is that Spirit? It is the wave length of Divine energy, life, knowledge, understanding, coming down from the MOST HIGH upon His children. It will not only illuminate for them the whole picture, but they will come out of their sleep as this great vibration, this cosmic perception for understanding of YAHWEH’S own consciousness descends upon His people.
He has promised there will be a deliverance in the land, when my people have this wave length of spiritual power descend upon them. Then you will eliminate these insects from the kingdom. We take great hope in that. We see that every parasite that hates our God, our Race, our Faith, our Nation, will leave these United States or be crushed right here, and then YAHWEH will restore unto His children everything the insects have taken from us. Yes, we know the process seems so slow, but we are also an impatient people. But we also believe that people have been stirred more than they realize, their protests have just not been channelled down one path. But Almighty YAHWEH can stimulate and you will do things you never did before. After all he has told us of these powers that were to come against us, and that they are also controlled, that He is in control and has been in control from the beginning. Told us that they did not come with His blessing but to destroy His kingdom. Told us also that those that come against us are going to fall.
QUESTION: Why should we be interested in the fact that part of the Manasseh people came into Central America and then on into the U.S.?
ANSWER: Because we believe in the prophecies which follow our people. That a double portion was given to Joseph in the blessings of Israel (Genesis 48:22), this was so that both sons of Joseph would be leaders of tribes of Israel. And any issue of Joseph after this would also be counted as Israel and they would go with Ephraim and Manasseh. (Genesis 48:6) Manasseh was the first born, but the seed of Ephraim would become a multitude of nations, thus greater in number. Genesis 49 gives you the blessings of the House of Joseph which helps trace these two tribes through the years. It is written that: ‘Joseph is a fruitful bough by a well whose branches run over the wall. The archers (enemy) has sorely grieved him, shot at him, and hated him. But his bow abodes in strength; and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the Mighty God of Jacob from whence is the Shepherd, the stone of Israel. Even by the God of thy father, who shall help thee, and by the Almighty who shall bless thee with blessings of heaven above, blessings of the deep that lieth under, blessings of the breast and of the womb.
The blessings of thy father have prevailed above the blessings of my progenitors unto the utmost bounds of the everlasting hills; they shall be upon the head of Joseph, on the crown of the head of him who was separate from his brothers. Genesis 49:22‑26
In the Book of Deuteronomy, chapter 33, you find more of the blessings of the tribes of Israel and in verses 13‑17 the special blessings of Joseph both Ephraim and Manasseh. The Unicorn is one of the symbols of Joseph, as well as the bullock as they push their people to the ends of the earth to fulfil their Destiny.
In the Book of Numbers, chapter 2, you find the numbering of the tribes was done, and the tribe of Ephraim already was larger, for they were numbered at 40,000 men from 20 years old and upward, where as Manasseh men from 20 years upward were numbered at 32,200. Each tribe was to pitch by the standard of their father and Levi was not to be numbered thus the Biblical number of 12 would be maintained. The Marching orders also place the House of Joseph on the West in the Kingdom line up.
QUESTION: Here in the space age what is the enemy afraid of? If they were not afraid of something you would not see all this propaganda drive against the Star Wars program and things like that?
ANSWER: Yes, we often wonder why this idea that America must be able to protect herself from space should scare the enemy so badly, and worry men even in our nation as well.
Why also does it scare the enemy to hear a different message by some small identity group such as Aryan Nations? After all they are a small group although vocal? Why worry if a small church or some parents decide to teach their children, and not send them to the public schools? Why all this drive to remove prayer from our schools? What is wrong with our society that they want to change it even tho they clamoured to come here to live? Is it not The Christ they really want to do away with?
Alright this is the Air Age, the Age of Space, and the Eagle always flies the highest of any of the birds. When a storm comes the Eagle takes to the skies and rides above the storm. Is the enemy, the conspirators, afraid that the people are beginning to look up? In the sixties as they began to talk of space, and of U.F.O.’s then some in our Government were able to suppress all evidence of Ships of space, why did this worry them?
A little over thirty years ago Captain Ruppelt former head of ‘project blue book’ issued his report of the fact that there was strong evidence of intelligence guided space crafts. General Samford of the Pentagon stated that there are credible observers of relatively incredible things. But someone in Washington D.C. closed down all information, their official reason being that they, the hierarchy was afraid there would be mass hysteria if the people thought there was such a thing as unidentified flying objects. Thus all private investigations were to stop.
QUESTION: What about the KKK, why was if formed, why do they use the Dragon as one of their symbols?
ANSWER: The KKK is a very controversial subject today, but it must have been a vital organization over the years, or our Government would not have investigated this organization so many times. And over the years always those behind these investigations were the ADL which is the Anti‑Defamation League of the B’ani B’rith.
In 1965 Congressman Rankin, Chairman of the Un-American activities committee, tried to investigate the ADL because they felt they were always trying to overthrow America and establish a communist government. But at that time Congressman Cellar stopped this investigation in his committee.
Always the program of Anti‑Christ has been to capture great areas of the earth so as to gather the man power to hurl at the Christian civilization. And back in Civil War days that was also the design and they will use an that they can turn against his race to advance their program.
Now; one of the reasons the enemy is afraid of the KKK is because this was one of the organizations they could not infiltrate, could not track its identity, could not find out the names of its members. The history of the KKK is a history of a fighting organizational movement to defend these United States, Christian civilization, and white womanhood. For this cause it remains, to oppose all of America’s enemies, both domestic and foreign.
In tracing the history of the Clan, the Blood Clan of the Aryan race, then Dr. Swift took us back to the time of King David who had killed many men in defence of YAHWEH and his kingdom. Then at that time agents of his enemies moved in, and they looked like the modern day representatives, but back in those days they sought to betray David, thus stopping the kingdom of YAHWEH from advancing. And then dedicated men moved to surround David and protect this King of Israel. They were the Blood Clan of Israel, and they were called the Honour Guards. They thus guarded David around the clock, and they were thus the circle clan. As the ten tribes went out from Jerusalem you find that Jeroboam surrounded himself also with Blood Clan, with young men dedicated to fight for YAHWEH, AND FOR THE KINGDOM, and were willing to give their lives for their society.
Various Questions And Answers
TAPE NO. 39 By: Ella Rose Mast
Today’s Type of Socialism Leads to Communism
Marxist Socialism and Communism
1. Socialism leads to Communism.
We brought to you one of the stories of the reason for the rise of the KKK after the Civil War, and there are many. Then again we find that after WWI, the Clan rose from the ashes once again and was powerful over almost the entire United States. It was investigated by the Congress and it was proved that there was only a desire for the preservation of the race, the flag, and the Nation on the part of this organization.
Another witness as to this fact is the Book by Madison Grant entitled: ‘The passing of the Great Race’ written in 1921. I have a fourth revised edition with a Documentary supplement, with prefaces by Henry Fairfield Osborn, who was the Research Professor of Zoology, Columbia University. This book was also in the Swift Library and it was copyrighted 1916, 1918, and 1921–-the fourth edition revised and published August of 1921. In the preface Dr. Osborn writes:—-‘European history has been written in terms of nationality and language, but never before in terms of race, yet race has played a far larger part than either language or nationality is moulding the destinies of men. Race implies heredity, and heredity implies all the moral, social and intellectual characteristics and traits that are the springs of politics and government.
QUESTION: .then Communism did not start in 1917?
ANSWER: .No, of course not. Communism is the ultimate goal of the enemy because it is totalitarian rule over the earth and its people. It is the name of the final power of prophecy this white race of the kingdom is to face, but it is the same old power of Lucifer’s kingdom. It is atheistic, it is a religion complete with prophet, holy blood, dogma, and high priest. The dogma is the fallacy of ‘Equalism’, on an individual and ethnic scale.
The truth boldly stated is that men and races are not equal in physical, mental, or moral powers. Because of this simple truth all attempts to force them into equality by the force of law are doomed to failure and will destroy or enslave the superior. That is communism.
The race question serves as another example of lunacy. The liberals say that if the Negro has proven themselves incapable of maintaining civilization through out recorded history, then just educate them, with the white children of course, then do the same with the mulatto offspring of the two races and the nation will leap ahead to utopia. If the parents complain, well educate the parents, and if you can’t do it with newspapers, TV. Evangelists then use the tanks and bayonets.
Such reasoning has failed to consider the inborn, and hereditary spiritual, mental, physical, and character capacities, the differences and needs of individuals and races. Prophecy says: ‘I shall take you to, thou shalt go even unto Babylon, and there shalt thou be delivered; there the LORD shall deliver thee from the hand of thine enemies.’ Then HE tells us to ‘Come out of her oh my people less you be hurt in her fall.’ Revelation 18. Since this Mystery Babylon, this Great Mystery Babylon is the fulfilment of this ONE World Government, the Beast system run by Lucifer and his children then we have walked into this enslavement, and must come out of it.
You can search Christian literature over the past ages and it is only after the ADL and their associated groups begin popularizing the malicious myth of Judeo‑Christian heritage that we see this phrase used as a fact today. Now this refrain is parroted by Catholic Priests, Protestant Bishops, Clergymen who have encouraged to regard the expression as a mark of sophisticated liberalism, and as evidence that they are completely free of Christian Anti‑Semitism.
QUESTION: .Please explain, ‘The Sins of the Father’ which the Bible talks about as it lasts for three or four generations or more?
ANSWER: I have touched on this before, it is when an Israelite father steps out of his race to produce a child. This has been a problem for the Adamic race through the years as they then produce the seed for the destruction of their own race. It began with Adam and Eve and we saw it happen in Germany as the German crusaders came home from Judea bringing home some of the Jewish women, and they then raised their own fifth column. This happened in the South before the Civil War, and has had a great effect on our nation as well.
QUESTION: .Will we be able to stop the tearing down of our schools by those programs set in place 20 or more years ago?
ANSWER: .Well, education is the development of that which is, thus those planning for a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, without a United States had to change the education pattern of our children to bring about a different outlook than was held by our forefathers. The system of bussing was a part of the Satanic deal to destroy our race and our society. To bring this about the books in the schools were thus changed to down grade our protesting this all over our Nation. But is has not been having any effect for it was not a coordinated drive.
You will find that we developed as a Nation when communications were very powerful, but today communications has joined the building of a world State. This brought on the drive to change the U.S. into only a part of a one world government through the use of the United Nations. But it takes a crucible to bring forth gold tried in the fire, and this gold tried in the fire of Scripture is the people of the kingdom and the crucible is your Destiny.
Now; school is out for summer vacation and it is time for parents and concerned people to get interested in the curriculum of the schools for this fall. It is time to find out what is to be taught this fall, and what books are in the library of your schools, what tapes are there and video tapes are available in your area. Find out how much influence the NEA has in your area? We think you will find that the NEA record shows that it is not interested in education of students, or interested in teachers.
We think you should know that it if can mould children’s minds it has seized a monopoly on the future. Here is what Professor Chester E. Finn Jr., of Vanderbilt University has to say about the NEA’s basic strategy: ‘It includes the de‑legitimising of all authority except that of the State, the degradation of traditional morality, and the encouragement of citizens in general and children in particular to despise the rules and customs that made their society a functional Nation. It was raw political power which led Jimmy Carter to bow the knee and set up a Department of Education with Taxpayers money, but controlled by the NEA. Unquote.
QUESTION: .What was the Holy Grail that King Arthur’s Knights were said to be searching for?
ANSWER: .The Christian Grail was the dish in which YAHSHUA and his disciples partook of the ‘Last Supper.’ This was the inside cup of the Chalice and was said to be the vessel used to catch the blood of YAHSHUA as He hung on the Cross. This vessel was supposed to have been brought to Britain by Joseph of Arimathea.
Now; we have told you much about the ‘Gospel of the Stars’, its symbolic meaning from the Swift Library. Of all the Identity Ministers I have listened to, Dr. Swift was the greatest witness as to this fact that the Adamic Race came out of the Spirit into physical bodies for the definite purpose of building the Kingdom of YAHWEH on the earth, as it is in heaven. This was always Dr. Swift’s message, and I have tried to pass it on to you. Everything we learn confirms this fact, that we are spirit of His Spirit, and this is all in the Symbolism that you must understand before you can understand the Scriptures.
Did you know that long, long ago before Joseph of Arimathea came to Britain after the Resurrection, in fact long before YAHSHUA was born in earth, that Master Builders of our race built in Britain, in a circle, the symbolic meaning of the circle being Immortality, they built in Britain what was referred to as ‘The Temple of the Stars’. This was simply the ‘Gospel of the Stars’ inverted on to earth using waterways, buildings, mounds, hills and so forth. This Temple of the Stars was in the Somerset area, and it represented the great vault of the Heavens inverted in earth with the beginning and end of the story of the ‘Gospel of the Stars.’ Virgo, Leo, Taurus and Orion were to show up in the area which would become later ‘The Hides of Land’ given to Joseph of Arimathea when he came with Mary, the earthly mother of YAHSHUA, after the Crucifixion and Resurrection. Why would these Ancient Master Builders do this if it had no meaning for our Race?
These highly imaginative people of profound experience and vitality who built this ‘Temple of the Stars’ had a God who was so real to them. They believed that He was with them always, in their daily work, in the very ground they trod on and was of course permanently controlling the Universe around them. The drawings of these effigies, or figures is free, powerful, realistic and not in any way conventionalised. These effigies, or figures, built were definitely to indicate a sanctuary, not made by strangers, who were practical enough to apply their religion to fructifying mother earth.
QUESTION: .If the ‘Temple of the Stars’ is so much symbolism, then what about Stonehenge, for we read that it was used for Human sacrifice?
ANSWER: .I think it has been pretty well proved today that Stonehenge was not used for human sacrifice, if people will just look at the facts. But let’s take a look at Prehistoric England, Prehistoric London and its mounds and circles as well as Stonehenge and Avebury, and other interesting types of circles. Then you ask yourself why if these were only used for human sacrifices, why such Ancient people would work so hard to move those great stones and place everything in a circle??
I have a book entitled ‘Prehistoric London, its Mounds and Circles’ and this was published originally in 1914. We will be using this book and its subjects. Some we have covered before, but maybe it did not register so if there is anything you have already heard then you know why.
Old writers say the history of a nation is the history of its religion, its attempts to seek after and serve its God. And in no nation or country is this more true than of Great Britain. The pre‑historic remains of open-air sanctuaries, artificial mounds and scientifically constructed astronomical circles bear witness to the vigor and vitality of a national religion.
Oh, there has been circles built over the pathway of the Adamic people as they travelled in their migrations, but the British Isles, in that small area there is an over supply. We know that Moses erected 12 stones in a circle in the Wilderness, and at the valley leading to the convent on Mount Sinai. This was a small conical mound called the Mount of Conference, or a place of assembly. Then Joshua following YAHWEH’S command erected a circle of stone at Gilgal immediately on the arrival of the Israelites in the promised land. In Palestine there was a circle of Stones on the Summit of Gerizim called, ‘The Mount of God’, it was the oldest sanctuary in Palestine, we do not know who erected it, but no doubt some of the Adamites.
Where the city of London, England now stands there were many religious monuments. There is evidence of two circles called Cors or ‘Courts of Justice’. There were 4 conical mounds of unknown antiquity which like Cathedrals and churches dominated the Moors, marshes, and water sketches that tell of the outline of the pre‑Christian Capital. And in Early Druid times around these places of Assembly all the civil and religious affairs of the district revolved.
The Gospel of the Stars, or Primeval Astronomy. Copyright 1884, from the book of the library of the late Dr. Swift.
Dear friends; we have told you many things about this Gospel of the Stars from the Swift tape library. And since the tapes about those mysterious circles and figures in Britain, we thought we would give you an outline of this old book as to what this author found as he became interested in the meaning of the Starry Worlds.
Since some current explanations of the origin and meaning of the constellations of the heavenly certainly are not such as would satisfy those in search of positive truth then we as did our author looked backwards to find the knowledge our ancient forefathers brought to our race as an explanation of the outlines formed by the stars.
Genesis 1:14; ‘And YAHWEH said; let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and for years.’
QUESTION: what about the ministry of YAHSHUA, what then did he preach?
ANSWER: Today we hear that Jesus preached Salvation, that the kingdom he talked about is the church. That anyone who accepts Jesus Christ as their personal saviour is a part of the church and the kingdom. That is all you need to know, heaven or hell.
We have told you much through the tapes about the literal kingdom here on earth, from the Swift tape ministry, so lets look at this again for this was the theme of the Saviours ministry. Lets see what the companion Bible has to say as well about Matthew 4:17; ‘From that time Jesus began to preach and to say: ‘Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand’. Since this was the proclamation also of the kingdom let’s look at the meaning of these words used in this King James translation.
Preach means to proclaim, to bring word down, to bring it home by setting it forth, to make it known by spreading it far and wide.
Repent means to recover ones senses, not only to change one’s apprehensions regarding sin, but to change your thinking regarding sin, this breaking of the law, to regret the movement away from God because of not knowing better.
Alright: YAHSHUA began to proclaim what? That he brought word down to someone, brought it home to someone who seems to have forgotten it, and HE makes it known by spreading it far and wide. And then we remember that he said: ‘I come only to the lost Sheep of Israel’ and he sent his Apostles only to the Lost Sheep. Matt. 10:6. Therefore to his sheep he said: ‘Repent or come to your senses, remember the past, change your thinking, your apprehensions regarding transgression of the law because that is what sin is all about. Regret your movement away from YAHWEH because of not knowing any better as you wandered in this World Order.
Repent then means a real change of attitude toward this breaking of the law which He gave them, through Moses, at Mt. Sinai, and which Israel had not been to keep perfectly as they wandered through that time from Moses to YAHWEH, here in the flesh walking as YAHSHUA or Saviour. Israelites were to now have a real change of mind and attitude toward their transgressions, the reasons why they broke the law, why they became so bogged down in rituals forgetting the main purpose of the law.
Question: Matthew 24:28; Who are the eagles and those slain?
Answer: The disciples were asking many questions as to what was to happen as they moved out on their mission. And YAHSHUA replied: ‘for where soever the carcase is, there will the Eagles be gathered.’ This is bad translation and according to the Companion Bible the meaning here is to be that as portrayed in Job 39:39; for this is a field of battle, and you remember that the field is the world, whereas YAHSHUA was talking about things pertaining to the kingdom. This was a battle here in earth between the kingdom of Satan and his children of darkness, and the kingdom of YAHWEH and his children of Light.
WE HAVE TOLD YOU ABOUT THE BEGINNING OF PHILOSOPHY, and also about the symbolism of the Human body from the Old Big Book. Let us then take a look at this Legend of Hiram the Abiff who came to Jerusalem from the King of Tyre to help with the building of the Temple at the time when Solomon began that great work.
At the beginning of this article is a picture about this Hiram Legend, it is a big picture copyrighted by Manly Hall. The idea for this picture is taken from the TALMUD LEGEND, and is entitled, King Solomon and the Shedd. Now; the Shedd is an Elemental being, thus this is quite interesting taking into consideration as to where this legend came from. This is a picture of the upper part of a man’s body with sort of a dark‑demon like face, and only two fang teeth in the mouth. He looks as though empowered with Bat wings. In his left hand is the statue of a white king, presumably King Solomon with robes and crown. On the next to the little finger of the left hand is a six pointed star as you see it today, but now in two colours, The pyramid or triangle pointing downward is red, and the one pointing up is blue.
According to the TALMUD there was a remarkable stone called the ‘Shamir’ and it was the magical Jewel or ‘worm’ used by Aaron to cut the stones for the Breastplate for the Israelite High Priests. King Solomon when ordered to build the Temple without the sound of hammers could not cut the stones in the usual manner, but laying the ‘Shamir’ against the side of the rock the stones instantly and noiselessly separated according to any desired pattern. In order to learn the whereabouts of the ‘Shamir’ King Solomon turned to the ELEMENTALS, those who grew in darkness, lived in darkness, and they told him that ASHMEDAI the great king of the Shedds could give him the desired information. Solomon therefore sent his faithful General Benaihu to capture ASHMEDAI, and the General did this with the aid of a chain with the name of God engraved upon its links. From Ashmedai then Solomon learned that the Ruler of the Sea had entrusted the ‘Shamir’ to a wild rooster, from which Solomon speedily secured the stone.
AT THE BEGINNING OF THE ARTICLE IS A PICTURE IN SYMBOLISM which shows the lighted entrance to a tomb with the bright Star of Bethlehem above the raised Light is of a man with white wings, and a Lion’s head, and above the raised right hand are 8, 5 pointed stars, and above the Lion’s head is a golden key. In the left hand a sword with a golden handle is to be seen, and wrapped around this figure from the feet upward is a red serpent whose head reaches up and over the golden key, and in the centre of the key, but not over the lock. Three bowing figures are below the block on which the figure stands on an illuminated globe.
Now; this is the explanation of that picture which is entitled ‘Mithra’, (Quote) ‘At the pinnacle of the Divine hierarchy, writes Franz Cumot, and at the origin of all things, the Mithraic theology the heir of that Zervanitic Magi is boundless time. Sometimes they called it Saturnus, but he was considered ineffable, bereft alike of name, sex and passions. The figure signifies the inevitable victory of boundless time (eternity) over every creature and condition. In time all beings reach completion, in time all wrongs are righted, in time salvation is assured to all.
The head of the Lion signifies that the mortal concept of time is the despotic ruler of the animal or irrational creation; that its strength is supreme, and that it devours all the lesser powers which exist temporarily without it. The coils of the Serpent represent the motion of Heavenly Spheres through the Zodiac, which is shown by the Human Body. The golden key indicates that time is the key to the mysteries of existence.
The sword is the instrument by which the demon of man made time is slain, and his body divided into past, and future, while to the gods is given rulership of the everlasting now. The double set of wings signifies the flight of time through the inferior worlds of four elements. The 8 stars are the spheres upheld by time. The Dome of the Mithraic cave is ornamented with stars to typify the Universality of the Divine cult, and the radiant globe upon which the figure stands is the Universe. The resurrection of the figure from the darkness of the tomb reveals the ascension of boundless duration from the narrow limitations of the three dimensional world which is length, breadth, and thickness, which bow before the limitless aeon. (Unquote)
NOW THAT THE EASTER EGGS HAVE BEEN FOUND, THE BUNNY RABBITS FORGOTTEN, the many pageants performed, and great pilgrimages made…all in the name of Jesus Christ…we hope you had a quiet and happy RESURRECTION DAY and thought a bit about the significance of the work on the Cross which our Savior did for us. Did you think as to why this was necessary? Did you consider the significance of ‘The Cup’ at the last supper, and later in the Garden of Gethsemane as HE drank that cup of clear water? All of this was a part of the significance of ‘The Cup’___’The Cross’…for on that Cross YAHWEH in a human body as YAHSHUA-Savior told you that this part of the Great Mosaic was now finished. Thus it was that this then is a time to remember the past for sure but to also look forward to the future.
Don’t keep Him on the Cross for that work is done, look forward to the future for HE with that Cross renewed the covenant with us, and also made a new covenant with the House of Judah, and the House of Israel. This covenant did not depend on Israel keeping the ritual of the law, this was behind them, this covenant was because of the LOVE of the Father for His children, and only depends on His keeping of the covenant, for we can be disobedient children but still children even in chastisement.
QUESTION: Why do we not have a Bible with perfect translation so that people will know what it really says?
ANSWER: Well this is a far from perfect world as yet, and some people worship pen and ink and not the word. But it is all in the book as to how we are to be misled, so you just have to work at finding the truth, for it is not handed out on a silver platter as yet.
Symbolism was to carry the message down through the years because the written word, in the hand of men with their pen and ink, would become confusing.
A good example of this confusing tactic is found in the Companion Bible where also there is uncovered great translation and truth. In the Epistle to James we read: ‘James a servant of God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greetings.’ here James is listed as a servant but in Matthew 20:26 and mark 10:40., the word servant is translated minister. We know that James was one of the apostles that moved out to carry the gospel of the kingdom to lost Israel. He was picked by YAHSHUA who came and humbled himself, but now at the time of James, he is exalted and glorified. In the gospels the translation, Jesus Christ, means YAHSHUA who came, humbled himself, as Messiah, thus once again we should take care to note the various meanings so as to understand the translations.
Now; James was writing to the twelve tribes of Israel, and now there is no suggestion of there being a separation of the house of Judah and the house of Israel. And we recall that those of Judah and Benjamin who were left in the old land of Palestine at the time of the coming of Messiah had become sort of narrow minded. They were not going to recognize any of the house of Israel outside of Judea.
They were willing to go along with the Jewish control of the temple although they knew that Herod’s temple was covered with gold, and around the rim of the temple was the symbol of their belief, the fig leaves and six pointed stars with interwoven serpents heads. They knew that the Jews identified their ecclesiastical rule with the fig leaf, and their political rule with the serpent, but they pretended not to notice for this was still the seat of their kingdom in Judea, and they always hoped that some day, some way they would see the control returned to them.
SINCE WE HAVE TOLD YOU OF HERMES WHO WE BELIEVE CAN ONLY BE ENOCH, and since we now believe that Enoch and Job were the Great Architects of the Pyramid of Giza, as it is spelled today (then Gizeh). Let us see what the Old Big Book has to say about this Pyramid that will confirm what we have told you before about this Pyramid of Giza. We have also told you of Atlantis which we believe at one time extended or existed as a Continent where now we find the Atlantic Ocean. The writers here in the Old Big Book as well as others who believe in evolution try to base their theory on the idea that mankind started on Atlantis and evolved into a great civilization there.
The accompanying picture which this article is entitled: ‘The initiation of the Pyramid’ and it is quite interesting even though men translating the mysteries did not interpret as we do. This picture is the artists concept of the Great Pyramid on the centre Island of Atlantis. It shows a valley ringed by mountains, and in the centre of a great city is a great temple built like a pyramid 24 steps high. This temple sits on the top of a sheered off mountain.
The Temple Pyramid is white with an entrance on one side outlined in gold, a door leading in and one leading out, and there are two broad avenues up and down the mountain, and people are seen coming and going from the city below. Many gold statues above the entrance of the Temple, and around the front base of the Temple are also to be seen. Also in the sky above are two different types of air craft, and another is also below the base of the Temple on a landing site in the centre of the city.
You see this Pyramid Temple as a place of worship, for people are coming and going, making it altogether different from the Great Pyramid of Geish (Giza) which we say is the ‘Bible in Stone’. The caption below the picture is entitled, ‘An idealistic depiction of the Atlantean Temple’. Then we read: ‘Plato described in detail the divine foundation of the Atlantean Empire. The Golden Age, preserved in myth and Legend, when the gods walked with men depicts thus the Zenith of the Atlantean civilization. In the British Museum there is a remarkable document, known as the Toroano Manuscript.
IN THE OLD BIG BOOK THESE SECRET DOCTRINES OF ISRAEL are said to be contained in what is called the Qabbalah, and is pronounced with a K, Kabalah.
Again in this tape we will be looking backward recalling things in the past which are to be made known here in the present. In today’s world this Kabalah has developed into the Cahilla, which is a great conspiracy set in place to totally destroy Christianity, so that YAHWEH’S Kingdom and its Faith does not rise to rule.
As we look at the past it is sort of like a grammar lesson, we find the present, tense and the past perfect, but this has not been the case always. Although there has been some golden years in the Adamic past, still this has been warfare from the beginning between the kingdom of YAHWEH and the kingdom of Satan, in earth. This Doctrine of Israel, of Ancient Israel was so simple, yet so disturbing to a corrupted leader of the World Order that it was kept secret so that it would not be completely lost as Adam‑man moved in Destiny through a physical world.
We find in our studies that Freemasonry has played a great part in influencing a change in the thinking until the word Jew has been substituted for Israel, and even men like Albert Pike became so enamoured with the rituals and organization of Freemasonry that they were willing to substitute Jew for Israel, and even to proclaim that Lucifer had his place in the organization, if Jesus Christ was there. They would let one represent the positive and one the negative, but never seemed to notice when Jesus Christ was removed from that organization. The meaning of symbolism then died out and Humanism took its place. In the days of the early church the Jews of Jerusalem called the followers of YAHSHUA, ‘dogs’ since they still clung to the Ancient Mysteries and their Secret documents. But remember the ‘dog’ was associated with Enoch because of his devotion and obedience.
WHEN THE PEOPLE PREPARING THIS OLD BIG BOOK CAME TO THE SUBJECT OF ‘THE ROSE CROSS’ they ran into this organization known as ‘The Rosicrucians’ going strong in the 18th., century. Thus who founded the beginning of this school formally called ‘The Rose Cross?’ Going further back they found that there was a mysterious man in Europe who went by the Initials of C.R.C. Some said this was the organization which was called the Christian Rose Cross which had carried through from the time of Enoch, so long before the birth of the Christ.
The picture here in the Old Big Book is of an old gentleman sitting at his desk patiently copying from a book. He has long white hair and beard, and there is a feathered pen in his hand, and he is copying from this book which is propped up by a skull, and doing his work by candlelight. On the table beside him is another book, and on the cover of that book is they symbol of that organization. This being a five petal Red rose with a white cross in the centre of the Rose. On a wall is another of these same symbols and beside the book is an hourglass said to suggest that in time all shall be revealed. Some of these writers thought this was just a painting, nothing more, while others thought they would disagree. Some tried to deny that there ever was such a man who tried to bring forth in Europe, the spiritual philosophy which the Ancients seemed to know and to practice.
About 1610‑1614 writings began to appear in Europe, the first book begins with the reminder to all the world of God’s goodness and mercy, and it warns the Intelligentsia that their egotism and covetousness caused them to follow after false prophets, and to ignore the knowledge God has revealed to them. Hence a reformation is necessary, and God has raised up philosophers and sages for this purpose. In order to bring about a reformation, a mysterious person came on the scene to assist in bringing it about. This person was called, ‘The highly illuminated Father, C.R.C.’ He was said to be a German by birth, descendent of a noble family, but himself a poor man, and he instructed the secret society called ‘The Rose Cross’.
It is said that he had been placed in a Cloister when only five years of age, and had travelled to Damascus to study with philosophers there. He heard of a group of Qabbalists living in the mystic city of Arabia, called Damcar. He was but 16 years of age when he arrived there, but was greeted as one expected. He learned the Arabic tongue while there and was able to translate their sacred book into Latin.
QUESTION: .What is the Philosophers Stone?
ANSWER: .This stone has many descriptions and it is shown in several different ways, but the Philosophers Stone represents Wisdom and Knowledge which is revealed in the Ancient Mysteries of Israel, and in Alchemy and Astronomy. It is called the Universal Medicine, also the emblem of completion, or the number 10., of the Ancient Israel Doctrines. One of its manifestations is the Emerald Tablet, and another is of a polished and cut diamond, and in the centre of this diamond is a double headed Phoenix Bird on its nest of fire. This picture then of the Philosophers Stone is an Ancient symbol for the perfected and re‑generated Adam‑man whose spiritual nature shines through as you are in this pattern of moving through physical earth that you go through as you are in this pattern of moving through physical existence. Dull and lifeless when first seen then as enlightenment comes, and after much polishing with wisdom the diamond comes forth out of that dull and lifeless stage, the same way the regenerated Adam‑spirit man comes out of that fallen stage, into the hands of Our Father, in His purpose.
We are the same as the diamond in the hands of a skilled lapidary, and this shapeless stone is transformed into a scintillating gem from whose facets pour streams of vari-coloured fire, so to upon the lathe of the Divine Lapidary the soul of Adam‑man is ground polished until it reflects the Glory of the Father in every atom. The perfecting of the Diamond soul of Adam‑man through the philosophical Alchemical art, was the concealed object of the Hermetic philosophers.
The Philosophers Stone and the Great Temple built by Solomon represents the regeneration and accomplishment of that Ideal. The diamond by polishing comes out of that dull and lifeless stage the same way the spirit rejuvenated Adam‑man comes forth, through the revealing of the mysteries, thus Adam‑man is able to reveal to his generation until they reflect the Glory of the Father, and the man himself is reflected. The Philosophical, Alchemical art then was in fact the concealed mystery of the perfecting of Adam‑man pointing toward what he once was. In this way the Philosophers Stone, and the Great Temple that Solomon built both represents the regeneration and the accomplishment of an ideal.
WE HAVE TALKED MUCH ABOUT THE ZODIAC, and its signs, but I wanted you to know what the Old Big Book has to say before we go into Alchemy and its meanings. (quote) It would be difficult for this age to estimate correctly the profound effect produced upon the religions, philosophies, and sciences of antiquity by the study of the planets, luminaries and constellations. Not without adequate reason were the Magi of Persia called the Star Gazers. The Egyptians also were honoured because of their proficiency in computing the power and motion of the heavenly bodies and their effect upon the destinies of nations, and individuals. (unquote)
IN THIS TAPE I DECIDED TO DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT. There are many more things I plan to tell you from the ‘Old Big Book,’ but we will take a break this month and go back to the Swift Tapes and my understanding and talk about events connected with Christmas.
We have talked much about the stars. And we believe there was a Star of Destiny. And that this star did signal the birth of our Redeemer and there will also be a ‘Star’ of the New Order which is the Kingdom Administration over the earth. We have been assured by the Apostle Paul, after his trip into the dimensions of spirit and back that we are kinsmen of this ONE who is the ‘Star of Destiny.’
We believe that HE came, took a physical body like we dwell in, so that He could be ‘One’ with His kinsmen family. Explaining this further, the Apostle Paul tells us in his Epistle to the Ephesians, that we are ‘flesh of His flesh, bone of His bone.’ Going further with this explanation, the Apostle Paul (Eph. 3) tells us that now Israel is called Gentile, or nations, and these Israel nations are now hidden, in dispersion, but still they are as well as those of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin who, remember, who they are, all Israel. And now these others are to hear these unsearchable truths spoken by YAHWEH who came as YAHSHUA Savior. The Apostle Paul thus reveals that he was the one chosen and prepared for the mission of taking these ancient truths hidden since the beginning of the Adamic race.
These great truths from the mind of YAHWEH are now to be revealed to the Kingdom people of the earth, today called the Church. Paul also worked hard to impress on you that this Great Spirit or Mind created all things. And the first thing He did was form a body for Himself. Thus He had a spirit body. And when He came into earth, He had both a physical and a spiritual body.
CAN THE MODERN WORLD AFFORD TO SCOFF AT THIS SO CALLED LEGEND THAT THE ALCHEMIST could by transmutation turn base metals into gold. We need to go back to Alchemy for more information on this subject. Since the time of the immortal Hermes (Enoch) there is ample evidence that brilliant philosophic and scientific minds over a period of 2000 years did actually prove this metallic transmutation and multiplication.
WE HAVE SPOKEN EARLIER ABOUT THE TAROT CARDS, and now let us analyse those and see where our playing cards come from today. Those pictured here in the Old Big Book have this caption underneath: .This deck consists of 78 curiously embossed cards of uncertain origin and date. The picture consists of a deck of 78 cards, this first picture of a supposed Gypsy with a knapsack on his back and there are 21 cards in the framework of a triangle.
One card at the top, two cards in the next row, with three in the next row, four in the next, and five in the next with six on the bottom row. The deck is divided into two general sections, the larger has 56 cards of the minor trumps, and the smaller 32 cards termed the major trump. The minor trumps are further divided into 4 suits of 14 cards each somewhat similar to the modern playing cards. The top or ‘pip’ cards of each suit descend from the Ace to the ten, and their denominations are shown as their respective emblems portray as 6 rods, 4 cups, 9 coins, and 3 swords. The court cards of each suit are 4 in number, termed King, Queen, Knight and Page. The Kings are usually shown seated, the Knights on horseback, and the Pages standing, each holds the emblem of the suit.
THIS IS A STUDY OF THE ANTIQUITY OF THE ORACLES OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TIME, AND EXPLANATIONS OUT OF THE OLD BIG BOOK, and also from the tape ministry of Dr. Swift. This is a tremendous subject when understood for there is great spiritual power in the Oracles of God.
Actually the Oracles contain certain vital truths which the Most High has proclaimed to His Kingdom people here in earth. The Oracles were what YAHWEH told his people, including areas vital to the laws of the Kingdom, in the hands of his people. The Oracles were definitely a spiritual revelation, they were all the deep and spiritual truths, the areas of spiritual law, the areas of instruction for conquest over the enemy and so forth. Here in the old big book as they try to unravel these wonders of Antiquity there is some translation by H. Blavatsky, and the Jesuits were here in translation so you have to walk carefully.
However even here it is admitted that originally ‘the Oracles’ were a part of the mysteries as established by Enoch. You still see the ancient symbolism even when the Oracles became somewhat corrupted. Greek Mythology displayed the teaching of the Oracles, and then Satanic powers tried to claim they possessed supernatural powers in their Oracles although they used familiar spirits in their portrayals. The Children of Darkness then tried to claim that their Oracles were connected with ‘The Ark of the Covenant’ of the Hebrews.
WHO WAS THIS GREAT PHILOSOPHER who was born sometime between 600 to 590 years B.C. and who lived for about 100 years? There is many translations and pronunciations of his name, but the one in use today is Pythagoras (Pi‑thag‑oras). There are accounts of his conception and birth which parallels those of Jesus The Christ. Pythagoras was born at Sidon, and Jesus later at Bethlehem. The parents of both Pythagoras and The Christ were not at home when the birth occurred, for Mary as well was in Bethlehem, not in Nazareth. It is reported that both births were announced by the Holy Spirit. It was however understood that even both were called ‘The son of God’, with a different emphasis on the birth of The Christ.
It was thus understood that even though both were called the son of God’ that Jesus was God in the flesh, by how this was written, where as Pythagoras was under the influence of Divine inspiration. This is the way the old big book explains this great philosopher: The teachings of Pythagoras indicate that he was thoroughly acquainted with the secret instructions of the Israelites as outlined by Enoch and Job in Egypt. He travelled among the Hebrews, and was instructed by their Priests concerning the secret traditions of Moses, who was called the lawgiver of Israel. We would say that Moses was the instrument between YAHWEH and the Israelites as the law was given to Israel at Mt. Sinai.
Pythagoras travelled widely studying with the Babylonians and Chaldean masters of the mysteries. He had acquired all that was possible for him to learn of the Greek philosophers, and then went into Egypt. There at Thebes he learned of the mysteries of Isis and Osiris. He had been into Phoenicia and Syria, and even crossed Euphrates to become versed in the secret lore of the Hebrew Chaldeans who still dwelt in the vicinity of Babylon. It is reported that he went through Media, and Persia, and on back into Hindustan where he remained for several years with the learned Hebrews called Brahmins. Ancient records carry this information, ancient records say he was called at that time the Ionian taught, YAVANCHARYA. Some say he studied with Zoroaster and that later the Essenes conducted a school chiefly for the purpose of interpreting the Py‑thag‑orean symbols.
HERE IN THE OLD BIG BOOK THERE IS MUCH ARGUMENT AS TO WHO WROTE THE FIRST 5 BOOKS OF THE BIBLE because many still believe that writing was not known in those earlier days, so of course Moses did not write them, they were just written later from tradition handed down. The main problem with the interpretations is that so many believe that everything in the Old Testament is Jewish. No understanding of the symbolism and allegory of the book then to those people, ‘The Tabernacle in the Wilderness’ was but a place to bring offerings, and in which to make sacrifices, even though they have not quite figured out why. This was just something the Jews did so of course it was not important to the Christians.
The Elementals and Much That Fits Into The Subject Leading up to The Secrets of Great Mystery Babylon of Our Day.
WE HAVE TOLD YOU MANY THINGS THROUGHOUT THIS TAPE SERIES, some of them would be, out of this world, to many people, but there is much, much more to learn. We have come no where near to he point of fulfilling our cup of knowledge. We have however hesitated to go deeper into this subject of the Elementals since it is rather ‘far out’ to anyone who believes that all people came from Adam about 4004 B.C.
We have told you much about the makeup of the dimensions and the creation, and of course about the kingdom in earth. We have told you about the Great Archangel, and why his rebellion was allowed. And although even Jesus said HE saw a star fall from heaven, still may have been taught and believed that the Devil is just an evil nature in you which you will defeat as you learn to ‘love everybody’. This is something that has been sown into the Christian religion to help in the process of destroying your belief in YAHSHUA, as to who HE is, why HE came, and to whom HE came.
The scripture tells you that Lucifer was once a great illuminator as he proclaimed the ‘truths’ of YAHSHUA‑YAHWEH, and was called; The sun of the Morning, a bright and shinning Star who served before the MOST HIGH, and was controller in fact of most of the area of the ‘Milky Way’ system of the Universe. Remember that YAHWEH has a great Archangel invested in this rebellion and this was allowed for a great purpose.
There came a time when this Archangel was allowed to feel jealous, and wonder who was to have more power in this glorious created universe. YAHWEH had children of his spirit, and they were to become greater in power than Lucifer himself, and Lucifer then decided he would not reflect this ‘truth’ in the area of the universe which he controlled. And now that this question of Power was raised then of course it must be handled once and for all times, must be settled by Divine authority, once and for all. YAHWEH would now establish this question, then settle it once and for all, and it will never rise again.
Lucifer in rebellion was no longer able to proclaim ‘truth’ and he thus became a devil, or Satan. Right away in space Satan began mutating every law he could remember, and out of these violations came mutations. After being driven into our solar system and confined, with these angelic hosts who rebelled with him, he set about upsetting the balance of earth, just as he had done out in space. He took over the ancient Torog civilization and produced through violations of law and mutations many different species.
Mystery Babylon The Great
IN THE BOOK OF REVELATION CHAPTER 17‑18 we read of this Great Mystery portrayed as ‘A woman on the back of a Red Beast.’ We realize this mystery power is at war with the kingdom of YAHWEH, all the nations of the Christian West, and our Faith. We are to understand that this is symbolic, is the same battle which from its beginning is between the children of Light and the children of Darkness. (Genesis 3:15). We are also to understand that this is symbolism, this Beast, is not a man, it is a system of power over political, economic, religions, social programs and so forth. It is in fact the program of Anti‑Christ, it is a way of life, a way of thinking, it is the structure of an Anti‑Christ society.
HERE IN OUR DAY WE FIND THAT THE AMERICAN MEDICAL PROFESSION uses drugs to hopefully kill the pain while the body heals itself. Not much notice is given to the side effects of those drugs although they are many.
Looking backward we find that the art of healing was originally one of the secret sciences of the Priests of Israel. all higher forms of knowledge were originally in the possession of these men of wisdom. The mystery of their source of wisdom is obscured by the Genesis of religious belief. In the days of Enoch, he was High Priest of his time, they possessed Divine knowledge, and dispensed that knowledge through the Priesthood. As the Adamic race spread out over the earth it was the Priests of the Race, under Divine guidance who made the laws and enforced them. It was the Priests under this Divine guidance who appointed the rulers, controlled them, ministered to the ‘Living’ and guided the destinies of this race. All branches of learning were monopolized by the Priesthood who admitted into their ranks only those qualified to carry on their ancient secrets.
Plato wrote: ‑’In Egypt the king is not allowed to reign unless he has Priestly Powers, and if he should be one of another class, and have obtained the throne by violence, he must be controlled by the Priesthood. (unquote)’
In those ancient days anyone aspiring to membership in the religious order of Adam‑man had to go through severe tests to prove their worthiness. Those tests were called initiations, and those who passed successfully were welcomed as brothers by the Priests, and then instructed in the ancient teachings of Israel. Among those ancient subjects were Philosophy, Science, and Religion, and they were never considered as separate units, each was regarded as a part of the whole knowledge. Philosophy was scientific and religious, while Science was philosophy and religious, and Religion was philosophic and scientific. Perfect wisdom was considered unattainable save as the results of harmonizing all three of these expressions of mental and moral activity.
The books listed as being from the pen of Hermes (Enoch) contained: 1. the science of medicine. 2. The Emerald tablet which in reality was a chemical formula of a high and secret order. There were in all 6 general classifications of those books of wisdom by Enoch.
IN WATCHING THE 700 CLUB as to see just what they were thinking, I found them discussing the surrogate mothers, the altering of genes, and they were wondering if someone would try to build a super race by that method?? Then in September when the Jews met with the Catholic Pope, I thought of a book we have had in our library for some years. The title, ‘The Ultimate world Utopia’ and I realized that not only has some thought of that, but the process has been laid out for many years and has been progressing right on schedule.
Way back in the 1930’s or 40’s a German‑Jewish poet and communist youth leader, spoke of communism as temporary. We have told you that communism is the political arm of those who are planning a One World Government.
Now; the communist plan for rubbing out all national, religious, cultural, and racial lines and submerging the world into formless, characterless chaos, for easy domination is grandiose enough, but to say there is still another more grandiose plan beyond that which the communist machine has set up is indeed to challenge the credulity of most of us, especially of us Anglo‑Saxons who are busy with our humdrum routines to pull the propaganda curtain aside and see the giant hiding there. We have been quoting from this book, ‘The Ultimate World Order’ by Robert H. Williams.
Before we go into this subject it is necessary for us to remember some things: .namely that Zionism and communism are two movements from the same philosophical root. And that Zionism came out of the area of eastern Europe, but before that it came from Asia and Russia especially, then came into the U.S. for a base, and was taken back to the Soviet Union in 1917, from the United States.
We know that WWII was fought not only to destroy the German people but also destroy the British Empire as leaders of the world. We also know today that Zionism has a mastery of Black magic over money creation, and a complex thinking they have a right to be the rulers of the world. That the dilution of Christianity with what is termed the Judaeo‑Christian ethic, has produced a situation where as tens of millions of Christians have been conditioned to believe that Zionist Israeli is a fulfilment of Biblical prophecy and that to oppose Israeli, irrespective of what it does is anti‑God.
Fundamentals Of Qabbalistic Cosmogony The Gospel Of Thomas From The Book, New Testament Apocrypha. Then The Secrets Of The Zodiac.
FUNDAMENTALS OF QABBALISTIC COSMOGONY IS FROM THE OLD BIG BOOK, The symbol of creation is that which is formed and which returns from whence it comes. This is the symbol of the unconditional state of all things. The most ancient of all ancients, the symbol then of the nature of creation is a circle, and the circle is also an emblem of Eternity. The dot in the centre of the circle is also an emblem, is the unconditioned state of all things, or translated as THE MOST ANCIENT OF ALL THE ANCIENTS. Space is thus hypothetically enclosed with in a great crystal like Globe, outside of which there is nothing, not even a vacuum. Within this circle creation and dissolution takes place. This is the Cosmic egg which we have spoken of before. And we are told here that this Cosmic egg is not to be broken until the ‘End of the cycle of necessity’ when all things return to their ultimate cause. We would say when ‘all things are put under HIS feet’. And this would surely be after the millennium, after the final rebellion of the 15 years by Lucifer and his kingdom.
Now; in the process of creation the Eternal Divine Essence (YAHWEH) retired to the centre of this circle and established a central point, and now this presence of YAHWEH shines upon space, and we call this the throne area since he is King of Kings. Everything thus moves out from the centre then back through, until the end is the same as the beginning.
The Hebrews showed a three pronged triad, and in misunderstanding of symbols this became ‘the trinity’, and in this triad we have given it before, and it is like a capital ‘W’ with the centre prong slightly higher than those on the outside. We thus have the Hebrew triangle or pyramid type and this contained the Divine name. The circle then represents creation and everything moves out from the centre of the triangle enclosed in a circle. The middle of the Triad, the highest point portrays spirit with the two shorter prongs of the Triad as soul and body. There is also a very small circle above each of the three prongs calling for more emphasis to this message of the Triad which is spirit, soul and body, for Adam‑man also possesses the three.
The Martyrdom of The Apostle Peter From The Book Jeanette Had, And The Gospel of The Kingdom From The Swift Tapes And My Understanding.
WE OF COURSE KNOW THAT PETER WAS ONE OF THE APOSTLES, and that he worked in Jerusalem for some time after the crucifixion. We find him working in several places in the old records, and then he was led to go to Rome for the magician Simon was there deceiving many Israelites of that city.
In Rome Peter finds many of our people with all kinds of diseases and he cures them through the name of YASHUA. His ministry drew many of Lost Israel to the saviour, but the power of Simon the Magician was to be faced for Simon declared that he would show the people of Rome the wondrous power of his father, for he was going to fly. The next day a crowd gathered and Peter came also to expose this pretender. And Simon said to Peter: ‘If your God whom the Jews destroyed, as they also stoned some of you who were chosen of HIM, if HE has the power, let HIM show that faith in HIM is also in God. Let it be shown at this time whether it be worthy of God. For I am now ascending and will show to this crowd what manner of being I am.
Well! low and behold Simon was carried into the air and everyone in Rome saw him as he passed over the city with its temples and hills, using the power of his father. Then the faithful looked toward Peter to see how he would explain all of this. Peter cried out to YAHSHUA for help, for he knew these Lost Israelites were beginning to wonder about all he had done for them in the name of YAHSHUA. Surely HE would not want these his children to be deceived by Simon. So Peter cried out, and he did not ask for the death of Simon, just bring him down and let him maybe break his leg in three places so he would be crippled after that stunt, that would do. So sure enough Simon fell, and he broke his leg in three places, and his followers carried him outside the city, so he would not be stoned.
What Is In Store For The US, Paul Goes To Spain
The Gospel Of Truth, The Name, The Chemical Marriage
Sir Francis Bacon‑Shakespeare, The Rose Cross – Sir Walter Raleigh (Picture Below)
AS THIS OLD YEAR OF 1987 RUNS OUT we think of the years, and what they have revealed to us and wonder as to what is in store for these United States of America, both in the plans of the enemy, as well as in the plans of YAHWEH. Some people have even looked behind the scenes, and saw the monster hand that pulls the strings, but most of our people do not seem to understand that there are men in this nation, and this world who have altogether different ideas as to how this nation, and this world should be perceived, and as how this nation should fit in their scheme of a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.
When I saw this commemorative medal, joining the U.S. and the Soviet Union, along with the date of December 7 being picked for the Summit meeting between the U.S. and the Soviet leaders, then I recalled these things I have been learning, and yet we hear no cry from our people, here in these United States have to become before our people as a nation cry for help from our Heavenly Father?