WE MENTIONED LAST SUNDAY ABOUT THE FACT THAT THE BAPTIST CONVENTION WAS FAR TO THE LEFT, and then the Liberal theologians were way off to the left. For they are talking about the total integration of all people. They are not going to pay any attention to any of the old stuff, for everyone is a Christian now days.
So today everyone is to worship together, and they are going to marry together, and live together. Everyone is the same for they all came from Adam and then all came from Noah. So they are making these statements.
Now we mentioned this last Sunday. They say the first one to be baptized was of course the Ethiopian. And we told you last Sunday that this Ethiopian was a white Israelite, and not a Negro. But the reason why they thought he was a black man was that he came from North Africa. But in scriptures they referred to this man as an Ethiopian just as you would to one from Europe as a European.
The fact of the matter was that he was reading Hebrew, and was heading for Jerusalem and the Temple. And at that time they would not have allowed a Negro in the Temple in Jerusalem. And besides, the Negroes did not read Hebrew in those days. In fact this was a man at the head of the Treasury of Queen Caddice the Ethiopian queen and Israelite from the colony of long ago started by Queen Sheba and the son of Solomon. This man was the chief of the treasury and a man of great brilliance. And he was baptized by Philip while he was on the way to the temple.
TONIGHT AS WE TURN TO SOME OF THE MEASURES OF THIS YEAR we discover of course that this is to be a very eventful year from its beginning. We said here last Sunday night that the signs in the heavens were meant to be read, or they never would have been placed there. In the days when Enoch was inspired with patterns of revelations, he was taken into the heavens, and he was there shown the ‘Gospel of the Heavens’ called the “Gospel of the sky”, and he was shown the signs of the Zodiac and the houses of the sun and the moon, and the movement of the Planets, showing their various orbits and how they squared and opposed and the measures which were given to him; this knowledge given to him to know he wrote down as it was called: “The Gospel of the heavens” he thus interpreted the measures and the signs, and some of these are disclosed in the books he wrote: “The mysteries of Enoch” and the “Secrets of Enoch” each contained some of this knowledge.
Seth, another of the original Magi was instructed with some of this knowledge, in fact given much instructions in this matter.
The Gospel message of the Stars not only covered much of the world, but every single type of concept. The scripture says in the 19th Psalm vs. 4 “Their line is gone out through the earth, and their words to the ends of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun” In the F.F. version it is still the story of the Zodiac: “There is no speech or tongue, where their voice is not heard. To all lands they bring hope, the whole world hears their speech”.
THIS AFTERNOON, as we are discussing the ‘mechanics of the Kingdom,’ there are a great many people who do not understand God’s purpose in the earth, as it relates to them and to their race, and as to establishing of God’s Kingdom in earth as it is in heaven. Because of this, they do not understand the processes in the revelation of and the purposes of God in the earth. As we have said unto you in the past, that the will of God’s sovereignty and the revelation of it and that which God has determined do, He shall bring to pass.
We have discussed this that as God predetermined, He did predestine, and there were certain things that He was going to do and this is the prerogative of God, because He is God. And this also is important to you and to your understanding because you know in your declaration that the Eternal God is omniscience, and has all power and possesses all abilities. And the very essence of His Spirit holding all things together, is an Omnipresent factor which relates to God and His ever present Universe. And we predicate our thought upon the Eternal nature of our Father, and the very words themselves, as we associate them with these ideas.
AS WE TURN IN OUR SUBJECT TONIGHT MEN OR BEASTS, few know much about them. Many ministers do not know the difference between the creatures on the earth. And some of them erroneously as men, and think them as all people are one and the same. One of the greatest areas of Clergy in their lack of understanding is that they try to make you think that everyone on the face of earth descended from Adam. And to arrive at a conclusion that is more serious is to conceive that now everyone who exists on the earth came out of the house of Noah. And that all of the clashes we have today in the race question emerged out of Noah.
Thus, the whole world is brought back to one man, and his family. However one is not a bible student if he is not aware of this. And the churches which are accepting this is bound to be out of step with the truth of the Bible. One of these days there will be a great awakening and they will discover the great catastrophe which is now descending upon the children of the kingdom. Probably there is no single transgression in the scriptures, conceivably opposed by the Most High God, by his teaching, than this intermingling, this mongrelisation of races. And it is quite obviously that one of these great areas of catastrophe that is descending upon us is by Supreme Court decisions.
WE ARE IN THE MIDST OF AN AGE THAT CONSIDERS ITSELF RATHER SOPHISTICATED. It’s advanced so far into the areas in which its technology has guided it that sometimes we are prone to evaluate the Universe we see only as it relates to the material substances we have been able to measure and to mould. There are a great number of people that evaluate all the accomplishes of life by how much of the material things men have been able to gather for themselves personally or for their families and there are men working night and day just for the sheer purpose of seeing how much they can accumulate to pass down throughout the generations to come. From the same standpoint, they may at times recognize spiritual values.
There are times when these spiritual values have not been as distinct to their thinking as the substances which they have handled with a particular affinity to the development of resources in the world they live in. we are living in such a highly technical society today that every range and every branch of Science has within it a whole field of operation requiring a virtual college education for that individual field.
THIS AFTERNOON WE TURN INTO II CHRONICLES, AND WE READ THIS WORD: “If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I WILL hear from heaven, and forgive their sins and heal their land. My people who are in trouble, and are called by my name, and if they realize that they are in trouble and they want to get their nation out of trouble, and want to be delivered, if they will humble themselves.
Oh, I know that you think, oh, we can work it out for ourselves, and militarily. So you want to do it all by yourself while the majority of the people in the world are against you. For you are only 1/6th of the worlds population. The Kingdom of God which is only one sixth of the world’s population is going to need a lot of help before it gets through. You are being disarmed while the enemy builds up its arms while he masses his troops and his people, and runs test wars against you.
Now if My people called by My name, Israel, issue ruling with God, if you will just humble yourself and pray, and seek my face—then turn from any of your wicked ways.
Now listen. HE says if you will do this, I will hear you from the heavens and I will forgive you and heal your land, and deliver my people.
HEAR this now: If my people will just humble themselves, and pray, come on Father we need help. Come on Father for we need you to avenge your land. And if you will do this then startling things will commence to happen.
IT IS A FITTING THING THAT IN THE NATIONS OF ISRAEL WE SET ASIDE A DAY CALLED “MOTHER’S DAY.” There is nothing more important to our Faith than that which revolves around a mother. For if we have the Ark and the Keystone of our Christian Faith, the Resurrection then the foundation stone is the Virgin Birth.
One of the mysteries that surround the great patterns of revelation is the fact that you and I may not select our mothers, but God selected His mother. When we talk of the mother of God, we are totally supported by the Scriptures. It is a very strange thing but Protestants’ haven’t talked too much about the areas of the Mother of God, and yet it is very much in the Scriptures. We will discuss this area and its meaning.
When God was ready to establish the household of His people in the earth, and to bring forth His Kingdom, there were areas which were a mystery to those of the earth. But in the Wisdom of His creation He begat the Adamic races for the occupancy of His Spiritual children. He did something special when He produced the pattern of the Adamic race, for He placed His sons and daughters in the world. Then when He had prepared a wife for Adam by taking Eve from him, He again applied a tremendous Spiritual emphasis. For His Spiritual children had lived in the heavens and been guided by His Spirit, and in their incorruptible seed, their spiritual consciousness was in the areas of perfection. The Attitude for God’s love for His creation and His attitude toward all He had placed in operation throughout the ages was one of an extensive patterns of concern and one of love that could not be found in any other area of the Universe.
AS WE TURN IN OUR THINKING THIS AFTERNOON TO A PEOPLE WHOM GOD SAID, “I shall bear thee on Eagles wings,” we here in the United States have a special affinity to the household of God and to HIS kingdom with this great emblem of the Eagle. We were once ruled and guided by people selected by the people, who had infinitely more spiritual leadership than the leadership in the United State today. In the days of our early Presidents, they understood the ancient symbols related to our society. Surrounding George Washington was a group of very astute men who with spiritual vision understood the necessary symbolism and its connection to the destiny of this great nation.
As one studies the background of the symbols of the United States and the great number of emblems and seals of our various states, one becomes aware how well known the physical oracles were kept alive inside of God’s kingdom of our founding fathers as they related to our identity. One outstanding emblem which belongs to your race is the Eagle. And as you look upon the seal of this nation and upon our dollar bill, you can see the symbol of the American Eagle its wings outstretched while upon its breast the paillasse of the nation. And above you will see that this nation is one nation made out of the many tribes of the house of Israel, this kingdom of God.
Upon this resurrection day, we think concerning the great events in the life of The Messiah–Jesus the Christ. And also it is important that we keep alive in our thinking the great pageantry in that hour, as well as the mighty and Majestic events that transpired.
It is more than a discussion of theology. It is a matter of History. It is an understanding of events that had taken place.
On Good Friday evening we discussed the plans for the Coronation of Christ that had preceded by one week, the day we now celebrate as HIS RESURRECTION. The organization of the many who wanted to Crown the Christ,-– KING,-– from soldiers of the army of Barabbas, who had gathered his Essene company to become the Army of the Christ, to the Essene Priesthood who had prepared the Crown for the Christ and also had prepared the Chalice and the cup for they were warned by John the Baptist–earlier, as he told them that at this time The Messiah would take the Chalice and the cup—all the followers were prepared for whatever was to come.—-We reviewed on Good Friday the events that surrounded that drama in the Garden of Gethsemane.
For one moment I would have you go back to that event in the Garden. For except you understand what took place in the Garden of Gethsemane, you have not caught the vastness of — the joy of this date.
When the Christ took the Chalice on the day they would have crowned Him King,–this Chalice which had been prepared by the instigation of Joseph of Arimathea–this chalice which was beautifully prepared and also the outer cup–with the images of Christ and His disciples,–this Chalice which had been prepared because there was an understanding that HE might take the Chalice instead of the Crown.— So, understand these words that The Messiah spoke on that Day that they offered Him the Crown:–‑
“Although I am your King, and it is My right to reign, yet I will ot rule over an Empire of slaves, a people bound and who have no freedom. Therefore I must keep My covenant and My promise that I made. I must be the Lamb slain from the foundation of creation. I must take My cup, the cup of My Priesthood, and your deliverance. But the day shall come when I shall take the Crown. And in that day the Kingdom will not be delivered to the Jews.”
These words were to be Historic. And the Christ repeated them during the events of the next few days. When Jesus took the cup and handed it to Andrew, then many thought, their hope of the Messiah taking His Kingdom was to be postponed. So they were wondering what would be His final decision and what would He do?
AS WE TURN IN THESE TURBULENT HOURS IN WHICH WE LIVE to talk about Mysteries and Symbols of God’s Kingdom, it must be understood that we are living in a period of time when every attempt will be made to obscure the background of Race by all the World Order, and all the powers of darkness know that they must defeat the Kingdom of God if they are to hold the earth. They recognize and know who you are, they know more about what you are here for than many of your own Clergy. And because of this they are seeking to stifle an area of remembrance of your origin, of the instructions of your God, and to get you to embrace the Universal god, a Multitude of gods, a World Order which would swallow up the Kingdom.
We are however not disturbed as to the outcome of these events, we have no anticipation that the powers of Darkness which out number us in the World, will be triumphant. We have no fears tonight that this great nation is going to be swept from the face of the earth, or that a World Government or a ‘Great Society’ such as those already bemused and brainwashed would suggest is going to replace the great nations of God’s Kingdom subordinating us to the masses of Africa or Asia, or to the forces of Anti‑Christ whose blueprint has been understood. Their very thoughts and the thoughts of those behind the areas of this design have been known unto the MOST HIGH from the beginning.
AS WE TURN TO THE SUBJECT OF “THE MYSTERY OF THE TREE OF LIFE” you will recall that we spoke to you two weeks ago on the mystery of God, and we have spoken of the Mystery of the Kingdom, but the subject “The Mystery of the Tree of Life” is also very vital to each and every one of you. And also very vital to the structure of God’s Purposes as they develop inside of His Kingdom. As we talk to you about these factors it is significant that we understand what time it is in our relationship to the pattern of events. A great many people are disturbed and they listen to every whim of doctrine, they are sometimes disturbed by what they see talking place, and they don’t know what time it is, and what it is that God is really doing.
What God intends to do with his kingdom my friends, is not going to be decided in the two or three days. I want you to know that what happens in the election is not going to change what God has planned or purposed for you. In fact there are many things which will develop in the next 3 months that we will talk about tonight. But I tell you that God has a great and mighty purpose, and we are moving up to one of the most important periods in all human history.
TONIGHT, AS WE SURVEY THE CRISIS ELEMENTS THAT WE LIVE IN AND AS WE SURVEY THE STRANGE DEVELOPMENTS ON EARTH, we are then talking to you about some of the mysterious elements that mark the end of the age. We are going to evaluate before going into our subject, the great achievements that were accomplished this week by your nation and by the Kingdom which your nation created. We have had several requests concerning our opinion. And I want you to know, that we feel that one of the great milestones in the history of our race was reached last Tuesday. And for any who can compare America and our enemy in the Soviet Union, and we do not apologize for saying this is the enemy, although we will never apologize for talking about the victory over that enemy and its Communism. For we feel that this is one concept that must remain in the heart of all true Americans for the defeat of our enemy and the liberation of earth from the great scourge of Communism.
There may be censors in the Pentagon who may not let us talk about victory over the enemy because that would embarrass them. For they tell us that would cause the enemy to think that we really intend to conquer them. Therefore, we don’t dare talk about victory because it would embarrass them. Thus they just purge it out of the text.
WE WERE DISCUSSING WITH YOU LAST WEEK, the subject from Mystery to Revelation, and we mentioned that there are several mysteries of God. This week we are talking about the mysteries of the Kingdom.
The mysteries of God are for your understanding. They are not for the entire world. Nor was it intended that the world would understand them at this time. That is one of the reasons why we have these mysterious passages which exist in the book of Matthew and in the book of Luke and so forth. When Jesus is speaking in the book of Matthew, chapter 13, verse 11, He says:–‘It is given unto you to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven, unto them is it not given.’ Then in Luke 8, we find that the mysteries are to be spoken in parables so that for some:–‘In seeing, they may not see, and in hearing, they may not hear.’
In fact it is very strongly spoken in Matthew that you would understand —but –they would not unless they suddenly professed conversion and joined you, and apparently this was not the design of the MOST HIGH. You see God recognized with the Omniscience of His intelligent wisdom, all that relates to earth, and all the strategy of the enemy. He knows the heart and soul and condition of every individual and knows that one of the Master strategies of Lucifer as he seeks to hold the earth and overthrow God’s kingdom is to profess that –they—are with you, and then they join you, and having joined you they seek to destroy from within, having infiltrated and penetrated. Then as one studies the history of God’s kingdom as it rises against the powers of evil which seeks to destroy it, you notice that the most successful attacks against God’s kingdom have come from infiltration.
AFTER WE TAKE A LOOK AT WHAT IS BEING REPORTED TO US TODAY that we see we need a restoring. Thus we turn over into the book of Joel, and God says this about His nation: Fear not O land of mine, be glad and rejoice for YAHWEH will do great things. We surely need some great things done, and there is no question about that. We are surely inviting ourselves to be looted, at every turn. Be glad then, ye children of Zion, and rejoice in YAHWEH thy YAHSHUA for He hath given you the former rain moderately. But the MOST HIGH is not only going to bring you a former rain, but a latter rain as well, and it will be sufficient to bring forth the crop.
Now: of course God talks in symbolism, and he speaks in the book of Isaiah and says he will pour out his spirit upon his people like rain upon a dry ground. He talks about strange invaders, in the book of Joel, about armies of strangers who have come into the countries of the lands of Israel, and the United States of America, one of the strong nations of God’s Kingdom has seen this army of strangers come in. And God likens these strangers to insects, but says that he will pour out his spirit upon the people of his land. That he is going to pour his spirit out upon all of his people, and his old men and his young sons and daughters, and they are going to see visions, and they are going to understand that something is wrong, for an invasion has taken place, strangers have come into the land. God calls these strangers insects.
WE TURN TO THE DISCUSSION OF THE DESTINY OF THE NATIONS. Especially as it relates to us in one of the great turbulent periods of our History.
We have been hearing of the meeting of the President and his cabinet with the leaders of Great Britain. And in this meeting, they are trying to find solutions for the problems of the world. They say they are discussing great problems. And out of these discussions will come decisions that will decide the destiny of the world today.
We as the children of the most HIGH YAHWEH understand what is to happen in the earth and we know that we will see a lot of these decisions overruled. However never fear, the nations of God’s Kingdom will survive. When we understand the background behind our race and the nations that emerged, from that background then we understand that YAHWEH has a great and tremendous purpose for his nations in the earth, and that they shall never be over thrown, or never be destroyed by the power of darkness in the world today.
We will consider the events around the crucifixion of the Christ and we will see that one of those events that stood out was the remarkable loyalty of the disciples of the Christ in the carrying forward of the principals of truth of the resurrection after they had been through this and realised the significance of the resurrection.
WE ARE TURNING TO DISCUSS ONE OF THE MOST VITAL SUBJECTS, of something which faces our Christian society. It is essential that people understand the type of warfare which is taking place today in America. A great many people are in apathy and are sound asleep. They do not realize that there is any great threat against our Christian society and our Christian culture. They are not aware as to how the enemy functions. And therefore, they become a party to the propaganda which is placed on their doorstep every morning. There is no doubt that to capture a nations such as this one, it becomes imperative that you take over the areas of their thinking. Especially when these people have been successful in carrying out the areas of inspiration, by which they have been made great. This is a rather difficult task, unless you can gain control of all of the areas of communication.
I want you to recognize that this great nation became great when communication was not as controlled. As people came across the ocean, it was quite a voyage. And the only way messages were carried from one town to the other in our colonial life, was by horseback rider or by stage, or by a ‘Packet’ moving up and down the East Coast from one village to the next. Thus, we cannot say that great speed as we know it today affected the news, now, was it particularly under pressure.
THERE IS NO DOUBT that we must find ourselves as to what transpired in the prophetic picture in this book. And the one thing today that must be professed as to the enemies of God’s kingdom and of our race, is “Thus saith the LORD.” The one most important thing that we must awaken our race to, and those who constitute the bulk of the house of the Great Christian nations. That is what is proclaimed in the scriptures concerning this day. What lies before us and what we must accomplish. I think it is quite clear when we say that we are the nation of the outstretched wings of the Eagle in the 18th chapter of Isaiah. A great and powerful nation from its beginning until today when we represent through the White race, one sixth of the world’s population, and the balance of power in our nation among the White nations of the world.
I notice that there is a great design to suppress the idea that we are a White Christian nation. I have in my hands a clipping from this week from Mr. Lomax concerning this. He said that America should get over this obsession of Whiteness. Well, I can tell Mr. Lomax this. We are never going to get over this obsession of Whiteness. He said that America is suffering from this obsession. In fact, they have produced a whole generation of citizens, he said, who threaten our survival because they stand for whiteness. The White Anglo-Saxon Protestant male is supposed to be the norm of our society. And I like that idea. The fact remains that tonight there remains in these United States, 149 million White Christians. They are not all Protestants. But there are 149 White Christians, and we have 50 million citizens who are not White. So let’s get this thing very clear. If representative government is to work and we who are the citizens of this society are to select our leadership, then we should stay with that racial balance until we have the representation of that 149 million. If it is wrong for us to advocate that we be represented by our own kind according to Divine law, then, my friends, the whole structure of the scriptures would be in error. And then I want to say that if the majority of the people in this great White country don’t like this idea, then the faster they go to some other place, the better it will be for us and for them.
Under this pattern, we are a part of God’s kingdom. We are one of the great nations of the house of Joseph. If you will turn to the scriptures in the 37th chapter of Ezekiel, you will discover that the House of Joseph is one of the great and mighty sticks in God’s hand. These are the Anglo-Saxon people, America and the British Empire. The other great stick of leadership in God’s hands is the stick of Judah. And that is Germany, the Germanic people and people in the heart of Europe. These are the White Christian nations. And together with the Scandinavian people, who make up the White nations of the world today, are the household of God, and very clearly marked as HIS Kingdom in the earth today.
If we turn back the pages of history to the time of Jesus and His ministry, we learn that the people who had control of the land of Palestine, that is, in the areas around Jerusalem, were the priest in the Temple at Jerusalem. This form of government had been established when Ezra and Nehemiah returned from the Babylonian captivity and rebuilt the Temple, and they established the priesthood of Israel once again in the city of Jerusalem, a theocracy in which the laws of God and the Word of God and the priests of God in the house of Levi would govern the people.
However, out of the Isle of Pergamos, out of the areas of apostasy had come a people who had no part or lot in this matter, but who, by chicanery, had gained control of the Sanhedrin. They were known as Sadducees. They did not believe in the resurrection, did not believe in any of the patterns of inspiration or any of the oral Word of God, and they only held to the written Word because they had to have some foundation on which to base the twisted and perverted patterns of their law. But they contested the Word of God and completely changed it as they wrote their Talmud. And because they had falsely declared that they were Pharisees, when they were not, they had managed to gain control of the Sanhedrin.
ONE OF OUR GREAT RESPONSIBILITIES AS CHRISTIANS TODAY is to follow the instructions of our God, especially as they relate to our obligation as members of His Church and as citizens in the great nations of His Kingdom. Too often today’s clergy say that the Christian has no responsibility, politically or socially, to the society of which he is a part. He is told that he is not to be involved in politics, and that he has only one responsibility: to believe what is in the Bible, accept the proposed salvation which the church offers, and get ready to go to heaven when he dies.
Well, this my friends is far from the teaching of the Scriptures. This is not the Gospel of the Kingdom that Jesus preached, nor is it the instruction that He gave His disciples. In a parable in Luke Chapter 19, He tells about a certain man who went away from the area of his administration and his inheritance, and left it in the hands of the Church; and he told his servants “Occupy till I come”. This is a parable of Christ in His Kingdom; it is the instruction which He has given to those who constitute His Kingdom.
There is a great error in the minds of many today concerning what constitutes God’s Kingdom. The Kingdom of God is made up exactly as the Kingdom must be–of men. It is made up of nations–a great nation and a company of nations.
WE ARE SPEAKING THIS AFTERNOON ON OCCUPYING THE KINGDOM. It is always important that we know where we are and what time it is, and that we understand our relationship with the plans of God. There should be no question in the mind of the children of God as to who they are, because HIS spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God. That we are the progeny of God that we are HIS household, HIS offspring. It is also important for us to understand clearly that when we talk about the kingdom of God, that we are talking about a political social and spiritual order.
A lot of people today, and their theology that we have discussed at various times, have been somewhat neutralized in their responsibilities to earth, because their relationship with God has been one of spiritual perception. It is totally tied up in the ritual and worship they find themselves engaged in week after week as they enter into the areas of church activities and the maintenance of their souls so that they will be in the proper relationship to re-enter the spiritual realms. And the responsibility that they have, this constitutes the kingdom of God. This is the interpretation of what Jesus said as HE said, “My kingdom is not of this era.” And it is translated as tho HIS kingdom did not belong in this world at all. There are then many theologians who say, that since the Kingdom is not of this world, then it is up in the heavens; it is only a spiritual realm. Therefore there is to be no interest and no relationship to the social errors or the responsibilities that exist in earth for the true Christian.
OUR FATHER WE COME INTO THY PRESENCE TO WORSHIP YOU IN SPIRIT and in truth. We are happy that you have unveiled to us, through the course of Thy Spirit, an awareness of who we are and from whence we came. Make us to know that we are thy household in the earth, that we are thy family, and Ye have established with us thy covenants.
Make us to know that the spiritual centre of the nations of thy Kingdom, which have emerged out of thy house hold, is thy church. And that this is a living institution that could carry out the activities that you have ordained. And that you will never permit it to be silenced, but that you will always raise up those who say; “Thus saith the Lord.”
We are thankful Our Father for all that has been wrought for us by the magnitude of thy person. That which we could not accomplish for ourselves, an acceptable atonement. The manifestation of thy Grace as unto us, as you have restored thy people unto those things which has been promised. To the realization that you are giving back to us everything that we had lost through violation of divine law. That thy glory shall exist through out all ages. We are happy that heaven is thy throne, and the earth is thy footstool and that you have given unto us in this area of inheritance and opportunity to demonstrate that the powers of darkness shall not be triumphant.
WE TURN IN OUR THINKING TO OUR SUBJECT TODAY WHICH IS ‘ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN,’ with the realisation that there is no subject less dealt with. No word used as completely with the promised reward. Yet, perhaps, with less knowledge on the part of the Clergy. For we have been taught to pray from the very beginning, as He taught His disciples to pray in that 5th chapter of Matthew, ’Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, IN EARTH as it is in heaven.’ How little do men know about heaven. How little they remember. And how little have they had recorded for them concerning this subject. Tho there has been an Orthodox promise that has gone out to those that constitute the church, from one end of Christendom to the other, that by obedience and behaviour, by being good, according to the normal standard which is placed before them, in what to do and what not to do, and in what to believe and what not to believe, and what you must do for this is the route to heaven. Therefore, having completed all these requirements, the major proposition before them is to live within these requirements all their life and then they die and shall go to heaven.
Now, this is a very complete promise upon the average church and Ecclesiastical leaders and the average church doctrine has included this. It would seem that since all the goals of man generally speaking, must be therefore just to get to heaven, then more should be said about it and more should be said concerning this. But I do not see the great emphasis on this getting ready to go to heaven. Isn’t it a strange thing that in the ministry of Christ, and all of the things which we find taught to us in the Old and the New Testament, that they spend very little time in teaching you the responsibility in getting ready to go to heaven? They did not tell you that the reason why you are here was just to get ready to go to heaven. But they did say something else. Jesus said that the reason why you are here is that you are to do the work of the Kingdom. That you are the children of the Kingdom.
AS WE TURN TO OUR SUBJECT WE FIND IT IN THE BOOK OF REVELATIONS. For here on the Isle of Patmos we find John, for the name of Jesus the Christ. John had declared his name YAHSHUA, and the Jews because they were afraid of him, and afraid of the numbers in the church had exiled him to the isle of Patmos for the name of THE LORD. And as John was in meditation on the Lords Day suddenly as though he heard the sound of a trumpet, because of the volume of the sound he heard the great cry: I am Alpha and Omega, the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY.
And John turns at the sound to behold from whence it comes, and he sees standing before him a magnificent spectacle. He sees one alike unto the form of a man with the radiant effulgent Glory of the Shekinah emanating from his head, until he was brighter than the sun.
He saw from the garments around HIM a radiance, and around about his head this shown as though it was a crown, with all the scintillating diamonds of an aura of all the colours which was in the spectrum in the days of rain. And when John saw this he fell on his face, for he was in the presence of the Most High God. And he heard the words: “I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, I am the Lord GOD ALMIGHTY” And John fell forward upon his face. THE LORD said: come on John, when you were my disciple, and we walked the shores of the sea of Galilee, you were not afraid.
You have nothing to be afraid of, for I hold the keys to death, to hell, and the grave. There is absolutely nothing for you to fear, for nothing can hold you, for I am YAHWEH, YAHSHUA, I resurrected from the dead. I established that I alone am God, and now this, ONE, God is now speaking to you. So arise, and John arose to views the Majesty of His God. And she was given the vision of things to come to pass in the areas of the Church, here he was instructed by God.
THIS SUBJECT ‘THE ORACLES OF GOD’ IS A TREMENDOUS SUBJECT OF GREAT SPIRITUAL POWER. The Oracles of God of course, contain the vital truths that the MOST HIGH has for HIS Household, HIS Race, HIS People. The Oracles of God are the things HE tells HIS people or instructs HIS people in, including areas vital to the laws of God for the Kingdom in the hands of administration of HIS people. The areas of the Oracles is a definite spiritual revelation. All of the things which God says are not necessarily Oracles, but the deep and vital spiritual truths, the areas of spiritual law, and the areas of instruction for conquest over the enemy are Oracles of God. Therefore, we turn over to the book of Romans, chapter 3, and here the translation is not necessarily accurate, but we read: ‘What advantage then hath an Israelite?’
The word translated here is Jew, but it is very erroneous because in the days when Oracles were first bestowed, they were never bestowed on anyone but Israelites, never on the Jews. Because in those days there were none called Jew, although they did refer to the hill country people as Yehudin, who came in to confuse the House of Israel. ‘Thus, what advantage then had an Israelite? Much in every way (chiefly because) unto them are committed the Oracles of God.’
AS WE TURN TODAY INTO OUR WORSHIP SERVICE, we find that all Christendom is worshiping in the area of Psalm Sunday. Some churches are passing out pieces of palms, and the Catholic and Episcopal churches would call your attention to the fact that this is Palm Sunday. And as we observe also these areas of Palm Sunday then we want to point out to you that pageantry and such is not often mentioned when we are given just the bare facts in the scriptures. But every man is taught of God. For God makes this declaration that “I am thy maker and thy husband”, speaking to your race. HE says, ‘I am YAHWEH of hosts and this is my name. I am the redeemer, I am the holy one of Israel. I am also the God of the whole earth.’ And therefore HE says, ‘All thy children shall be taught of YAHWEH. Great shall be the peace of thy children. No weapon ever formed shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against thee, thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD and their righteousness is of ME, saith the LORD.’
Thus, He hath taught them and it became essential that they be grounded in His Word. They have been taught that God would become embodied in the earth. And in the areas of this we again turn to this declaration to the Virgin Mary that she would have a child, and this would be a holy child. And we remember that this was in six months of the time that Elizabeth a cousin of Mary was told that she also was to have a child. And this child would be a tremendous child, and he would be a prophet before the Highest.
WE ARE SPEAKING ON THE SUBJECT OF INHERITANCE AS SONS, this is the third in this series which started with redemption, and consummates with this particular area of thinking. As we talk to you about our inheritance as sons, it is most important that you understand our relationship as sons of God. When we talk to you about sons and daughters of God we are not talking about a process which by mental gymnastics, by the acceptance of an individual pattern of persuasion, or by any area of development which comes by applied ministry, changing, .transforming, or making you something that you were not before.
I want you to know that truth is eternal. Truth is based on face, and for you the ultimate truth is the things God knows, which emerge from his mind. We are more interested in all the things in the mind of God, all the knowledge that is in the mind of God. For incidentally this mind which was in Christ Jesus is also in you, in your celestial consciousness. Therefore we are really interested in truth, and we are not as interested in dogma, unless it is built on truth.
THIS AFTERNOON WE THINK UPON THE TREMENDOUS EVENT and we lay background for the celebration which we find throughout all Christendom at this time of year, the Birth of Christ. It is impossible for us to understand in full the impact of this event except it become personalized to us and the whole panorama of these events become a part of our thinking and our living. One of the most significant things is to hear people everywhere singing ‘Peace on earth, good will unto men.’ I hear clergymen everywhere trying to extend this peace on earth to include all the enemies of God and His Kingdom.
They try to extend ‘peace on earth’ as a process to all who would destroy and they actually expect you to make ‘peace’ in your nation and outside your nation with every force that would destroy. They do this because they do not understand the great significance of this ‘peace’, or how it must be maintained. Before we go into our thoughts concerning this hour, I would tell you that there is no ‘peace’ ever advocated in the program of God’s Kingdom which is not related to Victory. It is not by acquiescence or by appeasement. It is not today by withdrawing from positions of leadership and joining hands with the pagans of the world, or the Communist in their stronghold that we will introduce, ‘Peace’.
AS WE TURN TO DISCUSS THIS SUBJECT OF ‘OUT OF THE NETHERWORLD,’ it comes sometimes as a shock to some people in this sophisticated age, that there are forces and powers with which they are not acquainted. And what it is that is making war upon the kingdom of God may not be understood by them at all. There never has been a period of history like this one. But we have arrived now at the very climactic hour of human events. The struggle for the earth is about to take place. And there are a lot of people who do not want to be realists.
They do not want to face up to the fact of the time of the hour. They would like to just think about things that are pleasant. The things which they feel are elevating to their minds. They do not want to be bothered by the continual things that are before us. Thus it is, they say, ‘I am tired, I don’t want to hear anything more about communism. I do not want to hear any more about Johnson. I do not want to hear any more about any of these things.’ But you might as well be a realist. For this is the time that it is. So we point out these facets and we think it is always important to remember who you are and what you are here for, the difference between you and the powers of darkness and the forces of evil.
The struggle for the earth is just as simple as this. For we can reduce it to simplicity. It is the struggle for control of this planet by Lucifer, a fallen Angel, and all of his hosts, and the Eternal God who put it all together, and who is going to have the last word, and whose children you are. It is just this simple. You dwelt in the dimensions, and then you volunteered to come. And we knew from the beginning whose names were written in the Lamb’s Book of Life and whose destiny was known to HIM.
AS YOU TURN TO OUR SUBJECT THIS AFTERNOON, I think that you are well aware that there are people in the world today who have great fear as to the knowledge of God’s judgment. The relationship of the believer and his father is always found in the concept of the individual and in the background of the teaching he has received as a Child, or, has he been raised in any area of theistical or theological thought. Therefore the attitude of the Individual as to what is to come to pass, or what God’s attitude is toward him is all dependent on what he has been taught.
And we recognize that from the beginning of Christ’s teaching to his disciples, and the great areas which preceded this through out the great development of theological knowledge of our race that there was biblical teaching, and foundational teaching concerning God’s plan, concerning the individual, concerning his destiny, the conclusion of his purposes, and ultimately what was to be his destiny. We are to understand that in the multiples of old testament scriptures, with a great number of these scriptures not found in our bible, but they still exist. And in the records which we have of the scriptures we can pick up these things in Revelation. In the New Testament, in the new Covenant we continue to pick up the pattern of Revelation. We are vitally interested in what Christ taught his disciples, what he brought back to their remembrance, and what the spirit bears witness to in the days of the early church.
We are more concerned about their opinions and the things they received directly from God, than we are as to what was interpreted in Rome, or any of the Protestant leaders from that day onward. We are well aware that an attempt has been made through out the years seeking to change the foundation of scriptural truth. They also by these changes pervert God and his nature in many ways and have created barriers to divine understanding.
WE ARE THINKING OF THE PATTERNS OF REVELATION, of the day the angel came to John and said: “Come, John, and I will show you the great whore that sitteth upon many waters, and with whom the kings of the earth have committed their many fornications.” John discusses this very thoroughly, and says: “He carried me away in the Spirit, and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet-coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.”
This is mystery Babylon the great, and further in chapter 17 of Revelation, John continues: “I saw the woman, and she was full of the blood of the saints (believing offspring) and the blood of the martyrs of Jesus The Christ (Yahshua), and when I saw her I wondered about her. And the angel said unto me: Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman. The seven heads are the kingdoms on which the woman sitteth. There are seven kings, five are fallen, one is, and one is yet to come; and when he cometh he must continue a short space. Then the eighth is to come out of the seventh.” And he talks about how these ten are ten kings who have no kingdom as yet, but will rule with the beast system for one hour in the attack of the beast upon Yahweh’s (God’s) Kingdom.
I FELT DRIVEN TO SPEAK ON THIS SUBJECT WHEN LAST FRIDAY I HEARD HUBERT HUMPHREY MAKE A SPEECH. And he said, ‘I am the only man that the people can choose for President for I am the only man of Peace.’ And he said if you elect me I will give you Peace and Safety. And the moment that he said that, then there came to my mind what the Apostle Paul said, in the writings of book of Thessalonians. When you say Peace and Safety, then comes sudden destruction.” And Mr. Humphrey said that there is only one way to have Peace and that is not to fight. He said that the people are looking for leadership with the Vietnam conflict. And the only way to have peace is to stop bombing them.
We just need to bring our men home and there will not be any fighting, and the people will call me the man of Peace. I would go over every month to the Soviet Union to work out a program of Peace, for the fighting must stop to have Peace. And whether it take appeasement or any process the human mind can work out still it is worth it to have Peace.
Now this man wants Peace at any price. But I am going to tell you, my friends, that as a child of God, we want Peace thru victory. This is the truth from the Word of God. For this Word talks about Peace thru victory. It never talks about Peace at any price. Never talks about Peace by acquiescence. It never talks about Peace by giving in to the powers of darkness, or the forces of evil.
WE TURN TONIGHT TO THE SUBJECT OF THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE CHRISTIANS to politics, and the church as to her part in politics. In the “Life Magazine” we have seen this laid out, as to what the church has to do in order to exist. And we have reported that on the attitude of many Clergy who should not even be qualified as Clergy, in the church of Jesus Christ. But we make this assurance unto you that the church does not have to change its God. The church today is not qualifying its survival by eliminating Jesus Christ and who he is supposed to be. From the content of our faith and our thinking, in order not to be branded as superstitious or accepting the mythical.
Again we want to make this foundation clear to you. That upon the foundation of the Christ can the structure of Christianity be filled. For the very words Christianity and Christian are identified with Christ. It is identified with identity and identified with his place. Of all of the areas of usurpation in all time and history. If the man Christ Jesus was not the embodiment of God, not the fulfilment of Messianic destiny. If not who he claimed himself to be, then he was the biggest impostor in history of all times. And if HE is, and now we know that HE is who he claimed to be then, my friends, His concept his purposes are fulfilling the destiny of which HE had ordered. Then this is the most important area of commitment that you and I can participate in.
THERE IS NO QUESTION IN THE EYES OF BIBLE STUDENTS that we are in a very turbulent time. We are in the edge of great transition. And as an American citizen, we have been in all the background of our heritage, identified by certain symbols and certain emblems which are of great significance to Bible students. This is the great nation which God said was to have the outstretched wings of the Eagle.
The nation which is to carry on a great responsibility before God in the world today. That responsibility was to be the instrument for gathering together peoples of our race form every nation of God’s Kingdom. Predominately, this nation would be under the Anglo-Saxon culture, or under that facet of our background in which our language would be the one in which we would be identified. We find that the English language contains some of the oldest phrases and words to be found in the background of our race. There is much to be said about the English language and in association with the ancient Coptic (Aramaic), and the true tongue of our race associated in our Semitics. In the tracing of our Semitics, there are many words that come out of all the Household of God. We see words that have an affinity with words of the Germanic people, the Scandinavian people, and the people of the Anglo-Saxon race, because they are one and the same people, one race. And again, thru the tracing of our Semitics, there is much that identifies us as the ancient people of the Household of God.
Then as we look upon the seal of our nation, once again, we see our identity with the great Household of God. This identity was understood by those leaders of our nation in the days of the forming of our independence.
You will note that one of the major areas of legislation in this past week was in the House of Representatives who in that House passes the modification to our immigration laws WHICH ARE IN CONFORMITY TO A MASTER STRATEGY IN THE PROGRAM OF THE ANTI-CHRIST. THIS PURPOSE UPON THE POWERS OF DARKNESS IS TO TOTALLY DESTROY IF POSSIBLE THE IDENTITY OF THE GREAT NATIONS OF THE WESTERN WORLD AND ESPECIALLY THESE UNITED STATES.
In the days of our founding Fathers, they recognized their responsibility before God in their desire to preserve the race in which we are a part.
AS WE CONSIDER THIS SUBJECT, THERE IS ‘POWER IN THE WORD,’ we turn to the book of Romans. And you start summing this up with the words of the Apostle Paul. And he makes this statement to the church, that the will of God is Mighty. ‘It is in my mouth, and in my heart and in the word of Faith. The word of God is nigh unto me even in my mouth and in my heart, and this is the word of Faith.’
Following this passage we turn back to the book of Matthew, and there God speaks out and he makes this declaration: “Man cannot live by bread alone.” These are the words of YAHSHUA (JESUS): “Man cannot live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.”
In the book of Hebrews, we discover the attributes of Faith and the word of God. And it tells us that ‘Faith comes by hearing the word of God.’ And we understand that Faith is the substance of all things most precious. It is the evidence of all things not seen. Therefore it is by Faith that we can understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God. So that things as are seen with the natural eye are not made of things which do appear.
AS WE CONSIDER THIS SUBJECT THEN WE THINK UPON THE WORDS, “THINE IS THE GLORY AND THE POWER“, there is no question about the fact that the eternal God who is the Power and the Glory is the author of all things. He is the one in Colossians where it says that all things were made by him, and without him was not anything made that was made. They were made for HIM and By Him, and thus we have the attributes of God. Here we have the power of God manifested first in Omniscience, and then in Omnipotence. Knowing how to do everything for Omniscience is all knowledge. And Omnipotence is all power. This is all power to do any thing, to accomplish anything, to bring anything to reality. So if you know everything and can do everything, then you cannot have a total and complete victory in the universe, this would be very anti-God.
Thus, my friends, HE cannot deny himself. This Eternal God who is your Father is the master of this situation. Therefore he looks down over the course of ages, and over the periods of time and says that ‘this is what I am going to do’. And you can depend upon the surety of this. The power and the Glory, and as we look upon this area of glory then we have some area of understanding. Of course as we go back into the background of the origin of this our own race, the Adamic race. And we discover that as we go into the background of this race, that you were begotten of the Father in the plains of spirit before this world began, in the heavens above, in the ages of yesterday. Long before you were in earth in this flesh body, you existed with the Father, as it tells you in the book of Ephesians, before this world was framed. And it was these people that he foreknew that he invested in the kingdom.
AS WE TURN TONIGHT TO THE SECOND MESSAGE AS TO THE ANTIQUITY OF OUR CONTINENT, and to the things which have taken place in this our homeland in this part of the earth we will talk to you again about Prehistoric America, and some of the things which are essential for us to know. Never has there been a period in history when men have been so blessed with the results of research. The strange inquisitiveness God has placed in us has caused us to search out, and to know, out of which has produced the great areas of our modern science and archaeology. In its probing study of man, and the origin of Races in its basic concepts and patterns we have been searching, seeking knowledge.
We have watched the emerging concepts of anthropology having added to it, fact to replace theory. And out of the Ethnic studies of the peoples of earth we find again that the leading areas of such an investigation reposes upon your race. There is more known about the earth today than has ever been known about it in any age of human history. There is more known tonight about the pattern of events that even preceded our own Race upon the earth than has ever been known before.
But today how few are discussing, how few are researching these factors for their own knowledge outside of the research scientists themselves. How much is being done today to confuse in the mind of the student inside of our colleges the true knowledge of things which have gone before. Strange substitutes are established in the earth to replace the areas of truth which the LORD willed, and delivered unto HIS people.
So as we turn to the subject tonight of Pre‑historic America we would go back; way way back, even back to the positions which follow the first and second verses of Genesis. For we are told:…………
IN FORMER SERMONS WE HAVE BEEN TALKING ABOUT OUR CONSTITUTION. In this we cited “that this Great Nation under God” had been built by God’s hand wisely as He guided the people to migrate out of the nations of Western Europe and settled them in this great land of “The Wilderness”, which was prepared for them. Here we became a great people, having a great least common denominator in our background … we were all White, we were all Christians. The point of our national origin was not as important as the fact that we all came out of one race, a race which God had established in the earth when He placed Adam here and told him to have dominion over it in order to bring in His Kingdom.
There are a great many things for which we can be thankful for the guidance of God and for the prayers of our forefathers when they drew up the great Constitution of these United States and the Bill of Rights, and so it is as we consider the problems of our times, “The time of Jacob’s trouble”, as in the 30th chapter of Jeremiah. At this time strange alien influences have come into our land and are seeking to destroy this great nation of God’s Kingdom. The way they know best to do this is under the guidance of their father the devil by bringing about the violation of divine law and trying to destroy the things which God hath wrought.
We recognize very well that we are in one of the great turning points in all human history. But behind it is the panorama of events which has its foundations in the eternities and reaches out into the endless tomorrows. In the book of Isaiah, we read: “The Spirit of YAHWEH, God is upon me, because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; He hath sent me to bind up the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound.”
Here he is not literally talking to people in prison, he is not literally talking about people who have been held captive in some far off dungeon. He is talking about the strategy of the enemy of God’s kingdom. The forces of evil that try to bind men where they think, to hold them in dungeons of darkness, of oppression and to hold them by the process of fear. So the proclamation that Isaiah is talking of is the liberty that comes with knowledge. That is why we repeat, “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” This statement by Christ was inferring that the knowledge of truth that proceeds out of the mind of God illuminating the individual will set him free, free from fears, from errors, from brainwashing, and all of the things that capture and destroy men. Therefore Isaiah said: I have been sent to proclaim liberty.
Current events – About our getting out of the United Nations) (Adam Clayton Powell, put out of congress) (a trouble with the colleges in California, and Mr. Reagan’s stand for correction in the schools) (the rising of the right wing) Promised before the world began. .
WE TURN IN THE BOOK OF TITUS TODAY, and the Apostle Paul begins with a great declaration and moves into a great area of truth.
“Paul a servant of YAHWEH AND AN APOSTLE OF Jesus Christ according to the faith of God’s elect, and the acknowledgment of truth, which is after godliness. In hope of Eternal life, which God who cannot lie promised before the world began.” Promised to whom? The Elect. Hear this now. The Apostle Paul who is writing to the Elect of God, writing to the children of the Kingdom, to the house of Israel. And he has already proven that they are the elect of God in the world, sites that therefore in hopes of Eternal life, from a God which cannot lie.
And in fact this is an understatement for God is true and he cannot lie, not at all. But God has promised us something, and He promised it before the world began. He promised His kingdom that he would restore to Eternal Life. And he had promised that we would have Eternal life before the foundation of the world. He promised that this would be brought forth, and he would fulfil it in his redemption. Therefore He as Yahweh-God, as redeemer promised to the Household of Israel, the children of His elect, this promise of Eternal Life. And promised this Eternal life, before the world began.
TONIGHT WE SEE AGAIN, AN ATTACK UPON OUR NATION as we hear of the attack upon our aircraft in the Japanese sea and we see some strange conditions around this. First, we blame North Korea, for she claimed she shot down this unarmed reconnaissance plane and she claims a great victory and calls America a ‘Paper Tiger.’ And well she may be, under our present leadership.
In this situation you will note several things. Several newspapers in the Mid-West and one in Canada, and even the television, came on with the first news and said this: ‘the first of our aircraft into that area found Russian Destroyers in that area trying to find wreckage of our plane.’ Now, supposedly, helping us. However, these first reports said that the Russians had taken seven living crew members from the wreckage and two dead ones and had them on board those Destroyers, three Destroyers. That one of the wings of the plane showed that it had been hit by shrapnel from below.
Now, the idea that we were hit by Migs could well be true as North Korea has Migs. But these first items said Russian Destroyers had shelled our craft and seven crew members were taken alive. That story was pulled back and buried. And the next morning, the Russians were taken to Japan and turned over to our authorities and nothing was ever said again about the seven survivors. If there were survivors, of course, they could tell us what happened so we will hear nothing more from these men.
AS AMERICAN CITIZENS, each of us are interested in anything which effects our civilization and effects the very life of our nation itself. Nor can we escape the impact of events which transpire around the world because we are living within it. There is an inner linkage of all nations tonight, because we have been foolish enough to become entangled and entrapped in a world conspiracy to rule all of the earth. This program is not designed to share this administrative rule with the United States, but it is designed to influence these United States and to rule all of the world with the anti-Christ and evil influence.
We point out tonight, that we are in a doubly endangered entrapment, one of which is our membership inside of the United Nations. And the other is in having leadership which is advised by those who are friendly to our enemies, and the strange and peculiar process by which we are negating our strength and our power, all which, fulfils the enemies design and strategy. It is important for us to realize that diplomatic developments in the last few weeks, have added to the administrations pressure to the development of better relations with the Soviet Union.
I THINK THAT ONE OF THE THINGS WHICH WE WANT TO CALL TO YOUR ATTENTION is a rather strange and unique situation. When ‘Golden’ (Golda) Meir came to the United States, she brought a golden bible with her. And this golden bible she presented to a propaganda minister for Israeli. She gave it to Billy Graham. So Billy Graham received a golden Bible from ‘Golden’ Meir and in his speaking a few weeks ago he utilized this golden bible that he received. And last Saturday night he spoke and he said he just wanted any Christian to know that there is no reason to fear being exposed to Jewry.
He wanted all the Christians to know that the one thing which was held against the Jews, by Christians, was that the Jews crucified Christ. And then he said that now he wanted all Christians to know that the Jews did not crucify Christ, that it was done entirely by the Romans. And thus Billy Graham whitewashed the Jews holding the golden Bible he got for being their press agent. And He also said that he does not know why Christian are so opposed to the National council of Churches, which we know denies the virgin birth of Christ and the blood atonement.
We well recognize that to get the response that he must get out of Conservative Americans, and to get the backing of conservative Americans that he must never turn back on the basis fundamentals, of the virgin birth and the blood atonement, he tries to explain away, But how can he turn his back on the death of our LORD? For when he says that the Roman did it all then he forgets that it was a group of Jewish soldiers who invaded the garden.
AS WE SPEAK TO YOU ON THE SUBJECT OF VOICES that are coming out of the dimensions of spirit, and out of the energies which have just been released, we tell you that there has never been a period in human history when there are more voices speaking to gather the attention of people than now. Never have more powers, unseen, been at work to guide and influence men, than in the present period in which we are living. We recognize that it is hard in a period of sophistication which we now see, to bring some of the great factors and fantasies to dawn upon the consciousness of people who have set aside everything they cannot behold of cannot see, as not important, not significant, or maybe non-existent.
There are a great number of people who in their thinking have been conscious only of their physical existence, because they have been so blinded with the propaganda of gross materialism of our time, that even a great number of the household of God, Children of spirit, have been shall we say, put to sleep concerning their spiritual reality. Now the moment one talks about the planes of spirit, and things people cannot see, some are prone to say: superstition. And then there are others because in combating the areas in which their church did not participate in, or in opposition to theology which they oppose, came forth to try to say that there are no dimensions of spirit which surround us, and that therefore no voices which could come out of it. In fact the moment someone talks about the planes of spirit and Celestial voices, and inspiration some one says: Spiritualism. And someone else says: spiritism and another name was classified.
WE ARE TURNING TO CONSIDER A PASSAGE OF SCRIPTURE which was in the prerogative of God to implement. In which you can be assured that every word which He has unveiled in the mind and consciousness of His Prophets, and which they have given to us in the Scriptures will be fulfilled with that assurance with which we have watched events, fulfilled throughout the thousands of years of our historic existence in earth, from the day of the inception of our race.
When we survey the background of that race we have now come through, some 7400 years of history. And during that period of time, from the very first advent of the Adamic race, and their being placed in a world of tribulation and turmoil, with racial struggles of Satanic and false philosophy and theologies, the leadership of Lucifer and other Angels with him in the hours of his rebellion, the design of those who fell with him, in their drive to control the earth, the design was the same as it was before you came. The history of men and races clearly show that these things went on for millenniums before we arrived. And from the time of the Adamic race, a very careful strategy was established to suppress our race, to absorb us, and to mongrelise us, to cut off our ability to serve God with the vision with which we had been placed here.
TONIGHT, WE ARE SPEAKING ON A SUBJECT WHICH IS SOMETIMES CONSIDERED TABOO, because we are living in a day when men want to keep the knowledge of men and races somewhat obscured. We have an evil philosophy which is being developed in our nation saying that we must accept the opinion of certain educators, who declare that they know everything there is worth knowing. Or if we do not agree with them and accept their thinking as to the political and economic life, then we are peasants and not to be recognized.
There is then something for you to know and that is as to who you are and from whence you came, because if you do not know who you are and where you came from, then how do you know where you are going. There are a lot of people who think they know where they are going, and they are busy telling us where we are going. But the most important thing for you to know is from whence you came, and what God has planned, what He has in store for you. I think it is important then, that we understand the origin of races and the Biblical relationship of racial streams, the Waters of Life and now the Streams that are upon the face of the earth. The church has taught many things, much has come out of religion affected by religious hierarchy. And very little of it has had its basis actually in what God has said:—
Today among Christians both Protestant and Catholic, the general idea is that everyone who walks upright, some wearing clothes and some who don’t, are all kinsmen. They would have us all as kinsmen out of the idea that God just started our race out of some red mud, shaped it, breathed on it and it started to walk.
WE TURN TONIGHT TO THE BOOK OF EPHESIANS AND FIND THESE WORDS: “Thy Father of Glory may give unto you the Spirit of Wisdom and the revelation of knowledge of Him. That the eyes of your understanding being enlightened, ye may know what is the hope of His Calling, and what is the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the Saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of his power unto us who believe according to the working of his mighty power.” Thus we have an area of Spiritual enlightening, a Spiritual understanding that goes unto the household of God, unto the Children of his calling.
We have cited to you before that God had made it very clear concerning his calling and his revelations, and we read here again that God reveals them unto us by His Spirit, for the Spirit searches out all the thing of God. Yeah, the deep things of God. For what a man knoweth of the things of man saith the Spirit which is in him, even of the things of God knoweth no man but by the Spirit. We have not received the spirit which is of the world. We have received the spirit which is of God. This is important because the world since it cannot understand the mysteries of the things of God, is being led today by the Spirit of the offspring of Lucifer for a final assault upon the Kingdom of God.
THE REAPING OF THE WHIRLWIND is of course one of the results of having sown to the wind. In having permitted our enemy to come into our land and sow his evil. But we a great nation of the Household of the Most High have come a long way even carrying the weight of the enemy. But one thing about America, and the people who have made this nation great is that the people came from the nations of Europe, for all of the nations of Europe have contributed to the structure of the Household of your nation. When Isaiah said: ‘Woe to the nation of the Outstretched Wings of the Eagle’. 18:1; he was talking about the destiny of this nation under the symbol of the outstretched wings of the eagle.
He knew we would be a powerful nation, and that we would carry the destiny of the House of Manasseh. That it would be established, and that we had moved out of the House of Joseph, out of Anglo Saxondom. That our language and our background had come from inside of Britain, but yet we were to enclose many, many people of the whole House of Israel. And that these would come from Europe, the same people that had made Europe strong, who were also of the Nations of Israel. But here would be a prophetic destiny fulfilled, for here in one place would be a gathering together of these people of Israel. They had a great common denominator in that they were of one race, and they were Christian. There was no nation of Europe which was not Christian, from whence these people came. There was nothing in the way of development of the society which God had ordained, that this nation would provide. From the days of our founding fathers as they came for freedom of religion, and for the opportunity to expand and to develop a great nation, they came with the realization that although this was a wilderness, that they were to come, and that God would guide their destiny.
WE TURN IN OUR THINKING THIS AFTERNOON TO THE PATTERNS OF EVENTS that surround us at the climax of the year. And as we move into a new year, we think of the words of Ecclesiastics where the prophet tells us that there is a time for everything. Under this pattern, we note that the MOST HIGH GOD, with initiative and vision, has made a declaration thru the prophets; “To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven.” There is a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to pluck up. There is even a time to kill and a time to heal, a time for love and a time for hate, a time for war and a time for Peace.
And the MOST HIGH GOD MAKING THESE DECLARATIONS IS NOT JUST SPEAKING TO MAKE ALL INCLUSIVE TO MAKE ALL PATTERNS OF OPERATIONS. BUT HE IS TALKING OF THE REALIZATION THAT IN PATTERNS AND IN MEASURES, THAT THERE IS A REASON FOR THESE THINGS. AND THUS, THERE IS ALWAYS A TIME FOUND FOR IT. And in the measures of time, we are talking about the areas in which events happen. It is not exactly a substance, but it is a dimension of events. And when we talk about four dimensions, then one of those dimensions is a pattern of time as well. People waste a lot of time. And in this manner, they do not accomplish a lot of objectives that they should in the period of time allotted to them in the period of time in which they live. At other times, it does not take a lot of time to redeem a lot of time that has been wasted.
THERE IS NO DOUBT THAT THE WORLD ORDER has moved in and caused great problems in the nations of God’s Kingdom. The strategies that are involved in the Scriptures, were one of keeping the people strong and powerful and keeping the people Blessed of God, alert and free. In order to do this they had to dwell alone and stay with their own kind of people.
Matthew 15:13…”Ye are the salt of the earth, and if the salt hath lost its savour, where then will be saltiness? It is good for nothing, then but to be cast out and trodden under the foot of men. Ye are the light of the world and a city that sits on a hill cannot be hid. Neither does a man light a candle and put it under a bushel, but he puts the light where it can be seen, and gives light unto the whole house.”
There is a direct relationship of this passage to the processes of that time, for the gathering of salt was big business in Palestine at the time of the Christ. In fact, they set out even to cross the Sahara in search of salt, and Sahara means ‘salt sea’, which is actually the great sea of sand where camels were ships carrying salt over the great desert to areas on the other side where salt was quite priceless. So here in Palestine they began to mix the salt with phosphate or Benzinite or with plain earth, and the salt thus wouldn’t be as salty, or lose its savour. Now the Jew’s were here in Palestine at the time of Jesus and they instituted this mixing of earth with the salt until there was not much savour left in it.
THE TRIAL OF JESUS CHRIST IS SUBJECT WHICH IS LITTLE UNDERSTOOD, as also are the events which preceded it. It necessarily involves the study of the Jewish soul, its nature, its attitude, its legal processes and its political activities. It must be understood that they have continued to identify themselves with a world revolution, and with strategies for the destruction of Christianity with the same intensity, and the same avid desire for its crushing, as they demonstrated in the days of Christ’s ministry.
Before we move into the panorama of these events, and on through the patterns of the Scriptures, there are certain things we must know about Palestine in the time of Christ.
During the ministry of the man Christ Jesus, the embodiment of God, Messiah, the King, was moving among His people, speaking, proclaiming, opening the eyes of the blind, unstopping the ears of the deaf; performing miracles, so that, even Rome, in its casual first approach to His ministry, testified too, by their procurator in the city of Jerusalem and by the many envoys they sent over to investigate these matters in the land of Palestine.
The fact remains that what remained a mystery, even to Rome, was the hatred and the animosity of official Jewry in Palestine, against a man, who, by their records and all that they had been able to glean as they searched the land of Palestine, had been to do good to those who needed His healing hand, and to speak words that would give spiritual life and hope to a people. In all this Rome’s verdict was: “We see no reason why there is such animosity against this individual.”
OPEN UP TO THE BOOK OF HEBREWS, and in the passage where the Apostle Paul expresses. “Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin.” This may seem like a strange and peculiar statement of the Apostle Paul, but he was speaking unto Christians and onto those members of the church. And he was confronted by a operation which was existing in to the church. And I think that it even existed more specially, strenuously, even today. That is the vast numbers within the structure of the church which sought always a easy way out through pacifism and peace. That they never at any time considered that there would be any operation of violence that they would have to become involved in.
Of course, we can understand that, when Jesus was talking about the end of the age, that there would be a lot of things that would transpire. One of the things that He talked about was in the Gospel of Luke, when He told the disciples and those that were round about Him, that there would be great earthquakes in diverse places and that there would be famine, pestilence, and sights and great sounds, and that they would see signs from the heavens. Before all these things, however, ‘they will try to lay hands on you, and persecute you, they will deliver you up to their synagogue and then put you in their prisons. They will bring you up before the kings and rulers. For My Names sake.’
AS WE LOOK AT OUR SUBJECT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF DISCIPLESHIP WE TURN TO THE BOOK OF ISAIAH, to the eighth chapter, for it tells us something about disciples and discipleship. Many people confuse the disciple with Sonship. I want to point out to you that disciples are those that follow a leader. A disciple is one who coordinates with HIM, whereas, the family does not always move in the area of discipleship.
Thus, a person may be a son of God, a member of this white race and not be a good disciple. For a disciple is one who follows after the Master, one who coordinates his words. One that agrees with his words, one that advocates his words. And the disciple never disagrees with the Master.
Now, I want to point this out to you however. For the disciple is found in the race of Israel. And then HE speaks and says,’Behold all of the children that God (Spirit) hath given me, all are for signs and wonders in Israel, and they are from YAHWEH. To the law and to the testimony, if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them, (or they are not my disciples.) Now my disciples are to be found in Israel and they are to proclaim the word and they are to be of Israel.’
Now, there is one factor that is quite significant. For there are some people who think that disciples are just someone who became converts to Christ and became his disciples. But they were of the house of Israel, children raised up to testify as to signs and wonders before all of the nations of the world.
Now, I want to point out to you over here in the book of John, and again we see these words coming forth from the lips of Christ. “If ye continue in My word then art thee my disciple indeed.”
A MOST SIGNIFICANT THING IS THAT THERE IS NOT A PERIOD OF TIME in which there is not a direct revelation or a continued message for the household of God. The church has a very unique responsibility because it is God’s Oracle. As an institution, it was to be a spiritual assembly in the house of God’s Kingdom. There has not been any period of time when God has left HIS Church without the pattern of revelation. There does not exist in the mind of God a multitude of churches. There exists only one great and united Church.
There exists today a great multitude of denominations, and there exists within them a great number of Christians, and these Christians make up the church. But I point out to you this afternoon that the church as far as God is concerned, is not Methodist or Baptist, for God is not a Methodist and HE is not a Baptist. And HE does not belong to the Presbyterian Church. There is no denomination with which HE particularly identifies with this afternoon. Though we have no war within the spiritual incite and development, which may have taken place under the leadership of a lot of these denominational leaders in the times past.
TURNING TO OUR SUBJECT TONIGHT OF THIS TITLE ‘RIGHT OR WRONG’ recognizing that this is a very vital issue in our time because there are many ways which these things are being said and expressed, we find today that if you stand for America and you love your nation, and if you stand for Christ and you love Christianity, and you are a White man and love your mother and father, and want your great-grandchildren to look like your children, that you are on the “extreme right.”
If you want to see the preservation of this great nation, of these United States, and do not want to see it absorbed or co-mingled with all of the areas of darkness and superstition, and taken into an area of world government in which the powers of darkness and the forces of evil can outmanoeuvre you and sap your strength and your greatness and your technology, and deprive you and enslave you, then you are on the EXTREME RIGHT. But if you believe today that a world can be improved by amalgamation, by combining 5/6 of the error with 1/6th of the truth, by subordinating great nations and Christian nations to the powers of darkness with everything from Buddhism to Hinduism, to the Witch doctor and Kenyetta’s Mau Mau, if you believe in that, then, my friends, you are a liberal. And we refer to these liberals if they identify with the Communist party as being EXTREME LEFT. Because this is about the apex of the catalyst of evil.
IN THE AREAS OF THE SCRIPTURES IN 2 PETER, he tells us that quite a discovery is taking place upon the face of the earth. For knowing that there shall come in the latter days, scoffers, walking after their own lusts. And they shall also say, ‘where is the promise of HIS coming.’
Strangely, the people who believe in the Second Coming are largely Christians and church goes, though this promise is known thru out the length and breadth of our race.
But we have had a strange experience over the last twenty-five to thirty-five years. For there have been many unqualified to preach the Gospel, standing in the pulpits of the Christian Churches. In fact, many of these people in their seminaries never had it brought to their attention that the return of Christ would be in the pattern of things. And in this hour, we are discovering that some of the strangest things are developing throughout the length and the breadth of our land. Every part of this great nation where we have had great and individual and personal freedom, and where we have known the greatness of God’s blessings, we discovered are not great areas of disturbance, and riots are sweeping over some of the youth of our land. They are dressing as part clown and they are acting in all areas of operation, like some strange monstrosity. They wear their hair long and in strange hair styles. And boys and girls can hardly be told apart, as they walk the streets.
TONIGHT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT SEPARATE VESSELS, we think this is an important subject because there is many conditions and environments with different people, and it seems to be affecting the lives of different people, and people follow leadership sometimes that they do not understand. The question arises in the mind sometimes of the uninformed Christian, how long will God put up with this kind of betrayal that great Christian nations are receiving from people in positions of authority. Or of leadership that acts like a Judas goat leading the people of God’s kingdom in many instances down the road to betrayal. The answer is very clearly outlined inside the scripture.
For there is nothing taking place upon the earth that is not known to our father. He is not only the Eternal God and possesses these capacities of Omniscience but he knows the strategy and the patterns of the enemy, and he also knows the areas in which they carry out their function. In trying to gain those whom they use for a front for their programs. Lucifer has always been a super deceiver. And on the world horizon he operated as a deceiver. He even thought to introduce himself as having more power and more wisdom than God. With the seduction of Eve it was never what did God say it was never mind that this is what I say. But in these instances he had to be persuasive for he had to introduce the first areas of the fall which affected our race.
NOW THE WORD ‘SHEKINAH’ IS A HEBREW WORD, and it is talking about the Effulgent Majesty of the Glory that shines forth from the presence of the Most High God. Whenever the word appears it is of course in Hebrew and it is not in the translation, but it talks about the radiant light, and we call it by the name which was intended, The Shekinah Glory of the Most High Yahweh. It is an intense and very important area of development in the knowledge of the Scripture.
There are many things inside the scriptures that are translated in a rather poor light. Because of this then people have different ideas about the things the scriptures are talking about. They look upon the eventual doom of ungodly men and their endless torture and punishment, but they do not understand the scriptures.
On things about the Gospel is this, it is Glad Tidings of Great Joy to all people, and I can assure you that it would not be glad tidings to someone who is going to be punished and tortured through out all times, and all ages. So, we have some things to learn about. The Grace of Yahweh and also about the Light of Yahweh.
IN THIS GREAT NATION UNDER GOD we have watched the fulfilment in the last 175 years of some of the greatest of God’s fruition and promises upon a people. To those who are the children of this Book, it is impossible for a people and a nation like ours of this western civilization and culture of which we are a part, to develop in the earth without having the attention of prophecy, or the proclamations which relate to its destiny, by the Most High God.
We have before us, in our possession the holy scriptures. And the holy scriptures contain all of the books written by the prophets by inspiration. All of the holy scriptures however are not found in the book which we call the Bible. But the Bible contains 64 books of holy scriptures and two books that by probable permission, are there which are not inspired at all. However, we mention this because they are the book of Solomon and the one of Esther. But generally speaking the other books contain the name of God in areas of inspiration, and those two do not contain the name of God.
There are a great number of books which contain the mighty revelations and the truths of the most High, and these were called scroll scriptures. So we possess within them a code as to what God intended for our household and our race to know. As we clearly discover, the genealogy of this book is important unto God. We are vitally interested tonight in genealogy. It is important for a people to know from whence they have come and how pure they have maintained the vision and the revelation that God has bestowed upon them. We are cautioned in the scripture to pay no attention to vain genealogy. And vain genealogy does not interest us. We do not care how far back they try to trace their ancestry. There is nothing the Negro can produce in genealogy tonight that is significant or of importance to us at all. We are not interested in the potentates of Asia, or the antiquities of the background of any of ancient Asia. These are vain genealogies. But the genealogies which preserve the structure back to ancient Adam, and then points out in all of the areas of responsible connections, that it has sought to maintain the purity’s that God has sought to maintain. This is not a vain genealogy. This is a most important genealogy. This is the reason we have in the book of Matthew and in the book of Luke, the genealogy of Jesus the Christ. And we point out to you that it was important to you that we point out that this was important to you that all of the genealogy of His household was traced back to Adam. Who is declared in that genealogy is the son of God. We are interested tonight in the Adamic race because we are citizens of the Adamic race, as people who are apart of the White society that God established in the earth. And it is vitally important unto us that there be no mutation and that there be a preservation of this genealogy. The vessels that God has provided for the carrying forward of the holy seed was that Adamic household.
THE TOPIC TONIGHT IS ON A SUBJECT WHICH IS STRIKING QUITE CLOSE TO HOME for people all over our nation. But it has prophetic significance in the events which are taking place especially in the way it effects our weather. A great many people think that the forces of nature just run rampage without any direction. But I want you to know that this is not true. A student of the scripture not only understands that the Almighty not only controls all the earth, but under the direction of His spirit, the very winds of heaven blow. The conditions that effect the earth, effect the rain and effect all of the strategies which are in the balance of the heavens, we are told, are balanced by the Holy Spirit. We are told affecting the lows and the high pressures of the earth and the great moving, shifting air masses effect the capacities by which the rain is shifted from one part of the earth to the other. The Holy Scriptures tell us that God sends the snow and He sends the rain. And that He holds or withholds it for a purpose. And that there is nothing which happens upon the face of the earth which is not known to Him.
As we have established this afternoon, all the divine power throughout the Universe, and the effects of this power through the areas of earth that He might bring to pass that which He wants, I think, it is quite easy for us to see that weather has a large part to play in this matter.
ALONG ABOUT THE MIDDLE OF SEPTEMBER, shining out of the sky from beyond the darkened areas of the moon came ships on the move. People watched them expand and grow in size. And from the various observatories which they passed it was estimated that they were moving about 1,500 to 2000 miles per hour. They saw these fleets high up over the mountains of Colorado. And these moving lights swerved and turned to the north and dipped down over a high ridge, and no one saw them again. This was the beginning about two weeks after that the announcement came out that we had landed some flying saucers, created by the U. S. of America which had been making a unique study of these so called flying Saucers. And that this had been a very closed operation, concerning our areas of defence.
Well we had had certain information as to whether this had transpired in this manner. We discovered that there was a high plateau somewhere in Colorado that was the area of these secret sightings. We discovered that this project was conducted at one time under the chairmanship of Col. Lindberg, who was in the air force. But one thing that he demanded was that there would be no Jews in this work which he was conducting. He suggested that if you brought the Jews into the operation that they would always be suspect as spies of the Soviet Union.
A GREAT NUMBER OF PEOPLE MIGHT WONDER WHAT THIS STATEMENT ‘SLAYING THE DRAGON IN THE SEA’ really means and from whence it comes. But if we could take you for one moment into the book of Isaiah where in the 27th chapter of Isaiah the Eternal speaks, ‘In the day YAHWEH, with HIS great and strong sword, shall punish Leviathan the piercing serpent, even Leviathan, that crooked serpent; and HE shall slay the dragon in the sea.’ Strange as it might seem, the ancient wisdom known to your forefathers from the time of the revelations given to Enoch of the unveiling of the symbols of the constellations of the heavens, and incorporated into all the schools of wisdom of your race, were things which were in mystery and in symbol, and the mystery of the Dragon, and this Dragon out of the sea was known unto them.
And as where it might seem a strange thing, but to those who have travelled through the long course of Masonic rituals, and its background, will remember also that one of the elements in the pattern of victory was over the Dragon out of the Sea, the symbol of the Dragon, the symbol of this transplanting of the Dragon to earth. And then the earth, the great battle field between the Dragon and the Hosts of the MOST HIGH GOD, was declared in symbolism and so understood by our forefathers that it was incorporated into their sacred literature. It was incorporated into their mysteries, but it was one of the things that they thoroughly understood. There was never any disillusion on their part, but that they were to take part in this objective. Very, very clearly, this naming of the Dragon and the identification of it was known.
WE ARE TURNING TONIGHT TO A SUBJECT WHICH TO SOME MIGHT SEEM TO BE BUT A PATTERN OF SYMBOLS. We are talking about the ‘snake nest.’ There is probably nothing more important for America and the Christian nations to know and to understand than this secret of the ‘snake nest,’ and the generation of the Serpent and the Viper. There is not any doubt today that any student of world affairs can well understand the master strategy of Lucifer if he is Bible informed. If he is not Bible informed and recognizes it, then he will probably join it. There is then nothing as important for you to know tonight than God’s purpose and plan for the earth.
As we cited to you this afternoon, in the address, there come a vital ‘assurance’ which becomes a vital asset to the individual when he knows what god plans, when he knows the laws of God and the purposes of God. And thus this knowledge synchronizes his thinking of the plans of God, and he participates in it. When you know what God is going to do and you believe in what God is going to do, then you possess assurance. And we tell you that we living in this vital hour, are aware of all of these situations which the bible has made clear and prophecy has unveiled, and now the panorama of world events in the guidance as God unfolds it to HIS children. It gives you a complete picture of all the things now taking place in the earth. And it also challenges you for your participation in these series of events. You will never by able to extricate yourself from relations to the Kingdom because you are children of the Kingdom. There is no place to take yourself out of the picture. And there is no place for you to go and retire and get out of all of this.
WE TURN IN OUR THINKING TO THIS FOURTH OF JULY PERIOD. And this Sunday it is a good time for us to think upon this subject, through out the land. And from Leviticus through the entire structure of the Old Testament you will find the proclamations of liberty, “the mighty Jubilee of Liberty.” And of course, there has never been a people who have had more of the arresting values of liberty upon them, as a people, than upon your race. We discover that the Apostle Paul said that wherever the spirit of God is, there is liberty. This liberty is basic. And it is free from all of the areas of trouble, of evil and of tyranny.
If there is anything important for us to understand this afternoon, it is salvation. And as you understand the purposes of Salvation, then you understand the purposes of God for setting men free. And then you will realize that Salvation is an important thing for a son or daughter of God. For you realize that you cannot stand tall unless you are free. Thus it is that this nation is commemorating today what we do each year on our day of Independence. And it is important to remember what we do each year on this day of Independence. Because you are only set free when you are in adjustment with the mighty things AS THEY ARE. For you are never set free from the laws of creation and of righteousness. A great number of people think that freedom is freedom from everything. And without any responsibility. But if you were free from the laws of creation and free from responsibility with which God organized and created his universe, then the universe itself would fall apart. Therefore there is no condition that is free from reality.
AS WE TURN TO OUR SUBJECT, WE REMEMBER THE VOICE OF HAGGAI, the Prophet thru whom God sounded HIS voice and called attention to an exact day, and the 24th day of the 9th month, the 1335 day of the Algerian Calendar, or in our 1917, when the British took over the mandate of Palestine, as supported by the League of Nations. This was an important event because it was 2520 years to the day from the time when the city of Jerusalem fell before the power of Nebuchadnezzar. Now you have advanced into the period which we call the time of ‘Jacob’s trouble.’ And we again see that the hand of God is measuring time.
And now we see that the abomination of the desolator is not standing in the Holy Place. This is most significant because within 1290 days, most of these things should be fulfilled which were spoken of by the Prophet which from this hour should be consequential as the naming of the Holy place, as the absorption of the Jews. Remember Jesus, in the book of Matthew, warned the true people of Israel, that they should then get out of that land. Get out of the Middle East and stay far away whenever they see the abomination in the Holy place, because judgements are going to fall on Old Jerusalem.
WE HERE TODAY A PART OF GOD’S KINGDOM, with events happening all around us. And standing on the threshold of new events prophetically. It is very important that we understand our relationship in the purposes of God. It is most important that we know the important things. There are many things that men can know that is important to them as knowledge, but the most important knowledge for us to know is centred around the most vital things that we must understand. Jesus was to make this clear, for when we see men striving every where for suffrage and rights, that men cannot live by bread alone, but by every word which comes out of the mouth of God. By this declaration then Jesus also refers to himself as the bread of life. He is the bread of life that came down to earth. And His word is Eternal life. The value of the Word is established clearly from the lips of Jesus.
As we talk to you this afternoon about the word of God we want you to know that the answer, and the victory over every force that seeks to destroy, our civilization and our society, that make war against God’s nation and his kingdom, can be settled completely. And can be blocked by the Word of God. We feel that there is no more powerful force placed in your hand. And when we refer to the scriptures we find that the word of God, is more powerful than a two edged sword. In this declaration we point out that this is not an idle statement. For the Word of God is there in Hebrews in the 4th chapter and the 12th verse: “For the word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”
One of these strange things took place. In the May Day parade in Moscow, this was a different May Day than ever before. Instead of the giant military power parade which is usual on May Day, thru the past years, the people danced in the streets and sang. However, the report came out from behind the scenes and it says that Russia now is in position to use her great strength of missiles and other systems, to strike at will. And the Swedish press says that now the Soviet Union has reached this point of strength. Then her strategy is to show that they have peace in mind while they try to lull you to sleep as to what their real purpose it.
Now, on top of this, about three weeks ago, the Communist had a meeting in Chicago and Communist from all over the world were there. And they were told at that meeting, to expect a new strategy. That some of the top leadership would be replaced. But those though then would come to the front would be people who would be able to talk brotherhood and goodwill. But this would be only a smoke screen. So don’t anyone being displaced worry about it, for the Communist party would take care of them.
THE MARCHING STANDARDS OF ISRAEL AND THE GREAT NATIONS OF GOD’S KINGDOM, where they are, who they are, and how they are known but a subject of this proportion cannot be handled completely in one message. There are many things that we would have you know, and we will cover as much ground as we can. There are certain things that must be taken in their order. While many things which we will discuss may be known too many of you, the whole pattern of them should fit in one solid mosaic until you can see the great purpose which God has established among you as nations and you in this nation, as God’s great instrument for this hour.
We have mentioned in previous messages that the great White race started with Adam. The Scriptural account relates particularly to Seth and his descendants. It is written that Adam begat Seth “in his own free from error or violation of divine law, and selected by the Most High God to carry down the holy seed which He had thus planted. The descendants of Seth are described in the Scriptures, to the time of Noah. As you will recall, Noah begat three sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth. We are interested now in Shem, because it was his lineage and household that succeeded in retaining the spiritual heritage in keeping the blood line pure The Ham and Japheth lines in later generations became largely absorbed by integration with the ancient races. But the Shemetic strain retained almost perfect purity and, today, every White man you see on the face of the earth is a Shemite. There are a few who may be by-passed products of the crossing of the bridge of the races that took place in early migration; from the steppes of the upper Pamir Plateau, but today all the White men of earth are found in the nations of God’s Kingdom, all identified with nations that have emerged out of the line of His covenant.
FROM THE VERY BEGINNING OF THE HISTORY OF OUR RACE IN THE EARTH, we have been engaged for the consciousness of man. We as the children of the Most High God have a different origin from any other people upon the face of the earth. The offspring of the Most High sent into the earth by the process which he has ordained, the embodiment of his children in the Adamic household makes probably the most important phase of human understanding concerning our origins and our destiny, and the necessity of understanding of what the bible teaches, and what the words of inspiration not found in this bible, but are also scripture in the word of God have had to say about our being transplanted from heaven to earth.
For this is what God did, he established his household and the seat of his kingdom in earth. Brought forth his issue in the Adamic race and ordained that they should occupy the earth and build his kingdom. And that this kingdom coming down thru his posterity, by his foreknowledge he had written in the heavens as the ‘Lamb’s book of Life’ written before the foundation of the world. This a flowing stream of people the embodied household of the Most High in the earth. The only way to carry out his responsibilities in earth was to dwell in bodies of flesh, like the people of earth dwelt in. That they might use the mentality of such an occupation to transfer in a working order, the program of God’s kingdom which was an enlightening spiritual force.
WE TURN TONIGHT TO OUR STORY OF THE 4 WISE MEN, and we call attention to the second chapter of Matthew. We read that when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, in the days of Herod the King, behold there came Wise Men from the East of Jerusalem, saying, where is HE born King, in Judea? We have seen His Star in the East and have come to worship Him. Yes, there were Wise Men out of the East, and I want you to know that these men were Aryan’s, all of them. They were tall men, white men, they may have been bronze from the sun and from their travels, but they were white men. They were the sons of Yah, the Magi. And there were 4 at the time of Christ, and their order goes back to Ancient Times.
For Enoch, the seventh from Adam, was a most Holy man, and he desired to serve the Most High God. He was a man of great riches and great strength. His flocks were many and his household strong. God sent for this man Enoch and one day a great Chariot came from the heavens and men knocked on his door, Angelic Hosts and they said: “The Great Yah has summoned thee to come into His presence. Tell your family good-by, close up thy shutters and come on board,” and this is exactly what Enoch did. In the course of time and in the records of time and tradition we see what Enoch did as he went into the Presence of the Most High God and was taught by Archangel’s. He was taught the Mystery of the Signs of the Zodiac, and the Gospel message of the Star’s, their formation and their meaning. He was taught the Sign that would mark the in-coming Christ, THE MESSIAH that would emerge as God Himself out of His Household, and out of His Family. To redeem His Household, His Family from their transgressions, and to prepare the pattern of His Kingdom.
TONIGHT WE ARE SPEAKING ON THE STRATEGY OF THE FALSE PROPHET. And we tonight are in a very serious situation here in these United States. It is very important that we understand just what we are facing at this time. This is a great nation of God’s Kingdom, and this Kingdom is very clearly outlined in the scriptures as a very important part of God’s plan. For His Kingdom extends thru out the universe, and this Kingdom in earth is a most important and vital factor. If you understand this Kingdom in earth, then we know what we are here for. And when I am speaking about what you are here for, I am talking about your race. We have talked about the pre-existence with the Father, and what God has said about you, and said this before the world was framed – that you were with Him in the days of His creation and even in the days of the creation of this solar system.
But now we are faced with a lot of events that are now transpiring which require a lot of understanding. This is required so that we might know what to do under these circumstances. Never in the history of this nation have we had a week like the one we just passed, more with violence and the evidence of anti-Christ than any thru which we have passed. This past week the Supreme Court rendered its decision of evil. It demonstrates that these men are not fit to sit upon the high court of this nation. It also demonstrates that we have drifted far by acquiescence to this evil by which these people represent. Remember, my friends, that when we became a nation in 1776, we were a nation of God fearing colonies that had been established by men of vision and of courage, who had faith in God. We know today that all of our Jewish co-hosts are trying to downgrade our founding fathers.
AS WE DISCUSS THE SUBTLETY OF SATAN, it is most important that we understand things in this hour. Never has their been a greater struggle to capture the minds of God’s household. This is however not something which has never happened before. The biggest area of trouble that your race was ever aware of and got into was this struggle to attempt to capture the minds of your race. Remember that Eve was deceived, and we are told that the Serpent was more subtle, than all of the Beasts of the field.
It is important to remember that in allegory in which the book of Genesis is written, that when it talks about the Serpent being more subtle than any Beast of the field, it is quite obvious that we are not talking about the serpent as a snake, even though he might be beautiful in his colours and graceful in his form. The fact remains that it was known that this was a title in all understanding and wisdom as the emblem of Lucifer, who was one time known as Star of the morning. He was a great and mighty Archangel with great power thru out the Universe. And in his rebellion against the most high and in the great struggles which followed we discover that Lucifer was defeated by Michael the Archangel. In this sphere of the Solar system and the milky way which fell into his grasp as he fell into earth where defeated he made his headquarters.
Thus we have these words in scripture and we find them referred to in the Book of Revelations, and especially in the 12 chapter of Revelation. And we find that Lucifer ‘son of the morning’, although a fallen Angel has these other names. It is saying that he is referred to as Satan or the devil, and it is referring-to one and the same, this fallen Archangel.
WE ARE DWELLING IN A PERIOD OF TIME IN WHICH THERE IS A TENDENCY due to the growth of materialism which has been used as mental warfare against God’s Kingdom, to over look the supernatural powers and Divine force that is directed into the areas of human existence, for the development of Divine purpose. In fact, there has developed such a technological age because we have developed so many of these things out of what we think to be merely scientific investigation, that many do not recognize that this vision and this understanding comes to a race and to a household which is directly related to the MOST HIGH. We do not always recognize that all of the great visions and technological developments would be found among the offspring of the MOST HIGH GOD, and the Household that HE established in the earth. These patterns of science and developments do not come out of Asia, or out of Africa. But all of the areas of scholarship which is produced in our time, which has within it the great accumulation of knowledge and wisdom, only moves through the channels of vision and inspiration.
We as a great nation, are in a time of trouble. All of the great Christian nations of the world are in a great time of trouble. And our struggle for survival is a complex one. The reason for this is that a great number of people do not know that a battle for their minds has been going on for some time, and the concepts of the world order round about them that is made proper by constant repetition, is actually a dangerous design which would destroy their civilization, blot out the vision and the wisdom and plunge the world into an era of controlled darkness in the hands of Lucifer.
Let me point out to you that the great Christian nations of the world have been entrapped already.
WE ARE TURNING THIS AFTERNOON, TO THE SIGNS OF GREAT SPIRITUAL AND POLITICAL RENAISSANCE IN OUR SOCIETY. We are coming to one of the most important periods of our history. And this is a good sign that there is an awakening in our nation and a bending away from the policies of the left to the right and the great number of people who are coming out of their sleep and being heard audibly through the land. Some years ago, it was hard to find such voices lifted up on freedom, that would have any following or who would listen to them. But today you discover that across this nation there has started a great spiritual stimulant. That from one end of the nation to the other, people are concerned about their nation and its course.
They are concerned by decisions made by leaders and by Presidents, and from Cabinet levels down. They are concerned about policies which do not work out according to the promises of leadership. And they are beginning to suspect that there is a great underground evil in this situation. Experts who have meditated upon this problem and have studied it, have long known the source of degeneration and great problems in many countries. They have long known what was wrong with these United States. But these were the experts and they spoke to themselves. And when they sought to bring this knowledge to the people of the nation, they were referred to as ‘RADICAL or Fanatics or Extremists. And I know that today you are well aware of the use of the word ‘Extreme.’ For in the semantics of the opposition who seek to wage war against God’s Kingdom, its nations, and its race, and its faith, they are seeking today to make the word ‘extreme’ to be one which is looked down upon with ridicule.