Our National and Racial Destruction The Cause

Our National and Racial Destruction The Cause

THOSE OF US WHO HAVE LIVED BEFORE THE LAST WAR have witnessed the continuous degeneration of our nation with filth and debauchery and race mixing being peddled on the television screen. We have witnessed lies and deception being relegated to us by the National press especially with regards to white settlers in East and Southern Africa. We have witnessed the land for which we fought being filled with Negroes and Asiatics and other people of vastly different cultures and genetic background to our own. We have been subjected to laws concocted by aliens to make us second class citizens in our own country. We hear daily of older women, who in their younger days toiled in munitions and clothing factories to keep our fighting soldiers supplied being mugged by Negroes and raped and having to pay heavy rents to Asian landlords. We have addled pated persons peddling left wing rubbish from their pulpits and teachers indoctrinated with alien ideologies infesting the minds of our children with gibberish. We ask ourselves why? Why are we, a nation that has done more for the development in backward races, than any other people, so afflicted?

Our nation has been lied to and betrayed

The elected lenders of the nation are the betrayers and behind them are a comparatively small group of men whose objective is to enslave the whole world of humanity in a one world government. This small group of men have gained into their hands the currency of the nations. Our elected leaders and administrators have been enmeshed with promises of riches and power or have been intimidated with their indiscretions and threatened with blackmail. To understand the conspiracy which is destroying our nation and the white western world, we must go back to the second half of the 18th century.