Great Spiritual Treasures

Great Spiritual Treasures

AS WE DISCUSS THE SUBJECT ‘THE GREAT SPIRITUAL TREASURES’ OF YOUR RACE we would like to pick up again the Biblical scene which relates to you as to your origin, and your Destiny. We spoke on this subject last Sunday afternoon and we dealt with a great number of facts which go back into the Antiquities. Into situations relating to earth before your race ever rested upon it, conditions which transpired before even the world was framed. We would like to recount a few of these facts and predicate the continuation of these remarks upon them: that you are the children of the Most High God, and we literally mean that you are the children of the Most High God.

We turn to the writings of the Apostle Paul in the Book of Romans 8:16, and he refers to the revelation of God’s Spirit which bears witness to our spirit that we are the children of God. His Spirit bears witness with out spirit from THE WORD that he has spoken. From the facts that were revealed in the course of the Scriptures concerning the patterns of history of which we are the Household of the Most High. All through the writings of the Apostle Paul and the records of the Old Testament and its Patriarchs is the confirmation of this fact: that the essence of the Spirit which resides in your physical body was begotten by the Father, before the world was framed. It was a Spiritual life, Celestial life, and a Spirit of begetting, and thus you are the Children of the Spirit of the Eternal.