Hoskins Report South Africa

Hoskins Report South Africa

Hoskins Report
Chapter 230
South Africa

THE PRESENT ATTEMPT TO INTEGRATE SOUTH AFRICA IS DIAMETRICALLY OPPOSED to the imperium of “separation” now running full flood over the world. The various races in the Soviet Union are separating, the Baltic is separating, China has driven Westerners from her shores. Black Africa has done the same, and is also separating her own Black races into their component parts. America’s inner cities are being turned into independent Black nations as Black on White guerrilla war goes into high gear and drives away the Westerners who built the cities and who once lived there. While non-Westerners are forcing Westerners from their lands, they are also forcing non-Westerners into Western lands. Westerners are beginning to suspect that the double standard is a well thought out plan to destroy the Western enclaves and the Westerners who live there.

Virginia’s Footsteps

In many ways, South Africa’s ordeal appears to be like Virginia’s. Virginia was the victim of a devastating war, just as South Africa was. Before the war Virginia was self-sufficient. Her plantation system produced almost everything her people needed and her vast surplus was sold elsewhere which made her people rich. What the plantation didn’t produce or make was obtained by trading with the next plantation, or the closest village trading centre which stocked or made the speciality items needed.

Virginia had no army. Everyone from the age 16-60 was a militiaman. If called upon to repel an invader, Virginia had 75,000 militiamen available instantly – armed and trained at their own expense. Many of her officers had paid their own way to attend the Virginia Military Institute to learn to become efficient warriors. Militia artillerymen paid for their own cannon. One six-gun Virginia battery was counted as superior to two four-gun federal batteries.

The Saxons

The Saxons

Saxon Slaughter

NEMMERSDORF (ABOVE), IN EAST PRUSSIA, fell to the Red Army for only 48 hours in October 1944, and was then recaptured by the German Army. All villagers had been murdered in the most brutal manner. Women and children were gang raped and then killed. Some had been nailed, naked and in cruciform position to bam doors.

The American historian and diplomat George Kennan wrote: “The disaster that befell this area with the entry of the Soviet forces has no parallel in modem European experience. There were considerable sections where, to judge by all existing evidence, scarcely a man, woman or child of the indigenous population was left alive after the initial passage of Soviet forces… The Russians swept the native population clean in a manner that has no parallel since the days of the Asiatic hordes.”

Agenda 2030 Explained

Agenda 2030 Explained

Genesis 11:6 And Yahweh God said, “Look, they are one people and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do! And now, they are not going to be withheld from doing whatever they plan to do.

Whether you are a Christian or not, whether you understand the Bible or not, whether you you believe in multi-culturalism or not, whether you believe that there is strength in diversity or not, the fact remains, racial integration does not work, never has worked, and never will work. And besides, God forbids it.


Well, because God designed it that way. All races are not of the same blood. All the races did not come from Adam, or Noah. All races do not have the same heritage, or traditions, or culture, or even the same language, the same habits, and the same values. All races do not have the same God. All races were not created by God. In fact, scripture teaches that only the race of Adam was ‘born from above’ into Adamic flesh and given the Spirit.

The rest of the peoples of the world are born of the world. They are not necessarily evil or bad, they just are not of the racial family of God.

God has a special people whom He set-apart from all other peoples. God commanded His people to be separate from all other peoples. God gave His people laws, statutes, and judgments. God made promises and covenants with His people.

God’s People are Not Who You Have Been Fooled into believing who they are. (Rev 2:9/3:9)

The world system, the society, the schools,the TV, and the ‘churches’ teach that everyone is equal, everyone is of one blood, and that God loves everybody. If you do not believe scripture is exclusive and that God demands segregation between the races, then please see Separate and Segregated (You may want to ‘right-click’ your mouse and open in new tab, or come back to the links after you examine this document)

Black Innovation? 

Black Innovation? 

RECENTLY, IT HAS BECOME POPULAR TO SPREAD YET EVEN MORE MISINFORMATION, this time regarding black inventions. While history has proven that blacks have failed to contribute anything significant to the building of civilization, campaigns are spreading across America attempting to credit black “inventors” with certain inventions. One such campaign is promoted by IBM who offers a poster of “Famous Black Inventions.” Included on this poster are pictures of blacks and their supposed inventions— including the traffic light.

While the black Garrett A. Morgan did submit and receive a patent for a traffic signal in 1923, he did not invent the traffic light. The first “traffic light” was created in London in 1868, used to control the traffic of pedestrians and buggies. It was illuminated by gas using green and red colors, and was manually operated by policemen who turned a lever to reveal the appropriate colour to the appropriate lane of traffic. Railroads were already using a lighting system as well. It was a police officer, William Potts, who first improved on the gas-light invention, which required a police officer to operate. William Potts recognized the need for something better when he observed that police officers were spending much of their time directing traffic after the invention of the automobile. He created an electric lighting system using red, amber, and green to control automobile traffic in Detroit.

Our National and Racial Destruction The Cause

Our National and Racial Destruction The Cause

THOSE OF US WHO HAVE LIVED BEFORE THE LAST WAR have witnessed the continuous degeneration of our nation with filth and debauchery and race mixing being peddled on the television screen. We have witnessed lies and deception being relegated to us by the National press especially with regards to white settlers in East and Southern Africa. We have witnessed the land for which we fought being filled with Negroes and Asiatics and other people of vastly different cultures and genetic background to our own. We have been subjected to laws concocted by aliens to make us second class citizens in our own country. We hear daily of older women, who in their younger days toiled in munitions and clothing factories to keep our fighting soldiers supplied being mugged by Negroes and raped and having to pay heavy rents to Asian landlords. We have addled pated persons peddling left wing rubbish from their pulpits and teachers indoctrinated with alien ideologies infesting the minds of our children with gibberish. We ask ourselves why? Why are we, a nation that has done more for the development in backward races, than any other people, so afflicted?

Our nation has been lied to and betrayed

The elected lenders of the nation are the betrayers and behind them are a comparatively small group of men whose objective is to enslave the whole world of humanity in a one world government. This small group of men have gained into their hands the currency of the nations. Our elected leaders and administrators have been enmeshed with promises of riches and power or have been intimidated with their indiscretions and threatened with blackmail. To understand the conspiracy which is destroying our nation and the white western world, we must go back to the second half of the 18th century.

Races in Chaos

Races in Chaos

I AM GLAD TO BE ABLE TO WRITE THE FOREWORD FOR THIS BOOK, particularly as its aim is to provide a directive against the hazards encountered in the propagation of the doctrine of miscegenation.

In this book Mr. Finlay has dealt with a difficult and contentious theme, one in which there can be no compromise. He has blended as simply as possible the scriptural admonitions against the corruption of flesh with the considered opinions of men of science.

Mankind is ever searching for truth, for without this he has neither food for wisdom nor principle for conduct. It is obvious that light from a source other than that of man is imperative in this search, for the finite mind of man is unable, on his own, to arrive at the conclusion of fact. Scientific experimentation during the past fifty years has led to a greater understanding of much of the mysteries which surround the origin, nature and behaviour of homo sapiens. Scientific facts are established through continued and repeated testing of conclusions—but what has prompted and instigated the experiment?

No flame is kindled without a spark, and in science this, I believe, is the activity of God in revelation to man. Science is a word which grips the imagination and is surrounded with an aura of romance. In fact, science is a hard taskmaster, ever demanding corroboration of fact until truth emerges, proven and irrefutable.

Jewish Involvement in Contemporary Refugee and Migrant Organisations

Jewish Involvement in Contemporary Refugee and Migrant Organisations


REFUGEE AND ASYLUM LEGISLATION IS NOW A KEY POLICY area for many major immigrant-receiving countries. The UN Refugee Agency estimates there are currently 28.5 million refugees and asylum seekers worldwide, with most originating in South Sudan, Afghanistan, and Syria. The world’s largest refugee hosting countries are located near the epicentres of those countries experiencing difficulties, and include Turkey (3.5 million), Uganda (1.4 million), Pakistan (1.4 million), Lebanon (1 million), and the Islamic Republic of Iran (979,400).

More incongruous, however, is the fact refugee and asylum populations from these same troubled areas have exploded in the West, in countries both geographically and culturally very distant from exporting nations. Since 1990, the new refugee population of Austria has climbed from 34,948 to 115,197; in Belgium from 25,911 to 42,128; in Finland from 2,348 to 20,713; in France from 193,000 to 337,143; in Germany from 816,000 to 970,302; in Ireland from 360 to 6,324; in Italy from 10,840 to 167,260; in Luxembourg from 687 to 1,995; in the Netherlands from 17,337 to 103,818; in Norway from 19,581 to 59,160; in Sweden from 109,663 to 240,889; in Switzerland from 40,943 to 92,995; and in the United Kingdom from 43,632 to 121,766.

Increased lobbying on behalf of refugees, and increased quotas for refugee admissions, are now a very significant part of the West’s overall approach to migration. The only significant current exceptions to these trends are Hungary, where the number of new refugees has dropped from 45,123 to 5,641, and the United States and Canada, both of which were home in 2017 to roughly half the number of new refugees they hosted in 1990.

Baruch Bojo

Baruch Bojo

Boris Johnson is an Anti-British Israeli And U.S. Agent
The Jewish Weekly 25th July 2019
Charles Hurst

The Article


US President, Donald Trump, offered congratulations, adding, “He will be great!”.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tweeted “Heartfelt congratulations from Jerusalem”.

“Looking forward to working closely together, both in facing our common challenges and seizing the opportunities ahead,” he noted.

President Reuven Rivlin tweeted he was confident under Johnson’s leadership “the excellent bi-lateral relations between our two countries will go from strength to strength’.’

“I hope to see you back here in Israel soon,” he added.

Added to that, Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz offered “Mazal Tov’,’ whilst looking forward to working with Johnson’s team to build on an existing strong relationship between the UK and Israel.

Blue and White chairman Benny Gantz also wished Johnson “great success”, adding the UK and Israel held “shared values and interests”. Chairman of the Jewish Agency, Isaac Herzog called Johnson ‘a true friend of Israel.”

Hostis Humani Generis or Antis-Semitism Found

Hostis Humani Generis or Antis-Semitism Found

An essay on a pivotal issue of our era From GANPAC BRIEF, “News and Views by Hans Schmidt” No. 165, July 1996 and No. 166, August 1996.

This paper has been written for the benefit of those who, like the American conservative William Buckley, have been in search of anti-Semitism. Upon reading the enclosed material they may come to rest. They have found it here.

The problem with understanding anti-Semitism is that it is only through our Jewish dominated intelligentsia and media of mass communication that anti-Semitism is presented and explained. Only that anti-Jewish material which portrays anti-Semitism in a negative light is presented to the public. Responsible and substantive anti-Semitism is vigorously suppressed. Those who would oppose and criticize the Jews and their

agendas are demonised and terrorized into silence. Their speech is said to be “hate speech,” and this “hate speech” should not be allowed public expression. Little wonder that one must search intensely to find anti-Semitism. But unless one understands the Jewish question it is impossible to understand what has been happening in America and in Europe during the past century.

Because the viewpoints expressed here cannot receive a fair public forum under present conditions, this paper has been mailed to many thousands of politically active conservatives and to persons in government, academia, and the media of mass communication. Names were selected at random from various lists.

The Jewish Origins of Multiculturalism in Britain

The Jewish Origins of Multiculturalism in Britain

July 13, 2015
‘Will you find out who is responsible for this extraordinary action?’Oliver Stanley, M.P., June 1948.
The SS Empire Windrush holds a special place of infamy in the minds of British Nationalists. When the ship arrived at Tilbury docks from Jamaica in June 1948, carrying 417 Black immigrants, it represented more than just a turning point in the history of those ancient isles. In some respects it signalled the beginning of mass, organised non-White immigration into northwest Europe. Back in November, TOO published my research on the role of Jews in limiting free speech and manipulating ‘race relations’ in Britain in order to achieve Jewish goals and protect Jewish interests. I’ve recently been revisiting some of my past essays, delving deeper and expanding each of them in an effort that I hope will result in the publication of a book-length manuscript on aspects of Jewish influence. During this process, I’ve been particularly compelled to research further into the role of Jews in Britain’s immigration and racial questions. What I present in this essay is a survey of some interesting facts, which I hope to document and integrate further as my work on the volume proceeds.