Wednesday Night Bible Study 9 February 1966

Wednesday Night Bible Study 9 February 1966

WE HAVE QUESTIONS COMING IN FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD AND LAST WEEK WE RECEIVED A QUESTION ABOUT THE PRIESTHOOD, and they wanted to know the relationship of the King and the Priest in the Holy Nation, thus we decided to use this question in our bible study for tonight. This is basically founded on the fact that we being the offspring of the MOST HIGH GOD, and occupying a physical body which is our earthly Temple as an individual, is connected symbolically to this Temple which Moses was instructed to have the children of Israel build with its Inner Holy of Holies, and with a central Court, and an outer Court, for THIS WAS THE IMAGE OF MAN. The outer Court being the physical body, and the activities of service done in the outer Court is the work done in the world, physically, for the Kingdom.

The Inner Court has the area of revelation and here was the Molten Sea. As the Priest’s looked into the clear water they watched as they said: “Hallelujah”, and as their voices rippled the water they were to discern or see in the water the image of the thing revealed by the spirit, in the Holy of Holies.

The Holy of Holies was where the Ark of the Covenant rested, and in the Ark of the Covenant resided the Law, and the Abiding presence of the MOST HIGH YAHWEH, in His Shekinah Glory was standing over the Ark, and in fact it was radiantly covering this Ark with Glory.

Wednesday Night Bible Study 6 July 1966

Wednesday Night Bible Study 6 July 1966

Here are some questions that have come in from our tape audience that I think that we should answer.

1. What evidence do we have that we pre‑existed before we were born
2. What did we do before we were born into the world?
3. If a man goes to heaven when he dies, then what evidence is there that he comes back?

In the first place as to the evidence of Pre‑existence let us turn to the 90th., Psalm: ‘Lord, thou has been our dwelling place in all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou has formed the earth, and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art Our YAHWEH‑God.’ This declaration does declare our pre‑existence through all generations, and of course all the generations of the Adamic race certainly before HE brought forth the mountains or the earth, HE was our dwelling place.

In the Gospel of John we find the pattern of pre‑existence. In chapter 17, we find that as Jesus lifts His eyes into the heavens He puts this prayer in the Scriptures as a more or less, teaching prayer. Here the Scripture says: ‘As thou has given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life as thou hast given him.’

Wednesday Night Bible Study 5 October 1966

Wednesday Night Bible Study 5 October 1966

Question: Genesis claims God created Adam and not Eve for a while until Adam had a chance to look around and couldn’t find a mate, why did he do this?

Answer: So as to get it into the record.

Question: Well did God himself have to look around and find out that there was no mate for Adam?

Answer: Of course not.

Question: What are the origins of mankind distinguished from the Adamic race.

Answer: This of course is a rather heavily covered question, but when the Adamic man was begotten of God, remember we have in the Hebrew so many words which may come out somewhat the same, or are used for many words which are not interchangeable. The word Bara and Yastar are both words used for creation. But Bara in Hebrew means to begat, to bring out of the womb, or to form an issue thus a procreation of creation by birth. Yastar means to mould or make, like make something out of putty or create something. So to begin with these words existed.

Wednesday Night Bible Study 4 May 1966

Wednesday Night Bible Study 4 May 1966

QUESTION: In the book of Ezra, in the 6th chapter and about the 7th verse, here it is talking about the House of God. Who is to let it alone?

ANSWER: Go back a bit. Here Darius the King, made a decree and a search was made in the House of the Rolls where the treasures were laid up in Babylon. And there was found in the palace, which is in the province of the Medes, a roll. And within a record was written. Therefore, in the first year of Cyrus the King, he made a decree about the House of God at Jerusalem. ‘Let the house be built, the place where they offered sacrifices, and let the foundations thereof be strongly laid; the height thereof of three score cubits and so forth.’

Now remember, that Darius was very friendly to Israel. And though he was a conqueror of the Medes and Persians, and had nothing in common with Israel, yet he was an Aryan.

Therefore, he said, ‘Let the golden and silver vessels of the House of God which Nebuchadnezzar brought to Babylon be restored and place them again in the House of God.’ And then he warned the enemies of Israel to let the House of God alone. ‘Let these Israelites rebuild this House of God in this place.’ And yes, we know that it is translated as ‘let the Jews and the elders of the Jews alone.’ But he was speaking of those of Judah who would go back to rebuild this House of God.

Wednesday Night Bible Study 2 March 1966

Wednesday Night Bible Study 2 March 1966

QUESTION: People say that Paul was a Jew. Now I know that he was not a Jew, but how do I prove it?

ANSWER: We could spend all night on that. The King James Version of the Bible does not separate in translation, the difference between a Benjaminite and other people not of Israel, who lived in that area. Now, Paul said that he was an Israelite of the tribe of Benjamin but of the sect of the Jews. In other words, he grew up under the theological teachings of the Jews who were in control of the places of worship, and what they called Judaism or the religion of that time, and had perverted and twisted this priesthood. It had been twisted by Canaanites, Amalakites, Hittites, and other ‘ites’. And thus Jesus said that this priesthood was of the children of the devil and the work of their father, the devil, they would do. And that they had been brought in to destroy. And Jesus accused them of being guilty of all the righteous blood slain from Abel to Zachariah.

Now, remember that there was total hostility between Christ and Jewry. But not between Christ and the people who were from Judah and Benjamin who lived in Palestine. These of Judah and Benjamin were under control of an evil administration that had taken over the priesthood there in Judea.

In other words, the people of the tribe of Judah and Benjamin who lived in Palestine were entrapped in a theological area of error. Because these false priests had taken over their religion. Even though these people may never have left the main facet of their faith and still believed in the true God, who was YAHWEH, and still looked for the manifestation of the Messiah, who was to be YAHWEH in the flesh as YAHSHUA, Jesus.

Wednesday Night Bible Study 2 February 1966

Wednesday Night Bible Study 2 February 1966

QUESTION: (From the tape circuit) What is meant by a Kingdom of Priests and do we have any Biblical record of this Priesthood?

ANSWER: It is very curious, I don’t know what I might have said on one of these tapes that brought these questions. But the passage where they have taken their question is in the writings of I Peter 2:9; ‘For ye are a chosen generation, and a royal Priesthood, a holy nation, and a peculiar people that you should show forth the praises of HIM who called you out of darkness into His marvellous Light.’

Now; in this instance it is ‘Ye are a chosen generation’, .the word is progeny, not generation. You are a select, chosen progeny (children) an elect Priesthood and a holy nation. And this particularly belongs to the one people of the entire Scripture. This again is to the people called Israel, or the Adamic race. They were not only foreknown according to the purposes of God but were elect according to His foreknowledge from before the foundation of the world. So by this declaration the head of each family was a Priest. Each had a family Priest. And in the eighth chapter of Genesis we note that the head of that household, Noah built an altar unto YAHWEH and he was fulfilling the Patriarchal Priesthood duties. ‘Noah took of every clean beast and fowl and offered burnt offerings on the altar.’ This was Noah’s responsibility as Patriarchal Priest for his household. Adam was a Patriarchal Priest for his household, then after him Seth, and each was responsible for carrying on this duty for their household, as to the carrying out of the ritual of sacrifice.

Wednesday Night Bible Study 1st June 1966

Wednesday Night Bible Study 1st June 1966

QUESTION: In the time of Enoch’s prophecy he had prophesied that there would be a star, a sign which would pass to the head of Virgo and then during the pregnancy of Mary, then Saturn and Jupiter would come into conjunction three times. Did this star have a name that came to the head of Virgo?

ANSWER: We have no name for it, and it may have been a comet but we do know that from the time it left the head of Achillea until it reached the head of Virgo that it was three years. The Savants had this time to watch this star, and to gather to the spot in Egypt. We have no name for the star, but we do know that it took three years for the crossing from Achillea to Virgo.

QUESTION: Well then how long before the birth of Christ did the Star appear?

ANSWER: Well three years and 9 months after it came through the head of Achillea, of course it may have been many, many miles from Achillea but this is the appearance that it gave as it formed its ecliptic.

QUESTION: When Enoch was taken into the heavens, how long was he away from the earth?

The Germ Theory Fraud

The Germ Theory Fraud

The underlying scam behind this criminal medical cartel taking over the planet is Germ Theory. It is false and MUST BE EXPOSED. Make the world understand this and the Covid / vaccine fraud falls apart.Some quotations that refute the Germ Theory:-“Medical doctors are working on the germ theory of disease… But the germ theory is already weakening and is due for being thrown aside. Dr. Fraser of Canada and Dr. Powell of California have experimented with billions of germs of all varieties, but they have been unable to produce a single disease by the introduction of germs into human subjects. Dr. Waite tried for years to prove the germ theory, but he could not do so. During the World War an experiment was conducted at Gallop’s Island Massachusetts, in which millions of influenza germs were injected into over one hundred men at the Government hospital, and no one got the flu.

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 70

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 70


THIS IS MY SEVENTIETH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY SIXTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. With this issue, we are going to address a subject that is in much need of being brought to the forefront. Many of you have already noticed my continual attack on various false doctrines. This is the scatological (study in excrement) job Yahweh has placed on my shoulders. Recently, He has given me witness that I must continue, for we are now living in a day where more of this twisted theology abounds. I find all this a great responsibility, and everything I write, I write with fear and trembling! I do this because we are either gathering the sheep or scattering them, Matthew 12:30. There is no category in between. All one need do to scatter the Israel sheep, is conjure up some ambiguous, flawed premise arriving at a mistaken conclusion. Therefore, all truth starts with a correct premise, and only truth can set us free.

But it is even more serious than this, for Scripture tells us that if we continue in our arrogant ways, we will be turned over to Satan either for our correction or for our destruction. And yet this is not all, for though we put forth much effort to help build the Kingdom, our rewards at the Judgment will be taken from us and given to another. Therefore, we dare not deviate from the truth! With this in mind, I publish the ensuing:

The following is a reprint of a letter sent to Dave Barley from William Finck, September 17, 2003. Finck’s personal letter has been modified from a personal to an open letter with Finck’s permission:

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 69

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 69


THIS IS MY SIXTY-NINTH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY SIXTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. In the last lesson #68, we surveyed the teachings of Dan Gentry, Stephen E. Jones and Dave Barley. It was observed how, while teaching the Identity Truth, they nullify any beneficial building of the Kingdom they might have accomplished by disowning that Israel has an enemy. By refusing to identify Israel’s enemy, they scatter the Israel sheep rather than gather them (Matt. 12:30; Luke 11:23). They further sabotage the Kingdom by teaching universalism. They all seem to be following the subterfuge advanced by Stephen E. Jones. Since Jones wrote his The Babylonian Connection in 1978 (an effort to wreck the truth of Genesis 3:15), several others have picked up Jones’ toxic leaven. With this lesson we shall continue to expose Jones’ prevarications. I will now present an open letter to Stephen E. Jones written by William Finck.

Before making any comment, it will be necessary to review the offending passage at the heart of his postulation (for the entire quotation, refer to lesson # 68):

“The early Church began as the legitimate tribe of Judah, for they were loyal followers of the King of Judah, Jesus Christ, the legal heir of King David’s throne.