Brainwashing Christians on Anti-Semitism – Updated

Brainwashing Christians on Anti-Semitism – Updated

ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL REPORTS of the High Moguls of World Jewry, the American Jewish Committee has been rewriting Christian textbooks for years and has been able to do so by individual rich Jews making huge contributions to leading Christian churches, schools and other institutions. The Jewish conspiracy was in full swing most as this article is being written in 1961.

It is being run by the Jews through the National Conference of Christians and Jews. This outfit was founded and is run by the anti-white-anti-Christian B’NAI’ B’RITH which fights against Christmas Nativity scenes and Bible reading in the schools, etc.

Columnist Boris Smolar who was the editor-in-chief for the Jewish Telegraph Agency in 1961, in his column Between You and Me stated. “Thousands of American clergymen are now studying a document urging the reappraisal of the position of Jews in Christian education. The document is the result of a study made by a French scholar and educator who came to the conclusion that although anti-Semitism is un-Christian, nevertheless contempt for the Jew has been taught and is still being taught.

“The scholar was Prof. Jules Isaac, who was the inspector General of French National Education who in his study said that an immediate revaluation of Christian education, was at that time being disseminated by the National Conference of Christians and Jews to leaders of the Protestant and Catholic churches.

Is Divine Healing in The Atonement?

Is Divine Healing in The Atonement?

IN OUR SUBJECT WE ARE TAKING UP THE DISCUSSING OF DIVINE HEALING, is it in the Atonement? When we move into the areas of Bible History, then this is the history of God’s people, for we are His Offspring. And this is the volume which deals with the relationship of the House of God, and His people. All of the things which have been said in Mystery, and all which have been said openly, wisdom which has been hidden in allegory which can only be understood by the guidance of the Spirit, wisdom which can be known only by the House of God is in the Atonement.

In the area of the records of this Book (the Bible), and in many of the records not incorporated in it, we have the patterns of Divine History. We have the areas which God intends to develop, and to carry forward for purposes in His Household. As we have cited to you in the past, in the days when Adam and Eve were placed upon the face of the earth we discover they were covered with; Shekinah Glory. We discover them as their Father who had begotten Adam in His image, had covered them with Light and Glory. And then put Adam into a deep sleep and formed Eve out of Adam, so that they might both be of one flesh. We know that they were radiant and they were glorious, and in such an hour they were perfect in their health because they were covered with the Light of God’s Spirit. We realise that the world has seen the rise and fall of civilizations which had been involved in the defeat of Lucifer, who was defeated in the heavens and driven into earth.

Bombing Vindicated

Bombing Vindicated

THE BOMBER SAVES CIVILISATION‘: my first chapter heading may strike some readers as a paradox, possibly as a perversion of the truth, at best as an overstatement made for the purpose of calling attention to what I have to say. It is nothing of the kind. I am not trying to shock or to bamboozle the reader. I am stating the truth as the truth appears to me. The bomber is the saver of civilisation. We have not grasped that fact as yet, mainly because we are slaves to pre-conceived conceptions about air warfare. Air warfare is the dog with a bad name. The bad name is, on the whole, a calumny. This book is an attempt to rehabilitate it, not against the facts of the case but because of the facts of the case. Civilisation, I believe firmly, would have been destroyed if there had been no bombing in this war. It was the bomber aircraft which, more than any other instrument of war, prevented the forces of evil from prevailing. It was supposed to be the chosen instrument of aggression. Actually, it was precisely the opposite. Aggression would have had a clearer run if there had been no bombers—on either side. And the greatest contribution of the bomber both to the winning of the war and the cause of peace is still to come.

Bolshevism and Poland

Bolshevism and Poland

THE WAVE OF SOCIAL UNREST which goes through the world and prevents us from enjoying peace, has its hidden sources in Germany, and in Bolshevist Russia. The agitation which makes the working men believe that they can indefinitely increase their salaries and reduce their hours of work, uses everywhere to a great extent the funds which the Bolshevists have robbed in Russia and Ukraine.

German money has created in Eastern Galicia the Rutheno-Ukrainian party which pretends to represent thirty millions of Ruthenians; who mostly know nothing of the Galician politicians speaking in their name. German money has created the Bolshevist revolution in Russia and has supplied the Bolshevists with the necessary sophisms, paradoxes and fal­sehoods in order to poison the life of the Russian working man and to destroy the work of generations. Germany has still money enough to organise armies against Poland, and has men enough to supply Ruthenians and Bolshevists with officers. And Germany succeeds in persuading the Allies that a strong Poland is not necessary, and that a strong Germany will pay the war debt sooner than a Germany conscious of defeat.

Every concession made to Germany prevents the cons­ciousness of defeat, without which there is no peace for the world. The Allies seem to have forgotten everything that they have learnt about the Germans during the war. They are anxious to please the defeated enemy. They did not allow the Polish army formed in France to reach Poland through Dantzig. They did not respect the expert’s opinion twice reasserted, that Dantzig should belong to Poland. They offer further concessions to Germany at the expense of Poland, and they are not aware that in 1919, as in 1683, a strong Poland is the only hope of Europe against oriental despotism, whether this despotism be called Tsarism or Bolshevism.

The Beast of The Field – Eli James

The Beast of The Field – Eli James

Children of Israel, there is a dispute within Two-Seedline concerning the “beast of the field” and the “beast of the earth.” Virtually all Two-Seedliners consider the “beast of the field” to be a reference to non-White hominids (humanoids that walk on two legs). As an example of this opinion, I have provided links, at the end of this essay, including Jason Blaha’s “Beast With a Hand?” which elaborates on this position. However, there seems to be some confusion on this point, so I have decided that a thorough word study is in order. Up until now, all Two-Seedliners I have studied agree that the other races were already in existence when Adam and Eve were formed in the Garden of Eden. For example, Dr. Wesley Swift taught that all of the non-White races existed for eons before Adam was created in the Genesis account. With this statement, I totally agree. Also, according to Swift, the White Race is only 6,000 years old. Bertrand Comparet and Sheldon Emry also believed this. In my opinion, however, the White Race, although the last in the order of creation, is very much older. Since the Genesis 1 account is dealing with eons (Hebrew yowm), not literal days, we must strive to harmonize the language of Genesis 1-4 with natural history. My Enmity Series goes into great detail about these eons and the order of creation. The Enmity Series can be found at

The Gospel of The Stars – Ella Mast Swift Library Review

The Gospel of The Stars – Ella Mast Swift Library Review

The Gospel of the Stars–-or Primeval Astronomy. Copyright 1884, from the book of the library of the late Dr. Swift
DEAR FRIENDS; WE HAVE TOLD YOU MANY THINGS ABOUT THIS GOSPEL OF THE STARS from the Swift tape library. And since the tapes about those mysterious circles and figures in Britain, we thought we would give you an outline of this old book as to what this author found as he became interested in the meaning of the Starry Worlds.
Since some current explanations of the origin and meaning of the constellations of the heavenly certainly are not such as would satisfy those in search of positive truth then we as did our author looked backwards to find the knowledge our ancient forefathers brought to our race as an explanation of the outlines formed by the stars.
Genesis 1:14–-’And YAHWEH said; let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and for years.’
All the purposes of creation we cannot begin to fathom or comprehend. But we stand on solid ground however when we say and believe that the intent of the physical Universe is to declare and display the Majesty and Glory of its Creator. Thus remember HE said HE created these heavenly worlds for signs. And a Sign is something selected and appointed to represent some other thing. The letters of the alphabet for instance are signs of sounds and numbers. The notes on a clef of musical writing are signs of pitch and value of certain tones of voice or instrument.
Thus when YAHWEH said the Celestial luminaries were for signs HE meant they express in their nature and natural office something beyond and additional to what they express in their natural setting. Nor can any sense be attached to the words, consistent with the dignity of the record, without admitting that YAHWEH intended from the beginning that these orbs of light should be made to bear, express, record, and convey the message we deduct from them. Always thru the ages it has been believed that the stars were to be the regulators of the seasons, and the years, as well as signs of events which were coming on the earth, especially this birth of the Savior in Judea.

Egyptian Religion – Ella Mast Book Review

Egyptian Religion – Ella Mast Book Review

WHERE DID THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION COME FROM? Yes, I know that we are told that it came from Judaism, but that is not quite true. In this book –Egyptian Religion it places before the reader an account of the principal ideas and beliefs held by the ancient Egyptians concerning resurrection and the future life. And we are also talking about the ancient Egyptians back in the days of say 4,445 B.C. We have always said that unless you go back to the very beginning and get your dates lined out we say that you cannot understand your own scriptures.

Dr. Budge quotes from the Celebrated book —“The Egyptian book of the dead,” which he helped translate from the Egyptian hieroglyphics Dr. Budge was the keeper of the Egyptian and Assyrian antiquities in the British Museum for years.

Now; the literature from Egypt is large, and the product of different people which taken together covers several thousands of years. It is difficult therefore to find any works where this is all correlated but we find that this great central idea of immortality has existed for thousands of years, and it has been unchanged and forms the basis of the early Adamic Egyptian religion and social life. From the beginning to the end of the Adamic Egyptian life as first established with the coming into that land of the Adamic man the thought was always of a life beyond the grave.

Individual and National Predestination

Individual and National Predestination

WE TURN TO ADDRESS YOU UPON SUBJECTS WHICH WE FEEL ARE IMPORTANT for you to know and to understand. And these relate to the sovereignty of God to the Predestination of men and nations.

But before we start our subject we would like to relate to you that another address was delivered in the south land in the last few hours. This address was delivered by the President of the United States, although I question whether he drew it up all by himself. That address was an admission upon his part that he knows where all the dangers internally in the United States lay, and he can no longer play innocent. For in that address he blamed all the people who were of the right wing, who were investigating communism, or having study groups who point out the enemy. And in his attack upon the right wing he said that these people are superstitious of everything, and of all their neighbours. And he said that this group wants to shirk their responsibility of facing the enemy on the outside. Therefore to get out of this responsibility they build up the image of the enemy within the United States.

The Big Book of Race

The Big Book of Race

THIS IS A COLLECTION OF FACTS AND EXPERIENCE arranged specifically to open the eyes of anyone fortunate enough to read it. “Racial Equality” is a fantasy. It is false. We are led to believe it for the sake of feelings. We all have been led to embrace a lie just because the truth is offensive. Yet to see through it all, you’d simply have to ask yourself, if we’re all equal, how come we are always having to come up with excuses for the failings of others?

Well, the answer is simple. We, the people of the White world, have been lavished with a guilty conscience. For whatever reason, we’d rather believe that everyone is equal. We are not all equal. Ask yourself, what countries of the world are the ones receiving the bulk of immigrants? White countries. What countries enjoy the highest standards of living? White countries. What countries wield nearly all the power in the world? White countries. What make up the greatest society the world has ever seen? The White countries.

If you are sceptical, read on, and either solidify your beliefs in what you call the truth, rejecting what you’ve been told is bigotry, or be shown the true light of the world.

First things first. What have you been taught all your lives? That people from all over the globe are all equal. We are equal to one another; the only thing to separate us is the colour of our skin. This leads you to believe that racism is based on nothing but pigmentation, and therefore, is complete trash.

Well I’m afraid that’s simply not true. There are numerous physical differences between the races, but there is no need to get into them simply because they are inconsequential. The size of your stature, and anything else, do not dictate to your muscles the actions you take. What we want to look at are the mental differences, the ones that really matter.

When the White race was unfortunate enough to stumble upon Blacks, what sort of condition were they in? Well, the simple answer is, the condition they’re still in. Africans were, and are, in a condition of complete and total squalor. They lived, and live, in poverty. They were, and are, totally unable to construct a functioning society.

What will your typical politically correct Joe say to this? Well the Blacks were denied the means to build a society like Whites and Orientals had.

Bede’s Ecclesiastical History 5

Bede’s Ecclesiastical History 5

THE venerable Ethewald succeeded the man of God, Cuthbert, in the exercise of a solitary life, which he spent in the isle of Fame before he became a bishop. After he had received the priesthood, he consecrated his office by deeds worthy of that degree for many years in the monastery which is called Inhrypum. To the end that his merit and manner of life may be the more certainly made known, I will relate one miracle of his, which was told me by one of the brothers for and on whom the same was wrought; to wit, Guthfrid, the venerable servant and priest of Christ, who also, afterwards, as abbot, presided over the brethren of the same church of Lindisfarne, in which he was educated.
“I came,” says he, “to the island of Fame, with two others of the brethren, desiring to speak with the most reverend father, Ethelwald. Having been refreshed with his discourse, and asked for his blessing, as we were returning home, behold on a sudden, when we were in the midst of the sea, the fair weather in which we were sailing, was broken, and there arose so great and terrible a tempest, that neither sails nor oars were of any use to us, nor had we anything to expect but death. After long struggling with the wind and waves to no effect, at last we looked back to see whether it was possible by any means at least to return to the island whence we came, but we found that we were on all sides alike cut off by the storm, and that there was no hope of escape by our own efforts. But looking further, we perceived, on the island of Fame, our father Ethelwald, beloved of God, come out of his retreat to watch our course; for, hearing the noise of the tempest and raging sea, he had come forth to see what would become of us. When he beheld us in distress and despair, he bowed his knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, in prayer for our life and safety; and as he finished his prayer, he calmed the swelling water, in such sort that the fierceness of the storm ceased on all sides, and fair winds attended us over a smooth sea to the very shore. When we had landed, and had pulled up our small vessel from the waves, the storm, which had ceased a short time for our sake, presently returned, and raged furiously during the whole day; so that it plainly appeared that the brief interval of calm had been granted by Heaven in answer to the prayers of the man of God, to the end that we might escape.”