The Pharisees (Today’s Jew)

The Pharisees (Today’s Jew)

For proof that the Pharisees are today’s Jews let us first see what the Jews, themselves, have to say on the subject.

Universal Jewish Encyclopaedia, page 474,”The Jewish religion, as it is today, traces its descent, without a break, through all the centuries, from the Pharisees. The Talmud is the largest and most important single member of their literature; the study which is essential for a real understanding of Pharisaism.

From Encyclopaedia Judaica – Rabbi Louis Finkelstein was chosen by the Kehilla (Jewish community) as one of the top- 120 Jews who best represent “a lamp of Judaism to the world. ” He headed the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York. (One of his star Pupils was former Chief Justice Earl Warren; see Who’s Who in America.

We quote from Finkelstein’s two volume work, “The Pharisees.” “Pharisaism became Talmudism, but the spirit of the ancient Pharisee survives unaltered. When the Jew studies the Talmud, he is actually repeating the arguments used in the Palestinian academies. From Pakistan to Babylonia, from’ Babylonia to North Africa, Italy, Spain, France and Germany; from there to Poland, Russia and eastern Europe generally,” ancient Pharisaism has wandered. “

The Masters and The Path

The Masters and The Path

THERE HAS ALWAYS BEEN A BROTHERHOOD OF ADEPTS, the Great White Brotherhood;  there have always been Those who knew, Those who possessed this inner wisdom, and our Masters are among the present representatives of that mighty line of Seers and Sages.  Part of the knowledge, which They have garnered during countless æons is available to every one on the physical plane tinder the name of Theosophy.  But there is far more behind.  The Master Kuthumi Himself once said smilingly, when someone spoke of the enormous change that the Theosophical knowledge had made in our lives, and of the wonderful comprehensiveness of the doctrine of reincarnation :  “Yes, but we have only lifted a very small corner of the veil as yet.”  When we have thoroughly assimilated the knowledge given us, and are all living up to its teaching, the Brotherhood will be ready to lift the veil further ;  but only when we have complied with those conditions.

The History of The Allen Surname

The History of The Allen Surname

THE ALLENS, OR ALANS, OR ALANI, first enter Western written history through the reports of Roman military commanders and through Roman plays and literature. The “Alani”, as the Romans referred to them collectively, were a tribe of nomadic people living near the Aral Sea in what is today the southern Ukraine. Like their neighbours, their life revolved around their flocks and herds, which grazed the rich native grasses of the region. The men and boys spent almost every waking hour on horseback, training to defend their camp from predators of the two-legged or the four-legged variety.

Women and small children stayed close to the tribal camp, which consisted of a collection of two-wheeled ox-carts which carried each family’s possessions, and in which the family slept during stormy weather. Most of the neighbouring tribes lived in tents of skins, and migrated as a group on horseback, and thus could migrate faster, but were limited in what they could carry; the Alani moved slower, keeping pace with their flocks of sheep and cattle.

While most of their neighbours were short, with dark hair and olive complexions, the Alani stood out as being tall, blond, fair-skinned, and in the eyes of the Roman officers looking for new recruits, a handsome and likely group. The Alani also had a unique fighting style; rather than the short bow and short sword of the typical Steppe fighter, the Alani favoured the long wooded lance for frontal attack, and the very heavy two-handed “Barbarian” sword strapped across his back for “close work”

The Habsburg Monarchy

The Habsburg Monarchy

AMONG THE PEOPLES OF AUSTRIA-HUNGARY the Jewish people stands first in importance.  It is not usually enumerated among the Hapsburg “nationalities,” though the Zionist movement has brought into being a Jewish National Organization which was represented in the Parliament of 1907 by two Zionist deputies and by a politician who was described as a “Moderate Israelite.”  In Statistical Year Books the Jews figure only as a “denomination.”  Numerically they appear to be less considerable than the Germans, the Magyars, the Czechs, the Poles, the Ruthenes, the Serbo-Croatians, the Rumanes, and only surpass, with their official religious total of 2,300,000, the Slovenes and the Italians.  Economically, politically and in point of general influence they are, however, the most significant element in the Monarchy.

No foreign observer of Austro-Hungarian affairs can close his eyes to the Jewish question, however much he may seek to ignore it or to “beg” it by adopting an unreasoning philo-semitic or anti-semitic attitude.  The greatest obstacle to a comprehension of the terms of the problem is the difficulty of obtaining precise and reliable information.  It is far easier to get at the truth of the Czech-German question in Bohemia, of the Slav-Italian question in Dalmatia and Istria, and even of the complicated struggle between Magyars and non-Magyars in Hungary, than to ascertain the merits of the Jewish question.  Other ethnico-religious issues are local and special.  They can usually be expressed in terms of language, creed, or of avowed political aspiration.  The Jewish question is universal and elusive

One of Jacob’s Sons

One of Jacob’s Sons

From its inception, the Israel Movement has been almost exclusively preoccupied with the identification of the leading birthright tribes, the House of Joseph and the Sceptre of Judah in the House of David. This can be readily understood. Following the expiration of the “seven times” of Israel’s chastisement and exile, the preponder­ance of history, both Biblical and secular, projects the leading tribes in Israel onto the world scene. However, it should never be overlooked that the Lord’s Covenants, both old and new, are with the whole House of Israel and, notwithstanding the fact that during this present interim, responsibility for establishing the nucleus of the Kingdom of God rests upon the House of Joseph, and ultimately the whole house of Jacob-Israel will become the Kingdom of our Lord at His coming. Thus in fulfilling the commis­sion to preach this Gospel of the Kingdom to all the nations, we must not fail our kinsmen who comprise whole nations and many segments of Israel who remain on the Continent of Europe.

The Lord God of hosts had declared through the prophet Amos:

“For, to, I will command, and I will sift the house of Israel among all nations, like as corn is sifted in a sieve, yet shall not the least grain fall upon the earth.” (Amos 9: 9.)

A study of the migrations will show that Israel’s westward trek moved slowly across the continent with the main body of the captivity, those who travelled overland, taking more than a thousand years to reach central Europe. In the wake of this “Great Migration,” there were left behind pockets of people, racial influences and rear guards of liberty.

What Became of Judah Can We See in The Germans The Offspring of Judah?

What Became of Judah Can We See in The Germans The Offspring of Judah?

Please note that this is a translation from notes for a lecture given in German to an assembly of Christian brothers gathered in Bad Teinach on 30th October 2007, for a 5 day conference, the theme of which was The House of Judah and the House of Israel, and is not a verbatim translation of the lecture

Each of the sons of Israel had a banner, therefore the offspring of the sons of Jacob, who are the tribes of Israel must still be under their respective individual tribal banners. In Numbers 2:2, we read: “Every man of the children of Israel shall pitch by his own standard, with the ensign of their father’s house: far off about the tabernacle of the congregation shall they pitch.”

It is interesting that out of 16 German states, 7 banners have the emblem of the lion, also to be considered is the national emblem of the Eagle, which has the meaning of speed and being led of God.

Genesis 49, 8:12 gives us the marks of Judah:

8 Judah, thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise: thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies; thy father’s children shall bow down before thee.

9 Judah is a lion’s whelp: from the prey, my son, thou art gone up: he stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as an old lion; who shall rouse him up?

10 The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.

Russia in Prophecy

Russia in Prophecy

WHERE IS RUSSIA IDENTIFIED IN THE BIBLE? Many people believe that Russia is Gog of Ezekiel 38, but studying the prophecy of Ezekiel and history proves that not to be true. Can Russia be traced back to the book of Beginnings, the book of Genesis? Absolutely! And, I believe that the identity of Russia has been one of the best kept secrets next to the identity of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel that has ever been uncovered!

Origins of the Russian People

The “present day Russians Ukrainians; and Belarusians-[are] the ancestors of the eastern Slavs” (The Making of Modern Russia, Lionel Kochan, John Keep, p.2).  There was one original group called the Slavs, but then they all split into three groups, “by AD 800, three main geographical and linguistic divisions had arisen; the East Slavs inhabiting a large part of European Russia, the South Slavs who settled in the Balkan Peninsula, and the West Slavs who settled in what is now Poland, Czechoslovakia and East Germany” (History Of Poland Mieczyslaw Kasprzyk Chapter one, emphasis added). Where did these Eastern Slavic people come from?

It has long been generally understood by many Russian academics that much of their population is descended from a branch of the Scythians. A famous Russian poet, Alexander Blok, for example, noted such in one of his poems, The Scythians (Blok 1970 : 161). Also, Russian historian Alekseyev, in his work, In Search Of Our Ancestors, writes that the Russians are a branch of the Scythians (Alekseyev 1972 : 297).
