Who are The Jews?

Who are The Jews?

ONE OF THE MOST BAFFLING QUESTIONS FACING CHRISTENDOM in the 20th Century revolves around the people we know as Jews. Who are they? Are they the Chosen People of the Bible, the seed of Abraham, to whom God gave the promise of Genesis 12-3 “I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee?” Or are they a heathen, satanic people who have been a “thorn in the flesh” of true Israel for centuries and who have a world plan for the destruction of Christianity?

Much of importance revolves around the proper answer to this question. The fundamentalist and evangelical Christian world, for the most part teach that the present day people who call themselves Jews are indeed the offspring of Abraham, “the friend of God,” and that to receive the blessings of God, Christians must help them in every way possible, even when they appear as the Apostle Paul stated in 1 Thessalonians 2:15, to be the murderers of their own prophets, persecutors of Christians, who “please not God and are contrary to all men.”