Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 120

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 120

Yesterdays Knowledge Brings Hope for Today

LOOKING OUT OVER OUR MIXED UP WORLD OF TODAY A SERMON GIVEN IN 1962 BY THE LATE DR. SWIFT CAME TO MIND. Rereading this message and thinking of all that has happened over that period of 30 years we realize how intense this battle between ‘The Children of Light’ and ‘The Children of Darkness’ has become. And yet there are many people over these United States that are still hanging on to their Faith and looking forward to more developments.

We still find no better outline of this story then in the prayer given by Dr. Swift before he began this message:–

Almighty and Eternal Father again we come before you to worship you in spirit and truth, recognizing thy abiding presence which is with us through out all ages, and not only with us but the essence of thy spirit is also in us. We are thankful for the witness of Thy Spirit concerning who we are, and from whence we have come. From the testimony of the Apostle Paul we have the assurance that we are thy household, the realization that Thy Kingdom is an Eternal Kingdom. We realize that with this Kingdom you shall accomplish with it all that you have purposed and ordained from the beginning, which you also made known unto us. Grant us to possess in our Faith the continuing assurance of achievements over evil, for thy purposes which shall be established in earth.

We pray, Our Father, that you shall lift us and sustain thy people, giving them that serenity of Peace which can come upon their consciousness in the midst of conflict, so that they can carry forward this opposition against the darkness, with the assurance and confidence of His children, looking forward to the fulfilment of all prophecy as events transpire, some of which are in the areas of opposition, but known unto you from the beginning, just as the end is also known unto thee. Knowing these things we have the assurance of victory as we press on in our achievements. Our Father, we pray that as we meditate upon thy purposes and our relationship to it, we see that it is our obligation within our time span to lift up thy standards, and make sure that thy people maintain a continuing identity with thy Mind, and with thy Presence. Thus as we commit yourselves into your hands we pray that THY WILL BE DONE IN EARTH.