New Ensign 169 September 2023







Here We Go Again

Reports are coming in of another plandemic on the way for this Autumn, not only that, masks are being quietly mandated. In the USA the federal government, led by the Department of Defence, is contracting with private firms to enact fear-based Covid lock-downs mark 2. This is pure fascism.

It should be borne in mind that the enemy during the last onslaught did not fully achieve all of its aims, so its likely that it will be rolled out under a different guise, although a new variant of covid is being aired at the moment, or it could be a climate change emergency. They started preparing us for such an eventuality, at least in Europe, just at the start of the holiday season. when the BBC issued its notorious temperature chart showing temperatures from 50C in southern Europe to 30C in the UK, except for a few local areas in the south, no doubt to discourage travel. The BBC had viewers phoning up from Scotland to Norfolk saying it was so cold that they had to put on gloves and fleeces to keep warm!

Dr. David Martin, who gave a 20 min, speech to the EU Parliament, quoting from official data concerning the vaccine rollout and disaster in its wake, left the EU members gob smacked. The video of the proceedings has one of the largest number of downloads ever!

Dr, Martin likens the global elite to a beast already dead with a spear through its head charging at the shooter in its death throws only to fall dead at his feet before he goes to devour him! For this reason he urges people not to comply with the discredited beast system.

This advice is in line with the Scriptures, which urges us to come out of the Beast System,, “For who is able to make war with the beast/” The Scriptures say that Jacob (mostly the white Caucasians) will be victorious in the end. The trap they have woven for us will snare them instead of His people. Praise Yahweh.


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This magazine is for private subscription only
and is not in any way connected to The Ensign
Message Magazine

New Ensign 169 September 2023
New Ensign 169 September 2023

September 2023 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF

New Ensign 168 August 2023

While The Enemy Is Destroying Itself its Time to Build Back Local            Communities and Businesses


Left: The Destroyed Pfizer Plant North Carolina

Its time to take a closer look at what’s really going on in the real world, while most are glued to the idiot box being driven out of their mind by all the fear propaganda washing over them.

By looking more closely, its possible to see the hand of the Divine in these events. For example On Saturday July 22, this year a Pfizer building was destroyed by a tornado in North Carolina. 50,000 pallets of medicines destroyed, probably vaccines of death for the next plandemic!

There have been many incidents of large food processing plants being destroyed by fire, including a huge chicken egg production unit in Ireland. Although reducing the available food supply, it will allow smaller producers to fill the vacuum with healthier products.

The recent spectacle of Benjamin Netanyahu Israel’s PM, collapsing, now in hospital on life support with a severe heart condition. He was the first Israeli to receive Pfizer’s vaccine. The jab was administered live on TV as he wanted to set a “personal example” to encourage other Israelis to get the shot. It is almost certain he received a placebo back in 2020. Rather than attribute it to the jab, it is much more likely he fell foul of his masters the Rothchilds, but either way we can see divine intervention – the enemy destroying its own!

Propaganda is becoming more shoddy, thereby waking more people up! The BBC recently showed a map of hot temperatures forecast to sweep over Europe for the late July early August holiday period, issued last month, showing Scotland and England in orange for hot, while viewers from these countries were reporting that it was so cold for the time of year that they had to put on gloves and fleece jackets!

Although there is as it were a glimmer of light as we near the end of the tunnel, the enemy is becoming extremely dangerous as he becomes more and more frustrated as resistance increases, therefore we are, as the Scriptures state: Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour (I Peter; 5:8).

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This magazine is for private subscription only
and is not in any way connected to The Ensign
Message Magazine

New Ensign 168 August 2023
New Ensign 168 August 2023

August 2023 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF

New Ensign 167 July 2023

The Silly Season Is Here!

In the United Kingdom, silly season is a a term for the period in the summer months June/!July known for frivolous news stories in the mass media. The term was first attested in 1861, and later went on to include the part of the year when Parliament and the Law Courts are not sitting (about August and September)”.

It started early this year with a story of a tourist sub which disappeared on an expedition to the Titanic at the bottom of the Atlantic with 5 people on board. Then the many conflicting stories coming out of the Ukraine, Russia and the Wagner private army being exiled to Belarus

Even more ridiculous. Is the news that King Charles (picture above) activates climate countdown clock with Mayor of London Sadiq Khan, only just a few days ago prior to publishing this magazine. In reality it’s probably the Elite’s countdown to bringing in their New World Order, however, one can be sure that Yahweh will have other plans!If the press release photo is studied closely, the satanic numerology can be seen, with even the countdown being 6 years in total. 911 in between 8 & 3 both add up to 11 the number of Gog in Scriptures who would come and take a great spoil and of course the City of London have their patron giants Gog and Magog out on parade for Lord Mayor’s Day. It was no coincidence that numbers just happened be there when the photo was taken!

Previous deadlines set by the Cabal have been and gone. One such, the Georgia guide stones have been removed. In fact this embarrassing monument was blown up!

One Internet site (here) reports a worldwide awakening to the real agenda and dangers of the Globalists grab for total world control brought about by the pandemic lockdown, which brings to mind the Scriptural verses:

‘The ungodly are sunk down in the pit that they made: in the net which they hid is their own foot taken. The Lord is known by the judgment which he executes: the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands.’ (Psalms 9:15-16)

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and is not in any way connected to The Ensign
Message Magazine

New Ensign 167 July 2023
New Ensign 167 July 2023

July 2023 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF

New Ensign 166 June 2023

Not All News is Bad

OVER THE PAST MONTHS AND YEARS true Israel has been subjected to an overwhelming tsunami of bad news and unfounded rumours from the enemy’s massive propaganda machine, for they know worry and stress cause physical illness with the bonus of making the population more subservient to the powers that should not be.

Whilst there are still dangers ahead to be faced, its not all doom and gloom. In many of the English speaking nations, an unseen attack is being made on the beast system to hit it where it hurts most, and that is in its purse – starving the beast of funds, using its own rules as well as Common Law.

These people are becoming a great army working below the radar of the enemy in lawfully not paying fines, reclaiming money paid through the great mortgage swindle, unlawful council tax, direct debits to name a few. More info on this will be provided in the next addition, with a flow chart and description of how the loan fraud works, provided by a subscriber to this magazine.

More good news, Facebook has begun firing its fact-checkers and has admitted that the censorship operation has been a catastrophic failure.

Amid millions of users worldwide abandoning the platform, CEO Mark Zuckerberg has been forced to take drastic action and reverse his pro-censorship stance, including sacking thousands of his fact checkers.

In the USA, the Amish people suffered 30 times less deaths that the rest of the USA, because they did not observe the lockdown rules nor take the jab. Lets hope the non Amish people around them take notice of this fact!More and more people originally supporters of migration on humanitarian grounds are now coming to realise their folly.

Diesel and petrol prices have fallen back recently after dire warnings that they would continue to skyrocket.
More people are deserting the supermarkets for more wholesome locally produced food to remain fit to fight the good fight! All praise to Yahweh for his help!

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This magazine is for private subscription only
and is not in any way connected to The Ensign
Message Magazine

New Ensign 166 June 2023
New Ensign 166 June 2023

June 2023 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF

New Ensign 165 May 2023

The Coronation of King Charles III This Month

Even before the crowning of King Charles III on May 6th there is much controversy surrounding the event, not least of which, is the wording of the coronation oath. Following inquiries to The Duke of Norfolk and the Archbishop of Canterbury on this matter the oath to be sworn by Charles has so far not been divulged.

Controversy over the Oath arose after difficulty in getting a copy of the one signed by the late Queen. When eventually a copy was obtained, it was discovered that the Queen had signed the top of the document with an underline which in law would mean everything below the line was not agreed to! A further copy of the oath was obtained indicating the line underneath had been tampered with to make it look part of the signature.

Not only that, since the last coronation, Westminster Abbey has been available as a mosque for the local Imam to call his flock to prayer!

There have been doubts expressed about the validity of the present royals since Queen Victoria as Prince Albert was unable to sire children. Her offspring were likely to stem from the Rothschilds, with its consequent impact on other European monarchies as well!

Prince Charles is a great supporter of Islam and facilitated the building of Regents Park Mosque, of course Islam is a Jewish secret construct. No coincidence then, Saturday being a Jewish Sabbath – 6th day of the week and month = 66 or 6 x 11 (the number of Gog). The execution of Charles Ist was the start of the Jewish Amsterdam bankers taking control away from the monarchy perhaps the accession of Charles III will mark their demise!! Praise Yahweh, for only he knows the beginning from the end!!

The Editors

New Ensign 165 May 2023
New Ensign 165 May 2023

May 2023 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF

New Ensign 164 April 2023

As we come into April and its notorious “April Fools Day” following the relatively quite month of March, we mustn’t deceive ourselves that all is getting back to normal. Far from it!!

For those with discernment, will have seen future events casting their ugly shadow before them. Like flying a kite for the next plandemic “Bird Flu/ Fowl Pest”. Many, especially those in big cities will notice the shortage of eggs over recent weeks.

This is just another attack on our food supply, eggs, raw milk, beef and lamb all good sources of natural protein. Not only that, egg yoke has been found to be an excellent source for counteracting graphine-oxide and spiked mRNA people have received via injection or food. As usual they are killing 2 birds with one stone! Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi: “I have absolute faith that mRNA vaccines will kill you!”

A Swedish scientist has exposed the planned endgame in relation to the vaccine programme, and that is, those who have already been vaccinated will be turned into attack zombies, as the injected self-assembling nanobots will gravitate to the brain and take control of the brain behaviour centres. On a signal received via 5G, the vaccinated person will recognise an unvaxxed person and immediately go on the attack to destroy him or her! An excellent podcast on the subject on Eurofolk radio – Click here.

Many will have noticed the inordinate amount of road works and road closures of late, there is no doubt, in many cases 5G is being hard wired to lampposts to be re transmitted via their powerful antennae and the 20 min cities is another ploy to keep people within the kill zones!
Now is the time to join with those successfully working to get cell towers removed, using their own rules and regulations against them as has been done in NE England, by pointing out, that no health and safety assessment has carried out!
Praise Yahweh, for He has declared that “no evil formed against His people will prosper!!


The Editors

New Ensign 164 April 2023
New Ensign 164 April 2023

April 2023 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF

New Ensign 163 March 2023

Are We in or Approaching Armageddon – Time to Take Stock

Last February was a relatively quite month as far as enemy action is concerned, except for the recent false flag train crash in Ohio USA and the man made earthquake in Turkey and affecting Syria also.

This is a small measure of good news, for it indicates the Globalists plans did not go as well as expected, and are now falling back to plan B.

There has been a huge backlash from the great harm caused by the jabs. Following a princess of the Thai royal family, who after receiving the shot, went into a comma. This being blamed on a brain bacterial infection of the brain. The Thai royals found it was a vaccine side affect. This will be a huge cost to the manufacturers of the covid vaccines, when their contract with Thailand is declared null and void.

Psychological warfare is now being used to deaden peoples minds to the terrible harm caused by the state by allowing articles on the medical harm to appear in the MSM such as GB News and even the Daily Mail.

Globalists through their media, have now taken the focus off the Ukraine NATO proxy war to the Middle East and India.

The enemy’s irrational belief that if they let us know in advance whether it be through films or other MSM outlets, albeit in code without objection, where silence is counted as consent.

The recent Ohio train crash is an example, a film depicting such a disaster was made only a year before the real event. This indicates that their plans are not going to schedule. Hence the reduced time between film and event.
Most consider war as a nation fighting another nation with soldiers and ammo., But since WWI, this has not been the case, because our Edomite enemy, has gained control of the levers of power, and is now using this power to eradicate the White race.

We are now in a hybrid war where every thing the state controls is used against us, most notably the health service. WWI, 2 &3 can be considered as 3 phases of one war to gain control of the whole world. We await the great day of Yahweh, the final battle of Armageddon when He will be the victor. May that Day come soon-Praise Yahweh!!

The Editors

New Ensign 163 March 2023
New Ensign 163 March 2023

March 2023 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF

New Ensign 162 February 2023

Time Running Out?

As we come into the second month of the New Year, some knowledgeable people will be asking, what happened to the order issued in the Privy Council of June 6, 2022 and approved by the late Queen Elizabeth II, where fiat currency was to be removed by not later than the first month of January 2023?

Is this an indication that the plans of “the powers that should not be” are faltering? We do know that the plot of the enemy is to crush Russia, the largest Christian country in the world, through their proxy the Ukraine which is collapsing following huge losses of men and ammunition to the point where the west is itself being seriously depleted of its own stockpiles!

It is still possible the “money reform” will be implemented early this month. Some commentators point to the date of February the second this year. It could be that removal of fiat currency will be implemented on that date, meaning everyone’s bank account will be zeroed, and the great reset takes place leaving the elite with their gold and silver money, while the rest will be on digital credit and thereby fully controllable by the system.

The date 2.2.23 is a significant one for the Illuminati since they would read it as 222 x 3 = 666, which is on their forehead, the favourite number of the beast controlling us.

The Scriptures tell us to come out of her (The Beast System) for who can make war with her? Therefore, in these dangerous times it behoves us to form our own local groups, exchanging services, growing one’s food and bartering, supporting local businesses rather than big corporations and thereby keeping wealth within the community or as they say starve the beast of money.

We know the dates and times of great events are wholly in the hands of Yahweh, but he has given us clues to look for as future events cast their long shadow before them. Praise Yahweh for protecting us thus far and we know he will continue to do so as long as we do not allow the enemy to beguile us!

The Editors

New Ensign 162 February 2023
New Ensign 162 February 2023

February 2023 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF

New Ensign 161 January 2023

Bleak Mid-Winter

It is indeed a bleak mid-winter here in the UK, metaphorically and in actuality, at a time when people are making plans to meet up with family and friends, the powers that should not be have orchestrated train, postal, nursing and ambulance strikes and forecast power blackouts, making what should be a joyful period of the year has for some become a period of worry. From reports coming in, similar interruptions are occurring in other white nations.

However, unlike most of our readers, the public at large is unaware that we are under an occupational government, that down the centuries has been infiltrating our institutions and taking control of the levers of power. This situation was foretold in the Scriptures, but in the end we would prevail and the enemy would be burnt up as stubble.

Because the enemy has now become quite drunk with its own power and is becoming more and more reckless; consequently increasing numbers of people are waking up!

Its not all doom and gloom (except for those who are fixated to the MSM) as we move into this New Year of 2023. There have been many small victories. Not only that the enemy is having increasing difficulty in stopping the total collapse of their great censorship dam.

It is good also, at least in parts of the UK, that people are beginning to realise that it is necessary to bypass the Beast System and are forming their own local private services, for example there has been a large increase in home schooling, independent health clinics, food growing groups, buying from small businesses, local farms and keeping on cash.

Another good aspect is, people are becoming much more aware that the legislation churned out by Parliament is not law but statutes, often contrary to Common Law.
We praise Yahweh for His protection from these dangers that surrounded us during last year and know he will for this New Year!!

The Editors

New Ensign 161 January 2023
New Ensign 161 January 2023

January 2023 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF

New Ensign 160 December 2022

Bio-Warfare Disguised as Health Care

As the Christmas season fast approaches, a time when His people focus on their Saviour’s birth. Despite its heathen connotations, is a time of joy when family and friends meet together strengthening their bonds. However, there is a long shadow hanging over the festive season this year.

This shadow is the unexpected death or severe disablement of many of our loved ones and friends. There is hardly a family that has not been hit in this way. Undertakers have remarked that they have never seen such a high increase in deaths over the normal average, particularly in young and very young people.

The UK Government is aware of this, per the graph (above) produced from its own website, showing nearly all increased deaths are among those that received the jab. Despite this, the government is now pushing the booster jab that is already causing additional health problems and as usual not reported in the MSM.

While the focus of recent months has been on covid and the war in Ukraine, the enemy has been rolling out its EMF cell towers and associated technology such as 5G (a military weapon) and LED lights to smart lampposts somewhere near you, with graphine oxide, fluoride and other “medications” added to water directed by smart meters is making even the unvaccinated ill!

This is nothing new! Women demonstrating outside RAF Greenham Common in the 1980’s against atomic weapons, which went on for a number of years. They were microwaved by military radar causing them to have rashes leading eventually to Leukemia from which they died and the demos too!

There is some good news! All over the world qualified people are blowing the whistle on the evil plandemic named covid19, while the enemy is doing its best to quash the evidence, its so overwhelming that the dam is about to burst.

In the meantime we wish our readers a joyful time over the coming festive season and praise Yahweh for His protection over these dark, difficult and dangerous times!!


The Editors

New Ensign 160 December 2022
New Ensign 160 December 2022

December 2022 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF