TURNING TO OUR DISCUSSION OF THE 4 HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE WHICH IS FOUND IN THE BOOK OF REVELATION, the clear intent of what The Christ outlined in the experience and vision of John, which is here referred to as the knowledge of the opposition that faces God’s Kingdom, needs to be studied. It is not essential that we go to all the premises that lay all the foundation, as it would take many, many messages to establish in continuity the responsibility of your race in all the events in Bible history which have happened in the past. It is however important to say this: you who are citizens of the white race, and of the white nations of the Western World, and especially citizens of this great nation of the United States, should not only know the world events which are taking place, but you should know HIS purposes for your nation, and for your race, and you should know what your inheritance is in the things that God has planted and prepared for the establishment of HIS Kingdom.
As we talk to you specifically of the white race, it is essential because there are no other people on the face of the earth who are your brothers. Because they are not your Fathers children does not mean that the other races, his creation were not good, or that these other races of His creation did not have their place. But a lot of things have happened since creation, and while known unto your Father it was also known that he had a way to develop, and to change, and to bring back into proper relationship, all the physical world, and the areas of the Universe that has been upset in Satanic revolution.