THE FRENCH GENIUS, VICTOR HUGO WROTE “When a people forgets God, He sends earthquakes”. That is why the U. S. must expect a political earthquake, because the Americans are “spitting” at Christ and thus angering God His Father.
Even the New York Times of Jan. 14, 1923 published a letter entitled Christless Christianity. At least 90%, of Americans of standing reject Christ’s words implying: that they know better [than Christ] and believe that there are good Jews. In vain Chicago is building 70 or more churches—: there will be no Christ in them, as long as Americans “know better” or pretend to be less intolerant than Christ or “less prejudiced” than Our Savior.
As soon, as one says anything critical of the Jews he is classified as an “anti- Semite.” You can insult the English; German, or French nations and nobody cares. But do not dare proffer a word against the Jews.
“Licking their boots” and extolling them—is the only thing allowed. “If the true spirit of Christ was alive, Christians would not turn against the Jews as they do” wrote H. M. Troch.
I understand you believe that the people we know today as “Jews” are God’s “Chosen People,” the Israel people of the Bible. You, and others, call them “The Chosen Race,” “God’s Chosen People,” “Israel,” “The Children of Israel,” and other very complimentary names in relation to God. I also understand you believe the Jewish occupation of Palestine to be the prophetic “return of Israel” to “their” land.
Since it is Israelites “to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises” (Romans 9:4) it behoves us, as Christian Americans, to know as much about God’s Chosen Israel and His Book as we can.
The information on these pages has been compiled in Christian love and a desire to stimulate your study of “the People of the Book.”
WHEN the author engaged in this disquisition, it was not with the remotest idea of writing a book on the subject. His sole design was to collect a few materials, to be afterwards thrown together, so as to form an article in a literary work, to which he had promised to contribute. But,
from the contradictory assertions of learned and able. writers, concerning the Culdees from the
variety of topics regarding their history or character, which demanded particular attention ; and
from the indispensable necessity, in an inquiry of this kind, of producing original authorities; he
soon found, that it was in vain to think of giving any tolerable account of this celebrated society
within the usual limits of an essay. Various difficulties have occurred, indeed, in the progress of this investigation. But, in consequence of persevering in it, he has had the satisfaction of meeting with facts, which seem to have been formerly overlooked ; and he flatters himself that he has been able to set some others in a new light.
Billy Graham: War Criminal
There’s a piquant contrast in the press coverage of Billy Graham’s conversations with Nixon, as displayed on the tapes gradually released from the National Archive or disclosed from Nixon’s papers. Back in April l989, a Graham memo to Nixon was made public. It was dated April 15, 1969, and was drafted after the evangelist met in Bangkok with missionaries from Vietnam. These men of God said that if peace talks in Paris were to fail, Nixon should step up the war and bomb the dikes, which, Graham wrote, “could overnight destroy the economy of North Vietnam.”
Graham lent his imprimatur to this recommendation. Thus Graham was advocating a policy to the U.S. Commander-in-Chief that on Nixon’s own estimate would have killed a million people. The German High Commissioner Seyss-Inquart was sentenced to death at Nuremberg for breaching dikes and other crimes in Holland in World War II. (His execution did not deter the USAF from destroying the Toksan dam in North Korea, in 1953, thus deliberately wrecking the system that irrigated 75 percent of North Korea’s rice farms.)
Billy Graham was closeted for almost two hours with the Pope on 13th January 1981
A recent announcement has been made in the United States of America to the effect that representatives of the ecumenical churches and the so-called New Evangelicals have had a meeting with Dr. Billy Graham. The proposal put forward is that a new ecumenical council should be formed. The National Council of Churches, which is the official wing of the World Council of Churches in America, has had such an abominable record that an attempt is now being made which will make compromise and ecumenism acceptable. This is all part of what could be described as the modern Billy Graham image and has become synonymous with his type of evangelism.
BILLY GRAHAM IS A 33 DEGREE FREEMASON. A Satanist, tool of the Illuminati This is an age when falsehood, chicanery and deception abound. It is a time when telling the truth has been made a crime. The mass media regularly pumps out lies, distortions and misinformation liberally laced with masses of sex trivia and sweet nothingness. Every major story reported by the media is given a lying twist.
The newspapers and magazines are a waste of time and space. It is a terrible waste of newsprint. They are not there to report the news and keep people informed but to dissemble, fake, bluff and lie. Their aim is to form, shape and mould peoples’ opinions for them and to lead them in the direction of the master manipulators operating secretly behind the scenes. Never before in the whole of human history has it been easier for a tiny minority of powerful men to control millions of people.
A flickering screen, placed in almost every home in the land, instructs people on what to think and believe and how to act and what to say. T V. exerts greater power and influence over the mind than any king or despot of history. Whoever controls the little screen controls the mind set of the British.
The Roman Catholic Church does not appreciate Strossmayer’s Speech at Vatican I in 1870, when papal infallibility was made official dogma. In fact, there are Roman Catholic authorities and some apologists who deny its authenticity. Why? Because it undermines the primacy of Peter which is the foundation rock of the Papacy.
For Roman Catholics who question the genuineness of the following message by Roman Catholic Strossmayer, there is grave need to consider the following information:
The Catholic Encyclopaedia (©1913 Vol. XIV p. 316) gives an account of Bishop Josip Strossmayer (1815-1905) at the Vatican I Council of 1870, from which we quote: “At the Vatican Council he was one of the most notable opponents of papal infallibility, and distinguished himself as a speaker. The pope praised Strossmayer’s ‘remarkably good Latin.’ A speech in which he defended Protestantism made a great sensation… After the Council Strossmayer maintained his opposition longer than all the other bishops and kept up a connection with Johann J. Ignaz von Dollinger” the greatest Roman Catholic historian in Germany. His books commanded universal respect. This was “until October 1871. Then he notified von Dollinger and Reinkens that he intended to yield ‘at least outwardly.'”
ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL REPORTS of the High Moguls of World Jewry, the American Jewish Committee has been rewriting Christian textbooks for years and has been able to do so by individual rich Jews making huge contributions to leading Christian churches, schools and other institutions. The Jewish conspiracy was in full swing most as this article is being written in 1961.
It is being run by the Jews through the National Conference of Christians and Jews. This outfit was founded and is run by the anti-white-anti-Christian B’NAI’ B’RITH which fights against Christmas Nativity scenes and Bible reading in the schools, etc.
Columnist Boris Smolar who was the editor-in-chief for the Jewish Telegraph Agency in 1961, in his column Between You and Me stated. “Thousands of American clergymen are now studying a document urging the reappraisal of the position of Jews in Christian education. The document is the result of a study made by a French scholar and educator who came to the conclusion that although anti-Semitism is un-Christian, nevertheless contempt for the Jew has been taught and is still being taught.
“The scholar was Prof. Jules Isaac, who was the inspector General of French National Education who in his study said that an immediate revaluation of Christian education, was at that time being disseminated by the National Conference of Christians and Jews to leaders of the Protestant and Catholic churches.
FROM FLOATING THE, seemingly improbable, proposition that Mary the Mother of Jesus lived a considerable, perhaps the major, part of her life in Britain and is buried here to accepting that proposition as a fact is a long, exciting and fascinating journey but a journey the reader will find worthwhile.
`DID THE VIRGIN MARY LIVE AND DIE IN ENGLAND?’ is compulsive reading, even for those who have no interest in religion. It is a book destined to be talked about for many years to come.
`DID THE VIRGIN MARY LIVE AND DIE IN ENGLAND?‘ is a highly controversial book challenging ideas about the Jesus family and the times in which they lived that have been unchallenged for centuries. It is a book guaranteed to excite, to stimulate conversation and will revolutionise the reader’s view of what the world in which the Jesus family lived was really like!
That the Virgin Mary lived much of her life in England, that she died in England and is buried in England is the main proposition of this remarkable and exciting book by Victor Dunstan but there is much more to it than research into the life and times of Jesus by the author astonishingly reveals that:
* The Jesus family were WEALTHY people—Jesus WAS born in a manger but not because the Virgin Mary was poor! Victor Dunstan argues that the myth of Jesus’ poverty was a convenient way for the Church to make the poor satisfied with their lot. Good ‘sob stuff’ religion!
* The disciples were all members of Jesus’ family, or friends of the family and were property owners and businessmen and were either RICH OR INFLUENTIAL OR BOTH. Contrary to generally accepted teaching there were no ‘SIMPLE FISHERMEN’ among them!
AS YOU FOLKS WILL NOTICE Rod does not reference anything that I have posted. He just goes wild and calls me all sorts of names. For it is obvious that he is incapable of a comprehensive study of the Scriptures.
There has never been a post by me that reflects badly on Christ. I did say that Ellen G. White was a false prophet, and a Jewess. But unlike Rod I did a little search of what Ellen G. White has stated and is recorded in various books. Therefore, I present this as a rebuttal to Rod and to show why I say what I did about Ellen G. White being a false prophet.
Also, I have said repeatedly, I am not a preacher, I am a watchman, and as a watchman I care not what others think about me. Look at what I say and see if it is true. If it is not then forget it and go on about your business but if it is true then why chastise me, be warned and adjust your life so that you will be prepared when that great day of the Yahweh happens.
We know that there will be others on earth AFTER the judgment that neither believe in Yahweh, nor in Yahshua the one called Christ. For we find recorded in the Book of Revelation 22:14-15: “Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right TO THE TREE OF LIFE, AND MAY ENTER IN THROUGH THE GATES INTO THE CITY. FOR WITHOUT ARE DOGS, AND SORCERERS, AND WHOREMONGERS, AND MURDERERS, AND IDOLATERS, AND WHOSOEVER LOVETH AND MAKETH A LIE.”
I would like to begin this message with a quote from a movie that really got my attention during it’s viewing. The movie series of which held as it’s central character, Indiana Jones aka Dr. Vendyl Jones. He made a statement concerning organized religions, he said,
“Religions can be likened to Rat Poison, 99% sweet cookie, 1% arsenic — and 1% arsenic kills — Most religions give you 99% truths and feel good messages — but the 1% lies can kill you”
I thought this quote very applicable as I began to think about the false teachings that pervade our Christian churches and Bible College institutions of today. They have many things correct concerning the scriptures but the whole foundation upon which they base their premise is completely unfounded.
THE history of the ancient and venerable Abbey of Glastonbury is in a great measure buried in its ruins; but yet some vestiges of this once celebrated pile are still to be found in many ancient and valuable books, which have been published from time to time respecting its antiquity and former state. This Abbey was, together with those of Reading, Colchester, and several others, never surrendered to king Henry the Eighth’s commissioners ; but it was suppressed and seized upon by violence, under an act of parliament for dissolving the rest of the religious houses which remained unsuppressed.
Who were the Celtic peoples that inhabited Britain and much of Europe during the time of Christ? Why did such people have Asiatic style war chariots? And why did the Belgae of Southern England have palm trees, of all things, on their coins?
Diodorus Siculus, writing in 60 B.C., stated: “The Britons live in the same manner that the ancients did; they fight in chariots as the ancient heroes of Greece are said to have done in the Trojan Wars — they are plain and upright in their dealings — the island is very populous — the Celts never shut the doors of their houses; they invite strangers to their feasts, and when it is over ask who they are and what is their business.”
The Celts were a prosperous and industrious people. Wealth was centred in large flocks of sheep and herds of cattle. Food was often preserved in smoked, cured, or salted form. International trade flourished, wine was imported from the Mediterranean region.
Once upon a time, the media was very good at presenting factual news. However, in the 21st century that has all changed as the media has become a tool for propaganda and indoctrination which is seen in almost every area of life, ranging from the advertising of questionable products, to even more questionable matters of education. The art of persuasion has replaced the simple virtues of truth, the media has fallen into the wrong hands, and is being used as the tool to drive our nation ever farther down the wide pathway of destruction. Politicians on the whole cannot differentiate truth from error, anymore than can many of today’s Church leaders
THE PLAN OF THE ILLUMINATI/LUCIFERIANS is to mix up the races and promote mongrelization/miscegenation as a means of destroying the Aryan Nordic Race and their Christian religion. Since all the churches condone and further this policy they must be under Illuminati/Satanic control. This includes just about all the evangelical churches and such widely diverse groups as Baptists, Methodists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Christadelphians, Seventh Day Adventists, Anglicans and Catholics etc. They may be divided against each other and differ greatly in their doctrinal position but in one respect they are all of the same mind. They all support the Satanism of Race Mixing and Mixed Breeding. As one tiny example the Christian Science Foundation in their blatantly misleading book ‘Answers To The 4 Big Questions’ states that “The only marriages that God frowns upon are those of Christian with non‑Christian”. This same trash book also tells us that Adam was probably brown and “Noah and his family were probably mid‑brown”.
B.C. – Whit Sunday [Pentecost] was also celebrated by the pagans.
“Whit Sunday was the Druids’ Day of Apollo.” [Owen 187]
“In Scotland, the Term Days were Candlemas (Feb 2), Whitsunday (May 15), Lammas (Aug 1) and Martinmas (Nov 11), until (CDWF) an Act of 1990 changed those dates to Feb/May/Aug/Nov 28th; it seems that in Scotland ‘Whitsunday’!= ‘Whit Sunday’.” [Stockton]
“Whitsun was celebrated in the normal Pagan fashion with games, processions, horse races and feasting. The Whitsun games continued into the high medieval period as the tourneys familiar to all readers of the Arthurian romances, and in modern times in the north of England they survived as local carnivals…” [Pennick 124]
The devil’s emissaries have often come on the Christian scene as “angels of light” and “ministers of righteousness” heralding the end of the age and a new Pentecost preceding Christ’s return. However, the Holy Spirit was given exclusively to the Church at Pentecost as the “earnest of our inheritance” and will only be poured out on “all flesh” during the Millennial reign of Jesus Christ. Throughout the Church Age, heretical sects, in their hasty departure from the sound doctrine of the Bible, have found common ground in mystical experiences. To validate their experiences as Biblical, they conveniently detach verses of Scripture pertaining to the supernatural from their contexts — which set parameters to protect God’s people from Satan’s counterfeits.
The following outline chronicles a continuous stream of mystical sects, the ecstatic manifestations that defined their experiences and the heresies they embraced and propagated — to the current revival of mysticism writ large in Satan’s plan to counterfeit Jesus Christ’s Millennial Age with its attendant signs and wonders. Christians who naively assume that the Holy Spirit is always and only present where signs and wonders are manifested should take careful note of the supernatural manifestations which have frequently accompanied the most radical heresy and apostasy. Observe how the occult counterfeits and perverts the legitimate spiritual gifts that God bestowed upon the Church at Pentecost — gifts that are subject to the believer and not vice versa as seen today in the altered states of consciousness that Satan induces in his slaves.
This is an age in which news has been superseded by propaganda, and education by brain-washing and indoctrination. From the advertising used to sell poor quality goods, to the classes in schools designed to make children into conditioned robots of the State, the art of persuasion has displaced the simple virtue of truth.
Since the end of the Second World War we have been bombarded from all sides with references to the Western world’s “Judeo-Christian religion,” and “our Judeo-Christian heritage.” We are told by both church leaders and scholars that our society is based on a supposed “Judeo-Christian tradition”.
The notion of “Judeo-Christian religion” is an unquestioned — almost sacrosanct — part of both secular and church thinking. American Christian leader Prof. Franklin H. Littel, a vocal supporter of the Zionist state, frankly declared that “to be Christian is to be Jewish,” and that consequently it was the duty of a Christian to put support for the “land of Israel” above all else. Pat Boon, the North American singer and evangelist, said there are two kinds of Judaism, one Orthodox and the other Christian.
Yet such a decidedly Christian Zionist outlook is to say the least, wildly simplistic and profoundly a-historical. As the astute Jewish writer, Joshua J. Adler, points out, “The differences between Christianity and Judaism are much more than merely believing in whether the messiah already appeared or is still expected, as some like to say.”
IN this book, we, the authors, do not claim to have presented anything new to our readers: we have told an old story in a new way. But, though the story of our English Protestantism is old, yet it is not as familiar as it should be to the majority of Protestants; to many, therefore, it will be new. It is hoped that the perusal of this volume may instruct the young and the ill-informed in the vital facts of our Imperial Protestantism, and give them a more vivid realisation of those thrilling, and stirring, conflicts, which our forefathers waged for many long centuries against the forces of Darkness, thereby securing for us the Light, and Liberty, we enjoy at the present time; and that those who are already well acquainted with these all-important matters of our national, blood-bought, and blood-defended Faith, may receive a freshly kindled zeal, and an increasing enthusiasm, in upholding the priceless heritage of Gospel freedom by the perusal of “THE STORY OF THE LIGHT THAT NEVER WENT OUT.”
IT MAY SAFELY BE CONCLUDED from the silence of Gildas that the British Church of the first half of the sixth century possessed no knowledge or tradition respecting the introduction of Christianity. into Britain. An apostle to the Saxons had arisen in Augustine of Canterbury (A.D. 597), and the feud between the Celtic Church of Britain and the newly founded Anglo-Roman Church had lasted for a century before we meet with the Lucius fable in Bede. To quote his own words : ” In the year of our Lord’s incarnation 156, Marcus Antoninus Verus, the four-teenth from Augustus, was made emperor together with his brother Aurelius Commodus. In their time, whilst Eleutherus, a holy man, presided over the Roman Church, Lucius, king of the Britons, sent a letter to him, entreating that by his command he might be made a Christian. He soon obtained his pious request, and the Britons preserved the faith which they had received, uncorrupted and entire, in peace and tranquillity until the time of the Emperor Diocletian.”[1Lucius, king of the Britons, sent a letter to him, entreating that by his command he might be made a Christian. He soon obtained his pious request, and the Britons preserved the faith which they had received, uncorrupted and entire, in peace and tranquillity until the time of the Emperor Diocletian.”
By organising Protestantism in Geneva along strict church-state separation lines, Calvin was able to impact the religious and moral character of the city in a way that was unprecedented. Ozment notes that the Swiss reformers, “Zwingli, Bucer [and] Calvin… closely integrated religion and society and were determined to transform the latter by the former, subjecting rulers to Scripture’s guidance and the standards of divine righteousness” as interpreted by a somewhat literal interpretation of the Bible (Ozment 198: 135). But, how successful was Calvin? Did the cities of his 16th century world impact his thought? To what extent did Calvin impact the cities that he visited and lived in?
Calvin’s life, writings and ministry cannot be divorced from the cities that he travelled to or resided in. Born in Noyon, he would later study in Paris, Orleans and Bourges. He would seek sanctuary in Angouleme and Nerac. He would flee to Basle and Strasbourg to escape persecution in France. He would travel to Ferrara in Italy, and to several German cities from 1539-1541 to participate in colloquies sponsored by Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor. Eventually, he would settle in Geneva, and make his home there as a refugee and an exile from his own city and country.
IN 1992, BILLY GRAHAM BROADCAST ALL OVER THE U.S. his radio show called Embrace America 2000. In the Louisiana area, it came over the KJAM Lafayette Station. During the show, Billy Graham told the American people we need to embrace the New World Order.
Billy Graham is also on record stating that people can have salvation through paganism (another name for witchcraft). For instance, in McCall Magazine (Jan. 1987) Graham stated, “I used to believe that pagans in far-off countries were lost — were going to hell. I no longer believe that. I believe that there are other ways of recognizing the existence of God–through nature, for instance.” Pagans believe that salvation can be obtained through nature. This is not a pleasant story. Billy Graham has been built up to be the most respected popular person in America, Who wants to find out they have been deceived? We will try to give you the facts, or evidence, and may God grant you wisdom as you read this. This section is not propaganda for our own personal views. Years ago, when Fritz set out on his search, he had no final outcome in mind. Fritz isn’t concerned with concealing facts one way or the other. There is no desire to stampede our readers any where. We do want to clarify many issues. We do want to help the truth seeker. But the co-authors personally have no battle to win, except that truth be brought forth.
THIS EDITION IS RE-CAST, and is a reproduction of EARLY BRITISH CHURCH of former series collated. It has for its object the proof that the British Church is the result of Hebrew inception and not from Rome. It also establishes deductive evidence that the original British settlers were Hebrews in their original.
We must refer our readers to articles written by the same author in The Covenant People, vol. xiii, and others prior to this and afterwards, say, from 1907 in C.P. All evidences are given there ; and considering that these articles have been before the public and sent to very many of the clergy and bishops, and not one single refutation having been brought against the evidences, we must take it for granted that they are tacitly accepted as incapable of disproof. In 1897, the Thirteenth Century Anniversary of the landing of “Augustine the Monk,” which made such a wrong impression, the first series of this EARLY BRITISH CHURCH went out in its thousands to very many of the leaders of our Church and the author received very many “private” acknowledgments and thanks
A FEW YEARS AGO, I wandered into the mid-week prayer meeting at Stowmarket Baptist Church. The minister, a certain Mr Lacey, addressed his small flock on Isaiah chapter 2, applying a modernist interpretation to the text and misleading his congregation. When he finished I asked if the meeting was open to the public and was told that it was. I pointed out that there was no reason why we shouldn’t take the text literally to mean exactly what it says. He interrupted saying that is what he used to believe. I then went on to speak about the Jews, stating a few well established facts before I could proceed very far there were shouts of “Racist” from the congregation and I was stopped by the minister and hustled and bustled out of the church. Afterwards, I thought to myself that if the Lord Jesus Christ, the object of all their prayers and devotions had stood up in their church and uttered the same words He spoke about the Jews 2,000 years ago they would all have shouted out against Him and thrown Him out of their church. It also confirmed what I already knew. If an honest man stood up in the pulpit of ANY church in this land and uttered a few home truths he would soon be shouted down and ejected by the marionette minister and his implanted and brainwashed congregation. As the Old Book says:
“Preach unto us smooth things, preach unto us deceits”. Isaiah 30:10. Most of the British have now been so programmed and brainwashed they couldn’t recognize the truth if it hit them in the head. But when the Antichrist arises with possible holograms in the sky and telepathic messages channelled straight into their brains and every kind of lying wonder they will flock to him in droves. They will believe and accept him. The British are more interested in the pursuit of pleasure than truth.
OF ALL REVOLUTIONARY SYSTEMS, which throughout human history have been devised for the destruction of our civilised values, Communism is without doubt the most perfected, most efficient and most merciless. In fact it represents the most advanced epoch of the world revolution, in whose postulates it therefore not only acts to destroy a definite political, social, economic or moral institution, but also simultaneously to declare null and void the Holy Catholic Church as well as all cultural and Christian manifestations which represent our civilisation.
All revolutionary currents of Jewish origin have attacked Christianity in its different aspects with particular one-mindedness. Communism, spawned from this same revolutionary stream of thought, seeks to banish Christianity for the purpose of causing it to vanish from the face of the earth, without even the slightest trace remaining. The destructive fury of this satanic striving, which brings before the eyes of the world the most terrible pictures of terror and destruction which are possible to imagine, can only be based on the essence of Nihilism and the most evil, hate-filled rejection of everything hitherto existing. For otherwise, one would not be able to understand the indescribable insanity of its criminal acts and the spirit of destruction, of annihilation, of insult, of contradiction and of resistance by its leading personalities against everything, which represents fundamental features not only of Catholicism but of religion in general.
IN THE COURSE OF DISCUSSING SCHEMA 13 ON THE CHURCH IN THE MODERN WORLD, the fathers of the Second Vatican Council last week got around to a touchy question: What should be the Catholic attitude toward atheism?
The most militant answer came from the new Jesuit General. Father Pedro Arrupe. What “the Black Pope” had to say shocked a number of progressive bishops and and theologians. Arrupe charged that there is an atheistic conspiracy at large in the world the world which holds almost complete sway in international organisations in financial circles in the fields of mass communications, press, cinema, radio, television. Even worse he warned, was the atheistic mentality enters the very City of God, insidiously influencing the minds of believers (including even “religious and priests) with its hidden poison. and producing its natural fruits in the church: naturalism, distrust, rebellion.”
In a Crusade, to counteract the greet conspiracy of the godless, Arrupe urged the council to draw up a basic plan for “worldwide coordinated action” to be followed by Catholics in a crusade against atheism, under “absolute obedience to the Pope.” The Supreme Pontiff would then “assign various fields of labour to everyone, in order that the entire people of God may give itself vigorously to this task.”
I am writing these things to you, hoping to come to you quickly: but in case I am delayed, you will know how you should conduct yourself in the house (domain) of God, which is the ecclesia of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth. (1 Timothy 3:14-15)
The ecclesia of the living God IS the pillar and ground of the truth! That makes it pretty important. If we can define “ecclesia,” we will have identified “the pillar and ground of the truth.” Few endeavours are as important and rewarding as this.
But, defining words is the crucial factor that many people never consider. Some purposely ignore it. Because of this, millions of people have missed the true meaning of the “ecclesia.” And, because they have missed this meaning, they now find themselves unwittingly in support of an institution the early Christians despised.