Individual and National Predestination

Individual and National Predestination

WE TURN TO ADDRESS YOU UPON SUBJECTS WHICH WE FEEL ARE IMPORTANT for you to know and to understand. And these relate to the sovereignty of God to the Predestination of men and nations.

But before we start our subject we would like to relate to you that another address was delivered in the south land in the last few hours. This address was delivered by the President of the United States, although I question whether he drew it up all by himself. That address was an admission upon his part that he knows where all the dangers internally in the United States lay, and he can no longer play innocent. For in that address he blamed all the people who were of the right wing, who were investigating communism, or having study groups who point out the enemy. And in his attack upon the right wing he said that these people are superstitious of everything, and of all their neighbours. And he said that this group wants to shirk their responsibility of facing the enemy on the outside. Therefore to get out of this responsibility they build up the image of the enemy within the United States.