The Coronation Stone

The Coronation Stone

This analysis of the legends connected with the Coronation Stone was read by the author, as Senior Vice-President of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, at a Meeting of the Society held on the 8th of March last.

A limited impression is now published with Notes and Illustrations.

The latter consist of—

I. The Coronation Chair, with the stone under the seat, as it is at present seen in Westminster Abbey, on the rover.

II. The reverse of the Seal of the Abbey of Scone, showing the Scottish King seated in the Royal Chair, on the title-page.

III. Ancient Scone, as represented in the year 1G93 in Slezer’s
Theatnm Scotiœ, to precede page 1
a. Chantorgait; b. Friar’s Den; c. Site of Abbey; d. Palace.e. Moot Hill, with the Church built in 1024 upon it. f The river Tav.

I. The Coronation Chair as shewn by Hollinshed in 1577, page 1

II. Coronation of Alexander III., from the MS. of Fordun, contained in the library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. This is a MS. of the Scoticronicon, as altered, interpolated, and continued by Bower, opposite Latin description in the Appendix, page 47.

7th June 1809.