Children of Israel, there is a dispute within Two-Seedline concerning the “beast of the field” and the “beast of the earth.” Virtually all Two-Seedliners consider the “beast of the field” to be a reference to non-White hominids (humanoids that walk on two legs). As an example of this opinion, I have provided links, at the end of this essay, including Jason Blaha’s “Beast With a Hand?” which elaborates on this position. However, there seems to be some confusion on this point, so I have decided that a thorough word study is in order. Up until now, all Two-Seedliners I have studied agree that the other races were already in existence when Adam and Eve were formed in the Garden of Eden. For example, Dr. Wesley Swift taught that all of the non-White races existed for eons before Adam was created in the Genesis account. With this statement, I totally agree. Also, according to Swift, the White Race is only 6,000 years old. Bertrand Comparet and Sheldon Emry also believed this. In my opinion, however, the White Race, although the last in the order of creation, is very much older. Since the Genesis 1 account is dealing with eons (Hebrew yowm), not literal days, we must strive to harmonize the language of Genesis 1-4 with natural history. My Enmity Series goes into great detail about these eons and the order of creation. The Enmity Series can be found at
The Beast of The Field – Eli James
The Beast of The Field – Eli James