When it is declared that the U. S. and Britain and other Nordic nations are Israelites and the chosen people of God, most of the modern lay churches call it false and without foundation, but refuse to give any Scriptures to prove that we are not. They put us on the defensive by demanding proof of our claims, and in response we give evidence from Scripture, history, ethnology and heraldry. As a reaction to the usual tactics of our opponents the order has been reversed and some questions presented for an answer:
Can those who disagree with us furnish evidence to prove that we are not Israel, and that the Jews are? No man’s answer will suffice. The answer must come from God’s Word so that the issue may be clear.
The modern day church states that the Jew and Israel are one and the same; also that the U.S.A., Britain and other Nordic nations are Gentile (in the sense of heathen) nations. If their claim is true, and the Jews are Israel, THEY HAVE TO FULFILL EVERY SCRIPTURE WHICH GOD SAID ISRAEL WOULD FULFILL:
So in answer to my critics in relation to my latest books “Who Am I?” I present the following questions relative to the above mentioned subject. All these questions emerge from reading God’s Word and history.
The Great Fire of London also took place on the 11th of September, 1666, when allowance is made for the change of calendar.
Rev. 9:11 “And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue is Apollyon (That is to say destroyer).”
Woe to those who are at ease in Zion and to those trusting in the mountain of Samaria! They, are the distinguished ones of the chief part of the nations. and to them the house of Israel have come…. For into a poisonous plant you people have turned justice, and the fruitage of righteousness into wormwood.” Amos 6:3-12
Revisionist Jürgen Graf discusses the motivations that led him to throw away the security of polite lemmingdom and quiet research for a valiant and
dangerous pursuit of historical truth, against the overwhelming odds of the Jew lobby. This book was written when he was in exile in Iran.
The surety of Yahweh’s Israel people rests in the promises which He made from before the foundation of the world in the election or choosing of a peculiar or certain people as His very own. Before proceeding we need to have a more perfect understanding of the term “surety.” From the Hebrew word “Yada” which means to know, more properly, by seeing which includes observation, care and recognition and in the causative sense, instruction, designation and punishment. From the Greek we read the word surety as “Alethos” which means “truly” and the Greek word “Egguos” which is “pledged”, as a bondsman. Websters 1828 dictionary says surety is security or safety, or foundation of stability. This thing we call surety is to be seen in the Commands, Laws and Statutes which God presented to our Israel ancestors at Mt Sinai…Exodus 20:1-26.
DURING the years between the first and second world wars half the population of the United Kingdom lived in poverty, one quarter were undernourished, a slightly lesser number suffered from deficiency diseases, and seventy-five per cent. of recruits for H.M. Forces were rejected as medically unfit.
But very few people felt any sense of personal responsibility for this condition. Less than twenty per cent. of the population took an active interest in politics and only sixty per cent. of voters used their franchise. There was little or no conception of a common social responsibility, or a common national purpose to direct the activities of the State to secure the peace, security, and happiness of the people.
A very grave threat now exists to the ancient liberties of the citizens of the United Kingdom. The whole foundation of the judicial law in the nation state is about to be overturned by a system based on dictatorship and oppression of the spirit.
People used to say that South Africa was 20 years behind the rest of the Western world. Television, for example, came late to South Africa (but so did pornography and the gay rights movement).
Today, however, South Africa may be the grim model of the future Western world, for events in America reveals trends chillingly similar to those that destroyed our country.
In the 24th chapter of Matthew Jesus tells of the events to come “at the end of the age,” and in verses 15 and 21 He warns: “When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (who so readeth, let him understand) ; . . . For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.” In the 13th chapter of Mark this passage is rendered: “When ye shall see the abomination of desolation . . . standing where it ought not.
It used to be that a country was taken over by the strongest general or warlord, but in the age of high technology and weather modification, natural disasters are equivalent to war and do the same thing. They are an economic stimulus and transfer wealth from the common man to the unscrupulous. Today our sovereignty needs to be defended from economic and natural disasters on the national level but also against economic and unnatural disasters from the international level where the United Nations operates.
While 10 men a week are being executed by American hangmen on sentences by American judges after prosecution by American prosecutors, the trials are being assailed by another American judge who made an official examination of procedure against war criminals.
Edward Leroy van Roden, president judge of the orphans court of Delaware County, Pa, whose official report is under war department suppression, is charging in lectures and after dinner speeches that shocking third degree methods were used to obtain confessions from those placed on trial at Dachau military courts. The courts were held where the Nazis had spread terror among inmates or a concentration camp.
Another old and very obscure viewpoint involves another interpretation of Scripture. In our “politically-correct” societies, today, the mention of anything you are about to read may be greeted with hostility and closed ears. However, the view of history, written by those from our history, did not think the same way as we do, now.
CHRISTIANS BELIEVE THAT GOD’S WORD IS THE TRUTH, divinely inspired and inerrant. Attempts to destroy it under the pretext of clarifying its meaning have accelerated over the past one hundred years. This paper documents an investigation into the domain of Bible scholarship which, having evaluated the evidence found therein and within the various Bible translations, has determined:
The Greek Textus Receptus, from which the King James Version and New King James Version were translated, is the true Word of God.
The New Greek Text, from which modern versions (Revised Version, New International Version, New American Standard Version) are derived, is a corrupted Greek text.
This booklet was produced from hand written notes after the death of the author.
Woe to those who are at ease in Zion and to those trusting in the mountain of Samaria! They, are the distinguished ones of the chief part of the nations. and to them the house of Israel have come…. For into a poisonous plant you people have turned justice, and the fruitage of righteousness into wormwood.” Amos 6:3-12
To an all-powerful banking family like the Rothschilds, whose vast wealth bankrolled many a war, causing millions of fatalities… was the removal of a small minority like the Armenians a fair price to pay for the peace in a region so crucial to the development and investment in oil transportation.
This was a question recently posed by one of my Identity friends to a Judeo-Christian acquaintance. Very often, when we in Christian Identity attempt to reason with non-Identists and explain to them the details of why the King James Version is NOT the inerrant Word of God, many react with outright hatred! The typical “King James Only” advocate will become extremely agitated and downright hostile. (This reaction, by the way, is the very antithesis of their own Christian philosophy, being a knee-jerk, hypocritical response, especially when spoken by a representative of the “God loves everybody” faction of Apostianity!!!)
The strange phenomenon disclosed in the following pages deserves the time and consideration of laymen, theologians, and scientists. Its universal importance merits wide attention.
The material is accurately presented and will withstand a thorough scientific investigation. The reader’s only prerequisite is a sincere love of truth and a desire to examine this unusual evidence with an open mind, disregarding any preconceived prejudices.
Since the scientific data is presented with remarkable simplicity enabling any one to readily understand it, this book is a valuable contribution both to science and religion.
The following is taken from Chapter 6 of the book Descent into Slavery, by Des Griffin, AM PhD, retired director of the Australian Museum, and published in 1984. Some readers may feel that in places it exaggerates a little, but we are publishing it because of the importance of the subject to which it relates.
WHEN people think of England such terms as `Great Britain’, `England’, `The Queen’, `The Crown’, `London’, `The City of London’ and `British Empire’ come to mind and blend together into an indistinguishable blur. They are generally looked upon as synonymous, as being representative of the same basic system. During the 1950’s and 1960’s the author lived in England (London for five years) without even beginning to realise the vast difference that exists in the meaning of some of the above terms.
When people hear of `The Crown’ they automatically think of the King or Queen; when they hear of `London’ or the `The City’ they instantly think of the capital of England in which the monarch has his or her official residence.
Previous to William III’s reign the destitution of any class in the community was practically unknown. There were destitute individuals doubtless; but there was not a destitute class. Since that reign destitution has been the common lot of a large portion of the lower orders:
Counted in the top most outstanding scientists ever. Worked with Rutherford on atomic decay. Awarded the Nobel Prize for chemistry, in 1921 for his work on isotopes. Gave the absolute truth about Banking when he declared: “BANKS ARE INSTITUTIONS WHICH PRETEND TO LEND MONEY, AND DO NOT LEND IT, BUT CREATE IT, AND WHEN IT IS REPAID THEY DE‑CREATE IT AND HAVE ACHIEVED THE PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE MIRACLE THEREBY, NOT ONLY OF GETTING SOMETHING FOR NOTHING BUT ALSO OF GETTING PERENNIAL INTEREST ON IT”. He also said that “the International Bankers would rather see the whole world go up in flames than abandon one jot of their plans”
To understand the total problem of Communism it is necessary that we trace the course of the movement from it’s beginning down to the present. We must understand who it’s originators were, and what they were, and we must gain some idea as to the forces which influenced and shaped their philosophy.
In dealing with any controversial subject such as International Judaism and its Satanic offspring Zionism and Communism, it is often difficult to get a message of warning across to those who are in the most immediate danger. This is due to the fact that the Christian world has become so “brainwashed” in the “Liberal mind detergent” of Zionist propaganda, that immediately, when one speaks of a Jew in any but the most complimentary of terms, he is saddled with the horrible accusation of being an “anti-Semite.” This has stifled honest discussion of this tremendous problem.
“Dr. Samuel Johnson wrote the first English Dictionary in 1797. That’s only a few years from 1800, which isn’t so very long ago! It consists of two thick volumes. And it has possibly every word that was then used in the English language. I have shown that too many important people in all walks of life, and they were amazed, because when I told them what I am going to tell you now, they didn’t believe me. So I acquired these two books – cost a little money. They’re first editions, rare! In that book, in those two volumes, the first English dictionary ever published by Dr. Samuel Johnson, (about whom, many of you know), the word ‘Jew’ does not appear”!
The word beast appears throughout scriptures and often appears as simple “Beast,” or “Beast of the Field,” or “Beast of the Earth.” Three different Hebrew words are translated into the English word BEAST in the Bible. The Hebrew word CHAYAH means LIVING CREATURE, the word BEHEMA, meaning quadrupeds (like cattle), and BEIR meaning BRUTE BEAST. The Greek word ZOON translated BEAST means LIVING CREATURE.
Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919), photo on cover of this book, came to the United States as a poor immigrant from Scotland in 1848, and never became an American citizen. He built the Carnegie Steel Corporation, which he sold to J. P. Morgan for $500 million, who incorporated the company into the United States Steel Corporation in 1901, enabling Carnegie to retire and concentrate on his philanthropic activities.
In 1889, William Torrey Harris, the U.S. Commissioner of Education, told a high-ranking railroad official that the schools were being scientifically designed not to over educate children. He believed that the schools should alienate children from their parents and religion. In 1890, Carnegie wrote eleven essays which were published under the title The Gospel of Wealth. The underlying premise was that the free-enterprise system had been locked-up by men such as himself, J.P. Morgan, and John D. Rockefeller, and that they not only owned everything, but also controlled the government. His worry, was that subsequent generations would realise this, and work against them. His solution was to control the education system, and to create a direct relationship between the amount of education a person had, and how good of a job they could get. Therefore, this created a motivation for children to attend school, where they would be taught only what the social engineers of this country wanted them to know.
Germar Rudolf, the “mystery speaker” who was scheduled to address the Twelfth annual Institute for Historical Review Revisionist Conference, (Sept. 3-5, 1994), explained why he was regrettably not able to attend in the following statement, which was read to the Conference by Master of Ceremonies Greg Raven.
Usually the whole audience is eager to learn who the mystery speaker will be. This time, unfortunately, the IHR must deny you the satisfaction of seeing this mystery solved in person. For reasons that are, regrettably, not very mysterious, I am not able to appear for this Conference. I want to tell you the reasons for this, but to maintain some air of mystery, I will withhold my name for the time being. As I tell the story, perhaps one or more of you will sooner or later guess my identity.
Commencing in 1951, as Britain’s foremost World War II correspondent, he spent more than three years writing “The Controversy of Zion” – all 300.000 words of it. He completed the epilogue in 1956. Although there is correspondence to show that the book was once discussed with his publisher, the manuscript was never submitted, but remained for 22 years gathering dust in his home in Durban, South Africa. Would he have loved the Internet!
Now, half a century later, it exists, and must assist in the dissemination of his powerful truth. Several chapters show how much he would have loved this possibility. Just as much as the Zionist censors of the Internet hate this breach in their worldwide brainwashing and control of the media.
In Europe during the years immediately before and after World War II, the name of Douglas Reed was on everyone’s lips. His books were being sold by the tens of thousands. He was known with intimate familiarity throughout the English-speaking world by a vast army of fans. And then he was banished. Was it this book? Take a look at these chapters and judge for yourself…..
My Gauleiter! My dear fellow-countrymen and fellow-countrywomen of Danzig!
You are not alone in experiencing this moment with the deepest emotion; the
whole German nation is experiencing it too. I myself am conscious of the greatness of this hour.
For the first time I am treading upon soil of which German settlers had taken possession five hundred years before the first white men settled in what is today New York State. It is thus five hundred years longer that this soil was German, had remained German and will—of this we may all be convinced—remain German.
William Dudley Pelley (1890 – 1965) founded the Silver Rangers of America on 31 January 1933 which soon became known as the Silvershirts. He was an accomplished author and was involved with many screen productions. After the Jews declared their holy war on Germany in 1933, he soon became fingered as “the most dangerous man in America.” The American Hebrew magazine, which first used the 6,000,000 figure in its October 31, 1919 issue, targeted Mr. Pelley since patriotism interferes with internationalism schemes.
This is a brilliant analysis of Evan Sadler’s book titled “Elizabeth the Last?”, which documents the attacks on the British and continental Monarchies and protestants down through the centuries. Richard Porter points out that while it is true that the Papacy has been and still is a tyrannical and murderous regime, Evan Sadler in his book fails to unmask the real “power behind the throne”, namely the Jews under the guise of Jesuits.
It is pointed out that the prophet of the independent Seventh Day Adventist publishers – Ellen G. White (who was a Jew) in her writings on Martin Luther failed to mention one word of his determination to have them expelled from Germany because of their evil deeds.
THE APPALLING STORY told by Mr. Seelig in the foregoing pages is much more than a personal tragedy that must excite sympathy and pity in every human heart. It is a story that is terrible in the full sense of that word: it should strike terror into the heart of every American who hopes that his children will not regret having been born.
As America’s most eminent journalist suggests in his introduction to the present book, Mr Seelig’s account should be verified in every particular by diligent and intrepid investigators. But such verification could only confirm what we all know – or would know, if we paid attention to the evidence that has been accumulating for decades.
Mr. Seelig’s narrative confronts us with two facts that cannot be denied, and to which it would be cowardly and disastrous to close our eyes. Those fact are, of course, the ever-increasing perversion of law and judicial process in our country and the epidemic sexual perversion that has brought us to the verge of moral imbecility.
The perversion of law – that is to say, the use of pseudo-legal processes to protect the guilty by destroying the witnesses to their guilt – is both common and notorious. It is so notorious that one can only wonder at the fatuous apathy of a public that does nothing about it because each individual believes that he personally can escape if he, like a rabbit, runs away and silently hides himself in the weeds.
IS modern spoken English descended from the language of the patriarchs? Strong evidence now exists that it is, according to five leading language scholars, whose independent studies have all reached a similar conclusion. This language connection would, in turn, indicate some form of physical contact or migration in early times. Did Israelites of the age of the patriarchs visit the shores of Britain, settle there and impart their language? Evidence from historians shows how that may have taken place.
In ancient times, trading ships from the coast of Palestine sailed throughout the Mediterranean and as far as the coast of Britain. Where trading ships went, colonies soon developed. Now, as fascinating proof of this early colonisation, leading language scholars have discovered amazing links between the modern English language and the ancient language of the Hebrews of the Old Testament. They tell their story in the paragraphs to follow, combining to present strong evidence that Hebrews themselves came to the British Isles at an early date. Our thesis is that between the beginning of the Egyptian captivity (1448 B.C.), and the Assyrian-Babylonian invasions (745-586 B.C.), Biblical Israelites first settled the shores of Britain. The result is a fascinating account of the fulfilment of Bible prophecy. Here are their stories:
ONE OF THE HEROES OF THE WHITE RACE was C. Leon de Aryan, Editor and Publisher for thirty-five years of the San Diego newspaper, The Broom, later known as The Sun Work Shop and the Broom. De Aryan was born in Romania on August 18, 1886, of a Greek father who was an employee of the Romanian Government. His mother was Polish. He was christened Constantine Leon Legenopol, but he changed the family name to de Aryan when he became a naturalised citizen of the United States. As publisher he was known as C. Leon de Aryan. His adoption of the name de Aryan was to exemplify his life’s work as a champion of the Aryan Race and philosophy.
BECAUSE OF THE INCESSANT TALK ABOUT A HOLOCAUST, that for the most part did not occur, the truth about a holocaust that did occur has been successfully suppressed since the end of World War II. Now suddenly, with the assumption of a new, democratically elected government in Austria, the horrible truth of the aftermath of World War II has finally broken into the front pages of newspapers throughout the world, with the call by the Austrian Freedom Party for compensation to those ethnic Germans who were expelled and murdered by Czechoslovakia at the end of WW II. For the very first time since 1945, a period encompassing the entire lives of most of those reading these words, the murder, expulsion, enslavement, and destruction of millions of ethnic Germans after the war ended is coming to light with a vengeance.
HONG KONG AND THE SASSOON OPIUM WARS The 99 year British lease on Hong Kong expired in July allowing the Red Chinese to take over. Hundreds of newspaper stories and TV reports have covered this event but not one revealed how England first gained control of Hong Kong! The truth lies buried in the family line of David Sassoon, “The Rothschilds of The Far East,” and their monopoly over the opium trade.
Britain won Hong Kong by launching the opium Wars to give the Sassoons exclusive rights to drug an entire nation! David Sassoon was born in Baghdad, Iran in 1792. His father, Saleh Sassoon, was a wealthy banker and the treasurer to Ahmet Pasha, the governor of Baghdad. (Thus making him the “court Jew” – a highly influential position.) In 1829 Ahmet was overthrown due to corruption and the Sassoon family fled to Bombay, India. This was the strategic trade route to interior India and the gateway to the Far East. In a brief time the British government granted Sassoon “monopoly rights” to all manufacture of cotton goods, silk and most important of all – Opium – then the most addictive drug in the world!
Few there are who understand the significance of this question! Most are not aware of it, but there are no qualified replacements to take her place should she die except the Messiah Himself. I addressed this situation in my Watchman’s Teaching Letter #51, July, 2002 as follows:
You will remember that in the last two Teaching Letters, #49 and #50, I promised to document that Queen Elizabeth II’s husband, Philip, was of questionable blood and how all the children from that union are unfit to take the Throne of David, which the British throne represents. I said the following in lesson #49: “… from the news I notice the queen-mother of England is dead. I’m fully persuaded Elizabeth II is the last pure-blooded descendant of David left to sit on the throne, while Philip Mountbatten and his heirs are of questionable blood presenting prophecy problems.” Then again in lesson #50 I reiterated: “In the last lesson, I briefly mentioned that the queen-mother of Britain had died. I believe that this is a major mile-marker in time as to where we are today on Yahweh’s time-clock. I would remind you that Scripture says in no uncertain terms that there would always be a descendant of David on a throne somewhere until Messiah’s Second Advent. Conceivably, this could mean: if the present Queen Elizabeth II were to have a heart attack and die, and our Redeemer has not returned, the promise to David is a lie and our Bible is untrustworthy. I also pointed out that Queen Elizabeth II’s husband was of questionable blood, and because Elizabeth had taken an unsuitable mate, thus violating Yahweh’s Law of kind after kind, her children by that marriage are unfit to take the throne” (i.e., Shuah vs. Tamar, Gen. 38).
THE FOLLOWING ACCUSATION OF HIGH TREASON against Lord Carrington, Lord Soames, Sir Ian Gilmour, Sir Anthony Duff and other members at the Foreign Office in their recent betrayal of Rhodesia has been sent by the writer to the Chief Inspector of her county’s Special Branch. While holding no faith in the reliability of Mrs. Thatcher, we publish it without hesitation in admiration of Miss Crawford’s brave action and because the media will do their utmost to prevent her accusation becoming public knowledge.
I wish to bring this accusation against the above named for the following reasons:
EVERYONE READING THE DAVID DUKE REPORT UNDERSTANDS the crisis faced by the White World. All White nations have a severe non-White immigration crisis. Every White nation has a critically low birth rate that will result in a greatly diminished White population. In America, even the U.S. Government has officially projected that those of European descent will become a minority in four or five decades. We will be outnumbered and outvoted in the nation our forefathers built!When that happens our people will be politically prostrate at the feet of those who have envied and hated us for generations, and the result will be similar to the wide scale murder and dispossession White farmers now face in Zimbabwe. If the dispossession of our people would occur only in our beloved America, at least our genetic and cultural heritage would survive elsewhere, but every White nation on earth is undergoing a racial transformation similar to America’s.
How to Recognise and Identify a Jew
These days, nearly everyone is mixed to some extent. There are very few pure of any of the three main races. The three main races are White, Asian [Oriental] and Black. Many Gentiles have all three of these races in them, especially in the Mediterranean areas where the three continents meet. Most have two. The Jew is thoroughly mixed with all three. The Jews are a distinct race within all races. In other words, there are white Jews, black Jews, Oriental Jews and while the Jew may be black, white or yellow, they are still of the Jewish race.
JOHN TYNDALL – FOUNDER OF THE BRITISH NATIONAL PARTY, editor of Spearhead and chairman of the National Front during its most successful era – died on July 19th a few days after his 71st birthday. His shockingly premature death leaves the racial nationalist movement reeling at the loss of its most astute and courageous leader.
There could never be a good time to endure such a loss, but it seems particularly tragic that we have lost JT precisely at the moment when the ideas to which he devoted his life have been most thoroughly vindicated, while the party he created remains in crisis.
Born in Exeter on July 14th 1934, John Tyndall spent his childhood in the London area and was educated at Beckenham & Penge Grammar School. Devoting his earliest years to sport, he had trials as a fast bowler with Kent County Cricket Club before national service in Germany with the Royal Horse Artillery.
The Tyndall family was descended from William Tyndale, the pioneer translator of the Bible into English, who was a persistent irritant to the political authorities of his time and was burned at the stake in 1536. A more recent ancestor was JT’s namesake and great-great-uncle Professor John Tyndall, one of Britain’s greatest scientists.
JONATHAN WILLIAMS RECORDED IN HIS LEGIONS OF SATAN (1781) that General Cornwallis revealed to General Washington during the signing of the Article of Capitulation signed by Cornwallis at Yorktown that:–
“A holy war will now begin on America, and when it is ended America will be supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the Crown.”
THIS BOOK IS DEDICATED TO GERALD KAUFMAN, Jewish Member of Parliament for the U.K., ancestrally from Poland, who not only in his policies typifies trends towards an England in the year 2,000 as depicted in it, but has taken a lead in trying to prevent its publication by penal action against its author for his writings.
In June 1991, acting merely on a complaint by Kaufman, police invaded and ransacked the author’s home, and seized a copy of the first draft of this book.
Thereafter, with the necessary scrutiny and consent of the Attorney General, a prosecution was started against him for some other literature seized. This was at the outset suspended by a High Court injunction which the author obtained, pending a Judicial Review by that Court of the legality of the warrant used for the raid, leave for which Review he had previously applied for and had been granted. When that Judicial Review was about to take place in November 1992, the police finally at the last moment, to avoid a High Court decision of censure, admitted that the warrant was invalid, and the search and seizure consequently unlawful; and abandoned the prosecution, agreeing to return all of the property seized and since then retained.
The Attorney General – the highest law officer in the land appointed by the government of the day- thus stads condemned for having sanctioned under Jewish pressure a prosecution of a political opponent for expressing freedom of thought, an attempt at suppression based moreover on what he must have known was an illegal raid. Such was the threat to freedom in 1992.
What will it be like in the year 2,000?
THIS BOOK IS DEDICATED TO GERALD KAUFMAN, Jewish Member of Parliament for the U.K., ancestrally from Poland, who not only in his policies typifies trends towards an England in the year 2,000 as depicted in it, but has taken a lead in trying to prevent its publication by penal action against its author for his writings.
In June 1991, acting merely on a complaint by Kaufman, police invaded and ransacked the author’s home, and seized a copy of the first draft of this book.
Thereafter, with the necessary scrutiny and consent of the Attorney General, a prosecution was started against him for some other literature seized. This was at the outset suspended by a High Court injunction which the author obtained, pending a Judicial Review by that Court of the legality of the warrant used for the raid, leave for which Review he had previously applied for and had been granted. When that Judicial Review was about to take place in November 1992, the police finally at the last moment, to avoid a High Court decision of censure, admitted that the warrant was invalid, and the search and seizure consequently unlawful; and abandoned the prosecution, agreeing to return all of the property seized and since then retained.
The Attorney General – the highest law officer in the land appointed by the government of the day- thus stands condemned for having sanctioned under Jewish pressure a prosecution of a political opponent for expressing freedom of thought, an attempt at suppression based moreover on what he must have known was an illegal raid. Such was the threat to freedom in 1992.
What will it be like in the year 2,000?
The assassination mystery unraveled by Barry Chamish’s online book, Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin, links it to the modern Knights Templar. This is no surprise to those who are aware of the designs which the modern Freemasons have on the Holy Land, i.e., to seize the Temple Mount and recreate Jerusalem as a Masonic city from which to rule the world. To appreciate the enormous political ambition and power of modern Freemasonry, you will want to read Barry’s update on the Rabin assassination. It seems that the coroner who presided over Yitzhak Rabin’s autopsy also conducted another autopsy on one Alisdair Rosslyn Sinclair — a blue blood Knight Templar who would have been a front runner in the Merovingian campaign for election as King of Jerusalem.
Fidel Castro entered Havana on January 8, 1959, to wild acclaim from all quarters. Most Cubans were jubilant; Castro was promising an end to the corrupt governments that had plagued Cuba since independence. Far from any Communism, Castro was promising a revolution “as green as Cuba’s palm trees!” with national elections in three months. Private property would be secure, a free press guaranteed, friendly relations with the U.S. were essential.
“Fidel esta es tu casa!” read impromptu signs that were springing up across the front of thousands of Cuban homes, including mansions, humble country shacks and everything in between.
The New York Times had been singing Castro’s praises since the first interview with him as a rebel in February 1957. By now most of the international press had joined the cheerleading. Jack Paar never treated a guest on his Tonight Show as deferentially as he treated honored guest Fidel Castro. Ed Sullivan hailed Castro as “Cuba’s George Washington.” Retired president Harry Truman called Castro a “good young man trying to do what’s best for Cuba. We should extend him a hand.” The U.S. actually accorded diplomatic recognition to Castro’s government more quickly than it had recognized Batista’s in 1952. In fact, the promptness of this U.S. recognition set a record for recognition of a Latin American government. Usually the process took weeks;for Castro, it took mere days.
Yet within three months of his entry into Havana, Castro’s firing squads had murdered an estimated 600-1,100 men and boys, and Cuba’s jails held ten times the number of political prisoners as under Fulgencio Batista, who Castro overthrew with claims to “liberating” Cuba.
Barely a year in power, Castro was referring to the U.S. as “a vulture preying on humanity!” And most of Cuba’s newspapers and TV stations (Cuba had more TVs per capita at the time than Germany,Canada or France) were under government control, to better serve “the people.” Six months later he confiscated all U.S. properties on the Island, 5,911 businesses worth $2 billion worth, along with most property and businesses owned by Cubans.
AN HUNDRED YEARS AGO IT HAD BECOME KNOWN that they were the Templars under a veil, and therefore the Degree was proscribed, and, ceasing to be worked, became a mere brief and formal ceremony, under another name. Now, from the tomb in which after his murders he rotted, Clement the Fifth howls against the successors of his victims, in the Allocution of Pio Nono against the Free-Masons.
The ghosts of the dead Templars haunt the Vatican and disturb the slumbers of the paralyzed Papacy, which, dreading the dead, shrieks out its excommunications and impotent anathemas against the living. It is a declaration of war, and was needed to arouse apathy and inertness to action.
An enemy of the Templars shall tell us the secret of this Papal hostility against an Order that has existed for centuries in despite of its anathemas, and as its Sanctuaries and Asylum even in Rome.
A DENSE DARKNESS IS FALLING OVER AMERICA AND THE WORLD. Truth-tellers are becoming an extinct breed. Many Americans are afraid to speak the truth or even to hear the truth, fearful of intimidation by the government, and ridicule and ostracism by their friends and family.
Some on the Internet, who are willing to post “all points of view,” are becoming increasingly squeamish about taking a hard stand for truth on sensitive issues. They exercise their “Freedom of Speech” (sort of) while still trying to remain politically correct, attempting to dance delicately through the political minefields while trying to remain “acceptable” to all sides.
All too frequently these days, when one boldly speaks truth, the listener begins to get nervous and fidgety, furtively glancing over his or her shoulder, and often responds, “You better be careful what you say.”
Whatever happened to REAL Freedom of Speech in America? On this web site, you will find an in-depth analysis of the story behind the news, the real truth – from the political, social, religious and medical perspectives – and where each story fits into the bigger picture of the diabolical plan of the Illuminati and the Zionist Jews to destroy America and to rule the World.
This web site is owned and operated by Lorraine Day, M.D. ALL of the information written on this web site has been written by Lorraine Day, M.D., who is totally responsible for its content, with the exception of links to other documentation to support this web site information. In those cases, it will be obvious that another author has written it.
It is easy now to get someone’s identity and whereabouts from their cell phone at any time by your mobile phone signal?
New laws coming in makes cell phones a dangerous thing to have, as anyone may now be targeted by drone attacks even within the USA, and in many countries innocent people have already been bombed, wedding parties, children at play, and even outside school groups have all been killed by remote idiot drone attacks, as there is now nowhere to hide.
The Military Industrial Complex only has one remit and that is for war, and once this huge financial leviathan is rolling it cannot be stopped, and if there are no enemies it will invent them, and at a last resort will target them at home, and in the US now we are all at risk.
Harper’s readers are familiar with Mr. Walker’s articles and the skilful mechanics of the Allied war. He now gives us a look at some of the disconcertingly effective tricks that were hidden up the enemy sleeve.
Someone wrote to Wright Field recently, saying he understood this country had got together quite a collection of enemy war secrets, that many were now on public sale, and could he, please, be sent everything on German jet engines. The Air Documents Division of the Army Air Forces answered.:
“Sorry – but that would be fifty tons.”
Moreover, that fifty tons was just a small portion of what is today undoubtedly the biggest collection of captured enemy war secrets ever assembled. If you always thought of war secrets – as who hasn’t? – as coming in sixes and sevens, as a few items of information readily handed on to the properly interested authorities, it may interest you to learn that the war secrets in this collection run into the thousands, that the mass of documents is mountainous, and that there was never before been anything quite comparable to it.
WEATHER PERSONS OFTEN REFER TO HURRICANES AS ACTS OF “MOTHER NATURE,” a personification which may not be far from the truth. For “Mother Nature” is an esoteric allusion to the Great Mother Goddess, and many of the recent hurricanes have distinctive characteristics that hint at an occult connection. At one time an anti-establishment underground, the global network of occult societies have now become the occult establishment, having managed to infiltrate and subvert the machinery of government to bring about a new world order. This fact of postmodern culture, which is well-documented on this website, suggests two probabilities related to the increasing frequency and severity of hurricanes in the United States: that occultists in high places are creating and manipulating the weather using new, albeit secret, technologies and that the names of the hurricanes have been pre-selected to convey occult messages.
There is compelling evidence that point #1 is not mere speculation, but fact. Trevor Ravenscroft wrote in The Spear of Destiny that Hitler said of the “New Man”: “Even the weather–-would be subject to him.” (pp. 250-1) In his 1970 book, Between Two Ages, former U.S. National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brezezinski (CFR/TC/B) mentioned “weather control” as a “new weapon” and a “key element of strategy.”
“Technology will make available, to the leaders of major nations, techniques for conducting secret warfare, of which only a bare minimum of the security forces need be appraised… Techniques of weather modification could be employed to produce prolonged periods of drought or storm.”
A large amount of material has been written about the relationship of Blacks to Whites and Blacks to Jews in the scheme of things.
Blacks have long had had a love-hate relationship to whites for a number of reasons, which are well known to everyone. Their relationship to the Jews on the other hand has vacillated between out-and-out hate to unmitigated love. This is due to the Jews having for many decades been in the forefront of championing civil rights and in some cases have even given their lives to that worthy cause, albeit unwillingly.
Whether this is so because of guilt feelings on the part of the Jews I don’t know. That seems to be a plausible explanation even though guilt feelings toward another race are actually an unknown quantity amongst the Jews.
We know that the slave trade was a multi-layered affair involving numerous nations and groups of people. None of the slaves would have been captured had it not been for other Blacks who went inland from the African coastal regions raiding unsuspecting villages and marching the unfortunates to the coast. How many died during these brutal marches will never be known. Once arrived at the coast they were sold to White slavers who had been waiting for their “merchandise”. These slavers were of different nationalities, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch and last but certainly not least, the ubiquitous English, always present when injustice and horrors have been committed.
As everyone knows, trade requires capital. Traders seldom if ever have their own capital. As everyone also knows, merchandise and the means of transporting this merchandise must be insured against loss.
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates taught his students that the pursuit of truth can only begin once they start to question and analyse every belief that they ever held dear. If a certain belief passes the tests of evidence, deduction, and logic, it should be kept. If it doesn’t, the belief should not only be discarded, but the thinker must also then question why he was led to believe the erroneous information in the first place. Not surprisingly, this type of teaching didn’t sit well with the ruling elite of Greece. Many political leaders throughout history have always sought to mislead the thinking of the masses. Socrates was tried for “subversion” and for “corrupting the youth”. He was then forced to take his own life by drinking poison. It’s never easy being an independent thinker! Today, our ruling government/media complex doesn’t kill people for pursuing the truth about the world (at least not yet!) They simply label them as “extremists” or “paranoid”, destroying careers and reputations in the process. For many, that’s a fate even worse than drinking poison hemlock!
Most are so far brainwashed that they think we shouldn’t study this. However, we know “We must worship Him in both SPIRIT and in TRUTH.” John 4:24 (Not just in spirit) Learn the truth of over 200 bible scriptures listed here that command racial segregation.
Describing The Crime of Race-Mixing Demonstrated
Punishable Only By The Death Penalty, Mandated By Our King Jesus Christ. (Government’s Responsibility)
Read for yourself out of God’s Holy Word, as we’ve printed here directly from the King James Version; the Nordic Race has always been a separate unmixed Ethnic Culture and Heritage distinct and Separate from all the other Wonderful Cultures and Beautiful Peoples God placed on His earth.
This Culture in the days of the Kingdom of David and Solomon Enforced the Capital Punishment Laws in Government, much like the Government of the United States of a America which enforced intermarriage as a Felony in 28 States with mandatory fines and imprisonment all the way up until the year 1968.
America was made a homeland for whites by killing millions of non-whites. As the nation deteriorated we stooped as low as to make jail sentences for a black marrying a white, rather than capital punishment our God has always required. The great state of Alabama has kept interracial marriage illegal up until the year 2000. Immorality is still immorality and our people must repent of SIN!
This was just some of the first acts of rebellion against our God Jesus Christ. God Doesn’t change “I am YAHWEH, I changeth not” (Mal 3:6) So neither Can we try and change His New Jerusalem (CHRISTIAN AMERICA).
To understand the word GENTILE simply means RACE, and the Chosen Israel RACE go to this website. to see how it is used through the entire bible.
The year 1948 was a turning point for Germany. She had been mercilessly destroyed to a degree practically unfathomable to the normal human mind. Millions upon millions of people had been killed in air raids, in combat, during the ethnic cleansing of her eastern provinces of Silesia, Prussia, Pommerania and in the bastard-state Czechoslovakia, that artificially created dagger in the heart of the most creative, civilised and industrious country of Europe, all with the express approval and encouragement of the victorious allies,
The destruction visited upon Germany during WW2 has no equal in the annals of recorded history, because it not only meant the utter destruction of her industry, but her agriculture, her civilian population centres, her currency, her military, her reputation, her incredible cultural centres, her very soul. Just to have thought (or indeed to think in the year 2004) as a German, was defamed, demonised and spat upon and people were forced to recant their very convictions. Millions of Germans were worked to death, or had their health irrevocably ruined as slave labourers in the former Soviet Union, in France and the UK. The crimes committed by the allies against the entire German nation are so horrendous as to defy description. Every human right so loudly proclaimed by the western democracies was trampled (and is being trampled still) underfoot.
PRINT THIS IF YOU ARE SERIOUS ABOUT LEARNING SOME THINGS! It’s far longer then initially intended and to read it in its entirety sitting in front of a computer screen is not recommended. It would be too tiresome.
It’s not only about German contributions to the world at large, it’s also about the present-day annihilation of the German people as such, about the incessant vilification and character assassination which takes place in the world. I have tried to point some of it out, only being able to scratch the surface. The ‘Hate-everything German’ is so all-inclusive as to be mind-numbing and quite frankly is comprehensible only when understanding the Jewish hate which has poisoned the minds of man for centuries. This horrible, irrational hatred is directed against all peoples of German blood, whether they be Germans, or Scandinavians, or ethnic Germans living the world over. This is so grotesquely successful that ethnic Germans world-wide are literally afraid to defend their good name.
The real horror is, a person cannot tell the truth without being howled down as a “Hater”, but the true haters are hailed as paragons of virtue!
The so-called Holocaust, a purely Jewish invention of the past 40 years, has been hammered into the minds of people to such a degree, that it has become a sacrosanct religion, a dogma which illicits knee-jerk responses from otherwise rational people. It has been said that the truth eventually triumphs. Well, I am afraid this maybe incorrect. If the truth is assassinated relentlessly by the media world-wide, soon it matters not whether proof of the Jews dishonesty is overwhelming. We know for example that the Jews have literally destroyed civilizations and are so relentlessly hate-filled against all none-Jews that it is impossible for even a giant such as George Washington, to avoid the infestation of a nation. We know the Holocaust to be a fabrication, for even prominent Jews admit that the eye-witnesses are notoriously unreliable (and eye-witnesses is essentially all they have), yet the pervert who can be credited with the invention of this fable, Elie Wiesel is given the Nobel Peace Prize! Ask for forensic proof (such as even ONE autopsy, ONE pile of bones or ashes, where there should be 20.000 tons of it), as is required in any court of law, and one is instantly smeared as a ‘hater’. This whole thing is so odious, so foul and evil, languages have no words for it.
THE ARISTOCRACY OF THE GOYIM AS A POLITICAL FORCE IS DEAD—we need not take it into account; but as landed proprietors they can still be harmful to us from the fact that they are self-sufficing in the resources upon which they live. It is essential for us at whatever cost to deprive them of their land. This object will be best attained by increasing the burdens on landed property—in loading land with debts.
(The foregoing quotation is alleged by the People to whom it is attributed, to be a “forgery,” so we will say that it is one of Grimm’s Fairy Tales.)
I suppose that there never was a time when so much nonsense was talked by so many people on so many subjects, as the present. Sober judgement was once the object of respectful attention; but nowadays none is so poor as to do it reverence. The very foundations of considered opinion appear to be undermined; words, in our new “wonderland,” mean what we want them to mean, and are used, not so much to conceal our thought as to advertise our determination to dispense with it.
IN HIS PROPHETIC NOVEL, 1984, GEORGE ORWELL envisioned the kind of society America is rapidly becoming. A motto of that “future” time was, “Who controls the present, controls the past, who controls the past, controls the future.” Part of that mind-control was assisted by the Memory Hold. It was an incinerator into which where thrown any pieces of information about the past which were considered damaging to the Big Brother System. To demonstrate how close the Jew-controlled Establishment in our country resembles that of 1984, we present the story of William Dudley Pelley.
Although the leader of a mass-movement that commanded headlines throughout the decade of the 1930’s, his name is totally unknown today, except to a handful of researchers. Outside of infrequent, fleeting references to him in a few histories of the Depression Era, there are no books about his dramatic life; not even any newspaper or magazine articles. His photograph cannot be found outside the pages of The New Order, nor any photographs of his tens of thousands of followers, even though both his image and theirs dominated newsreels and publications of the time. His speeches are unobtainable even though they were heard by millions, sometimes over national-wide radio broadcasts.
IT IS GENERALLY RECOGNISED BY SCIENCE THAT WHAT IS NOW DRY LAND, on the surface of our globe, was once the ocean floor, and that what is now the ocean floor was once dry land. Geologists have in some cases been able to specify the exact portions of the earth’s surface where these subsidencies and upheavals have taken place, and although the lost continent of Atlantis has so far received scant recognition from the world of science, the general consensus of opinion has for long pointed to the existence, at some prehistoric time, of a vast southern continent to which the name of Lemuria has been assigned.
The history of the earth’s development shows us that the distribution of land and water on its surface is ever changes of the earth’s crust, elevations and depressions of the ground take place everywhere, sometimes more strongly marked in one place, sometimes in another. Even if they
happen so slowly that in the course of centuries the seashore rises or sinks only a few inches, or even only a few lines, still they nevertheless effect great results in the course of long time have not been wanting in the earth’s history.
During the course of many millions of years, ever since organic life existed on the earth, land and water have perpetually struggled for supremacy. Continents and islands have sunk into the sea, new ones have arisen out of its bosom. Lakes and seas have been slowly raised and dried up, and near water basins have arisen by the sinking of the ground. Peninsulas have become islands by the narrow neck of land which connected them with the mainland sinking into the water. The islands of an archipelago have become the peaks of a continuous chain of mountains by the whole floor of their sea being considerably raised.
“Thus the Mediterranean at one time was an inland sea, when in the place of the Straits of Gibraltar, an isthmus connected Africa with Spain. England even during the more recent history of the earth, when man already (misted, has repeatedly been connected with the European continent and been repeatedly separated from it. Nay, even Europe and North America have been directly connected.
The South Sea at one time formed a large Pacific Continent. and the numerous little islands which now lie scattered in it were simply the highest peaks of the mountains covering that continent. The Indian Ocean formed a continent which extended from the Sunda Islands along the southern coast of Asia to the east coast of Africa. This large continent of former times. So later, an Englishman has called Lemuria, from the monkey-like animals which inhabited it, and it is at the same time of great importance from being the probable cradle of the human race, which in all likelihood here first developed out of anthropoid apes.
And I will raise up for them a plant of renown, and they shall be no more consumed with hunger in the land. – – Ezekiel 34/29
WHERE DID THE WORD ‘MARIJUANA’ COME FROM? In the mid 1930’s, the M-word was created to tarnish the good image and phenomenal history of the hemp plant …as you will read. The facts cited here, with references, are generally verifiable in the Encyclopaedia Britannica, which was printed on hemp paper for 150 years:
All schoolbooks were made from hemp or flax paper until the 1880s; Hemp Paper Reconsidered, Jack Frazier, 1974.
It was LEGAL TO PAY TAXES WITH HEMP in America from 1631 until the early 1900’s; LA Times, August 12, 1981.
REFUSING TO GROW HEMP in America during the 17th and 18th Centuries WAS AGAINST THE LAW! You could be jailed in Virginia for refusing to grow hemp from 1763 to 1769; Hemp in Colonial Virginia, G. M. Herdon.
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and other founding fathers GREW HEMP; Washington and Jefferson Diaries. Jefferson smuggled hemp seeds from China to France then to America.
Benjamin Franklin owned one of the first paper mills in America and it processed hemp. Also, the War of 1812 was fought over hemp. Napoleon wanted to cut off Moscow’s export to England; Emperor Wears No Clothes, Jack Herer.
For thousands of years, 90% of all ships’ sails and rope were made from hemp. The word ‘canvas’ is Dutch for hemp; Webster’s New World Dictionary.
80% of all textiles, fabrics, clothes, linen, drapes, bed sheets, etc. were made from hemp until the 1820s with the introduction of the cotton gin.
The first Bibles, maps, charts, Betsy Ross’s flag, the first drafts of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were made from hemp; U.S. Government Archives.
The first crop grown in many states was hemp. 1850 was a peak year for Kentucky producing 40,000 tons. Hemp was the largest cash crop until the 20th Century; State Archives.
Oldest known records of hemp farming go back 8000 years in Persia. Hemp industrialisation began 5000 years ago in Central Asia and North Africa, in ancient Persia, China and Egypt.
THIS VOLUME reproduces in full the 22-page Morgenthau Plan for the first time. This is just the editor’s Introduction].
It also prints a selection of key British and American documents relating to the plan, although the story is still incomplete: many parts of the British foreign office files relating to it are still closed to public inspection, an exception to the general thirty-year rule.
The Morgenthau Plan, more formally known as the Treasury Plan for the Treatment of Germany, was devised by Assistant Treasury Secretary Harry Dexter White and Secretary Henry R. Morgenthau Jr. in the summer of 1944. Morgenthau had just visited the battlefields of Normandy and spoken with General Dwight D Eisenhower, the Supreme Allied Commander, then arrived in Britain for talks with Mr Winston Churchill, the British prime minister and his advisers.
While important elements of the Plan, including the subtle re-education of the Germans by their own refugees and the dismantling of German heavy industry to aid British exports, were indeed put into effect, in the directive 1067 which the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff finally issued to Eisenhower, the main parts of the Morgenthau Plan, including orders to liquidate entire classes of suspected Nazi war criminals upon simple identification, and to leave the German nation to ‘stew in its own juice,’ were not formally implemented.
The Morgenthau Plan would have led to the death by starvation and pestilence of ten million Germans in the first two years after the war, in addition to the one million who had been killed in the saturation bombing and the three million killed in the enforced expulsion from Germany’s eastern territories.
ALTHOUGH this book is written from a British point of view, my hope is that it will prove useful to the patriots of other lands, not least those of the United States and South Africa. In recent years several excellent American books, devoted to an exposure of traitors on that side of the Atlantic, and of their powerful protectors, have been published, and if their authors care to study the facts here made available, and the deductions drawn from them, they may conclude, as I have done, that the conspiracy in their midst, so far from having a purely American significance, is global and aims at securing as far as possible control over the whole world. They will certainly perceive that the techniques employed to bring about the subjugation of mankind are very much the same as and sometimes identical with, the techniques used for the furtherance of traitorous policies in the United States.
As a conspiracy by its very nature is secret, it is not often possible to bring against it a direct case, as distinct from a case based on circumstantial evidence. When a conspiracy has been active for many years, however, there are bound to be occasions when it reveals its existence, and these self-exposures have to be used as pointers to its overall plan. What provides the main proof is that, the policy objective having become known, there has been continuity of the policy pursued to achieve it in one country after another, with no turning aside during the course of several decades. Whether or not one takes a deterministic view of human life, multitudinous events have the appearance of being accidental. Even so, where policies all over the world are shaped to the attainment of one end, the explanation that they can be traced to a large number of accidents or coincidences places a greater strain on credulity than does the belief that they have been deliberately contrived, especially when the mass of circumstantial evidence is examined. Any belief that the present drive for political monopoly derives from a universal fear of further wars can scarcely survive the evidence produced in this book of the actual use for which the various internationalist agencies have been employed. The fear undoubtedly exists, but my thesis is intended to make clear beyond doubt that it has been and is being shamelessly exploited for the setting up of a world tyranny.
It is exasperating to the author, and so it may be to the reader, that the makers of the conspiracy have to be given some general name, such as the Money Power, or the Power Elite, or the manipulators of international policy. As they do not name themselves, and as they work sometimes in one combination, sometimes in another, and as—like the rest of humanity—they are often rent by internal dissension and by rival bids for power, I do not know of any way of avoiding this difficulty. One can but vary the message contained in Holy Writ and say : “By their policy objectives shall ye know them”. Several of the agents and agencies are not thus hidden, and these I have duly named.
What is the origin of the “Star of David”? Was it really the ancient symbol on David’s shield? Did it originate with king Solomon? What is the meaning of two interlaced triangles, one pointed upward and one pointed down? Where did this ancient symbol REALLY originate? Why does this symbol figure so prominently in the modern nation of Israel, today? You may be totally shocked at the explosive, provocative answers to these questions!
A Jewish Orthodox Internet web site tells us: “The Magen David (shield of David, or as it is more commonly known, the Star of David) is the symbol most commonly associated with Judaism today, but it is actually a relatively new Jewish symbol. It is supposed to represent the shape of King David’s shield (or perhaps the emblem on it), but there is really no support for that claim in any early rabbinic literature. In fact, the symbol is so rare in early Jewish literature and artwork that art dealers suspect forgery if they find the symbol in early works.
“Scholars such as Franz Rosenzweig have attributed deep theological significance to the symbol. For example, some note that the top triangle strives upward, toward G-d, while the lower triangle strives downward, toward the real world. Some note that the intertwining makes the triangles inseparable, like the Jewish people. Some say that the three sides represent the three types of Jews: Kohanin, Levites and Israel. Some note that there are actually 12 sides (3 exterior and 3 interior on each triangle), representing the 12 tribes. While these theories are theologically interesting, they have little basis in historical fact.”
We both have heard about “Racialism”, but we fail to Locate it–where is it?
THE ONLY RACIALISM that exists and should exist amongst us is the Alien Menance who, as this little book conveys to us, are the White Asiatics–the Jews!
I have had this little book reprinted, from the works of the Late Dr. Clarke, simply because (although it was written in 1921) it conveys to us Descendants of Boer and Briton, that even then this English Doctor endeavoured to prove to us that we were getting away from the true cause of our separation from each other, and that there were real Englishmen in England who understood our troubles.
Furthermore, so very very few South Africans, both Afrikaans and English speaking know the facts which are recorded in our Cape Blue books pertaining to the Cause of the Jameson’s Raid and the Boer War.
Herein you will read about the Jew Phillips and others’ plot, this same Jew (now Sir Phillips) who to-day resides in the former Residence of one of our old Dutch Governors’ houses, was one of those who were directly concerned in this big question in South Africa.
THE FRIENDS OF A MAN saw he was in poor health and that something serious must be wrong. The man, however, reasoned that it was all due to merely a lack of sleep, improper eating habits or possibly a case of emotional depression. When his condition did not improve, the man was strongly urged to contact a doctor. After a routine examination, the physician recommended that specialists in internal problems be consulted. The patient did, and the later diagnosis was a frightening one: cancer.
The disease was beginning to literally eat away the innards of the sick man. Drastic remedial measures were in order if he were to be made well. Accepting the conclusions of the doctors, the cancer victim agreed to undergo treatment on a large area of his digestive system. By recognizing his sickness and by cooperating with his healers, the man was saved. It took much effort and pain, but the dreadful disease was defeated. There is a similarity to be drawn between this sick man and present-day America. Many who respect and honour it see the United States is in extremely bad health. Symptoms of the nation’s illness are to be noted in many social and economic ways. It is to America’s credit that had most any other country suffered as the U.S. the other country would have been totally destroyed by now. America was blessed with a great foundation of strength and endurance. Considering the tremendous and lengthy attack that America’s enemy has carried on against it, one cannot be but impressed with these attributes.
The whole communications media is controlled by the greatest liars and con merchants on the planet. They spin lies everyday, all the time, unceasingly and without end. The people are entrapped and ensnared in all their falsehoods like a fly in a web.
HOAX. Taxation pays for the expenses of government. Taxation is legalised theft. Interest to the Bankers on their fraudulent “loans”.
The distinguished title given to tax collectors (H.M. Inspector of Taxes) is a falsehood and a lie.
The control of money is not vested in the crown. Not vested in the Queen in parliament where it should be. Tax collectors are not operating on behalf of her Majesty the Queen. Not operating on behalf of the British people or parliament whose powers regarding money are “non-existent”. They are working entirely on behalf of “the present hidden beneficiaries of taxation” [Captain Henry Kirby M.P.] in other words, the international Jewish financiers – Rothschild and company. Under this system, it should be clear to all that taxation is nothing more than legalised theft. Interest to the bankers on their fictitious “loans”. Enriching them and impoverishing the people. Tax collectors should be known truthfully and honestly as Rothschild’s tax collectors.
FOR THE BETTER PART of sixty-four of his eighty-five years this author has spent his time and money to discover the root causes for World War I and World War II and believes he has discovered them. The hour is late and time is growing short and the threat of World War III is a reality. This author’s efforts to place his knowledge at the disposal of Congress met with terrific resistance by those responsible for the predicament in which the U.S.A. now finds itself.
The gravity of this impending danger compels this author to call this possible disaster to the attention of Americans. This danger is a threat to everything they hold precious. The facts which follow will disclose the existence of the conspiracy which succeeded in railroading the USA into World War I and World War II. There is still time now to stop World War III before it starts — if the two hundred million grass-roots Americans will exert their influence on Congress.
The disclosures in this essay reveal how Congress dishonoured, degraded and disgraced the USA by condoning the bribery and blackmail responsible for the crisis which today threatens us. There never was any justification for Congress to make the USA the ally and accomplice of the six hundred thousand Zionist thieves and murderers illegally transplanted into Palestine who, on May 14, 1948, “proclaimed” their armed uprising the spurious so-called “State of Israel.”