This study is to show that the Frisians are descendants of the tribe of Issachar, one of the Lost Ten Tribes. Many books have been written about the nations of north-western Europe to be of Israelite descent in general, and Great Britain (Ephraim) and the United States of America (Manasseh) to be Joseph in particular.
The Celts
There are many parallels between the Celts, who surfaced in Europe from about 600 BC onwards, and the ten tribed northern House of Israel (also called Ephraim and Samaria), which was taken into Assyrian captivity from 721 to 718 BC, and which broke loose from their captors, after the fall of the Assyrian Empire to the Babylonians (609 BC).
The Celts are the descendants of the House of Israel, Samaria, Bit Khumri (Assyrian for Beth Omri, the House of Omri), hence ‘Khymri’ or ‘Cimmerians’. There is quite an astonishing, analogy between the Northern House of Israel with their levites/priests on the one hand and the Celts and Druids on the other.
Among the Celts, the Druids were the only teachers of religion, like the priests/Levites were in Israel. The Druids offered sacrifices, like the priests did in Israel. Among pagan nations it is normally the civil government which judges criminals, especially so in murder cases. This was not so among the Celts. The Druids, and not the kings or heads of tribes, decided about life and death, as did the priests in Israel.
Like the priests, the Druids had their high priest. Like the priests and Levites, the Druids were in charge of religion. Another strong link is the fact that both Levites in Israel and Druids among the Celts were exempt from military service and paying taxes.
The Celts seemed to have raised commemorative stone monuments like the Israelites and the oak tree played a significant role in the lives of both the Celts and the idolatrous Israelites of the Northern Kingdom.
The Celts had special feasts in May and October, a corruption of the feasts of the Eternal (Lev 23).
The Celtic day started at sunset – as it did in Israel – and the Celtic year started, according to certain historians, in autumn – as the year still does with the Jews.
The most gruesome analogy is the one of human sacrifices. For this reason Julius Ceasar considered the Celts barbaric and it was one of the reasons for God to drive the Ten Tribes out of the promised land. Could it be that Baal and Moloch. the gods the Israelites worshipped, were in essence the same as the Celtic gods Belenos (Baal) and Lug (Mo-loch)? Human sacrifices were made to both (Mo)loch and Lug.