Hail to The King

Hail to The King

WHEREVER CHRISTIAN COMMUNITIES LIVE, wherever they carried out the activities of their faith, their thoughts somehow converge around a pattern of events which is very vital to historical Christianity. It is very vital to you and I, the children of the Kingdom, the sons and daughters of God, to realize that in this period which has been classified as the Lenten period, that we are participating in what is known as Palm Sunday throughout Christendom. This of course dates back to those historic events and conditions in the life of Christ, and were a prelude to the events which were quickly to follow.

Those events led up to His trial, crucifixion, and His resurrection. So we also would think upon some of these events, especially as they relate to us, because throughout one end of Christendom to the other, as they think and discuss the acceptance of the Christ by the people who desired to Crown Him King, they remember that these people shouted Hosanna to the Son of David, Blessed is YAHSHUA who comes in the name of YAHWEH. This was there declaration, and of course it was an acceptance of the mysteries of the embodiment of God. It was an acceptance of the declaration made in the Book of Isaiah chapter 43. ‘I YAHWEH am thy YAHSHUA. I the Lord God art thy Saviour.’ Here He was saying: you are my people, you are to know that I am thy Saviour, that I am thy redeemer. These are the declarations recorded by Isaiah, and recorded just for you.