Since FDR Some Recent History

Since FDR Some Recent History

THE REVOLUTION NOW IN PROGRESS IN AMERICA has reached a stage where even the most uninformed and apathetic citizen has begun to realize that something is seriously wrong. Bombing and other acts of sabotage, the murder of our police officers and undermining of law enforcement and the Armed Forces, the kidnapping and assassination of public officials — all have combined to make the man in the street wonder how it all began. And, more important, why it wasn’t stopped before it reached such dangerous proportions.

Informed conservatives know the answers to those questions. Many other Americans, though equally concerned about what is happening to their country, do not. It is for the latter that we attempt this cursory survey. We propose it not as a study of contemporary history, but as an invitation to study; not as a call to action, but as background for those who, having determined the facts for themselves, still have the courage to fight for American liberty.

Although the International Communist Conspiracy had been operating in our country for many years, the overt political phase of this struggle began in 1933, when the U.S. Government recognized as legitimate the small gang of criminals which had seized control of Russia and announced themselves its rulers. The United States thus entered into diplomatic relations with an illegal regime which had already murdered millions of Russia’s native population, and which had openly set as its goal the conquest of the world in the name of the International Communist Conspiracy.