ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL REPORTS of the High Moguls of World Jewry, the American Jewish Committee has been rewriting Christian textbooks for years and has been able to do so by individual rich Jews making huge contributions to leading Christian churches, schools and other institutions. The Jewish conspiracy was in full swing most as this article is being written in 1961.
It is being run by the Jews through the National Conference of Christians and Jews. This outfit was founded and is run by the anti-white-anti-Christian B’NAI’ B’RITH which fights against Christmas Nativity scenes and Bible reading in the schools, etc.
Columnist Boris Smolar who was the editor-in-chief for the Jewish Telegraph Agency in 1961, in his column Between You and Me stated. “Thousands of American clergymen are now studying a document urging the reappraisal of the position of Jews in Christian education. The document is the result of a study made by a French scholar and educator who came to the conclusion that although anti-Semitism is un-Christian, nevertheless contempt for the Jew has been taught and is still being taught.
“The scholar was Prof. Jules Isaac, who was the inspector General of French National Education who in his study said that an immediate revaluation of Christian education, was at that time being disseminated by the National Conference of Christians and Jews to leaders of the Protestant and Catholic churches.