The Hollow of His Hand

The Hollow of His Hand

IT IS ONE OF THE MOST SERIOUS HOURS IN OUR NATIONAL HISTORY. It is of necessity that there are certain things which we must discuss along with our subject ‘The Hollow of His Hand’. And though to some, it may be repetition of remarks made previously, those who have not heard, it is most important that you know the subject matter of what has happened recently. The most infamous force on the face of the earth, the Communist hoards of Anti-Christ have, with those that finance and created their evil institution established one of the most Satanic of all organizations on the face of the earth.

That organization is the political and economy order of the Anti-Christ which parades and trumpets its activities today under the name of the United Nations. The United Nations are not united nations. They are a grouping of nations that God has forbidden you as a Christian nation to be joined to. The prophecy of the scriptures talk about your being joined to this federation with its walls of un-tempered mortar, and God is determined to crash you out of it if He has to do it with the hailstones of fire according to His declarations in Ezekiel. You are unequally yoked together with pagans and with evil. And God will not stand for this. Nor will it produce anything but chaos and evil in the earth and nor has it done anything but this since you have been in the United Nations.

In fact, the strangest thing is that were it not for the great nation of God’s Kingdom out of whom the finance has come to produce the bloodstream of this evil society, they could not keep the program of anti-Christ going. As anti-Christ countries, powers, and systems are parasites, it is upon the strength of the money taken from you in taxes, that this evil that the anti-Christ rides on, has been built. This evil Beast system upon which a mistress of evil rides is the World Government system of the United Nations.