Codex Alimentarius Commission
WHILE most here in the UK have been distracted with the Brexit circus, the teeth of the Codex Alimentarius have been biting hard. Codex Alimentarius was set up under the guise of ensuring high food standards and safety, but in reality it was to maintain the profits of big pharma by ensuring natural cures and nutritious food become unavailable to the public.
Particularly hard hit have been David Noakes and Lyn Thyer, the developers of GcMaff, a natural product that is effective in reversing cancer. During their short career in marketing this product through their clinics and to other doctors, many thousands have been cured of cancer and other diseases. The Pharmaceutical industry saw this as a great threat to their deathly radio & chemo-therapy treatments.
Not being satisfied with having imprisoned David Noakes (now out), they have sequestered money in his banks accounts and seized his property, they are endeavouring to extradite them to France, having started with Lyn Thyer, even though she was found not guilty of any offence in an English Court. A common law court was convened which also found her not guilty of any crime. Despite all this she is now held in a French run prison in Ashford Middlesex, awaiting extradition to France.
Writs of Habeas corpus to free Lyn Thyer are being refused, contrary to Law of the country, which just goes to show we now are living in a totalitarian state, even worse than the former Soviet Union!

August 2019 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF