The Holy City

The Holy City

WE WANT TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT THE HOLY CITY, for there is not question of the fact that the Bible talks about a Holy City.

We will turn to the 21st chapter of Revelation and we read, ‘I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and first earth were passed away and there was no more sea.’ Alright, John saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and first earth were passed away and there was no more sea? John saw a ‘New’, a Holy city, a New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven prepared as a bride for her husband. There is much speculation on the part of theologians as to their declaration. Many prefer to talk about a new heaven and a new earth. Of course, some of the evangelists and some of the theologians think that this earth is going to be consumed by fire and everything burned up.

Then after this, there is going to be a new heaven and a new earth. But the Bible tells us that the earth is to be inhabited forever and forever. I want you to know that there is not going to be an extermination of the people of earth or a destruction of the earth. What does it mean? Well, actually, the meaning is ‘I saw a new order in the heavens, and a new order is in the earth, for the first order has passed away, and there will be no more raging masses of people in violence symbolized by the raging sea. This is the kind of sea which swallows up Great Babylon, the utter evil put out by them. When we see a new heaven and a new earth, this is the upper air and the lower earth. When talking about this, it is referring again to prophecies of victories.

Lucifer was the prince of the powers of the air. He still is called ‘prince of powers of the air.’ He was also prince of this earth. And it is under his dominion before his rebellion. Therefore, he has been both prince of the powers of the air and prince of the powers of the earth.