Great Marks of Israel

Great Marks of Israel

TODAY WE ARE DISCUSSING THE ‘MARKS OF ISRAEL’ for there are more important things than that which we have found filled for today. For there are identities that can never be cast aside in a process of interpretation. It is a most important thing in this turbulent hour that men know who they are and this relationship to this book which we call the Bible. Because there has never been a great period or greater problems for your race. This is designated as the ‘time of Jacob’s trouble.’ And if you were not related to Jacob, then this would not necessarily relate to you. — but it does.

Never have we had a period when the forces of darkness were waging a war more relentlessly, than they have against your civilization and the nations of God’s Kingdom. Nor have we had such a period where men’s minds seem to be bound by the forces of darkness, and in the processes of this conflict, they do not seem to think clearly. And also, they diametrically oppose the great program of God’s Kingdom. We were in San Francisco this week and saw the Troop Transport ships heading for Asia. And we openly listened to the discussion going on in almost every hotel. The hotels were filled with families of those who are to be shipped out, and they know that they are on their way to a war. These things are not taking place.