- Confessions of an Ex-Freemason
- Counterfeit Blessings
- Dallas Conspiracy
- Evil Khazarian Mafia
- Grand Orient Freemasons Unmasked
- History of Jewish Human Sacrifice
- Jesuits Secret Instructions
- Jewish Confessions
- Jews as Criminals
- Judas Iscariot
- Masonic History NW States
- On The Origin of Freemasonry
- Origin and Progress of World Revolution
- Secrets - Synagogue of Satan
- Shocking Appendages
- Symbols - Their Migration
- Talmud Unmasked
- The Donmeh
- The Frankfurt School
- The Great Jewish Masque
- The Great Synagogue
- The Hidden Hand
- The Jew & Human Sacrifice
- The Kingdom of Zion
- The Mask of Edom
- The Mystery of The Serpent
- The Original KKK
- The Police State Road Map
- The Secret Covenant
- The Sign of Satan
Confession made by a former Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander of the Thirty-First Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Rite who had withdrawn from Masonry in 1968 for religious reasons.
He was a judge, and a particularly quick-tempered one. We spent a long time talking about Masonry and religion, but after a while I began to ask him about the Ancient and Accepted Rite of the Thirty-Third Degree. About Masonry, he said quickly. ‘No, I dare not go into that,’ he said. ‘We’d better stick with religion.’ It seemed a perfectly normal answer . and sounded like the usual rebuff. But I thought immediately afterwards how strange it was that he had used the words ‘dare not’. Most people said, ‘I’d better not’, or ‘I’d rather not’. I remarked on his use of the word. He said, Anyone in public life has to be cautious.’
‘Cautious,’ I repeated. ‘That’s a Masonic word of recognition.’
‘You’ve obviously delved into the ritual, so you know,’ he said. ‘But I mean cautious in the sense everybody understands it.’
‘What must you be cautious about?’
‘I don’t like this line of questioning. I agreed to speak to you in general terms about why my commitment to Jesus is incompatible with the Masonic religion. I do not wish to be drawn into discussion of matters covered by whatever undertakings I have … taken.’
‘By undertakings, do you mean Masonic oaths?’
He paused. ‘Yes, I do. I prefer the word obligation to oath. It’s not the same.’
I remember thinking as I turned the conversation back on to the track I wanted it to follow that it would be interesting later on to return to this question of the distinction between an obligation and an oath. I never did.
‘Why do you have to be cautious, careful’, I said. ‘You’re not a Mason any more. I’ve got copies of all the rituals of the 4th to 33rd degree. There is no obligation which could possibly be interpreted to forbid you from telling me what you meant when you used the word “dare” in an ordinary conversation.’
If you encounter a fowl species which weighs some 18 pounds, has a flat and rather large bill (not beak), waddles when it walks, has webbed feet and has been spray-painted blue, can you not safely say this is probably a duck or a goose? Ah, but now, it “quacks” exactly like a duck–not a goose and you see that the feather shaft is indeed white and the forensic studies of the blood and feathers pronounce the species a DUCK–can you not PROBABLY work from the standpoint that it is likely a duck and not the bluebird of happiness which you are TOLD TO ACCEPT AS IDENTIFICATION?
I ask that the “TERMINOLOGY” list be placed in front of the first chapter of this book.
How does a professor of Disease Control make diagnosis of disease? Does he not take all the symptoms of the illness and carefully analyse each and every one? Then does he not begin to rule out all causative organisms which do not produce like symptoms of the illness at point? Then does he not begin to effort to isolate all present organisms within the sick host? Next, if he has not found anything “outside and visible” in the blood/cellular system–does he not then go “within” the cells (as with the HIV virus) and isolate the PROBABLE beast and continue to study characteristics until he isolates the disease cause beyond all shadows of doubt? Can you not then begin to analyze this organism under the various slide stains and various organisms of identical nature garnered from historical data and various locations of identical disease and symptoms? Would the professor not soon learn that the VIRUS is NOT a COCCI or BACILLUS? Can he not then, beyond a shadow of a doubt, say the organism is a virus EVEN IF OTHERS PRONOUNCED IT PREVIOUSLY TO BE A BACILLUS? What would you call this error in identification? Either an error in identification–OR A LIE BY DECEPTION, whichever is appropriate; but, you would STOP TREATING THE DISEASE AS IF IT WERE CAUSED BY A BACILLUS!!!
THIS IS A REPRINT OF A PAMPHLET I PUBLISHED TWENTY-FOUR YEARS AGO when the trail of the murder in Dallas was still warm. A conspiracy is a combination of two or more persons with the intent to commit an unlawful act. With the renewed interest in this most highly publicized murder in American history through the movie JFK, it was decided to reprint the truth as I studied it for the two years between 1966 to 1968 and set my findings forth as I did then, letting the chips fall where they may. I will be presenting an entirely different version than the dozen or more that have been published before. Since my first edition hit the streets in August, 1968, I have read many of the later theoretical solutions to this murder, including the 625 page book, Crossfire, by Jim Marrs, the basis of Oliver Stone’s movie JFK. I still stand by what was written years ago. I can assure the reader that one does not need 625 pages to solve this murder! The reader is only asked to read the evidence presented and make up his own mind about what happened in Dallas, Texas on November 22 1963. We will not debate the issue further with anyone. We are not interested in radio talk shows, television appearances or public speaking engagements on the data contained herein.
My Humble Dedication
This pamphlet is dedicated to the one far-sighted man, the late Raymond La Bombarde, American Patriot and Industrialist, of Nashua, New Hampshire. It was through his financial help and personal encouragement, extended to me years ago, that kept my publications going and made our two years of exhaustive research for this publication financially possible. Well done, good and faithful servant.
Reproduction Encouraged
This pamphlet is not copyrighted. Anyone is free to publish his own pamphlets or newsletter, containing our research, with or without credits to the author. Americans who wish to republish this pamphlet in quantity for distribution in your home area will be sent high-quality masters prepared for off-set webb printing for the price of $20.00. All we ask is that you respect the common law rights to our work and not alter its contents in any way except to include your local address as to where additional copies can be obtained. This would be a good fund-raising project for your church, club or organization.
WHY IS THE ANGLO-AMERICAN AXIS SO AFRAID OF PUTIN and determined to bring him down? No world leader has been so demonised by the West over the past decade as President Vladimir Putin of Russia has.
No other president or prime minister has been subjected to so many outrageous personal attacks and unrelenting false accusations.
Clearly, Vladimir Putin represents a genuine threat to the World Shadow Government (WSG) in a way that profoundly unnerves those who reside at the peak of the global power pyramid.
Why are they so afraid of him?
Before that question can be answered, the hidden history of the pre-planned collapse of the USSR must first be understood and properly considered. Only by understanding the true historical context in which Vladimir Putin operated at that time will his actions and pronouncements of today take on great meaning. This unknown history is also quite important if one is to comprehend the reactions of his countless detractors throughout the leadership of the Anglo-American Axis (AAA). As follows:
LYING IS THEIR RULE, Satan is their God, and shameful deeds their sacrifice.” Pius VIII, Traditae Humilitati Nostrae, 1829. Gregory XVI compares the secret societies to a sink in which “are congregated and intermingled all the sacrileges, infamy and blasphemy which are contained in the most abominable heresies.” Gregory XVI, Mirari Vos, 1832. “Those baneful secret sects which have come forth from the darkness for the ruin and devastation of Church and State,” Pius IX, Quo Pluribus, 1846, to whom he later applied the words of Our Lord: “You are from your father the devil, and it is the works of your father that you wish to do.” Pius IX, Singulari Quadam, 1864.
“You see then before you the two systems. . . . On the one side is the Church of ‘men of goodwill’, one, holy, visible and universal; on the other, the ecclesia malignantium, as the Scriptures call it, the Church of men of evil will; one in enmity against the Church of God, though manifold as the multiplicity of evil; unholy in thought, word, deed, intention and will; invisible because secret, stealthy, subterraneous, working out of sight, and in darkness undermining the private purities of homes, the public order of States, the thrones of princes.” Cardinal Manning: Rome and the Revolution, 1867. “Filled with the spirit of Satan, who knows how to trans- form himself into an angel of light, Freemasonry puts forward as its pretended aim the good of humanity. Paying a lip service to the authority of law, and even to the obligations of religion, it aims (as its own statutes declare), at the destruction of civil authority and of the Christian priesthood, both of which it regards as the foes of human liberty.” Leo XIII: Parvenu a la Vingtcinquieme annee, 1902.
The original title of this book, which was compiled from a series of lectures delivered in Edinburgh in October, 1884 by Mgr. Dillon, was The War of Antichrist with the Church and Christian Civilization. The author wrote it “in order to do his part in carrying out the instruction given by the Sovereign Pontiff in the Encyclical Humanum Genus when he called upon the pastors of souls, to whom it was addressed, to ‘instruct the people as to the artifices used by societies of this kind in seducing men and enticing them into their ranks, and as to the depravity of their opinions and the wickedness of their acts’. Mgr. Dillon’s work has already been honoured by the Holy Father himself with so marked and so unusual an approbation that there is no need for us to accord it any further praise than merely to take note of the fact. The book was presented to His Holiness, accompanied by an Italian version of its table of contents, and of long extracts from its principal sections, and Leo XIII was pleased to order that the Italian version should be completed, and the book printed and published at Rome at his own expense.” (The Month, Sept. 1885). Despite the fact that the lectures were delivered by a Catholic prelate to an audience composed mainly of members of his own faith, we feel that the subject of international political skullduggery is one which cannot fail to interest Catholic and non-Catholic alike, the more so indeed since events in the course of the decades following the original publication of this book have confirmed the lecturer’s thesis. The last four editions have appeared under the title of Grand Orient Freemasonry Unmasked.
AT THE DAWN OF CIVILIZATION, THE BLOOD RITE, in which human blood is drunk from the body of a still-living victim, was known to many tribes. However, only one people, that has never progressed beyond the Stone Age, has continued to practice the blood rite and ritual murder. This people are know to the world as Jews.
Arnold Toynbee, a noted scholar, has called the Jews “a fossil people.”
In so doing, he must have been aware of the fact that they still practice ritual murder and the drinking of human blood (especially Christian blood).
Hundreds of example of ritual murder by the Jews are cited
As a scholar, he could not have failed to note the many attested incidents of this practice of the Jews, for hundreds of example of ritual murder by the Jews are cited in official Catholic books, in every European literature, and in the court records of all the European nations.
It is the official historian of the Jews, (Josef Kastein, in his History of the Jews, who gives the underlying reason for this barbaric custom. On page 173, he says, “According to the primeval Jewish view, the blood was the seat of the soul.”
Thus it was not the heart which was the seat of the soul, according to the stone-age Jews, but the blood itself.
They believed that by drinking the blood of a Christian victim who was perfect in every way, they could overcome their physical shortcomings and become as powerful as the intelligent civilized beings among whom they had formed their parasitic communities.
Jews are known to have practiced drinking blood since they made their first appearance in history.
Because of this belief, the Jews are known to have practiced drinking blood since they made their first appearance in history.
HIS WORK IS PRESENTED TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE in the hope that it will aid in the good work of enlightenment, and help in preserving and purifying our Republican institutions from the blighting influences of foreign ecclesiasticism which, under the guise of religion, has corrupted and polluted every country and people wherever permitted to establish itself.
Americans, heed the warning ere it be too late. Romanism and Jesuitism are inseparable; where one is there the other may be found secretly working to subvert and enslave.
Read this book; help spread it throughout the land that our countrymen may be forewarned—if forewarned is fore-armed.
The proceeds from the sales of this work are devoted to the spread of the Gospel among Roman Catholics, and unmasking the true aims and purposes of the Roman hierarchy— the destruction of our Public school system, and the establishment of Romanism as a State religion in America to the exclusion of all others.
Yours, for God and Country,
Further and irrefutable proofs of the existence of Jewish ritual murder are the numerous Jewish confessions. They come from trials, voluntary statements and from confessions by former Rabbis. The confessions were made in two court cases. One of them took place in Trent in 1475, and the other one in Damascus in the years 1840-1842. The voluntary statement was made by the young Jewess Ben Noud, who made it to the French Count Durfort-Civrac. The confessions were made by the following Rabbis who changed over to Christianity: Drach and Goschler, Fra Sifto of Siena, Paolo Medici, Giovanni da Feltre and by the former Chief Rabbi Neofito, who later changed his name to Teofito and became a monk. These men more or less confirmed the existence of ritual murder. In 1803 the former Rabbi Neofito published a sensational book in the Moldavian language. In it he gives details about the terrible Jewish secret of the blood mystery. This book was translated in 1843 into Greek and later in 1883 into Italian, under the title ‘Il sangue cristiano nei riti ebraici della moderna Sinagoga,’ causing the Jews to become very excited the world over.
On page 19 of this work the Jew Teofito confesses how he was initiated into the knowledge of ritual murder, and how the Jews for thousands of years have concealed it from the Gentile world. Teofito writes:
“This secret of the blood is not known to all the Jews, but only to the Chakam (doctors) or the rabbis and the scholars, who therefore carry the title ‘Conservators of the mystery of the blood’. They pass it on by word of mouth to the Jewish fathers. They in turn reveal it to their sons who regard this as a great honor. At the same time they make terrible threats of punishment if one of them betrays this secret.
Without the solution of the Jewish Question, there is no salvation for the peoples of the world.
This realization has blazed a trail in Germany; in increasing measure, it is becoming the common property of all nations of culture.
Despite the fierce and fiery reaction of its blind or bought allies, the disastrous role of the Jew, this parasite upon the body of every people is being drawn more and more into the light of day. Everywhere where morality, law, and order succumb to disintegration, where racketeering and corruption devour the economy, where materialistic dialectics undermine the foundations of faith, where Marxist propaganda transforms politics into a criminal reality, where the healthy race of the people is made sick and desecrated — there one meets everywhere the tracks of the Jew.
That is the historical experience of every century and of all peoples. The new and peculiar, which the Present adds to this ancient human experience, is the appearance of Bolshevism; in its shape World Jewry rises to the decisive attack upon the peoples of culture.
The frequent criminality of the Jew is as well known a fact as its peculiar inclination and aptitude for fraud, dirty enterprises, cheating in gambling, usury, sexual offences of all kinds, pickpocketing, high treason, etc. These things shall find their confirmation here. Beyond this, however, evidence is introduced that the role of Jewry in criminality does not limit itself to a more or less large participation, but rather is much more significant. In actually, the final threads of the criminal world come together in the hand of the Jew. The Jew is not only beneficiary of crime, he is also the leader and wire-puller of the criminal Underworld.
Yet at the same time the Jew is irrefutable spokesman and director of Bolshevism. How could it be otherwise, where Bolshevism [11] represents nothing other than a politically camouflaged, organized criminal sphere on a world scale? Thus, just as the spirochetes which are the bearers of syphilis, so the Jews are the carriers of criminality in its political and non-political form.
A WORLD all rollicking and plunging like that old Roman one, when the measure of its iniquities was full; the abysses and subterranean and supernal deluges, plainly broken loose; in the wild dim-lighted chaos, all stars of Heaven gone out. No star of heaven visible, hardly now to any man; the pestiferous fogs and foul exhalations grown continual, have, except on the highest mountain-tops, blotted-out all stars; will-o’-wisps, of various course and colour, take the place of stars. Over the wild surging-chaos, in the leaden air, are only sudden glares of revolutionary lightning ; then mere darkness with philanthropists phosphorescences, empty meteoric lights.
It was after reading the above lines from Carlyle that the idea was first suggested to me of writing the present book, and pointing out those who are planning our catastrophe. This catastrophe is one that will surely overtake us all, unless we take measures and apply the remedy—a remedy that is plainly shown in the pages that follow.
The Jews and the Jewish press have of late more than once asserted that the author is himself a Jew. This is a malicious and unfounded statement. The author is not a Jew, and not a drop of Jewish blood flows in his veins. He is a Greek by birth and education, and his family, as regards respectability and learning, stands second to none in the kingdom of Hellas.
The Jews also make reference to my “antecedents-.” There is nothing in my life, or to use their term, in my “antecedents,” that I am ashamed to have the world know. I arrived in America about twenty years ago, with $15 in my pocket, and by dint of hard work and perseverance, unaided, I created the position that I occupy to-day in the literary world. The Hellenic government, on account of my literary productions, bestowed upon me the Royal Cross, of which I have every reason to feel proud. Among my pupils I count the most distinguished teachers, professors, and ministers in this country. For more than ten years I directed one of the most successful private schools in the city of New York. There is nothing therefore in my “ antecedents” that I am afraid to have the Jews or the world know.
Ever since I published “The Original Mr. Jacobs” the Jews have hounded me and persecuted me day and night. Some time ago I was accused of embezzling the funds of the Minerva Publishing Company—a company which I founded myself, with my own money and brains. I was arrested, and for a time the Jewish press published the vilest calumnies against me. If there is any man in the United States towards whom I feel a debt of gratitude, it is the man who undertook my defence, and who won for me a brilliant victory. Although accused of a mean and contemptible act, I was appointed the receiver of the Minerva Publishing Company, and a few days after my appointment the entire concern passed into my hands.
Certainly no more complete vindication could have been given against the baseless accusations that were brought against me ; no advocate ever obtained a more brilliant victory for a client than the one won by my friend and counsellor.
I know the Jews too well to fear their mutter- ings or their threats. I have undertaken a battle which I know I shall win, nor will I lay down my pen before the victory is mine.
The astounding diffusion and marvellous growth of Freemasonry, not less than its wonderful vitality and remarkable influence upon men and nations, have constantly excited amazement among the peoples of the earth. It has seemed as if the Institution were not only of divine origin but also under the fostering care and protection of the Godhead, to such an extent has it been patronized apparently, by the Deity. But whether the countenance which the Craft has received is resolvable to celestial approval or merely to human favor, it is certain that its basic principles have ever contained essential elements of the larger conduct of man in his relations with his fellows; and from this Masonic seed has been germinated the vital code of liberty of speech, action and conscience, which is now recognized in all civilized countries as the birthright of every individual.
Progressive, modern thought, recent development of broadly free governments, and the constant advance of the times in every direction – material, mental and spiritual – are all directly traceable to the vitalizing system of postulates enunciated by the Masonic Fraternity, which spread beyond the limits of the Society and its devotees and unerringly pointed the course toward the consummation of the greatest happiness and freedom of the individual conjoined to his highest duty to Man and the State. The opposition of kings, priests and politicians was unable to stem or overcome the ever – increasing power of the Masonic tenets. The doctrines of equality, justice and liberty appealed too strongly to the weak and oppressed to be eradicated by command, cajolery, sophistry or threat. Hence the fulminations of temporal and religious sovereigns were fruitless. Persecution of the members of this new Fraternity was the natural reward of their temerity in setting up novel standards for the guidance of Man in his worldly and spiritual walks, but even this failed of its purpose. The feeble spark became the glowing flame which melted the shackles that Ignorance, Superstition, Intolerance and illiberalism had forged, and the enlightening conflagration from this fervent blaze is gradually consuming the remnants of the fanaticism, bigotry, oppression and false gods which the past has covertly and craftily attempted to transmit in their fullness to this period of light and reason, but which happily have come down the ages more and more denuded of their terror and power.
BE it Remembered, that on the 14th day of September, in the thirty-fifth year of the independence of the United States of America, Margaret B. Bonneville, of the said District, has deposited in this Office, the title of a Book, the right whereof she claims as proprietor, in the words following, to wit :
IN conformity to the Act of the Congress of the United States, entitled, ” An Act for the Encouragement of Learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned,” and also to an act, entitled 46 An Act supplementary to an act for the Encouragement of Learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts, and Books to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned, and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of Designing, Engraving, and Etching Historical and other Prints.”
C H S. CLINTON; clerk of the District of New-York.
A Report of the Address given by Mrs. Arthur Webster on 30th November, 1920, at the ROYAL ARTILLERY INSTITUTION, WOOLWICH; and on the 10th March, 1921, to the BRIGADE OF GUARDS,. at the United Services Institute, Whitehall.
The following is a report of the address of Mrs. Arthur Webster, as delivered at a meeting in the Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, on 30th November, 1920. The address was, by a special request, repeated before the officers and non-commissioned officers of the Brigade of Guards at the United ‘Services Institute, Whitehall, on 10th. March, 1921.
No better piece of education exists with which to fight the general public ignorance in 1932 than this address of 1920, on those secret forces: behind revolution which have accomplished such incalculable injuries meantime to Christianity, to our Empire, and to our national social and industrial well-being.
SINCE TIME IMMEMORIAL THE “PEOPLE OF THE TALMUD” have looked for a temporal Messiah who would ascend to the “Throne of David” and literally put the material world under his feet and cause all “goy” to worship at the feet of the self-chosen people. Rejecting the thought that Jesus came to “fulfil the law and the prophets,” the People of the Talmud expect their rewards in this world, not in the next. This religion was uncompromisingly described by the philosopher and historian, Horace Meyer Kallen, of the New School for Social Research, in his Zionism and World Politics. We quote from page 9 of that work: “For them (the Jews), reward and punishment were here and now, where sin and virtue were, and the hope of good fortune for the righteous was a hope for this world and not another. Particularly this was the case for a whole people, a nation, whose span of life overreaches the brief mortality of the individual. The people of Israel, banished from its land for its unrighteousness, should be restored for its righteousness. This was Yahweh’s promise, and in this promise his people might take comfort. The restoration would be bodily, political, and physical. It would install an era of international peace and international comity, the rule of law replacing the rule of force and the life of cooperation, the life of conflict….
“This restoration, from the first exile in the seventh century before the beginning of the Christian era through the first millennium after it, is conceived in political terms..”
In these words Professor Kallen, Zionist and Talmudist, explains the whole of what we have come to know as the “Messianic Complex” of those who call themselves” Jews. They rejected the true Messiah because He refused to reign over them as a temporal king; told them that His Kingdom was not of this world; and also told them to render unto Caesar the things that were Caesar’s and unto God the things that were God’s. But the Pharisees expected physical, material, temporal fulfilment of prophecy; and could not divide the spiritual from the political.
This makes it impossible to oppose Zionism, Communism, and Socialism without also opposing Talmudism. For all are political, materialistic, oligarchic, and anti-Christian!
Appendix 1:
Jewish Freemasonry on the Subversion of the Catholic Church and State
THIS shocking document was first published in the London Catholic Gazette of February 1936 under the heading of “The Jewish Peril and the Catholic Church.” Its contents were smuggled out of a series of speeches delivered at secret Jewish meetings in Paris. A few weeks later its authenticity was unexpectedly verified when the Parisian weekly, Le Revell du Peuple, published a similar account, adding that the statements had been made at a recent convention of the Jewish B’nai-B’rith, the secret directors of international freemasonry. The article of the Catholic Gazette read as follows:
“As long as there remains among the Gentiles any moral conception of the social order, and until all faith, patriotism, and dignity are uprooted, our reign over the world shall not come–-And the Gentiles, in their stupidity, have proved easier dupes than we expected them to be. One would expect more intelligence and more practical common sense, but they are no better than a herd of sheep. Let them graze in our fields till they become fat enough to be worthy of being immolated to our future King of the World…
We have founded many secret associations, which all work for our purpose, under our orders and our direction. We have made it an honour,
a great honour, for the Gentiles to join us in our organizations, which are, thanks to our gold, flourishing now more than ever. Yet it remains our secret that those Gentiles who betray their own and most precious interests, by joining us in our plot, should never know that those associations are of our creation, and that they serve our purpose.
FEW words have acquired such a wide signification as the word symbol. Originally applied, amongst the Greeks, to the two halves of the tablet they divided between themselves as a pledge of hospitality — in the manner of our contract forms, detached along a line of perforations from the counterfoil record — it was gradually extended to the engraved shells by which those initiated in the mysteries made themselves known to each other; and even to the more or less esoteric formulas and sacramental rites that may be said to have constituted the visible bond of their fellowship. At the same time its meaning was so amplified as to include on the one hand oracles, omens, and every extraordinary phenomenon that could be passed off as a warning from the gods, and on the other, military pass-words, badges of corporate bodies, tokens of attendance, and pledges of every kind, from the wedding ring, to the ring deposited before partaking of a banquet as an earnest for the due payment of one’s share of it. In short the term came to gradually mean everything, that whether by general agreement or by analogy, conventionally represented something or somebody.
A symbol might be defined as a representation which does not aim at being a reproduction. A reproduction implies if not identify with, at least similitude to, the original; but a symbol only requires that it shall have certain features in common with the object represented, so that, by its presence alone, it may evoke the conception of the latter, as is the case with a missile weapon and lightning, a sickle and harvest-time, a ring and marriage, a pair of scales and the idea of justice, kneeling and the sentiment of submission, and so forth.
By symbolism the simplest, the commonest objects are transformed, idealized, and acquire a new and, so to say, an illimitable value. In the Eleusinian mysteries, the author of Philosophoumena relates that, at the initiation to the higher degree, “there was exhibited as the great, the admirable, the most perfect object of mystic contemplation, an ear of corn that had been reaped in silence. The scrap of cloth which, in ordinary circumstances, we discard as a rag, at the top of a staff sums up all the aspirations included in the idea of ones country; and two crossed lines suffice to recall to millions of Christians the redemption of the world by the voluntary sacrifice of a god.
We live in the midst of symbolical representations, from the ceremonies celebrating a birth to the funereal emblems adorning the tomb; from the shaking of hands all round of a morning to the applause with which we gratify the actor, or lecturer, of the evening; from the impressions figuring on the seal of our letters to the bank notes in our pocket-book. The pictorial and plastic arts are naught else but symbolism, even when they claim to adhere to the servile imitation of reality. We write, as we speak, in symbols; and it is in symbols again that we think, if those schools of philosophy are to be believed which affirm our powerlessness to perceive things in themselves. The philosophy of evolution goes the length of proclaiming, through the organ of its founder, that the conception of force, to which it refers all phenomena, is simply the symbol of an unknown and unknowable Reality. Herbert Spencer even adds, in the most explicit terms, that it will always be permissible for us to picture to ourselves that Reality by concrete symbols, so long as we do not regard them as resemblances of that for which they stand.
THE TALMUD gets its name from the word Lamud – taught, and means The Teaching. By metonymy it is taken to mean the book which contains the Teaching, which is called Talmud, that is, the doctrinal book which alone fully expounds and explains all the knowledge and teaching of the Jewish people.
As to the origin of the Talmud, the Rabbis regard Moses as its first author. They hold that, besides the written law which Moses received from God on Mount Sinai on tables of stone, which is called Torah Schebiktab, he also received interpretations of it, or the oral law, which is called Torah Shebeal Peh. They say that this is the reason why Moses remained so long on the mountain, as God could have given him the written law in one day.
Moses is said to have transmitted this oral law to Joshua; Joshua in turn to the seventy Elders; the Elders to the Prophets, and the Prophets to the Great Synagogue. It is held that it was later transmitted successively to certain Rabbis until it was no longer possible to retain it orally.
Whatever may be said about this story of the Rabbis, it is sufficiently known to us that before the birth of Christ, schools existed in Palestine in which sacred literature was taught. The commentaries of the Doctors of the law were noted down on charts and lists as an aid to memory, and these, when collected together, formed the beginnings of the Jewish Talmud.
In the second century after Christ, Rabbi Jehuda who, because of the sanctity of his life, was called The Saint, and The Prince, realizing that the learning of the Jews was diminishing, that their oral law was being lost, and that the Jewish people were being dispersed, was the first to consider ways and means of restoring and preserving their oral law. He collected all the lists and charts and from them he made a book which was called the Sepher Mischnaioth, or Mischnah – a Deuterosis, or secondary law. He divided it into six parts, each of which was divided into many chapters. We shall consider these later.
The Mischnah is the foundation and the principal part of the whole Talmud. This book was accepted by the Jews everywhere and was recognized as their authentic code of law. It was expounded in their Academies in Babylon – at Sura, Iumbaditha and Nehardea – and in their Academies in Palestine – at Tiberias, Iamnia and Lydda.
As their interpretations increased with the passing of time, the disputations and decisions of the doctors of the law concerning the Mischnah were written down, and these writings constituted another part of the Talmud called the Gemarah.
These two parts are so disposed throughout the whole Talmud that the Mischnah serves first as a kind of text of the law, and is followed by the Gemarah as an analysis of its various opinions leading to definite decisions.
All the precepts of the Mischnah, however, were not discussed in the Jewish schools. Those whose use was nullified by the destruction of the Temple, and those whose observation was possible only in the Holy Land were not commented upon. Their explanation was left until the coming of Elias and the Messiah. For this reason some parts of the Mischnah are lacking in the Gemarah.
In interpreting the Mischnah of Rabbi Jehuda, the schools of Palestine and Babylon followed each their own method, and by thus following their own way gave rise to a twofold Gemarah – the Jerusalem and the Babylonian versions. The author of the Jerusalem version was Rabbi Jochanan, who was head of the synagogue in Jerusalem for eighty years. He wrote thirty-nine chapters of commentaries on the Mischnah which he compiled in the year 230 A.D.
THE ULTRA-SECRET CONSPIRACY in the Middle East Revealed: The Donmeh, the Wahhabi and Zionism’s Sephardic Jewry
The following exposé is critical if one is to have any clear understanding of the ever-changing geopolitcal chessboard of the Middle East. All the major players are seen in a different light when the following secret history is properly considered. (Click here)
Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Israel, Iran, Iraq, Libya and their relationships with each other make much more sense in view of these crucial revelations. The foreign policies of the United States and United Kingdom toward each of these countries and the Mideast in general particularly take on new meaning, as does their ‘special’ relationship with Israel.
Timothy Matthews – Catholic Insight March 2009
Western civilization at the present day is passing through a crisis which is essentially different from anything that has been previously experienced. Other societies in the past have changed their social institutions or their religious beliefs under the influence of external forces or the slow development of internal growth. But none, like our own, has ever consciously faced the prospect of a fundamental alteration of the beliefs and institutions on which the whole fabric of social life rests … Civilization is being uprooted from its foundations in nature and tradition and is being reconstituted in a new organisation which is as artificial and mechanical as a modern factory. Christopher Dawson. Enquiries into Religion and Culture, p. 259.
MOST OF SATAN’S WORK IN THE WORLD HE TAKES CARE TO KEEP HIDDEN. But two small shafts of light have been thrown onto his work for me just recently. The first, a short article in the Association of Catholic Women’s ACW Review; the second, a remark (which at first surprised me) from a priest in Russia who claimed that we now, in the West, live in a Communist society. These shafts of light help, especially, to explain the onslaught of officialdom which in many countries worldwide has so successfully been removing the rights of parents to be the primary educators and protectors of their children.
THE JEWS, like other childish people, enjoy pretending, and when pretending brings them the tribute due to the character assumed, they revel in it.
In this way they have obtained much credit, which should not have been given to them.
They were first tricked out in borrowed traditions and supplied with an entirely false idea of themselves about 430 B.C.
Then commenced the Great Jewish Masque, a pretence which has been maintained to the present day.
In recent times it has never lacked support. Indeed, Jewish propaganda has been so insidious and persistent that voluntary aid, in addition to other kinds, has always been available. At a mere hint, troupes of highly placed carpet-baggers don ass’s ears, or a long nose, and vie with each other, and with the kosher mummers, in endeavours to lead the rout.
WHEN, as a result of the favour of Oliver Cromwell and the exertions of Menasseh ben Israel, Jews settled again in London in the seventeenth century after an interval of some four hundred years, what is known as the Sephardi (Spanish and Portuguese) rite was followed in the Synagogue they established. This was natural: for the overwhelming majority of its members were former Marranos who had escaped from the clutches of the Inquisition in the Peninsula, or else their immediate descendants. From the beginning, though, the settlement was leavened by a few representatives of the Germano-Polish group, generally known (after the term applied by the Jews of the Middle Ages to Germany) as Ashkenazim. In essentials, of course, there was little difference between them and their coreligionists, though their immediate antecedents were distinctive, their standard of general culture lower, their economic occupations humbler, and their synagogal tradition (almost identical, in fact, with that followed by the mediaeval Anglo-Jewish community, before the expulsion of 1290) slightly different. It may be noted that the most stalwart of those few Jews who penetrated into England in the ‘Middle Period”–the mining-engineer Joachim Gaunse who was expelled for his outspoken religious views, and the Jacob Barnett who fled from Oxford rather than submit to baptism –both happened to be Ashkenazim.
I AM NOT AN ENEMY OF THE JEWS. For many years my written and spoken utterances have abounded with such phrases as, “There is a very real sense in which the Jews are God’s Chosen People. Taken as a whole they are the most’ remarkable race of people in the world. They have retained their existence as a separate and distinct people in spite of hundreds of years of persecution. The most ingenious methods have been used by other nations in seeking their destruction but they have weathered every storm. In the coming world crisis the Jew will play an important part in the drama of fulfilled Bible prophecy. And, let it be remembered that Jesus Christ came to earth dressed in the garb of a Jew.”
For nineteen hundred years these strange people have wandered over the earth, like the legend of the Wandering Jew, without a homeland; yet they have retained their race consciousness and are more firmly banded together today than any other nation in the world. This very thing makes them the great miracle of both history and prophecy. No other feature need be considered to confirm the fact that over them there exists a providential leadership.
EVERY year, especially about Easter-time, there is a revival of the accusation that the Jews, or, if not all the Jews, certain Jews, make use of the blood of Christians for purposes of ritual. The charge is bound to be often repeated, so long as the replies to it are limited to the contradiction and exposure of the falsity of the reasons brought forward That is why I discuss the accusation in connection with the significance of blood as regards religious belief, and particularly as regards the superstitions of humanity at large.
I expressed my opinion on the question, whether the Jews use Christian blood for ritual purposes, as far back as 1882, the year of the Tisza-Eszlar trial, in the Evangelische Kirchen-Zeitung (12th August, No. 32).
Further investigations (apropos of the Bernstein case, v.p. 144 sq.) convinced me more than two years ago, that, whilst I was correct in my negative answer to the charge, it was possible, and even necessary, to base it upon a deeper foundation. I am now compelled to publish the results of my fresh researches by the renewal of the controversy about ritual murder in consequence of the assassination of an eight year old girl in Corfu during the night of the 12th to 13th April this year (v.p. 213 sq.) . . I have made it my special business to let the facts speak for themselves, and have almost confined myself to quoting, without alteration, the actual statements in the sources of information I have utilised: so anybody who wishes can arrive at an unbiased judgment for himself.
The facts I have had to bring forward are, for the greater part, of a very loathsome kind. But, in order to cure the terrible disease of superstition, we must first of all know the disease. . . . My exhortation to our Christian priesthood, to our whole Christian people is : Up and gird yourself for battle, not only against unbelief, but also against superstition ! When German Christendom, free from superstition, stands firm in true belief in the crucified Saviour, risen from the dead, the question, so far as concerns Germany, whether Christian blood is ritually employed by Jews, will be exploded and futile, for more reasons than one. 2 July, 1891. H. L. Strack.
Have you ever wondered why everything happens the way it does?
Who could possibly benefit from all of the suffering and exploitation in this world?
Does evil really exist and affect our lives?
This book is especially written for those who are aware of the existence of evil in this world, and who are entirely repelled by it.As I have explained extensively in my other books, ontologically there are basically two kinds of people in this world:
Good (True, Theomorphic Beings)
Evil (Counterfeit beings – robots and demons)
Mentally there are also basically two groups:
those who accept evil, for they are evil or severely programmed by evil, and find little or nothing wrong with themselves, their families and friends, their institutions, their communities, their nation, and their world
those who react automatically against evil, against abuse, exploitation, and injustice wherever they see them for they are not evil
A common illusion of the unaware, the “successful”, and those who do not seem to be suffering much, is that everything is okay, things are getting better, and the world order is essentially “good”.
But, the truth is, nothing is okay, things are getting worse, and the world order is temporally and spiritually evil. As hard as it might be for the average person to conceive, this world is ruled by evil.This book is to explore the nature of evil at the highest level, its origin, its unseen agenda, its support, its progeny, and its elect in this world. As the Gnostics have known and taught since time immemorial, there is duality in this dimension, this part of creation – Good and evil – and the two opposing forces have been at war ever since the demonic consciousness took hold in some parts of this sector of creation.
The war between the spiritual essences of Good and evil is largely on a spiritual level, yet it impacts and fates this physical world and all of its inhabitants. Only a fool or a demon would argue that evil does not exist, or that it is not getting worse in this world. What is occurring at this time is unprecedented: all evil is being exposed and will soon be destroyed forever, including the source of evil.
The Light in every form, as in the Beings of Light, is being withdrawn from this dimension, and evil with all its manifestations, including all evil beings, is being left to its final fate, total destruction. The permanent solution to the temporary problem of evil is on the way.
THROUGHOUT THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA ON OCTOBER 2, 1984, World Zionism’s continuing propaganda blitz took on a new dimension. That evening, for two hours on prime time, a TV public broadcasting network began a weekly nine-episode showing on “Jewish Civilization.” This may well be the most extravagant pseudo-documentary of “the Jew’s wrote in Bible and secular history” ever contrived.
Not content to target the general public, the production is specifically aimed at the school-age children of North America. Here the series producers have achieved a virtual monopoly of classroom attention by students and teachers in the public schools. This announcement appeared in the “Public Schools Staff Bulletin,” October 5, 1984:
“Heritage is also being supported by the most ambitious educational program in the history of public broadcasting, designed to reach every secondary school and college in the U.S. and Canada. It was more than five years in production and is narrated by Abba Eban, former Israeli ambassador to the United Nations and the United States.”
It can be safely assumed that the private church schools of the evangelical fundamentalists, which aid and abet the Zionist Jews’ spurious Claims to the heritage and Land of Israel, will not fail to add this bonanza to their curriculum.
THE DISPOSITION of being improperly curious caused me to. enlist in the United States Navy in 1919. The second ship in which I served was the battleship, U. S. S. Wyoming, in which the chaplain was father Brady.
After getting accustomed to ship’s routine I began plying him with questions. First, I wanted to know all about the Catholic Church, because I had been brought up as a Baptist and did not understand his Sunday services, the first portion of which was exclusively Catholic. He gave me an old “dog-eared” Catholic history book and turned me loose on my own. Next, I wanted to know all about Biblical history, because I could not understand it. I also wanted to know what became of the ten-tribal House of Israel—the ten “lost” tribes.
Father Brady admitted he did not know what became of Israel, although he believed the people still existed amidst the Gentiles in similar manner as the Jews, their brethren. I argued, however,that the Jew is readily recognized by his peculiar mental and physical characteristics, and if he is a brother of lost Israel, then, is it not logical to believe the House of Israel would have the same characteristics? If so, where were they?—You cannot conceal a people who Jehovah declared to Abraham would ultimately be as numerous as the stars above and the sand on the sea shore. Father Brady could not answer.
On one occasion when I inquired of him the reason for wars between Christian nations of white men he said: “Sparks, in the first place, it is impossible to understand current events unless one inquires into turmoil of yesteryear which still had its roots in the remote past. Wars do not happen of their own accord or by accident —they are man-made. One must understand the cause of things which seem of no importance or are incomprehensible. One must discover whether or not there are secret strings moving men to action or binding them to inaction during religious, political, financial and economical crisis which burst forth without warning and without any logical reason. One must know whether or not the rulers of nations are the real rulers or merely puppets. Above all, take the attitude of Sir Patrick Manson (1844-1922) who once said:
” ‘Never refuse to see what you do not want to see, or what might go against your own cherished hypothesis or against the views of authorities. These are just the clues to follow up, as is also, and emphatically so, the thing you have never seen or heard before. The thing you cannot get a pigeon hole for is the finger point showing the way to discovery’ .”
Apparently that was meant for a challenge. I accepted it as such, and in 1931 after being transferred to the U. S. Asiatic Fleet, I joined the Masonic Fraternity in quest of more light, and soon advanced to the 32nd degree in the Scottish Rite in which I began studying the Hindu Scriptures and comparing them with our Bible. That study was supplemented with the Divine Revelation in the Great Pyramid of Gizeh at Cairo, Egypt, Oriental and Occidental history in out-of-the-way books, papers, pamphlets and manuscripts which had escaped the censors.
PULASKI, THE COUNTY SEAT OF GILES COUNTY, TENN., birthplace of the original Ku Klux Klan, is a town of about four thousand population, situated on the L. and N. Railroad, eighty miles south of Nashville, Tenn., and at the crossing of the highways extending from Nashville to Birmingham and from Chattanooga to Memphis.
The town was in antebellum days and still remains the seat of much culture and wealth. It’s citizenship is, and has always been composed of representative old families of the South. Many of their beautiful, old colonial homes have passed away and are passing day by day to decay.
Many still remain as monuments to the classic architectural ideas of their builders and to the high-bred, hospitable people who once possessed them and whose spirits still seem with aristocratic, stately mien to tread their vaulted corridors, with “the tender grace of a day that is dead.” Early settlers of this country came largely from North Carolina and Virginia, and there has been very little immigration from elsewhere.
Most of these rare old homesteads had splendid plantations connected with them. The situation was ideal for these plantations occupying as they did. in the language of another Tennessee writer, the “Dimple of the Universe.”
The owners of these homesteads and plantations were also owners of large numbers of Negro slaves whose occupation it was to work in these fields of cotton and of corn. The relation between slave and slave holder here in Middle Tennessee was nearly always one of mutual trust, kindness and friendly interest. It may not be generally known, but it is a fact, that Tennessee freed her own slaves and was not included in the emancipation proclamation.
WHAT IS AT STAKE IS MORE THAN ONE SMALL COUNTRY; IT IS A BIG IDEA: A NEW WORLD ORDER, where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind - peace and security, freedom, and the rule of law – George H.W. Bush, State of the Union Address, 29 January 1991.
There is a chance for the President of the United States to use this disaster to carry out what his father – a phrase his father used I think only once, and it hasn’t been used since – and that is a new world order- Senator Gary Hart, Council on Foreign Relations meeting, 12 September 2001
Noting that the European Union was coming to a turning point in its existence, the European Council which met in Laeken, Belgium, on 14 and 15 December 2001 convened the European Convention on the Future of Europe. The Convention was asked to draw up proposals on three subjects: how to bring citizens closer to the European design and European Institutions; how to organise politics and the European political area in an enlarged Union; and how to develop the Union into a stabilising factor and a model in the new world order. Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, President of the Convention, Preface to the Draft Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe, July 2003.
Once the legal and technological apparatus of totalitarianism is established, there exists the very real prospect of a permanent planetary dictatorship where human existence is micro-managed from cloud cuckoo land by a tiny ruling elite who are themselves above the law. – chapter 11,the book you are about to read…
A ‘new world order’ is a vision long shared by political leaders, industrialists, and intellectuals around the world. ‘Peace and security, freedom, and the rule of law’, what a wonderful idea! Strange then, that they have tried to conceal the reality of their vision from the wider public. For over thirty years, the European project was sold to the British people as little more than a benign free-trade agreement, despite the fact most of our new laws originate in Brussels and we are being asked to relinquish most of our independence under the European Constitution. The same process is underway on the American continent: NAFTA and the Free Trade Area of the Americas are the basis for supra-national political bureaucracies based on the European model. Evolution rather than revolution is the chosen course because, as the Fabian Society noted, the wolf in sheep’s clothing stands a better chance of getting lunch than his colleague openly salivating amongst the flock.
The end game is one-world government: The relinquishing of sovereignty to continental mega-states and the unification of these power blocs under the United Nations. This is the geo-political skeleton of the New World Order, which its advocates realize most people would reject.
I CAN’T GUARANTEE THE AUTHENTICITY of this document, although the context pretty much describes the truth as it is. We don’t know when it was written and exactly by whom, but it looks like it was composed by a British person if we look at the spelling of words, which is British English.
This information was sent to me by someone who for obvious reasons wants to be anonymous. This person gave me this reply when I asked if he/she could verify the authenticity of it:
“The document was passed to me by a gentleman who has long been a researcher into these things and it was meeting him that first caused me to search the web for more information. That’s how I came across your site. I think he was afraid to let me see it at first as he was unsure I could be trusted. He told me there are those who would kill to stop this information getting out. You will understand why I cannot reveal his name – I only know him by his first name anyway; he wouldn’t reveal his surname. I believe he works as a member of an aircrew, but precisely where I don’t know.
Character and Claims of Freemasonry By Rev. Charles G. Finney (Ex-mason)
The following is a reprint of Chapter VII taken from Charles G. Finney’s work on Freemasonry. The complete book is sold for 75 cents paper cover and $1.25 cloth cover, at 850 W. Madison Street, Chicago, Illinois.
The work is self explanatory and discloses the awful possibilities if Freemasons are elected to any office either in Church or State.
Our investigations and researches into the best authorities on Freemasonry brings us to the conclusion that there can be no improvement in the social and economic life of any nation while Freemasons are elected to public office.
These hitherto untouchables are, through the higher reaches of their movement allied with, and are the willing tools of most of the subversive organizations that are now keeping the world in a perpetual state of unrest.
Individually they are a perpetual danger and collectively they are a menace to the peace of the world.
Freemasons are not free men, they are oath bound slaves to an International conspiracy, and that conspiracy is to destroy the present civilization and to build a glorified Judaism on the debris.
P. M.