The Testament of Simeon

The Testament of Simeon

Chapter 1

1 The copy of the words of Simeon, the things which he spake to his sons before he died, in the

2 hundred and twentieth year of his life, at which time Joseph, his brother,
died. For when Simeon was sick , his sons came to visit him, and he strengthened himself and sat up and kissed them, and said:-

Chapter 2

1 Hearken, my children, to Simeon your father, And I will declare unto you what things I have in my heart.

2 I was born of Jacob as my father’s second son; And my mother Leah called me Simeon, Because the Lord had heard her prayer.

3 Moreover, I became strong exceedingly; I shrank from no achievement, Nor was I afraid of ought.

4 For my heart was hard, And my liver was immovable, And my bowels without compassion.

5, 6 Because valour also has been given from the Most High to men in soul and body. For in the time of my youth I was jealous in many things of Joseph, because my father loved him beyond

7 all. And I set my mind against him to destroy him, because the prince of deceit sent forth the spirit of jealousy and blinded my mind, so that I regarded him not as a brother, nor did I spare even

8 Jacob my father. But his God and the God of his fathers sent forth His angel, and delivered him

Who Really Sunk The Lusitania?

Who Really Sunk The Lusitania?

THE SISTER SHIP TO THE TITANIC, THE GREAT LUXURY LINER THE LUSITANIA, the worlds largest ship at the time, was leaving New York on May 1st 1915 on its journey to Liverpool, when it was sunk by German submarine U-20, piloted by Kapitan Walter Schwieger. Or was it?

Voltaire said: “history is a lie commonly agreed on”
May 1st is a special date in Illuminati archives as the day of Baal/Beltane, the devils day, also chosen to celebrate Russia’s revolution, by its founders, the same US banking cartels that fund America and British war efforts.

I first heard this story version many years ago from a senior freemason in London at the Hackney retired Seamen’s Mission; this man‘s father was present at Churchill’s initiation at age 26. Much other relevant info was given, in exchange for a large bottle of Scots whisky.

The Testament of Levi

The Testament of Levi

Chapter 1

1 The copy of the words of Levi, the things which he ordained unto his sons, according to all that

2 they should do, and what things should befall them until the day of judgement. He was sound in health when he called them to him; for it had been revealed to him that he should die. And when they were gathered together he said to them:

Chapter 2

1, 2 I, Levi, was born in Haran, and I came with my father to Shechem. And I was young, about

3 twenty years of age, when, with Simeon, I wrought vengeance on Hamor
for our sister Dinah. And when I was feeding the flocks in Abel Maul, the spirit of understanding of the Lord came upon me, and I saw all men corrupting their way, and that unrighteousness had built for itself walls, and lawlessness

4 sat upon towers. And I was grieving for the race of the sons of men, and I prayed to the

5 Lord that I might be saved. Then there fell upon me a sleep, and I beheld a high mountain, and

6 I was upon it. And behold the heavens were opened and an angel of God said to me, Levi enter

King David’s Everlasting Dynasty!

King David’s Everlasting Dynasty!

Christ will sit on DAVID’S THRONE.…

Is the BRITISH THRONE, as some claim, the “Throne of David”?
Why does God call that Throne the “Throne of the LORD”?
How did it get from Jerusalem to London, England?

IS THERE BIBLICAL AND HISTORICAL EVIDENCE SHOWING THAT, IN THE 6TH CENTURY BC, the throne of David was transferred from the land of Israel to the British Isles? If so, how did that come about? Tracing back the history of the British Throne—from England to Scotland, then to Ireland, and back still further to the ancient KINGDOM OF JUDAH, is a most fascinating task!

But it is impossible to comprehend the true DIVINE ORIGIN of the British Throne without first grasping certain biblical prophecies which, over 3500 years ago, accurately foretold first the rise, then the PERPETUITY of that ancient Davidic Dynasty!

A Gripping Ancient Prophecy!

In approximately 1661 BC, the clan of Israel (or Jacob) journeyed to Egypt, where they remained for about 215 years (cf. Gen. 15:13-15; Exod. 12:1-42; Gal. 3:17). Just before his death, circa 1634 BC, the elderly Patriarch Jacob, under divine inspiration, blessed his twelve sons. To his son Judah, he said, “JUDAH is a lion’s whelp…. And as a lion, who shall rouse him? The Sceptre shall not depart from JUDAH nor a lawgiver [‘ruler’s staff] from between his feet, until SHILOH comes” (Gen. 49:10). That intriguing prophetic statement raises two important questions:

The Coronation Stone

The Coronation Stone

This analysis of the legends connected with the Coronation Stone was read by the author, as Senior Vice-President of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, at a Meeting of the Society held on the 8th of March last.

A limited impression is now published with Notes and Illustrations.

The latter consist of—

I. The Coronation Chair, with the stone under the seat, as it is at present seen in Westminster Abbey, on the rover.

II. The reverse of the Seal of the Abbey of Scone, showing the Scottish King seated in the Royal Chair, on the title-page.

III. Ancient Scone, as represented in the year 1G93 in Slezer’s
Theatnm Scotiœ, to precede page 1
a. Chantorgait; b. Friar’s Den; c. Site of Abbey; d. Palace.e. Moot Hill, with the Church built in 1024 upon it. f The river Tav.

I. The Coronation Chair as shewn by Hollinshed in 1577, page 1

II. Coronation of Alexander III., from the MS. of Fordun, contained in the library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. This is a MS. of the Scoticronicon, as altered, interpolated, and continued by Bower, opposite Latin description in the Appendix, page 47.

7th June 1809.

God’s Throne Upon Earth

God’s Throne Upon Earth


ISAIAH XLVL, 10—“I am God, and there is none like Me: declaring the end from the beginning.”

Isa. xiv., 24.—“Surely as I have thought, so shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed, so shall it stand.”

Gen. xvii., 6.—“Kings shall come out of thee ” (Abraham).

Gen. xvii., 16.—“Kings of peoples shall be of her” (Sarah).

Gen xxxv., 11.—“Kings shall come out of thy loins” (Jacob).

I. Chron. v., 2.—“Judah prevailed above his brethren, and of him came the prince.”

Gen. xxxviii.—Twins (Pharez or Peres and Zarah or Zerah), born of Tamar the Hebrew, and Judah. Peres, ancestor of the Davidic Royalties to Zedekiah and his spared daughters, also of the Messiah, through David’s son Nathan, none of which line have yet reigned.

Zerah (with the scarlet thread), ancestor of the other Royal lines. The rank and file of Judah have descended from Judah’s Canaanite wife and daughter-in-law.

Gen. xlix., 8.—“Judah (praise) thee shall thy brethren praise. (To Royal section.)

A Lost People and a Vanished Sceptre

A Lost People and a Vanished Sceptre

I print these Lectures, on the “Lost Tribes of Israel,” delivered long years ago, for a double purpose.

FIRST, to add my feeble protest against what is known, in these days, as the “Higher Criticism”; which, propped by great names, is undermining the faith of many in the authenticity and inspiration of the Old Testament Scriptures. If unchecked, it promises to leave us without any “Holy Bible,” at all.

SECONDLY, I would like to help on, in a small way, the growing good feeling between the two great branches of the Anglo-Saxon family; that now, by constant travel, association, and especially by intermarriages, gives promise of ultimate close affiliation, and co-operation, in advancing the welfare of “all the families of the Earth.”

I think, I prove, in this little booklet, that this is the “manifest destiny,” because the Scripturally foretold mission, of the English speaking race.

Kings of Britain

Kings of Britain

THERE IS NOTHING MORE FRUSTRATING THAN PICKING UP ANY HISTORICAL BOOK ABOUT BRITAIN and reading nothing more than Roman crap and bullshit. When it comes to British history some have a great failing in as much as nothing happened before the Romans arrived. No one really lived here according To some historians and academics except a few tribes called Celts.

The thing is when it comes to British History, producer of a popular archaeological program knows absolutely nothing about British History or the Kings that Ruled the country long before the Romans came.

Why is it that whenever they are on one of these digs and they come across an old church they automatically assumes that it is either Roman or Anglo Saxon?

On Sunday January the 25th 2004 they aired a program digging up skeletons.

Anglo Saxon women were noted as being small yet they came across a woman who at first they believed to be 6 foot tall and buried with a shield and a dagger.

Automatically they assume she was and Anglo Saxon, not even considering that she could have been British and was maybe part of the Boadacea rebellion. Did they do forensic tests on the actual bones they found? Maybe they didn’t even do a carbon 14 test to find out the age of the bones.
I very much doubt it. I cant say for sure myself, but Boadacea did poison herself or used an adder to strike the final blow after being defeated by the Romans in her last battle that almost destroyed the entire Roman army in Britain.

The Ancient British Coelbren Alphabet

The Ancient British Coelbren Alphabet

THE TRACING OF THE ANCIENT BRITISH ORIGINS can be accomplished with great certainty and the tool or weapon that allows us to trace our ancestral roots is the ancient British Alphabet and Language.

In 1846 Austin Layard discovered the archives of the ancient Assyrian Emperors’ in the ruins of Nineveh.

He boxed up over 25,000 baked tablets upon which these records were written and sent them to the British Museum in London.

There some surprised staff saw that some of these ancient backed clay tablets from around 740-620 BC were inscribed in the Old British Alphabet.

This provided a link between Ancient Britain and Ancient Assyrian Iran going back over 2700 years ago.

Khumric writers publishing in AD 1797 and 1848 in 1852 and in 1906 all pointed to the near identical ancient British Coelbren Alphabet and the alleged indecipherable alphabets of the Ancient Britain Etruscan(Italy), Rhaetian (Switzerland), and Pelasgian-Aegean and Asia Minor.

The Testament of Naphtali

The Testament of Naphtali

Chapter 1

1 The copy of the testament of Naphtali, which he ordained at the time of his death in the hundred

2 and thirtieth year of his life. When his sons were gathered together in the seventh month, on the

3 first day of the month, while still in good health, he made them a feast of food and wine. And after

4 he was awake in the morning, he said to them, I am dying; and they believed him not. And as he

5 glorified the Lord, he grew strong and said that after yesterday’s feast he should die. And he began

6 then to say: Hear, my children, ye sons of Naphtali, hear the words of your father. I was born from Bilhah, and because Rachel dealt craftily, and gave Bilhah in place of herself to Jacob, and she

7 conceived and bare me upon Rachel’s knees, therefore she called my name Naphtali. For Rachel loved me very much because I was born upon her lap; and when I was still young she was wont

8 to kiss me, and say: May I have a brother of thine from mine own womb, like unto thee. Whence

9 also Joseph was like unto me in all things, according to the prayers of Rachel. Now my mother was Bilhah, daughter of Rotheus the brother of Deborah, Rebecca’s nurse, who was born on one and

10 the self-same day with Rachel. And Rotheus was of the family of Abraham, a Chaldean, God