Mind Control in Australia

Mind Control in Australia

POSITIONED IN DISTANT SOUTHERN CLIMES, far from the perceived centres of human civilisation – the thin coastal belt, broad plains and scorched deserts of Australia offer an enticing laboratory for the sciences of experimentation and herd manipulation.

Wrenched from the hands of its native population through a bloody series of wars and oppression, the modern nation of Australia was established as a British penal colony in 1788. Doubtlessly much has changed and developed since then, but still it’s difficult to shake the image of Australia as contiguous and eternal penal colony.

Since federation in 1901, examples of Australia as anything but felicitous imperial servant are few and far between. The nation cheerfully delivered its young to be blood sacrifices in the imperial territorial jousts of the twentieth century and various Anglo-American imperial intrigues throughout the latter twentieth century and early twenty-first.

Beginning in the 1950’s, Australia had the dubious pleasure of being Great Britain’s nuclear sandpit. All manner of outrageous and unforgivable atomic ‘experiments’ were conducted across West and South Australia, as unrelenting clouds of nuclear fallout drifted over the largest populations centres on the eastern Australian seaboard (the effects of which were covertly studied by the ‘mother country’ for decades thereafter). Like a serially abused child, this nation of ‘Larrikins’ and ‘Eureka Rebels’ barely raised a mute whimper.

Martin Bormann – Timeline

Martin Bormann – Timeline

Martin Bormann -1944-56: M Section MI6 Agent – Nazi Party Treasurer?

1900, 17 June – Martin Bormann is born in Wegeleben, a small village near Halberstadt near Germany’s Hartz mountains, to a strict Lutheran family.1920, 24 Feb – Formation of the Nazi party, NSDAP, in Munich, Germany by group including Adolf Hitler, Rudolf Hess, Ernst Rohm, Dietrich Eckart, Anton Drexler, Gottfried Feder, Hans Frank and the Nazi party’s ‘spiritual father’ Alfred Rosenberg.

1922 – Bormann joins Freikorps Rossbach, the military wing of the Deutschvölkische Freiheitspartei (DFP), one of many far right political/military groups fighting Germany’s trades unions and Communists.1923 – Pan-European Union formed in Munich, Paneuropa manifesto published by Count Coudenhove-Kalergi, financed by Max Warburg via Lionel de Rothschild.

1923, 31 May – Having risen in the Freikorps after providing land for them to train on, Bormann orders murder of his 63 year old former school teacher Walter Kadow who he suspects of being a communist spy. Prime suspect for the actual murder Rudolf Höss, future commander of Auschwitz concentration camp, was sentenced to ten years in prison.

On March 24th, 1924, Bormann was sentenced to one year in prison for ordering the killing, guaranteeing his and Höss’ status as far right martyrs.1927, 19 February – Bormann joins Nazi party NSDAP. Membership number 605081928 – Bormann made Nazis Thüringen region leader nr. Gotha, Coburg & Altenburg.

Anatomy of a Birth Certificate

Anatomy of a Birth Certificate

Take a look at the Birth Certificate issued in your NAME.
What’s the first thing you notice?

IT’S ON FUNNY PAPER: HARD SURFACED, DURABLE, HEAVY PAPER CALLED “BOND PAPER”. This is your first clue that your estate has been seized upon and that bonds— that is, promissory notes— have been issued against your name.

The next thing that will probably catch your eye is that there are all sorts of seals and blazons and watermarks on this piece of paper. It carries all sorts of emblems from a “State of State” organization, depending on where and when you were born.

We know from our study of the history that these organizations are all foreign with respect to us, as our own American State of State organizations have been moth-balled since the Civil War.

Look at the BC issued in your name. It will show either a Territorial State of State with its name written in Upper and Lower Case like this: State of Washington, or a Municipal STATE OF STATE written in All Capitals like this: STATE OF IOWA.

All these seals and watermarks and other gee-gaws serve to identify the “Issuer” of the Birth Certificate, which is the foreign State of State Organization, not you. They are identifying your NAME as property belonging to them, which they are issuing bonds against.

30 Startling and Little Known Facts About America

30 Startling and Little Known Facts About America

MOST PEOPLE REALLY HAVE NO IDEA HOW USA COUNTRY IS LEGALLY CONSTRUCTED and how this affects our relationships with other nations in the world. So much of what we have been taught to believe about the so-called ‘democracy’ is utterly false, and in order to truly understand why things are the way they are, with so much debt, war and tyranny, you need to know these 30 facts.

This list was compiled and edited by A. True Ott, PhD, and was originally posted at his site, here.

In order to understand what is REALLY going on covertly, “behind the curtain” in America – one needs to internalize and understand the following 30 basic facts about “The Powers That Be”. (TPTB).

1. The IRS is NOT a U.S. Government Agency. It is an Agency of the IMF.

Sources: Diversified Metal Products v IRS et al. CV-93-405E-EJE

Public Law 94-564
Senate Report 94-1148, pg 5967
Reorganization Plan #26
Public Law 102-391

2. The IMF is an Agency of the U.N. and was organized in 1944 at Bretton Woods, N.H. well before WWII was concluded.

Source: Black’s Law Dictionary 6th Ed. Pg 816

3. The United States has NOT had a Treasury since 1921. 41 Stat. Ch. 214 page 654

More on Past Stonehenge Renovations Part 1

More on Past Stonehenge Renovations Part 1

Shock: 1954 Photos Show Stonehenge Being Built

THIS RUSSIAN WEBSITE SHOWS STUNNING PHOTOS OF WHAT APPEARS TO BE STONEHENGE BEING BUILT. The author provides a detailed information about how the British government/military built this new age cult site and speculates the fact that it may have actually built from scratch or at least remodelled. The author also contends it may be a replica of the original. The pictures are stunning nonetheless.

Below is a rough Google translation of the author’s analysis.

Note: I suggest you save a copy of these photos “just in case” they disappear or the website gets conveniently shut down. You never know…

Stonehenge. Filming 1954-1958

At all times, all governments agencies (and especially external private Interests) engaged in forgery. Pictures of 1954 and 1958.

Time is Short

Time is Short

Scholars and the Second Advent

The following extracts are taken from “Notes of Recent Exposition” which appeared in the March 1953 issue of “The Expository Times”.
(pp. 161, 162)

WE WERE RECENTLY SURVEYING SOME OF THE MOST NOTABLE PUBLICATIONS in the last year or two– What struck us most vividly was not simply the renascence of eschatology but the revival of interest in what is commonly called “the Second Advent”.

Fifty years ago, or even less, our pundits took a different view. If they did not seek to get rid of the doctrine altogether on the ground that it was no part of the permanent message of Christ and His apostles, they skated over the subject in the most perfunctory manner.

Now, our theological leaders seem to be resolved that we take the idea very seriously indeed. Part of the reason for the renewed interest in eschatology is no doubt the fact that we have been living through apocalyptic times, when the very foundations of our civilisation have been profoundly shaken.

Part of the reason also is the fact that our New Testament scholars have proved that the apostolic gospel is shot through with eschatology so that the man who refuses the eschatological key cannot begin to understand it aright. And part of the reason is the fact that with the advent of the A and. (still more) the H bomb, the end of the world has become, for many minds, a live possibility. At any rate, our theologians are determined that as Christians we should give more serious thought to the ideas of the end of the world and the coming of Christ––

“Our ministers, so far from preaching often about the Second Advent, tend in choosing hymns to fight shy of those which sing about it–-“It appears to us, therefore, that one of the major theological tasks before the Church is that of rethinking the whole issue of Christian eschatology.

The National Socialist Writings of Steve Stein

The National Socialist Writings of Steve Stein

About The Author

Pictured here in the visit park of Union Correctional Institution is Steve Stein, author of the National Socialist essays in this booklet.

Steve was born on March 6th 1968 in Phoenix, Arizona. Growing up in the west he became racially aware as a teenager, when illegal aliens began flooding across the border. With his formerly all white neighbourhood soon becoming mixed.

“It wasn’t just the people that had changed, everything was different. When I was young, kids used to be able to run around at night, and nobody ever worried about something bad happening. Then all of a sudden there was crime and drug problems, and you just didn’t see people about after dark anymore, they were simply afraid.

It was exactly the same when I began working in construction. There were a lot of jobs you just couldn’t get because illegals were doing them for next to nothing pay. I guess I not only learnt about racial problems, but social ills too.”

Steve is currently incarcerated on Florida’s “death row.” There are many aspects we cannot discuss at this time regarding this, as he is appealing his “death sentence,” but it was in prison that he met John Hardwick, who introduced him to Adolf Hitler – the man that would change Steve’s life.

“He loaned me his copy of “Mein Kampf” and I was blown out by what I read. Later I read about Commander Rockwell saying that when he read it, that was the end of who he had been, and the beginning of an entirely new person. And I knew just what he meant! All the answers were in there. Everything that had troubled me, but which I couldn’t piece together became clear.”

What Can Be Done If You Have Been Vaccinated?

What Can Be Done If You Have Been Vaccinated?

UNFORTUNATELY, MANY MANY PEOPLE WERE VACCINATED before the dangers thereof became obvious and we are now praying that the consequences for those who were duped by the government into submitting to the experimental biochemical agents they falsely presented as vaccines for a mischievously mispresented virus will not be as serious as many experts have been desperately trying to warn us.

Having said that, we can do a lot more about it than simply sitting around and waiting to see who dies.

We can search out solutions and remedies that might help alleviate or even eliminate some of the harm the pseudo-vaccines do to the human body.

Research is already being hurriedly done in that direction, albeit the vaccine offensive was a surprise attack that caught us unprepared, in the hope that many lives can be saved and much severe illness avoided.

The Hoskins Report – The Empire War Against Man

The Hoskins Report – The Empire War Against Man

GOD[1] SAID. LET US MAKE MAN[2] IN OUR IMAGE, AFTER OUR LIKENESS image (the WORD), in the image of God created he him; male —So God created man in his own
and female created he them.”
Gen 1:26- 27. God made man to be both king and priest and to rule the world. God ruled supreme as King of Kings ruling man with his Commands[3].

In the event that God’s Commandments were disobeyed – strict instructions were given as to how disobedience was to be punished[4].

Kings Arrive

The WORD which was God was the supreme ruler and man was appointed to rule the earth as both king and priest under God’s direction. The
chain of authority was complete.
But, evil days came. Fallen angels called Devils came to earth and took
daughters of man for wives and raised up a race of Naphidem-giants, giant in evil powers. These Strangers fought among themselves and they
fought man. They taught man abortion, murder and weapons of war.

They came in multitudes, each group having a king directing his subjects to their evil tasks. War was their avocation. With a king to direct them Strangers were formidable. 


Sons of Man learned their evil ways. They, too, chose a king to rule them – one named Nimrod. Nimrod set the pattern for all kings who were to follow down through the ages. Here is his story: “And Cush the son of Ham the son of Noah, took a wife — and she hare a son and they called his name Nimrod “And Nimrod–-fought the battles of his brethren against all their enemies round about–– and–- all his brethren– assembled to
make him king over them—And he set over his subjects and people, princes, judges and rulers, as is the custom amongst kings.

The Hoskins Report – Scribes

The Hoskins Report – Scribes

Saladin 1138-1193

ONCE UPON A TIME THERE WAS A GREAT SON OF ISLAM WHOSE NAME WAS SALADIN. It was he who united the Arabs into a solid wall of resistance to the Crusader invasion of the Holy Land. It was he who thwarted the Crusaders at every turn. His acts of bravery, chivalry and generosity to both friend and foe are spoken of throughout Islam in tones of awe, for Saladin was unlike any son of Esau who went before or has come after.

His exploits are legion and are related from father to son in lonely desert oasis as well as being written in the world’s history books. His military exploits are common knowledge. How he consolidated his power is not common knowledge.

Saladin’s Problem

The Arab world was in turmoil. Just as stability had been achieved in the Arab world, it was struck from the east by fierce invaders from the Mongolian deserts. Turning to meet this threat it was struck from behind by Christian Crusaders from Western Europe who had seemingly materialized from nowhere. The Islamic world fragmented. Little Islamic kingdoms sprang up governed by warlords who fought the Christians and each other, but who owed no real allegiance to anyone but Allah.

At this time there was a great Arab king who was Sultan of Egypt and Syria. His armies had blunted and then defeated the invasion of the fierce invaders from the east. He then turned to deal with the powerful Christian Crusaders from the West. But, before he could really begin his task, he died.