Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 120

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 120

Yesterdays Knowledge Brings Hope for Today

LOOKING OUT OVER OUR MIXED UP WORLD OF TODAY A SERMON GIVEN IN 1962 BY THE LATE DR. SWIFT CAME TO MIND. Rereading this message and thinking of all that has happened over that period of 30 years we realize how intense this battle between ‘The Children of Light’ and ‘The Children of Darkness’ has become. And yet there are many people over these United States that are still hanging on to their Faith and looking forward to more developments.

We still find no better outline of this story then in the prayer given by Dr. Swift before he began this message:–

Almighty and Eternal Father again we come before you to worship you in spirit and truth, recognizing thy abiding presence which is with us through out all ages, and not only with us but the essence of thy spirit is also in us. We are thankful for the witness of Thy Spirit concerning who we are, and from whence we have come. From the testimony of the Apostle Paul we have the assurance that we are thy household, the realization that Thy Kingdom is an Eternal Kingdom. We realize that with this Kingdom you shall accomplish with it all that you have purposed and ordained from the beginning, which you also made known unto us. Grant us to possess in our Faith the continuing assurance of achievements over evil, for thy purposes which shall be established in earth.

We pray, Our Father, that you shall lift us and sustain thy people, giving them that serenity of Peace which can come upon their consciousness in the midst of conflict, so that they can carry forward this opposition against the darkness, with the assurance and confidence of His children, looking forward to the fulfilment of all prophecy as events transpire, some of which are in the areas of opposition, but known unto you from the beginning, just as the end is also known unto thee. Knowing these things we have the assurance of victory as we press on in our achievements. Our Father, we pray that as we meditate upon thy purposes and our relationship to it, we see that it is our obligation within our time span to lift up thy standards, and make sure that thy people maintain a continuing identity with thy Mind, and with thy Presence. Thus as we commit yourselves into your hands we pray that THY WILL BE DONE IN EARTH.

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Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 119

TODAY IN OUR WORLD MANY ARE THE QUESTIONS, even the teaching that there is literally no such a personage as the one termed ‘the Devil’, this being only the evil in your heart, if you do not accept this idea of World Brotherhood, Love everyone, and so forth.

Therefore from the Scriptures, the Swift Ministry, my understanding and even from the Book, ‘Urantia’ (Earth) we find that there was such a rebellion in the heavens, and there was such a personage, a being who led this rebellion.

How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the Stars of God; I will sit also upon the mount of the North; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be LIKE THE MOST HIGH.’ Isaiah 14:12‑14. In your references see Isaiah 34: 4‑5., for a bit more as to the identification of the people who followed this rebellion.

It seems from all reports that in a portion of the total Universe, a long time ago, there began to be some doubts as to whether this total Perfection of the rule over all worlds of the vast Universe by the ONE Great God, the Universal Father as he was termed by some, was the best picture for the people in this portion of space. After all they had never experienced anything but total perfection.

There were in this picture many administrators of these regions, here in the area of space in that time frame. There were also those termed the Sons of God, issue of His Spirit, thus children of the Kingdom in heaven at that time. This was a great One World Government, so to speak, out there in space and it ruled over this area which contained our earth also, and Lucifer was one of the Administrators of this area at that time.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 118

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 118

Peace, Peace When There Is No Peace

AS THE YEAR OF 1991 RAN OUT, MEN IN EARTH WERE WORKING HARD TO SET IN PLACE SOMETHING CALLED PEACE IN THE MIDDLE‑EAST, but actually they have been trying to do this since the rebellion in the heavens so long ago. In the beginning the word Peace meant understanding, where as today it seems to mean a process of getting along with the world order. Still in blindness we find many of our people today still trying to help the enemy establish their type of a One World Government which in the final analysis leaves our Saviour out of the picture. In this great longing for Peace our people seem happy to give away their inheritance to another people, just so the enemy might want to live with us in Peace.

There is however, another side to the picture if you care to look for it. Behind the headlines we have been reading from publications from the pen of the enemy that the Christian religion must be, used until the One WORLD GOVERNMENT is set in place, then will come the rude awakening for the Western World. We saw some of this USE as the newspapers reported about the newly released Dead Sea Scrolls. The Terms, ‘The Staff’, the ‘Branch of David’, ‘The Root of Jesse’, all of these were interpreted by the enemy as being from the Essenes, as they say, a Jewish group at the time of Jesus. If the Christian West once more accepts this explanation by these so called Scholars, then once more they will miss the opportunity to stand up for their inheritance and their God, and will continue to look for Peace in a World Order wherein they are only 16th., of the worlds population.

We would remind you once more that there were many people in Judea at the time of Christ who were not Israelites. There were Jews (Edomites) in control of the Temple in Jerusalem. There were Israelites in residency as well, and some were out in the caves in the hills who were called the Essenes. There were people from the Arab lineage still living in this old land as well, and some people of the mixture of the races, as were the Edomites.

Today we are told, in the Book entitled ‘Judaism’ by Isadore Epstein who these people called Jews were supposed to be. This is a short summary of this explanation as to the people of the Bible according to this Jewish author. (Quote) ‘God chose Abraham for his purpose, and out of him came these people called Israel. As they came out of Egyptian bondage they went on to become a nation in Palestine. Later they were separated into two groups because of disobedience, and now were called the House of Israel, and the House of Judah. The northern ten tribes of the House of Israel went into captivity, and while there they mixed with their captors and became the Summerians, thus no longer recognized as God’s people. The House of Judah also went into captivity, in Babylon. Then after 70 years, God cleansed some of these people and brought them out, making them new people now called Jews. They were brought back to Judea thus making them inheritors of all the Old Testament promises to Israel. (Unquote)

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 117

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 117

The Gospel of The Kingdom – From the Swift Ministry

WE FIND THAT IT IS SELDOM SPOKEN OF IN THE WORLD TODAY, YET THERE IS A ‘GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM’. We believe that the problems of the world today, and the situations that we face are more easily understood if you have the key to understanding, which is this Gospel that Jesus went throughout Galilee preaching, (Matthew 4:23) and teaching. We find that Jesus taught His disciples that a sign for the ending of this age was the witnessing unto the Nations of Israel, as to this Gospel of the Kingdom. (Matthew 24:14).

Thus this Gospel had a meaning for the end of that age, as well as for the end of this age which hopefully we are experiencing. We know that those who are of the Adamic Race were to be His Witnesses, for He said: ‘Ye are my witnesses, and my servants whom I have chosen; that ye may know, and believe me, and understand that I AM HE; before Me there is nothing formed of God (spirit), neither shall there be after me. I Even I am YAHWEH, thy YAHSHUA, and beside Me there is no Saviour. I have declared all these situations that shall come to pass on the face of the earth.’ (Isaiah 43:10)

If you will turn to your Strong’s Concordance you will find much about this ‘Gospel of the Kingdom’, and you will find that this was what Jesus was talking about much of the time. He said very little about Salvation because He said: He came to save His people from their sins, and through them the whole world in the fullness of time. Therefore He was not worrying about the salvation of His people or even the world, instead He was teaching THE PLAN OF ALMIGHTY GOD FOR HIS PEOPLE AND FOR THE WORLD.

There is little question of the fact that the children who have a bit of understanding of this ‘GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM’ have information from YAHSHUA Himself. There is probably nothing more important for you, and I to understand than to realize that we are to think, and to know, and to activate the thoughts of God in a physical world. You then will realize that Communication is the most important thing in the realm of the great operation of God’s Kingdom. From the day when the Adamic race was placed in this earth until this hour, communication has been a most important thing, and here we are speaking of the communication with our Father, who taught us to pray: ‘Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, in earth as it is in Heaven’ With this in mind we then ask this question: Just what is this ‘Gospel of the Kingdom’ which Jesus went everywhere preaching? What does this ‘Gospel’ consist of?

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Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 116

The Emerging Kingdom

AS WE LOOK FOR THE STORY OF THIS EMERGING KINGDOM we must look for the Nations of this Kingdom, the people of this Kingdom who are vital and real in this world which we live in. We must also establish the Creator of this Kingdom, the King of this Kingdom, who throughout the Scripture has pointed out His role, and the role of His peculiar people, called the SHEEP OF HIS PASTURE.

When thinking of the many facets of this story we recall of course the understanding of Scripture as recorded for us by the Swift Ministry. In the Gospel of Matthew (24) we find Jesus talking to His Disciples, and as they talked He listed the events which were to bring to conclusion in time this great program HE has outlined for this earth. As Jesus outlined these events, He spoke of wars and rumours of wars, then was to come, what is listed as ‘The Time of Sorrows’, which we understand to mean Birth Pangs, of what? An Emerging Kingdom, listed as though born small as a child, but which was to grow and grow until it fills the whole earth. This is a vital part of the program of the Restitution of all things, which the Scripture outlines as to the purpose of the Great God of the Universe. This being such a big subject Dr. Swift reminded us that he had studied for years, but never grew tired of thinking, of meditating on these things as he looked for the answers and became deeper and deeper involved in this study.

He then informs us that he never came to an end of things revealed, and reminds us that YAHWEH has never had a beginning which some people find hard to comprehend. The wonderful thing is that everything YAHWEH worked at, He then brought forward. He never set up an idea that He did not finish. We then can look into the tomorrows and try to catch this infinite pattern, and see things not understood before. This is a continuing process as we learn and grow in knowledge which HE reveals to us.

The Apostle Paul talks about how we. His people, existed in the ‘Bosom of the father, in Love, before the foundation of the world. Ephesians 1:2‑5.

Let us get this straight, the people of HIS Kingdom are begotten of HIM, thus this Spirit in you is of Divinity. When born of incorruptible seed, which cannot be destroyed, how else could you describe His people?

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 115

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 115

A Message For Today (From The Ancient Psalms)

OVER THE YEARS MANY FACTS HAVE BEEN LOST PERTAINING TO OUR FAITH. Our Scripture tells us that this would happen. Older authors help us to find some of these truths. E. W. Bullinger in 1909 published his book, ‘Studies of the Psalms’. He believed that because of the translations of the Psalms in different versions of Scriptures, that people were missing some of the great meanings of words found there, and would not understand the use made of these great Psalms. Dr. Bullinger quoted Dr. Thirtle, who quoted the late Franz Delitzsch an earlier author as saying there were special words in the Titles of the Psalms for which the meanings had been lost, even as far back as the time when the Septuagint was written.

All agree however that these Titles formed a part of the Sacred Text, and were connected in some way with the use of these Psalms in the Tabernacle and Temple worship of the Israelites.

The Companion Bible used Dr. Thirtle’s key as they put together their translation of the Psalms. Dr. Thirtle believed that the reason for such poor translation is because those who go back in time for their evidence seldom go far enough back. He believes that you must leave the modern professors or interpreters and go on back to the oldest manuscripts, to the earliest Hebrew Bible available. In modern Hebrew the Psalms have been broken up while in the older Hebrew there is no break or space between the lines of the Psalms.

As an example Dr. Thirtle calls attention to the 3rd., chapter of Habakkuk. In this Psalm you find the title proper: ‘A Prayer of Habakkuk’, the Prophet, upon ‘Shigionoth’, which means ‘Crying Aloud’. You then find the Psalm proper in verse 2:19. At the end of this Psalm or prayer you find these words: ‘To the chief singer on my stringed Instruments’. In the older version this read: .’To the chief musicians of Neginoth’, meaning Music.

In the King James Version this was found at the first of Psalms No.4., but it is actually the end of Psalm 3. Thus Psalms 3, 5, 53, 60, 66, and 75 and Habakkuk 3., are Music Psalms according to the Law. The word Neginoth is from the Hebrew meaning ‘to strike’, thus these are those for the stringed musical instruments which were used in the worship service of Israel.

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Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 114

Republic or Democracy

THE QUESTION HAS BEEN ASKED: .’As we pledge Allegiance to our Flag, and to the Republic for which it stands, what has happened to this new nation set in place by our founding fathers, under the symbol of THE OUTSTRETCHED WINGS OF THE EAGLE which now is termed a Democracy?

This Republic was founded on the principals established at Mount Sinai as an example of what the Kingdom of God in earth would consist of, such as the leadership of this Kingdom Administration, and the laws which they were to administer covering every phase of human life.

Over the years the people of this Kingdom called ‘Israel’ meaning ‘Ruling with YAHWEH’ were not able to maintain what has been set in place asked for an earthly king, and after warning them as to what would happen then YAHWEH allowed them to have their earthly king, and the education of the nation and our people then began.

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Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 113

A Great Statesman of American History

AS THE BATTLE BETWEEN THE CHILDREN OF LIGHT AND THE CHILDREN OF DARKNESS MOVES INTO A CLIMACTIC PERIOD, we find that not only do those Children of Darkness try to destroy our Faith, but they even try to remove the remembrance of our great men of history. They tie the Occult philosophy to the symbolism of our nation, and even now days try to destroy the image of the man we call ‘The Father of our Country’, George Washington.

In fact these Children of Darkness have been able through their influence to reduce Christian thinking in recent decades to a shallow level which rejects, Out of Hand, any thought of Divine Destiny for the Nations of the Western World, and especially this Great nation of God’s Kingdom. These United States of America. If you do not ‘hit out’ at white civilization, you must not be ‘with it’.

Not only is this done in America, but in England as well. In 1976 Britain passed the Race Relations Act which brought millions of Aliens into their Aryan Society. Then in 1989 Birmingham, England’s city Cathedral

changed the date of St. George Day Observance, so as not to offend South Africa’s Archbishop Tutu who was visiting the city for the Century celebration. The little publication ‘Wake Up’ which comes out of Britain asks what has happened to drain the Sampson‑like spiritual power of the Celto‑Saxon people?

Perhaps two world war’s, plus Vietnam and Korean wars helped as they also destroyed a great part of the youth, not only of the British Empire but the U.S. as well. This letting down of the bars of immigration in our day has brought about a Multi‑Faith society in both our countries which only results in the destruction of Christian civilization, as history has shown us, many times. Modern versions of scripture without the historical understanding that the word ‘Jew’ is not synonymous with the names of Judah and Israel, makes them worthless on this point alone.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 112

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 112

Women of The Bible

AFTER THE STUDY OF THE OLD BOOK (1813), THE SWIFT MINISTRY, and the book Tar Above Rubies’ by Isabel Hill Elder, I would like to bring to you my understanding as to the part played by outstanding women of the Kingdom.

Out of Eden went one river (Race of People) to enrich the Garden. This according to our understanding of Scripture was ONE Race headed by Adam and Eve. Without Eve of course there would have been no Adamic race which Moses was to record (Genesis 5:1) as the generations of this Adamic race, as he listed the fathers of this race who played a direct roll in this program of Almighty YAHWEH as He established His Kingdom in earth, and fulfilled the promises made to Adam, ‘Before the Foundation of the World.’

This establishment of a Kingdom in earth was projected as a family project. Going back through ole records we find that the Women of this Kingdom family had an independence surpassing even today. Many times we find these women entrusted with administration of her husbands property as well as her own. These Women of God’s Israel, retained this independence until the time of their captivity when they were then known as ‘children of Israel’ of the 12 tribes. Thus this Family was established as a partnership of two individuals, man and wife both of equal stature in the program of YAHWEH. With this in mind let us look at the records as to why some of these women of the Kingdom are also listed as special in this program.

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Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 111

The Millennium – A Book Review

COL. TOTTEN WAS A GREAT BIBLE STUDENT IN HIS DAY, AS WELL AS AN AUTHOR. He was a Presbyterian by denomination, and a staunch Orthodox Christian, being a believer in a literal interpretation of Scripture. We have outlined for you in the past the many proofs uncovered by our author as to the modern identity of the so called ‘Lost Tribes of Israel’. Those are still available if someone does not have a copy. Col. Totten spent much time in research, and wrote several books entitled ‘Our Race’ tracing the westward migration of these Lost Tribes.

Col. Totten was also very interested in chronology which did not always work out. We were more interested in the ‘signs’ of True Israel that he uncovered and traced than we were in his ‘dates’ of future prophecy, since we say: .What will be, will be.

Col. Totten in his time, his span of service, accepted the Christian church philosophy established in the mid 1800’s that the Jews could be the Judah of Scripture, but the rest of Israel he traced Westward to Christian civilization, with the U.S. identified as the Land of the Outstretched Wings of the Eagle (Isaiah 18), carrying the personal symbol of the tribe of Manasseh, one of the sons of Joseph.

Our author accomplished this tracing of the Migrations of Israel westward, for the U.S. Congress as they formed the Great Seal of the United States. However he also never lived to see the coming of the people out of the Khazar Kingdom like a cloud, with the World Order now proclaiming them to be Israel since they accepted the religion of Judaism, their only attachment to the land of Palestine as a homeland.