Is Divine Healing in The Atonement?

Is Divine Healing in The Atonement?

IN OUR SUBJECT WE ARE TAKING UP THE DISCUSSING OF DIVINE HEALING, is it in the Atonement? When we move into the areas of Bible History, then this is the history of God’s people, for we are His Offspring. And this is the volume which deals with the relationship of the House of God, and His people. All of the things which have been said in Mystery, and all which have been said openly, wisdom which has been hidden in allegory which can only be understood by the guidance of the Spirit, wisdom which can be known only by the House of God is in the Atonement.

In the area of the records of this Book (the Bible), and in many of the records not incorporated in it, we have the patterns of Divine History. We have the areas which God intends to develop, and to carry forward for purposes in His Household. As we have cited to you in the past, in the days when Adam and Eve were placed upon the face of the earth we discover they were covered with; Shekinah Glory. We discover them as their Father who had begotten Adam in His image, had covered them with Light and Glory. And then put Adam into a deep sleep and formed Eve out of Adam, so that they might both be of one flesh. We know that they were radiant and they were glorious, and in such an hour they were perfect in their health because they were covered with the Light of God’s Spirit. We realise that the world has seen the rise and fall of civilizations which had been involved in the defeat of Lucifer, who was defeated in the heavens and driven into earth.