The Hour of Prophecy

The Hour of Prophecy

WE HAVE SEVERAL THINGS IN THE NEWS LATELY THAT ARE RATHER SIGNIFICANT. So we are going to comment on this for a little bit. This one operation goes back to the period of last November or the latter part of November, and this was when our astronomers were doing a lot of measuring and survey work and our great electronic telescopes all over the world were using patterns of photography which were so exact that if they lay one course of photography in the blueprint maps over another one, then if one star or any light in the heavens moved, they get a reaction. If one didn’t coincide with the other, exactly, then this is the way they can tell if something has happened. They do this all the time. Periodically, they find in one part of a chart or another part of a chart, something that will cause indicators to come on, and of course, along with this, they find that the IBM machines begin to work and they find that something has been added to the general horizon.

You could look at the stars and the heavens and you can see them by the thousands or the millions and you wouldn’t know if anything came or went. There could be a couple of little dots up there which could come into the picture and you wouldn’t know anything about it. But don’t think for one minute that with all the equipment that modern science has, that they don’t discover when something new has been added.