The Sutton Hoo Treasure Was Never Anglo or Saxon – But British

The Sutton Hoo Treasure Was Never Anglo or Saxon – But British

ANOTHER COLLEAGUE OF ALAN WILSON AND BARAM BLACKETT IS MR ALAN HASSELL OF LONDON. This tireless researcher is the metal detection expert who has assisted Alan and Baram for may years. The ability to detect larger metal objects up to thirty feet below ground and to differentiate between ferrous and non-ferrous metal when detected was of great value to the research programme.Alan Hassell took a keen interest in ancient British London, the “Troy Novantium” as King Edward I knew of it.

He knew of the Brutus Stone that is the ancient foundation stone of London (left).

As Alan Hassell points out the grave of King Ceri Longsword, who fought the Romans successfully from AD 52 to AD 74, is at the boat shaped mound at Nash Point as recorded in the Songs of the Graves.

The Province of Ulster Flags

The Province of Ulster Flags

NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH THE ULSTER FLAG (SIX COUNTIES). Why two Ulster Flags? Well, it is simple. Ulster traditionally was made up of nine counties. Six of these counties make up Northern Ireland while the other three are part of the Irish Republic.

The Ulster Flag (Nine Counties) is therefore the flag of the province of Ulster as it was in ages past while the Ulster Flag (Six Counties) is the flag of the six counties that make up Northern Ireland.

It is a composite flag made up of the cross of the De Burgh family and the Red Hand of Ulster, often associated with the O’Neill family, two of the most prominent families of Ulster.

The Red Hand of Ulster is linked to the one of the twins of Judah as described below:-

Zarah and Pharez: In the last four verses of Genesis 38, we find recorded the birth of twin sons to Jacob’s fourth son Judah. Notice what these verses say:



Testament of Judah

Testament of Judah

Chapter 1

1, 2 The copy of the words of Judah, what things he spake to his sons before he died. They gathered

3 themselves together, therefore, and came to him, and he said to them: Hearken, my children, to Judah your father. I was the fourth son born to my father Jacob; and Leah my mother named

4 me Judah, saying, I give thanks to the Lord, because He hath given me a fourth son also. I was

5 swift in my youth, and obedient to my father in everything. And I honoured my mother and my

6 mother’s sister. And it came to pass, when I became a man, that my father
blessed me, saying, Thou shalt be a king, prospering in all things.

Chapter 2

1, 2 And the Lord showed me favour in all my works both in the field and in the house. I know that

3 I raced a hind, and caught it, and prepared the meat for my father, and he did eat. And the roes I used to master in the chase, and overtake all that was in the plains. A wild mare I overtook, and

4 caught it and tamed it. I slew a lion and plucked a kid out of its mouth. I took a bear by its paw

5 and hurled it down the cliff, and it was crushed. I outran the wild boar, and seizing it as I ran,

Operation Indigo Skyfold The Most Secret Covert Black Operation

Operation Indigo Skyfold The Most Secret Covert Black Operation

FINALLY, A MILITARY PILOT STEPS FORWARD AND COMPLETELY BLOWS THE LID OFF the unlawful and exceedingly destructive Global Chemtrail Program. What follows is a video which puts forth a true story about a courageous pilot who has broken ranks with his chemtrailing peers. In so doing he has risked his life and the life of his family. As you listen to this presentation, or read the text provided below, bear in mind that chemtrails are being sprayed 24/7 around the globe with terrible consequences.

For those uninitiated in the ways of atmospheric engineering, chemtrails are but one geoengineering technique that is being systematically used by the U.S. Military. The following link provides an excellent overview of the geoengineering / chemtrail phenomenon, as well as an exceptional photo-doc. After all, only seeing is believing–-for most people!

No matter what the stated reasons are given to those who fly the chemtrail jets, they are always told by their superiors that this ongoing and illegal atmosphere-altering program is being conducted in the interest of National Security.

Forbidden Cures

Forbidden Cures

THERE ARE A NUMBER OF ALTERNATIVE HEALING THERAPIES THAT WORK SO WELL AND COST SO LITTLE (compared to conventional treatment), that Organized Medicine, the Food & Drug Administration, and their overlords in the Pharmaceutical Industry (The Big Three) would rather the public not know about them. The reason is obvious: Alternative, non-toxic therapies represent a potential loss of billions of dollars to allopathic (drug) medicine and drug companies.

The Big Three have collectively engaged in a medical conspiracy for the better part of 70 years to influence legislative bodies on both the state and federal level to create regulations that promote the use of drug medicine while simultaneously creating restrictive, controlling mechanisms (licensing, government approval, etc) designed to limit and stifle the availability of non-drug, alternative modalities. The conspiracy to limit and eliminate competition from non-drug therapies began with the Flexner Report of 1910.

Abraham Flexner was engaged by John D. Rockefeller to run around the country and ‘evaluate’ the effectiveness of therapies taught in medical schools and other institutions of the healing arts. Rockefeller wanted to dominate control over petroleum, petrochemicals, and pharmaceuticals (which are derived from ‘coal tars’ or crude oil). He arranged for his company, Standard Oil of New Jersey to obtain a controlling interest in a huge German drug cartel called I. G. Farben. He pulled in his stronger competitors like Andrew Carnegie and JP Morgan as partners, while making other, less powerful players, stockholders in Standard Oil. Those who would not come into the fold “were crushed” according to a Rockefeller biographer (W. Hoffman, David: Report on a Rockefeller {New York:Lyle Stuart, Inc., 1971}page 24.)

Mad Cow Disease Caused by Organo-Phosphorous

Mad Cow Disease Caused by Organo-Phosphorous

Ed. the late Mark Purdey (left) who was one of the first to expose the government’s stance on the inappropriately named mad cow disease, which was a guise to cover-up the real cause, namely, the widespread enforced use of organo-phosphorus pesticides to control warble fly etc. It was an opportune moment to attack the country’s food supply. This is the exact same scenario that is being played out again i,e, a pandemic to cover illness and death caused by vaccines, electro magnetic frequencies and scalar waves transmitted via TVs and mobile phones.
AMONG mainstream science, the current model of Mad Cow Disease (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy or BSE) involves “prions” — protein rods allegedly without any DNA of their own, and an ability to survive most antiseptics and heat while remaining infectious. Mad Cow Disease is found in a number of other animals, and is called:

Mad Cow Disease (BSE – Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy) in cattle,

CJD (Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease) in humans,
Scrapie in sheep, and CWD (Chroinc Wasting Disease) in deer and elk

Did You Know?

Did You Know?

DID YOU KNOW the Pope titles himself “the Good Shepherd”? Since Jesus pro-claimed he was the Good Shepherd, (John. 10:11 and 14) we recognize this as a blasphemy that Our Lord will not take lightly. Zech. 11:17 warns:
“ Woe to the idol shepherd that leaveth the flock! the sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened.” (Compare Matt. 6:22-23, Luke. 11:34-36)

DID YOU KNOW Daniel prophesied: “…the ROBBERS OF THY PEOPLE shall exalt themselves to establish the vision; but they shall fall.[?]” (11:14) Jeremiah identified them in 23:30: “Therefore, behold, I am against the prophets, saith the Lord, that STEAL MY WORDS every one from his neighbour.” (Emphasis mine)

DID YOU KNOW Jesus said: “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites![?] for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness.” (Mat. 23:27)

DID YOU KNOW when the high priest, Ananias, commanded the apostle Paul to be struck in the face, Paul answered, “God shall smite thee, thou whited wall….”[?] (Compare with Eze. 13:10-16)

DID YOU KNOW Job censured the arrogant pretensions to superior know-ledge of his friends and advisors in 13:4-5? His advice?
“But ye are forgers of lies, ye are all physicians of no value. O that ye would altogether hold your peace! and it should be your wisdom. (What’s interesting here is that “forgers” means “plasterers,” see p.472 of the Wycliffe Bible Commentary. Do these kind of men comprise part of the group that build the “wall” with “un-tempered mortar”?)

The Land Beyond The Rivers of Ethiopia

The Land Beyond The Rivers of Ethiopia

THE CHURCHES OF TODAY TELL US THAT PRESENTLY THE ISRAELITES ARE REPRESENTED BY THE JEWS. It is however true that not all Jews are of the same race. This alone should make such a claim questionable. We should also know that the word Jew is a corruption of Judean. The Judeans in turn represented only a part of the Israelite tribes, 12 (13) in all. The greater part of all tribes went into Assyrian captivity and did not return to Palestine. The remnant’s descendants in Palestine went to Babylon. When they returned they found their land populated by other races who were also called Judeans, not racially but geographically. Just as today we have black, Chinese, and white Australians.

So where are all these (Assyrian captivity) Israelites?

In other booklets, I outline this in great detail, but here I will prove, in another way, who they are today. This book will also concentrate on only one land with an Israelite population and show a point of view, hidden by the media, church leaders and governments.

The following should be considered not only by bible students, but also those with an interest in world affairs. Both parties will soon see if they persevere (and keep an open mind) that all they are about to read is linked with each other and that one side cannot be taken without the other. We will study, as well, the Afrikaner.

The Unknown History of The 1939 German Polish Conflict

The Unknown History of The 1939 German Polish Conflict

To understand how the war in 1939 between Poland and Germany, and consequently WWII, unfolded, it is not sufficient to look at – and accept —the widely-held view that peace-loving and weak little Poland was attacked by an ever-marauding National Socialist Germany. Rather, one must look much deeper into history.

This conflict which cost many millions of lives did not originate with the German invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939, as is still claimed today by over-simplifying historians. It is not just a black-and-white story, but a complex one. It was also not caused by the Polish mobilization of her army two days previous, on August 30, 1939, although the mobilization of a country’s army, according to international standards, is equal to a declaration of war on the neighbouring country.

Comment added by The Scriptorium: This selfsame “centuries-old, deep-seated hatred on the Polish side” is still very much in evidence today. We invite the reader to consider the vicious invective and threats that a (Polish? at least rabidly pro-Polish!) visitor to our web site saw fit to send us with reference to the article on this page

Since FDR Some Recent History

Since FDR Some Recent History

THE REVOLUTION NOW IN PROGRESS IN AMERICA has reached a stage where even the most uninformed and apathetic citizen has begun to realize that something is seriously wrong. Bombing and other acts of sabotage, the murder of our police officers and undermining of law enforcement and the Armed Forces, the kidnapping and assassination of public officials — all have combined to make the man in the street wonder how it all began. And, more important, why it wasn’t stopped before it reached such dangerous proportions.

Informed conservatives know the answers to those questions. Many other Americans, though equally concerned about what is happening to their country, do not. It is for the latter that we attempt this cursory survey. We propose it not as a study of contemporary history, but as an invitation to study; not as a call to action, but as background for those who, having determined the facts for themselves, still have the courage to fight for American liberty.

Although the International Communist Conspiracy had been operating in our country for many years, the overt political phase of this struggle began in 1933, when the U.S. Government recognized as legitimate the small gang of criminals which had seized control of Russia and announced themselves its rulers. The United States thus entered into diplomatic relations with an illegal regime which had already murdered millions of Russia’s native population, and which had openly set as its goal the conquest of the world in the name of the International Communist Conspiracy.