I AM GLAD TO BE ABLE TO WRITE THE FOREWORD FOR THIS BOOK, particularly as its aim is to provide a directive against the hazards encountered in the propagation of the doctrine of miscegenation.
In this book Mr. Finlay has dealt with a difficult and contentious theme, one in which there can be no compromise. He has blended as simply as possible the scriptural admonitions against the corruption of flesh with the considered opinions of men of science.
Mankind is ever searching for truth, for without this he has neither food for wisdom nor principle for conduct. It is obvious that light from a source other than that of man is imperative in this search, for the finite mind of man is unable, on his own, to arrive at the conclusion of fact. Scientific experimentation during the past fifty years has led to a greater understanding of much of the mysteries which surround the origin, nature and behaviour of homo sapiens. Scientific facts are established through continued and repeated testing of conclusions—but what has prompted and instigated the experiment?
No flame is kindled without a spark, and in science this, I believe, is the activity of God in revelation to man. Science is a word which grips the imagination and is surrounded with an aura of romance. In fact, science is a hard taskmaster, ever demanding corroboration of fact until truth emerges, proven and irrefutable.