IF WHAT IS USED AS A MEDIUM OF EXCHANGE IS FLUCTUATING IN ITS VALUE, it is no better than unjust weights and measures, both which are condemned by the laws of God and man.
Roger Sherman is the author of Article 1 Section 10 of the United States Constitution: “No State shall … make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts.”
Forasmuch, as there have been many disputes arisen of late concerning the medium of exchange in this colony, which have been occasioned chiefly by reason of our having such large quantities of paper Bills of Credit on some of the neighbouring governments passing in payments among us, and some of those governments having issued much larger sums of Bills than were necessary to supply themselves with a competent medium of exchange, and not having supplied their treasuries with any fund for maintaining the credit of such Bills:
They have therefore been continually depreciating and growing less in their value, and have been the principal means of the depreciation of the Bills of Credit emitted by this colony, by their passing promiscuously with them; and so have been the occasion of much embarrassment and injustice in the trade and commerce of the colony, and many people — and especially widows and orphans — have been great sufferers thereby.
But our Legislature having at length taken effectual care to prevent further depreciation of the Bills of this colony, and the other governments not having taken the prudent care, their Bills of Credit are still sinking in their value, and have in fact sunk much below the value of the Bills of this colony.
In the years preceding the American Revolution, there were no great leaders in America. The situation of economic slavery created the leaders: Washington, Jefferson, Henry, Adams, Madison, Franklin and the rest.
At the time of Patrick Henry’s fiery speech on March 23, 1775, his Virginia colleagues were so scared and shocked that they proposed a vote of censure.
At the time of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, less than ten per cent of the people in the Thirteen Colonies dared to speak and act in its defence. That less than ten per cent was the leadership, was the beacon round which the rest of the people rallied after the “shot heard round the world” inspired them to action.
“In After the Reich, Giles MacDonogh, a British author of several books about German history, chronicles the final weeks of the war and the occupation that followed. His ambitious mission: to offer a comprehensive, unsparing account of what happened to the German people when the tables were turned. MacDonogh works to assemble a massive indictment of the victors, and his array of detail and individual stories is both impressive and exhausting.” —Washington Post Book World
“In his meticulously researched book After the Reich, British-born Giles MacDonogh, an expert in German history, offers a different view of this ‘noble’ war’s aftermath. With unsparing detail and ample documentation, he chronicles the events after the victory in Europe in May 1945 to the Berlin airlift four years later, and exposes the slippery slope of the moral high ground many of us believed the Allies possessed during those years. . . . One cannot read After the Reich without thinking of the phrase ‘winning the war but losing the peace’ as the book draws a line from the occupation directly to the division of Berlin and the Cold War that gripped much of the world and informed foreign relations for the next 60 years. Scars across Europe from the post–World War II era remain, and MacDonogh has picked the scab at a time of modern war and occupation when, perhaps, the world most needs to examine an old wound.” —Boston Globe
The study of Celtic literature, which is daily becoming of increased importance to the philologist, has proved a matter of no inconsiderable value to the Irish historian. When Moore visited O’Curry, and found him surrounded with such works as the Books of Ballymote and Lecain, the Speckled Book, the Annals of the Four Masters, and other treasures of Gaedhilic lore, he turned to Dr. Petrie, and exclaimed: “These large tomes could not have been written by fools or for any foolish purpose. I never knew anything about them before, and I had no right to have undertaken the History of Ireland.” His publishers, who had less scruples, or more utilitarian views, insisted on the completion of his task. Whatever their motives may have been, we may thank them for the result. Though Moore’s history cannot now be quoted as an authority, it accomplished its work for the time, and promoted an interest in the history of one of the most ancient nations of the human race.
I THINK it necessary to state how I became possessed of the original copy of the “Ancient History of Caledonia.” I was a sailor on board a man-of-war. Returning in 1842, I was one day sent on Store Duty to the Tower of London. One of my shipmates calling me by name, a gentleman who heard him came to me and said—”Am I like Jock at the fair—are there more M`Larens here than me?” I answered that I was a M’Laren. We became very intimate. He was Master Gunner at the Tower, by name David M’Laren. I remained there all night; and the topic of conversation happening to fall upon nationality, he informed me that he had seen a book in the shop of a Jew in Petticoat Lane, with the word “Chaldea” marked upon it. Through curiosity I went along with him to see it. What he called the book turned out to be a large roll of written skins, not very well preserved, there being holes here and there, and the writing in many places injured by damp. An oaken box which had contained the roll, attracted my attention. It was lined with copper, and had outside on the lid a great many ornaments in the same metal, including a large lion rampant with a sword in its paw. I offered him a sum of money for the box, but he would not part with it until he had first removed the mounting from it. I then offered him a piece of money for the book, which he refused; but when I left he followed after me with it, insisting that I should take it at the price offered, and to avoid being mobbed, I paid the book, got possession of it, and left. After returning home I tried several clergymen with it, but received no encouragement, until I met with the Rev. Duncan M’Gregor, Roman Catholic Priest, Lochaber. He told me it was the “Ancient History of Caledonia.” He translated it from the ancient Latin, in which it was written, into the Gaelic language, as I expected from the nature of the book that it would command a greater sale in that language. From various causes it never was printed in Gaelic, but from this translation, I have now got it translated into the English language, the original document being completely destroyed during the first translation by the means taken to make the writing legible.
THE HISTORY BOOKS ON WWII ARE ONE BIG LIE FROM START TO FINISH, the bankers and elected politicians cooked up a world war that was totally unnecessary, there used to be a saying in intelligence circles that “no knowledge once gained was ever wasted” and some of what you will read was given to me almost 60 years ago.
Secret gas and germ experiments were carried out on the British people from at least the 1920’s up until the present day, the 1918 Influenza pandemic which affected 500 million people was possibly an experiment, because scientists are still experimenting on this viral strain now, the head of the British Government poison gas unit was Sir Joseph Barcroft, his official position was head of the Physiological Dept. at Porton Down (left) and his speciality was integrational science and foetal development, his assistant was Lady Moran, the wife of Churchill’s doctor, Lord Moran who had a close relationship with Edith Meadowcroft better known as Lady Morrison of Lambeth, who herself had connections to the Catholic convent in Rochdale run by German nuns, Lord Moran was part of the secret eugenics tests done on orphaned children and twins, and I believe from missing documents children from this convent school were used for some genetic/breeding type programme.
THE COMMANDING AND HIGHLY DEFENSIBLE POSITION town of Newcastle is placed, must necessarily have recommended itself to the notice of the very earliest colonizers of this quarter of the island. The ground on which it stands upon which the rising abruptly to the height of about 100 feet from the bed of the river, is cut into three very remarkable tongues of land by four natural valleys, all permeated by streams which disembogue in the Tyne. The easternmost and largest of these tongues of land, is that formed by the Ouseburn and Pandon Dean; the smallest by that stream and the Lortburn; and the westernmost, whereon stands the Castle, by the Lortburn and Skinnerburn.
In 1988 the Angolan Minister of Defence and other official Angolan and Cuban sources claimed that a South African offensive consisting of up to 9,000 troops with 500 tanks, 600 artillery field guns and scores of aircraft had attacked the town of Cuito Cuanavale in Angola. According to their version the attack had failed thanks to a valiant defence effort by Cuban and Angolan troops, and the South Africans had lost 50 aircraft, 47 tanks and hundreds of men.
TO BENJAMIN H. FREEDMAN, who committed himself to finding and telling the facts about Zionism and Communism. and encouraged others to do the same. The son of one of the founders of the American Jewish Committee, which for many years was anti-Zionist, Ben Freedman founded the League for Peace with Justice in Palestine in 1946. He gave me copies of materials on the Balfour Declaration which I might never have found on my own and encouraged my own research. (He died in April 1984.)
The Institute for Historical Review is providing means for the better understanding of the events of our time.
Attempts to review historical records impartially often reveal that blame, culpability, or dishonour are not to be attached wholly to one side in the conflicts of the last hundred years. To seek to untangle fact from propaganda is a worthy study, for it increases understanding of how we got where we are and it should help people resist exploitation by powerful and destructive interests in the present and future, by exposing their working in the past.
The Balfour Declaration may be the most extraordinary document produced by any Government in world history. It took the form of a letter from the Government of His Britannic Majesty King George the Fifth, the Government of the largest empire the world has even known, on which — once upon a time — the sun never set; a letter to an international financier of the banking house of Rothschild who had been made a peer of the realm.
Arthur Koestler wrote that in the letter “one nation solemnly promised to a second nation the country of a third.” More than that, the country was still part of the Empire of a fourth, namely Turkey. It read:
SACRED ISLE: by tradition Britain is a sacred isle of immense antiquity, home of divinatory arts and a repository of souls; Greek writers were wont to write of ‘the secrets of the island of Britain’
To the peoples of antiquity the isle of Britain was the very home and environment of mystery, a sacred territory, to enter which was to encroach upon a region of enchantment, the dwelling of the gods, the shrine and habitation of a cult of peculiar sanctity and mystical power. Britain was, indeed, the insula sacra of the West, an island veiled and esoteric, the Egypt of the Occident.’ (Lewis Spence, The Mysteries of Britain, 1905)
Britain was home to the first Christian realm [see below, Christianity] and long before that Druidism was invented on the island [see below, Druidism]; the extraordinary antiquity and spread of British influence is advertised in the following quotation:
THE BOMBER SAVES CIVILISATION‘: my first chapter heading may strike some readers as a paradox, possibly as a perversion of the truth, at best as an overstatement made for the purpose of calling attention to what I have to say. It is nothing of the kind. I am not trying to shock or to bamboozle the reader. I am stating the truth as the truth appears to me. The bomber is the saver of civilisation. We have not grasped that fact as yet, mainly because we are slaves to pre-conceived conceptions about air warfare. Air warfare is the dog with a bad name. The bad name is, on the whole, a calumny. This book is an attempt to rehabilitate it, not against the facts of the case but because of the facts of the case. Civilisation, I believe firmly, would have been destroyed if there had been no bombing in this war. It was the bomber aircraft which, more than any other instrument of war, prevented the forces of evil from prevailing. It was supposed to be the chosen instrument of aggression. Actually, it was precisely the opposite. Aggression would have had a clearer run if there had been no bombers—on either side. And the greatest contribution of the bomber both to the winning of the war and the cause of peace is still to come.
THE state of religion, manners, and opinions in general, among the Britons of the 5th and 6th centuries, are best to be conjectured from the poetical remains of those men whom they called Bards. I do not propose to add much to what Mr. Sharon Turner, and Mr. E. Davies, followed up by Mr. Probert in his Preface to Aneurin, have written in demonstration of their authenticity, or at least of the more important portion of them.
IN dedicating this book to my friends E. MAUNDE THOMPSON and EDWARD SCOTT, of the Manuscript Department of the British Museum, I wish to recognise their kindness in drawing attention to the unedited Hanover Papers, owing to which I was induced to undertake my present task. It has been my object, by giving a succinct account of Her Majesty’s family, and of the accession thereof to the British throne, to fill an obvious gap in our historical literature; while the time of publication seems opportune, falling, as it does, a few weeks before the Queen completes fifty years of her reign. But the work was originally designed, without reference to any such coincidence, as the result of historical research entered on for the sake of the subject itself and the interesting speculations necessarily suggested by the perplexing possibilities which hung in the air during the last years of Queen Anne’s reign. There is no pretence here to have set aside the general conclusions of writers such as Mr. W. H. Lecky, Professor A. W. Ward, the late Rev. J. Green, or the late Lord Stanhope, but rather to have confirmed their conclusions; although the Record Office papers exonerate Lord Bolingbroke from the charge of carelessness in striving to defend the ports and harbours when, as Secretary of State, he was responsible for their maintenance in proper strength.
IN 1966 The Macmillan Company, New York, and Collier-Macmillan Limited, London, published a revealing history in which the author claimed, in essence, that international financial groups, exercising power through the creation and control of financial credit on an international scale, had worked closely with Communists for the purpose of creating a New World Order. The author was no “Right-wing extremist”, but the prestigious American historian, Dr. Carroll Quigley, who formerly taught at Harvard and Princeton, and who has done special research in the archives of France, Italy and England. He subsequently became professor of history at the Foreign Service School of Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.
The name Kimmerioi is mentioned once, and once only, in the Odyssey of Homer. On this solitary mention of the name it is said that the Cimmerii (Latin form; Cimmerians, English form) were a very ancient people, numerous and well known, and could not be of Israelitish origin.
Homer lived about the ninth century B.C., but the poems were probably not written down till a later date (The World’s Great Books, Vol. III, pp. 1871, 1875). The Kimmerioi of Homer were located by him in a land “covered in mist and cloud, nor does the sun, shining, look down on them with his rays, either when he mounts to the starry heaven, nor when he turns again to earth from heaven, but doleful night is spread over wretched folk” (Odyssey xi. 14 ff) . To get there, Ulysses—who had been sent by the enchantress Circe to consult the dead in Hades—set out from the Isle of Circe, which was itself a long way west of Greece, in the Mediterranean Sea. To reach it they went to “Oceanus.” In the plan of “The World according to Hecatleus,” in the History of Ancient Geography, by E. H. Bunbury, Oceanus was the encircling sea that ran round all known lands and seas and was outside the Mediterranean Sea, beyond the Pillars of Hercules. The obvious inference is that Cimmeria, which was over realms and seas, and on a distant shore from the “Isle of Circe”—to which Ulysses returned by the aid of Zephyrus (a west wind)—was certainly not in the Black Sea.
In the following pages I have endeavoured to tell in a popular way the story of the Norman Conquest, and to give an idea of the principal personages who figured in England at the period when that memorable event took place; and I have endeavoured, I hope not without some degree of success, to treat the subject in a popular and picturesque style, without any sacrifice of historic truth.
With a view of rendering the important event which I have attempted to illustrate, more intelligible to the reader, I have commenced by showing how the Normans under Rolfganger forced a settlement in the dominions of Charles the Simple, whilst Alfred the Great was struggling with the Danes in England, and have recounted the events which led to a connexion between the courts of Rouen and Westminster, and to the invasion of England by William the Norman.
Twenty-five years ago, as Allied planes rained death and destruction over Germany, the old Saxon city of Dresden lay like an island of tranquillity amid desolation. Famous as a cultural centre, and possessing no military value, Dresden had been spared the terror that descended from the skies over the rest of the country.
In fact, little had been done to provide the ancient city of artists and craftsmen with anti-aircraft defences. One squadron of planes had been stationed in Dresden for awhile, but the Luftwaffe decided to move the aircraft to another area where they would be of use. A “gentleman’s agreement” seemed to prevail, designating Dresden as an “open city”.
On Shrove Tuesday, February 13th, a flood of refugees fleeing the Red Army, sixty miles away, had swollen the city’s population to over a million. Each new refugee brought fearful accounts of Soviet atrocities. Little did those refugees retreating from the Red terror imagine that they were about to die in a horror worse than anything Stalin could devise.
Normally, a carnival atmosphere prevails in Dresden on Shrove Tuesday. In 1945, however, the outlook was rather dismal. Houses everywhere overflowed with refugees and thousands were forced to camp out in the streets, shivering in the bitter cold.
DUNNING, when first heard of in authentic history, formed part of the ancient Stewartry of Strathearn. That Stewartry, or Earldom, dates back to a remote antiquity. The beautiful valley, from which it derived its name, has special points of interest for the antiquarian, having been the scene of many remarkable events in the early history of the country. The great battle of Mons Grampus (A.D. 84) (Tacitus, Life of Agricola, c.29 ff.), which for a time made the Roman legions masters of the Scottish Lowlands, was fought within or near its borders, where the Caledonian army, under Galgacus or Calgacus, was defeated by the Roman general, Agricola, with great slaughter, and 10,000 patriot warriors lay slain on their native heath.
THE TWO MAJOR BRITISH KINGS CALLED ARTHUR, King Arthur I of the late 4th Century AD, and King Arthur II of the 6th Century AD, were both very real, very powerful, and remarkably successful Kings of Britain. One was Arthur son of Magnus Maximus and Ceindrech daughter of Rheiden, who was born around AD 344 and who died around AD 400.
This Arthur conquered all of Western Europe between AD 383-388, and captured Paris, the stronghold of the Lady St Genevieve – who becomes the Lady Guinevere of the confused Romantic Arthurian tales we have all come to know.
The other was his direct sixth generation descendant Arthur II son of King Meurig (Maurice) and Queen Onbrawst, born c AD 503 and died AD 579. Both copiously recorded. The deliberate mistake was to weld these two powerful kings into one 250 years old impossible “King Arthur” who fought the Romans and killed their Emperor Gratian at Soissons in AD 383, and who then fought the Jutes, Angles, Saxons, and others in the mid 6th Century.
All this is well recorded and was well known by British scholars, but most modern academics do not grasp these simple foundation facts, because they do not read the ancient manuscripts, and have instead become indoctrinated into a belief system based on incorrect information.
By the early 1930’s, the situation in Germany was becoming highly explosive. A third of the workers were unemployed, and democracy was on the verge of collapse. The Communists saw in this their best opportunity to seize power since their abortive revolution in 1918. A revolution was clearly in the offing, but despite the support of a few million voters and the Soviet Union, power seemed to be slipping from the Marxist grip.
The German people were turning to a new kind of socialism – National Socialism – and even some of the Communists were looking to Adolf Hitler for their salvation.
The Red response to this situation was one of extreme violence. One notable victim was the 21-year old poet and voluntary social worker Horst Wessel, who was murdered in 1930 after writing a stirring marching song for his Brown Shirt comrades. Two years later, as the General Election of July 1932 loomed nearer, the Reds abandoned all pretence of debate and discussion. Bloody terror became the order of the day.
GEOFFREY OF MONMOUTH’S HISTORIES OF THE KINGS OF BRITAIN was a medieval attempt to forge a national epic for the British people, shortly after the Norman conquest. Geoffrey invented a mythical back-history for the Britons, starting, as Virgil did, with a fugitive from the sack of Troy, named Brute or Brutus. The Histories includes many traditional tales, particularly a telling of the story of King Lear (who was originally a Celtic God, Lyr). He also inserts actual historical events such as Caesar’s invasion of Britain.
Geoffrey of Monmouth is a primary source for the Arthurian legends, one of the first published accounts. His Arthur has few of the romantic, mystical and miraculous motifs of later versions. Notably missing are the Round Table, the Grail, Guinevere’s affair with Lancelot, Excalibur, the Lady of the Lake, and the final journey to Avalon. Geoffrey’s Arthur is a national hero who unites a huge empire by the sword, and goes toe-to-toe with the Roman Empire. The translator speculates in the Epilogue that Arthur is meant to be an allegorical representation of King Henry I.
Embedded in the Histories is The Prophecies of Merlin, which retroactively predicts current events of Geoffrey’s time. Also available at this site is a bilingual edition of a later work which Geoffrey composed on the same theme, Vita Merlini, or Life of Merlin. Also of interest is his description of the theft of Stonehenge from Ireland: uncannily recognizing that the stones had been moved from a long way away. This is the first appearance on the Internet of this translation of Geoffrey’s Histories.
The treasure trove of Captain Edward George Cooper’s World War I letters passed down through his family to his great niece, who during the covid lock-down period in England 2020-21, used the time to good purpose to complete a long outstanding task of transcribing George’s (he was known to his family as George rather than Edward) wartime letters from the field. This was no easy task, as his letters were written on field notebook paper, in pencil, which had become faded and very fragile over time, made even more difficult with the foreign place names, both in France and German East Africa.
It was a painstaking task, necessitating the use of a magnifying glass and deep research into military history and place names to ensure the correct transcription of the letter collection into a readable format.
For this reason there are a number of places where some words and phrases could not be deciphered, indicated by “……..,” But these are few and far between! Scanned samples of an original letter can be seen on pages 4 and 5 following.
Dr. Charles Frederick Bahrdt (1741-1793), an Illuminati member, Mason, and German theologian, who was the professor of Sacred Philogy at the University of Leipzig, took advantage of the Illuminati’s apparent demise by recruiting several of its members for his so-called ‘German Union’ in 1787. Bahrdt, the son of a minister, called his group the German Union for Rooting Out Superstition and Prejudices and Advancing True Christianity.
In 1785, Bahrdt had received an anonymous letter, containing the plans for the German Union, which was signed, “From some Masons, your great admirers.” That same year, he was visited by an Englishman who urged him to establish the Union, promising to link it with the British Masonic structure. In 1787, he received another letter containing more details and organisational details.
I was first approached nearly a year ago by researcher Mark Farrell, with a request for help in translating Hellmut Schramm’s book, Der jüdische Ritualmord : Eine historische Untersuchung [Jewish Ritual-Murder : a Historical Investigation]. I agreed to translate one chapter into English, with the possibility of my making a deeper commitment should I deem the book worth such an investment of my time and energy. To my great surprise, I not only found Schramm’s work to be worth translating, but I became determined to perform the entire translation myself and see it made available in English.
Perhaps this is the place for me to state my own educational/political background and my approach to this topic. I have a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics, but I also took a heavy course concentration in European History, particularly of the period prior to 1600, and I have fluency in reading German. In high school — this was before the long slow slide of the educational system into its present lobotomised condition — I took four years of Latin and have periodically refreshed my Latin skills. Aside from formal course work, I’ve maintained a life-long interest in History and consider myself well-read (for a lay person) in the subject. I do not hold any advanced degrees; nor can I point to a long list of credentials which might imbue my writing with the aura or status which attends the opinions of ‘experts.’ Therefore, as you read my comments — and as you read Schramm — it is your own intelligence, common sense, and life experience which must be the final arbiter of the validity or invalidity of the phenomenon of Jewish ritual-murder (JRM).
Modern Jewish identity is layered with rings of myth and self-delusion. Among Jewry’s greatest illusions today is its convention about Masada, the desert fortress near the Dead Sea that has become an important pilgrimage stop for the world’s Jews, in homage to alleged noble resistance against Roman invaders (hundreds of Jews are declared to have committed mass suicide rather than surrender). Masada has evolved in Jewish consciousness as a point of collective pride in dying for Jewish identity against oppressive non-Jews, a hallowed form of resistance against an “anti-Semitism” of antiquity. Like so much of modern Jewish self-delusional identity, however, an accurate examination of Jewish history and tradition too often proves to be embarrassing
THE identity of idea and design which reveals itself in the ancient paganism of Asiatic nations, as well as the similarity of the symbols of the stone monuments of Asia with several of those on the sculptured stones of ancient Pictavia, indicate a line of enquiry by which it is believed that the obscurity resting over the earliest monuments and history of Western Europe may, in a certain degree, be removed. With the assistance of our present knowledge of Eastern customs and usages, which has been much extended in modern times, the interest of these peculiar symbols is increased, as they appear in the North-east of Scotland, carefully delineated on the circles of Celtic boulders, usually called Druidical.
THO the vulgar are generally incapable of judging antiquities, yet there are hardly any of them, but are very attentive, when things of this nature are talked of, especially if the discourse happens to be of the Church of which themselves are parishioners. Hence tis, that there are so many odd stories of the original of some churches, Churches, and of their being translated from one Place to another. Whatever Foundation there might have been at first for such Stories, they have, however, been mightily improved by the constant additions that have been made to them, as cannot otherwise but happen, when History is only conveyed by Tradition. There is not the least probability in some of these Stories, and yet the most incredible of them are oftentimes listened to with greater attention, than to the most rational and solid discourses in Divinity. A Thing so well known to our first Reformers, that they would often
bring Stories into their Sermons, on purpose to draw their Parishioners to Church , who were otherwise more ready to stay away. The Story of Tenterden Steeple is famous.
Whatever may be the success of this book, the labour expended in the preparation of it has been very great. The unhappy land whose story is here recorded had, until very recently, almost sunk out of observation, and its very name had become understood more as a metonym for literary vagabondage than as expressing the dwelling place of a once great nation. The history of Bohemia is totally unknown to the great majority of English speaking people. But the presence of a large body of Bohemians in the United States, the association of some members of that nation with the very foundation of the American colonies and their experiences in Europe identical with those of the other pioneers of our Commonwealth, render the history of Bohemia’s career essential to the education of every American. Citizens will perhaps hear with incredulity the assertion that the civil constitution of Bohemia is the parent of that of England and of our own. Well may the Americans study the story of centuries’ struggle to maintain and transmit an institutional system, almost identical with that of the United States, during those dark ages when almost all semblance of a recognition of popular institutions had elsewhere disappeared
THE HISTORY OF THE FRANKS BY GREGORY, BISHOP OF TOURS, is an historical record of great importance. The events which it relates are derails of the perishing of the Roman Empire and the beginning of a great modern state and for these events it is often the sole authority. However although Gregory was relating history mainly contemporaneous or recent, we must allow largely for error and prejudice in his statements of fact.
It is rather as an unconscious revelation that the work is of especial value. The language and style, the intellectual attitude with which it was conceived and written, and the vivid and realistic picture, unintentionally given, of a primitive society, all combine to make the History of the Franks a landmark in European culture.
After reading it the intelligent modern will no longer have pleasing illusions about sixth-century society.
Gregory’s life covers the years from 538 to 594. He was a product of central Gaul, spending his whole life in the Loire basin except for brief stays elsewhere[1].The river Loire may be regarded
as the southern limit of Frankish colonization and Gregory therefore lived on the frontier of the barbarians.
He was born and grew up at Clermont in Auvergne, a city to which an inexhaustibly fertile mountain valley is tributary. In this valley his father owned an estate. Its wealth brought Clermont much trouble during the disorderly period that followed the break-up of Roman rule, and Gregory gives a hint of the eagerness which the Frankish kings felt to possess this country.[2]
After 573 Gregory lived at Tours in the lower Loire valley. This city with its pleasant climate and moderately productive territorial background had more than a local importance in this age. It lay on the main thoroughfare between Spain and Aquitania and the north. Five Roman roads centred in it and the traffic of the Loire passed by it.
The reader of Gregory’s history judges that sooner or later it was visited by every one of importance at the time. It was here that the Frankish influences of the north and the Roman influences of the south had their chief contact.
However the natural advantages of Tours at this time were surpassed by the supernatural ones. Thanks to the legend of St. Martin this conveniently situated city had become “the religious Metropolis” of Gaul. St. Martin had made a great impression on his generation[3].
A Roman soldier, turned monk and then bishop of Tours, he was a man of heroic character and force. He had devoted himself chiefly to the task of Christianising the pagani or rural population of Gaul and had won a remarkable ascendancy over the minds of a superstitious people, and this went on increasing for centuries after his death.
CRYPTO-JUDAISM, days, some weaklings endeavoured to conceal their origin in order to escape ridicule when participating in the athletic exercises. Under the Roman rule, there was wide- in one form or another, is as old as the Jew himself. In Hellenistic spread subterfuge to avoid the payment of the special Jewish tax, the Fiscus Judaicus, which had been instituted after the fall of Jerusalem ; and the historian Suetonius gives a vivid account of the indignities inflicted upon an old man of ninety in order to discover whether or no he was a Jew
1743: Mayer Amschel Bauer, born Frankfurt, Germany, the son of Moses Amschel Bauer, a money lender and the proprietor of a counting house. Over the entrance door he places a red sign. This sign is a red hexagram (which geometrically and numerically translates into the number 666) which under Rothschild instruction will end up on the Israeli flag some two centuries later.
1753: Gutle Schnapper (future wife of Mayer Amschel Bauer) born to respected merchant, Wolf Salomon Schnapper.
1760: During this decade Mayer Amschel Bauer works for a bank owned by the oppenheimers’ in Hanover, Germany, he is highly successful and becomes a junior partner. Whilst working at the bank he becomes acquainted with General von Estorff.
Following his father’s death, Bauer returns to Frankfurt to take over his father’s business. Bauer recognises the significance of the red hexagram and changes his name from Bauer to Rothschild, after the red hexagram or sign signifying 666 hanging over the entrance door (“Rot,” is German for, “Red,” “Schild,” is German for, “Sign”).
Now Mayer Amschel Rothschild, he discovers that General von Estorff is now attached to the court of Prince William IX of Hesse-Hanau, one of the richest royal houses in Europe, which gained its’ wealth by the hiring out of Hessian soldiers to foreign countries for vast profits (A practice that continues today in the form of exporting, “peacekeeping,” troops throughout the world).
He therefore makes the General’s re-acquaintance on the pretext of selling him valuable coins and trinkets at discounted prices. As he plans, Rothschild is subsequently introduced to Prince William himself who is more than pleased with discounted prices he charges for his rare coins and trinkets, and Rothschild offers him a bonus for any other business the Prince can direct his way.
Rothschild subsequently becomes close associates with Prince William, and ends up doing business with him and members of the court.
1769: Mayer Amschel Rothschild is given permission by Prince William to hang a sign on the front of his business premises declaring that he is, “M. A. Rothschild, by appointment court factor to his serene highness, Prince William of Hanau.”
1770: Mayer Amschel Rothschild marries Gutle Schnapper.
Illuminati Back in 1203 B.C.: From the official printing press of the Rosicrucians, it states: “In 1203 B.C., several of the Brothers of the Order who were of the Illuminati were commissioned to go into other lands and spread the secret doctrines by the establishment of other Lodges. It was quite apparent that Egypt was to be subjected to a devastation and that its great learning might be lost.
It was finally decided that ‘no undue haste should be sanctioned in permitting the Brothers who have gone abroad to establish Lodges, but rather that those who travel here in search of the Light should be tried, and to those found qualified shall be given the commission to return to their people and establish a Lodge in the name of the Brotherhood. It was this dictum; known as the ‘Amra,’ that in later years proved the wisdom of the Councillors at this meeting, for it not only became a hard and fast rule, but made for the success of the plans of propagation. It was in this wise that the phrase ‘travel East for learning or Light’ first came into use; for those who soon began to travel to Egypt came from the West. About the year 1000 B.C., there came to Egypt a character whose name is recorded as Aslomon.
WHEN the Roman empire, under Valentinian (left) the younger, began to decline, and became sensibly unable to repress the perpetual incursions of the Goths, Huns, Vandals, and other barbarous invaders, it was found necessary to abandon the remotest parts of that unwieldy body, and to recall the Roman forces that defended them, the better to secure the interior and the provinces most exposed to the depredations of the barbarians. And in this exigency of the Roman affairs, Britain, as lying far remote from the heart of the empire, was deprived of the Roman garrisons ; which, being transported into Gaul upon more urgent occasions, left it naked and exposed to the inveterate cruelty of the Scots and Picts: for no sooner had they understood of the departure of the Romans out of Britain, and that the Britons were to expect no further help from the empire, but they descended in greater numbers than formerly, and with greater courage and expectation, being now rid of the fear they entertained of the Roman legions, who always used to hinder their progress and to prevent their incursions into the Roman province. The Britons, perceiving their ancient and implacable enemies falling upon them, and finding themselves far too weak to repel their endless devastations, they, with a lamentable narrative of their own miseries and the cruel oppressions of their enemies, sent over to Gaul, imploring aid of Ætius, prefect of that province ; who, being moved with the deplorable condition of their province, dispatched over a legion under the command of Gallio, which unexpectedly surprising the Scots and Picts, forc
The DUKE of CLARENCE lately passed in your Majesty’s kingdom of Hanover, and in the different States of Germany, the History and Antiquities of your Majesty’s Royal House occupied a considerable share of his attention. His Royal Highness collected a number of valuable documents, relating chiefly to objects which had in some measure escaped the notice of preceding inquirers; and finding them of great importance, as illustrating many doubtful points in the family records, I besought and obtained permission to lay them at your Majesty’s feet in their present form.
The historical Memoir which accompanies these documents has been compiled from the best authorities ; and gives a correct though short view of the lives of your Majesty’s illustrious Ancestors. I most humbly hope it will be found not altogether unacceptable to your Majesty, nor uninteresting to the great body of your Majesty’s loyal subjects. A history of the House of Brunswick has long been desired by the British public : the appearance, therefore, of. the present volume may induce some of our eminent writers to undertake such a work ; and the records it contains cannot fail to facilitate their labour. With the most profound respect, devotion, and loyalty.
1. The Identity of the Khumry – Misnamed “Welsh”
There are no Celtic people in Britain, and there never ever were any Celtic people in Britain.
If the ancient British were “Celtic” then All ancient British History is wrong, and as the British Histories can be very substantially proven to be correct then the “Celtic” myth that was invented in AD 1714 is yet another vast deception and fraud. There are no other words for this. The false idea that the Khumry, the Scots, and the Irish are Celts, is an Anglo-Saxon politically and religiously motivated invention, designed destroy the ancient Histories and to conceal truthful Historical Facts that are unpleasant for the propaganda of Rome and London.
The ancient Khumry people were known to the Assyrian Great Kings and Emperors as the Khumry – Ten Tribes of Israel. This is the fact, and the one million strong Khumry never got lost as they always knew who they were and where they were. In Britain the Khumry always claimed to be the Ten Tribes, that is before London began to dominate and seized control of ‘education’ or should one say mis-education.
The invaluable Ancient British Alphabet assists in the accurate tracing of our British ancestors by following the Alphabet inscriptions trail along the migration trail. These Khumry people were subjected to mass deportations from Israel by successive the Assyrian Emperors Tiglathpileser III, Shalmaneser IV, Sargon II, and Sennacherib between 740 -702 BC. Their Alphabet is found on baked clay tablet texts excavated at the Assyrian imperial city of Nineveh.
When Sennacherib was murdered in a temple by two of his sons a civil war erupted in Assyria as the heir Esarhaddon fought the murderers who were two of his half brothers. The Khumry Ten Tribe people seized the opportunity and took off from western Armenia going west across both branches of the Upper Euphrates river and through the Taurus mountain range. This is well described in Esdras Book II, Chapter 14. The Assyrians persuaded their northern allies the Scythians to pursue the Khumric Ten Tribes and battles ensued as the Khumry moved westwards.
In Asia Minor the Khumry were known to the Greeks as the Kimmeroi and the Kimmerians, and by 650 BC their unstoppable hordes had reached the Dardanelles and besieged the capital city of Sardis. Half the people then migrated to Etruria –Italy, and the other half remained in known named places until in c 504 BC when after continuous Greek pressure they allied with the Trojan remnants under Brutus to gain an opportunity. The Khumry then assembled with the Trojans on the Isle of Lemnos to sail for Britain, and this British History is proved by the existence of a large inscribed stone written in the Ancient British Coelbren Alphabet that was found in Lemnos in AD 1876 that is now in the Athens Museum.
Greek Histories match the British history and so the long journey of the Khumry-Ten Tribes ended. Some remnants of the Khumry remained in western Asia Minor, and the sum of their migrations is:-
1 Leaving Egypt under Moses around 1360 BC
2 Settling in old Canaan and being uprooted and deported north to Armenia by the Assyrians around 740-702 BC
3 Migrating westwards through the Taurus Mountain range in 687 BC and all across Asia Minor to reach the Dardanelles by 650 BC
4 Half the people migrate to Italy
A major source of historical information is in the Welsh Annals. This information is set out in the form of brief notations of major events listed by the years. We get Year 1, then Year 2, then Year 3, and so on and on. The problem is simply one of “when was year one”. This has been dealt with in typical academic incompetence or more likely political deviousness deliberately designed to obscure and confuse.
A famous letter was sent from Britain to Gaul and the time of this Communication was crucial to setting the date of Year 1 of the Welsh Annals. The letter was sent to Agitius according to Gildas, and to Aganypys or Aganipus in the Khumric Welsh Histories. There is in fact only one candidate for the recipient of this letter, and it would be hard to mistake him.
THE SUDDEN DEATH OF LORD KITCHENER on June 5th 1916, caused as big an international stir, as that of President Kennedy and Princess Diana, and just as everyone remembers where they were when the news was announced of their deaths, so it was with Kitchener.
At the start of WWI Horatio Herbert Kitchener was recalled home from Cairo, to become secretary of state for war, Kitchener was seen as a hero, winner of battles in the Sudan, India and the Boer war.
Nennius was an eighth-century historian who is a major source for tales of King Arthur. [see #56 below]. Unlike the much more careful Bede, Nennius was, as one modern historian writes “unrestrainedly inventive” [ Gerhard Herm, The Celts, [London, 1976], p. 275]. Not all of Nennius can be dismissed as he apparently had access to no-longer available 5th century sources, but neither can he be entirely trusted.
HE WAS A SMALL MAN, only 5-foot-5, but he cast a shadow that stretched across the Arabian Peninsula. Dressed in the the robe and ghoutra of an Arab sheikh, he banded together the Arab tribes and led his Bedouin raiders across the desert that had never been crossed, the Nafud, to assault the landward side of Aqaba, a World War I Turkish stronghold. And, after that stunning achievement, with the aid of the British army, he took his ragtag Bedouin force and launched a guerilla campaign that cost the Turks precious manpower and equipment.
His name was Thomas Edward Lawrence, better known now as “Lawrence of Arabia.” But was his death in May 1935 a tragic motorcycle accident or a carefully planned political assassination?
ON 13th May Kitchener received a personal invitation from the Czar to visit Russia and advise on military matters. On 4th June Kitchener left the War Office and took the train to Scapa Flow arriving on the morning of the 5th and going aboard the Cairnbig from Dulk. In the afternoon he crossed over to the Hampshire which was to convey him to Russia. At a few minutes before 5 PM she slipped anchor and sailed with as escort of two destroyers towards the western cost of the Orkneys. At 7 PM the escort was detached because of high seas and 40 minutes later the Hampshire struck a mine laid by a German U-Boat. Within a quarter of an hour the ship had sunk and with a Field Marshal Lord Kitchener and a large part of the crew. Although bodies were subsequently washed up, that of Kitchener was never found. He was probably pulled under by the weight of his greatcoat which he wore since he felt the cold.
Everybody who now writes about Cromwell must, apart from old authorities, begin by grateful acknowledgment of his inevitable debt to the heroic labours of Mr. Gardiner, our great historian of the seventeenth century; and hardly less to the toil and discernment of Mr. Firth, whose contributions to the “Dictionary of National Biography” show him, besides much else, to know the actors and the incidents of the civil wars with a minute intimacy commonly reserved for the things of the time in which a man actually lives.
ON MAY 10, 1971, Rudolf Hess will have spent his 30th year behind the grim stone walls of Berlin’s Spandau prison. A world wide campaign protest, tacking up posters and newspaper distribution is now in operation to secure Hess’ release. We ask all our readers to join with us now in writing our nation’s leaders to release him immediately! You can be of tremendous help by ordering as many copies of this issue as you can afford (prices are on the back page). When opened, the centre of this paper becomes a poster.
Find locations where the public will be able to read them easily, and tack them up. (Examples: on bulletin boards, in trailer parks, clubs, restaurants, community centres, public buildings and even trees and posts along roads and highways.) Also, distribute this issue by rolling them up and placing a band around each issue, then throw them on lawns and driveways and pass them out on the street comer to people as they pass by.
Now, let us look a little into the story of the man we are about to work hard for during “OPERATION 71”.
This book attempts to tell the amazing story of Queen Isabel of Castile as it appeared to her contemporaries, against the blood-spattered background of her own times. It is a tale so dramatic, so fascinating, that it needs no embellishing or piecing out with the wisdom— or folly— of another age. To probe the inner cosmos of men and women long dead by the light of a pseudo-science, to strip away with pitiless irony all noble or generous appearances, to prize open with an air of personal infallibility the very secret hinges of the door to that ultimate sanctuary of the human conscience which is inviolable even to father confessors— that is an office for which I have neither the taste nor the talent; and if I have fallen unawares into any such pitfalls of the devils of megalomania, I beg forgiveness in advance. Under the naïve rhetoric of the fifteenth-century chroniclers there is ample material for what Joseph Conrad called rendering the vibration of life and Michelet called the resurrection of the flesh, without resorting to subjective interpretation. And it has seemed all the more imperative to follow the sources objectively and let them speak for themselves as far as possible, because, strange as it may appear, the life of Columbus’s patron and America’s godmother has never been told completely and coherently in our language.
About thirty years ago in a series of lectures a certain German professor, himself a higher critic, announced his belief in the Divine inspiration of the first chapters of Genesis; his regret at the attacks being made upon their authenticity by other professors; and his conviction that if a certain discovery could be made it would largely help to counteract those attacks. He apparently did not expect that such a discovery would be made; but I hope to show that when the cuneiform inscriptions found in Babylonia and now available for anyone’s inspection are studied from a new point of view, that discovery is ours.
In support of this new point of view, extracts from works leading Assyriologists are quoted in the following pages, and their translations of the inscriptions are given. It can scarcely be thought presumptuous on my part if I suggest a new application of those inscriptions considering that the deductions already drawn from them are indeterminate and unconvincing. While taking advantage of them I make bold to suggest that their decipherers, like others before them, may sometimes have “failed to see the wood for the trees.”
That the writers, from whose works I quote, hold different views from my own naturally makes any of their evidence that supports my views the more convincing because it is involuntary. Since the history which they have deduced from Babylonian inscriptions is admittedly conjectural, and rests upon a certain hypothesis described by one of them as almost incredible, it is well that some other hypothesis should be tested, and I claim that my new version of Babylonian history rests upon a much more reasonable one.
That a new interpretation should be welcome is suggested by Professor Sayce’s words:
THE source from whence this Work proceeds will be a sufficient guarantee for the facts it contains. A high sense of duty and honour has prompted these details which have for many years been on the eve of publication. It will be worthy of the perusal of The Great because it will serve as a mirror, and they who do not see themselves, or their actions reflected, will not take offence at the unvarnished Picture—it may afford real benefit to the Statesman and Politician, by the ample testimony it gives, that when Justice is perverted, the most lamentable consequences ensue; and to that class of Society whose station is more humble, it may unfold the designing characters by whom they have so frequently been deceived. They only are competent to detail the scenes and intrigues of a Court, who have been most intimately acquainted with it, and it must at all times be acknowledged, that it is a climate not very conducive to the growth of Virtue, not very frequently the abode of Truth—yet although its atmosphere is so tainted, its giddy crowd is thought enviably happy. The fallacy of such opinions is here set forth to public view, by one who has spent much of her time in the interior of a Court, and whose immediate knowledge of the then passing events, give [iv]ability to narrate them faithfully. Many, very many, facts are here omitted, which hereafter shall appear, and there is little doubt, but that some general good may result from an unprejudiced and calm perusal of the subjects subjoined.
THE following work carries with it too great a degree of internal evidence to require the aid of argument to demonstrate its genuineness, or to remove any doubts of its authenticity. It abounds with information far beyond the reach or researches of any writer, who had not a considerable share in the events which he relates; and who was not admitted, as it were, behind the scenes, to view the machinery of court intrigues, to examine the springs of each political measure, and to assist in managing the wires, that put every state-puppet in motion.
Here alone the materials of history are to be collated. Without an easy access to the secrets of government the most attentive observer is liable to be dazzled and deceived by the false glare of outward appearances. An artificial splendour surrounds the actions, as well as the thrones thrones of princes, while their cabinets and their councils are hid in almost impenetrable darkness.
THE Parliament assembled together on the day in February, to which they had been prorogued; and the King, in a very insinuating speech, endeavoured to seduce them into an approbation of what he had already done, and of what he further desired to do in favour of the Roman Catholics.
From the abdication of the late King James in 1688 to the year 1696. Writ at the request of a noble Lord, and conveyed to him in letters, by – late secretary – interpreter to the Marquis of Leuvois, who by that means had the perusal of all the private minutes between England and France for many years.
The whole consisting of secret memoirs, which have hitherto lain concealed, as not being discoverable by any other hand.
Together with the tragic history of the Stuarts, from the first rise of that family, in the year 1068 to the death of her late Majesty Queen Anne, and the extinction of that name.
THE LETTERS, I have written to you, were intended for the private entertainments of a liberal friend, and for general Caruso of a severe public. Had I imagine that their contents would have penetrated beyond your closet, called the circle of your intimate acquaintance, several of the narratives would have been extended, others should have been compressed; the anecdotes would have been more numerous, and my own remarks fewer; some portraits would have been left out, others drawn, and all better finished.
The governmental and judicial systems within the United States of America, at both federal and local state levels, is owned by the “Crown,” which is a private foreign power. Before jumping to conclusions about the Queen of England or the Royal Families of Britain owning the U.S.A., this is a different “Crown” and is fully exposed and explained below. We are specifically referencing the established Templar Church, known for centuries by the world as the “Crown.” From this point on, we will also refer to the Crown as the Crown Temple or Crown Templar, all three being synonymous.
THE COMPOSITION OF JEWISH COMMUNITIES IN EUROPE before the Second World War ensured the preservation of historical documents and data of most of the communities concerned. Apart from the fact that in the twentieth century nearly all the continental European communities were financially supported and controlled by the State, which demanded documentation of records, there were also sufficient numbers of Jews interested in their great historical past and concerned with Israel’s future destiny, to make it certain that the deeds of those who strove for Israel’s glory and good name, and the struggles of the Jewish masses, would not go unrecorded. The fortunate and happy position of the Jews in both America and England, where Jews have lived in freedom and upon terms of equality with their neighbours for three centuries, has also inspired numerous writers and research workers to inscribe upon the tablets of history the names of those who have contributed towards the welfare of their country or their people. Both the tercentenary celebrations held to commemorate the coming of the Jews to the United States of America and the tercentenary celebrations held to mark the return of the Jews to England were accompanied by the publication of numerous articles and books describing the part that Jews had taken in the advancement of England and America in the establishment and maintenance of their Jewish communities and activities. Time and numbers had created a Jewish pride in their past and in their lot.
ANDREW LOWNIE (PICTURE ON COVER PAGE) BLOWS THE WHISTLE ON THE HISTORY RACKET TO PETER JUKES AND HARDEEP MATHARU who explore the real threats to history – emanating not from ‘wokeists’ intent on rewriting the past but an establishment elite regularly burying inconvenient truths to maintain Britain’s mythic narratives.
He seems embedded at the heart of the British establishment. His house nestles in the Georgian back streets behind Parliament, close to the precincts of Westminster Abbey and the network of right-wing libertarian think tanks on Tufton Street. His father was a judge and the portrait of his wife’s grandfather, General Sir Archibald Ritchie, who led the 26th Brigade in the 9th (Scottish) Division at the Battle of the Somme, stares out imperiously above his desk.
But literary agent and historian Andrew Lownie now finds himself on the wrong side of Britain’s official history. He has become a rebel against a system which, in his eyes, consistently and deliberately censors and distorts our national past.
While the last decade or so of online propaganda wars have exposed the ‘information operations’ of digital data firms and state-sponsored cyber warriors, Lownie is fighting – at huge personal expense – against a more insidious form of manipulation: that of our fusty national archives.
WE, the undersigned Americans, are deeply disturbed by the policy of mass deportations now practiced in Europe and by the comparative silence of our press and the total silence of public opinion on this vital issue. We therefore wish to bring to the attention of our fellow-citizens the particularly flagrant application of this policy to the inhabitants of Eastern Germany. We are singling out this group now not because of any political or emotional preference, but because they form the largest single bloc of expelled persons and therefore present the greatest problem.. The plight of the second largest group, the Sudeten-Germans and Hungarians of Czechoslovakia, has already been brought to the attention of the world by a pamphlet recently issued by the American Friends of Democratic Sudetens, of which some of us were sponsors.
We are offering the present pamphlet to the American public not in any spirit of recrimination, but in the belief that only knowledge of the truth can guide us to a lasting and democratic peace. We are prompted by concern for those standards of justice and humanity which used to be the pride and armor of American policy. We are convinced that to the extent to which these standards are betrayed, the coming peace will be built on quicksand.
THE PLANE TRUTH BY MY BROTHER BOB (ROBERT J. SCHADEWALD) has been a work in progress since at least 1984, although I’m sure the idea of it dates to the 1970s. It’s a work that is unfinished in places, perhaps more detailed than one would have thought possible in places, perfectly constructed in places, and all over the (flat) map in still other places. Bob worked on The Plane Truth until the week he died in 2000. Of all things, completing this book to his satisfaction was of the utmost importance to him. I believe that the book remained unfinished because Bob felt that it never met his standards closely enough to be published. Bob hovered over this book and wouldn’t allow it to come to fruition. My brother was an incredibly talented writer, but in some ways, I think, he was never totally satisfied with anything he had written. So he kept writing and rewriting this book. The dull glow of this not-quite-finished hue is evident in places within this work, but also the eloquence and beauty of Bob’s finished writing shines in other places.
The Plane Truth is offered for what it is: an unfinished scholarly work on the history and background of flat-earth belief sprinkled through with the characters and colourful personalities of those involved. “It’s a small, flat world” was a phrase Bob often used when hearing of some unlikely coincidence. For Bob, flat-earth analogy could fit almost any situation. When he discussed creationism (the precursor of intelligent design) he would explain the argumentation creationists used by comparing it to the argumentation Victorian, England, flat-earthers used. (Spoiler alert: they’re the same.) When creationists promoted a Two-Model Theory (creation/evolution) bill to be taught in schools, Bob wrote a bill called A Balanced Treatment of Flat-Earth Science and Spherical-Earth Science Act. The reaction of Charles Johnson (then president of the Flat Earth Society) can be found in Chapter 9: “Johnson and Johnson”.
It’s hard to know how Bob would have felt now with so many references to flat earth in use. Some examples include Thomas Friedman’s books, The World is Flat and Hot, Flat and Crowded; Flat Earth Productions (a digital visual effects company); Flat Earth Veggie Crisps; and, here in Minnesota, Flat Earth beer. I know for certain that he would have loved that last one.
My brother was a student of pseudoscience. It fascinated Bob to try to understand how someone could so firmly believe in an idea that almost everyone else would consider an indicator of insanity or, at least, naiveté. Bob studied not only flat-earth belief, but also creationism, perpetual motion, alternative geodesy (geocentricity, hollow earth, pole shift), Big Foot, the Loch Ness monster, and Tesla-mania, to name a few. Of all the pseudosciences Bob studied, flat-earth belief was one of the first and always his favourite. He studied flat-earth belief and history from about 1974. He formed acquaintances with as many people as he could find who believed that the Earth is flat. He travelled to England to research original materials of the British flat-earthers, and he corresponded with like-minded people all over the world in his quest to find out as much as he could about the development and fluctuations of flat-earth belief. He was considered a world expert on the topic.
These painstaking researches have been made in order to rewrite history “with conscience;” as Lamartine urged, as Washington Irving admonished. The results are presented to the thinking public to enlarge its intelligence, not its prejudice. The book should appeal to Jew and Gentile alike, that they may join hands in purging society of its enemies, be they Jewish plotters or Gentile participants; each group more contemptible than the other according to the point of contemplation.
Oliver Cromwell, William III & Churchill
Churchill: A Myth Based On Lies And Propaganda
Some extracts from Official Reports of the U.S.A. Army Intelligence.
“Transmitted by the U.S.A. Army Staff, 2nd Bureau:‑
“Bolshevism and Judaism”
(Compiled by the Official American Services, transmitted to the United States of America by the U.S. Ambassador to the French Republic.)
(Note: The report refers to “Jews” but those mentioned are political Zionists, the great majority of whom are not Jews by blood, but only by religion, they being descendants of the Herodians, who were Idumeans of Turko-Mongol blood, and are actually Edomites. The Jewish Encyclopaedia, 1925 Vol 5, page 41, states “Edom is in modern Jewry.” which is corroborated by the Biblica Enc, Vol 2, Col 1187)
THE RECORD OF THE SOUTHERN CONFEDERACY in the field of foreign policy was one of almost unrelieved failure. It is indeed ironic that the closest approach to the realization of Confederate diplomatic ambition—namely, intervention and recognition on the part of Great Britain—was not achieved by the efforts of Confederate Commissioners but through the agency of a Federal naval officer and was frustrated by the intervention of Queen Victoria’s husband.
President Jefferson Davis had not waited for the outbreak of hostilities to make his first overtures to the Great Powers. Scarcely had Southern secession been consummated by the establishment of the Confederate Government in Montgomery, Alabama, in February 1861, than he dispatched to Europe a three-man Commission headed by that “Founding Father of Secession,” William Lowndes Yancey of Alabama, accompanied by Pierre A. Rost of Louisiana and Judge Dudley Mann of Georgia, charged with the task of seeking recognition and treaties of commerce and amity from Britain, France, Spain, Belgium and Russia. It was understood that the most vital of their diplomatic targets was Britain.
THE reign of Duncane King of Scotland, who came to the possession of the Scottish Crown upon the disease of his uncle Malcolm in the year 1040 while one Brancho, Thane of Lochaber (from whom the Stewarts the descended) was gathering the King’s revenues, within the bounds of his own jurisdiction, and withal somewhat severely punishing such as he found to be notorious offenders; it caused a mutiny in the country, and a conspiracy was formed against Bancho, bio parcel of riotous and lawless fellows, who first spoiled his goods, and then assaulted his person, giving him many dangerous wounds, so that he had much ado to escape with his life.
DURING THE NIGHT OF AUGUST 7, coinciding with the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics, Georgia’s president Saakashvili ordered an all-out military attack on Tskhinvali, the capital of South Ossetia.
The aerial bombardments and ground attacks were largely directed against civilian targets including residential areas, hospitals and the university. The provincial capital Tskhinvali was destroyed. The attacks resulted in some 1500 civilian deaths, according to both Russian and Western sources. “The air and artillery bombardment left the provincial capital without water, food, electricity and gas. Horrified civilians crawled out of the basements into the streets as fighting eased, looking for supplies.” (AP, August 9, 2008). According to reports, some 34,000 people from South Ossetia have fled to Russia. (Deseret Morning News, Salt Lake City, August 10, 2008)
The importance and timing of this military operation must be carefully analyzed. It has far-reaching implications.
Georgia is an outpost of US and NATO forces, on the immediate border of the Russian Federation and within proximity of the Middle East Central Asian war theatre. South Ossetia is also at the crossroads of strategic oil and gas pipeline routes.
THE MAN: George S. Patton, Jr. is one of the most revered Generals in American history. Historians speculate that Patton could have won the war against Germany a year sooner. Of course, he would have had to step on a lot of toes to do such a thing – but Ol’ Blood and Guts didn’t give a damn. Several times he was considered insubordinate to commanding officers, his soldiers, and generally used the “f-word” as though it were some kind of holy blessing.
Patton’s offensives in Africa, Sicily, and France earned him the love of the American people and the fear of the Nazis. Patton marched at the front of offensives, even in the decisive Battle of the Bulge, where he was on the front lines with his soldiers. In German war councils, only Patton was referred to by name, because of his ability to lead troops through overwhelming defences to victory. Concentration camp inmates, even those who spoke no English, learned and sang a ditty, “Georgie Patton gonna set me free” to the consternation of their Nazi captors.
WILLIAM I, KING OF ENGLAND, surnamed the Conqueror, was born in 1027 or 1028. He was the son of Robert, Duke of Normandy and Herleva, daughter of Fulbert, a tanner of Falaise. When he was about seven years old his father, intending to go on pilgrimage and having no legitimate sons, proposed him as his heir. The great men of the duchy did homage to the child, and a year later (1035) his father’s death left him to make good his claim. Anarchy was the natural result of a minority. William’s life was on more than one occasion in danger, and several of his guardians perished in his service. At the earliest possible age he received knighthood from the hands of Henry I. of France, and speedily began to show signs of his capacity for government.
THIS BOOK will not break your heart, it will crush your heart in sorrow and compassion for all mankind. This one book, ABOVE ALL OTHERS I’ve read, puts together information using statements from historical figures in a way that, I believe, will erase doubts from any doubting Thomas that one of the biggest lies—or mass of massive lies—we’ve ever been told involve WWII, German National Socialism; its Chancellor, Adolf Hitler; and in fact WHO made that war happen.
As I was reading this book to the listeners of our Sweet Liberty radio broadcast, we discovered the REAL hot-button. I received a phone call from WWCR questioning my ‘motives’ for presenting this information. THAT was a first, and reinforced my desire to share the information with as many as will listen/read/hear/see through the biggest lie. I continued to read until finally it became nearly impossible for listeners to hear the broadcast on a once-crystal clear frequency; on two occasions we were actually knocked off the air-waves. When the subject matter changed, the reception cleared up.