Bolshevism and Poland

Bolshevism and Poland

THE WAVE OF SOCIAL UNREST which goes through the world and prevents us from enjoying peace, has its hidden sources in Germany, and in Bolshevist Russia. The agitation which makes the working men believe that they can indefinitely increase their salaries and reduce their hours of work, uses everywhere to a great extent the funds which the Bolshevists have robbed in Russia and Ukraine.

German money has created in Eastern Galicia the Rutheno-Ukrainian party which pretends to represent thirty millions of Ruthenians; who mostly know nothing of the Galician politicians speaking in their name. German money has created the Bolshevist revolution in Russia and has supplied the Bolshevists with the necessary sophisms, paradoxes and fal­sehoods in order to poison the life of the Russian working man and to destroy the work of generations. Germany has still money enough to organise armies against Poland, and has men enough to supply Ruthenians and Bolshevists with officers. And Germany succeeds in persuading the Allies that a strong Poland is not necessary, and that a strong Germany will pay the war debt sooner than a Germany conscious of defeat.

Every concession made to Germany prevents the cons­ciousness of defeat, without which there is no peace for the world. The Allies seem to have forgotten everything that they have learnt about the Germans during the war. They are anxious to please the defeated enemy. They did not allow the Polish army formed in France to reach Poland through Dantzig. They did not respect the expert’s opinion twice reasserted, that Dantzig should belong to Poland. They offer further concessions to Germany at the expense of Poland, and they are not aware that in 1919, as in 1683, a strong Poland is the only hope of Europe against oriental despotism, whether this despotism be called Tsarism or Bolshevism.