The Indestructible Kingdom

The Indestructible Kingdom

INTRODUCTION: IT IS THRILLING TO GREET YOU EACH MONTH BY WAY OF THE TAPE MINISTRY. We are living in Bible times, foreseen and foretold from the foundations of the Universe. The enemies of our race think they have the forces of Christianity and the people of our race, God’s chosen, headed for complete destruction by godless Communism. They do not realize that God is mocked, that His purpose, His plan will be carried out to the last crossing of the last ‘T’. Christ said: ‘I shall establish my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.’ Does that sound like defeat?

The Bible says it is His will to give the Kingdom to His chosen, Israel. It also says that the nations shall be separated like the sheep and the goats, and Israel shall inherit the earth. There is no defeat in the mind of the Eternal Father, only how long until we awaken to our great heritage. And to return to our God. We are so fortunate to have these great tapes in the Library of the late Dr. Wesley A. Swift, and today’s talk by Dr. Swift contains some events which were current (1962) as he brought this message, and they are still as current today as they were then. Thus we present, Dr. Swift speaking on the Indestructible Kingdom.

We turn in our thinking this afternoon to some of the areas of the Covenants and promises which are most important for us to remember and to understand. Of course with the realization of how God has put together the Universe, especially your portion of it, and your understanding of it.


The Household of God in Tomorrow

The Household of God in Tomorrow

WE TURN IN OUR DISCUSSIONS CONCERNING THE TREND OF THIS GREAT HOUSEHOLD OF THE ETERNAL, and we have discussed before the origin of races whose antiquity stretches back into the ages of yesterday, reaching back over a period of a million and one‑half years. The rediscovery of the content of the Scripture which tells us how God created, and recreated after the catastrophe of the great flood, and of the struggles going on in the Universe between the Kingdom of Darkness and the Kingdom of the Eternal God. We have talked about the defeat of the hosts of Lucifer and their being cast out of the heavens into this area of the Milky Way and into our Solar system where our earth exists.

The catastrophe which overwhelmed Ancient races and the establishment of God’s Household; His Kingdom, your race; all has been covered. We have followed the course of this race and we have discovered that this race came down out of the High Steppes of Asia where God has placed them in their beginning. We have traced this race as it went through their migrations and travelled through out the world and how some of its Savants and leaders were making their impact upon every branch of earth. How these people went through migrations in all directions, one however was down into the areas of Mesopotamia and then on into Ancient Palestine, the other at that time moving on into Europe.

The Hour of Prophecy

The Hour of Prophecy

WE HAVE SEVERAL THINGS IN THE NEWS LATELY THAT ARE RATHER SIGNIFICANT. So we are going to comment on this for a little bit. This one operation goes back to the period of last November or the latter part of November, and this was when our astronomers were doing a lot of measuring and survey work and our great electronic telescopes all over the world were using patterns of photography which were so exact that if they lay one course of photography in the blueprint maps over another one, then if one star or any light in the heavens moved, they get a reaction. If one didn’t coincide with the other, exactly, then this is the way they can tell if something has happened. They do this all the time. Periodically, they find in one part of a chart or another part of a chart, something that will cause indicators to come on, and of course, along with this, they find that the IBM machines begin to work and they find that something has been added to the general horizon.

You could look at the stars and the heavens and you can see them by the thousands or the millions and you wouldn’t know if anything came or went. There could be a couple of little dots up there which could come into the picture and you wouldn’t know anything about it. But don’t think for one minute that with all the equipment that modern science has, that they don’t discover when something new has been added.

The Horses of The Apocalypse

The Horses of The Apocalypse

TURNING TO OUR DISCUSSION OF THE 4 HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE WHICH IS FOUND IN THE BOOK OF REVELATION, the clear intent of what The Christ outlined in the experience and vision of John, which is here referred to as the knowledge of the opposition that faces God’s Kingdom, needs to be studied. It is not essential that we go to all the premises that lay all the foundation, as it would take many, many messages to establish in continuity the responsibility of your race in all the events in Bible history which have happened in the past. It is however important to say this: you who are citizens of the white race, and of the white nations of the Western World, and especially citizens of this great nation of the United States, should not only know the world events which are taking place, but you should know HIS purposes for your nation, and for your race, and you should know what your inheritance is in the things that God has planted and prepared for the establishment of HIS Kingdom.

As we talk to you specifically of the white race, it is essential because there are no other people on the face of the earth who are your brothers. Because they are not your Fathers children does not mean that the other races, his creation were not good, or that these other races of His creation did not have their place. But a lot of things have happened since creation, and while known unto your Father it was also known that he had a way to develop, and to change, and to bring back into proper relationship, all the physical world, and the areas of the Universe that has been upset in Satanic revolution.

Liberty is it Freedom to Sin?

Liberty is it Freedom to Sin?

THE MEANING OF THE WORD ‘LIBERTY’ HAS BECOME SO DISTORTED IN TODAY’S SOCIETY that it is difficult to comprehend what liberty actually means. Everyone wants his ‘rights’ but few seem to realise that rights [i.e. liberties] are defined by God’s law. Consider the sign displayed outside a pornography shop in the U.S.A. “Please do not harass the picketers. It is their Constitutional right to picket, just as it is our right to do business”.

The pornographers are hiding behind a man-made law while loudly proclaiming that what they’re doing is perfectly legal. It’s a sad fact to note that most of the modem church agrees with them! As long as these public sinners stay ‘out there,’ outside the four walls of the church, it is supposedly their right to do whatever they please, and we who publicly oppose them are infringing upon their rights.

But, why are we opposed to pornography? Why cannot we live side by side with the pornographers in peace? Because there will be no peace where there is pornography! Pornography is a proven prelude to rape, murder, and child abuse; more importantly, it is a sin forbidden by God. Because it is sin, if society continues to tolerate – and encourage – this abhorrence, society will be judged, resulting in a restriction on liberties for all. Any attempt to achieve freedom apart from God’s Law will result in loss of true freedom, bondage to sin, and consequent judgement from Heaven.

The Holy City

The Holy City

WE WANT TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT THE HOLY CITY, for there is not question of the fact that the Bible talks about a Holy City.

We will turn to the 21st chapter of Revelation and we read, ‘I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and first earth were passed away and there was no more sea.’ Alright, John saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and first earth were passed away and there was no more sea? John saw a ‘New’, a Holy city, a New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven prepared as a bride for her husband. There is much speculation on the part of theologians as to their declaration. Many prefer to talk about a new heaven and a new earth. Of course, some of the evangelists and some of the theologians think that this earth is going to be consumed by fire and everything burned up.

Then after this, there is going to be a new heaven and a new earth. But the Bible tells us that the earth is to be inhabited forever and forever. I want you to know that there is not going to be an extermination of the people of earth or a destruction of the earth. What does it mean? Well, actually, the meaning is ‘I saw a new order in the heavens, and a new order is in the earth, for the first order has passed away, and there will be no more raging masses of people in violence symbolized by the raging sea. This is the kind of sea which swallows up Great Babylon, the utter evil put out by them. When we see a new heaven and a new earth, this is the upper air and the lower earth. When talking about this, it is referring again to prophecies of victories.

Lucifer was the prince of the powers of the air. He still is called ‘prince of powers of the air.’ He was also prince of this earth. And it is under his dominion before his rebellion. Therefore, he has been both prince of the powers of the air and prince of the powers of the earth.

The Hollow of His Hand

The Hollow of His Hand

IT IS ONE OF THE MOST SERIOUS HOURS IN OUR NATIONAL HISTORY. It is of necessity that there are certain things which we must discuss along with our subject ‘The Hollow of His Hand’. And though to some, it may be repetition of remarks made previously, those who have not heard, it is most important that you know the subject matter of what has happened recently. The most infamous force on the face of the earth, the Communist hoards of Anti-Christ have, with those that finance and created their evil institution established one of the most Satanic of all organizations on the face of the earth.

That organization is the political and economy order of the Anti-Christ which parades and trumpets its activities today under the name of the United Nations. The United Nations are not united nations. They are a grouping of nations that God has forbidden you as a Christian nation to be joined to. The prophecy of the scriptures talk about your being joined to this federation with its walls of un-tempered mortar, and God is determined to crash you out of it if He has to do it with the hailstones of fire according to His declarations in Ezekiel. You are unequally yoked together with pagans and with evil. And God will not stand for this. Nor will it produce anything but chaos and evil in the earth and nor has it done anything but this since you have been in the United Nations.

In fact, the strangest thing is that were it not for the great nation of God’s Kingdom out of whom the finance has come to produce the bloodstream of this evil society, they could not keep the program of anti-Christ going. As anti-Christ countries, powers, and systems are parasites, it is upon the strength of the money taken from you in taxes, that this evil that the anti-Christ rides on, has been built. This evil Beast system upon which a mistress of evil rides is the World Government system of the United Nations.


The History of The Church

The History of The Church

AS WE TURN TO OUR SUBJECT OF THE CHURCH, we must remember that the vital source of its power is most significant, especially to those of God’s Household, and especially in an hour when the press and publications of popular magazines are controlled by the enemies of your Faith. They are suggesting that the church must surrender its doctrines and the background of its teaching. It must participate in the social revolution on the side of the world order, or it will no longer have any use in the world, and will cease to exist.

In fact I listened to a broadcast where the man insisted that unless all the Clergymen of America were willing to step out of their stream of dogma and become active participants in the streets, trying to bring about total equality and total brotherhood, that they might as well close the door of their church. You know? One of the things we are facing today is an attempt by constant and repetitious assault upon principals, doctrines, and foundations of the background of our culture, to sow into men’s minds patterns of ideas, until they begin to accept them.

The History of The Church and Israel

The History of The Church and Israel

AS WE TURN THIS AFTERNOON INTO OUR DISCUSSIONS OF ISRAEL AND THE CHURCH, it is very important for us to recognize that in all of the areas of activities that take place today in this great Christian nation, there is nothing as disturbing to the enemies of Christian civilization and God’s kingdom than the spread of knowledge and truth. It is this spread of knowledge and truth that sets men free from the superstition and fear that they hold. But it also causes them to understand their responsibilities before God and before their nation. It causes them to recognize that they must become dedicated for the carrying out of this which they yearn for, ‘Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in the earth as it is in heaven.’ This is also with the realization that this is Biblical and also prophetic. It is the triumphant success of the kingdom of God in the earth and is assured with omnipotent power as well as Omniscience of knowledge that every knee shall bow and every tongue shall proclaim the recognition of the Deity of Christ and of His kingdom as it takes over with power in the earth. And each and every one of you are going to participate in it. For in the ages past, there has been every attempt and design to distress the kingdom and every avenue unto it.

Today there is nothing the enemies of evil are more afraid of than the spread of truth. If they can stop truth and keep people in ignorance, if they can continue to propagandise them, and to consummate their strategies and in the takeover every Christian society in the world for their Babylonian substitution today of World Government.

The Heavenly Light

The Heavenly Light

AS WE TURN JUST BEFORE CHRISTMAS TO MEDITATE UPON THE THOUGHTS THAT RUN WITH ALL CHRISTENDOM, through all the Nations of the white race, from one end of the earth to the other wherever white men are moving, thinking and living, it is with this realisation that one of the greatest catalyst of all times is the testimony that moves out from your race, your churches, your people at this time of year. The only point that is equalled in the passage of the year in all Christendom with the declaration from one end of the earth to the other of the Advent of a KING, is the celebration held by Christendom on Resurrection Sunday as we celebrate the resurrection of this KING, and HIS triumph over the powers of death.

Make no mistake about it, this is the period of time which belongs to the Kingdom of God, it belongs to your race and it belongs to the testimony that this people shall give forth. With all of the holidays in our Nation, with all respect to the day when we became a ‘Great Nation’ on the 4th of July 1776., with the historic celebration which accompanies this each and every year, it is evaluated that the Nation, even nationally itself, goes all out for greater celebration, greater festivities, and greater recognition, with more people observing Christmas than any other holiday in our year. This is as it should be because this is the fulfilment of a covenant with us by our God and consummated by HIS Advent into the physical world. More important than the exactness of the timing is the fact that all Christendom sets aside a time to rejoice, and to celebrate the FACT that The Christ Came, that HE fulfilled