Wednesday Night Bible Study 2 February 1966

Wednesday Night Bible Study 2 February 1966

QUESTION: (From the tape circuit) What is meant by a Kingdom of Priests and do we have any Biblical record of this Priesthood?

ANSWER: It is very curious, I don’t know what I might have said on one of these tapes that brought these questions. But the passage where they have taken their question is in the writings of I Peter 2:9; ‘For ye are a chosen generation, and a royal Priesthood, a holy nation, and a peculiar people that you should show forth the praises of HIM who called you out of darkness into His marvellous Light.’

Now; in this instance it is ‘Ye are a chosen generation’, .the word is progeny, not generation. You are a select, chosen progeny (children) an elect Priesthood and a holy nation. And this particularly belongs to the one people of the entire Scripture. This again is to the people called Israel, or the Adamic race. They were not only foreknown according to the purposes of God but were elect according to His foreknowledge from before the foundation of the world. So by this declaration the head of each family was a Priest. Each had a family Priest. And in the eighth chapter of Genesis we note that the head of that household, Noah built an altar unto YAHWEH and he was fulfilling the Patriarchal Priesthood duties. ‘Noah took of every clean beast and fowl and offered burnt offerings on the altar.’ This was Noah’s responsibility as Patriarchal Priest for his household. Adam was a Patriarchal Priest for his household, then after him Seth, and each was responsible for carrying on this duty for their household, as to the carrying out of the ritual of sacrifice.