The greed of governments in their pursuit of money is the single greatest threat to creating a Dark Age. With New Zealand imposing a $5,000 fine for just landing there and you refuse to hand over your pen and passwords to your phone for them to search, now we have Australia going really nuts to the point that they risk tech companies simply banning the sale of their products in the country.
The Assistance and Access Bill 2018 in Australia will force Google, Apple, Facebook, and other technology groups to help Australian authorities decode certain forms of encrypted communications on their systems, or face fines of up to AU$10 million. The government says the legislation will help protect against terrorism, fraud and child abuse crimes, claiming it aims to ensure criminals “have no place to hide.”
The problem that arises that failure to pay taxes they also call criminal. Hence, the hunt for money is greatly aided by this type of legislation far more than any other pretend criminal activity. While the government has stopped short of demanding backdoor access to tech companies’ systems that would allow the government to tap into end-to-end encryption services such as Whats App, it does demand access to data at “points where it is not encrypted.”
Apple, FOR INSTANCE, would not be made to create a backdoor for their iMessage where every user’s encryption key is different. But the government could request access to the single encryption key for its iCloud services. When you send a message to a friend, it’s encrypted as it travels between the two devices, and when it arrives, it’s decrypted for your friend to read, which is when the government should get to read it.
The Australian government is cleverly demanding not a backdoor, but a “side door” to gain access to whatever people are sending.
“The love of money is the root of all evil.” I Tim 6:10
The Borders of Babylon
THE STENCH OF “BABYLON” HANGS HEAVY IN THE AIR AROUND US. There is no real name that adequately describes it. Words such as “evil empire”, “New World Order” and “International Trade Cartel” (ITC) offer a glimpse, but no newly-coined word really describes what once existed in the ancient world and has now returned once again to torment mankind.
The WORD says that it was a great city built by Nimrod[1] upon which all peoples laboured. It seemingly was unending, vast – it reached the sky. Then, all of a sudden, God spoke; work stopped, and the great city fell into ruin.
The WORD spoken by God was “separation”. Separation is the opposite of “integration”. Without integration Babylon cannot be built. Integration of the world and its peoples builds Babylon – separation destroys it. Babylon is the enemy of all “separatists”. God is the enemy of all integrationists[2].
The great city Babylon encompasses all of the following:
1. The Merchant: All the world’s great businesses.
2. King & his Army: All the world’s governments and their armies.
“The great city was divided into three parts.” Rev 16:19
EGYPT BABYLON IS ORGANIZED IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER: “(Pharaoh) placed officers over them from amongst the children of Israel, and over these officers he placed taskmasters from amongst his servants”. Jasher 77:10 Egypt was organized in the same manner as ancient Babylon. Today’s West is organized the same way. Three forces ruled them – three forces rule us.
• Pharaoh,
• Saxon officers (collaborators).
• Alien taskmasters (over collaborators).
Egypt – Babylon’s Clone
Long before there was an Israel; long before there was a Moses, long before there was a tyrannical Egypt to come out of; there existed a Plan. The Plan was to gather all the world into the hands of Babylon ruled by a King whose land was organized as an episcopacy – rule from the top down.
Forever the WORD warns man against the Tower of Babel. In spite of constant warnings man continues to go to a new Canaanland and work to develop its wealth – only to lose it when Egypt closes in around him, takes his wealth, and reduces him to slavery.
The building of the Tower of Babel is so important that the WORD relates the story of Joseph, the favourite son of Abraham, and cast him in the role of the villain. As such there is no way that the story can be side-tracked except by those who do not wish to see, or those who cannot see.
Role Model on Trial
LADY MICHÈLE RENOUF FACED TRIAL IN DRESDEN, GERMANY ON 16TH OCTOBER 2020. This Blog Will Explain the Reasons Why German Prosecutors Abandoned Their Case after Two and a Half Years of Preparations. What Did the German State Fear Would Be Exposed in Open Court? This Blog Will Explain over the Coming Weeks and Months… Thursday, January 14, 2021
Quote: “Who controls the past, controls the present; who controls the present, controls the future.” – George Orwell, 1984 (book describing a time when government would take over the planet).
Global Freemason/Illuminati satanic numerology serial killers! (please reread and reread)
The World Government uses false ‘terrorism’ to control the population(s) and get their way with more state powers over them. (“Terror is the essence of our rule.” – Vladimir Lenin). Tremendous profit expected off the recent bombings due to Illuminati Fed Bank Greenspan financial finageling 2 days prior to the July 22nd, 2005 attack (second in a string of recent terror events – “14” days apart)— The blasts came within minutes of each other, shortly after (22:07 GMT), when the bars and markets were busy with tourists. Source.The case has been built on multiple fronts: Using the Freemason sacred numerological history decoder ring, reversed engineered in the recently released ebook “Revelation 9:11″: (3,7,”11”,13,19,39,93,111) [and and multiples of each such as “666”]
Michael Haupt’s July 22nd, 2005 prediction was spot on! See Here1) Blasts in Club in Egypt on 22/07/2007 at 22:07GMT (Big Ben London Clock slowed for “13” minutes on 5/27/05 – an occult signature. The hands jammed at 22:07
Long ago it was realised that if any group could control the mass communications media that group could control most minds in a country. Numerous well informed people have unanimously declared that all of the media, TV, radio, newspapers, advertising, book publishers etc has long been firmly under the ruthless control of one minority group: International Jewry headed by a few super-rich billionaires at the pinnacle of which sit the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. In his book The Hoax of the Twentieth Century – an in depth exposure of the 6 million fraud – Prof. Arthur Butz described all of the media in the West as “a Lie Machine”.
Money rules this world. The people who create and control money Control Everything, politics and politicians, secret societies, the police, the judiciary, education, the military, the church ad infinitum. The puppet politicians at Westminster have long represented Banking and Moneyed Interests, not the interests of the British people. Bankers look after their lackeys and creatures well. For services rendered, lucrative positions, handsome directorships and fame and fortune while the British people rot and their country is given away.
The controlled media has long been pumping out misinformation, distortions, downright lies and masses of trivia to keep the public occupied and amused with sweet nothing. Now, in more recent years, a deluge of rampant degeneracy, obscenity, blasphemy and violence to undermine and destroy all morality. As people see, hear and read, so They (Politicians of all parties) are guilty of the Greatest Treason in All of Our History. They have flooded our tiny Island home with millions of the coloured races and implemented oppressive and evil Race Laws to force the British to submit to this policy.
CENTRAL GOVERNMENT IS TYPIFIED BY BABYLON — Babylonian type World Empires, based upon the concept of Central Government, are liberally strewn throughout the records of world history. Today, the epitome of Central Government is usually thought to be the Communist government of the Soviet Union But, in all fairness, evidence shows clearly that the Soviet Union’s government is NOT unlike other centralized governments in the world. The truth is, Marxism is merely a typical Central Government. And Marxism like all centralized governments, is bad!
Looking at Central Government, certain recognisable traits stand out. Central Government always develops into a self-willed, self-protecting entity interested only in its own survival. Central Government is never a servant, but rather a master It is its own master, with its own personality. It rules! It never serves’ It uses every means at its disposal (including police and military force) to protect itself against the public The people, collectively, are considered its greatest resource, and at the same time its greatest threat.
Police are employed in great numbers to enforce the Central Government’s will upon the people, and to protect it from possible public interference.
Therefore, it is a continuing struggle to keep the people suppressed. Central Government is of the nature that it must maintain its own existence in hostile surroundings. It must conquer, or be conquered! It is perpetually at war with the public. However, politicians don’t call it “war.” They callit “Political Science” (the art of conquering and controlling the masses). There- fore, Central Government’s position of unchallengeable power must be maintained. Otherwise, the people might get out of hand.
A person’s opinion is a direct result of what has been placed in his databanks. Control the data – and you control the person.
America’s Databanks
THE GOVERNMENT CLAMPED ON MONOPOLY CONTROL OF DATA CONCERNING THEIR ASSAULT ON THE WACO COMPOUND. The only data that went into America’s databanks was PsyWar data. All news was tightly censored. Those targeted were denied a voice; reporters were kept 2 miles away; trespassers seeking information were taken into custody; alternate-media reporters were arrested; all news and announcements were channeled through government secret service spokesmen.
According to the spokesman, the Davidians were “killed accidentally,” were “victims of a fire purposely set by their leaders,” or committed “mass-suicide.” Also, they were believed to have had either “illegal,” “unnecessary,” or “too many stockpiled guns.”
In the 51 days they were under siege, the FBI spokesman found no redeeming virtues in the besieged. They were totally bad; “they cursed,” “used 4-letter words,” “lied,” “were sacrilegious claiming to be god,” “were insane,” “manufactured drugs,” “assaulted babies leaving them bleeding,” “held children hostage,” “sexually assaulted children,” “held women hostage,” “were suicide-prone,” “committed suicide,” and – without trial, were pronounced “guilty” by the director of the FBI.
NASDAQ, Wal-Mart & Downsizing America
FORGET? I THINK NOT! WE’VE SEEN IT BEFORE AND WE’VE LEARNED. Scotland was invaded and conquered by England’s cartel and forced to pay tribute to agents of its figurehead king.
My ancestor was lucky, he was banished to America. The rest of our poverty striken Saxon kinsmen laboured in the fields until sheep-wool became more profitable to the cartel owners than their farm labour. Then, the cartel imported sheep, burned our villages and sent our kinsmen to Edinburgh and Glasgow to live in 6 floor walkups and work for starvation wages in the cartel’s mill and shipyard corporations. Families were still living in these walkups with one bathroom on the first floor when I visited Scotland in 1982 – our own Saxon kinsmen!
The overflow Scottish population was loaded on ships and sent to work vacant Catholic farms in Northern Ireland. There, they again laboured for a pittance and fought the Irish Catholics whose land they took, while both paid tax-tribute to the same cartel who stood back laughing – having done it to them many times before.
John Lynch, founder of Lynchburg, was one of these Scot-Irish survivors. My own ancestors were English, Scottish and Irish. My wife’s ancestors came from France and England. In America we all prospered. Then the Royal Cartel repeated in this country everything they had done to our ancestors in the old country. Having enough, we withdrew from the king’s cartel, and in leaving we stated the reasons why:
Winston Churchill Was ‘Serial Paedophile’ Who Liked ‘Buggering Young Boys’
NOVEMBER 16, 2017 SEAN ADL-TABATABAI NEWS, UK, Winston Churchill was a prolific paedophile who enjoyed ‘buggering young boys,’ according to explosive diary entries. Sir John Rupert “Jock” Colville, former British civil servant to Churchill, exposed the former wartime Prime Minister in a series of shocking diary extracts. Truth News reports: Churchill had huge gambling, drinking and whoring bills, and Jock Colville claimed he usually insisted on ginger haired prostitutes, so they bought him a ginger tomcat as a private joke.
Churchill’s Sandhurst file, the original and proper one lists him as, ‘a confirmed sodomite and a menace to the younger boys’ (Courtesy of Guy Burgess diaries) this waywardness allowed Churchill to be used by the bankers, under the carrot and the stick, you do as we say and you get paid x amount, you don’t do as we say and we ruin you. In WWI Churchill took bankers cash in the name of Colonel Arden, and WWII his secretary said several names were used, Mr. A Conner’s was alleged to be just one.
A Re-adjustment of History
8th February 2019
“World history: There are two world histories. One is the official and full of lies, destined to be taught in schools – the other is the secret history, which harbours the true causes and occurrences.” Honore de Balzac
Winston Churchill; the man voted in a newspaper poll as the ‘greatest ever Englishman,’ was actually an evil, self-serving, narcissistic, opportunistic, hypocritical, treacherous, traitorous, perverted paedophile and a murdering psychopath.
Preposterous you say? Read on and see if you still believe this statement to be untrue at the end of this article…
The truth about Winston Churchill is that he was a menace to liberty, and a disaster for Britain, for Europe, for the United States of America, and for Western civilisation itself.
Churchill’s original Sandhurst military file, describes him as a ‘drunken, aggressive homosexual’ and that only his mother having a ‘liaison’ with the Prince of Wales, prevented him from being prosecuted for sodomy.
The following is from the highly-acclaimed British Intelligence operative-turned whistle-blower, Anthony Thomas Trevor-Stokes, better known to truth-seekers everywhere as ‘T. Stokes’…“Winston Churchill, who led Britain into both World Wars with his famous ‘V’ salute, is still revered by many people and was, in a recent, rigged newspaper poll voted the greatest ever Englishman.
WE HEAR A GREAT MANY CLAIMS AS TO THE BEGINNINGS OF THE JEWS, who they are or are not. Yet it has been made hard to pinpoint the roots to the terms Ashkenazim and Sephardim, the two chief groups who together make up some 98% of those who call themselves, Jews. You will not get much truth from Jewish sources on this unless you know what you are looking for.
Basically they stonewall you with two bold and un-backed statements which tend to make the casual researcher say, “aha, that is what the terms mean”. Thus satisfied they look no further. The statements are made by rabbis yet Jewish historians are at last giving details which agree with facts given by European historians a long time ago
The two un-backed statements are, “Sefarad is the Hebrew word for Spain and “Ashkenazim is the Hebrew word for Germany”, now think about this, if this were to be so, then it stands to reason that all Spaniards could call themselves, the Sephardim, thus giving all Spaniards Jewish rights to Palestine, assuming Jews have rights to the land, it also means that the Germans can call themselves, the Ashkenazim and lay claim to Palestine if the Ashkenazim have any such rightful claims. Yet for some loopy reason the Jews who claim that the terms mean Spain or Germany feel the terms only befit Jews. The real reason becomes clear with a little delving, It may also reveal the true reason why the Jewish lobby in the USA is so hell-bent on smashing the Iraqi leadership of the day.
The reason why the Jews do not readily share these terms, Sephardic and Ashkenazim with the non-Jewish folks of Spain and Germany is because the terms simply do not really mean Spain and Germany at ail! The terms are uniquely fixed to the Jews because they are ethnic pointer terms.
I CAN’T THINK OF ANOTHER PERSON WHO HAS HAD A LARGER IMPACT on the way people think than Ernst Zündel. By standing up to the powers that be, and with a lot of help from his friends, he got the Supreme Court of Canada to eventually and begrudgingly validate the truth of what he was saying.
He got Holocaust Revisionism verified as a real subject with real questions about the historical record, and about the lies that continue to be told that utterly distort the truth of the world.
Of course, the truth never matters when it opposes the designs of the ever present Deep State, that notorious Jewish succubus which sucks the life out of all states and all people.
So far from being able to celebrate his landmark legal victory with his friends, instead Zündel suffered years of imprisonment (at least seven, that we know of) and a permanent ban on public speaking that lasted right up until a few days ago when a heart attack took him away forever.
And all this because they found him innocent!
The charges were all spurious, never clearly defined. He was initially charged with a hate crime for publishing a book by Richard Harwood (a pseudonym) titled “Did Six Million Really Die?” Two trials drew Revisionist experts from all over the world, and they demolished all the fictional Jewish claims. Somewhere along the line somebody blew up Zündel’s house.
(Since that time, officials at the Auschwitz site have lowered their supposed death toll from 4 million to 1.4 million, but using Jewish mathematics, commentators on the Jewish TV networks continue to use the 6 million figure.
ESAU’S STRENGTH IS “DECEPTION”. His ability to deceive comes from his study and knowledge of the WORD. The Book of Jasher 7:23-30 reveals that the WORD is “Adam’s Cloak”. Covered by Adam’s Cloak man is covered with God’s Laws and thinks logically.
The Cloak of Adam was stolen by Ham and used to do evil. Nimrod inherited the Cloak and the whole world believed him to be their leader when he used it. Esau coveted the Cloak. He lay in wait and slew Nimrod and stole the Cloak and has used it ever since to deceive mankind. Organized religion is today paid by the international merchant to censor the WORD. While pretending to be clothed in Adam ’s Cloak of Truth they actually wear Esau ’s Cloak of Deception.
“Thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.” Rev 18:23
The Dollar Illusion
Take a minute and look at a dollar bill. It was created out of nothing. Banks can create as many pieces of “nothing” as they like any time they want and use these created “nothings” to buy whatever they wish – things like land, ships, cities and men[1].
It’s legal. Lawmakers passed laws making it legal. Lawmakers passed these laws in exchange for the bank owned media giving them favourable publicity so they could be elected to their cushy jobs. Of course, it should be emphasized again – the media is bank-owned – and it is the banks who create “nothing” out of thin air which they used to purchase the media.
Our sound money system is a gift from Esau[2] – it is media created – it is an illusion.
A FEW MONTHS AGO I RECEIVED AN ADVERTISEMENT FROM THE NEW COUNTRY OF ISRAEL about a “Revolutionary New Discovery.” The discovery was that the people of northern Europe were descended from the ancient Israelites. I sent for the book and received The Tribes, The Israelite Origins Of Western Peoples[1].
This book was one more Jewish-authored book revealing “the amazing discovery that Saxons[2] are Israel.” It contained most of the same proofs that Bible students have long known.
It came with maps of the migrations of the tribes of the early Israelite-Saxons, their final places of settlement, and the counties in which they settled – Naphtali to Norway; Asher and Gad to Britain, Scandinavia and Germany; Dan to Denmark, etc.
Ben Israel’s Argument
The Jews have always known the truth about Saxon-Israel and have used the information, or not used it, as circumstances demanded. The entry of the Jews into Britain was a time when they needed to use it.
ALEKSEI NICHOLAEVICH ROMANOFF, WHO OPERATED UNDER THE COVER NAME MICHAL GOLENIEWSKI, has revealed with documentation the fact that Secretary of State Henry A. Kissenger was, under a code name a member of a secret unit of Communist Intelligence.
The true identity of Aleksei as the heir to the all Russian Imperial Throne is known to the governments of the United States, Great Britain and other countries. Nine years ago the Herald of Freedom published two issues containing documentation in support of his identity Included in this documentation were numerous supporting statements from reliable sources. No one in government, of those who know his identity, has ever denied it.
On June 11, 1971 the New York Daily Mirror announced the exclusive publication of “Reminiscence and Observations by H. J. H. Aleksei Nicholaevich Romanoff, heir to All‑Russian Imperial Throne, Tsarevich and Grand Duke of Russia, and head of Russian Imperial House.” In introducing him as a columnist the Daily Mirror stated: “Herman F. Kimsey, former Chief of Research & Analysis of the Headquarters of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, in an affidavit signed June 3, 1965, said,
‘I am convinced and I continue to be convinced, that the person referred to as Col. Goleniewski is in fact the and Grand Duke Aleksei Nicholaevich Romanoff of Russia, and son of Emperor Nicholai II of Russia.’
SPECIFICALLY THE KHAZARIAN MAFIA (KM), the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate that the Khazarian oligarchy morphed into by their deployment of Babylonian Money Magic, has been nearly completely excised from the history books.
The present day KM knows that it cannot operate or exist without abject secrecy, and therefore has spent a lot of money having its history excised from the history books in order to prevent citizens of the World from learning about its “Evil beyond imagination”, that empowers this World’s largest Organized Crime Cabal.
The authors of this article have done their best to resurrect this lost, secret history of the Khazarians and their large International Organized Crime Syndicate, best referred to as the Khazarian Mafia (KM) and make this history available to the World via the Internet, which is the new Gutenberg Press.
It has been exceedingly difficult to reconstruct this hidden secret history of the KM, so please excuse any minor inaccuracies or errors which are unintentional and are due to the difficulty in digging out the true history of Khazaria and its mafia. We have done the best we can to reconstruct it.
The Individual vs. The Corporation
“Everyone you meet is either a wolf or a sheep.”
SHEEP PRODUCE, CREATE, BUILD, AND INCREASE. WOLVES TAKE, KEEP, PULL DOWN, REND, DEVOUR, AND DESTROY. Sheep live peacefully in sheepfolds. Wolves live in raucous crime- filled dens. Sheep function as individuals, wolves function as members of the pack – they operate in corporations.
Sheep obey their Shepherd. Wolves obey the policy of their pack leader, the alpha wolf. The Shepherd orders his sheep to live in sheepfolds, each an individual king, each ruling his own kingdom (farm), each judging his kingdom under the law of his Shepherd.
Mysterious China
China has been the terminal of the overland spice trade with India and Europe for more than two thousand years. The wealthiest people in the world live in China. The leaders of the rest of the world beat a path to her door to bow to their rulers. The Westerner who considers planes, tanks, and armies to be a match for a nation forced to use money and diplomacy instead of force is a fool.
AN EMAIL POSTED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM A SUBSCRIBER IN AUSTRALIA – further food for thought: It also happens to be 11 months after the London atrocities that they plan to release The Beast movie on 6/6/06.
Remember the Big Ben clock stoppage in London that the news media made so much fuss about?
Here are the interesting numbers plus the stoppage’s relationship to the 7/7 attacks.
1. The clock stopped at 22.07 = 11.
2. It stopped again at 22.20 = 6 or looked at another way 111 x 2.
3. The duration of the first stoppage was 13 mins – 22.20 minus 22.07.
4. The duration of the second stoppage was 90 mins or 3 x 3.
5. The date it stopped was 5/27/2005 and when added together = 39 or 3 x 13.
The number of days between 5/27 and 7/7 including only one date is 41 or 1 month and 10 days or an 11.
Including both dates the time span is 42 days or 1 month and 11 days or a 111.
Also the 41 day method yields a 5 and the 42 day method yields a 6 and so, added together 5 and 6 yields 11.
So, they get multiple 11’s using either method.
11 is the number for their christ or the biblical Antichrist.
C. H. DOUGLAS OBSERVED THAT INTERNATIONAL FINANCE HAS AT ITS SERVICE THE BEST BRAINS WHICH MONEY CAN BUY. John Maynard Keynes, the economist who so skilfully perverted the challenge of Social Credit with his deficit spending and “controlled inflation” programme, was not lacking in brains.
While Dr. Henry Kissinger may not be quite the genius suggested by the public relations men who laud him, the Jewish refugee from Germany was seen by the Rockefellers and associates as a man with the capacity to serve them well. Dr. Kissinger’s betrayal plan for Rhodesia, the last of the betrayals of the West {South Africa followed in 1994}, has the warm approval of International Finance, which has consistently worked to create the much-published “One World.”
The question of whether Dr. Kissinger is, or was, a KGB agent is of academic interest only. Kissinger has, in a number of statements, made it clear that he believes that the One World can only come through international control of the raw materials of the world. International control must be extended also to food supplies.
Such international control means increasing links with International Communism. A former American naval director Admiral Umwelt, reports that he was present at a briefing meeting at which Dr. Kissinger said: “The day of the United States is past and today is the day of the Soviet Union. My job as Secretary of State is to negotiate the most acceptable second-best position available.”
FINALLY, A MILITARY PILOT STEPS FORWARD AND COMPLETELY BLOWS THE LID OFF the unlawful and exceedingly destructive Global Chemtrail Program. What follows is a video which puts forth a true story about a courageous pilot who has broken ranks with his chemtrailing peers. In so doing he has risked his life and the life of his family. As you listen to this presentation, or read the text provided below, bear in mind that chemtrails are being sprayed 24/7 around the globe with terrible consequences.
For those uninitiated in the ways of atmospheric engineering, chemtrails are but one geoengineering technique that is being systematically used by the U.S. Military. The following link provides an excellent overview of the geoengineering / chemtrail phenomenon, as well as an exceptional photo-doc. After all, only seeing is believing–-for most people!
No matter what the stated reasons are given to those who fly the chemtrail jets, they are always told by their superiors that this ongoing and illegal atmosphere-altering program is being conducted in the interest of National Security.
POSITIONED IN DISTANT SOUTHERN CLIMES, far from the perceived centres of human civilisation – the thin coastal belt, broad plains and scorched deserts of Australia offer an enticing laboratory for the sciences of experimentation and herd manipulation.
Wrenched from the hands of its native population through a bloody series of wars and oppression, the modern nation of Australia was established as a British penal colony in 1788. Doubtlessly much has changed and developed since then, but still it’s difficult to shake the image of Australia as contiguous and eternal penal colony.
Since federation in 1901, examples of Australia as anything but felicitous imperial servant are few and far between. The nation cheerfully delivered its young to be blood sacrifices in the imperial territorial jousts of the twentieth century and various Anglo-American imperial intrigues throughout the latter twentieth century and early twenty-first.
Beginning in the 1950’s, Australia had the dubious pleasure of being Great Britain’s nuclear sandpit. All manner of outrageous and unforgivable atomic ‘experiments’ were conducted across West and South Australia, as unrelenting clouds of nuclear fallout drifted over the largest populations centres on the eastern Australian seaboard (the effects of which were covertly studied by the ‘mother country’ for decades thereafter). Like a serially abused child, this nation of ‘Larrikins’ and ‘Eureka Rebels’ barely raised a mute whimper.
IT WAS ONE OF THE MOST WELL-KNOWN “SECRETS” OF THE BRITISH OLIGARCHY, that the model for the British Empire was Venice. Benjamin Disraeli, the late-nineteenth-century prime minister of England, let the cat out of the bag in his novel Coningsby when he wrote, “The great object of Whig leaders in England from the first movement under Hampden to the last most successful one in 1688, was to establish in England a high aristocratic republic on the model of the Venetian–-William the Third told–––Whig leaders, ‘I will not be a doge.’— They brought in a new family on their own terms. George I was a doge; George II was a doge––George III tried not to be a doge–- He might try to get rid of the Whig Magnificoes, but he could not rid himself of the Venetian constitution.” The well-known secret of all the Whig insiders was that the Venetian takeover of England was a 200-year project beginning with the break of Henry VIII with Rome and concluding in 1714, with the accession to the throne of George I.
A JOURNALIST WHO REQUESTED DOCUMENTS USING THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT received additional files on “remote mind control” and the effects of “psycho-electric weapons”.
A journalist working for the non-profit organization Muckrock made a bizarre discovery after requesting documents from the US government through the FOIA. Indeed, as part of an ongoing investigation about Antifa and white supremacist groups, the journalist sent a request to the Washington State Fusion Center, a Department of Homeland Security, which specializes in counter-terrorism, detecting criminal activity, disaster planning, cyber-security and other threat assessments.
Along with standard documents such as emails, intelligence briefings, and bulletins, the journalist received a bizarre filed named “EM effects on human”.
One document describes the effects of “psycho-electric weapons” including “forced memory blanking”, “forced rigor-mortis” and even “forced orgasm”.
Another document explains biomagnetic fields and brainwaves (Alpha, Beta, Delta, etc.) two concepts that are extremely important in MKULTRA and Monarch mind control.
WHEN THE AUTHOR OF THIS BOOK. COMMANDER W. J. G. CARR DIED ON OCTOBER 2, 1959, he left this book in manuscript form along with many scribbled notes, reference books, half formulated thoughts, etc. His last wish was that the book be finished and published in order that all men might know of the plot which exists to wipe out every trace of decency in the world and all civilizations as we know them now.
Such a task is manifestly beyond ordinary means. I, his oldest son, have been asked to try and edit, revise and correct the manuscript as best possible before publication. This I have done to the best of my limited ability. I have not added anything to the original draft or changed anything except where requested to do so in marginal notes in my father’s own handwriting.
I found the work frustrating because it was far beyond the scope of my ability. At the same time, I found it extremely interesting and rewarding as I tried to sort out the thoughts and ideas of a man who died almost seven years ago.
At some points in the manuscript I found notes such as: “Check the accuracy of such and such a point” or “dig out more information on such and such a person”. On each occasion, 1 deleted the point queried completely, for it was always my father’s strong belief that nothing should ever be written until completely proved out in the light of existing knowledge. Since I do not have the necessary sense of values to decide what information should or should not be used in such cases, I felt safest by leaving the information out completely.
There are sheep and there are wolves. A sheep is a sheep. A wolf is a wolf. Wolves eat sheep. That’s what they do. Sheep try to keep from being eaten. That’s what they do. Wolves think it is unreasonable for sheep to complain. But. of course, that, too, is what they do.
The Sheep
SHEEP ARE PREDICTABLE. They all act the same way because that’s the way they are bred. They tend to congregate and follow a shepherd. The shepherd leads them to green pastures. The sheep graze, grow fat, and produce mutton, wool, milk, cheese, and skins.
Obedient sheep obey their shepherd and tend to live lives which are productive and plentiful. Sheep who disobey their shepherd may wander from the flock and be injured. Many die in the teeth of the wolf.
The smell of sheep is distinctive. They possess scent glands between their cloven hooves and leave their scent wherever they walk. Their urine and droppings also leave a distinctive odour. Sheep ranges are distinctive because of this. Sheep scent alone is sufficient to frighten most predators away from the flock. It is the area protected by the Shepherd and his dogs who will attack predators.
The Shepherd has strict rules. For countless generations he ruthlessly culled his flock. Sheep showing aggressive traits permitting them to attack and kill other sheep have been quickly eliminated. The result is that today it is almost impossible to find a sheep who will kill another sheep. Like breeds like. While predators have countless ailments, sheep have few, and NO hereditary diseases. Most serious diseases they catch are brought in by outsiders, and these have sometimes been known to almost wipe out a flock.
THE REVOLUTION NOW IN PROGRESS IN AMERICA has reached a stage where even the most uninformed and apathetic citizen has begun to realize that something is seriously wrong. Bombing and other acts of sabotage, the murder of our police officers and undermining of law enforcement and the Armed Forces, the kidnapping and assassination of public officials — all have combined to make the man in the street wonder how it all began. And, more important, why it wasn’t stopped before it reached such dangerous proportions.
Informed conservatives know the answers to those questions. Many other Americans, though equally concerned about what is happening to their country, do not. It is for the latter that we attempt this cursory survey. We propose it not as a study of contemporary history, but as an invitation to study; not as a call to action, but as background for those who, having determined the facts for themselves, still have the courage to fight for American liberty.
Although the International Communist Conspiracy had been operating in our country for many years, the overt political phase of this struggle began in 1933, when the U.S. Government recognized as legitimate the small gang of criminals which had seized control of Russia and announced themselves its rulers. The United States thus entered into diplomatic relations with an illegal regime which had already murdered millions of Russia’s native population, and which had openly set as its goal the conquest of the world in the name of the International Communist Conspiracy.
The Legacy of Adam Schiff, the Corruption of Ukraine and Those Who Control the Country with Fake News
By Shoshoni
THE MOST IMPORTANT REALIZATION THAT THE PEOPLE OF AMERICA MUST HAVE AT THIS MOMENT IN HISTORY IS THAT THERE IS A TROJAN HORSE FULL OF CON ARTISTS, who are calling themselves Jews, but who are actually fake Jews who are in the process of destroying our country. They have used their status to pervert the Jewish religion by touting the Talmud, instead of the Torah, as their holy book.
They are the most dangerous and evil group of “imposters” that the world has ever known and they are now in the process of trying to overthrow the United States just like they overthrew Russia and turned it into a communist state over a century ago. This [Khazarian] mafia, which started its vendetta against the entire planet many centuries ago, considers its homeland to be around the Black Sea, the Volga River and the Caucacus Mountains which is the modern-day country of Ukraine and its surrounding areas.
These imposter Jews are from the ancient empire of Khazaria. Today their bloodlines control the entire planet and their family names are Rothschild, Schiff, Soros and others. The only way to understand the motivations and the methods of this cabal that threatens our country from within is to understand the history of the key players, who we have been watching, while they do everything in their power to destroy our country and our people on a daily basis.
The Jew‑made Soviet Union in a secret agreement with the international Jews double-crossed the Arabs and has now joined a conspiracy with manipulators In Washington, Moscow. New York City and Haifa to enslave the impoverished Arabs whether they be Christian or Moslem and enthrone the Jews in Jerusalem.
The birthplace of Jesus, His burial place, the Nazareth of New Testament tradition and all the other holy places are now open for the blasphemy, the desecration and the abuse which the Christ‑hating Jews are prepared to heap upon these holy shrines.
The Jordan river will be dammed up and the place of Christ’s baptism will be destroyed The Sea of Galilee will be desecrated and its waters siphoned out to satisfy the greed of the tyrannical Jews. By deliberation they will attempt to destroy everything that reminds the world of the life and labours of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ whom they are now crucifying anew.
The poor Arabs, through centuries of abuse and starvation, are a backward people, and in the presence of sophisticated military equipment furnished, the Jews by the U.S.A. as well as France and England, they are as helpless as the impoverished Mexicans would be in the presence of the American Army.
IF ONE STUDIES THE SCRIPTURE OF TRUTH CONCERNING THE DAYS OF NOAH, and believes the written Word, it becomes clear that many who lived prior to the catastrophic flood lived to an incredible age (Genesis chapter 5).
Something horrendous obviously happened to the earth and it’s special relationship in the heavens at this time because the Scripture begins then to record a tremendous decrease in the life span of individuals like Shem, Eber and Nahor who lived after the great deluge (Genesis Chapter 11). Within only a few generations that span had decreased to about one tenth of it’s former – and thus it follows that those of us alive today actually age ten times faster than those who lived before the flood.
In like fashion, we witness in these days such a rapid advance in the field of technology that it seems almost beyond comprehension. Within only seconds, we can now contact someone living several thousand miles away, simply by using a telephone; we can also stand face to face with that same individual after flying through the heavens at incredible speeds for just a few hours. In addition, today, billions of pieces of information can be stored in computer systems and then retrieved in a matter of seconds at the touch of a few keys. Without doubt, we are witnessing “the time of the end” when, as Scripture says, “many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased” (Daniel 12:4).
Since the Bible shows us that this would occur not only in the “last days”, but also in the latter part of the last days, such an increase in knowledge actually heralds the end of an age. Before the curtain finally closes on this era however, certain prophecies written many centuries ago must be fulfilled.
FOLLOWERS OF THE WORD KNOW THE STORY OF THE SERPENT AND EVE; how Eve was persuaded by the serpent to eat the apple, and that she in turn persuaded Adam to also eat. It was for this reason that both were driven from the Garden of Eden and the serpent was cursed by God.
Stories Making The Rounds
An ancient story that is still making the rounds today says that Eve had sexual relations with the serpent and then gave birth to Cain. The story of Cain and Able by different fathers has an ancient history.
The “Inspired” Bible
Almost everyone knows the Bible story of the Serpent and Adam & Eve, and probably also has heard of some of the speculation that is going on about the relationship between the three. The difficulty in resolving the problem is the lack of support information. This lack is due to the way the
Catholic Church selected the Scriptures they used to put together the first Bible.
Before and after the death of Jesus there were literally hundreds of books in existence that were deemed “holy.” The thing that made them holy was that they contained the WORD that was God.
The natural question is; What exactly is the WORD? The traditional answer is; the WORD is exactly what it implies – the wishes or the Commandments of God. Most scripture is divided into two parts:
Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Political and Economic Decline of the United States.
THE TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE FOR HUMAN RELATIONS HAS HAD A PROFOUND EFFECT ON THE MORAL, SPIRITUAL, CULTURAL, political and economic policies of the United States of America and Great Britain. It has been in the front line of the attack on the U.S. Constitution and State constitutions. No group did more to propagandise the U.S. to participate in the WWI at a time when the majority of the American people were opposed to it.
Much the same tactics were used by the Social Science scientists at Tavistock to get the United States into WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Serbia and both wars against Iraq. Tavistock began as a propaganda creating and disseminating organization at Wellington House in London in the run-up to WWI, what Toynbee called “that black hole of disinformation.” On another occasion Toynbee called Wellington House “a lie factory.” From a somewhat crude beginning. Wellington House evolved into the Tavistock Institute and went on to shape the destiny of Germany, Russia, Britain and the United States in a highly controversial manner. The people of these nations were unaware that they were being “brainwashed.” The origin of “mind control,” “inner directional conditioning” and mass “brainwashing” is explained in an
IN 1914, AT THE ANNUAL DINNER OF THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION, JOHN SWINTON, the editor of a well-known newspaper, was about to retire. In his retirement speech he said: “There is no such thing as an independent press in America, if we except those of the little country towns. You know this, I know it! Not a man among you dares to utter his honest opinion. Were you to utter it, you know that it would never appear in print. . . I am paid to keep my honest opinion out of the newspaper for which I write.
You too are paid for similar services. Were I to permit a single edition on the newspaper for which I write, to contain an honest opinion, my occupation . . . would be gone in less than twenty-four hours. The man who would be foolish enough to write his honest opinion would soon be walking the streets in search of another job. It is the duty of the New York journalist to lie, distort, to destroy, to revile, to toady at the feet of Mammon, and to sell his country, and his race, for his daily bread, or what amounts to the same, for his salary.
We are tools and vessels of the rich (International Bankers and their affiliates such as the C.F.R.) behind the scenes. We are marionettes. These men pull the strings and we dance. Our time, our talents, our lives, our capacities, are all property of these men – we are intellectual prostitutes.”
These words are more true today than when they were spoken over 75 years ago. We do not have a “free press, in America. It is completely “controlled,” and we hear exactly what the “masters,” want us to hear.
“And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between Thy Seed and Her Seed: it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” (Genesis 3:15)
DEAR CHRISTIAN FRIEND, you are now about to explore the greatest question in the Holy Bible. Genesis 3:15 is probably the single most important verse in the Holy Scriptures. This verse and the implications therein are the central Seed Plot of the Bible. Whatever you do with this verse will determine what you do with the remained of the Scripture.
This verse is the Key that turns the Lock on the Door to God’s Word! What you do with the word “Seed” in this verse will determine what you do with the word SEED In the remaining of the Bible. Failure to establish yourself upon the solid interpretation of this verse can only lead to total blindness and confusion in the remainder of the Bible. It is therefore imperative that you unlock the meaning of this verse!
Ministers of denominational Christianity will take great care to talk about the verses preceding and following this verse, but will avoid this verse like the Plague! They most frequently resort to the spiritualising of the “Two Seeds of Genesis 3:15” and in so doing, Blind Themselves to the remaining of the Bible!
It is your duty as a Christian, as a student of the Word of God, to take apart this important verse, for it is the Key to the grand truth of the Holy and Sacred Scriptures. In order for you to understand the Seed Plot of the Holy Bible it is necessary that you understand the fall of the Arch-Angel (now called Satan, the Serpent, the Dragon, or the Devil). He is described as the Star that fell from heaven unto the earth in Rev. 9:1, or as Abaddon or Apollyon (Rev. 9:11).
For Those Who Doubt the UK Government Would Deploy Chemtrails – They Have Form.
A READER WRITES TO HIGHLIGHT TO NAYSAYERS THAT THE UK GOVERNMENT, the UK Department of Defence and the Royal Air Force (“RAF”) have sprayed UK skies and modified the UK weather in the past. He points to the examples of Britain’s biological weapons trials between 1940 and 1979, and ‘The Lynmouth Flood Disaster’ in 1952 that claimed 34 lives in Devon, England. Source
RAF Rainmakers ‘Caused 1952 Flood’
Unearthed documents suggest experiment triggered torrent that killed 35 in Devon disaster. On August 15, 1952, one of the worst flash floods ever to have occurred in Britain swept through the Devon village of Lynmouth. Thirty five people died as a torrent of 90m tons of water and thousands
of tons of rock poured off saturated Exmoor and into the village destroying homes, bridges, shops and hotels.
The disaster was officially termed “the hand of God” but new evidence from previously classified government files suggests that a team of international scientists working with the RAF was experimenting with artificial rainmaking in southern Britain in the same week and could possibly be implicated.
Squadron Leader Len Otley, who was working on what was known as Operation Cumulus, has told the BBC that they jokingly referred to the rainmaking exercise as Operation Witch Doctor.
IT WAS ONE OF THE MOST WELL-KNOWN “SECRETS” OF THE BRITISH OLIGARCHY, that the model for the British Empire was Venice. Benjamin Disraeli, the late-nineteenth-century prime minister of England, let the cat out of the bag in his novel Coningsby when he wrote, “The great object of Whig leaders in England from the first movement under Hampden to the last most successful one in 1688, was to establish in England a high aristocratic republic on the model of the Venetian–-William the Third told–––Whig leaders, ‘I will not be a doge.’— They brought in a new family on their own terms. George I was a doge; George II was a doge––George III tried not to be a doge–- He might try to get rid of the Whig Magnificoes, but he could not rid himself of the Venetian constitution.” The well-known secret of all the Whig insiders was that the Venetian takeover of England was a 200-year project beginning with the break of Henry VIII with Rome and concluding in 1714, with the accession to the throne of George I.
THE BOOK, VOLKSVERRAAD, BY PIET PRETORIUS, slipped though the establishments censorship net before it could be stopped, and is now the talk of all South Africa. Authored by an insider, it reveals the schemes, connections, bribes, theft and yes, murders, that has kept the South African Establishment in power for decades. It is a carbon copy of Establishment operations in every Western state, including America.
“It is a commentary on the “freedom of the press” that a best-selling book, filled to the brim with significant and dramatic revelations, should systematically be ignored by the mainstream press, both English and Afrikaans. This press is said to be ever on the lookout for sensationalism. Well, here it is – and one and all have given it the silent treatment. Even “Radio Pretoria,” the “voice of conservatism” described it as “too controversial” to review.
IN VOLUME 5 OF HIS BIOGRAPHY WINSTON S. CHURCHILL, published in 1976, historian Martin Gilbert relates the working relationship that existed during the 1930’s between Churchill and the South African economist and gold mining executive Sir Henry Strakosch. Most of the figures on German armaments that Churchill brought to the House of Commons and publicized elsewhere were supplied by Strakosch, who wished anonymity in the affair.
Strakosch eventually had to pay heavily for such services. Gilbert relates that Strakosch saved Churchill from financial ruin in 1938 when, due to declines in the New York markets, Churchill’s brokerage account went into debt in the amount of £18,000 ($90,000), which Churchill could only begin to cover by selling his house Chartwell. Strakosch picked up the tab for this fancy sum, at a time when a decent American salary was perhaps $2,000 per year. In addition, Strakosch bequeathed Churchill £20,000 when he died five years later. See note: 1
In the first volume of his Churchill’s War (1987), David Irving repeats this story but adds that “Strakosch was a Jew born in Moravia, Czechoslovakia.” The purpose of this note is to express my skepticism that Strakosch was a Jew, and to expose the specific political cause that his involvement served.
WHEN HIS FARTHER TOOK CHURCHILL TO HARROW PUBLIC SCHOOL, the headmaster asked him to write an essay. He failed to do so and handed in a blank sheet of paper. All was well however, the headmaster could see his potential. He had to – the governors would have been very angry with him turning down the grandson of the Duke of Marlborough!
The inability to write essays continued. Bert Piper was a a cook on the Isle of Man steam Packet Co., When I was there. His brother was Liverpool City Recorder and their father had been in the same class at Harrow as Winston Church and wrote his essays. Twice when reading biographies of Winston Churchill I came across a man, different name each time, described as a “Literary Secretary”, which I read as ghost writer.
Winston Churchill had a large research team for the production of his 5 volume history of the second world war. Were these and his “Literary Secretary”, the actual writers of this history? Winston Churchill merely acting as editor, cutting out anything unfavourable to himself. He did say history would be kind to him, for he would write it!
Opposite Leeds University is a second hand bookshop. The proprietor obtained a set of the history with one volume missing, he thought it would be a good sale, so he searched around in the book trade and replaced the missing volume. They were still on his bookshelves. That’s what scholars think of Winston Churchill’s History. Winston Churchill received the Nobel Prize for Literature!!!
NOTE FROM THE COUNCIL: The following article by Eli James is an attempt to clear up the historical confusion that has developed around the meaning of the word ‘Jew.’ The basic problem is that the word ‘Jew’ is used to designate two culturally separate and distinct groups of people: Jews versus Judahites. The biblical definition of ‘Judahite’ is “a member or descendant of the tribe of Judah.” Considering the repeated commandment in the Old Testament forbidding all Israelites from intermarrying with other groups, it is absurd to use the same word, ‘Jew’, to designate both a.) Judahites who were forbidden to practice intermarriage and b. Jews who have always practiced intermarriage.
Also, the Judahites of Palestine never practiced the religion called “Judaism.” Only Jews have ever practiced this religion. As the following article explains, organized Jewry falsely claims descent from the tribe of Judah and also falsely claims that their religion is the religion of the Old Testament. Considering the diametric opposition of these two cultures, it is absurd and confusing to use one word, ‘Jew’, to refer to both groups. All Christian Israelite groups are encouraged, therefore, to refer to the true Judahites as Judah, Judahite, or House of Judah and to refer to the false Judahites (Jews) as Jews, Jewry, or the House of Edom. The sooner our people stop using confused and deliberately misleading language, the sooner we will understand our true heritage.
“…and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews [sic], and are not, but are of the synagogue of Satan.” – Rev. 2:9
“Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews [sic], and are not, but do lie…” – Rev. 3:9.
THE SISTER SHIP TO THE TITANIC, THE GREAT LUXURY LINER THE LUSITANIA, the worlds largest ship at the time, was leaving New York on May 1st 1915 on its journey to Liverpool, when it was sunk by German submarine U-20, piloted by Kapitan Walter Schwieger. Or was it?
Voltaire said: “history is a lie commonly agreed on”
May 1st is a special date in Illuminati archives as the day of Baal/Beltane, the devils day, also chosen to celebrate Russia’s revolution, by its founders, the same US banking cartels that fund America and British war efforts.
I first heard this story version many years ago from a senior freemason in London at the Hackney retired Seamen’s Mission; this man‘s father was present at Churchill’s initiation at age 26. Much other relevant info was given, in exchange for a large bottle of Scots whisky.
I HAVE BEEN ASKED TO CHOOSE THE IMPORTANT EVENTS IN HISTORY THAT I CONSIDER THE MOST IMPORTANT. This may not be the list others may choose, but it is my list.
Before Christ
The two events before Christ that I consider the most important were:
1) – The creation of the world and
2) – The creation of Hinduism
1) – “In the beginning was the WORD and the WORD was with God and the WORD was God. ” This is the most important information that we will ever have. This WORD, our God, created “adam-man” and gave him the world to rule[1].
2) – Hinduism was created so far back in time that there is no real record of when it was created, but we do know that the writings of the first century Christians relate the following:
“When the accursed serpent saw Adam and Eve it–- made straight for Eve, and ran after her–- Then the Word of God came to the serpent, and–– a wind came to blow from heaven by command of God that carried away the serpent from Adam and Eve, threw it on the sea shore, and it landed in India.” I Adam & Eve 18:l-9[2]
This verse is one of the reasons for the belief that India is the earthly home of Satan the anti-Christ. Another verse is this: