The Covid Psycho-Op and How to Fight

The Covid Psycho-Op and How to Fight

Perhaps the only weapon that ‘we, the people’ have at our disposal in the face of the totalitarian system being forced upon us in these dark times, is absolute and total non-compliance and non-violent defiance of the current rules on mask wearing, movements and social interaction.

These ‘rules’ (significantly not laws, although they are presented as such) are allegedly there for our protection and to curb the spread of an alleged, yet non-existent virus
Dr Lorraine Day – The Germ & Virus Theory & The inversion of truth which we are falsely led to believe will result in many, many deaths unless we consent to obey their draconian lockdowns and severe restriction of our inalienable right to freedom of movement.

But what do I mean by ‘non-compliance’ precisely?

Peaceful non-compliance is simply:

● Refusing to wear masks where designated as compulsory.
● Driving to wherever you choose, whenever you choose.
● Visiting friends or relatives whenever you choose.
● Congregating in whatever numbers you choose.
● Opening your own businesses whenever you wish.

This of course will necessitate some of us dealing with the spectre of false arrest by the police or a government enforcement officer of some description.

The English Revolution

The English Revolution

THERE IS OF COURSE NO DISPUTE THAT KING CHARLES I OF ENGLAND WAS EXECUTED by being beheaded at the scaffold erected outside the Guildhall in the City of London in January 1649.  However, the events that led to his execution, as is often the case with many historical events have been twisted to fit the sanitised version of history that is always presented to the masses by our ruling Elite, in order to conceal the real truth.

“It was fated that England should be the first of a series of Revolutions, which is not yet finished.”  Isaac Disraeli, father of Benjamin Disraeli, former British Prime Minister, 1851

In London in the latter years of the decade of the 1630’s, immediately prior to the English Revolution now more expediently known as the ‘English Civil War’, there were many minor, armed uprisings of the ‘people’, usually involving the same ringleaders and ‘agents provocateurs’, as is often the case today.  These armed ‘mobs’ caused panic and fear in the streets wherever they went, including the sometimes-violent intimidation they inflicted upon members of both houses of Parliament.

This in fact was a very similar modus operandus as that employed by the ‘Sacred Bands’ and the ‘Marseillaise’ of the French revolution 150 years later.  Indeed, the striking similarities between the two events are most noteworthy.

There were illegal print operations being instigated all around the city, producing inflammatory leaflets inciting the good citizens of London to revolt against the ruling powers that be.

A “Politically Correct” Christianity?

A “Politically Correct” Christianity?

A “POLITICALLY CORRECT” CHRISTIANITY? In an effort to maintain attendance and a level of economic well being, many former fundamentalist denominations are now striving for “politically correctness!” What once was only a trend is now a matter of survival.

Compromising God’s Word is so commonplace that few Christians even flinch anymore [spiritually speaking] when their churches embrace that which God’s Word has clearly forbidden.

A subtle move, via “political correctness,” is also no in progress toward curtailing freedom of speech. Subjugating our God given rights is a prime goal of the enemies of Christ. The time has come when “political correctness” is determined by the hearer ‑ not by what the writer or speaker meant. Let us make it perfectly clear that slanderous terms has always been and will always be unacceptable.

However, valid scurrilous remarks are being used to create a door whereby the right to freedom of speech can be circumvented. Remember, the not so orthodox religious beliefs of the Branch Dravidians gave “license” to disregard their freedom of religion, and the right to life and liberty.

Violence with guns is also being used to invade our right to keep and bear arms. It is also obvious that drugs have been used by Satan as the single most important instrument in creating chaos in our society, and to seize or freedoms from us under the pretext of a so‑called war on drugs, which is noting more or less than a war on our freedoms.

Joshua’s Long Day

Joshua’s Long Day

QUESTION: What are the astronomical facts demonstrating the validity of Joshua’s long day?

ANSWER: The battle against the five kings was at its height when Joshua issued his famous prayer. “Then spake Joshua to the Lord–-in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon. And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies––So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day. And there was no day like that before it or after it, that the Lord harkened unto the voice of a man–-” (Joshua 10: 12-14) Without exception atheists, agnostics and sceptics have made all manner of fun of such a day as is described in the Book of Joshua. Theologians and church members have questioned the accuracy of the account. With few exceptions Bible Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias either ignore it altogether or declare Joshua was mistaken, assuming the day seemed to have been lengthened because of the extensive marching and fighting on the part of the Israelites. The stock-in-trade argument against its occurrence is that if the earth, sun and moon remained in the positions as described by Joshua, the earth would have had to stop its spinning. This, we are told, would have been disastrous as the earth turns upon its axis at the rate of about 1000 miles per hour. To suddenly stop turning would bring chaos, not only because of the loss of gravity, but the earth itself would fly to pieces. There is no way of knowing exactly what would happen if the earth did stop spinning.

Flood of Noah

Flood of Noah

THE HEBREW WORD FOR EARTH IS ERETZ. In many scriptures the word Eretz is speaking only about a little piece of land. Such as “Eretz” of Israel or Land of Israel.

In scripture the flood is being spoken of as covering all the Land/Earth/Eretz which surrounded the Adam race, which is one valley about 350 by 650 miles in size.

Description of the Event in the Bible

Gen. 7:19 “and all of the high hills that were under the whole heaven were covered.” (see bottom of this page)

Genesis 5:1 says “this is the book of the Genealogy of Adam”, not the book of the other two-legged upright walking creatures the bible shows. Long before Adam, the heavens and earth were completed Gen. 1:2, then it “became” desolate and darkness covered it is the accurate literal translation (see Greek and Hebrew dictionaries to verify). Ezekiel 31 says

The Assyrian Race is called “a Tree in the Garden of Eden” and the other trees were Envious. The trees are Races as we read in Leviticus 26:4, 20; Deuteronomy 28:40, 42; Judges 9:8-15; 1 Kings 4:33; 2 King 3:25; 1 Chronicles 16:33; Psalm 96:2; Isaiah 7:2; 10:18; 14:8; 55:12; 61:3; Ezekiel 17:24; 31; Hosea 2:12; Joel 1:12; Zechariah 1:8; 4:4-12; Matthew 3:10; 8:24; Luke 3:9; 21:29; Jude 11:12; Revelation 7:3; 11:4. Satan Ruled over these nations “before” he fell from heaven as it reads in Isaiah 14:12: “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art(present tense) thou cut down to the ground, which didst(past tense) weaken the nations!”


Cup of Wrath

Cup of Wrath

IN STUDYING BIBLE PROPHECY, ONE MUST BECOME IMPRESSED BY THE EXTREME ACCURACY OF THE PROPHECIES. In a correct translation of the original language, we always find Yahweh says Exactly what He means. Often the significance of apparently quaint or peculiar expressions is not seen until the time for fulfilment approaches, then we see the great precision of expression. One of the prophecies, which has come to partial fulfilment, concerns the cup of wrath. Yahweh’s anger against wickedness is often spoken of as a cup from which the wicked must drink. For example Psalm 75:8 records:

“For the cup is in the hand of Yahweh, with foaming wine, thoroughly mixed and he pours it out to one and another. Surely all the wicked of the earth must drink and drain its dregs.” (Smith and Goodspeed Translation)

Beginning in the time of the prophet Jeremiah, Yahweh’s judgment on the nations began, in accordance with the principle that “Judgment must begin at the house of Yahweh.” (1 Peter 4:17)

Israel and Judah were already under captivity, but all the nations of the world were rank with wickedness, so worldwide judgment must come. Until the time of the end however, another principle was followed, there would not be a single, universal judgment, but one nation punishing another one at a time. The great prophet Jeremiah, recorded in Jeremiah 1:10, had been commissioned by Yahweh to root out, to pull down, to destroy and to throw down many nations. Now Jeremiah was commanded to begin his work.

Light From Nahum

Light From Nahum

IN THIS LAODICEAN CHURCH AGE IN WHICH WE LIVE, we see the Scriptures of Truth under increasing assault from the forces of Modernism and self-styled Higher Criticism. The Virgin Birth, miraculous ministry and even the Resurrection of our Lord are questioned by our leading Churchmen and the faith of many is being daily undermined. We, in the Israel-identity movement, who accept the National Historicist interpretation of the Prophetic Scriptures have however,” —a more sure word of prophecy–-” which, says Peter” —shineth in a dark place until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts”. (II Peter 1 V. 19).

We know that Almighty God in His sovereign plan and purpose, allowed the knowledge of our Israel-identity to come to the fore at just that period of time when Modernism began to arise and had our message been accepted by the Evangelicals, faith in God and His Word would have been re-established and confirmed. There is no doubt, whatsoever, but that prophecy fulfilled in history constitutes the most convincing proof of the Inspiration and Inerrancy of God’s Word; this can be well illustrated by a study of one of the least known of the so-called Minor Prophets – Nahum.

Who was Nahum?

The meaning of names was of great significance to the ancient Israelites and the name “Nahum” means ‘consoler’ or ‘comforter’. We are told little about him except that in the opening verse of his book, he is described as an Elkoshite. Whilst Nahum ministered in Judah, some Bible scholars suggest that Elkosh may have been a village in the area of Galilee, and they point out that the town of Capernaum, the centre of Christ’s ministry means the ‘village of Nahum’, and that, therefore, the birth place of the prophet may have been nearby. There is also said to have been a town called Elkosh, twenty miles north of Nineveh the object of Nahum’s prophecy and some have suggested that he may have been of the Ten Tribes of Israel carried away captive by the Assyrians.

British-Israelism to Christian Identity & the Palestine Campaign

British-Israelism to Christian Identity & the Palestine Campaign

TRANSLATING THE BIBLE INTO ENGLISH HAD AN ENORMOUS IMPACT ON ANGLO-SAXON CULTURE. Most importantly, Britons began to feel an identification with the characters of the Old Testament. This identification eventually created a movement called British-Israelism. The theology of British-Israelism and its racially-aware offshoot of Christian Identity is described by Michael Barkun in his 1997 book Religion and the Racist Right.

The concept behind British-Israelism is the belief that the British people are descended from the “10 Lost Tribes” of Israel. The 10 Lost Tribes disappeared from history after the northern part of Israel was conquered by the Assyrians. (This is described in the Old Testament’s Second Book of Kings.) As such, the British people are God’s “Chosen People” and are expected to play an important role in the final battle between good and evil within Christian eschatology.

Deceived By Their Leaders

Deceived By Their Leaders

THE CHRISTIAN WORLD HAS BEEN DECEIVED BY THEIR LEADERS; the Judeo-Christian Clergy of Organized Religion. This study 5 will show beyond a shadow of a doubt to anyone who will accept a truth that is presented to them, even though it may go against everything they have been taught and believed all their lives. For no man or woman likes to learn they have been deceived, therefore, many will reject the truth of this presentation out of hand; but the truth is the truth and it will never change no matter how many deny it.

“Then said I, Ah, Lord GOD! behold, the prophets say unto them, Ye shall not see the sword, neither shall ye have famine; but I will give you assured peace in this place.

Then the Lord said unto me, The prophets prophesy lies in my name: I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spake unto them: they prophesy unto you a false vision and divination, and a thing of nought, and the deceit of their heart.” (Jeremiah 14:13‑14)

God has told us in the Scriptures that His people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, and that they actually reject it when presented to them. (Hosea 4:6) The following is found in The Jewish Encyclopaedia:

“Chazars: A people of Turkish origin whose life and history are interwoven with the very beginnings of the history of the Jews of Russia. The kingdom of the Chazars was firmly established in most of South Russia long before the foundation of the Russian monarchy by the Varangians (855).

Jews have lived on the shores of the black and Caspian seas since the first centuries of the common era. Historical evidence points to the region of the Ural as the home of the Chazars.



CREATIONISM OF AMERICA’S FOUNDING FATHERS, BY HENRY M. MORRIS: As the nation celebrates American liberty on the Fourth of July each year, it would be appropriate for all Americans (including those who have come here from other nations in search of that same freedom) first of all to reflect on the Christian foundations; including genuine creationism, on which our nation was built in the first place.

It has been noted that many of the founding fathers of our country were strict creationists and that this fact was reflected in the Declaration of Independence In this article, several testimonies are cited in support of this vitally important fact.

For example, John Hancock, who was the first to sign the Declaration, had been president of the Provincial Congress of Massachusetts a year before when he issued a proclamation calling for “A Day of Public Humiliation, Fasting, and Prayer,” referring to “that God who rules in the Armies of Heaven and without whose Blessing the best human Counsels are but Foolishness; and all created Power Vanity.” (Cited in William J. Federer: America’s God and Country (Coppel, Texas: Fame Publishing Co., 1996, p. 275) That same year, the Continental Congress had also passed a stirring resolution expressing “humble confidence in the mercies of the Supreme and impartial God and ruler of the universe.” (Cited in William J. Federer: America’s God and Country, Coppel, Texas: Fame Publishing Co., 1996}, p. 140)

George Washington (often called “the father of our country”) was also a strong Bible-believing Christian and literal creationist. Among other things, he once commented as follows: