The Time of Mysteries Almost Over
(Oh! How We Wish This Would Prove To Be True)
MORE AND MORE THE MYSTERIES OF THE PART CONCERNING THIS ADAMIC RACE ARE BEING REVEALED in spite of the clamp put on this knowledge by the hand of the Desolator. In the past several years we have been uncovering from old books information to substantiate the things we learned from the Swift ministry, and we are finding that as we come to the climax of this age that even modern writers are now coming forth pointing out the many things which identify our race with the people of the BOOK. Bonnie Gaunt is one these writers who has been researching and uncovering more information she connects the symbolism of old monuments and such built by the Master Builders in certain portions of the earth. She is finding as we have that every thing built as these people followed the pathway laid out for them, is connected symbolically and geometrically with YAHWEH-YAHSHUA, that each left a message for his people and many continue unto this day to speak to anyone who pauses to look and listen.
What many of our people fail to understand today is that our Race, the Adamic Race came into earth possessing all the knowledge necessary to build and equip such a civilization. They also do not understand that this race came into earth with a definite purpose in mind, which was to build a Kingdom for their Heavenly Father, and that this kingdom should once and for all times stop the Satanic misleading of the created people of earth.
‘History and Significance of The Sacred Tabernacle of The Hebrews.’
Book Review
(And the word is Hebrew, not Jew)
Imagine if you can the tents of two million people pitched around a Hollow SQUARE; each division containing 3 tribes of Israel, and they were pitched there for 3/4 of one year.
In this hollow square the Tabernacle was erected, and it faced the east, and in the Court surrounding it was the brazen laver for the ablutions of the priests, and the great altar of burnt offering on which the fire was perpetually maintained.
In this great encampment the Tabernacle was the most important, but what was this edifice? Whence came it? For what purpose was it erected? Fifty days after the Exodus from Egypt, Moses received on Mount Sinai the two tablets of stone on which YAHWEH had inscribed the 10 Commandments. At the same time he received the instructions to build a Tabernacle with minute instructions as to form, measure and material. Immediately a corps of Artisans skilled in various kinds of work came forth and were placed under the supervision of Bezaleel of the tribe of Judah, and Aholiab of the tribe of Dan next to him in authority. After much practice in Egypt their skills were well developed, thus now led by the spirit of YAHWEH the workmen accomplished this building in 9 months. After the Tabernacle was built then the specified area was enclosed, and the altar and the laver then the specified area was enclosed, and the furniture for the two apartments of the Tabernacle were placed.
It was just one year to the day since the Israelites left Egypt on the 14th., day of the first month of that year. Before this a tent had taken the place of this building which now was covered with the cloud and the appearance of fire by night. When this covering was in place the Israelites rested in their tents.
Now; the sanctuary was completed and it was dedicated through a ceremony lasting 12 days, each tribe came offering sacrifice at their appointed time.
Lost Israel? Or Just Blind Sheep?
WE SEE HERE IN THE SPRING OF 1994, AFTER WE HAVE JUST PASSED RESURRECTION DAY, NOW CALLED EASTER, that we still remember this day as the Resurrection of our Saviour, although many things have been added to the Celebration, and we are thankful for this. We remember the 1960’s and the message of the Swift Ministry pointing out this leftward drift of the organized church world in this fulfilling of prophecy as the ‘falling away’ from the true Faith. We remember the preaching of World brotherhood; love everybody, do your own thing, get along with everyone by joining them, and love not war.
We also remember that many of our young as well as some of the older folks fell for this line thus being casualties of those time as well, while others were able to keep their feet planted in the path they had been taught to follow, and even though some strayed a bit, still some returned in adulthood to their roots and picked up the mantle of knowledge and became good fathers and mothers of the future generation. That is the type of people which keeps this race alive to do their work for the building of YAHWEH’S Kingdom here in earth.
In our world today the oppressor has been very forthright in the practice of hiding doctrines, traditions and so forth until many, many of this race have lost their identity, not as to who Jesus is but as to who they are, and why they are here.
Some talk of the ‘Lost Tribes’ of Israel, how they were swallowed up in history and swallowed up in World Brotherhood. But no my friend, the tribes of Israel were never lost, it is our race which just lost track of them as they went into their migrations to find their permanent homes in the west, as YAHWEH had ordained that they should do. They are still in their same marching orders around the ‘House of Jacob’ which is now found in the West with the Jacob Stone under the Throne Chair in Westminster Abbey in England.
Many are the witnesses to this westward march if people would just read. Two good witnesses as to this migration westward are: .1. The Behistun Rock Inscription which has been photographed by many and translated for Israel’s dominate tracing of their history. The book “The Missing Link” by Raymond Cap carries a good picture of this Rock inscription and the interpretation as do several other books of history of that era.
It shows the House of Israel going into captivity and the work of Darius the King of Persia, and the land unto which they were taken, and from which they were freed to move on in destiny.
Visiting The Past
IN OUR WORLD TODAY ARCHAEOLOGY IS CONSIDERED A PROVEN SCIENCE, and we have been learning from this science all they have dug up of the past which traces the family history of this Adamic Race.
In this message we are considering the writings of Ivor Lissner (Above), along with what we have learned , so as to fill in the gaps perhaps of this story of YAHWEH’S people in this long struggle to build his kingdom here in earth.
Ivor Lissner was born in Germany where he studied law, history, anthropology and linguistics . Then he spent 17 years wandering through out the Mediterranean area, Asia Minor, and over Australia, and India and the rest of the far east. After that he sat down to write of these ancient civilizations he had caught a glimpse of and we hope his writings will fill in a part of our story.
Ivor Lissner tells us that the past is still with us although unknown by many. It is a memory buried deep in the subconscious, but can be arouse by this science of Archaeology, or a visit to a museum. After all from that experience you will have to realize that everything which is good on earth has its foundation in a belief in God. Surely there is a mystery in the past that we have not recognized which tells us that “We cannot live by bread alone,” as we are told in Matt: 4.
It took our Author some time to disclose all he had learned and he wrote two books for us to study, these were entitled: “The Living Past” and “The Silent Past.” He also tells us that Every Day of your life just happens once. Generations before you have striven for, and achieved as best they could.
And when you realize this, then you can know that you are setting upon a mountain of history and civilization that your race has built for you, over these thousands of years in the past. Have you ever reflected upon this and wondered just why you were placed here in the 20th century, and what part you were meant to play in this great Divine picture?
Now, let us look at some of the past which has been uncovered and see what Astronomy and Archaeology can tell us. For instance, these ancient people in Mesopotamia were interested in Astronomy. Why do you suppose they were so interested? They found by archaeology that these people believed in a resurrection after death. Why do you suppose they believed thus?
“The End of The Lord”
YE HAVE HEARD OF THE PATIENCE OF JOB, and have seen the END OF THE LORD, that the LORD is very pitiful, and of tender mercy.” (James 5:11) Few books of the Bible have received more attention than the Book of Job. This book of the Bible carries us back to the remote past, and contains the oldest lesson in the world. It is the lesson which is essential for us to learn before we can have Peace (understanding) with God, and for time, and for our enjoying the Peace of God for Eternity.
An Increase of Knowledge
WE DID THE BOOK REPORT FOR YOU OR “AMERICA B.C.” where now men and women were beginning to uncover many of these inscriptions found in America as being attached to out history. Barry Fell is listed by others as a great research individual, one of the greatest deciphers of all times. Now he has written another book, “Saga of America” published in 1988 which is making much of a commotion in the scientific world. In 1978 Dr. Raymond Dart from South Africa, where he worked as a palaeontologist, wrote to Barry Fell saying: ‘What you and your colleagues are doing in New England is basic. The spectacle of its potential repercussions upon mankind is fantastic to envisage.’ This was after he read the book “America B.C.”
Zoroaster – The Prophet of Iran – Book Report
YOU HAVE HEARD ME SPEAK OF THIS ANCIENT SAGE OF THE PAST, this one called a Persian prophet of old, the forerunner of those wise men of the east who came and bowed before the majesty of the new born ‘Light of the World’. Have always been curious as to who this man was and why he came at his time, on the scene as things were developing there in the Middle East some time before the birth of the Christ child. Here today we are finding more information all the time which fills in the gaps in our knowledge as to these things which effected the lives of these Covenant people of old.
Today we have a book written by A.V. Williams Jackson, professor of Indo-Iranian languages in Columbia University. the book published in 1965. This work deals with the life and legend of Zoroaster this so called prophet of Iran, the representative and type of the laws of the Medes and the Persians who played a part in the Biblical story. It has been only in the last few years that we are getting translations of these ancient records, or any knowledge of any books having been written on the subject. We would remind you that the Medes and the Persians came into the scriptural picture as a portion of Judah and Benjamin and their portion of Levi went into captivity in Babylon, after the ten tribes of Israel and many of Judah had gone into captivity some time before this.
Therefore who was this Zoroaster, that we gained a glimpse of in the story of Alexander the Great of Greece as he came into the land in about 320 BC? As Alexander the Great came along the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains he found some of the ancient Priests of the Zoroastrian faith and their sacred fires. They had an ancient faith that Alexander seemed to understand and to respect. He gave orders that they were to be protected and left alone. Thus what was this Zoroastrian faith which seemed to be a National faith, a National religion? We are finding that this was an Aryan faith, thus would be called a National faith, where as the Buddha religion is a universal religion, one more shaped for a One World Age.
Today the veil of myth is being cast aside and it is now readily admitted that Zoroaster was a historical character that he brought the ancient Faith to its fullness with the Persians, who remember brought down the ancient Babylonian Empire after the Medes had tried to do this. And were the ones in place as the Judahites were allowed to go back to Palestine and try to rebuild their temple.
Now; the Magi were also reputed masters of learning in ancient times, and they were an organization started by Enoch and taught the meaning of the ancient Star Bible. And we find that Zoroaster also stood for this learning of antiquity. We find also that Pythagoras studied under the masters there in ancient Babylon before its taking over by the forces of evil. That Plato was also said to be anxious to visit the east and to study with the Magi, but the Persian Holy Wars with Greece prevented this. Aristotle was also familiar with the secret writings of Zoroaster and perhaps this is where Alexander the Great learned of him and his ancient religious beliefs, for remember that Alexander the Great was going east to try to find the beginning of the Aryan race.
Chaco Canyon & History 1000 Years Ago
THE QUESTION ASKED AS PEOPLE LOOK OVER THE RUINS OF CHACO CANYON IS; who were these gifted Masons who obviously laboured long and hard those many years ago to build those homes and this community which existed in this Canyon and the outlying areas of what is now New Mexico and stretches from northern New Mexico into southern Colorado.
Robert and Florence C. Lister did much exploring and excavating as well as studying this area and then they wrote their book which is called simply, “Chaco Canyon” telling of their work. They point out many facts which leads to our conclusion as to who these ancient builders really were. We will see if you would agree.
Ezra + The Quakers
IN THE BOOK OF THE ARMENIAN VERSION OF IV EZRA TRANSLATED BY MICHAEL STONE, we find comparison of his version with the Books of Ezdras I and II. Ezra the prophet of Israel is in captivity in old Babylon. He is very discouraged as to the position of Israel, this House of God, in the earth. However, Ezra has noticed, since he has been here in Babylon, that the people here were doing many worse things than the Israelites had done when in their own land. And yet here was Israel, the last of Israel in captivity. It looked to him as though God’s people were finished in the earth. He could not quite believe this but he surely did not understand.
YAHWEH sent the Angel Uriel to comfort his servant Ezra, for He had work for him to do. Ezra is reminded that he does not of course, understand what makes the wind blow or the trees to grow so why would he question what was in the mind of YAHWEH for His people. Ezra acknowledges this but he is still disturbed. He has been a willing servant of YAHWEH up to now, and he does not question Him. He only wants to know why things have happened this way to Israel. The answer to Ezra is as it has always been to others: ‘Be patient until the appointed time be filled. For YAHWEH measured the time in measure and weighed the Eternities on a scale, and has counted the hours by number. He will not move nor will He be aroused until the appointed hour arrives.’ Ezra is told that when the time comes he will see and recognize the signs.
Actually what Ezra really wanted to know was, just when would all of this end and Ezra and his people be redeemed and restored. Ezra is then told that the days are coming when men will be amazed at so called ‘wonders’ when the ‘true faith’ shall hide from uprightness, when certain men shall speak perverse things with lying words and with varied fabrications. When certain ones having erred in hypocrisy thought the sanctity of worship, and when the earth will become a wilderness without rest and painless.
The Quest of Seth
IN THE WRITINGS OF MIDDLE ENGLISH LITERATURE, there kept appearing certain legends concerning this ‘Quest of Seth’ as well as the one about ‘The Wood of the Cross’. There was no exact scholarship of these ancient subjects until Esther Casier Quinn began in 1949, to look at these subjects at the suggestion of Professor Roger Loomis of Columbia University. This study then led to fields far more vast than had been anticipated as well as into many different languages.
Our author found this story of ‘The Quest of Seth’ for the ‘Oil of Mercy’ for his father Adam, in the writings of the French, English and German languages, as well as its presence in Medieval drama. The legend says that as Adam was bout to die, that he bid his son go to Paradise for the ‘oil of mercy’. As Seth arrives at Paradise, he is told that Adam’s request will not be granted at this time. Remember here that this is an ancient legend handed down from generation to generation and it is symbolism. Thus there is a message for this race in this legend.
When Seth is given the message that the time is not then for his father’s request to be fulfilled, then Seth is given ‘three’ glimpses of this land of Paradise. In the first glimpse, which Seth is permitted to see, he beheld a ‘Dry Tree’. In the second glimpse, he sees an ‘adder snake’ twisted around the trunk of that ‘Dry Tree’. And in the third glimpse, Seth sees a ‘New Born Baby’ in the top of the ‘Dry Tree’. DO YOU GET THE PICTURE? Seth is told that the Dry Tree with the serpent around it represents the ‘sin’ of Adam-man and the Baby is Christ who will be the ‘Oil of Mercy’.
You will remember that the scripture talks of this Dry Tree as being the kingdom of Israel in Old Judea. And the ‘Green Tree’ is the one that was growing in the West. But it was also from this dry tree of Judah line here in the East that Christ would declare His birth place as He came as Saviour to rescue His children now in earth. Adam would thus receive this ‘Oil of Mercy’, being restored thus at the coming of YAHSHUA. This legend thus was a symbolic legend. But also teaching a lesson and establishing as well a message for the Covenant people.
The legend also says that Seth was given three kernels from the ‘Tree of Life’ in Paradise. And he plants them in the mouth of his dead father. From those three kernels, three trees grew, a Cedar, a Cypress, and a Pine. And they remained, growing in the Vale of Hebron until the time of Moses. Then these three trees were uprooted by Moses and became the wands with which first he sweetens the waters of the marsh, and then brings forth Water from the Rock, (in the days of the Exodus.).
Review – Ancient Cities Reveal Ancient Civilizations
THE SCIENCE OF ARCHAEOLOGY HAS POINTED OUT THE ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS OF THE PAST AND THE MYSTERIES WHICH THEY CONTAINED. The Pioneer of British Archaeology in the ancient land of Mesopotamia was young Henry Austen Layard. He and a young friend travelled through Albania, Roumelia (Romania), and Bulgaria and on into Constantinople and into Asia Minor back in the year 1839. They were struck with the beauty of the country at that time. But this young Englishman was also looking for ancient ruins. This was his dream, to dig in one of these ancient sites. Finally leaving his partner in this adventure, he travelled on into Mesopotamia to the city of Mosul (meaning Junction). This city was on the bank of the Tigris River.
A little further down along the opposite bank of this Tigris River was the massive ruin’s called Kuyunjik now known as Nineveh and close across the river was the remains of that ancient city called Nimrud. Our author thought that this ruin was also a part of the ancient city Nineveh. Young Henry Austen Layard wrote his history of the findings in this excavations of those cities in his book, “Nineveh and it’s remains.”
When this young Englishman first set eyes on these ancient ruin’s back in the year of 1840 then very little was known beyond the biblical records and occasional references by Classical authors about this ancient civilization which existed in biblical times. The Russians and the English forces were trying to regain their land, thus any work there was dangerous. Our author returned to England hoping his travels would secure for him a job preferably in the Foreign Service. This was not to be since his interest laid in this science of Archaeology which was very popular at that time.
Our young author then returned to the east, to the ruins called Nimrud in 1844, and immediately hired a crew and they began to dig. Almost immediately he discovered a large room and then there buried in debris was 2 Winged Bull’s of a large size. These stood 14 feet high and weighed approximately 20 tons a piece. Knowing a bit of English Identity from the English Museum no doubt helped him to realize he had made a marvellous find, but here in this old land now the Muslim’s were now in control and hard to deal with. Even though he had a permit to dig in these ancient ruins, for the British Museum was quick to back this ‘dig’, still this was in the land today that we know as Iraq, and it was a land fought over through the years. He knew it would be hard to remove these two Winged Bull’s and it would take a long time since you could only work in the fall and winter for the heat was intense in the summer. He had no choice but to cover the Bull’s once more so as to protect them.
America at the Crossroads
as the enemy has been trying to change your way of life, your intelligence factor, and all areas of your society. And then in the process, make you think that all beings on this earth have the same intelligence, as the next one. The difference being that some have had a different and easier advantage in life than others. Especially is this true in the ‘Elitist’ view of the White Anglo-Saxon and kindred people. Thus we have seen over the years, a dramatic transformation in American society as the ‘Elite’ and here we would use the word ‘educated liberal’, has tried to create a new class of people which they would dominate as the ‘ruling class’ and the rest of the Americans would fit into their idea of ‘the working class.’
This my friends is not something new actually it is the Communist thinking of the Thirties, which triumphed in the 50’s as the United Nations led by communists was born. Here today, even though Communism has proved to be a failure in the Soviet Union, and has been brought down at least for a time, there are still in this nation those who still are advocating the same thing for America. Their thinking has not changed over the years and many of them are still in the Congress and through out the areas of the government of these United States. With the election of November 1994 we began to hear the people of this nation express a desire to dump this old program that has not produced anything but tragedy and chaos for this nation, and go back to the basic principles which formed this nation and our constitution. We are therefore hearing many arguments. And some dirty politics of course always surfaces, for we still have some of these people in the Republican Party as well.
This is the reason as to why the book,”The Bell Curve” struck a nerve, and is considered as so controversial. And now we are seeing the attempt to bury the book, before it becomes ‘well known’. One thing the authors of the “Bell Curve”, Richard J. Herrnstein (who is now deceased) and Charles Murray pointed out, is that in spite of these decades of denial, the actual truth is that ‘Intellectual ability’ is endowed unequally, and government policies can do little to change that Fact.
America – Still At The Crossroads
AS WE LOOK AT THE SITUATION HERE IN AMERICA AT THE END OF APRIL, we see the United States still at the Crossroads. Do we walk on into the trap of a ‘One World’ government or do we struggle to come out of Great Babylon as a nation?
On April 19th, came the bombing of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. If this was done by so-called Militia men or so-called White Supremists isn’t it strange they would do this in the ‘heart of America, deep in the Bible belt?
As we try to figure out just where we are here in the United States of America, as a nation, and as to what we as citizens in this nation should be thinking and doing, we usually go back into the past to review the mistakes we as a nation made as we marched into this trap of ‘One World’ government singing ‘Brotherhood’ and ‘God save America.’ We also go back to check the scriptures to review the old books to better understand where we came from, and what we are here for, and as to where we went wrong in our march to our destiny.
From the library at Wichita State University, we have this book called ‘The Rembrandt Bible.’ This is just a portion of the work of this famous artist of the past, from the 1600’s. In fact, it is a study of his drawings, not his famous paintings. This book was put together by Oswald Goetz.
As you know, Rembrandt used the Bible for much of the stories to be found in his paintings and also in his work in his sketches, his drawings and etchings.
Rembrandt lived in the Netherlands. At this time the Low Countries had acquired their freedom from Spain. Here the dominate group of neighbours were the Calvinists who had a peculiar interest in the Old Testament stories. Another group which existed at this time in his area were the Mennonites who practiced adult Baptism and emphasized community life.
Our author did not find that Rembrandt belonged to this group called Mennonites, but he portrayed them, and became acquainted with their beliefs. These people carried as a symbol the idea of goodness conquering sin. And you find in the work of Rembrandt that this spiritual and moral element shows through his work.
America “Upon This Rock”
Many times we have been asked this question: ‘What brought America almost to her knees, here in 1995.
SURELY YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE TOLD THAT THERE HAS BEEN A GREAT CONTROVERSY BETWEEN DARKNESS AND LIGHT, BETWEEN ANTI-CHRIST AND CHRIST, since the coming into earth of this Adamic race. We are told that there is no conspiracy in this picture, that such talk is a scare tactic and actually this is ‘hate.’ We do not believe this. Thus first we will find another answer and the most important one for it is found in scriptures.
We also believe in the quote: ‘YAHWEH, our God, will do nothing except HE revealed HIS secrets unto HIS servants the Prophets. Thus the Bible points to this great controversy, but it also points to YAHWEH as the author of our book, the Bible. However, it was written by human hand, in varied styles in different books by different authors, yet truths are expressed in the word of men. Still all truths are given by inspiration of God. (II Tim. 3:16) ‘And the Holy Spirit sheds light into the minds and hearts of HIS servants.’
The Ten Commandments were, however, spoken and written by YAHWEH, Himself. And HE has communicated HIS truths to the children of the Kingdom by men. But also qualified those men to speak and to write. Then since the Spirit of YAHWEH inspired the Word we find in the Bible, then it would be impossible that the teaching of the Spirit would ever be contrary to the WORD.
We understand that during the ages past, and we see this in both the Old Testament and the New, that the Holy Spirit never ceased communicating with children of the Kingdom apart from the revelations of the sacred Word. They received warnings, reproof, counsel, and instructions. Then after the closing of the Canon of Scriptures, would it be too much to expect the Holy Spirit to continue this work to enlighten, to warn and yes, comfort the children of the Kingdom?
Alright, America. Where did we get off the path? Why do we seem to bow and let the oppressors win? Through the years ever so often men have stood to fight and this controversy slows down for a time. Then we seem to buy this equality idea and once more we get in trouble simply by following the ideas of men instead of God.
When Jesus was on earth, one day HE said to Peter, ‘Who do you say that I am?’ And Peter replied, ‘Thou art the Almighty Father come in the name of YAHSHUA, our Savior.’ Jesus then said, ‘Upon this Rock I will build My Church.’ There are two words here that must be thoroughly understood. Those words being ‘Rock’ and ‘Church.’
America 1996 (Trying To Find A Way Out Of Trouble)
AMERICA TODAY FACES SO MANY PROBLEMS. We have allowed our nation to be taken over and we have come to the point of judgment on the House of God. Perhaps in searching for answers, we need to go back in time and see what some of the mistakes we made have let us in for. As the last great nation of God’s kingdom, we have slid into the position we found ourselves in 1994 as Congress begin to try to put a stop to our drift into this One World Government we have been hearing so much about as being a wonderful thing for the world.
Looking back, we find there have been men over the years, who tried to stop this drifting of America into this One World Government set up. They tried so hard to keep us out of this age old trap. One of these men we are thinking of is the father of Charles A. Lindberg (Page 2), who lived at the time of the setting in place of the Federal Reserve System to control our economy. He was very knowledgeable about Economics, and Mr. Lindberg Sr. had this to say, ‘There is a key to the good things of the world. We have the key and that key is the mind. It is ‘thought’ which opens the way to all things. It is our failure to give an little honest thought to direct our actions that compels most of us to struggle with the hardships of the world. We are under the influence of others, in fact, just a few. In fact, some of whom we have been taught almost to worship, while at the same time, we seldom know how much they control us, our lives, and our nation.’
Mr. Lindberg suggested that if we would free ourselves from the domination of such leaders, and stop almost worshiping the self-appointed directors of our affairs, and start using our minds to determine what actions should be taken for the good of our nation, then we, going back to the laws of our God, could free ourselves from the troubles which bind us. Mr. Lindberg wrote this back in 1923. And we had drifted into trouble at that time, and we have just kept on drifting up until now when here under bondage, we are trying to find a way out. Here we stand, this great nation of God’s kingdom, still afraid to resist the enemy of our God, still letting them rule over us after they have claimed our heritage. Today we find people running around and wondering just what went wrong.
In Search of Ancient Gods
(My Pictorial Evidence For The Impossible, By Erich Van Daniken)
(Review ) Time of First American Edition 1975. (Work of E. M.)
MEN HAVE BEEN FASCINATED BY SPACE SINCE TIME IMMEMORIAL. What did those pin points of light in the heavens mean? Did they form those outlines of animals or human beings? Could this be the ‘home of the Gods?’
Many are the theories as to how all that is now the heavens, or even only the Milky Way. Where did it come from and what keeps it in place? What then is the answer?
In the view of our author, Myths are the oldest traditional accounts of History. In other words, accounts of what was once reality. We found that in both the ‘Epic of Gilgamech’ and also in the Sumerian story of ‘Etana’ that they felt that they floated high in the air. From the Etana Epic, it was an Eagle (God) that carried him higher and higher from the earth and he actually saw the earth receding.
Our author then believed that ‘Gods’ in mythology’ could only be a synonym for space travellers. Time and time again, the ancient texts begins: ‘Take up thy pen and write, or watch carefully what I show thee, and tell it to your brothers and sisters.’
The Connection
WE ARE SPEAKING OF THE CONNECTION BETWEEN THE ANCIENT SO-CALLED CULT OF MITHRAS AND CHRISTIANITY at its beginning! This ancient religion which was in place at the time of the beginning of Christianity. Both Mithranic belief and Christian belief held at its core the belief in a God whose powers and dominions lay beyond the boundaries of the Cosmos.
Today the Internet is carrying a report about solving the Mithranic mysteries, and they have listed book such as “The Origins of Mithraic Mysteries, Cosmology and Salvation in the Ancient World,” by David Ulansey, and also “Jesus Christ, Son of God,” by David Fideler. These helped in tracing this ancient belief of these so-called secret cults, at the time of Christ, as well as connecting them as we do by symbolism to the Adamic Race. From the Internet we found reference to a report from the magazine Biblical Archaeology of 1994. We went to our library and found this report.
A Look At Our World Today
THE INTERNET IS PROBING THE THEORIES OF LIFE IN SPACE, and have come up with some interesting suggestions. Using the ancient prophecies of Nostradamus, they hunt for explanations to different happenings in our lifetime. And they (and we) are trying to relate them to Hale-Bopp, this so-called Comet which was discovered in 1995.
Our writers on the Internet are still bound by the theory of evolution. But they still establish events that have happened in the past and they try to interpret them according to ancient prophecies. We have a somewhat different interpretation since we use the scriptures to interpret, and also the “Message from the Stars,” this ancient “Star Bible.” However, those on the Internet have established that from President Eisenhower, on our space program, has been controlled so that we as a nation must always be in the shadow of the Soviet Union in our exploration of space. They would try to tell us that the knowledge and technology would come from the Soviet Union, not the United States. They have been pretty successful. Just look. We just brought back a lady from the Russian space station. She had been up there for many months. And you will recall that America was held back from putting the first man in space, until and after the Soviet Union would put the first man in space. Then remember, as to what happened to our space station? And, yes, even the Challenger?
It is a common human trait to want an explanation for all of the unexplained things that are happening. But we would suggest the you turn to the scriptures for your true answers. We believe that if you do then you will finally see this picture:
First, you discern who the people of the Book really are. This is easy to do if you discard all that you have been told and do a bit of studying and listening to the still small voice inside of you which discerns what is true and what is false. We believe the key is the 3rd chapter of Genesis, verse 15: – “I will put enmity between thee (Satan) and the woman (Israel), and between thy ‘seed’ and her SEED, and it shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel.”
Questions And Answers
QUESTION: How can you trace the heritage of a race and then come up with the early life of Jesus the Christ?
ANSWER: Easy. Go to your favourite university and many libraries and read, read, read. Go back into the old records and books. There are many places of antiquity which show the path of the Adamic or Aryan race in their journey over this planet since they came into earth in physical bodies as Adam and Eve. Then trace the lineage of Jesus the Christ and how he says that HE came the same way you did, born of a woman to identity with his people, his race. Go to the bible for the message of the Woman of Revelation 12 and digest that from a spiritual understanding, and then go to Genesis 2, and see who the people of this WOMAN (Israel) really are. There are also many publications on this subject for a person is interested in reading, and they are easy to find. The reason why this subject is not well known is that over the years the enemy has been busy turning the thinking of our people from their heritage and their background.
In ancient times and thus through the old book this Aryan race could be traced from the time they left the garden of Eden, went down into Northern India from the Tarim Basin, and then started their westward movement from there where they had built a civilization.
Here at the end of this Century the enemy is still trying to cloud this issue. Even to try to remove from America the worship as, yes, even the name of Jesus Christ, our LORD and Saviour. Look here in October of this year of 1997. You have heard the hue and cry as the ‘Promise Keepers’ came to Washington, D.C.
Mrs. Ireland’s thinly veiled protest rested on the fact that their Christian Faith is based on Jesus the Christ whom we say is YAHWEH in the flesh. She stressed that there are other people just as she is that worship god who is not Jesus Christ. She does not want the “Promise Keepers’ who are mostly white males to make this a part of their political feelings, as they call for America to reconsider her lost values. Mrs. Ireland remember is head of the women’s group called NOW, which we call the women’s lib organization. She is married to a man, as she tell you, but she also does not tell you that she lives in another city from him, with a woman friend. We still say that her biggest objection to the ‘Promise Keepers’ is that they pray and worship Jesus Christ and are trying to rebuild America’s Christian Faith which made this country great.
Questions And Answers
QUESTION: Jeremiah 43; I thought the city of On and the Temple and so forth in Egypt were the centres of truth but here we find talk of punishment for Egypt by YAHWEH for things that these Judahites would do wrong.
ANSWER: Now wait a minute. What is the time of this event? Go back a bit and find out just what brought this about, this chastisement in Egypt.
As you know, the House of Israel suffered a 7-times punishment (2520 years) for disobedience.
Now; in 741 B.C. Tighath Pileser invaded Israel and took a portion of this kingdom captive. In fact took the tribe of Reuben, the tribe of Gad, and 1/2 of the tribe of Manasseh captive. These tribes were, in their territory which was on the other side of the Jordan river. But this was also the start, or beginning of the ‘7 times’ punishment for disobedience. For the Kingdom of Israel. 2520 years later brings us to 1779+1. And by that year America is now in her struggle for Liberty. And from then on the U.S.A. would begin her rise to power as the GREAT NATION OF THE ABRAHAM COVENANT.
In 721, then Shalmaneser invaded the Northern Kingdom of Israel and 2520 years later in 1799+1, the British commonwealth of nations was formed. Then the British house of Ephraim would become Queen of the Seas, this company of nations of that same Abraham covenant.
In 713, Sennacherib came and invaded Palestine and he took 200,100 people of the House of Judah, and some of those left of the stragglers of the House of Israel, and took them also captives.
Thus from 713 for 2520 years then that brings you to 1807+1 A.D. And by this time the British had translated more than 90% of their Bible into the language of the world.
The Steamboat also came into being and revolutionized the method of Transportation.
Questions And Answers
QUESTION: Since we have been thinking about this end of the age, and all of the prophecies, how do we learn what will be this changing of us so that we will be ready to meet our Priest-King Melchizedek? Also what disturbed the people in power at the time of Jesus so much that they cried Crucify HIM?
ANSWER: (The last question, first) what disturbed some people at the time of Jesus there in old Jerusalem was that Jesus claimed the Kingship. When asked if he considered Himself a King. HE replied: -For this purpose was I born. He not only did this but he demonstrated this power among the enemy, as well as among his people. The Martyrs saw this, they beheld HIM, not only as saviour but as Priest-King and their Faith, then caused them to realize that he was Priest-King before HE took upon Himself this garment of flesh. Thus their Faith was then so strong that they marched with strength to their death, for they thought that they were then going HOME.
Isaiah was caused to record that, “His Name shall be called wonderful, The Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.”
Now; He took this garment of flesh, in Bethlehem’s stable in order to be revealed to His people, Israel. This the enemy did not want for they feared that they would lose control of this nation which they had succeeded in taking over.
In Psalms 72, he is thought of as the KING of old, but also HE is none other than the redeemer of his people Israel, for HE is the LORD God of Israel.
The Apostle Paul in the book to the Hebrews speaks of this ONE, this Jesus of Nazareth as being the ONE who in the beginning laid the foundations of the heavens and the earth. In the writings of Isaiah (Chapter 44), He is also the King of Israel.
Nathaniel when asked who HE was replied: He is the son (embodiment of YAHWEH, the King of Israel. And of this reply then Jesus said: “Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom there is no guile.”
Questions And Answers:
What? – More?
TURN TO THE BOOK OF MALACHI AND TO THE PASSAGE WHICH SAYS: -“Behold! I will send you Elijah the prophet, before the coming of the great and dreadful ‘Day of the LORD’. He shall turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse. (Malachi 4:5-6)
First a correction in verse 2. according to the old books it should read: -“But unto you that love MY name, shall the sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings, and you shall go forth and grow as the light HE has protected in His household.” This sun of righteousness was covered by the symbol of the Winged Orb, which Israel carried. You have see this symbol in the west after the Children of Israel migrated westward. This a symbol of the world like it shall be when perfected as the children of the kingdom came to earth to accomplish.
Today, you ask? Has the spirit of Elijah come in this latter time we face today? The lady Joanna Southcott brought her message from the spirit of truth, telling you what to look to as to what to study at this end of the age. We saw her message as the forerunner of the Identity message, or the forerunner of the Gospel of the Kingdom. Then we have had Dr. Swift and his great message as the preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom.
Thus ask is there more to come from this message of the spirit of Elijah? For instance we would suggest that you turn back to II Kings to the time of Elijah and you will find that Israel at that time was in a serious plight. The king of Israel was Ahab and he had married Jezebel, an outlander woman from the hills of Belial where they worshiped all pagan doctrines. She had brought into Israel the Priests of her religion and put in place their type of Babylonian religion.
And being Queen she had used her power and put to death the prophets of God. And of course she hated Elijah and now was after him. Elijah had spoken out about this evil then he became of course a target of her animosity. Ahab being so he thought in love with this non-Israelite woman sought for Elijah and put out a warrant for his arrest. When Elijah said that because of this evil that God would send a drought upon the land, then there came not any rain for three years then of course Elijah was blamed. But God had said that it would not rain until there be an end of these things. And thus the rains had stopped and now the situation was getting desperate.
Questions And Answers No. 5
QUESTION: Why is it that of all the race problems in America it seems that there is more tension between black and white than between the Caucasians and any other minority in America?
ANSWER: There is we feel several reasons for this. One is the political football that this race situation has produced, and which envelopes this idea. Another is the teaching of religion by leaders of the coloured people over the years, and yes even by the Caucasians. There is this teaching of “The nation of Islam” which has been with us over the years, and today is now led by Lewis Farrachan. Another is the idea of the way that the Black man came to America, this by the practice of slavery. This occurred in the past but there were black people here in the south, and into Central America long before that. But if you do not understand where the origin of the black race started, and then who instigated this practice of slavery and how it did occur, and the truth of this matter, you still do not have a complete picture either. But since the memory goes back only as far a Africa as to where the slaves came from, then this idea of African-American came into being. And even though they may be born in America then in tracing their roots, they go back to Africa. Thus an idea then had to be born as to their early existence, and this has certainly clouded the issue as they looks for their roots.
Now; in the book “Elijah Muhammad” the ideological foundation of “The Nation of Islam,” you will find some of the answers as to what brought about the thinking of many Negro people here in America who are searching for something, so they can remember being abused, and that they should be the most important people in America and they have not as yet reached that goal.
The man, Elijah Muhammad, then laid the foundation for the longest lasting and most enduring, and most influential black religious -Nationalist movement in American history. He took selected biblical verses from the Arabic Quaran with the idea of turning the Negroes from White-Christian belief. His teaching brought on Malcolm X and others to keep the Negroes from accepting the God of the White man of America, the God which America recognize from her beginning. Not of course understanding the bible of which he was not capable of, Elijah Muhammad then took White Christian eschatology, and aspects of Islam to divorce Black people, so he said from their slave mentality.
Questions And Answers
START MISSING––-earth and then the earth became without form and was void, and void means aftermath of destruction by Divine hand in this instance. Then Jeremiah in the fourth chapter tells you how God brought this back to his memory and he wrote it down to tell you about it. He says: I watched this great catastrophe which overwhelmed this great civilization. This is before the 6th., day creation. So you see that the devil had been busy before the 6th., day but that early civilization was wiped out, or a few might have gone away. We know there was civilizations back then, before the pre‑Cambrain days for they were glazing ceramics.
Now: I don’t quite believe this one billion years, it is still to far to prove with radio carbon or with fluorine replacement or any of those things, so I give them this much time, one‑half a million or three quarters of a million years, for up in Yellowstone there is in one place over a million years of visible strata. So this just goes to prove that their evolution theory which is based on later periods and pre‑Cambrain was ever so far before that, that they are stuck with it. In other words if human beings who walked upright and who painted plates were ever so far beyond evolution time, or even the mammals came, then where does that leave the evolution theory? Remember in the re‑creation YAHWEH put back the animals all over the earth but he did not have to put back the fish, they were still there.
QUESTION: Where does it say that?
ANSWER: This is an allegory that is hidden away. Remember Moses wrote this almost 4000 years after this happened. So if you are writing about something which happened that long before you are writing in allegory. So he didn’t spend much time on this, but there was lots more information on that period. He thought anyone who was reading this book (Bible) would know that.
Bible Study For April 1994
QUESTION: Is Lazarus a symbol of THE WORD?
ANSWER: Perhaps if you mean he was being used to teach those of Israel who were facing the events of the Crucifixion and the Resurrection as somewhat of an example.
From the old book: ‘Significance of the Tabernacle’ we see that the number 3 was considered as representing things invisible, whereas no. 4 represents the Kingdom in the world, but not of the world.
You will remember that Lazarus was 4 days in the tomb before YAHSHUA called him out. You will also remember that there was in the universe 4 elements, 4 directions of the winds, 4 seasons of the year, and the earth was said to have 4 ends and 4 corners, and so had the heavens.
BIBLE STUDY: Another meaning for, “The Abomination of the Desolator”.
THE ABOMINATION OF THE DESOLATOR COMES OUT OF THE ‘FALSE PROPHET‘ which is untruth, and which also denies The Christ or ‘The Prince of Peace”. Thus the United Nations also fits this description since its beginning was without prayer to satisfy the Communist nations which were running the show. And when in place then the United Nations stands in the place of the ‘Prince of Peace’ and are this so called voice of ‘Peace for the world’.
The United Nations Charter was signed by 153 nations, and 33 of them were Christian nations. (Did you notice the symbolism, but has it fed the multitude?) The United Nations Charter went into effect October 24, 1945.
Bible Study For May 1994
GENESIS 1; Let us take a closer look at Genesis 1, remembering what we have learned from the Swift Ministry and other sources, and with the help of the Companion Bible.
Verse 1, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”
Turn to II Peter 3:5-7.
“For they are willingly ignorant of (this fact) that by the word of God the heavens were of old and the earth standing out of the water, and in the w after, whereby the World that then was, being overflowed with water perished. But the heavens and the earth which are now, by the same WORD are kept in store, reserved unto Fire (Shekinah Light) against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.”
Now; Moses tells us as did the Apostle Peter that there was a world before this that perished in the great flood which the next verse tells us.
Vs. 2; “And the earth was without form and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.”
Now; the earth was without form, there was nothing visible, and even the waters were showing no life, then what happened? Here according to the Companion Bible, and with which I agree, we now see that YAHWEH and ELOHIM were connected here with this recreation or restoration, thus when you see the Word GOD here then consider all the definition in this title. For this is inserted in the whole introduction of your story this fact that we are now dealing with YAHWEH and His Household as this is thus a new creation or a restoration of the earth for a definite purpose.
Bible Study – Genesis II
IN GENESIS I., WE LEARNED THAT THERE WAS A GREAT FLOOD ALL OVER THE EARTH AND THAT THE “WORLD THAT WAS” UNDOUBTEDLY WAS DESTROYED BY WATER. Then a restoration of the earth occurred, and everything again restored, even people, both male and female were put back and then we see that everything restored once more looked good.
We also learned that the title “God” includes both YAHWEH and His household, the Elohim as this restoration was performed. Then there must have been a long, long period of time, and the Darkness of Satan and his household came into earth after being run out of the heavens, and we have to go to the real old books and traditions as well as the Bible to get a glimpse of the catastrophes which occurred as Satan used the Negroes in a mongrelisation program to try to set himself up as master of this world.
Genesis III – Bible Study
Vs:1 “The serpent was more subtle than any Beast of the field, that the LORD God had also made.“
THE SERPENT IS A SYMBOL OF LUCIFER THE FALLEN ANGEL NOW KNOWN AS THE SERPENT, THE DEVIL, or Satan. The word ‘subtle’ means wise, and here also you find this phrase ‘Beast of the Field’. The field in symbolism is the World Order, and this Beast is referred to as a living creature or being. An example is called up to memory as in Revelation 4:6., where there are 4 beasts around the throne, and this is symbolism of the marching orders of the Children of Israel. Thus the ‘Beasts of the field’ and the field is the World (order), thus here is found this reference to some living creature, but someone also besides the Adamic Race, and the race from the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Bible Study – Genesis 4
Vs:1 “Adam knew Eve his wife and she conceived and bare Cain and said I have gotten a man from the Lord.”
“Not as Cain who was of the wicked one, and slew his brother.”
In the old books then when Cain was born then Adam asked: ‘where did that one come from? And Eve answered: ‘I have gotten a man from the Lord.” She did not say Lord God, as it is written before. They have here in scripture used many names for YAHEH, first Lord, then Lord God, and other titles. Was this done to confuse? There were on the earth at that time, and still today, many men called Lord, for this is a title. Another thought, if Eve did not have a child from Satan, then she did not transgress, did she?
Vs:2 “And she again after bare his 1/2 brother Abel, and Abel was a keeper of the sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.”
Here in symbolism thus Abel would be of the sheep nation, and Cain would be of the World Order under Satan. Abel being from Adam and Eve would honour his father and mother, and they could teach him of his heritage, whereas they were symbolized of the great shepherd of the Star Bible.
He was a good child and obeyed his father and mother, but Cain was of a different nature. He was interested in the World Order now around them and he would not obey Adam and his mother Eve. It was necessary for the boys to bring an offering unto YAHWEH as they reached a certain age, this signified that they believed in the program of the Kingdom, and its fulfilment under YAHWEH.
Bible Study Genesis Chapter 5
Verse 1: THIS IS THE BOOK OF THE GENERATIONS OF Adam, In the day God created man in the likeness of God made he him.
Verse 2: Male and female created he them also, and blessed them and called their name Adam and Eve in the day that they were formed.
HERE WE FIND THAT THIS BIBLE THEN IS THE BOOK OF THE RACE OF ADAM. In the first four chapters of Genesis you have had the story of what you needed to know to understand this Bible. You have now had the two main opponents of this story, Lucifer as the old Serpent, the devil or Satan, and his family in their drive to stop the building in earth by this Adamic Race, the KINGDOM OF YAHWEH. We see how the Adamic family was picked up and set in place in the physical, cleansed and started on their path in their destiny. Always they would have to contend with Lucifer and his family and especially the children of the lineage of Cain. Thus you have here a listing of Cain’s posterity so that you would understand this.
The old books then pick up the story as the migration came out of that High area, and Chapter 5 is just an outline as to the lineage of Adam to bring you to Noah. Then on down to Abraham later, but remember these men also begat other children. Thus here were many more Adamites than those listed in the Bible.
Adam was the son of God (Luke 3:38) and although he fell and in the process he became totally physical, still he lived 930 years, but he was 130 years before everything was straightened out so that he became the father of a son whom he called Seth, and this son would inherit the spirit of YAHWEH AND BE ABLE TO PASS THAT SEED FORWARD THUS THE RACE COULD BE BUILT. We do not have to much record of the other children of Adam and Eve who were born, except that there had to be others between Cain and Seth, because Seth would have to be after the seventh gestation so that the womb was cleansed. Then after Seth there were others and daughters as well, for Seth would marry a sister to start the race forward. This would be allowed to start the race and perhaps other brothers would do the same, but now the race would be started and soon there were many Adamites, and cousins would also marry.
Bible Study Genesis Chapter 6
NOW, YOU ARE UP TO THE TIME OF NOAH’S DAY, and here in this chapter and history takes you back, and then forward and we read:
Vs: 1 And it came to pass, when men (Adamites) began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born to them.
Vs:2 Then the ‘sons of God’ saw the daughters of men (Adamites), and that they were, FAIR, and they took wives of all which they chose.
Here these are not Adamites called ‘sons of God’. In places they are called Angels, but remember, it is only by a Divine Specific Act that one can be called ‘sons of God’ such as what happened to the Adamic race.
Now; Angels are spirits and were created by God and there was some of those Angelic hosts who fell. Now; “And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved unto the judgment of the great day. ” (Jude 6) Now; they left their own habitation, or kept not their first estate, and the time of their fall is given as in the days of Noah.
“Which sometimes were disobedient, when once the long suffering of God waited in the days of Noah while the Ark was being prepared.”
These fallen Angels had taken bodies as did Lucifer and they were seizing the women in the high Tarim Basin and their offspring were giants. They were normal size as they took bodies but their genes were of their first habitation and their offspring were giants and they even became cannibals there in the High Tarum Basin.
These were not ‘sons of God’. They were Nephilim or fallen Angels who kept not their first estate. This was again a tactic put forward by Lucifer to try to stop this kingdom of God in its beginning. (Ap:25 and 23)
A little later on you will see these Nephilim again, for there were others also in the world, besides these in the Tarim Basin, and they would try always to stop the growth of the Kingdom of YAHWEH. They are to be found among the Cainanites, the rephaim and the Hittites and so forth.
Vs: 3 And the Lord said, “My spirit shall not always strive with these men who are now flesh, but their days shall be 120 years.”
Bible Study Genesis Chapter 7
THE TIME CAME AT LAST, NOAH HAD PREACHED FOR THE 120 YEARS AS HE BUILT THE ARK, and had been laughed at, by the people in that area who could not see that their cup of iniquity was full, but just the same the time came and:
Verse 1: And YAHWEH said unto Noah, come all your household into the Ark, for thee I have seen righteous before me in this generation (family history).
Verse 2: “Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and the female, and of beasts that are not clean (not for food) take two, male and female (for reproduction).
The clean beasts for food, or for sacrifice when they come out of the Ark, and here you see the number 7 which means spiritual perfection, and Adam’s race number is 7.
Genesis Chapter 8 – Bible Study
Vs: 1 And God remembered Noah and every living thing, and all the cattle, that was with him in the Ark, and God made a WIND to pass over the earth, and the waters ceased:
NOW, GOD HERE IN HEBREW IS ALSO ELOHIM, because here every living thing is included and it was YAHWEH and his family who set in place this program to build HIS kingdom, in earth, and here to be destroyed in this place of beginning was all those and everything which was used to try to hinder this kingdom.
Vs: 2 ‘The fountains of the deep and the windows of heaven were stopped and the rain from heaven was restrained.’
Vs: 3 And the waters returned off the earth continually; and after the 150 days the waters were abated.’
Vs: 4 ‘And the Ark rested in the 7th month, and the 17th day of the month upon the mountains of Ararat.”
So, the Ark came to rest on a Sabbath, Seventh day, of the month, and the 17th day of the month upon the mountains of Ararat.’
Now; 7th day is Adams number, and Sabbath means Spiritual perfection, and the number 17 denotes a combination of Spirit and order, for this is the 7th, prime number. Other numbers like 25 and 27 and so forth, follow the laws of the smaller numbers, thus 24 would be 12 times 2, so 24 is just a higher form of 12.
Now; I should call your attention to this, there is always this fight between the Childred of Light and Childred of Darkness and they have their pattern of numbers and their meanings, and if 42 is the number of Anti-Christ in their numerology, then there is also the numerology of the Childred of Light and the higher numbers according to the Companion Bible, the higher numbers take on the meaning of the lower numbers as their most important feature.
Bible Study Genesis Chapter 9
NOW REMEMBER, UP UNTO NOW NOAH’S SONS AND THEIR WIVES HAD NO CHILDREN, so now they need to have children and replace some of the Adamic seed lost in earth in the beginning. The Ark remember was a symbol of the deliverance of Israel and Noah and family are also in this symbolism, as were all the Adamic race if they do not mix their race, but if this occurs then the Adamite is breaking the law, and punishment awaits, and the child is not an Adamite.
Bible Study Genesis Chapter 10
Vs: 1 Now these are the generations (family history) of the sons of Noah: Shem, Ham, and Japhet.
NOW; WE FIND THAT JAPHET IS LISTED LAST HERE, but then the genealogy of Japhet is first. And as you search the history books you find the names of the sons and grandson of Japhet, especially do you find the names of Magog, Gomer and Tubal.
The name Japhet means enlargement, and according to history and to the Swift ministry, at least some of the Japhet people in their migration after coming out of the high country back into northern India, went to the east, and for a long time they held to their racial cleanliness, but further down the line of their genealogy, after the demise of Japhet, this line began to mix with the Asiatics, and there you find those names, and as always this mixture then comes against Christianity. Read the books of Harold Lamb and you will find these names, as you also find in Ezekiel 38.
Before they lost their identity Gomer according to Herodotus would begin the lineage of those known in Assyria as Kimmerians, the forerunners of the Celts. Thus, this grandson of Japhet did not mix the race, but some of the lineage would go on eastward and eventually be absorbed while some would go westward.
The sons of Magog are not mentioned here as these must have been absorbed first, where as the sons of Madai and Tubal also were absorbed in the east, and no longer listed in the generations (family history of Adam Noal). The sons of Javan are listed and you find these names mostly in the west.
Noah and not doubt some of the children went on down the trail that other Adamites had taken, and Noah was living in Petra when Abraham and his mother came to live with Noah for protection.
Thus the sons and grandsons and daughters of each had a certain destiny to fulfil in this program of God, and no doubt it was carried out.
Verse 5, tells us that at least some of the children of Japhet’s son Javan, went south and west, and we find traces of them on the isles of the Mediterranean.
The sons of Ham were Cush, and Mezraim, and Phut and Canaan, and you remember than Cush begat Nimrod.
Bible Study Genesis Chapter 11
Vs: 1 And the whole earth was on language, and of one speech.
Vs: 2 And it came to pass as they journeyed from the east that they found a plain in the land of Shinar, and they dwelt there. This plain of Shinar later became known as Babylonia.
Vs: 3 And they said one to another, “Go to, let us make brick and burn them thoroughly and they had brick for stone and slime had they for mortar.
Bible Study – Genesis 2
IN GENESIS I., WE LEARNED THAT THERE WAS A GREAT FLOOD ALL OVER THE EARTH AND THAT THE “WORLD THAT WAS” UNDOUBTEDLY WAS DESTROYED BY WATER. Then a restoration of the earth occurred, and everything again restored, even people, both male and female were put back and then we see that everything restored once more looked good.
We also learned that the title “God” includes both YAHWEH and His household, the Elohim as this restoration was performed. Then there must have been a long, long period of time, and the Darkness of Satan and his household came into earth after being run out of the heavens, and we have to go to the real old books and traditions as well as the Bible to get a glimpse of the catastrophes which occurred as Satan used the Negroes in a mongrelisation program to try to set himself up as master of this world. Confined here in earth we see lots of catastrophes took place such as continents sank, and mountains rose, all this over 11,000 years ago where there is still no trace of Adam until much later.
The Bible does carry some of the story as to the oppressors plans and archaeology discloses what must have taken place, but as to how many thousands of years between the first chapter of Genesis, where we find that Moses was just giving us bare statistics, and the second chapter of Genesis we do not know.
Now; you realize just why we say the Bible is not just to be read, it is a library of books for study.
Genesis 3 Bible Study
THE SERPENT IS A SYMBOL OF LUCIFER THE FALLEN ANGEL NOW KNOWN AS THE SERPENT, THE DEVIL, OR SATAN. The word ‘subtle’ means wise, and here also you find this phrase ‘Beast of the Field’. The field in symbolism is the World Order, and this Beast is referred to as a living creature or being. An example is called up to memory as in Revelation 4:6., where there are 4 beasts around the throne, and this is symbolism of the marching orders of the Children of Israel.
Thus the ‘Beasts of the field’ and the field is the World (order), thus here is found this reference to some living creature, but someone also besides the Adamic Race, and the race from the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
“And he (the serpent) said unto the woman (Eve), Yea hath God said ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?”
Since Satan knew the knowledge which he used to proclaim, as the teaching of YAHWEH of the Heavens, and now of course his knowledge learned in rebellion, then he was here questioning just what Adam had heard from YAHWEH, and what Adam told Eve.
Turn to the New Testament, in II Corinthians 11:3., Paul is here speaking: “But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety (craftiness), so your minds be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.”
“And no marvel for Satan himself is transformed into an Angel of light.”
Paul is telling you that this one called the Serpent is also Satan, who did transform himself and now comes to tempt Eve as an Angel (celestial being) of Light.
Bible Study Genesis 4
Vs:1 “Adam knew Eve his wife and she conceived and bare Cain and said I have gotten a man from the Lord.”
Here we have translation that is not clear, the old books and the Scripture of the New Testament tell you that Cain was of the wicked one, I John 3:12.
“Not as Cain who was of the wicked one, and slew his brother.”
In the old books then when Cain was born then Adam asked: ‘where did that one come from? And Eve answered: ‘I have gotten a man from the Lord.” She did not say Lord God, as it is written before. They have here in scripture used many names for YAHEH, first Lord, then Lord God, and other titles. Was this done to confuse? There were on the earth at that time, and still today, many men called Lord, for this is a title. Another thought, if Eve did not have a child from Satan, then she did not transgress, did she?
Vs:2 “And she again after bare his 1/2 brother Abel, and Abel was a keeper of the sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.”
Here in symbolism thus Abel would be of the sheep nation, and Cain would be of the World Order under Satan. Abel being from Adam and Eve would honour his father and mother, and they could teach him of his heritage, whereas they were symbolized of the great shepherd of the Star Bible. He was a good child and obeyed his father and mother, but Cain was of a different nature. He was interested in the World Order now around them and he would not obey Adam and his mother Eve. It was necessary for the boys to bring an offering unto YAHWEH as they reached a certain age, this signified that they believed in the program of the Kingdom, and its fulfilment under YAHWEH.
Vs:3 “Cain brought fruit of the ground (or earth), as an offering unto YAHWEH.”
Vs:4 “And Abel, he brought of the firstling of his flock and of the fat thereof, and YAHWEH had respect unto Abel and to his offering.”
Now; Cain would show his begatting by what he offered to YAHWEH, and it showed that his thinking was of the World Order. Whereas Abel would do the customary sacrifice of Israel which was the firstling of his sheep. And this would indicate that he had taken the teaching of his parents to heart.
Bible Study Genesis Chapter 5.
Verse 1: THIS IS THE BOOK OF THE GENERATIONS OF Adam, In the day God created man in the likeness of God made he him.
Verse 2: Male and female created he them also, and blessed them and called their name Adam and Eve in the day that they were formed.
HERE WE FIND THAT THIS BIBLE THEN IS THE BOOK OF THE RACE OF ADAM. In the first four chapters of Genesis you have had the story of what you needed to know to understand this Bible. You have now had the two main opponents of this story, Lucifer as the old Serpent, the devil or Satan, and his family in their drive to stop the building in earth by this Adamic Race, the KINGDOM OF YAHWEH. We see how the Adamic family was picked up and set in place in the physical, cleansed and started on their path in their destiny. Always they would have to contend with Lucifer and his family and especially the children of the lineage of Cain. Thus you have here a listing of Cain’s posterity so that you would understand this.
The old books then pick up the story as the migration came out of that High area, and Chapter 5 is just an outline as to the lineage of Adam to bring you to Noah. Then on down to Abraham later, but remember these men also begat other children. Thus here were many more Adamites than those listed in the Bible.
Adam was the son of God (Luke 3:38) and although he fell and in the process he became totally physical, still he lived 930 years, but he was 130 years before everything was straightened out so that he became the father of a son whom he called Seth, and this son would inherit the spirit of YAHWEH AND BE ABLE TO PASS THAT SEED FORWARD THUS THE RACE COULD BE BUILT.
We do not have to much record of the other children of Adam and Eve who were born, except that there had to be others between Cain and Seth, because Seth would have to be after the seventh gestation so that the womb was cleansed. Then after Seth there were others and daughters as well, for Seth would marry a sister to start the race forward. This would be allowed to start the race and perhaps other brothers would do the same, but now the race would be started and soon there were many Adamites, and cousins would also marry.
In the old books Adam had many sons and daughters, and the race grew fast.
Verse 4: And all the day of Adam after he begat Seth were 800 years and he begat sons and daughters.
Bible Study Genesis Chapter 6
Vs: 1 And it came to pass, when men (Adamites) began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born to them.
Vs:2 Then the ‘sons of God’ saw the daughters of men (Adamites), and that they were FAIR, and they took wives of all which they chose.
Here these are not Adamites called ‘sons of God’. In places they are called Angels, but remember, it is only by a Divine Specific Act that one can be called ‘sons of God’ such as what happened to the Adamic race.
Bible Study Genesis Chapter 7
THE TIME CAME AT LAST, Noah had preached for the 120 years as he built the Ark, and had been laughed at, by the people in that area who could not see that their cup of iniquity was full, but just the same the time came and:
Verse 1: And YAHWEH said unto Noah, come all your household into the Ark, for thee I have seen righteous before me in this generation (family history).
Verse 2: “Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and the female, and of beasts that are not clean (not for food) take two, male and female (for reproduction).
Genesis Chapter 8 – Bible Study
Vs: 1 And God remembered Noah and every living thing, and all the cattle, that was with him in the Ark, and God made a WIND to pass over the earth, and the waters ceased:
Now, God here in Hebrew is also Elohim, because here every living thing is included and it was YAHWEH and his family who set in place this program to build HIS kingdom, in earth, and here to be destroyed in this place of beginning was all those and everything which was used to try to hinder this kingdom.
Vs: 2 The fountains of the deep and the windows of heaven were stopped and the rain from heaven was restrained.’
Vs: 3 And the waters returned off the earth continually; and after the 150 days the waters were abated.’
Vs: 4 ‘And the Ark rested in the 7th month, and the 17th day of the month upon the mountains of Ararat.”
So, the Ark came to rest on a Sabbath, Seventh day, of the month, and the 17th day of the month upon the mountains of Ararat.’
Bible Study – Genesis Chapter 9
NOW REMEMBER, UP UNTO NOW NOAH’S SONS AND THEIR WIVES HAD NO CHILDREN, so now they need to have children and replace some of the Adamic seed lost in earth in the beginning. The Ark remember was a symbol of the deliverance of Israel and Noah and family are also in this symbolism, as were all the Adamic race if they do not mix their race, but if this occurs then the Adamite is breaking the law, and punishment awaits, and the child is not an Adamite.
Vs: 2 “and the fear of you, and dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the ground, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand they are delivered.”
Bible Study Genesis Chapter 10
Vs: 1 Now these are the generations (family history) of the sons of Noah: Shem, Ham, and Japhet.
NOW; WE FIND THAT JAPHET IS LISTED LAST HERE, but then the genealogy of Japhet is first. And as you search the history books you find the names of the sons and grandson of Japhet, especially do you find the names of Magog, Gomer and Tubal.
The name Japhet means enlargement, and according to history and to the Swift ministry, at least some of the Japhet people in their migration after coming out of the high country back into northern India, went to the east, and for a long time they held to their racial cleanliness, but further down the line of their genealogy, after the demise of Japhet, this line began to mix with the Asiatics, and there you find those names, and as always this mixture then comes against Christianity. Read the books of Harold Lamb and you will find these names, as you also find in Ezekiel 38.
Before they lost their identity Gomer according to Herodotus would begin the lineage of those known in Assyria as Kimmerians, the forerunners of the Celts. Thus, this grandson of Japhet did not mix the race, but some of the lineage would go on eastward and eventually be absorbed while some would go westward.
The sons of Magog are not mentioned here as these must have been absorbed first, where as the sons of Madai and Tubal also were absorbed in the east, and no longer listed in the generations (family history of Adam Noah). The sons of Javan are listed and you find these names mostly in the west.
Noah and not doubt some of the children went on down the trail that other Adamites had taken, and Noah was living in Petra when Abraham and his mother came to live with Noah for protection.
Thus the sons and grandsons and daughters of each had a certain destiny to fulfill in this program of God, and no doubt it was carried out.
Verse 5 tells us that at least some of the children of Japhet’s son Javan, went south and west, and we find traces of them on the isles of the Mediterranean.
The sons of Ham were Cush, and Mezraim, and Phut and Canaan, and you remember than Cush begat Nimrod.
Bible Study Genesis Chapter 11
Vs: 1 And the whole earth was on language, and of one speech.
NOW; THIS EARTH IS AGAIN AN INHABITED AREA, and here were Adamites in large numbers.
Vs: 2 And it came to pass as they journeyed from the east that they found a plain in the land of Shinar, and they dwelt there. This plain of Shinar later became known as Babylonia.
Vs: 3 And they said one to another, “Go to, let us make brick and burn them thoroughly and they had brick for stone and slime had they for mortar.
Vs: 4 And they said: “Let us build us a city, and a tower, whose top may reach unto the heavens, and let us make us a name lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.
Now; these Adamites, here the Shemites and Hamites especially, did build a great city, and they set out to build a great tower and it was in those days called a Zuggernot, and on top of that tower was to be an observatory from which they could watch the heavens, for they knew that in the sky would come this sign signifying that the time of the Messiah was drawing nigh. They knew they were Adamites and they knew the promises, and they wanted to stay close together until their restoration, did they not?
But to build this great tower it would take lots of workmen, thus they were bringing in people from the surrounding areas to work on the tower. To protect himself and his people the king declared that only language of the land, Chaldean could be spoken by all these working on the tower so that no conspiracy could be planned.
Messiah (The Covenant People Story Continued)
AS WE TRACE THIS COVENANT PEOPLE, we come to this time when we read that a Saviour has been born. Why was this necessary, is the question sometimes asked?? Because these Covenant people here in the flesh, although they tried, and produced some great leaders, still our people could not walk and keep on the narrow path of the Old Covenant without stumbling and bringing on judgements.
After all, part of the program was for each generation to receive an education here in the flesh. This physical envelope is the container for the spirit to enter the physical world. Thus our people enter the physical world by the breaking of the water in the birth process. But the spirit which entered this physical body was not a baby spirit. No. It was a full grown spirit. And this spirit consciousness was with the Father before the world was framed.
Exodus 1 – The Book Of Redemption – Tracing The Covenant People
THERE WERE SEVENTY SOULS WHO CAME INTO EGYPT WITH JACOB-ISRAEL. And as you recall, Joseph was already in Egypt. These children of Israel in those years under the guidance of Joseph had been fruitful and increased abundantly and multiplied and waxed exceedingly mighty. And the land seemed to be filled with them. Remember it was a famine that brought them into Egypt, into the land where Joseph would be Prime Minister. You will remember that there were seven good years and seven lean years that produced this famine.
People have always been disturbed that Joseph took all the land for Pharaoh. And then after that asked the people to plant seed and he gave them the seed and then told them to give one-fifth to Pharaoh. But he had taken their land. But you must remember that this was a different type of operation at that time. On studying the situation, you find that Pharaoh was the sovereign over all Egypt. And if you go into that type of government, then you find that not only was it maintained as a sovereignty with nobody but Pharaoh or the Royal Household owning the property, but all Egyptians were considered their family. This was the king of Aristocracy that they had.
And Pharaoh alone could grant a Goshen unto the brethren of Joseph when they came into the land. So the entire Aristocracy was controlled by Pharaoh and his family. And around him were Priests who helped shape his decisions. But Joseph had no control over the existing structure of this government. He only worked under it and suggested the plan wherein the people would be taken care of in the years of famine. And in this situation, his own family would benefit. Therefore what happened to this Covenant people after the death of Joseph??
We are told in the scripture that there arose a new king (vs:8) who knew not Joseph. And from then on the status and fortune of the Israelites began to change. And they fell upon hard days of affliction; days of increasing bondage and persecution. As this bondage increased, we see that YAHWEH was raising up another leader to step into centre stage to lead the Covenant people out of bondage.
Exodus 2 – Where Did The Word Jew come From??
IN THE WRITINGS ON EXODUS, you have just read what even the concordance has to say about this word, Jew, which is so prevalent today. I would now like to back this up from an article pulled from my files. It is from an address by Ben Freedman many, many years ago as to the origin of this word and also as to the origin of the Khazars.
Ben Freeman, we are told by Dr. Swift, was not a Jew, although he had been raised by a distinguished Jewish family in New York City. Col. Doll, Chairman of Liberty Lobby, when introducing Ben Freedman as the speaker to this military group, told us that after marriage, Ben Freedman then moved over into the areas of Christianity. This took ‘guts’ to do. For then he was ostracized by many of his friends for believing that this country of the United States of America had objectives and ideals that did not appear in the minds of some of our alien citizens.
Ben Freedman was actually a Prussian in his true lineage. But like the Apostle Paul, he had a great education when young. For he thought that he was Jewish in all his young life. Thus we believe that he has a message for us of today as he did for these people he was speaking to many years ago.
Here is a summary of what he had to say: Ben Freedman
I am grateful to Col. Doll for the privilege of addressing you of this group. And if you will try to make a little use of this information I will give you, then maybe you can be helpful in saving these United States from the fate which has befallen Great Britain and also Czarist Russia, now the Soviet Union. I just returned from an extended trip in what is known as the Middle East. I am very friendly with the heads of government, the rulers who have known me from 25 to 30 years, who talk to me, and treat me as a brother. I stay with them in their homes, And we call each other by our first names.
Now what I am going to tell you may not make you fell any more comfortable, but the less comfortable you are after hearing me, the more chance you will exert whatever influence you can to save this country from a fate it does not deserve.
What’s Next? (Part 1)
AS WE MOVE THROUGH NOVEMBER AND INTO DECEMBER YOU ASKED: WHAT’S NEXT? As always we must turn to the scriptures for the outline of events. We then remember that we have read: “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” The Apostle Paul then said: “Liberty is given unto us concerning this. Therefore stand fact in this liberty where Christ has made us free. Someone always says, but of course this is talking about transgression, things that are evil, and we are to be building a Brotherhood with all people, all nations, so that we can all go to heaven and not to hell.
We would suggest that we come down to earth and wake up, for did you ever know of any bondage that did not come through transgression, the violation of Divine law, or even national law? That is the way bondage comes. Thus when you are set free from sin, from this thinking wrong, then you will be free indeed. The Apostle Paul advised: “Be not confirmed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Thus you have to think free before we can live free.
What Next – Part 2
Revelation, Chapter 20
IN THIS CHAPTER WE FIND THE STORY OF ONE MORE THING WHICH IS TO HAPPEN HERE AT THE END OF THE AGE. For here is this story of how Lucifer this rebellious Archangel who has been controlling earth for so long is now finally to be confined. As Great Babylon, his kingdom in earth falls then a Great Angel comes to earth with a great chain and Lucifer is changed up and put in the Bottomless pit (the netherworld. Lucifer will thus not cause any more damage in earth for a long, long time.
What Next – Part 3 – Revelation, Chapter 21
HERE JOHN SEES A NEW HEAVEN AND A NEW EARTH FOR THE FIRST HEAVEN AND EARTH HAS PASSED AWAY AND NOW THERE IS NO SEA. (Division). Would you not say that this is telling you that this present world order ruled by Lucifer, which has trapped many of the children of the kingdom is now passed away? Now there is no division between the Kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of God here in earth. Now God’s people are under his protection. Their education here in earth is finished except for some hold outs who will soon realize what is being portrayed.
Now there is no limit on the capacity of this Kingdom to grow and advance here in earth as the children of God without this temptation of Lucifer’s kingdom to blind them. Now they can move forward in their destiny. Thus there is no limit for God’s Kingdom which now John understands is his race, the Adamites coming out of the heavens. And called the New Jerusalem, portrayed as a bride, adorned for her husband. This part of the story, is found in the Star Bible in the constellation of Andromeda.
This second verse is the key to unlock this chapter. For John now understands the program and plan of YAHWEH FOR THIS EARTH. How HE planned for the overthrow of Lucifer as well as your part in this great battle of purpose.
Thus now John can understand this symbolic city called New Jerusalem, which is this people of his race coming out of the heavens (spiritual realm) all of this time from Adam and Eve on down. No longer are you to long for old Jerusalem, that trouble spot of the ancient world and still the same in today’s world.
John is now seeing the end of this age, and he on mount Patmos was a long way back in history, but now he is seeing the unveiling of the people of God’s kingdom, who came out of the spirit realm into the physical for a definite purpose. Thus YAHWEH WHO IS OUR YAHSHUA would thus come and redeem his people of earth, and now at the end of the age remove the rule of this rebellious arch Angel.
What Next – Part 4 – Revelation, Chapter 22
IN THIS LAST CHAPTER OF REVELATION, CHAPTER 22, then John is shown another view of this situation, and here he is shown a “Pure river of the Water of Life.” Here symbolically in other words this is the Living stream of people out of the spirit into physical earth, for a purpose. This involves Resurrected Life, and Eternal Life and as such is the gift of God. (Romans 6:23 and I John 5:12.)
Eternal Life is the gift from YAHWEH (God) through Jesus Christ (His embodiment. He that hath the son (embodiment) hath life. But He that hath not the son (embodiment) hath not life. “Thus he that hath not this one called ‘son’ because he came embodied out of his race, He that does not recognize this one Jesus the Christ, our saviour does not have Eternal life.
What’s Next No. 5
FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO ASKED: ON DECEMBER 27, 1997, I took a detour and it was a long and bumpy road. Had not been feeling up to par for some time. Had been to the clinic and taken an antibiotic prescription, but some of the problems just did not go away, although it seemed to help a bit.
When Maurice came over that morning, he said, ‘Ella, are you all right?’ (He has built-in radar. Can’t hide anything from him). Then he called Jo Ann and talked to her about it. Then she called back and said my doctor was on call at the hospital that Saturday and that I should go see him. She made the necessary calls and we were on our way.
In the emergency room at Scott Co. Hospital, an exam was done. They did chest X-rays. The lung did not look good. Then Doc put a needle in my back on the left side and drew out about three quarts of fluid that had been in the sack around the lungs. He announced that the left lung had collapsed and soon I was in the back of the ambulance on oxygen, JoAnn was in front with the ambulance driver and Maurice was following in his pickup. We were on our way to Garden City St. Catherine Hospital where Dr. Miller awaited.
Things aren’t too clear to me from then on for the rest of the day. I was admitted to the hospital. But they tell me, they inserted a tube into my chest, then a small balloon through the tube and inflated that lung. Then they left the tube in, laying along side the lung and fastened a suction pump to that. The pump rested on a little table with wheels. It had two big bottles on the bottom shelf and I took the little green table on wheels wherever I went.
On January 18, 1998, the tube was finally removed and I started to see if I could get along on my own without the pump. I had another leak in the lung and delayed my coming home. But this healed quickly, and finally I am coming home.
Tracing The Covenant People From Joshua To Solomon
JOSHUA NOW STEPS FORTH AND PICKS UP THE LEADERSHIP MANTLE FROM MOSES, YAHWEH once more outlines this land He has given to Israel and it stretches “From the wilderness, and then Lebanon unto the Great River Euphrates, all the land of the Hittite’s, to the great sea, toward the going down of the sun. Thus these people are told: “Be strong, be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed, for the LORD thy God is with thee whether-so-ever thou goest.” (Josh. 1:1-9)
Nearly six centuries after the death of Abraham, these Covenant people now stand on the east bank of the Jordan River awaiting marching orders from a new commander. Israel’s national unity reached the highest peak in her history at that time. Under the leadership of the great Levi, Moses, Israel’s sons and daughters had been schooled in the observances and administration of God’s laws, both national and Ecclesiastical. Only the young, strong and courageous remained to cope with the arduous tasks of conquest and homesteading. Their spiritual understanding is revealed by their pledge of loyalty to Joshua as he took command and issued his first orders to the officers and to the people.
Under Joshua, the Israelites had what was called a military dictatorship. But oh, what a difference from today. In this case it meant guidance of National affairs in cooperation with YAHWEH for the benefit of all the people. As Joshua commanded, as YAHWEH TOLD HIM WHAT TO DO the people obeyed. And YAHWEH did wonders on this day as the Israelites crossed the Jordan River. The “Ark of the Covenant” went first into the river, and the waters ‘held up’ so that the “Ark of the Covenant” stood in the midst of the river while the Israelites crossed. The waters which came down from above, stood and rose up in one heap, a great way off at Adam, the city that is beside Zarethan. (Josh. 3:16)
The Continuing Story Of The Covenant People – Leviticus – Deuteronomy
HERE ARE THE BOOKS FOR THE HEALTH LAWS AND THE NUMBERING OF THESE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL, so as to assume their marching formation and their style of life for their best health results. Leviticus is also the book relating to worship. And is only for those whom YAHWEH thus calls. For only those does HE seek to worship HIM. “Blessed is the man whom thou chooseth, and causes to approach unto thee, that he may dwell in thy courts.” (John 23-24 and Psalms 65:4). Here we are thus talking about worship just as the book of Exodus thus relates to redemption.
The Holy Spirit is not once named in the book of Leviticus whereas it is referred to in all the other books of the Pentateuch, because ALL relates to The Christ. And it is the spirit which works to Glorify Christ. (John 16:13-14) Thus YAHWEH begins here in the Old Testament with the burnt offering and ends with the Sin offering.
Messiah (The Covenant People Story Continued)
AS WE TRACE THIS COVENANT PEOPLE, we come to this time when we read that a Saviour has been born. Why was this necessary, is the question sometimes asked?? Because these Covenant people here in the flesh, although they tried, and produced some great leaders, still our people could not walk and keep on the narrow path of the Old Covenant without stumbling and bringing on judgements. After all, part of the program was for each generation to receive an education here in the flesh. This physical envelope is the container for the spirit to enter the physical world. Thus our people enter the physical world by the breaking of the water in the birth process. But the spirit which entered this physical body was not a baby spirit. No. It was a full grown spirit. And this spirit consciousness was with the Father before the world was framed.
Thus here through this Immaculate conception Mystery, through this very envelope of birth came YAHWEH as YAHSHUA or Saviour, to His people who were already here in earth, in flesh bodies and to all those who would come later. He came as a tiny babe, of His own race into this physical earth. He came as you and I came, a tiny babe, the most helpless of all tiny creatures. He as YAHSHUA (spirit) would dwell in this body that Mary had produced for Him. And we are told that He came to ‘save’ His people from their sins’. (Matt. 1:21) Why did He chose this way to come? So that He could identify with you His family. (Hebrews 2:11) We are also told that the greatest of sins for His people would be for them to mix this. His race, His household, which carries the Holy Spirit seed, and capable of passing it on the offspring. Mixing with another race without that capacity, then the child does not receive the Holy spirit and is not of the race. This race was to remain pure since it is flesh of His flesh, and bone of His bone.
His people, under the Old covenant, were having such a time maintaining their status quo here in the flesh. And HE came also in the flesh, to be an example for them and to rescue them from their sins, which was simply the breaking of His laws. He thus, came spirit, soul, and body and could move into any dimension and could also HOLD THE WHOLE WORLD IN HIS HANDS. Thus making Him the ‘same yesterday, today and forever.’ This is, of course, some of the mystery of the Virgin Birth. Yet the body of the Man Christ Jesus was not actually a new body. For this was also the body He had before this world was framed. This body was thus synthesized again and brought forth in the Ovum. Thus the translation is The Immaculate conception. Thus this YAHSHUA, this tiny babe, was “Very God”. This had to be the case, for He was also the Lamb without spot or blemish. (I Peter 1:19)
Tracing The Covenant People – Jesus The Christ
ALL THE PROPHETS OF JUDAH AND ISRAEL HAD FORETOLD THE GLORIES of a distant era when YAHWEH as YAHSHUA, Saviour, would come to visit His people, these of the Covenant race.
We also read: “Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me, and the LORD whom ye seek shall suddenly come to His temple, even the Messenger of the Covenant, whom ye delight in; Behold, He shall come, saith the LORD of Hosts.” (Mal. 3:1)
Matthew tells us that all things were done as foretold in Isaiah. (Matthew 1:22-23 and Isa. 7:14) The men of Israel knew that the birth of Messiah would be in Bethlehem of Judea. And even the slaughter of the babes by Herod’s order was prophesied in Jeremiah.
The prelude to the ministry of YAHSHUA or Jesus the Christ, was the preaching of John the Baptist in the wilderness of Judea as foretold by Isaiah in chapter 40. Jesus was then baptised by John and then led into the wilderness where He withstood the tempting of Satan. After that, His great work began. He went to Capernaum which is upon the sea coast, in the borders of Zebulon, and Naphtali, that it might be fulfilled when spoken by the prophet Isaiah 9:1-2 and Matt. 4:13-16.
Since you readers are familiar with the principal events of His live, as YAHSHUA went about preaching and teaching and doing good, then we will look instead at the scenes which reveal that attitude of the Jews toward the Christ. First notice their reactions to John the Baptist. As he began preaching, many people went to hear him. Many believed and confessed their sins and were baptized. The Jewish authorities in Jerusalem sent priests to investigate. When they questioned him, he said he was not the Christ, but was the forerunner of Christ who was them among them though they knew Him not. (John 1:19-28)
Genesis 1;14:-19 From the Companion Bible, Appendix 12
NOT ONLY WERE THE HEAVENLY BODIES CREATED TO DIVIDE DAY FROM NIGHT, to give light to the earth, but for SIGNS, for seasons, and for days, and years. There is an emphases in this area that we should single out these four purposes and consider them separately. Therefore let us at this time consider SIGNS.
We see there are signs of something or someone TO COME, that is the indication.
“Learn not the way of the Heathen and be not dismayed at the SIGNS of the Heavens.” (Jer. 10:2)
The Stars are numbered and named, and there are 12 signs of the Zodiac called ‘Start’. In Genesis 37:9 eleven of these bowed down to Joseph who was the 12th. The word Zodiac means the degrees or steps which mark the stages of the suns path through the heavens, corresponding with the 12 months, 12 being one of the special numbers of scripture.
Tracing The Covenant People – ‘From Solomon To The Christ’
AS WE FOLLOW THE EVENTS IN THE LIVES OF THESE COVENANT PEOPLE, COMPARING THE BOOK, “One Man’s Destiny” with the scriptures, we find thus, this continuing story, David, the man after YAHWEH’S own heart is getting ready to turn the reigns of the Kingdom over to his son Solomon, who will build the Temple for YAHWEH.
The appointment, the coronation, the celebration, the dedication of the contribution for the temple were all the work of David (I Chron: 28-29). David is recorded as saying in his final dedicator prayer: “Blessed be thou LORD GOD of Israel, our Father, for ever and ever. Thine O LORD, is the greatness, and the power, and the Glory, and the Victory, and the Majesty. For all that is in the heavens and in the earth is thine; thine is the Kingdom, O LORD. And thou art exalted as head above all. Both riches and honour come from thee, and thou reignest over all; and in thine hand is power and might, and in thine hand it is to make great,and to give strength to all. Now therefore, our God, we thank thee, and praise thy Glorious name.
But who am I, and what is my people that we should be able to offer so willingly after this sort. For all things come from thee, and thine own have we given thee. For we are strangers before thee, and sojourners , as were all our fathers; our days on earth are as a shadow , and there is none abiding , Oh LORD our God , all this store that we have prepared to build thee a house for thy Holy Name cometh of thine hand, and is all thine own. I know also my God that thou triest the heart, and hast pleasure in uprightness, a for me, in the uprightness of mine heart I have seen with joy thy people, which are present here, to offer willingly unto thee.
Oh, LORD God of Abraham, Isaac and all Israel, our fathers keep this forever in the imagination , of the thoughts , and in the hearts of thy people. And prepare their hearts unto thee; and give unto Solomon, my son, a perfect heart, to keep thy commandments, thy testimonies, and thy statutes, and to do all theses things , and to build the palace, for which I have made provisions. (II Chronicles 29)
Thus David prayed and the people then came and worshiped their LORD and King. Then they put Solomon on the throne of the LORD instead of David his father, and all Israel obeyed him. David then died in a good old age, and his son Solomon reigned in his stead, and you will note particularly here that it is the LORD’S THRONE upon which Solomon sat.
The Comforter – Bible Study
Nevertheless, I tell you the truth; it is expedient for you that I go away, for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. (John 15:26)
CHRIST IS HERE SPEAKING TO HIS DISCIPLES AND HE ALSO SAID: “But when the Comforter is come whom I will send unto you from the Father (Spirit), even the spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, He shall testify of Me.” (John 16:26)
Then again: “And I will pray the Father and He shall give you another Comforter, and He may abide with you forever, even the spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth Him not, neither knoweth Him; but ye know Him; for He dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you Comfortless; I will come to you, yet a little while and the world order seeth Me no more; but ye shall see Me, because I live, ye shall live also.” (John 14:16-19)
Alright, the Comforter sent another Comforter to some people who were not of the World Order.
In the ‘Old Book’, ‘Palmoni’, by M. Mahan D.D.,1863, we find the author calling his work a ‘free inquiry.’ He was trying to find a connection between the application of numbers of the scriptures as a key to sacred dates of Scripture. This author calls to your attention that all of nature is actually a mystery. Why do things in nature happen as they do? Who designed the flowers for instance, if things just happened as the Evolutionists think? After all, there are Sermons in stone such as the Great Pyramid, and Stonehenge, and books in running brooks. (This is referring to the books in the brooks in South America as told in the book ‘In Search of the White God.’) Since this is all true, then our author suggests that we might expect to find even in the arithmetic of the scriptures more things than are dreamed of, in our limited philosophy, especially outside of this idea that you live your life and expect to go to heaven or hell when you die. Is that then all the story of our scriptures?
Esau (Bible Study)
The father of Esau was Isaac the man of the Covenant and his wife was Rebekah. (Genesis 25)
REBEKAH HAD TWIN SONS. ESAU CAME OUT FIRST AND IT IS RECORDED THAT HE WAS RED ALL OVER AND MUCH HAIR ALL OVER HIM, and they called him Esau. The second child came out holding on to Esau’s heel, and they called him Jacob. (Meaning contender)
Now, according to the Companion Bible the word RED in this case means simply a figure of speech, to attract your attention to something that will explained better later on. Esau was the first born and thus would be expected that he should inherit the birthright which included the father’s blessing and the supremacy of the inheritance within the covenant. Jacob, however, was well schooled in this meaning by his mother. Whereas Isaac loved the fresh meat that his son Esau brought in from the hunting and had prepared for his father. But the love of the flesh, the red meat, is just that of the flesh and had nothing to do with the spiritual or inheritance side of the story.
Thus the son grew. And later one day, Esau came in from hunting and he had no luck in his endeavour. And he was hungry. And when he saw that Jacob was cooking meat in a pot, he wanted to eat. Jacob said to him: ‘Sell me your birthright.’ And Esau decided to do just that. He was not interested at the time in the inheritance. He was thinking only about being hungry.
In scripture, you are told that after that Esau’s name would be Edom meaning Red or ruddy. And now you understand a bit more about the description as he was born.
When Esau was 40 years of age, he took a wife, Judith the daughter of a Hittite. And this was a great grief to Isaac and Rebekah because, you see, their son was marrying outside of his race. Then Esau took another wife also from the Hittites who were also part Canaanites. This grieved his parents very much. But he was of age and they could not do much about it.
Isaiah The Prophet Of Israel
WHEN STUDYING THE BOOK OF ISAIAH, AND I DID SAY STUDYING, it may help you if you will consider this; Isaiah chapters 1 through 39 are mainly in the time of the scattering of the Covenant people, the time when they are moving out of the old land where the kingdom had been set in place but where they could not keep their statutes in the midst of the World Order in place there. It is thus as though the voice here is from the Tabernacle or the Temple.
Isaiah 2:1 speaks of what he sees in a vision concerning Judah and Jerusalem, “It shall come to pass that in the last days (the days of Messiah) that the mountain (nation) of the LORD shall be established in the top of the mountains (nations), and shall be exalted above the hills (the little nations), and all nations shall flow into it.” Verse 3: -“And many people shall say; Come let us go up to the nation of the LORD, to the House of the God of Jacob; and He will teach us his ways, and we will walk in his paths, for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. And He shall judge among the nations and shall rebuke many people, and they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they make war no more.”
‘Joel’ – Bible Study
WE ARE LOOKING AT THE WRITINGS OF ONE OF THE MINOR PROPHETS. The time for this prophet’s writing would be long before the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem of Judea. Joel was with the tribe of Judah and Benjamin in Babylonian captivity. And Jeremiah, the ‘Crying Prophet’, was in Jerusalem, while Daniel was in Babylon. Ezekiel was also in Babylon and some of the time in Judea. The House of Israel and some of the House of Judah had some time before this, been removed from the old land and were now in their march to destiny, although the people did not quite understand just what was happening to them.
Joel will describe for you what happened to them to bring about this great tragedy. However, his book is also not the words of Joel, himself. For this first verse tells you that this is ‘The word of the LORD’ which came to Joel: –
‘You are admonished to ‘Hear’. this is a call to awake and when talking about the old men, these are not official Elders of Israel, but those whose memory goes back the furthermost in the past. ‘Tell your children, and their children, and have them pass it on to the next generation.’ In other words, listen carefully and realize just who is the enemy of the Kingdom people and why they are attacking the Kingdom of God. Then be sure you install this knowledge in your children through the generations.
“That which the Palmer worm hath left, hath the Locust eaten, and that which the Locust hath left the Cankerworm hath eaten, and that which the Cankerworm hath left hath the Caterpillar eaten.”
According to the Companion Bible, this is Joel’s explanation as to what happened to Israel over the years. And these worms are simply four words used to show the completeness of their destroying agencies which have over the years been attacking the Kingdom.
This expression, ‘The Day of the LORD’, marks the time limit or the ‘end time’ when YAHWEH-YAHSHUA Calls a Halt to This Destruction, and Then Restores His People.’ Thus we read of a ‘Call to repent’, meaning, change your thinking, awake. For the time has arrived for this last all out attack on God’s Holy Mountain or HIS KINGDOM. Here with this prophet, the enemy is likened to Worms which over the years have been eating at the Kingdom. And the covenant people are almost over come by this constant attack of this same enemy although under different names from the time of Adam up to now.
Jonah (Bible Study)
THE WORD OF THE LORD CAME TO JONAH: – ‘You go to that Great City of Nineveh and tell them what they are doing is wrong.’
Jonah was one of the minor prophets and he was given a certain job to do. Many critics have said that the book of Jonah is a myth, an allegory and so forth. But this prophecy of Jonah is actually a literal history.
Why then did YAHWEH send Jonah to Nineveh? Well, in that great city of Nineveh lived Adamic people. And they, after building a great civilization, had allowed the children of ‘Darkness’ to come into their midst and now they were ‘Backsliding’ in their original faith. But besides that, it was into this area that YAHWEH WAS SENDING THE TEN TRIBES IN THEIR CAPTIVITY, before they would go west in their migrations.
Jonah knew that the people of Nineveh were of his race. And now although they had built a great civilization, were now about to lose it. Which always happened when they stopped following the laws of YAHWEH. Jonah knew that Assyria at that time, was in great difficulties as the nations around about were gaining power. He must have suspected that this city of Nineveh was to be YAHWEH’S rod of judgment. But he did not seem to understand YAHWEH’S full purpose in this situation. And he tried to follow his own way of thinking instead of doing obediently, what YAHWEH told him to do as Prophet of His people. The great lesson of this book of Jonah then, is that the devices of man shall not frustrate HIS purpose and what HE hath said shall surely come to pass. This is the lesson of this book and makes it worthy of its place in the WORD of GOD.
Now, Jonah, thinking that if he did not go to Nineveh, then the city would be overthrown, and then YAHWEH would not send Israel there, thus decided to flee and go the other way. He should have known better. But he tried. For he boarded a ship for Tarshish (Spain). But a great wind came up. And those in the ship became afraid. They wondered why God was angry and made the wind and the waves angry. Finally, Jonah does confess that he was probably the problem for he had thought that he could flee from the ‘Purposes’ of God. So they threw Jonah overboard. And immediately the wind subsided and the waves quieted.
The Book Of Revelation
AS YOU KNOW THE BOOK OF REVELATION IS A BOOK OF MYSTERY, a book of symbolism. I will try to give you an outline of this last book of the Bible using the tape ministries of Dr. Swift, and Pastor Comparet, as well as my understanding. You are well acquainted with Dr. Swift’s work as a Pastor, and in case you are not acquainted with Pastor Comparet, he was a lawyer with his own firm in California when he became acquainted with the Swift group, and the Swift Ministry. On retiring he became an Identity Minister. He studied in the Swift Library, and he approached the Identity message as a lawyer, thus he searched for facts to back up what he preached.
He was an ancient history buff and this made his work easier and more fascinating. Every Thursday for some years, the Swift group went to San Diego for an evening meeting, then after the meeting, they went to the Comparet home for dinner and they talked and talked. In comparing the work of both these men we find that Pastor Comparet lacked the Inspiration we found in the teaching of Dr. Swift but still you found a great message. The Book of Revelation is the closet book in the Bible to the Book of Daniel which is also largely symbolic, but which was also explained to Daniel, and being symbolic there is then no understanding of the Book of Revelation without some understanding of symbolism. Revelation is history, past, present, and future, given in symbolism. Here in the Book of Revelation which is given to John, we find that it is given by YAHSHUA who is YAHWEH, himself, in the flesh.
The first part of this chapter identifies YAHSVHUA. We find that John is on the Isle of Patmos for the testimony he was to give concerning YAHSHUA, as to who HE was, and His plan for His kingdom and His earth. Yahshua identifies His authority by saying (vs:8), ‘I Am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last. I am He that Liveth, and was dead. Behold! I am alive for evermore, and I have the key (understanding) of Hell (the Netherworld) and of death.’ In other words: I am YAHWEH‑YAHSHUA, I control all’. This is also the symbol of the right hand, for it means authority. Embodied YAHWEH was the ‘Son of David’, the first born (embodied) out of His Race, thus the second Adam. Here He stood in all His Glory and John fell on his face before this Glory.
TODAY AS PEOPLE SEE MANY THINGS HAPPENING they are trying to find mention of them some place which will tell them just why these things are happening and what they should do about it. Dr. Swift would say that as you see these things which are happening today, that there are not many of them which you cannot find listed in the scriptures.
The year of 597 B.C. was a tragic year for the kingdom of Judah. King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon came to Jerusalem and took the king, Jeroiachin captive. Took him to Babylon, with his wife, but not his children. And he also took other Judahites, and among them was a young priest named Ezekiel. This young man had lived a life centred upon the service of the Israel Temple in Jerusalem. He would thus be a misfit in any other life. Yet here he is, and his wife is taken with him and his young children are separated from their parents and left in old Jerusalem.
Lucifer: – Isaiah 14:12
HOW ART THOU FALLEN FROM HEAVEN, O Lucifer, son of the morning? (Lucifer is a name of Satan.) (Before his rebellion Lucifer was an archangel). HOW ART THOU CUT DOWN TO THE GROUND, WHICH DIDST WEAKEN (subdue) the NATIONS? FOR THOU HAST SAID IN THINE HEART, I WILL ASCEND (mount up) IN THE HEAVENS, AND I WILL EXALT MY THRONE ABOVE THE STARS. (The Saints of the Kingdom of God, who were to be as the sands of the seashore and the stars of the heavens.) (God, the Hebrew EL, God the omnipotent.) I WILL ALSO SIT UPON THE MOUNT OF THE CONGREGATION (the divine assembly of judgment). THE SIDES (recesses) OF THE NORTH. (This helps us to locate the dwelling place of God.