Healing a Sick America

Healing a Sick America

AS WE TAKE UP THE SUBJECT OF HEALING A SICK AMERICA we are not talking about people being ill from time to time, or the necessity of them applying themselves to their health problems. Because if we could make America as aware of the sickness of our nation as they are to their physical health then we would be well on our way to recovery. We recognize that there are two factors which may contribute more than any one realizes, to the structure of our society. For we have well been told that sin is a sickness because it operates out of the error of human concept, and then out of the disobedience of the violations of Divine Law, through that error in human thinking. The results then is the catastrophe which descends upon a society and a nation or a race; and comes out of the violations of these great laws of things, as they are, as the Almighty created them.

When we turn to this great nation of ours we are proud of our beginnings. We look back on the heritage which was ours, of a great society. The great Spiritual moving force of God’s selecting out of the nations of His people, and out of their great desire for religious freedom and spiritual liberty; the selecting of those who in their inspiration and in their hope for new freedoms, had applied for the right to settle in a new land, and establish colonies around their faith. Even though the hand of Destiny was moving according to Divine timing on this Household and race from which you had come, still this nation was originally founded by the children of God’s Kingdom moving into this nation for religious freedom.

Hail to The King

Hail to The King

WHEREVER CHRISTIAN COMMUNITIES LIVE, wherever they carried out the activities of their faith, their thoughts somehow converge around a pattern of events which is very vital to historical Christianity. It is very vital to you and I, the children of the Kingdom, the sons and daughters of God, to realize that in this period which has been classified as the Lenten period, that we are participating in what is known as Palm Sunday throughout Christendom. This of course dates back to those historic events and conditions in the life of Christ, and were a prelude to the events which were quickly to follow.

Those events led up to His trial, crucifixion, and His resurrection. So we also would think upon some of these events, especially as they relate to us, because throughout one end of Christendom to the other, as they think and discuss the acceptance of the Christ by the people who desired to Crown Him King, they remember that these people shouted Hosanna to the Son of David, Blessed is YAHSHUA who comes in the name of YAHWEH. This was there declaration, and of course it was an acceptance of the mysteries of the embodiment of God. It was an acceptance of the declaration made in the Book of Isaiah chapter 43. ‘I YAHWEH am thy YAHSHUA. I the Lord God art thy Saviour.’ Here He was saying: you are my people, you are to know that I am thy Saviour, that I am thy redeemer. These are the declarations recorded by Isaiah, and recorded just for you.

Great Events in The Life of Christ

Great Events in The Life of Christ

AROUND THIS RESURRECTION DAY WE SEEK TO REMEMBER THE GREAT EVENTS in the life of Christ. And this event we think upon. It is important that we keep alive in our life time, the great pageantry of that hour, the mighty and majestic events which transpired. It is more than a discussion of theology. It is a matter of history. This it is an understanding of the events which had taken place. Last Friday evening, we discussed the places for the coronation of Christ which had preceded by one week the day we now celebrate. The organization of the many who wanted to crown Christ, King, from the forces of Barabbas who had formed this army of Christ, to the Essene Priesthood who had prepared this crown of Christ as well. They had received from John the Baptist, as he came from Spiritual plains; he had told them that Christ would take the Chalice and the Cup.

It is here in our thinking on ‘Good Friday,’ of the events which surrounded this hour in the Garden of Gethsemane. For one moment I would have you go back to these events in the Garden. Except you understand the events in the Garden, you have not caught the vastness or the joy of this day.

Great Spiritual Treasures

Great Spiritual Treasures

AS WE DISCUSS THE SUBJECT ‘THE GREAT SPIRITUAL TREASURES’ OF YOUR RACE we would like to pick up again the Biblical scene which relates to you as to your origin, and your Destiny. We spoke on this subject last Sunday afternoon and we dealt with a great number of facts which go back into the Antiquities. Into situations relating to earth before your race ever rested upon it, conditions which transpired before even the world was framed. We would like to recount a few of these facts and predicate the continuation of these remarks upon them: that you are the children of the Most High God, and we literally mean that you are the children of the Most High God.

We turn to the writings of the Apostle Paul in the Book of Romans 8:16, and he refers to the revelation of God’s Spirit which bears witness to our spirit that we are the children of God. His Spirit bears witness with out spirit from THE WORD that he has spoken. From the facts that were revealed in the course of the Scriptures concerning the patterns of history of which we are the Household of the Most High. All through the writings of the Apostle Paul and the records of the Old Testament and its Patriarchs is the confirmation of this fact: that the essence of the Spirit which resides in your physical body was begotten by the Father, before the world was framed. It was a Spiritual life, Celestial life, and a Spirit of begetting, and thus you are the Children of the Spirit of the Eternal.

Great Marks of Israel

Great Marks of Israel

TODAY WE ARE DISCUSSING THE ‘MARKS OF ISRAEL’ for there are more important things than that which we have found filled for today. For there are identities that can never be cast aside in a process of interpretation. It is a most important thing in this turbulent hour that men know who they are and this relationship to this book which we call the Bible. Because there has never been a great period or greater problems for your race. This is designated as the ‘time of Jacob’s trouble.’ And if you were not related to Jacob, then this would not necessarily relate to you. — but it does.

Never have we had a period when the forces of darkness were waging a war more relentlessly, than they have against your civilization and the nations of God’s Kingdom. Nor have we had such a period where men’s minds seem to be bound by the forces of darkness, and in the processes of this conflict, they do not seem to think clearly. And also, they diametrically oppose the great program of God’s Kingdom. We were in San Francisco this week and saw the Troop Transport ships heading for Asia. And we openly listened to the discussion going on in almost every hotel. The hotels were filled with families of those who are to be shipped out, and they know that they are on their way to a war. These things are not taking place.

Who Killed Christ?

Who Killed Christ?

What saith the Holy Scriptures?

Being a treatise on the Bible account of Jesus’ death on Calvary’s Cross, and the true identity of those who hated and crucified our LORD.


IN ANY MURDER investigation, the authorities usually seek answers to the following questions:–
1. Were there any previous attempts to kill the deceased, and if so, by whom?

2. Had anyone shown hatred enough of the deceased that it might bring about a desire to kill him?

3. Had the deceased, prior to his death, named any who might kill him?

4. Who was last seen with the victim? Or who might have had him under their physical control?

5. What is the testimony of witnesses to the murder?

Who are Israelites?

Who are Israelites?

ALMOST everyone who reads the Holy Bible will agree that it was written by, to, and about Israelites.  Isn’t it surprising then, to realize that the race that reads, prints, and distributes the Holy Bible, and claims it as its divinely-inspired religious book, is not the Jews, who most ministers insist are the Israelites, but is instead the people of Europe (and as they have spread to America, Australia, New Zealand, etc)?  Is it possible the Jews are not Israelites after all, but that instead you folks, whose ancestors came from Europe are the true descendants of the Israelites?  What a different picture that would make of the Bible, of current history, and prophecy!

Far Beyond The Stars

Far Beyond The Stars

I AM DELIGHTED TO WRITE A FOREWORD to this book FAR BEYOND THE STARS written by Walter Seaman, a friend of many years.

In the contemporary world, the minds of all thinking people are being stretched as never before in a multitude of directions because almost daily some extension of dis­covery in so many different ‘fields’ are knocking at the doors, ruthlessly demanding our attention. The result is that today we are more confused in our thinking than were those who preceded us. There is a story told of two saintly clerics both famed for their intelligence and for their ‘other worldliness’, but the difference between them was that one of them had his feet firmly on the ground but the other had not. Walter Seaman’s FAR BEYOND THE STARS is a highly intelligent attempt to relate the realistic facts of today’s world, especially in the realm of what is actually happening, to that which is beyond the scope of purely material understanding but which, deep in our innermost being as thinkers, we are convinced exists in ways we cannot grasp.

Cinderella – A Bible Story

Cinderella – A Bible Story

CINDERELLA is that old, old Saxon folk tale about the poor little girl in rags and ashes who married the Prince of the realm and lived happily ever after. It has come down to us generation after generation, and it is still cherished and enjoyed.

The story of the little girl with the glass slipper has been printed in numerous books in uncounted versions of the original story. It has been made into plays, movies, cartoons, and television productions; and still the magic of Cinderella lives on. Perhaps it is the hand of God because, you know, there really is a Cinderella, there really is a Prince, there really will be a wedding, and they really will live happily ever after!

Cinderella Story — A Parable

The story of Cinderella is a magnificent, prophetic parable of the Prince of Peace and Israel. As we go along through the story, we shall attempt to explain the real-life characters that fit in this ancient, yet still unfinished, story, which has survived so long in Anglo-Saxon folklore.

According to the original story, the pretty little girl’s mother died and her
father remarried. Soon after the stepmother and her two grown daughters
moved in, the father left on a long trip. All three of the women were very hard and cruel to the little girl.

A Revealed Knowledge of The Prophecies and Times

A Revealed Knowledge of The Prophecies and Times

Richard Brothers’ A Revealed Revelation, is said to be one of the first identity Books, although he refers to the Jews as Hebrews, but he goes on to say that there were many Hebrews in The British Isles who did not know they were Israelites.

We further have to remember that prior to the 1600’s Jews were shunned as being the murderers of Christ. In the early 1600’s it was a man by the name of Robert Maton (1607–1653?), who wrote a book titled Israel’s Redemption and Christ’s Personal Reign on Earth. This was all part of the carefully crafted plan, to associate the Edomites as being God’s chosen. Also that Christ would not return until they were back in the Holy Land of Israel.

Marton, would be followed by Richard Brothers in the 1700’s who published his book in 1797, it was only four decades later that John Henry Newman left the Church of England to join the Roman Catholic Church, because of his disgust that the British Israel teaching was about to become official Doctrine of the C of E! It was reported at that time that there were over two million Identity adherents in the UK and USA!

Obviously The Jews who Richard Brother associated with, saw him as a God send for their cause, and once he had served their purpose, he was sectioned, finishing his days in an asylum!