Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – February 1994

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – February 1994

Hutchinson News: (By Thomas J. Billiteri, St. Petersburg Times) The Gospels: Was Jesus misquoted?

FOR NEARLY 2,000 YEARS THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH HAS TAUGHT that Jesus spoke certain words which form the foundation of the Christian faith. Now a group of some 78 Bible scholars, known as the ‘Jesus Seminar’ say it ain’t so.

After an 8 year study this group says that Jesus never spoke the words on judging, that he did not teach his disciples ‘the LORD’S prayer’ or predict an end of the world (order) or ask God to forgive his tormentors as he hung on the cross. In fact the conclusion published last month as to The five Gospels, that of Thomas being added to the Biblical four as to What did Jesus really say, has stirred the ire of Conservative Christians every where. These scholars also translated the scriptures into a colloquial sounding Gospel that avoids sexist language and leaves such words as Messiah, son and Sabbath uncapitalized.

The results is a portrait of Jesus who does not initiate dialogue or debate, rarely speaks about himself in the first person and makes no claim to being the Messiah. They have thus concluded that Jesus DID NOT SAY:


In fact according to these so called scholars, the Gospel writers were not only disciples of Jesus but skilled fiction writers who embellished the words of Jesus with borrowed lore, passages from Greek scripture and other sources to fit the times and persuade their audiences that Jesus indeed was the long awaited Messiah.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – February 1991

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – February 1991

WELL, THE WAR STARTED WITH A RUSH! We sitting on the sidelines are wondering just which type of a One World Government will emerge from this Crisis in the Gulf, now called Desert Storm?? On the Diplomatic front, Saddam has the easy path, he is a Dictator and that nation speaks with one voice, while on the other front is a Babble of voices with some still trying to bring down a President by a political process, while others are trying to steer a course that will result in a One World Government under the control of the Anti-christ, while some just want to talk and build their ego, knowing little of the true situation.

As to the Message in the Heavens we note that Jupiter blazes with Glory through the month of February, Jupiter is in Cancer, and under it is the Head of Hydra. February 5., Mars (war) and Mercury (U.S.) are close together, but still Jupiter is the stronger message and we see Saturn is growing faint and weak, and with Jupiter above the Head of Hydra (the Serpent) this is very encouraging. This war is not like the Vietnam War.

An American General is at the head of our troops, and in charge of the operation called ‘Desert Storm’. Yes, we have a U.N. Resolution, but not a U.N. Commander as we had in Vietnam whereas the enemy knew every move you were going to make, same as in Korea. General Scharzkopf the American General, is 56 years of age and has been in the Army for 35 years. Technically Prince Khalid of Saudi Arabia is joint Commander, but in practice no one questions the Generals authority.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – February 1990

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – February 1990

THE YEAR 1989 WAS AN EVENTFUL YEAR AND 1990 STARTED WITH A BANG. We saw Ceausescu’s of Romania tried by Military Court and executed along with his wife on Christmas Day. We are now learning of the many evil things that he did in his 25 years of Dictatorship. Remember that 3 Presidents of the United States starting with Richard Nixon seemed to think that he was doing such a good job

Communism is going down all over the world where the Soviet Union had employed this type of political blackmail. The area of Central America needs to be cleaned out. It is reported behind the scenes that Gorbachev promised President Bush at their last meeting that they would begin to close down the pipeline to Cuba within a three month period. Is that one of the reasons that Dictator Noriega did not run to the Cuban Embassy instead of the Vatican?

Will the Dictator of Nicaragua be the next Dictator we will have to topple? They had threatened not to let our plane carrying supplies for our Embassy to land, January 11, 1990. Haven’t head anymore about it but I remember that many of our Congressmen have helped and abetted this little Dictator to do his job.

As you watched the events, in the Panama Invasion did you think of the setting in place of the necessity for this action, just a little over 10 years ago as the President and Congress took the steps which would require this sending of American troops to rectify, only ten years later?

Some people are still worrying about a reunified Germany. The Pentagon tells us that we will likely face in the 1990’s a Europe shaped as much by German economic influence and military potential as by Russian influence. Destiny we would say is inevitable.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – February 1989

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – February 1989

YES, IT WAS A BOMB WHICH BROUGHT DOWN FLIGHT 103, Terrorism in action. Of course did you notice that right away the TV tried to suggest that it was a PLO group which did it? We expected that the New Administration is more pro-Arab, could this be true? I am also reading that the power of the CFR is also abating.

From the Will Loy Newsletter: Mr. Loy sees great catastrophic changes coming in 1989 and on into 1990 that will totally change the world, our Nation and our lives. He also thinks these changes are survivable for those who prepare themselves. How do you do that? In the way you think and believe. Therefore in 1989 begin to change, adopt a new attitude, don’t continue doing things the same old way just out of habit thinking the years just ahead will be just like they always have been.

In other words the year 1989 could be the last year for certain things to be, AS IS. But remember also that being a survivor is not running away but preparing to go through the coming events as we have also been telling you. Mr. Loy also thinks this New Congress will be the worst Congress in our history. They will pass terrible new laws, make some terrible decisions and really mess things up in a bad way, but then remember that people voted them back into power, so they asked for it.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – December 1997

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – December 1997

From the Biblical Archaeology Review:

Archaeology personnel are having a hard time doing their work in Israeli. Politics, not religious law, rules the Ultra-Orthodox Demonstrators. It seems that as each development starts in Israeli, and you start to dig a foundation then you are of course digging down into a former civilization. For one civilization is built on top of another in that old ancient land.

As Archaeologists are called in when they hit something then they go through the findings and they have placed bones aside that are animal bones, but this group of ultra-Orthodox demonstrators race in and gather the bones claiming that they are of their ancestors and they must stop digging for this development for they will disturb the graves of their ancestors. This is very disturbing to the archaeologists in their work.

Jewish law does not prohibit moving tombs, if it is done with dignity and respect. The Talmudic sages understood that urban growth required the relocation of earlier tombs. Therefore they said that every tomb may be exhumed and moved. Historically there is nothing against it. Today, however, fierce protest over bones threatens to halt Archaeology in Israel.

A recently discovered piece of pottery recording a donation to the House of YAHWEH, may contain the oldest mention outside of the Bible of King Solomon’s Temple. The inscription indicates that a Judean king sent it to a temple contributor, as a donation for the Temple called the House of YAHWEH.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – December 1995

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – December 1995

HALE-BOPP IS STILL COMING, FOR THOSE WHO ARE FAMILIAR WITH THE ‘WITNESS OF THE STARS,’ SAGITTARIUS IS KNOWN TO BE THE SIGNIFICANT OF THE REDEEMER’S TRIUMPH. The figure of a Centaur indicates the double natured SEED of the Virgin, the ‘Son of God’ as the ‘Son of Man.’ The figure is that of a mighty warrior with a bow and arrow riding forth majestically. The most important thing here is that the barbed arrow in his bow is aimed at the heart of the Scorpion.

This was the picture shown as the world was then shown the Hale-Bopp light positioned within the drawn bow and the lower half below the arm of the ‘Archer.’ As the spring comes we will be looking for more to be revealed about this great ‘light.’

In the ‘Vince Foster Case’ Suicide?? There was a witness who saw a man close to Vince Foster’s car in the park where his body was found. This witness then came forward and told what he saw, and this is the picture of the man that he said he saw. Looks something like the man that the press said they were looking for after the Oklahoma City bombing doesn’t it? This witness is named Patrick Knowlton. He was never called before the Federal Grand Jury, nor had some of the other witnesses. But since he came forward, and made himself known, Patrick Knowlton has been harassed and now fears for his life. Friends have accompanied him at times to determine that he was being followed and harassed.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – December 1990 – 2

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – December 1990 – 2

THE TIME TABLE FOR JANUARY 15, 1991 IS FAST RUNNING OUT, as I write this Saddam has refused to budge, who knows what he will do as the dead- line approaches for the UN Resolution.


Christopher Columbus landed in the New World October 12, 1492, and over the Centuries the Celestial observations which he recorded have been disputed and discounted but now recent investigation indicate that all along Columbus was right.

Christopher Columbus made many references to Astronomical observations, and because of the belief that people of ‘His time’ in history did not have such knowledge, then those findings were discounted. In our modern world personal computers make it easy to reconstruct the skies of January 1493.

There were four events taking place in the sky in a 24 hour period starting on January 17, 1493. Since Columbus knew on January 13, what would occur four days later then he must have carried an almanac with him which told him to seek a safe harbour, to wait out this storm which was indicated. Today the so called ‘intellectuals’ are acknowledging that there was such an Almanac available to Columbus showing him that the Sun in opposition to the Planet Jupiter would cause strong winds on earth.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – December 1990

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – December 1990

MARGARET THATCHER: MICHAEL HESELTINE (LABOUR) ON THE LEFT, IS CREDITED WITH BRINGING DOWN MRS. THATCHER, but he could not have done this without some help from within her own party. It is conceded that Mrs. Thatcher as Prime Minister took Britain out of the ‘Welfare State’ which Heseltine’s party had placed her, and moved Britain away from Socialism, and in the process since the choices were hard, she acquired the nickname, .’The Iron Lady’. Behind the scene was the problem as to whether Britain would join the New Unity of Europe.

It is said that Mrs. Thatcher did not approve of this Great New One World of Europe, and would not take Britain into this organization. Besides this Mrs. Thatcher was said to rub the ‘Ego’ of some members of Government the wrong way. After all they said: She was only a Shop Keepers daughter. Then too, she was no colourless. ‘Yes Minister’, no grovelling ‘Yes Minister’, thus she had her enemies. The financial side of this picture plays a great role in what has happened since behind the scene the ECU (European Currency Unit) was putting great pressure on the British Government to join the European Common Market (ECM). Mrs. Thatcher was said to have dug in her heels and was gazing back- ward at history, as if with enraptured nostalgia while the ECU is moving into the future with the courage of their own convictions, if not with any sure idea of the final destination.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – August 1997

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – August 1997

Headline: NATO is to be used in establishing the One World Order.

THIS IS THE HEADLINE IN EUROPEAN PAPERS. Thus, our president and our Secretary of State are deep in this picture. Are they not? Watch for more on this subject.

As we move into the month of August, we find that we will need to review more of this area of the Zodiac, for all is so closely connected. We thus will now look at the sign of Gemini (the twins). The name in the ancient Zendera Zodiac meant ‘the place of HIM who comes.’ Here we see two figures walking or coming. One a woman and one a man. The old Coptic name was Pi-Mahi, meaning the United as in Brotherhood. But not necessarily being united as being born at the same time. They symbolize also, the two fold nature of YAHWEH and man, of suffering and of glory, and of coming in humiliation and then in Glory.

The one star in the head of the figure called Apollo means ruler or judge. And in the head of the other means ‘HE who comes as judge, or to labour or suffer.’ The star in the left foot of this one means hurt or wounded. However, now both figures are now at rest and in Peace as though a mighty victory has been won. In other words, the day has come to fulfil the prophecies of ‘HE who is the “BRANCH.” This is thus Messiah’s peaceful reign and the righteous shall now flourish. Thus we are now looking for that time to come when the sons and daughters shall ‘Arise and shine, for thy light has come.’ For this time when there finally will be true Peace, meaning that there will no longer be any enemy.

We have seen where Lepus, the enemy under the foot of Orion, is to be crushed. And we learned that when the true light comes to HIS people then every enemy will be subdued under his feet.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – August 1996

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – August 1996

ARCHAEOLOGISTS HAVE UNCOVERED A STONE BLOCK INSCRIBED WITH THE NAME OF THE BIBLICAL CITY OF EKRON AND ITS KINGS, the first conclusive evidence of the Philistine city burned to the ground more than 2500 years ago.

Ekron is referred to in the book of I Samuel telling of the Philistines capturing the ‘Ark of the Covenant’ and taking it to Ekron. After a plague afflicted the city, the Ark was sent back to Judea. The five line inscription was uncovered at a dig 25 miles south of Tel Aviv. The stone was found in the ruins of a temple believed built around 700 B.C.

The inscription states that Achish, son of Padi, king of Ekron, built a temple dedicated to a goddess. Achish is the Phoenician version of the name Ikausu, who is mentioned in 7th century B.C. Assyrian writings as the king in Ekron.